TEFFONT 38 AMANDA HALL RARE BOOKS Home Farmhouse Teffont Evias Wiltshire SP3 5RG England Tel: + 44 (0) 1722 717944 Fax: + 44 (0) 1722 717959 Email:
[email protected] Cover design taken from 30 Dorat, Les Plaisirs de l’Amour. Frontispiece & final vignette from 90 Senneterre, Nouveaux Contes des Fées. All books are sent on approval and may be returned for any reason within ten days of receipt. Any items returned must be insured for the invoiced value. All books remain the property of the seller until payment has been received in full. EC customers who are registered for VAT should quote their VAT number when ordering. VAT number GB 685 384 980 Enlightenment: Femmes & Philosophes including books from a private collection AMANDA HALL RARE BOOKS 2016 This is the first of several catalogues to include books from the library of Claude Lebédel. A voracious collector of Diderot and his circle, he had an eye for the exceptional and the esoteric, eagerly pursuing little known works, interesting provenances and unusual bindings alongside the masterpieces of the philosophes. This catalogue presents a selection of these books, the often outlandish and eccentric publications that formed the backdrop to the great philosophical upheaval of the Age of Enlightenment. The majority of books in this catalogue are ‘les petits textes du XVIIIe siècle’: the forbidden best-sellers, the books by and about women, the forgotten sallies against the ancien régime, the libertine novels and fairy tales (some ‘très libres’), the ‘self-help’ titles and many curious and little known ‘livres facétieux et galants’. Alongside great works by Diderot, Voltaire and Rousseau are lesser known titles by Restif, Mirabeau, La Mettrie, Sylvain Maréchal and the comte de Caylus.