RESEARCH ARTICLE The Odyssey's mythological network Pedro Jeferson Miranda1, Murilo Silva Baptista2, Sandro Ely de Souza Pinto1* 1 Department of Physics, State University of de Ponta Grossa, ParanaÂ, Brazil, 2 Institute for Complex System and Mathematical Biology, SUPA, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom *
[email protected] Abstract In this work, we study the mythological network of Odyssey of Homer. We use ordinary sta- a1111111111 a1111111111 tistical quantifiers in order to classify the network as real or fictional. We also introduce an a1111111111 analysis of communities which allows us to see how network properties shall emerge. We a1111111111 found that Odyssey can be classified both as real and fictional network. This statement is a1111111111 supported as far as mythological characters are removed, which results in a network with real properties. The community analysis indicated to us that there is a power-law relation- ship based on the max degree of each community. These results allow us to conclude that Odyssey might be an amalgam of myth and of historical facts, with communities playing a OPEN ACCESS central role. Citation: Miranda PJ, Baptista MS, de Souza Pinto SE (2018) The Odyssey's mythological network. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0200703. 10.1371/journal.pone.0200703 Editor: Satoru Hayasaka, University of Texas at Austin, UNITED STATES Introduction Received: April 3, 2018 The paradigm's shift from reductionism to holism stands for a stepping stone that is taking researcher's interests to the interdisciplinary approach. This process is accomplished as far as Accepted: July 2, 2018 the fundamental concepts of complex network theory are applied to problems that may arise Published: July 30, 2018 from many areas of study.