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U — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. March 28. 1986 MANCHESTER SPORTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Hurley’s hats Excitement ahead CARS ■ 0 0 d CAMPERS/ PETS AND off to LTM in major leagues BUSINESS I APARTMENTS TAB SALES FOR SALE l2 £ j TRAILERS I FURNITURE SUPPUES TA8 SALES PROPERTY FOR RENT ... page 3 ... page 11 M ulti-Fam ily Ta g Sale. 1978 Chevette — 4 door, 1973 Volkswagen Camper Doberman Pinscher — Everything must ggl — Good condition. $1,500. Extraardinarv — Man IT Red Mohaganv dro- Clothes, furniture, kit Loomis Rd In Bolton. new brakes, new tires, for chester, 2 bedrooms, op pleaf dining room table, Free to good home. 10 9am-5pm. March 28 8i 29. parts. $300. 647-1029. Coll 742-8843. _________ months old. Call 6467483. chen utensils, ladders and tional sub-lease, high mint condition, $700. other miscellaneous. 150 Antique baskets, choirs, 40x30* gold frome mirror, ManchMter — Restau exposed beamed ceilings, Walnut Street. Tuesday, trunks, round oak kitchen 1977 Mustang — Leather When you coll Classified $600. Call after 8pm, 623- Interior, air conditioning, rant. Prime location. Ex brick walls, pool, racquet- 11-4, Wednesday, 11-4, table, good clothing, to place on od, 0 f.-'endlv ball, sauna. Call Sue, ev 8686. Thursday, 11-4, Friday, glassware, noils, wire and automatic transmission, Ad-Visor will answer your tremely nice. Seats 100 I MISCELLANEOUS power brakes 8, steering, plus. Recently remo enings, 646-4816. 11-4, Saturday, 11-4. so forth. Rain or shine. call and help you word FOR SALE low mileage. $2,200 negoti deled. Asklno $120,000. your ad for best response.
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