clouds thick and boon she had got from , and with his per- 8). Kunti before Kama. War grew house restless. Her mission she bore three sons called Dharmaputra, fast, and Kunti at 's got at the disasters of war as described and respectively from the three Devas, Dharma, heart trembled by and . As it had been ordained that the Vidura. She went alone to the banks of the in with his fourth and fifth children would bring sorrows and pain where just then Kama was engaged Japa to the parents Kunti satisfied herself with three child- hands raised and face turned to the east. Kunti waited for some time after which to talk. With ren (Adi Parva, Chapter 122, Verses 77, 78) . they began tears in her eyes Kunti told that he was her But, as desired that Madii also should have son and implored him to return to the side children by Kunti 's mantra she used the remaining to which Kama replied as follows : "Oh ! noble lady, mantra and two sons, and from the that is impossible. I have vowed to kill Arjuna. Asvimdevas were born to her. quite I will not kill the other four . You shall 6) Kunti widowed. During a winter when the forest always have five sons alive. If Arjuna were to be no was fragrant with flowers, Pandu forgot all about the more I would be there for you in his stead." Sage's curse and indulged in sexual joys with , and Kunti shuddered at those terrible words of Kama, immediately he expired. Kunti and Madri competed and thus did both of them part with each other. with each other to their life in the end funeral pyre of (, Chapters 145 and 146) . their husband. But, as the sages and other relations 9) Last days of Kunti. The great war ended. Thou- insisted that one of them should live to bring up the sands of warriors on the side like the mighty children, Madri alone ended'her life, and Kunti returned Karna were no more. On the Pandava side also many to Hastinapura with the five children. (Adi Parva, were killed. Though the Pandavas won the war their Chapter 125). hearts no more enjoyed peace or happiness. Kunti suffered as in a wild She asked 7 at though caught fire. ) Kunti Hastinapura. At Hastinapura differences the Pandavas to the for Karna also. cropped up between the Pandavas and the . perform obsequies When she let out the secret that Karna was her first- Kunti and the five Pandavas removed themselves to born child Dharmaputra burst into tears. Kunti the 'Lac palace' built at Varanavata. When the palace consoled and who were lamenting was gutted by fire Kunti and her sons escaped through over the death of She Sri a secret tunnel to the forest, and Bhima carried the . requested Krsna to cremate the dead son of Uttara. worn out Kunti on his shoulders. In the forest the Then Kunti went to Gandharl, who stood there bathed Raksasa woman HidimbI, requested Kunti to permit in tears. Dhrtarastra and Gandharl Bhima to become her husband, and Kunti advised Grief-stricken, started for the forest. 's hand in hers Bhima to beget a child by HidimbI, and thus was born Holding Kunti led the way. The Pandavas their Ghatotkaca. At the city named Ekacakra, consoled prevented mother from but she did not She advised Kunti. There the brahmins complained to Kunti about going, yield. Dharmaputra to have a special eye on Sahadeva, not the depredations of Bakasura. Kunti got Baka killed by to forget Kama's name and not to show any dis- Bhima and asked the brahmins to keep the matter secret. towards Bhima and Pancall. the On the advice of a brahmin who came there accidental- pleasure But, Pandavas wanted to follow their beloved mother into ly Kunti and others visited the Pancala kingdom, and the forest. Pancall and Subhadra stationed themselves there Arjuna, having defeated all the Kings present behind who shed tears at the at Pancall's Svayamvara wedded her. The Pandavas Kuril!, copious sight. Dhrtarastra and Gandharl, who also felt who returned with Pancall at dusk time were asked by deeply pained at the sight tried their best to dissuade Kunti Kunti to enjoy that day's bhiksa (Alms received) to- from following them to the forest. But, Kunti consoled gether among themselves. Accordingly Pancall became her sons and daughters-in-law by means of the wife of all the five Pandavas. Vidura, at the court sympathetic words and followed Dhrtarastra and Gandharl to the of the Pancala King saluted Kunti and presented to her banks of the where all of them lived various varieties of gems. Kunti and Vidura talked Gaiiga, together. The Pandavas felt acutely the absence of their mother about the painful incidents of the past, and Vidura at home. They went to the forest and paid their res- escorted the Pandavas back to Hastinapura. pects to Kunti on the banks of the Gariga. Kunti led a life in the forest for one Arjuna solitary year, and embraced Sahadeva with tears in her eyes. Though then returned to with Hastinapura Subhadra whom he Yudhisthira and Sahadeva wanted to stay with Kunti had married meanwhile. Kunti received Subhadra in her service she did not allow that. Kunti, Dhrta- In the of dice with heartily. game , Dharma- rastra and Gandharl performed penance in the forest was and the Pandavas putra defeated, again started near the Ganga, taking food only once in a month. for their life in the forest. During this period Kunti The three of them died there in a wild fire. (Asrama- lived in Vidura's house. Meanwhile Sri Krsna one day vasika Parva, Chapter 37, Verse 31). Their relations visited Kunti. and she told Krsna about the fate of her inmersed their bones in the Ganga and performed the sons with tears in her refused to eyes. Duryodhana give necessary obsequies. (Strl, Santi, As ramavasika and half of the to the who returned kingdom Pandavas, Asvamedhika Parvans) . after twelve life in exile in the years' forest and one 10) Kunti in Devaloka. Kunti, Madri and Pandu year's life incognito. Sri Krsna the Pandavas prompted went to Devaloka. (Svargarohana Parva, Chapter 5, to war with the and Kauravas, both the parties began Verse 15). for war. from preparations (Adi Parva, Chapter 135 to KUNTI II. A particular region in ancient India. The Sabha. and Vana Parvans and Parva. Udyoga upto warriors there were known as . (Sabha Parva, Chapter 137). Chapter 34, Verse 11).