Some Notes on the Bema in the East and West Syrian Traditions
VII Some Notes on the Bema etc. 327 I,. Bouyer even goes so far as to claim that what is now generally accepted as the " Syrian arrangement " was formerly that of the ~~zantikerite as well ('). Because of the importance of this quesfion for the history of worship, it might be profitable to re- view the archeological and liturgical evidence. Some Notes on the Bema The most common solution to the problem of church anange- ment in both East and West was to place the seats for the clergy in the East and West Syrian Traditions in an apse at one end - usually the east - of the church. Before the clergy, at the beginning of the nave (or in the transept, or in the apse itself, depending on the architecture of the church) stood the altar. Beyond, further into the nave, stood the ambon Since the publication of H. C. Butler's Early Chwches of or ambons for the psalmody and readings. The congregation Syria (Princeton, 1929). archeologists and liturgiologists have occupied, it seems, not so much the central nave as today, but shown considerable interest in certain peculiarities in the liturgical the side naves, thus leaving the center of the church free for pro- disposition of a number of ancient churches in North Syria ('). cessions and other comings and goings of the ministers demanded by the various rites ('). (1) A partial list of recent works dealing with this problem would But modern archeological discoveries have shown that two include: H. C. BUTLER, Early Churches of Syria, Princeton. 1929,and Syria, areas of early Christianity followed a plan of their own: North Publications of the Princeton University Archeological Expedition to Syria Africa, and parts of Northern Syria and Mesopotamia.
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