Students Use Spanish Skill to Volunteer

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Students Use Spanish Skill to Volunteer Black No Deacon heroics i Still Enchanted Index 11 Furman Paladins beat Pavement plays A&E 86-7 Deacon Notes B2 me~: ··. 2·0 I Ziggy's, continues Briefly A2. Editorials A6-7 ~~ Calendar B7 Police8eat A4 . I success of last Classified 83 Scoreboard 82 album Comics B7 Sports 81-3 ~! A&E/86 Visit our web site at .. , . ··- ., ' I ' I I a . .' . .} ~"'·~~ , Thursday, .~.j.ff,ifg7 "CovERs THE cAMPus LIKE THE MAGNoLIAs... Volume 81, No. 7 f--:i~};._{,l?'~:2Dw1!?~~~'W~i':Z.~;;..~~~J;.~~i..'F.'W~i;\#l<u'-i~~~~~:'!.iif:¥k~~~~~T~a...~.llll~!~VZ&~.f..:it~~~~~r~~~~~..t-.:-~~li.~~J£i7~~t~~li:#:;~J~1~r:~"f:,~~~:~~n:r~~~r;,~;;(rf::~"'t':~:q~';''l:.~~;, ~{~~·;:·: .. ~-. · By Zach Everson who is also secretary ofthe governing board, cine and North Carolina Baptist Hospital university-based academic health centers." According to President Thomas K. Hearn - News Editor the trustee's nominating committee decided Wake Forest University-Baptist Medical Under the new plan, an expanded Medi­ Jr., the change will help both the university ·~ ·~· "' . last spring that its members needed more Center. The Hawthorne Campus was also cal Center Board of Directors will be cre­ and the hospital prepare for the future. r ilie:#ew stUdent trustee was chosen by infonnation about the students in order to renamed the Bowman Gray Campus. ated to oversee many aspectsofthe realign­ "With this realignment, we are fortifying the Board ofTrustees at their Oct. 3 meet­ make a sound decisioJl. The agreement had already been passed ment. both the medical school and the hospital for mg. Trustees John G. Medlin and Murray by the hospital's Board of Trustees. The Academic Excellence Program is the changing health care environment. Our L The trustees selected sophomore Lauren Greason, '59, were selected by the board to Though the medical school's name will one such initiative. The program's goal is to aspirations for the medical school-to rise Hunt to serve as the student trustee, after interview the candidates. be changed, both the North Carolina Bap­ continue developing the Medical Center as even higher in the upper echelons of at.:a­ interviewing her and the two other leading Corbett said that Medlin and Murray de­ tist Hospital and the newly-named Wake one of the nation's best. An endowment demic medical centers-can only help the vote-getters in last spring's student elec­ cided all three students were "well quali­ Forest University School of Medicine on from the hospital will fund the program. citizens ofthis community and our region," tion. Hunt won the election, but the Student fied and .capable of doing the work that is the Bowman Gray Campus will use their Additional aspects of the reorganization he said. Life Committee, which interviews the three required of a trustee." individual names for certain purposes that plan include transferring the medical The trustees also praised the student body, 1finalists, had recommended junior Omaar They recommended that the board elect are specific to each institution. school's interest in several subsidiary op­ passing a resolution applauding student ef­ Rena to serve on the board. Junior Bill the student who received the most peer According to Dr. Richard H. Dean, the erations to the hospital; establishing a new forts in lobbying for stricter drunk driving Goodwin was the third candidate. .votes last spring, which was Hunt. Hunt's interim vice president for health affairs, the affiliation agreement between the hospital, laws in North Carolina. · At their spring meeting, the trustees post­ term is for two years. medical school's faculty "feel an important the medical school and the faculty practice The board also elected Arnold Palmer, poned appointing a student representative The othermajorresult ofthe meeting was need to be identified with the greater uni­ organization; and ensuring that the eco­ '51, a life trustee and re-elected L. Glenn to the board until the fall. According to the announcement that the university ·re­ versity to facilitate the Medical Center's nomic incentives are equal among the three Orr Jr. and John C. Whitaker to serve as Leon Corbett, a vice president and counsel named the Bowman Gray School ofMedi- recognition as one of the nation's leading groups. trustees. Students use Campus crime Spanish skill I . rates decrease to volunteer .. Thefts sh.ow .greatest.decline Language majors apply By Sarah Rackley Police have been handling more Contributing Reporter calls. Police received 9,170 calls in 1996-97, up from the previous year's Crime rates for the I 996-97 school 3,830 calls. Although there is a sig­ knowledge to help others year were noticeably lower than nificant increase, most ofthese calls e rates for the previous year, accord­ were calls for service, rather than By Heather Seely ft, ing to the year-end University Po­ incident reports. The number of in­ News Production Assistant lice report on 1heft and other crimes. cident reports actually dropped from Although this reduction in crime 813 to 537. Patricia is a 14-year-o[d Latino girl who lives near corresponds chronologically to the The main cause of the increased Washington, D.C. She lacks attention from her installation of gatehouses at Uni­ number of service calls is an in­ mother, who is busy helping her 16-year-old preg­ versity Parkway and Reynolda Road crease in the number of requests for nant sister. Patricia is a bully at school and has entrances, University Police say it shuttle seJ;Vice,according to Regina repeatedly been suspended for fighting. is too early to credit the gates for the Lawson, the chief of University During the past summer she was also senior recent decline of crime. Police.. Rebecca Cowan's best friend. Cowan said she met Theft experienced the greatest "The number of students riding Pa1tricia while working in a social clinic. "She really decline in the past year, dropping the shuttle has increased and that's softened up over the summer. I made a difference in from 4 7 burglaries in 1995-96 to 25 one reason the number of service her life," Cowan said. in 1996-97. Larcenies decreased requests rose dramatically. We've Cowan, a sociology and psychology double ma­ from 210 to 163, while property promoted the shuttle service a great jor, said she chose to volunteer because of her damage dropped from 97 to 74 inci­ deal and I'm glad students find it combined interest in social work and her love for the Noel Fox/Old Gold and Black dents. useful," Lawson said. Latino community. "I wasn't there for money or Violent crime incidents such as In 1996-97 there were 7,300 re­ self-interest. I was there because I love their culture. Ina trance robbery, rape and assault did not quests for shuttle rides, compared That is something they don't get a lot," Cowan said. change significantly from the pre­ to 1,500 requests in 1995-96. Cowan is only one of the students within the Hypnotist Tom Deluca performed 8 p.m. Friday in front of 500 people in Wait Chapel. Deluca is,a favorite on the college circuit. · vious year. Despite the decline, University See Crime, Page A3 'See Spanish, Page A3 I Promise Keepers·attracts students Physics completes full Forty men from university among million in Washington for religious rally I review of department By Matthew Smith-Kennedy Promise Keepers, a Christian men's or­ Braun during the Preschool Conference in Old Gold and Black Reporter ganization, billed the event as a "Sacred 1996. Assembly For Men," promising to commit "After talking to the Lord we promised By Tim MacPhail WASHINGTON-The Promise Keepers' . themselves to their God; families and na­ we would be there," Omland said. Since Old Gold and Black Reporter "It was a very positive experience "Stand in the Gap" rally held in Washing­ tion. last year, Omland and other students have ton, D.C. on Oct. 4 attracted men from all For university students, the Promise worked to make that promise a reality. During its recent departmental review, because it helped us identify our over the country - including 40 from the Keepers' trip began as a promise made by Omland raised $350 for the trip from uni­ the physics department identified needs needs and we feel these needs are university. senior Greg Om land and sophomore Adam versity sources. The Office of Student De­ for more faculty, larger facilities and being addressed by the velopment and the Chaplain's Office both greater graduate stipends. administration." committed $50 to the trip, and the group The review was a standard periodical received a YearofReligion grant of$250 to investigation of the teaching, research, Howard Shields attend the rally. advising and facilities of the department. Professor and chairman of physics department With funding in place, Omland orgat Though the department's last review took nized transportation and lodging for the place nine years ago, and only included chairperson of the physics department at students for the night of Oct. 3. The stu­ the graduate program, this years investi­ Ohio State University and the dean of dents from the university were only a small gation examined both the graduate and physical science at the University, of Cali­ percentage of the estimated one million undergraduate programs, said Howard fomia-Santa Cruz-proceeded with their Christian men who attended the rally for a Shields, a professor of physics and the own external review of the department. day of prayer and reflection. "I've been chairman of the department. As part of their research, the outside con­ very encouraged by the concept of having Physics faculty members began with sultants made a two-day visit to campus Christian men coming together and praying their own research on the state of the last spring and interviewed administra­ for their families," junior Jordan Wong department early last fall and submitted tors, faculty and students, Shields said.
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