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The BG News November 18, 1983

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 18, 1983" (1983). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4194.

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Ala., as the company strikers demonstrated, police said, finally told her the bus wasn't leaving Lorant said rfdership on the first virtually empty - pulled out of sta- police line, surrounded a bus and resumed partial service. and there were nine arrests in De- and she was causing a disturbance. buses was "light to moderate," but tions to the Jeers of union members pounded it like a drum, keeping it at troit, where police reported 150 dem- They said they would take her some- said she had no figures. today for the Brat time since a strike FOUR PEOPLE were arrested in onstrators. where else where she could get a ride. Pickets for the most part outnum- halted the nation's largest intercity Washington for disorderly conduct. bered passengers on the first buses bus line two weeks ago. The only passengers on the Phila- One pulled bis car into the path of a A would-be passenger in Philadel- In Detroit, two gasoline bombs leaving the bigger cities, apparently Forty demonstrators were delphia bus were four reporters and bus and the others barged through a phia, Pamela Matthews, 39, found sparked a fire in a Greyhound yard because bus riders feared violence dragged away to police vans in Boston photographers. police line, police said. Nevertheless, herself surrounded by angry strikers Wednesday and slightly damaged two and because Greyhound's main com- after delaying a but for an hour. No injuries or violence was re- Greyhound said its buses departed the as she tried to board the bus there. bases. Pickets delayed, but did not petitor, Trailways. matched the low In Philadelphia, hundreds of strik- ported there or elsewhere against nation's capital on time. The woman, an employee of a nursing stop, two buses from leaving the fares being offered today. Students elect 5 A CGFA reps running and I have other friends in other fraternities that I told," Zurca, Theta Chi president, said. Two hundred forty-four undergrad- "The biggest problem I had when I uate students voted in Wednesday's campaigned was that most of the at-large election for representatives students didn't know what ACGFA to the Advisory Committee on Gen- was and I spent more of my time eral Fee Allocations (ACGFA), while explaining what it is rather than cam- 49 graduate students voted. paigning, Hobbes said. ACGFA, a 17-member committee, "I talked to people and told them to allocates part of the student general vote, but I honestly didn't have the fees to about 20 organizations, accord- money to advertise," Gallagher, the ing to Dr. Bob Arrowsmith, associate only independent elected, said. dean of students. They distribute Because of their membership in the about (242,000 to student groups, he greek system, the other candidates added. may have had a little easier time The four new undergraduate at- Setting votes, he said, adding that he large representatives, taking their id not think that would have much seats spring semester, will be Mark effect on the committee. DabowskL Junior accounting major, Thomas Gallagher Jr., Junior public Some controversy was raised con- administration major, Steven Hobbs cerning the fact that three members senior economics major and Anthony of the greek community were elected Zurca, senior management informa- to the committee. tion systems/sales major. Benjamin Along with Zurca, Dabowski is Harrington, graduate student, ran member of the Alpha Tau Omega unopposed for the graduate position. fraternity and Hobbs is a member of According to Arrowsmith. the num- the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. ber of students voting in this year's election was large for an election of "IT APPEARS to me that they were its kind. the only people concerned enough Even though more students voted about the ACGFA positions to run for this year than last, the lack of public- them," Zurca said, adding that he ity is blamed for the still small num- didn't think that being greek was the ber of student voters. motivating factor for running. "I think it shows that the greeks ADVERTISEMENTS were run in may have more interest in the pro- the paper but campaigning was left gram," Hobbes said. 3) to the candidates, Beverly Baker, "Most of the campus views it raduate Student Senate president, (ACGFA) as an unimportant organi- said. zation and that's sort of funny be- Pencheff Most of the campaigning done this cause about half of the students Art Therapy major Julie Scott designs "a diseased brain In the fourth stage of Insanity" for year was by word of mouth. belong to groups that receive money her Sculpture 261 class. The frame Is constructed of chicken wire and plexiglass rod», and will "I told my brothers that I was from it," Zurca added. Brain sculpture be covered with homemade paper she will produce from cotton llnter and water. Students cite reasons for joining Air Force ROTC -.-r'i aote: This is the last of a James Shaffer, sophomore pre-law mores. Courses such as Air Force composite score makes you eligible, "Upon successful completion of the TRAINING TO be an officer as well 1ST part series aa the University's major and member of AFROTt, said. Organization and Air Force History but doesn't guarantee admittance," AFROTC program graduates are as earning a college degree has Riser m Officer's Training Corps. "Joining the Air Force may be one are taken by freshman and sopho- Inskeep said. commissioned as second lieutenants helped individuals become more in- way to pay for college, but ft is also more cadets. Included in the POC are courses in the U.S. Air Force and will be terested in the Air Force as a way to something I'm really proud to be a such as Air Force Management. called to active duty during the year pay for college. by Terete) PefreWl part of. Whenever I'm in the uniform I AFTER SUCCESSFUL completion Flight Instruction Program, Ground following graduation," Cpt George AFROTC Cadet Major John Cor- reporter show respect." of the 100 and 200 level classes, ROTC School and Air Force Officership. Faithful said. win. a senior computer science major At the Univesity 120 men and 30 members may be admitted into the According to Inskeep, along with said, "When I was a freshman, my Same students are drawn to the idea women can be seen sporting the Professional Officers Course. the traditional four-year program, a "An Air Force base is like a regular (ROTC) class wasn't that big. Today of becoming a second lieutenant in the uniforms of the U.S. Air Force ROTC. AFROTC members are admitted two-year program is available. city, we have jobs from civil enigineer there are more and more freshmen Air Force while earning a college "Unlike the army, our students into POC based on grade point aver- Students who have four semesters to policeman,1. Faithful said. (reining in. The economy has a lot to degree. That is one goal members of wear their uniforms from the begin- age, SAT/ACT scores, an Air Force of any combination of undergraduate As a civilian, one is trained so that do with the number of individuals the Ah* Force Reserve Officers' tiing, we are looking at potential offi- Officer's Qualifying Test and field or graduate studies remaining, in their skills may be applied to avail- enrolling in ROTC." Training Corps have in common, but cers from the start," Cpt. Thomas addition to meeting physical require- able jobs after serving in the Air The number of individuals enrolling not all share the same reasons for Inskeep said. The Air Force Officer's Qualifying ments, may enroll. Force. "When you get out of the Air in ROTC seem to have a more positive Joining the program. To become an officer, a student Test includes a general knowledge The students opting for the two year Force you apply what you have been attitude about the program. This is "It's great to do something you must first enroll in a general military and aptitude test. i must attend a six week basic trained for to a relatedI ffield i of inter- also reflected by the University's want to do and get paid for it too," course offered to freshmen and sopho- "A niinimum GPA of 2.0 or IS ACT camp. eat," Faithful said. reactions to ROTC members. 'Emergency powers' in Grenada only temporary ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada (AP) - will govern the tiny Caribbean spice emergency on Nov. 4, a set of regula- necessarily bringing them to trial will 100 political opponents of Marxist dridge said the Cubans were sent to When Sir Paul Scoon assumed control island until elections can be held. tions was published by the Govern- not be continued any longer than Prime Minister Maurice Bishop were Havana while all but 40 of the Grena- of Grenada's government following ment Printing House outlining his necessary," he said. in prison. Bishop was killed Oct. 19 dians were released. Those 40 were the UJS.-led invasion, he issued a "They (the powers) were only tem- powers and broadcast by Grenadlan following a coup by more militant turned over to Grenadian authorities proclamation granting police sweep- porary and not really enforced," said radio. He said he thought this detention members of his government. The and sent to Richmond Hill Prison in fag emergency powers, banning pub- Anthony Rushford, the English law- would last only another week or two. invasion occurred sue days later. St George's. lic meetings and imposing a yer hired through the British Com- "The Governor General was only But neither Rushford Police Commis- The U.S. Embassy said Tuesday the RUSHFORD AND the Council's nighttime curfew. monwealth to advise the new civilian trying to prevent any potential danger sioner Patrick MacLeish nor individ- military prisoner-of-war camp at temporary chairman, Nicholas administration in Grenada, a former to security," said Rushford, a consti- ual niembers of tJie Advisory Council Point Salines had processed 530 Gre- Braithwaite, a former chief education "But the phrase 'emergency pow- British colony and a Commonwealth tutional law expert who drafted the could say how many arrests had been ™»H«M and 000 Cuban prisoners officer in Grenada, indicated that the ers' didnt mean a thing?' said the member. constitution under which Grenada made by police under the emergency since the Oct. 25 invasion and will be panel would be considering the possi- new legal adviser to Scoon and the Government documents indicate gained independence in 1974. CflJCX. dismantled. bility of continuing, modifying or newly formed Advisory Council which that when Scoon proclaimed a state of "ARESTTNG PERSONS without At the time of the invasion, about Embassy spokesman Jim Dan- See POWERS page 4

-the bottongjgg (AP) - The House illicit drugs during their tenure in ethics committee, ending a 16-month index weather investigation, said yesterday there is 1 said former Reps. Freder- inside insufficient evidence to show that any ick Richmond, D-N.Y., and John Bur- current House member used illegal ton. D-Calif., admitted to the panel drugs or that a drug ring ever oper- under oath that they used drugs. Insufficient atedon Capitol Hill. He said former Rep. Barry Goldwa- Cheers/Jeers r..2 • A PemoerviHe couple gets a lock out Committee Chairman Louis Stokes, ter, R-Calif., made no admission, but, o( teaching karate at the University campus/local 3 Page 3 evidence D-Obio, and Special Counsel Joseph "There was substantial evidence of state/world 4 Califano Jr. said the final report ends such activity." • The BG Falcons take on the Ken: sports 5 Goden Flashes this Saturday in Doyt L their probe into "allegations of the classifieds 6 of drug use illicit use or distribution of drugs by Califano said Richmond and Burton Perry Field Page 5 members, officers or employees of "testified under oath after a grant of the House." immunity as to their own use of Parity sunny today with o high m the But the committee's special coun- drugs." Goldwater, he added, "de- mid-50s Cloudy and cooler tonight sel, Joseph Califano Jr., named three clined to testify about bis own per- Low in the mid-30s former congressmen who had used sonal drug use." 2 bg r»ws/nov*mb*>r 18, 1983 editorial American alliances foster risks

by Kevin Prendergast factions continue to fight Looking at East if Syria or Iran decide to attack bunch of single isolated events. After the historical nature of the conflict, U.S. positions. The tradgedy in Beruit viewing the total picture, they must Cheers and Jeers Whan George Washington sug- the deep Idealistic principals in- seems to indicate that forces will decide if that is the course this coun- gested that the United States should volved, and the number of competing strike out at American positions. Fur- try wants. work to avoid "entangling alliances," interests, our troops may be there for thermore, many Americans don't The fact that the president has he lived in a much simpler world. Due a few centuries. consider that now that the United twice deployed troops into combat /"iheers and Jeers is a quick wrap-up of issues around to man's creativity and Innovation in Furthermore, the large number of States Is deploying American nuclear situations without getting approval v-tampus and in the community. the last 200 years war has become a troops already committed to Britain, TfuffHt just "llnut— from most ma- from any other branch of government much more technical and devastating West Germany, France, Italy, South jor Soviet cities, toe Russians have and has increased military commit- CHEER the Commuter Off Campus Organization for the ordeal in which single missiles are Korea, the Phillipines, and many every justification to do the same to ments throughout the world may give ftpablf of wiping out millions. more, add to our commitments. Nu- American cities. Another attempt to an impression to where that course volunteer work its members do in providing an escort service But recent developments in U.S. merous Naval task forces are being blockade missiles in Cuba would be may be leading. The fact that rela- for students. Offered until midnight Sunday through Thurs- foreign policy bring his words to moved from "hot spot to hot spot" and inconsistent with our own policies and tions between the United States and day, the escorts walk or drive people living on or off campus mind: Presently, the United States a new generation of nuclear weapons a contradiction to our own actions. the Soviet Union are at their lowest has found its way into so many com- are being installed in Western Eu- A second major consequence that point since the end of the cold war and home to safety. mitments around the world that a will accompany our increased mili- that our relations with our NATO scorecard might be helpful to deci- Shigulariy, many of these situations tary Involvement around the world is allies are also CMMM further illus- CHEER all those individuals who fasted yesterday in obser- pher just who we support and who we are justifiable on their merits and that Americans should now expect trates our potential future course. don't. It appears we have become intentions. But taken as a whole, they more terrorist attacks on UJS. diplo- vance of World Hunger Week, and CHEER to the efforts of entangled. seem to paint a portrait of U.S. for- mats, soldiers, politicians, and any- Once they have looked at the total Ozfam America, a famine relief organization, to provide food The easiest place to start would be eign policy many Americans may not thing or anyone else the terrorists picture involved and if they decide it to people of underdeveloped nations. in our own hemisphere. The recent continue to accept These policies also deem appropriate. The bombs that is the desired course, then the conse- invasion of Grenada and the presence bring with them some negative conse- tore through the Marine compound in quences that accompany those poli- of our troops there now makes that a quences that should be used as a Lebanon, the Lebanese embassy, and cies, the increased chances of war CHEER University students and faculty whose combined military commitment After the balance. the Capitol building are all examples and the increased incidence of terror- efforts raised over $50,000 for the United Way fund drive this amount of effort and the loss of life One of those consequences is that of what may be ahead. Terrorism is a ist attacks, must be accepted. year. The amount raised set a new record and surpassed last that was expended there, it seems the United States now faces a much fact that comes with the territory of The post-Vietnam pacifism that that the United States is now com- greater risk of getting Involved in a interventionist policies. swept the nation seems to have died year's total by 7.5 percent. mitted to keeping the island free. major armed conflict. The point here is not to paint a and that extreme pacifism may not Although the present administration Few people atop to think about the doomsday picture of the world; nor is have been the best course for the JEER the inconsiderate people at Jerome and the Math claims that military personnel will be consequences involved if Cuba or the it to criticize any one of the events nation. But, one should question if the withdrawn by Christmas, a promise Soviet Union decided to retaliate dur- mentioned above. The point is that opposite extreme is any better. Science libraries who, instead of spending a nickel to copy we heard over a year ago concerning ing the invasion of Grenada. They Americans should now look at the Kevin Prendergast, a columnist for articles from-periodicals, insist on ripping articles them Lebanon, one must question bow long aim don't consider the possibilities of whole picture of foreign policy instead the News, is a senior Journalism ma- from the book, effectively preventing anyone else from using U.S. non-military personnel will re- the escalation of the war in the Middle of viewing foreign affairs as being a jor from Cleveland. the reference material. Competition may become fierce in main and how •Wmilitary" those Americans actually are. 1^S\&N*>S college at times but come on. Moving west, we arrive in Central America, where American troops, JEER the city and campus for not providing sufficient either covertly or openly, are in- volved in hostilities. In one nation, we lighting in a number of areas on and off campus. The south are supporting a regime being at- end of campus, University Lane and Thurstin Avenue are tacked by ana-government "terror- dark areas in which students must travel home, facing ists" and in another, we are supporting anti-government "free- possible danger of never seeing an attacker, or in the case of dom fighters." It appears the differ- the two latter, a fast moving car. ence between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is the amount of allegience one pledges to America. Further south, toe United States recently became entangled in a war where we had alliances with both sides. To the dismay of many of our South Mexican state American allies, we supported Brit- ain and rebuffed Argentina. Moving accross the Atlantic, we may be seed of unrest find a similar situation. The present conflict between Greece and Turkey by Arthur Allen and from alleged police bru- over the northern part of Cyprus seems to be a touchy situation for the The Mexican government is pump- Among the projects under "Plan administration since we again have a ing money into the impoverished Chiapas'' is a 278-miie road that par- treaty and are allied with both na- southern state of Chiapas, concerned allels the northern part of the Guate- tions. that poverty could be the seed for malan border through the tropical The situation in the Middle East, social unrest along the border with Lacandon Fonest. though, is much more complex. Once strife-plagued Central America. Construction of the road, begun in again, U.S. troops are involved in an "If there is a seedbed for revolution 1900, has shot forward in the last six armed conflict and many have lost in Mexico, it is Chiapas," said a state months and is expected to be com- their lives. We have vowed to continue official who asked not to be identified pleted within two years. Access to the our support as long as the many rival because of political reasons. "We area will permit oil exploration, tou- have neglected this area for centu- rism and control over the border by ries, and there are great social prob- immigration authorities. lems that must be resolved." The state government spokesman, The government has invested $900 Daniel Flores Meneses, said the road, million in development projects in now about 70 percent complete, is Chiapas state this year - twice as being built to ''open up an area of Without unions, there would be no job You know that these guys will be University. The defending MAC much in dollar terms as in 1982. potential production in nydrocarbon- York 'a good journalist,' security, unemployment benefits, celebrating a season full of victories, Champs are back and looking for Officials say the effort is to improve s. .. and to permit the conservation of his column appreciated workman's compensation, or even a so why not join them on Saturday. another MAC crown. communications and step up social archaeological sites." minimum wage, to name but a few of So, PARTY with the FALCONS - services in an area affected by an But the road clearly has defense Kenneth York's column displays a the accomplishments of the non-dis- Football may be the name of the DENT KENT - SLAM YORK - and influx of Central American refugees implications. One state official, who lot of research and opinion in a well criminating American labor unions. game on Saturday afternoon, but the YOU.. . BE THERE! and by protests of Mexican leftist and asked not to be identified, said "Chia- balanced manner. It doesn't matter if In the past few years, union workers party moves to Anderson Arena, the By the way, you're on your own for peasant groups. pas is a geopolitical area; we can no you agree with him, be makes you have taken wage cuts and made other ''House That Roars," on Saturday an after hours party. Who knows - We Much of the money is going to build longer allow it to be unprotected." think. He is a very good journalist. concessions, only to be slapped in the night. Let's make it roar for the may be there! roads into isolated mountain and jun- Almost all the refugees are Guate- face by managements' lining of their Falcon basketball players as they gle regions. Other funding goes to malans fleeing anti-guerrilla opera- JsjryUM own pockets. start the year off with a win over York Freddie and Frieda Falcon build schools, health clinics and to tions by the military government. 1041 Bourgognt clear up longstanding land disputes. Guatemalan troops have crossed In conclusion, I must say that All over the state, signs advertise, the border in pursuit of refugees who Another reader disputes unions not only represent unions, they works of the so-called "Plan Chia- have been settled there, and Guate- his Union commentary represent people, the people who are -FORUM- pas," a development project set up by malan helicopters frequently violate the union. President Miguel de la Madrid in Mexican air space, said Ignacio Ortiz, In your column, you stated that the local representative of the govern- unions "have grown in political power Jimle Rugglero Toe 30,000 square of state ment's Commission to Aid Refugees. out of all proportions to the size of 831 S. Main territory - about the size of South The commission provides aid to 40,- their membership." Ate you suggest- Carolina - are covered largely by 000 Guatemalan refugees in 83 camps ing, Mr. York, that the number of In ancient Rome the Forum was words because of space. Because mountains and tropical jungle. along the border, but restricts them to union workers is more disproportio- 'Party' to celebrate a mooting place for the dlscustlon all letters must be verified, please Its 450-mile border with Guatemala the camps. Immigration, relief and nate to their support in government of politico and lomtoo of the day. Include your address and phone to the east, once an unguarded stretch international observers estimate that those who are there to support BG teams this weekend The gonoral store lm tmall town* number where you can be reached of jungle and coffee plantations, has there are 40,000 to 60,000 additional business intersests? All workers ben- acroot the Unltod Statoa look on during regular business boure. become a tightly guarded zone refugees living illegally in Chiapas. efit (yes, even the non-union workers) BG FANS - you are invited to a that atmosphere years ago and The New* does reserve the against daily incursions by scores of Any Guatemalan found outside a from hard fought labor victories such PARTY. We're having a huge, specs .till has It la tome locale: A right to refect letters or portions fleeing Central Americans, mostly camp is likely to be deported, accord- as the minimum wage law, and the tacular, incredible victory party for forum for the discussion of Issues of letters we believe to be In bad Guatemalans. ing to relief workers in the area. National Labor Relations Board. Men three of BG's athletic teams. The first and opinion; therefore, bam boon taste, malicious or llbelous. AM Officials acknowledge that the To stop the refugees, Mexico has would most likely be in coal mines for part of the party is on Friday night met through different medium: submissions are subject to con- state's 2.2 million inhabitants - a third increased the number of immigration over 10 hours per day, and the women with the women of the BG volleyball We Invite you to write letter* to dentation though this Is rarely of them Indians speaking little or no authorities in the area. On one 80-mile would be taking their piece-work team. The lady Falcons take on Kent the New* addressing whatever Spanish - have been neglected since stretch of mountain road between the home from the sweat shops if not for State in their second last game of the concerns you. We want to print Please send your opinions to: Chiapas became part of Mexico in border towns of Comitan and Moto- the valiant efforts of American labor season. These ladies have worked your point of view. Letters should 1824. zintla, a reporter was stopped at six unions. bard all season and still need your be typewritten, or at least legibly Editor checkpoints. Two years ago, there You also stated that unions have support, and what better way to do printed, triple-spaced and signed. BGNews Chiapas has the second highest in- were only two along the same stretch. traditionally been made up of too few that than to help them celebrate a Try to limit your letter to 200 166 University Hall. fant mortality rate - 94 per 1,000 live Once the road is finished, four hy- minorities and women workers. This victory over the Flashes. The volley- births - among the 32 Mexican states. droelectric plants are planned for the leads one to ask; Who discriminates? ball team will not be the only ones The overall rate for Mexico is 44 per Lacandon Forest, inhabited by hun- The union or the employer? There are celebrating a win over Kent State, 1,000. Chiapas also has the fewest dreds of Lacandon and Choi Indians. suits in the courts today against com- because the BG football team wUl doctors per capita, and 36 percent of The plans have drawn criticism panies accused of unfair hiring prac- undoubtedly ROLL OVER the the people over IS cannot read. from environmentalists, who say the Flashes to end a successful season. Traditional disputes over land occa- 10,000-square-mile Jungle has vital You suggested that unions think sionally become violent In March, importance as an ecological reserve only of themselves in bargainning Clear Views by T. Downing and T. Clean/ MO people were injured in violence and home to the tiny Indian groups. wan financially strapped companies. after state elections. In the last three You paint the executives as helpless months there have been marches and Arthur Allen is a writer tor the Asso- against the union. Who is it that takes demonstrations stemming from land ciated Press. the pay and benefit cuts, the hourly worker, or the corporate executives? THE BG NEWS Delta Airlines net profits were off last year by 86 percent. At the bargain- Julia Thornton Copy Editor Vkkl Relnhort ning table, union workers took pay Manoging EdHor ...Efln Eimonl Ant. Copy Editor Doboroh Schmook cuts on several dollars per hour. Dur- AMI. Managing Editor..Carolyn Van Scho* AMI. Copy Editor Rita Feronec ing that year, the president of Delta Sport. Editor Tom Hltek Editorial Editor JoMph Cray was given a pay increase. His yearly Now* Editor "icho.1 D. TOWN Aral. Sport, Editor Marc D.lph salary was raised from $386,000 per tntortolnment Editor Foti Mill.. Aut. "Friday" Editor Liu I. Inman year to $946,000 per year. This must "Friday" Editor Scott R. Carpenter ChM Photographer Patrick Sander come as a thank you to him leading Student Adv. Mgr George E. Sin* Jr. Wlra Editor Chrl. truth the airline down the road of tower AMt. Copy Editor Mary Glbton Production Suporvtwr Robert A. Welch profits. Also in 1982, the vice president and vice chairman of Delta were given salary increases of over 870,000 lt»mimmMl »i>il tilh l«*,H.^H.Mi».iiil. Hi r» M must **t«t i lit.enwtWII.IlllP.HIHill 11 «tl»ii«tOc«—MtWU-t^rW,. per year, while hourly workers were Oph . ftiwii by ciUwIm *> ** nnMiwili refect •* ipwliwi W Tr* K> M*w* being laid off, and janitors employed llmmll—*tmi»i*mma~—»miW**n*imn•■ Hm>,* 4 OK/IWIIIHT,. iwSnm m ImuMmm •» *• maim mi mm. *m m hour. Over the years, unions have won the toWn, political representation they deserve. campus/local bg new*/nov«mb«r 18, 1903 3 Wellness Center hosts smokeout campaign Couple gets 'kicks' from karate means, and going cold turkey Is the by Marcy Grand* by Pertly Rltter slot* reporter hardest, but most effective way to while his wife handles the interme- Play vanity basketball at school, but the thought of being in front of people stopsmoung. reporter diate group. I wanted to continue with my physical really unset my stomach. Going back Yesterday, the display box in Uni- "My wife has more patience than I training," he said. to the class for the second time took a While some married couples spend do so she works better with that lot of guts," she said. versity Hall projected three different AFTER SIX YEARS of smoking, their recreational time together bowl- outlined pictures of pulsating lungs. group," Bob said. Mary Anne said she HIS WIFE, an accountant who also One-third of their students are University employee Charles Fuck or golfing, Bob and Mary Anne handles all the paper work and puts has a black belt, soon followed suit women, which is something Mary The first lung was pink and labeled quit smoking two years ago. holson have found a different way all of her husband's charismatic ideas "normal." The second lung was cov- 1 and Joined her fiance in karate Anne says she is proud of. "It was the hardest thing I've ever to vent frustrations and "actively ' into effect classes. "Karate is a sport that doesn't ered with black sootlike blotches and done," he said. "I was grouchy, but spend time together. it pulsated rapidly. It was labeled "Our work really complements "Of course my reasons for becom- matter what build or sex you are," now I feel so much better." The Pemberville residents have each other's. We are a team," she ing Involved are multifold, but I she said. "All relationships stop once "emphysema.'' The third lung beat Other literature and campaign been the co-instructors of the Univer- slowly like the first but it was slightly said. started then to show my fiance how a karate belt is put on. What color you materials offered by The Well fc- sity's Continuing Education karate Becoming involved in the sport as a much I loved him," Mary Anne said. have around your waist is your rank- darker and shaped abnormally. It cluded pamphlets, brochures, buttons classes for the past K> years, and for student at me University of Toledo in was labeled "cancerous." When she first started in the sport ing in class, no matter what sex you and cards containing information them, working together as a team has 1988, Bob now has a fifth degree (of Mary Anne said she was the only arm " about how smoking affects the body had many advantages. eight possible degrees) black belt. female in her class. Karate offers women an extra push The display box was part of the The and quitting strategies for smokers Bob, an electrician, teaches the I decided to give karate a try out of "I was really intimidated when I that they might not get anywhere else Wellness Center's information table who want to quit. beginning and advanced students. curiosity. I wasn't good enough to first started. I was really timid and set up in coniuction with the Ameri- Trtoh Continenza, a staff peer ad- in society, Mary Anne added. can Cancer Society's day-long Sev- viser for The Well, Handed oul buttons BOB SATO he is glad his wife is enth Annual Great American to nonsmokers that said, "Kiss me, I involved in the sport and added that Smokeout, a campaign urging Ameri- don't smoke." their involvement in the sport is ac- cans to kick the habit just for one day cepted by their daughters, ages 11 and in hopes that if a person can quit for 24 And smokers trying to kick the 7. hours, he can quit forever, according habit or friends of smokers who were "Our daughters accept their to columnist Abigail "Dear Abby" trying to get them to quit, were given mother in karate because it is some- VanBuren. the Special Stop thing we have been doing since before Smokin' Wrist Snappin' Red Rubber they were born," Mary Anne said. Those members of the University Band. Because relationships and stereo- community who participated in pre- "Smokers are supposed to wear types stop when a karate belt is worn, vious smokeout campaigns and were them on their wrist, and whenever Bob says women may have certain successful reported improvement in they get the urge to pick up a ciga- advantages in the sport their physical well-being, however rette, you snap their rubber ' "Women tend to be more graceful, most said it was not easy by any Continenza said. flexible and fa; ter, while men have more strength," he said. Both sexes benefit from the sport since it devel- ^'dateline^ ops concentration, coordination, dis- Nov. 18.1983 African Awareness Week Event at cipline and self-confidence. Trustees - The University Board of 7:30 p.m. this evening in the North- Bob and Mary Anne say the stu- Trustees will hold a meeting at 10 east Commons. Sponsored by the Afri- dents in their classes, half of which ajn. today at WBGU-TV studio on can Peoples Association. Free and attend the University, have become a Troup Street. Open to all. open to all. family to them. Cabaret - The deadline for applica- Many of their students who re- tions for director of the Feb. M vari- Nov. IS, 1*83 ceived black belts are now teaching in ety talent show is 5 o.m. today in the Intramural* - Women and co-ed neighboring cities. They affectiona- UAO office, third floor Union. The teams interested in playing three- tely refer to them as their "grandchil- event is sponsored by UAO and is player volleyball can pick up entry dren." open to all. forms in 108 Student Rec Center on "We were once studied "ry a socio- Fitness - A co-ed aerobic exercise Saturday. Entries are due Nov. 22 and logist who argued with our methods of session will be held at 5:15 p.m. today play begins Nov. 28. Open to all. teaching. In class there's a very mili- in the Activity Center of the Student taristic atmosphere, but once the Rec Center. Free and open to all. Sports - The International Sports Day belts come off it's 'let's go out and get Wargamlng - A Fantasy and War- Event will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday a beer'," Mary Anne said. gaming Society meeting, followed by morning at the Student Rec Center. "This is different than in the mili- a gaming session, will be held at 6 The various events include basket- tary. Even though we have our rank- p.m. this evening in the Honors Cen- ball, volleyball and indoor soccer. ings by our belts, respect for upper ter, basement of Kreischer Quadran- Open to all registered participants. At levels, and our own protocol, gle. Free and open to all. noon, a pool party with food will also friendships flourish in the group. You African Awareness - A dance troupe be provided at the Club Pool, which is photo/Sue Cross won't find the generals and the pri- from the International Institute of open to all. Sponsored by the World Mary Anne Nicholson vates going out for a beer after basic Toledo will perform as part of an training," Bob said.

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flnl ma °ay _Tm.. 10-4 PIT« Univararly BooKator. Pftsfcrers- Gladieax - Bis HadQ^aluieedB Depoert required MeeterCard or Viaa Accepted UNIVERSITY BOOKSTOM Student Services Building B.C.. PHONE 352-0204 Hours: Monday-Friday, 1:004:00 Saturday, >:00-a:00 ■ ■ f iWaWM. 4 bg news/novembe* 18.1963 state/world State liquor stores will advertise brand names

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Ohio's Rozanne Glass, public information Glass said the state will save an which started about 10 years ago She said the state is not concerned 'They try to pick brands in each monopoly liquor stores are being officer for the agency, says one of the estimated $59 million this fiscal year when most customers had to stand at about what brands the customers buy. (liquor) category wmcn snow sales dressed up with brand-name advertis- reasons is to encourage distillers to go with expanded use of the bailment the front of stores and choose from "The decision to buy has been made growth," she said, adding that this is ing although the state doesn't really along with a so-called bailment sys- system. printed lists. when they (the customers) walk in an element of the state's merchandis- care which products the customers tem in the procurement of store The distillers provide the cardboard the door,'* she said. ing technique. choose. stocks. ads, limited to three per store. The THE NEW ADS are often colorful Under that system, stocks are deliv- state gets no price breaks in the and eye-catching, like those seen in The criteria for choosing which But she stessed that the department As a pilot project, the liquor control ered directly to the stores rather than purchase of liquor for allowing them, slick magazines. "We feel we have brands should be advertised appar- "has to walk a fine line. We are not department is permitting ad displays being shipped to rented warehouses Glass said. sort of a responsibility to the custom- ently is rather loose, although Glass promoting liquor. We are not promot- in 75 of the 306 stores it operates where the state has kept huge invento- Otherwise, she said the project is ers who don't like to be in dark, dingy, said they are usually picked from the ing drinking. We don't put posters in around the state. ries in the past. part of a modernization program dreary places." Glass said. top five best-selling products. the windows. p Teen kills 'to know what it felt like' ovrersfrom page one essary at the time it was issued but ignored by virtually everyone who eliminating the emergency powers in may no longer be valid. had a need to be out at night. the next few days. NEWPORT, Ky. (AP) - A teen- bell County Jail while a county grand await his arraignment on the indict- Five of the nine members of the new ager, accused of fatally si "There is bound to be an element of And he indicated the nighttime cur- council were sworn in Tuesday at iga«- jury indicted him for the murder of ment in Campbell County Circuit political tension during a situation few "was simply an exortation by the Government House, Scoon's resi- man "to know what it felt Cecil Browning, a retired shoe re- Court. such as this," Rushfora said. "Some Governor General: 'Please stay off dence. Scoon plans to hold elections in i to kill," was indicted yesterday pairman. Browning's throat had been Mott Plummer, a Newport lawyer, people may want not to cooperate the streets.' It was never enforced. It about six months. for the Nov. 5 murder, authorities slashed, he had been repeatedly has been appointed to defend Thomp- with the civil government, ana these was never meant to be." said. stabbed and sulfuric add had been son. William Thompson, 19, of nearby would certainly be picked up." A WHITE HOUSE task force ar- poured on his body, police said. Thompson surrendered to police in He said the temporary restraint on The informal curfew's hours were rived in Grenada yesterday to discuss Dayton, Ky., remained in the Camp- Thompson is jailed without bond to Bellevue, the nearby northern Ken- public gatherings was considered nec- from S p.m. to 5 a.m., but they were long-term economic aid. tucky town where the murder oc- curred, on Nov. 7. Thompson told police that he had killed Browning and that he was upset because his girlfriend had recently Greyhound driver disappointed with job UnieadWhy left him, police Chief Elmer Corbin MEDINA, Ohio (AP) - A striking fries doesn't have scheduled runs for less money then he was ge PrcoW Mtlpng P*X* said. Greyhound bus driver says his job most of the year. He's constantly on The bus drivers' strike to tne na- hasn't provided the steady employ- call with two hours to report. tion's largest inter-city bus carrier READ ment and excitement he anticipated "You can get a call at noon, and you began Nov. 2 in a contract dispute. when he signed on with the bus com- have to be there at two. You don't Greyhound wanted the drivers to ac- The pany 11 years ago. know where you're going or how long cept a 9.5 percent pay cut and contrib- "If I knew then what I know now, I you'll be gone," he said. ute to pension and health benefits. wouldn't have taken the job," driver And when the nationwide strike by The bus carrier began operating UNIVERSITY Gerald Jeffries said. 12,700 Greyhound drivers is over, limited services using replacement , Still considered a relief driver, Jef- Jeffries expects to return to work for drivers yesterday. There was no re- THIS! BOOKSTORE sumption of bus service in Ohio, Grey- hound officials said. Small 1 ITEM 4>! IN COLUMBUS, Smith Williamson, will be closed 50 president of Local 1042 of the Amalga- PIZZA S mated Transit Union in Columbus, Reasons why you should attend the last said Greyhound passengers boarding «M* I # buses yesterday in other cities are home football game this Saturday November 21 courting tragedy. 1. Get out of the dorm or apartment. ^ "They're not buying a ticket, QEL they're buying a chance, Williamson 2. Let off steam before going home for through r said. Thanksgiving Vacation. 75* MED." ITEM 3. Party with friends at the game. I sW I "With"With inexperienced drivers trying 4. Falcon pride. November 26 PIZZA • A7 • to deal" withw winter driving conditions, MARK'S : •••••••••••••« chance "I wouldn't take.'" 8. Mark Emans LARGE 1 m 9. Salute Graduating Seniors. Too" 10. School spirit. \ tor. 11. It's the fun thing to do. ITEM 12. Chance to be MAC Co-Champs. 13. All your friends will be at the game. I 14. BG is YOUR Team. . .your school, OFF 352-3551 NOT OSU or UM. 4 15. This is Falcon Country. $ i 16. No reason not to! 1.25 X-LARGE 1 ITEM PIZZA Iti i HAPPY FALCONS vs. FLASHES THANKSGIVING I OFF 352-3551 J IN'83

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% THE REAL SCIENCE OF O.C.S. IS TO HELP YOU DISCOVER THE LEADER IN YOU. A Place To Move Together Army Officer Candidate School (O.C.S.) is a 14- week challenge that will make you dig deep inside US? South ft^v Rood. Toledo. Ohio 43614 3M2-1S76 yourself for mental and physical toughness. For Friday - MEN'S NIGHT stamina and courage. It isn't easy. But you'll discover what's inside you. You'll know you have what it takes to lead. You'll come out a trim, fit commissioned officer in the Saturday -LADIES' Army, ready to exercise leadership skills civilian NIGHT companies put a premium on. If you're about to get your degree in engineering Sunday - 18 and over or science, it could be your next science should be O.C.S. Call your Army Recruiter. Celebrate Thanksgiving Break with Us! (out of town ca* cofeoet) Happy Thanksgiving ARMY. Lt.Col. Sarakaitis 216/522-3099 I admit one I BEALLYOUCANBE. Capt. Busick 419/259-6492 I 1127-83 I sports bg n«w«/nov«nDber 1«, 1963 5 BG seeks eighth win in season finai with Kent bybyMorcDolph More Oelph THE FLASHES were edged in the are the most Improvedimproved team inin the KSU tailback O.0. D. Underwood Senior safety Martin Bayless will second in the all-time NCAA intercep- ossistantassistant sports editor final seconds by an undefeated Toledo league. rushed for an average of five yards play in his 45th consecutive game in a tions list with 27, he needs two more In team 37-34, three weeks ago. And on 'They have a good blitzing, gam- per carry enroute to 530 yards this Falcon uniform. He started every his final game to tie the all-time mark To the football fan who planned on that high note blasted Eastern Michi-Michl- Mingbling defense, along with a very fine year. game since he Joined the team as a made back in 1954 by Al Brosky of writina-offwriting-off tomorrow's Kent State- gancan the followingfollowinc Saturday. passingruualns scheme.urtwtn* TheyTWV couldnrnld easilyM*I1V ToTO BG,BG. a victoryvictorv tomorrow would freshman. Aim. Ravleaa la tied far Illinois. Bowling Green game after comparing Tomorrow the Flashes invade BG's have a .500 record in the MAC this mean an 8-3 overall record, the best the uneven records - 1-9 versus 7-3: Doyt L. Perry Field at 1:30 p.m. with year." since former coach Don Nehlen car- consider the Golden Flashes' recent the game as the only thing to lose. KSU'S is the similar kind ried the Falcons to an Identical mark -sports/cap- marks. They enter the game with the t" that OU capitalized on last week that in 1975. Though KSU has only won one of a 41-7 drubbing the Falcons 1 aided in holding BG quarterback MCCLURE NEEDS JUST 17 yards VOLLEYBALL - at home against MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SWIM- s in the last five weeks, not one of them last year, and the desire to Brian McClure to 127 yards passing, passing for a MAC unpreddented Kent State tonight and Ohio Uni- MING — at Kent State today and i were the blowout-type contests defeat the defending Mid-American his worst performance this season. mark of 3,000 yards through the air versity tomorrow. (7 p.m. tonight tomorrow. (1 pm. today and to- I grew used to in the early stages Conference champion. The Flashes are led by quarterback this season. and 4:36 tomorrow) morrow) of the season. To a 14 team, the season could be StuRayburn, who has thrown for 1,329 BASKETBALL—at home for exhi- They lost by one point to an Ohio made with this one victory. yards and seven touchdowns this sea- Split end Stan Hunter needs just 14 bition against York University. (8 GYMNASTICS-team University team four weeks ago that "To coin an old phrase, Kent is the son. His favorite receivers are Ken yards for a season total of 1,000 yards, p.m. tomorrow night in Anderson tomorrow. (11 p.m. at nearly came back and dumped the best 14 team I have ever seen," BG Hughes with 30 catches for 542 yards, while tight end Mark Dowdell leads Arena) North gymnasium) Falcons last week, but ran out of time. head coach Denny Stolz said. "They and Joe Rucky with 28 grabs for 248. the team with 62 catches. 6" Falcons travel to New Hampshire 1 byJeonDlmeo prove to be critical later in The Wildcats, currently the slow reporter the season when at-large 1-3 on the year, advanced Falcons' remain in $5.00 OFF bids to the playoffs are to the NCAA playoffs last second place in the CCHA, Coming off their third being banded out season with a 15-6-1 record one game behind league- Any courtshoe. straight Central Collegiate In the Eastern Collegiate leading Ohio State, follow- UnibedWay Hockey Association sweep, "MORE EMPHASIS has Althletic Association and ing a two-game sweep over People Helping People Basketball, Racquetball, Tennis Bowling Green's hockey been placed on interconf er- 22-11-2 overall, but were University of niino Frl. thru Wed. only. 11-18 thru 11-23 Falcons will travel to Dur- ence play," BG head coach eliminated by Minnesota in cago. • ham, New Hampshire this Jerry York said. "Wins in weekend to face the New these series could have a Hampshire Wildcats in a lot of bearing on at-large FALCON HOUSE non-league intersectional berths in the NCAA play- your A f nitric Shoo t Spomwor series. offs (National Coleeiate The Falcons, off to their Athletic Association)." Hoodqvorton In Bowling Groon" best start ever at 9-1 over- Last year, the Falcons 140 E. Wooater Ph. 352-3610 all, will face the Wildcats were overlooked by the in Snively Arena tonight NCAA Tournament Selec- No other discounts apply ■■ and tomorrow night at 7:30 tion Committee last 352-0564 1450 E. WOOSTERST. pm.BG will be looking for March, citciting BG's poor two wins in this weekend's non-CCHA record of 1-2-1 series - wins which could as one of the reasons. CARRY OUT ONLY Entries for the all-cam- are now available from pus three-man basketball fraternity and residence hall athletic chairman and 1/2 lb. Burger & 1/2 lb Fries at the Intramural office, Briefs 201 Memorial Hall. Entries & A Large Coke $2.49 tournament and the singles are due Nov. 22. Play will racquetball tournament begin Nov. 28. CROWD PLEASERT 20 pcs. of Fried Chicken 5 breasts-5 Thighs-5 Wings-5 Legs KICK 2 lbs Fries - 4 lg. Cokes $9.99 No other discounts on these special orders KENT Expires 11/24/83 WTU MY YOU TO GET INTO SHAPE THIS SUMMER. WA \ *

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two years of college It s . .iM yroup .ncl.'i-. inoii- P'/^.ls MlilM <:oiii| >t >tini| i IKHIP*. left, you can spend six yOl/'ll win .1 I f < -« • (>izza i>;irt- weeks at our Army ll'a SO easy t<> play Call y<>vn ROTC Basic Camp this nearest Domino's \'\ss.t t.t<>i»- summer and earn ap- for details. T— proximately $600. Domino's And if you qualify, P/zza o ti you can enter the Delivers:.. ROTC 2 year program this fall and receive up to *1,000 a year. But the big payoff happens on gradua- tion day. Thafs when you receive an offi- cer's commission. So get your body in shape (not to mention your bank account). Enroll in Army ROTC. For more infor- ANY 2 (4 items or less) 10" Pizzas $5.M mation, contact your The The Fast, Free Professor of Military Contest: Rules: Delivery Science. Domino1 ■ Pizza wtH award 1. Carry out orders and 4. Tha location and Mm* 352-1539 free, 30 large pizzas and as dosvarlss mads of tha party wMba 1616 E. Wooater $50.00 cash for "quid from your area's convenient to both refreshments to the group Domino's Ptaa store tha winners and Our driver* carry lea* For more information purchasing the moat w»t be counted I we Domino's Pizza. than $20.00. ptuaa starting 11-1643 art given your group's Limited delivery are* contact ARMY ROTC and running through nama and address 5. Tha 30 pizzas wM be •iMtaMifutl* 11-25-S3 2-Ham pizza*. Tha Captian John Cogley BEALLYOUCANBL 2. Any pizza owl 10.00 winner wsi have tha as^SsasaaasB wsi bs oountod hvtoo. choice of Hams. The Department of Mili- pizza* do not have 3. The winning group'i to be tie earn* BBS name will be pubUehed tary Science In tha local newspaper. UKQ*IfU 372-2476 6 bg news/november 18. 1983

ASria Nu'a Wa finely raaba that you BLONOfE. Free poaaar w/purohaaa H*rry MTHOAV SUfetHSMCI NEW SHtPMENT-Sweat penis F. RMa. to Ml 2 bdrm. apt ara tuty the baal pledge dan m the CONQRATULATrONSIII LETS CON- I LQVt YOUI JAZ Sweat tops-AI Cokxs-20% ofl- Good Location. [classifieds house Sony lor al rha Double wa TINUE APART TOOI JD Large Selection HAPPY BtTTHOAV OL' CM! Locker Room. S54-JI46 I-IIIHII mee m, 40- per -Mm.- SOLO Tin so- e«a per e> nava cauaad you wnn much lovo and Falcon Houaa 140 E. Wooesar Al ol ue S Q El hope you neve a Pit Data . Wa can't wa> for our first Weaaad? F. rssmts aa. aemJSf 13 'Win liiaili ISlo 30 spaces am s» adoration, your admiring brornara, tie CMWHICIII IVKIl Mngi kgr non-pro" puotc ssrv«» sctwaie -O be MM oreat 16th bktfkary And.HEY Ml ol IB) year arkti you tonight astsisk. Inc. heel S water, Mr oan. Atom Lambda'a. OMGI Mr tee M ■ rvgUw MM naresfler an la Wsahaaaesa- Consaele aa YOU. gat reedy lo P.U A.8I t you're Wire paychad tor a night ol partying caMa taniiia la tanaaaf StaHMa. De«»n. k» * Wrgi . 2 Osys »*». puOtcaSon a < 00 o » Fnt», • 4 00 p m UN Afaro Hoffman, tufty, wel tend you some pretty and fun! Tha Dee Zeea man to t» tveaosr •<■»< Your Alpha CM aWara aeah to oon- FREE WASH 1 or 2 female roomelee needed to BRADLEY: subkseaa a furraahod 2 bedroom. 2' grttuMa you on your Hvaeanng to ONE PfR CU«TO*«rl WITH THIS Lost. Hoar. I ettd nuna. Andrea YCsJ-PC HEAD OF SECURITY FOR STOVASH" bath apt Spacious, tost, water. 4 I need • rW to PMadatoh* araa loc Crakj Stol Baal wrahaa to both or ADTHMOUOHIIfttfSS THE EXECUTIVE OFFICES BUT CO*IOa>TULATIONS ON YOUR cable Included SI0S a monti Cat CAMPUS/CITY EVENTS ThanfcagMnQ break. I can laava any- youl Lova. Al Ha Atone CWi YOU PICKED THE WfWNQ MAN TO HAPPY BtTTHOAY BRADLEY. fRM-nOSOUS WASHtvQTON, 0.C 362-1261 eat. Cat RuatH 362-6848. Attarraan al ye. PYT'i of I.O.: Big INTERFERE WITH THIS TIME KIRK'S C04N LAUNORY I WOULD HAVE BAKED YOU A rots. MAIN WTFananr.. THE REWARDS One mata roommato needed for MX WANTED TO LONG ISLAND Baak at the WCC this FMOAY HAPPY B—OAY CAKE OR A CASSEROLE, BUT I Buds Sax: fa' been ewither graal WILL M ENOLESa...YOU'VE Sprkvj Oamaaksr Wl Ive wth two NYC. OB N.J. FOR TWANKSOA/SvQ Itxlfff. Oat ready la do Ml -ALOHA ALLAN SPAULDING JUST HAVENT BEEN MYSELF veer banal (My two more porter- MADE THtS BROTHER PROUDI others In super nice apt. next door to BREAK WU. QLADLV SHARE WITH PS ALL US SPAULDSMGS DRINK Get Out of the Dorm on SINCE THE BOMBINQ GIVE LILLIAN ■m, to a*o I al you got! .Y- campus. Cal 352-2734. 352-0302. EXPENSES AND DflMNQ CAU JON AIJKE HOPE AND BETH MY LOVE! BO. P»j»Co—on- 372-0147 Saturday and help BG Duel 372-5438 BEAREARDON BRADLEY. Kant Bans The beat show In town RSA Stufl the Slande Day ■MM nMMM YOU WERE MY FIRST AND I'M 12nd Joonle TJiasairraan. SIM Friday Nov. 18 Gat psyched tor a grsat ThankagMng Falcone va Ken! Stale per aatlti. SSM1S1 BETA LAMBDA QOMG TO CELEBRATE YOUR lost ye. Farrat, Val, - Tracy. Tontooany Legion Hal dsrnar at The Rod Houaa'- on Sun- Show Your Fakxm Pride - Don't forget - pizza and BsHTHOAY WITH YOU PHrUIP Mala noomrrete needed to share two RegkaSeBcri 7 30 p m. day, guys and gHa - we'l see you al R.WM SERVICES OFFERED CANT COMPARE YOUR rODOO - bdrm. apt wth two other guys tor sp Roeeehmeole-Ooor prize It's - Sunday, nov. 20 at toaral The gne torn "The Wtass Lose Control on Fri. KEEP SMILING! -BETH Houaa" He you al Qten'e ■ Jot V. » 6th » ear. $160 par Felcon Morching Band Love, tha dancer ATTENTION SAE UL'StS'e: WE Breakfast Buffet Qo, go AXO! Congrats Pledges' 2nd 372-5101. lMl WMM ■ «. to gW t H you've PROFESSIONAL TYPWO Have a caae ol ths enkjys SCOTT. DONT YOU THINK THE CANT WAIT TO PARTY WITH YOU only J2 99 Sat « Sun. place n the Dak Pledge Class Vcaay 2 FEMALE ROOMTS FOR SPRING gol on do IWd Saturday aid In 874-1466 Happy Hours 4-9 PM RESERVATION SHOULD BE FOR AND YOUR DATES THtS SATUR- 9- 2 Comer Kitchen SaS.OOr MO I ELEC. AND PHONE Andoreon Sunday. Qo tor Ml Parryaburg bat Toumy AMO the Spat Award! Downlrrain-Slonty Pounders TWO. -. YOU t YOUR KTER- DAY. LOVE. THE SIGMA Nil UL Qotla ska tiat AXO apW {GAS HEAT AND STORE MC.) SturJent/Fecuty Happy How tar at TV PINO BWOOBY! HEY. ALPHA MSI PRETER7 Grace and Trac. CLOSE TO CAMPUS - 3RD S ELM AMA members wl bo Friday, No. Olaetilanuiia, mesa etc An Memento to O.C.I Way to be' I I'M GOING 'PERSONAL-CRAZY'' SCOTT "DREAMWEAVETt *tcl AXO PLEDGES- YES YOU DID Heppy Btthdays you womenl CALL NOW 352-7170 16*1 from 4-7 pm at Mori SI. Bow 352-0636 or 372-2261 wonder II they know what they're to SO THtS IS ONE FOR YOUI YOU QEEW TARE' US' LOVE. SUSIE AND BUYS ARE THE BEST! I HOPE Female Grad student or lecuky mem- and asunotttt wB bo ptovWodl rUpert Typing tor down there' Some of us ham wl Love Ys. Rene AFTER D C SEES YOU. WE KNOW ONOY P S (Better We Han never?) YOUR T>tANIaaHnarila wB ba proviaad The death punch raaty took Its tot. partier. Suale V PS. DONT OPEN YOU MOUTH Cal 362-4017 BEWARE BRADLEY RAINES Lova. Has. Laura 6 Lauri /dryer, telephone arawertng service. According to hsr Sunday Pot. Tho Hey Klddo. YOUR BBTTHOAY COULD BE A LEEANN security system For more ntorma- Deka Zees • dele party • |uet around Dais music waa raaty nice, but the Hows about you and ma gettn' BANG! ITHB ONES FOR YOU AN- SCOTT- eon cal 352-6308 the corner Ara you taking our noo- beer-covered floor waa more aXe Ice! togeBler lor a low Dears trie af- WW RAFFLE NE) EU THANKS FOR PUTTtsQ UP WITH phylaa edvfcoTI Jane hoard Skrowonak waa deteiese ternoon. I know you'd wont to spend M. Ptnta. naadad to ft house acroaa •Dinner for Tan al Keufmen's' PERSONALS ME THS WEEK. GOOD LUCK IN BG Baaketbal a Backl to and to and whether Schubob waa your birthday wth ma, klddo from KoN OMraar earn) Cal Keth Tickets only 24' DflsNK N DROWN TONIGHT WAStSNGTON. I KNOW YOU'LL DO 352-6163 Sal Ma. 8:00 P.M. Hare ana axil aura. She thinks wo Available fan. 21 from t-4 BETA THETA PI SIS' HEY PHI DELTSIII GREAT! Falcon Footoal Free Team Photo should have cased It Dertamunga' But F. Rmta tor Spr. Sam. Fum. apt - and fax. 22 from 6-12 M OONT FOROET TO COME UP FOR THE PLACE TO BE IS 7TH ST. THIS LOVE. HEATHER The Beat Party In Town at those race boys shs wouldn't make Ctosa to campus Jan rant payed. I**. Ha* and Union Foyer SJMMIMM' Eric Treend and AjRI FRIDAY NIGHT CU2 THE KAPPAS Show Your BG Falcon Spirt and Pride 1:30 Wa Saturday lun-a Tht Sig Eps. aha heard, dk) the 352-5654. Ana/ Fwasswtl on your recant 14- DM. CANT WAIT TO HAVE OUR FIRST thai Saturday Join together and A rag SIGMA NU welcome lor 1 enter dance, and Conkkn's Mating Do you remember the 21st right In TEA WITH YOUII back BO One more fime In '63. NEED F RM. SPR SEM , OWN Suaan. re graal to have you as my ■a-erlng. Amy, pretty soon you will put the Chi OS m a trance Home be able to sign your 6A 203 papers November? I won't ever forget it' LOVE, THE KAPPAS BTJRM.. LOW RENT - STEREO I LOST AND FOUND He Thanks tor the cooklea and the town Honeys were there Irom Heidol- SHOW YOUR PARENTS YOU CARE TV 4-SALE BEST OFFER 352- Amy Treand. PM Alpha Brothers of Happy Arwveraary. babe I love youl Hey PN Ttue! We had s blast "tying'' burg. Wttenburg, Harvard, Vale and Buy a SGtlj MOM S SGSU DAD 4046. Nopper one on wth you wad dudes! Can't Lova. Your big. Jan Purdue: (And ■ you don'! beeave us JTwaatanH On ssM a! the BA Busang ■ anyone accldenev prckad up a wa* for rant tmel Wt AXO s ratty M RmM. naadad for Spr Sam Civyansaaina to the new Alpha cm Forgot Osa Woathor/OSU and UM than It's your Waterloo!) Lota ol Fn(IO,4| OnryS12ee or2lorS22 green and beje raJncoal. wNh a room ALPHA CHI CM CW ''gopher" you guysl Fraroe Apt race s cheap too 352- Omega officers! The elections ware she Falcons are Your Team Book BO members from the swan A footbafl Make your ptranta proud nay and a picture Key clean in tht You gals ara tie baatl Thanks for the Lovo. AXO pledgee 4602: Casey devoted apsl. Lova. Susie Spirit long but wel worth rha wan lor the this Saturday. team wart there to see Stu (#93) SatLEY - Happy I Year AnraVeraary pocket, al Sam-B'i. Thure. Nov. 10. Need 2 norvsmoklng rrrtas. to share Ana representation (hat we'l soon FREE BQSU TRANSFER crowned Chaa-O King Al tha point, HEY WOMEN OF 10 - THE COUN- Thank you for a wonderful year to- Ptoaaa cat 2-4947 Can identify, no Alpha Chl's . Daks say "I DO" It you have ON ANY OF OUR MERCHANDISE the thought ol another data party TRY CLUB HA* ARISEN FROM THE gether. Though many though! it waa 3 bdrm houaa Spr Sam Cal M.J. rsjeelonoaakodl say 1 WILL " Oat psyched tor the 352-4760. Lova. Your Pledgee JEANS N THINGS mekee us wary. Are yo ready for tht 0RAVE8. SO COME IE«_ERECT ImpoastJla. Together we can do any- 2nd Annual Wedding Tea Lova - The US THIS FSePAV - WCC LOST: Kodak camera on 11-13. Dene It's a great day! Lova. Lorl 531 Ridge SI svhouoa beach party ki January? rrsng Susan, I lovo you very much. M. RMTE NEEDED SP SEM PWjese return' No qusetone. fan HOLIDAY »«••-MTV Losa,Mlchaal $120VEA MO. CLOSE TO CAMPUS irawJe haa eenHnemel value Cat NICE 1 BDRM FURN APT. CALL HAPPY HOUR Sonny Bono, 372-4542 or return to Rodgera 248 LATE EVENING 352 0606 ALL DAY ALL NKSKI I |uet want you to know that I haven't fleward ALL THE THE' lorgotton about you! Have a wad MALE RMTE.. FOR SP. SEM, REWARD FOR THE RETURN OF A HOLLYWOOD IS WHERE IT IS AT - Danny weekend StuO/MONTH PLUS VERY LOW SILVER CROSS PEN WITH THE — AT THE SAE AND SK3MA NU LIL Love, Big Mama UTS_ ACROSS OFFEN TOWERS SaTlALS JCJ. CALL 352-5037. 372-1743 Ofl 352-8038. ASK FOR StSS DATE PARTY Studente For Animals: 2nd annual JEFF Loat-3 yr old black lab dog Reward Man/Falne/Jenkins 'something for astf|ioiie raffle'. Offered 362-0454 8:00 p m Saturday Night 120.00 Mscy's certHlcata. JlO.Ofl LOST: 3 keya on a key ring In the YOUR BSHIS WORTH AH Frao Team Photo and Autographs Kroger'a certificate and many other Rac. Center men's locker room on JANET JANET it JUDY JUDY., prbaa. Union Foyer 114 Tickets HELP WANTED Thus.. 11/10/83 Reward ottered HAPPY HAPPY 22ND22NO only S». Cat 24329 BIRTHDAY BtTTHOAY!!!! OFFICER'S COMMISSION Sue Cssft ■ Thank you and your Alpha ATTENTION STUDENTS TOMTOM Pt. salers kx tknner lee! Wednesdsy SPRING SEMESTER lobe wi be You're the bee! Rich RIDES Jennie Anderson - You ars a special pooled on Tuesday. January 17th sister and t Mend. I kaol wish art Super Sports Saturday and Thursday. January 18th. the first IN THE ARMY. had more lime to spend together, Footbaf I 30. Votaybal 4:30 week of class al 8.00 am n the Rkte needed to Oevewnd on Tuoe- but yon know tha Ills ol a busy and BaskelCal at 6:00. Spend Student Employment Program Office. day Nov 22 H poattjla al raght I wl senior. Lost Yoa Ahasys. Jean Saturday itth mt Falcone 460 Student Services BuSJng. hasp pay for gaa Cat Steve al 354- Your BSN means you're a professional. In the Army, it also Jtlst Kraaaar - Congratulations on TrenkagMng Cards Also, pkkaae note thai positions lor 2233 completing pledging end gat read, JEANS N' THINGS In break period wl be pooled be- Rale to BQSU Mon-Fn 7:30 ern-4 means you're an officer. You start as a full-fledged ireemberofour lor a great taw In Chicago I'm 631 RMgeSt tween now and Christmas as we ere pm. Wl help w/ gas oxpenaee 689- proud of yoa. Matte THE IKE QUOMQ LIGHT PARTY notified ol them 3476 medical team. Write: Army Nurse Opporturuties, JOSE ESSIG You kidnapped my GH EQUALS A BEER BONG Al now positions ara pooled on III 1-2 riders P.O. Box 7713, Burbank, CA 9151C. amurfs. but now they are line, bu! I SFfllNGFIELD NEVER HAD IT SO Tuaadey and Thursday at 8 00 am. I to share gas and expenses hove things ol yours that you wB have OOODI 460 Student Services Buldtlg Dec 27-281 Return Jen 4. lo Bnd Car/bum's second looYasppar. Tickets on Sale at Gate "-——^—— TiaajiW ■ata area. Cal ErJ-oae- JuasSamec, tor saafceeBal MsMkw aksaa 372-4J24 Here s one more due tor you to tea. Saturday faght. Prat Htm photo THE BG NEWS Needs a Wed. a Frl. reornfea ARMY NURSE CORPS. N you can figure out who I might bt... To al my Alpha Pm altllit- CirciMatkin Person I love to have fun. Thanks for al your support and urv Starting Spring Semester Love. Your Rose Sister darstandkig I couldn't have made It MUST be dependable. Ksy. car BEAUYOUCAHBE. KAPPAS BOWLING THIS SUN without you. You ara al vary ope- end flexible a.m. schedule DAY 2:00 . UNION BE THERE! cal Apply so News 10S uakr. Hat KEN SCOTT FEINBERG. AL- Lave. AStha THOUGH YOU MESSED UP ON TODDRUPPELU. OUR ANNIVERSARY. I HAD NO HAVE A GREAT 21ST BIRTHDAY Tutor naadad lor hat) in research PROBLEM KEEPING TRACK OF ON NOV. 20 HOPE YOU HAVE A S3 75/nr Cal Sue. 362-4124 YOUR 7TH B-DAY WITH ME — 17. GOOD TIME CELEBRATING ALL 16. 19. 20. 21. t now 221 HAVE A WEEKEND' GREAT ONE, I LOVE YOU. TAMMY LOVE.LAUFtE LAURA lOOt* - CONORATULA- To My AX Satera, FOR SALE TfOktS ON YOUR DEIT-CHI-O Congratulationa everyone on your UVALIEFUNO. MUCH HAPPINESS offices, and good tick for tho real of 1061 Honda Motorcycle 000 Cus- M THE FUTURE. LOVE. YOUR your semester Keep thai morale up HOOTER trSTTJtS tom. Must sol: $2,400 or boat offer I m anxious to gat started on my new 6693602 SLOE. office! Sea you at the Del Tea. GOOD LUCK W YOUR LAST FAL- LI.T.B. Chapki to be ZOOM LENS-Soegor 80-200. one- CON QAMEI FROM YOUR fUOOEST PS Whimsy - thanks tor way lor mt. touch. Macrc-locue $160.00. 354 FAN.RXB. I wl be much easier 3010. UV MARCY, To my Big, Jenny Gains. 1063 Plymouth Volant Good running condition. eVe-new radial ties. 24 OMJMMM on going neo- This la feast to lot you know how STADIUM CINEMA 1.2 mpg-highway $350 Cal 354-2807 phyte! You're a great sister end an Burpnoeo I was, and how happy I am altar 3:30 StAMmruaA tammaaiiuH fH. Wl-( even better In" 11 thai you're my Big. You had ma 02 tosa and mnt. Big aYonta completely looted I'm reefy looking 70 Lamana Rama* hood, rabutt SHARE THE WARMTH. MARCIALANE. forward to Iota of great times to 400 w'4 bbt auto. PS PS Otve green, no rust. $1000" 354-1804 TAKE A FRIEND TO JUST WANTED TO WISH YOU A HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY LOVE Love yt total! Una Laura Deal par rant - Oam your earn AMERICAS NO. 1 COMEDY HIT. AND FRIENDSHIP ALWAYS. TO MY BIG USA ROPER' mobka home. Cat Broker Realty - SHERRY Keep smeTng. It's almost break! I'm SSS4MM1. "One of those rare films you want MARKM psyched that you're my big and I'm Paavoy 12 - Ch Stereo Mixing Con- to see again and again. THANKS FOR TWO UNBEUEVEA- paychad that I'a Friday' it's boon a sole and Roland Electric Piano ■ Both BLE YRS. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS rough weak so go nuts' Lots ol AXO h Exl. Cond. Pilcoe art right - PH. • A wonderful movie...warm, human, funny, well AND FOREVER YOURS. CHERRY L lovo and mine, Val 352-9322 TO MY BIG LITTLE HANNAH-I acted and well-written. A gem." Mot, Hock (Holy Mock) You're the 72 Dodge Van Naoda some work - LOVE YOU BEARY MUCH! ALPHA - Joel Saksri. COCO MOBMIMO AA4ERICA baal" Our sneak waa greet. I ant I Make an oflar Cat 352 0322 CHI LOVE. YOUR LITTLE BSG SUSIE. "One of the best movies of the year, with great ran teal. Wt love you. wt love you t '73 Audi, sun roof - many new parts. tank you're real neat. (Real poetic. To fty stseiet aoccar ptryar - Bred 362-6660 . acting and great dialogue." Qortht I m sorry tie season ended huh7| Love. Alpha Chi Pledgee Mobee Home. 1074 buy or rent, - Cant SakeL AT THE MOVIES the way it did Cheer Upl-otuao you Nancy Hoover. excel, cond . 2 bdrma . Inol. apps- know I care. Jual t Hank you lor at you've dona ancoa Cost nog 352-6606 trUr 6. They' re eight old friends who haven isern each Ctrej other since the sixties. Searching for something for mo. I have never struck up t Hart Omega Ski's, blndaiga. poise. To Our Atoha CHI Bigs: Wendehip so qukWy Hope lots ol tun aba 10 1/2 NorrSce boots Cal 362- Ihey've lost And finding all they need is each other You kept US gueaaing tor about t times are In store lor us Haveagroat 4842. week and T-OAYI Let's Iry and gel week For Safe, ski Pkg KZ ski's. Fascfaa together! Wa hope WE lowed you wth our Boots. Tyroas bindings, baeualsai IDHIUstlUk UlrXIIOM tllUXDMUSI WIIIAMIIUKI Lovo ys. Your Adopted Bio Meat klvtiiujrt; ruavuTfua wonuY jrjotniwiujAns But. now the! Is over we kat went to poaat. Together or separate. Beet say Offer 352-4141 We arjpraciate you more each and THE BIG CHILL everyday! AT 7:30 & 0:30 Lola of "U" lovo, your pledgee FOR RENT SAT MAT 2:00 ACROSS 45 Norwegian name 22 Prepoelllons TO" 'THE MO HOUSE' ':THANKS SO 1 Muslim quetn 46 Follow closely m 23 Classify DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MUCH FOR THE THANKSOIVINO 1 Bdrm Fum Apt Ctoee to Towers. 9 Count, In Bonn 47 Dltmond drives 25 General INVITE. WE'RE ALL LOOKBM FOR- tor 2nd Sam eutabte tor two people MMnTlilW WARD TO tWNMQ WITH FINE 364-3104 aRar 7:30 pm. 10 Plactof news 50 Got out and away appearance 45 63 Across, WINE. FOOD, AND COMPANY! 14 Get good 56 Caroline Island 28 Ancient weapon 51 VIP's transport 2 bdrm. houaa ctoaa to camoua InBaJa JUST MAKE SURE YOU OUYS SAVE thing 56 Latvia's capital 29 Quality 52 The same, on Furniahed w/terge garage. Aval Jan. ROOM FOR DESERTII WE'LL SEE AT 7:30 • 15 Brooklet 57 O'Hara estate 47 fro the Seine aVuJune 354-2132 30 Southern YOU SUNOAY, FILLASI LOVE, THE 16 Nothing, In 56 Seventh: Prefix 48 Financier Cyrus 1 bdrm. turn apt. as|aoant elan. 9:15 delicacy 53 Roof feature QIRLS FROM "THE WHITE Nogakn 60 Name In the East 54 Early American towers Aval Dae 20. $200.'mo S SAT MAT 31 Home of the HOUSE" 17 Look after 61 Part of the range 49 Gyrates 59 From Kansas to low uB 354-1753 or 352-3406 I MICHAEL CAINE Bruins: Abbr. WATCH OUT ALPHA CHIS 2:00 18 Global id tgey 62 Harmony 50 Amphibian CLOSE TO CAMPUS, 2BDRM APT. Scvnsjrimes 32 Kind of map Maine CHI CHI IS ON THE LOOSE' SUN MAT org. 63 Dense ductile E REED FOR SPR SEM. CALL students t>od op 33 Score In WCC - WCC - WCC 19 Turkey or fox element BETH, 364-1164 OR CHEFI. 362- being the best 2*3:45 basket ball PARTY PARTY PARTY 0086. , 20 Large put of a 64 Farmer't 34 Informed about WwBAY FRSBAY H»PAV Unique clvarmlng. 2 bedroom fur- ship, In Soho purchase 35 Old word for Wet Kel ■ I mtoood the oeadllns but raahod attc apartment In Isttortc 21 "Thar* ain't 65 Hammer heads "gladly" net your IkVtMayl I hope I ana a houaa. 362-6860 38 fancy super day I Wa'l celebrate graal at For Rani Dae. 15 thru Aug. 20, Eugene FkaM horael Yes - wa ere laawtnl 39 Fellow 1064. 2 bdrm. townhoustapt. onS 24 Recompense DOWN 41 More than a Summt $236.00 Pta eltc. I 1 Auctioneer's 26 Spanish title little gas/mo Cal 362-6767 or 362- metktr FLUSH THE FLASHES 27 Tunes 42 Errs 6637. 28 Lays twiy 2 Gay 44 Abdicated king Apartment avaatbie 33 Nooles 3 Brushoff of sorts Lehman IS Ersxarpnae 35 Show contempt 4 , dos, tres tatarta to taivajui Ftiztil uSSMTTT. 352-6215 MM°a'C'T'l| for 5 George Eliot's LIKE HOMEMADE SPAQMETTI 1 bdrm urmjrrsehed apt Free heat - 38 Expensive Silas, et al. KJUU IfUlli'J UJULK SAUCE? TRY DtMNEOCTTO'S comae in hendy on thoae cott writer MJLMJsJ HU.IIJ 'Jllli: PASTA PLATTER 11.IS (ROLL IN- existence, for 6 Bud a tree) nights Free aewer and water tool II inn : i mi i in CLUDED). THURS-, PM., OR SAT. short 7 Coin of Iran CH Nawtove Mgrnt - 362-5620 ¥* III! ILlllllll .11111 [Jill otajvERY: ttt-tess 37 — arms 8 Jal IIUIII.Ill IJiJUllL One bedroom apt „ unfurraehad Waal you add a title aiasarswa It 400 yean of training 38 Dim 9 Failed at bat IIIUIJ 111 IIIII IIMIII1I 362-6620 in mi i ifi.iuii.ji aaassoaa'a day? Cal and ■MM Rab fstwbvt Aparliiena In the art 39 African nut tree 10 Speak, In a way _IH1U ill. Ill . HIM, a Happy 22nd aatthdayl U2-H17 MNT APARTMENT FOR RENT of ludden death 40 "All Is 11 Mountain lake UII'JUU .umtij 1 bdrm . spaooua twig t ktchon. unleashed on 20th gold.." 12 Biblical IIIU IJUI III■ II.ILJ I til Porfoctfor 1 Independent paraon AT 7:30 A 9 15 «e«ury Anvtrto kingdom iiuiiiiiiti inii-iii.ii 41 Gel on IIIULI U1.IIIU IIHMIII' WANTED or 2 to stars coot SAT MAT 2:00 W 42 Young hog 13 Officer on IllLIU IIIILIU II. lllllt Cal 352-0605 after 2 p m. 43 Doing homage merchant vessels «0N MAT 2 * 3:45 Need female to M apalmenl and Houses I apta. ctoaa to campus for mole to M house Cal 352-7366 64-85 school year 1-267-3341. November 18, 1983 Art • Leisure Entertainment BIRDS OF A FEATHER. . .

photo by/Colhy Cote Beak To The Grindstone And Feathers Head To Toe, The BGSU Mascots Find Fun Playing Freddie and Frieda . Welcome to Friday Scott R. Carpenter Editor Winter Fun Dale's World page 6 Lisa Inman page 3 Assistant Editor TV In Review Movie In Review page 3 page 6 Fats Miller To Say The Least Entertainment Editor Sound And Vision Welcome to Friday. page 4 page 7 Thisj.week we've taken ■ look at the University mascots, Freddie and Frieda Feathered Friends TV This Week Ficon as well as a clan of former Freddie Falcons who group together to form the page 5 pages 9-12 imfamous Section A at all home hockey games. Have your own health club at 4fl home.. .with great savings 289. OO Our price Gympac " 25.00 DP rebate 1500 264.86 Cost after rebate DP Qympac provides you and your family with a great way to get In shape In the convenience and comfort of your home. Gympac Is designed to exercise every muscle group through progressive weight resistance.

The Gympac comes complete with weights, bench/slant board, handlebar, revolving hand grips, leg lift, pulley assembly, pulley bar and more. #15-1500

Rowing Exerclse-Hlgh Puley Bent Lag St Up SldeUgRstw Side Lag PuMown

Good Valua* Every Day for Family, The C

by Fred Radii Michigan- Tired of sitting around in your room during weekends with noth- t Creek, Indian Springs, Ken- ing to do but homework? Why not on and Willow metroparks. chuck your books, grab your Beckley, Leslie and Veterans Me- roommates and dive into the morial parks in Ann Arbor. great, but chilly, outdoors this winter. SNOWMOBILING: OK, so everytime you think of skiing, you visualize broken legs, Ohio- wrenched backs, battered fore- heads, ski poles up your nose and Maumee Bay State Park, with its snow mounds caked onto your seven miles of flat terrain; East face - right? Yes, yes, you are Harbor State Park (northeast); right these are all part of skiing, and Maumee State Forest, with a but if there was no challenge there five-mile course, Swanton (IS would be no fun. So, ski! miles west of Maumee). Grand And when you picture cross- Lake St. Marys, St. Marys (80 country skiers, you see twigs and miles southwest of Bowling pine needles sticking out from Green), contact park office for ice cotton-knit caps as the clumsy conditions at 1-394-3611: Lake Lo- athletes emerge from ill-fated ramie, Minster (90 miles south- runs through dense forests, and west of Bowling Green); and you casually look on as noses and Indian Lake. Huntsville (60 miles ears dangle and finally fall off due southwest of Bowling Green). to frostbite. But, if it wasn't 40 sation of losing all sensation in Michigan - degrees below zero outside and toes, feet, legs, fingers, hands and Michigan- your face didn't turn candy-apple arms while standing around all Mt. Brighton. Brighton (about 30 red, then would you really enjoy day ice fishing on some desolate miles north of Ann Arbor); Alpine Lake St. Clair, Mt. Clemens, near it? So, cross-country ski! lake? It's got to be great, what- Valley, Milford (about 40 miles Metro Beach Park. Most snowmo- ever one can feel of it, so ice fish! north of Ann Arbor); Mt. Holly biling in southeastern Michigan is AND THERE is more. What The only boring winter recre- Ski Area, Holly (about 60 miles done on private land. Snowmobil- possible delight could anyone de- ational activity mat comes to north of Ann Arbor). ing is permitted in no Huron-Clin- mind is snow camping. It's too ton metropark or Ann Arbor city rive from sledding and toboggan- park. ing if an occasional finger wasn't private, snug, warm and cuddly - SLEDDING-TOBOGGANING sliced up or crushed while reach- what could be worse on a frozen Obio- ing under your favorite downhill winter's eve? So, by all means, Snow Valley Toboggan Run, part MORE DETAILS: racer? None, or very little, so sled whatever you do - don't snow of Snow Trails ski area, Mansfield and toboggan! camp! (southeast); Delaware State Additional information .on any In addition, who could appre- Park, Delaware (25 miles north of Ohio facility or location listed ciate snowmobiling across a SKIING: Columbus); East Harbor State above may be obtained by dialing crisp, frozen lake on a clear Satur- Ohio- Park, Lakeside-Marblehead (40 toll free l-flOO-BUCKEYE. day afternoon if the ice didn't Boston Mills Ski Resort, Penin- miles northeast of Bowling For further information on any crack and sink at various warm sula, near Ohio Turnpike Exit 11 Green); Harrison Lake State Michigan site, call l-BOO-555-1212, water locations? You couldn't sa- (east); Snow Trails, Mansfield Park, Fayette (35 miles northwest request Michigan information, vor the experience if you never (southeast); Clear Fork, Butler of Bowling Green); Mary Jane and then ask tor the parks ana encountered untimely mishaps, so (south of Mansfield); Mad River Thurstin State Park (15 miles recreation department of its near- snowmobile! Mountain Resort & Convention west of Bowling Green); and est large city. Also, for more Furthermore, who, in all hon- Center, Beliefontaine (100 miles Mount Gilead State Park (40 details on Huron-Clinton met- esty, would want to miss the sen- south of Bowling Green). miles north of Columbus). roparks dial (313) 961-5865. Networks Kill Season's Turkeys Before Thanksgiving

By Sieve Gottlieb "Hotel," with its enviable time slot "Oh! Madeline" is another show is a buxom blonde, Teri Copley. Unli- right after "Dynasty," only had to be blessed with a prime time slot, between ke"Three's Company", however, it The networks are trying to get rid of moderately entertaining to succeed and "Three's Company" and "Hart to doesn't depend nearly as much on their turkeys before Thanksgiving with it's definitely that. Like "Love Boat" Hart." One critic once said that a test double entendres for its humor. ABC canceling "It's Not Easy," CBS and producer 's other pattern could survive in that time slot In the most serious trouble are canceling "Cutter to Houston" and, shows, "Hotel" succesfully mixes in- and "Oh! Madeline" is funnier than a ABC's "Just Our Luck" and "Trauma NBC "temporarily removing" "Man- teresting stories, a likeable regular cast test pattern, which is more than can be Center", CBS's "Whiz Kids" and imal," "The Rousters" and "For Love and top guest stars to make a very said for a lot of shows. NBC's " Mr. Smith" and "Jenifer and Honor." entertaining show. "Hardcastle and McCormack" is Slept Here." Besides their own ineptness, these "After M'A'S'H," even if it wasn't another promising team with Brian When "Just Our Luck" isn't being shows were all victims of what NBC any good, would also survive the year Keith playing an eccentric retired judge panned by the critics for being unfunny programming chief Brandon Tartekof f on the strength of its title alone. It's and Daniel Hugh-Kelly playing his and demeaning to blacks, it's being called, "A brick wall of established certainly not "M'A^S'H," but it's a young streetwise partner. Early reports ignored by the public in favor of Mr. programming." funny show in its own right. Given are that this amusing team is winning T. and "The A Team." time to develop, it will probably be- their time slot, suprisingly beating "Trauma Center"is the unfortunate "It's Not Easy" was up against come an even better show. NBC's "Knight Rider" and CBS's inheirtor of the time slot that got "It's "Simon and Simon" and the increas- popular "Alice" and "One Not Easy"as well as "9 to 5"cancelled ingly popular "Cheers," "Manimal" "Scarecrow and Mrs. King" is also Day At A Time." and unless it makes a much stronger and "For Love and Honor" were up very entertaining with Kate Jackson "Emerald Point N.A.S.," a soap showing than it has thus far, it's against CBS powerhouses "Dallas" and Bruce Boxleitner successfully por- opera starring Dennis Weaver, Maud doomed to the same fate. and "." "The Rousters" traying the kind of relationship that Adams and other established stars, "Whiz Kids," about teenagers who was beaten by the still popular "Love makes shows like "Remington Steele" could be a big hit if it gets enough time solve crimes with a computer isn't a Boat" and "Cutter to Houston" was and "Hart to Hart" fun to watch. This to develop and given its relatively easy bad show but it's primarily geared defeated by "T.I. Hooker" on ABC show is also blessed with a good time time slot, against "Monday Night toward adolescents who are already and "Different Strokes" and "Silver slot, competing only against ABC's Football" and an NBC movie, it'll watching "The Fall Guy" or "Real Spoons" on NBC. "That's Incredible" and NBC's new definitely have it. Even if it doesn't People." What show will be the r._xt casualty show "Boone." succeed, almost no prime time soap has Even if "Mr. Smith" and "Jenifer of the ratings race? It's a safe bet it Also reasonably safe from cancella- ever failed to survive at least a year. Slept Here" were good comedies, they won't be "Hotel," "After M'A'S'H" tion are ABC's "Oh! Madeline" and "We've Got it Made" is a relatively would have a hard time winning their or "Scarecrow and Mrs. King," all "Hardcastle and McCormack," CBS's funny show with a plot similar to time slot against "The Dukes of finishing consistently in the top 20 of "Emerald Point N.A.S." and NBC's "Three's Company."It is also similar Hazzard,"and since they're mediocre "We've Got it Made." at best, they're going to have a prob- the weekly . to "Three's Company" in that it's star lem. Sound And Vision Rodney's Rapid Fire Gags Earn Respect by Fits Miller the fact that Dylan's singing voice has "No respect, no respect." It's a little things a little spontaneous as well. EalertaiuKut Editor actually improved with age. hoky, but I can't blame the bug-eyed Great album jacket, too. comedian for trying something differ- BOB DYLAN — Infidels (Colombia) If you really don't care about the ent. MIDNIGHT OIL - 10,9,«, 7,6,5,4, musical embellishments, you'll be 3, 2, 1 (Columbia It's probably no coincidence that pleased to know that as a lyricist the What's amazing is that he's covering Midnight Oil takes one back a few during this somewhat vacant period in man is in top form here. He reserves the same ground as always — sex, his years, to the time when new wave (or the ongoing history of pop music Bob his most astute and biting comments wife, his kids, his age, his other physi- whatever you want to call it) was still Dylan comes along with one of his for the devil ("Man Of Peace") and cal shortcomings — while making it eclectric and daring, rarely fonnulized like it is now. most powerful efforts since the mid- the shortcomings of American capital- sound fresh, and always funny. 701. ism ("Union Shutdown"), but there This Australian quintet's alluring A sampling: "I go fishing and catch Following 1981's somewhat satisfy- are some poignant love songs here too debut album is so good it's a bit hard (most notably "Sweetheart Like nothing, I go to an orgy and catch to classify. Take a little Eno, add a ing Slot Of Love, this second post everything. . . I caught my wife in bed "born again" LP is overflowing with You"). dash of old lOcc, maybe a touch of with the milkman and she told me not Magazine, and you've got Midnight lyrical insight, musical punch and pure to tell the butcher. . . my dog watches passion. It's a genuine pleasure to hear an Oil. intelligent record that rocks without me in the bedroom so he can learn how Aside from the strength of the songs to beg. . . my wife's so dumb it takes themselves, the LP's striking character sounding cliched, that offers ideas as Vocalist Peter Garrett has the pres- her an hour and a half to watch '60 stems in part from the class of musi- well as riffs'n'rhythm. Welcome back, ence and range that the diversity of Bobby Zimmerman; Infidels is an Minutes'. . . I bought a book called song styles demand — most of the cians Dylan chose for the record. 'How To Make It Big,' it was about Guitar slingers Mark Knopfler (Dire obvious triumph. tracks change gears completely in mid- money. . . I drink too much, my doc- stream. The production is effectively Straits) and Mick Taylor (ex-Rolling RODNEY DANGERF1ELD — Rap- tor found an olive in my urine sparse in places, with all instruments Stones) provide stinging solos and pin' Rodney (RCA) test. . . when wc got married my wife (bass, drums, guitar, keyboards) tak- sympathetic rhythm parts throughout. Rodney Dangerfield, the king of told me I was one in a million, I found Reggae rhythm masters Sly Dunbar ing their turn in the spotlight without self-abusive one liners, is back with out she was right. . . I know my wife one ever completely dominating. (drums) and Robbie Shakespeare another collection of rapid-fire gags cheats on me, every time I come home (bass) keep things moving and prove guaranteed to tickle your funny bone. the parrot says, 'Quick, out the win- The only element lacking here is one , their versatility within this primarily In addition to live recordings of his dow'. . . " etc. etc. song that would generate enough air- non-reggae setting. Admittedly, it stand-up act, the LP's title track finds play to expose them to a broader sounds like an odd grouping of folks, Rodney rappin' a series of jokes over a Yeah, it gets a little repetitive, but audience. Then again, maybe that's a but Dylan hasn't had this kind of funky backing track which includes a more of the jokes score than not. His blessing. This is post-punk progressive musical muscle behind him since his female chorus that keeps repeating. repoire with the audience helps keep pop at its best, challenging but fun. days with The Band. Take heart also in

CHRISTMAS IS G0MIN6... HURRY OVER TO THE HOLIDAY CRAFTS FAIR HAPPY c^*- Wed. Thiir. Frl THANKSGIVING NQV 30. D8C 1. 2 10 - 5 PROMNADE L0UN6E. UNION From the BG NEWS ' Get ready for the holidays with decorations and gifts made by nearly 20 different merchants! and the Friday i Staff WELCOME STEVE LANDESBERG DIETRICH FROM 'BARNEY MILLER" COMES TO BG

DEC. 4,1983 9 8:00 p.m. GRAND BALLROOM

with special guest CHARLIE WIENER TICKETS ON SALE STARTING THURS. NOV.3 9:30a.m.-5:30p.m. UNION TICKET BOOTH, the SOURCE, and FINDER'S $5.00 ALL SEATS RESERVED ■ammwfe ji4&4k*+*&***+ m tx Wearing Feathers Can Be A Unique Experience

by Scott Raymond Carpenter "FOR ME, when there's a section of Friday Editor the stadium where people aren't cheering and I go over and get them It's hard to be inconspicuous when going that's the most fun part of my wearing feathers. However, the Uni- job," Freddie added. versity mascots, Freddie and Frieda Freddie also says holding down a job Falcon, couldn't care less about being as the school mascot is difficult to inconspicuous. On the contrary, being define. He said sometimes he feels like conspicuous is their job.' a clown other times a performer and Selected at the end of last year, this still others a cheerleader. "It depends year's mascots are about half finished on what aura you want to give Fred at with their terms. They appear regularly the time," he said. at all football, basketball and hockey "When you get a one-on-one bit games (though Frieda doesn't travel) going it's more like being a performer and make several appearances and when you're running up and down throughout the year -at other athletic the field or the floor it's like being a seen is a personaly gratifying experi- THE IDENTITIES of the mascots and spirit-oriented functions. clown," he said. ence. will be kept a secret only a few more When not "on stage," the falcons Outragious as the Falcons are, Fred- "I want people to know about me," months. Each year the Freddies and are in class, studying for a test or die notes that some control is involved Frieda says, "but I know there's a time Friedas (there are also two alternates) hanging around the Union. They're in what he does. He said as the mascot and a place." participate in a "beheading" at the last students. When in costume, identities he has learned who to jest with and "You learn a lot about human hockey and basketball games. Frieda kept secret, they are outgoing and even who not to. "You learn to read peo- nature. . . You learn to get psyched said she is looking forward to that day obnoxious. ple," he said. after a week of tests and have to go out because she said she feels it will show "Getting fans going and keeping For Freddie, doing what he does and do your thing in front so many something special about herself that them going is a big deal to me," takes several hours a week of work. people," Freddie said. those close to her never see. Freddie says. "I like to make people "I've had 40 to SO hours of suit-time Wherever they're performing or feel good." already," he said, adding "Fred is Freddie and Frieda say they receive clowning around, the Falcons do it like "In essence, we're cheerleaders," almost a full-time job." many compliments and gifts playing no one else. They start the crowd up Frieda added. the feathered creatures. Small children and keep them up. They make the little Both birds say being the secret spirit FREIDA SAYS she sees her job as are especially drawn to them and bring ones smile and the older ones feel starters is great fun and never boring. an honor. "I look at it as something candy and plenty of hugs and kisses. younger. Whatever the opinions of "We can joke a lot. I think we can that is a one of a kind." "Somebody made a pair of BG these feathered friends are, they are work closer with the fans (than the The Falcons both agree that being gloves for me, really nice ones, but I confident in what they are doing and cheerleaders) because we're right with able to display their shenanigans pub- don't know who it was so I can thank know that wherever they spread their them," Frieda said. licly without their real identities being her," Frieda said. wings they spread spirit.

Frieda and Freddie antagonize WDHO-TV 24 sportscaster Jim Tishy. The birds filmed in a channel 24 holiday commercial Freddie mod Frieda serve many functions as the BGSU mascots. Besides being the spirit starters for Thursday afternoon in Anderson Arena. moat major sporting events at the University, they amuze children and students wherever they go and help to promote the BGSU name far beyond campus. PAlX'S WORLP DUBAOJ Review 'Star 80' Given New, Immediate Strength by Associated Press ried to Snider, who reels increas- ingly out of control as his get-rich "STAR 80" is Bob Fosse's bleak schemes fail and his wife draws and forbidding view of morality in away from him. The violent end- •&t*~~ the . The story of centerfold ing, which Fosse indicates girl Dorothy Straiten has been throughout the film, is no less told before, in a television movie horrific when it comes. ,,ptesowMW, i oow'r THINK- IT WILL VJOEIC, aur.. . and countless articles. But Fosse Fosse wrote "Star 80" as well as gives it new and immediate directed, and his depictions of the own-n-Drlnk-n-Drown-n-Drink-n-Drown-n-Drlnk-n-Drown-n-Drlnk- strength through his superior tal- Playboy world as well as the un- ent as a filmmaker. derside of Hollywood are uncan- nily accurate. But to what avail? As played by Mariel Heming- Relentless doom hovers over the way, Dorothy Stratton is a entire film. Beta Theta Pi L'il Sis Date Party mindless Vancouver, Canada, November 18, 1983 highschooler who is seduced by a Eric Roberts dominates the sleazy psychopath, Paul Snider cast as Snider, and he is thor- (Eric Roberts). He convinces her oughly frightening. Miss Heming- to pose for nude photographs, way lias little shading to her which help land her a contract character as the fated starlet and Belinda & John Susie & Tim with Playboy magazine. Welcome perhaps that is bow Fosse in- to Hefnerland. tended her. Cliff Robertson does a Karen & Brent Amy & Pat solid impression of Hugh Hefner, Susie & Tony Kim & Byron The girl achieves the ultimate: and Carroll Baker makes a brief Playmate of the Year. A sensitive but effective appearance as Doro- Cindy & Craig Tietz & Berger film director, loosely patterned thy's mother. Debbie & Pete Vicky & John after Peter Bogdanovich, grooms Rated R for language, violence, Melissa & Dave Joni & Jim her for stardom. But she is mar- seiual content and nudity. Sandy & Pete Mary Ann & Jamie Cathy & Jerry Joyce & Company Tammy & Pat Julie & Mike FUN NIGHT Kim & Mr. X Kelly & Doug SPONSORED BY: COMMUTER OFF-CAMPUS ORG. Sheryl & Marty Cathy & Rod WHERE: MOSLEY BASEMENT, COMMUTER Shari & Jerry Donna & Dave CENTER Kathy & Jay Dorene & Charley WHEN: SATURDAY. NOV. 19th. 7 p.m. to Midnight Valorie & Eric Joni & Scott WHAT: DANCING. FANTASY AND WAR GAMES. Sherri & Gary BRIDGE. BOARD GAMES. AND OTHER CARD GAMES PRICE: 50' per person

OPEN TO ALL! FREE REFRESHMENTS! DrewiH»-Drlnk-n-Dfown-n-Drink-n-Prown-n-Dflnk-n-Drown-n-Drln AXQ AXQ AXQ AXO AXQ AXO AXO AXQ AXO AXO AXO AXQ AXU 0 AXI> o ALPHA CHI OMEGA UTSTAIK Proudly Announces Its 1983-84 Officers President Carolyn Brady 1st Vice Tracey Honeycutt TURKEYABOUT 2nd Vice Cindy Bashore Pledge Educator Susie VanCuren 3rd Vice Carrie Austing ACAREERIN Treasurer Anne Carlisle Asst. Treasurer Jill Purtell Rush Chairman Kelli Simon Asst. Rush Cindy Fox BROADCASTING Social Chairman Lisa Markos Cabinet Director Sonia Winner Activities Director Melissa Unland his Thanksgiving vacation the Ohio School Scholarship Chairman Julie Needham J' of Broadcast Technique invites you to a Sr. Panhel Lisa Morgan special college student open house on Jr.Panhel Mindy Foldenhauer Saturday, November 26,1983 at Alternate Panhel Deb Fisher B 10:30AM. See how you can begin your Warden Mary Ledford career as a radio/television Chaplain Nancy Ulrich announcer, producer. Corresponding Secretary Mary Gervinski writer, cameraperson sales rep or sound engineer We'll show you how Recording Secretary Denise Hopes Located at 1737 Euclid Avenue, next Asst. Social Connie Dinovo door to Cleveland State University Song Elly Deblase For your reservation, call collect ^^r^ASlV Historian Anne Hoffman (210)861-1111. Society and Key Patty Burell • •rjo;f > Elections/Composite Maureen Casey >* AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AXO AX To Sav The Least If You're A Smoker There Is Aid Available

by Scott Raymond Carpenter Lorna Goodbody, an experience which Day Five become. A reciprocal plan can also be Friday Editor taught me the meaning of the express- Okay so I had a damn smoke, what's of great help. Try picturing yourself in ion "Oh my God!." the big deal. It was one of those low tar a compromising position with a person So you tried to quit smoking yester- things anyway. I don't have to smoke, of your choice. Then picture interrupt- day but failed. You do realize that this Day Two I like to smoke. And this journal thing ing the whole shibang for a smoke. failure is indicative of your personal- No problem. The only side effect is ridiculous anyway. I'll quit writing This is what did it for me. ity, don't you (loser). Quitting the I've noticed so far is a strange unex- and keep smoking so that all will be nicotine habit is without question sim- plainable desire to tie the legs of happy. • Eat onions. This will make it impossi- ple for anyone with a backbone. I, for crickets into square ble to ask the person behind the coun- instance, have quit smoking dozens of knots and light In retrospect, ter at the drugstore for a pack of times. Of course there are always the them on fire. No perhaps nonsmok- Marlboro without becoming embar- withdrawal symptoms of ending an more time to write. ing isn't for every- rassed. (And don't send your big addiction, but these too can be over- The girl across the one. However a brother in for them like you do for come and the addiction can Anally be hall brought home few helpful bits of condoms, it defeats the whole pur- ended. a date tonight and I information could pose.) make the differ- wouldn't want the • Send your tax-deductable donation One thing that aided me in my noise from the type- ence between non- smoking and today to Editors For The Promotion smokeless days was a journal written writer to ruin the Of Healthier Readers, c/o Scott Ray- by a man now doing time in a federal tape. smoking for penitentiary for parking in a handicap you. mond Carpenter, Friday Magazine. * Develop produc- You'll feel good about yourself and zone: probably never, ever touch another Day Three tive, practical and enjoyable hobbies cigarette as long as you live. (Check or Day One Don't panic but I money order excepted.) 1 smoked my last cigarette at 11:59. think the whole that will keep you It's a new day. A new challenge. In lieu goddamn world is busy enough that of the absence of my former habit I've coming to an end. you haven't time to Anyway, it's easy to quit smoking decided to grow a beard, something It's just this weird feeling in my stom think about how miserable you are and everyone should do it so you can I've been wanting to do but just ach that tells me something terrible is without cigarettes. Try farming. save money and be the healthier for it couldn 't find the time. I expect the first going to happen tonight. Kind of like and all that BS. By the way, if you are few hours of my cigarette sobriety will the feeling your shorts give you after • Think of the ugliest person you can successful and don't ever want to be easy as I will be sleeping at the time an extensive ride on a 10-speed bicycle. and picture that person with a cigarette smoke again, send any extra packs of and seldom smoke in my sleep. The I haven't touched a smoke for two in his mouth. Larry Flint, for example. smokes or the unused portions of one most memorable exception is the days, though, and I've never felt bet- This will give you a constant subliminal opened packs to me and I'll dispose of night I came back from a date with ter. I think I've got this thing licked. picture of what you don't want to them properly. HWG'EWTiVWBWS'fiWWIi'HVtiVWVV ft)

34 Days till ft) READ Christmas Break « ft) aaaaaaaaaaaaai THIS! t THE NEW JR. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICERS OF SAE $

Ass't. Pledge Educator , Mike Roof Reasons why you should attend the last home football game this Saturday Social Chairmans. Mike Sherlock Z Tom Skarlinski 1. Get out of the dorm or apartment. Ritual Lane Williamson 2. Let off steam before going home for Spirit/Greek Events Pat McGreal Thanksgiving Vacation. t Faculty. Dave Welsh 3. Party with friends at the game. House Improvements Henry Spieker 4. Falcon pride. Scholarship Matt Claus 5. Chance to see 4 national records set. Sports. Dave Czech 6. Brian McClure House Manager Gregg Moore 7. Martin Bayless Wardens. Rob Adams 8. Mark Emans i 9. Salute Graduating Seniors. Bob Skowronek 10. School spirit. House Artist Paul Smith 11. It's the fun thing to do. Chaplin Dave Welsh 12. Chance to be MAC Co-Champs. Sound System Mike Mastromonaco 13. All your friends will be at the game. Todd Ruppelli 14. BG is YOUR Team. . .your school, Fathers Day Mike Roof NOT OSU or UM. 15. This is Falcon Country. Chronicler. „ .Todd Evans 16. No reason not to! IFC Representative Sonny Tobias Public Relations Rob Adams Bed Race Chairman Todd Evans Alumni Relations Perry Quick FALCONS vs. FLASHES PHI ALPHA Former Freddie Falcons Find Fun As A Flock by Margie PtWnk siasm. A group of them can be found at any home Section A! What do you like better with falcon? hockey game. Don't expect them to be the quiet Stuffing or potatoes?" Walker's barrage is well- ones, sitting in a corner, quietly keeping track of received by the Section A crowd, and Freddie "FRED-DIE! FRED-DIE! FRED-DIE!" the game. Instead, direct your attention to the obviously enjoys being shown the finer points of wild, uncontrollable, notorious section A. At least being a school mascot by one of the masters — Cries echo throughout the BGSU Ice Arena. A five ex-Freddies are present at every game, often Rob Walker. feathered creation staggers on his skates, follow- lead by the quick-witted, comical Rob Walker. ing the cheers of the fans. He fumbles in a pocket MANY STUDENTS agree with Walker's ap- sewn into his wing for a hockey puck. The WALKER FREQUENTLY supplies the inhab- preciation of Freddie and Frieda Falcon. Most feel spectator's screams rise to a crescendo as the puck itants of Section A with a wide assortment of the task would be, in a word, "fun." is flipped into their laps. Once again, Freddie puns, jokes and antics that rile referees, pester "I think it would be excellent to be Frieda! You Falcon, the University mascot, has skillfully players and Are up fans. At the beginning of the could run around and goof off and have fun and whipped fans into a frenzy in time for the hockey games, an announcement is made concerning the no one would know it was you," Sandi Lutz, team to step onto the ice. Freddie Falcon and his junior education major, said. "I like the idea of its nest-mate Frieda have been the strength behind secrecy. That would be so neat to see people's the spirit of BG fans. faces when 1 took off the head and they would see Freddie's been a part of the BG spirit system me under it all." since the 1940s, while Frieda has been delighting "It would be fun," Lutz says, "because I really the crowds on a permanent basis for only about enjoy working with children. 1 watch how the five years. The selection process begins in early falcons act with kids. It seems like the kids really April and possible candidates are chosen on the get a kick out of playing around with a big bird." basis of dedication, inventiveness and enthusiasm. Karen Dunlap, listening to Lutz, interrupted, "I Four students are chosen. Two alternates serve at see what you mean about the secret part of it. It all home hockey games, and substitute, if nec- would be like trying to keep a secret from your essary, for the other mascots. All Freddies and best friend." A radio-television-film major, Dun- Friedas accept the fact that they must give up a lap says "I like the purpose behind Freddie and great deal of their free time in order to fulfill their bg news staff/Con Lee Ofani Frieda Falcon, and an organization like Sic-Sic. It responsibilities. Often, that means turning down might be fun sneaking around." dates and parties in order to promote spirit among upkeep of the ice and the dangers of flying pucks. "You know though," she continued, "you students. Yet this is only an example of the special Compliments of Walker and his band of bantering don't get a lot of formal reward from being kind of person it takes to be a school mascot. buddies, these instructions are made less repeti- Freddie or Frieda Falcon. You'd be expected to Former Freddie Falcons still retain that enthu- tious by amusing play-action. act this way or that way but it really doesn't seem Pity the current Freddie Falcon who thoughtles- sly wanders into Section A! Walker, like a hawk diving in for the kill, immediately assaults Freddie with insults, "Hey Freddie! Your mother's a rug." (Referring to the bird's carpet-like cos- tume.) "Hey Freddie, would you like to come over for Thanksgiving dinner?" Walker quips. "Hev LEARN HOW TO MAKE YOUR FAVORITE LIQUERS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON: LIQUEUR MAKING

WORKSHOP I news stcm/Cori Lee Olani WED. NOV.30 to gratify you. Many people are so afraid to tell 7:00-9:30 someone they're doing a great job that they never get much feedback. It's not fair that such a good, ALUMNI ROOM useful, needed part of our school's traditions gets very little public praise." $5.00 The tradition of Freddie and Frieda Falcon will • learn how to make Kahlua, Amaretto, live on at the University. It's up to the public to Drambuie and many more! see to that, and, so far, despite any negative • recieve a free recipe book! feedback received, the Falcon mascots continue to • make great Christmas gifts! put on a bright, silly show for the crowds. Who $5.00 UPON SIGN-UP IN UAO knows? Maybe this year's Freddie will return to OFFICE. MUST BE 21 YRS. OLD. Section A as a hockey heckler like Rob Walker.

AFTER THE BASKETBALL GAM 6 SCORE ONE FOR j YOURSELF WITH j SCHOLARSHIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS US! Medical school costs are rising every day. They're climbing raster than many students can handle with- out the right kind of financial help. If you're a medical student, the Air Force may have the best answer for l you We offer an excellent scholarship program that can ease the financial strain of medical or osteopathy school and allow you to concentrate on your studies. PAGLIAI'S PIZZA I Participation is based on competitive selection Let the 1068 North Main St. Air Force make an investment in your professional future. For more information contact: Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 Next to State Liquor Store Sgt. Michael Czulno EAST SOUTH IPhone: Call Collect (216) 522-4325 440 E. Court 3400 Glendale Ave. 945 S. Main Toledo, Ohio 43614 352-1596 352-7571 —WokM?r Southland Shopping Center A rMi «*• of «•». T.V. Listinas Nov. 18-24

WOMAN TO WOMAN tPAMS-V PIUO OJ MOV* •'• ' IMO OAVTM • THI LAWMAKERS Ot) DONAHUf (WIO) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE MS42I Grata BM. Pol OBnon MOV* Tin Fbl Of Tbb rOQUR MAOAZINS (TMO MOV* (MONI ■ PINK PANTHER Ton Now VoA Coy ojiiSiNn no 01 Uoto USES klnbn BOMB ror eornol ot m» roSBB lOUCATIOHAL PRO- 11:30 BSPNI COLLEGE FOOTBALL i (MONI OH-VI-H Mlr/ilo oNocoonf. or on oronv COMEDY CLASSICS • ■ THC VOUNO ANO • MACNEK / LIHRER on Mn bom ■». • OUIOAN'S ISLANO THERIETLESS (TMO MOVIE IMON. THUI ■MO MO BM AUSTRALIAN RULES 4:S0 NEWSMOUR BOM FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS ■ C«« NEWS KWTSALL If All • AMATEUR NATURALIST — Ml BPORTBCSNTIR ■ WtLD AMERICA VAN I OSES ond Jonoobni Cbji of NNHTWATCH (TVM-MW NOW I HOMO Oil (MONI « "VANS HOP! IPAII 7lM VMriOb Mortv I NlbiM Sn ffaio hoot ooroo/bn bMbons Ml wanraiuM mi IAUTOAACINOITU€I SSPNI NBA TONIGHT •no boanv •* • BBSS of book IWIOI I LOVE LUCY • JUST DOWN THE nil bnbooo bo Tho Bob Sana PICA FULL CONTACT B»NI SPORTSWIIK at) STREET (MONI 7 JO bom on orebe ton lo On ESBB o». Too KoSa. (TMO MOVHt (IKON. TUB, KARAT! 01) A>Aratd OJ THE NA TONAL / JTJUR- • •« NSW S1S.0O0 TURNS aborwot Jotbaon PATCHES AND POCK- O AROUND TOWN (THU) soo MAL ETB (wso. FRII PYRAMID •> MARV TVLIA MOOM t:JO ■ HAPPY DAYS AGAIN • OJ THE OUKIS OP HAZ- OJ MATT HOUSTON Man ■ THREE CHUN* FOR ■ CHLOMNS CINEMA (TUI. THUI ayoalieali. on mwdn ol a nan (TMCI MOV* ••■ TbaSn osmiL A. si IWEDI ■ SJ/LOBO ZARO BOM and BOKO OM - IMIMOHI am noabtwto by a panp who (TMO MOV* (PRII ■ OJ MISTIR ROGERS (Rl droa to h»» ■ aans o) ■ "■'' ■ COMMfNTITUt) 01 ONTARIO SCHOOLS and to nova bar young. o« (MONI • MORK ANO MINDY IN—. a**y horn wm AMnoM • All. TMNOS NtW (THU) MO IISPNI SPORTSWOMAN '■grll OOMVOndLlAl 1:4S • JIMMY SWAOOAUT O CANADIAN SCHOOLS STAKE JO (TUSI IWIOI O TOMMY HUNTIR Guoil* • 0tAaaONO* IN THE SKY mma MMM mn ANOTH1RWORLO (TMO MOV* (TUEI NM '*.. Grwrt Wonon OoMO SSPNI NFL GAME OF THE EBPNI NFL GAME OF THE CIMO MOV* (FRII ■ PROVINCIAL SCHOOLS OMUPSTOUVI WEEK WEEK Oil (WIO,mm THUI I! SSO '•go Tommy BjSS AJTApiM DM BSPM HVONOPLANI RAC OJ MR. SMITH Tha wol of • MJrJO 1:00 OaV-RSNT STROKIS 01) BMrruai ■ THE JIFFERSONS • CSS EARLY MOANING ■ EUROPEAN TELEVTSION OJ NBC NEWS OVtRNrOHT rsmcv OSPKI SATURDAY NIOHT ■ •NEWS NEWS Smrdi lo OBbMi ttn oidoov M bn SERVICE 2 IS RICHARO SRAMONS AT THS FONTS Ml (THU) 0 PEOPLE'S COURT (HICHAMD SIMMONS IISPNI HORN RACING ■ M-A-S-H ooaaoj SSPNI INSKX FOOTBALL SSPNI SPORTECENTER NSC NEWS AT (TMO MOV* IMON. THU) wsnav on (THU) SB ELECTRIC COMPANY OJ BENSON Sonton t docitaon 11:00 MO imCIMOVK (FRII IMO lo MtMv agomai mobnoi* bnoa • MOVIE • bj Spoo. ■ CAPITOL m (■■•NEWS _ ASC NIWS THIS OJ LA VERNE B SHIRLEY B lo a maa* mn 141 rfolmng WORLD WAR II Ol Onaoia llfntl Lao Gvoay MOAiana •MO CORONATION STRUT COMPANY Kami cookwbaaooj bimnm DIARY Homtrlat • HEALTH FMLD ■ • PRSSS VOUR LUCK ana ROOSO mi IFRD ■ OJ ELECTION PREVIEW S3 X TWILIGHT ZONE • MOV* ••• lamm. (TMO MOV* IMON. WSOI MO (PRI) OJ OJ WASHINGTON SRAOSHAW ON THE And 1m Oatbb HNJ1 Sonda (BALI OP THS CSNTURV • NSWS WEEK rNREV*W S:4S EDGE OF NIGHT >0J BUSINESS REVIEW EIGHT STAGES OF MAN Ooa Pomfonda • A.M. WSATHSn M IMON) OJ PEARL Tba irorna ol OVao Don I Siai lha Oon VaVNyaal ■STNI INSIOE POOTSAU TOM J 01OUBMNQ LIGHT JON THE LINE (TUE) conabn nncbna m Nanao m Ma Oiaaig nbaimina pbytnal Ml I IPI TWO noNNits inn ART BEAT (VVEDI IS4I aro NRrand a»» n n ■ ■ CBS MOANING III and aytabKloal gioaib at ottan MO NIWS TALIS OP THI UNEX- TBM OUT (THU) and do?** on onaoh on Pool aoiorinaryad by on nbaum ond BSPNI ALPINE SKI SCHOOL Karon Anna Cnokmoon nobarl OjNEWS tTOOAV (WIO) PECTED IMONI SSPNI VIC'S VACANT LOT ■oTPM BPORTSCENTER EBPNI AUTO PACING SCCA OOOO MORNING ■ SONS ANO LOVIRS Oil IWIOI PVObtMr Oonroi Woom and Loa (TMOMOVK*** AnOtb ssns SPORisPURUM an an Ann (rVntan 11a IPari 21 Slant Vaaa Ibom laaona Saca (THUI (TUBI on And A Gnpaniimi IISS2I CaffJIIBI tBBNOBA (VVIDI SSO rachard Goa Dabra yVayaai An IMON) 1:10 ALL CNSATURfS ORC AT OJ JrlNNVIR SLEPT HEBE imdaxaAnad ■■idlian rjfbcn can ITMOMOVIIBBB yVbat A ttaM ANO SMALL (THUI niaohi babn *-y rana mono* Aden meat, an match ay a lough ■ OJ THS PPJCI ■ PJOHT • FANTASY is. IN: WayloGo IISMl Smbjy Mac (TaW MOV* (TV*. THU) ■n m (IM bra by rasnova mn Hmu. Ad anbucto B 1— OaanbUbn • SISAMf STRUT • Of NinAL HOSPITAL M Obi a labinbj onon rbo anty 7:SO ■ WMSSL OP PORTUM 11 OS 4:00 ■ 8MSAT SPACS COAST- • SCOOSV OOO noon tnol oma iWr» ol hn • NEWS ■ SSNSONOII • •DOCATIONAL COM OJ WIBSTEB AfMr bvaigbng a • MOV* B '. I» . ■ ■ 700 CLUB PUTINO PFaOFKE IFRII IWRMO IMS Smcba 110*11 Boorory Soya Iout-TiNo mm lobjnl MMbbon M atbool bacauao SSPNI TOP RANK BOXING BSPIS AUTO RACmO ('All • COMPUTIR PRO- Hont/Haa MAAKIT TO MAAKIT ol Maga mabr VOabaiR bnma Avana Broad Lany Anunon BSPW WOMIN'S VOLLIV- 0AAMMI IMONI 4:10 MOW MO 12 round ISPN Moary..gbi SAU.MaiMN.THU) ■ AMERICAN GOVtnN BonVnoononrv SaPM SPORTSWOMAN Ml ■ AEROBIC OANCINO BSPNI VIC'S VACANT LOT oooo>I NEWS Cbhiawialou boot Ibom AbanM rrus. THUI MINT BURVIV ITUI. THU) ■ WHEEL. orOP FORTUNE • OJ WALL STREET WEEK City N J I Ml suauii • AMERICAN INTIRSSTS E aba So. -al Sluotrona daii l (WIO) SOPOt SPORTSWOMAN in l • MACNEBMACNIa / LEHRER II JO (WI0I NEWSHOUR Mnn J Gabab prandant Gabob MIUROAY (WIO) BSPNI BBJIOI SASSBAU BCompany ITHSPLXISIUNM (TMO MOV* rrmi (HAPPY DAYS AGAIN BOO 01) (TUII AEROBIC DANCING 1> MaSMB IS IS stSAMisTPsrr ail Q SSPNI WOMIN'S VOLLEY- • OJ DALLAS too annyal Oa OJ MOv* oa ■"HI SPORTSCSNTfP SII* (TMCI MOV* o a • OSaAMHOUSI BAUOUIWIM Snona Sol daiaiona to vwat ItSSII Pnbari louoi Bokm MQMOVlt (WSOI Hobnoa And Tba Foorl 01 Ooalb Abo A baby obgni Aajhad ayro LOVSSS (TMO MOVSI (TUI. WIO. IIM4I Son RoOnui. baaal *ao a Nabry .ituwnt conbama S:1S NATURIIMONI Brwca ShorbaA inaia. and War ben bobaoan Ibo lawn, ond a 1 'i 1 a aaam annai troon to a • IO ALIEN NOVA (THUI ■ Bans en POOTSAu. rruii S:SO aor» tot owl to laawbalyoanrn Ml a« • QObNG STPlAJSMT IPR.I aawa TO as ANNOUNCICI MOV* ••', StonCM OJ TONIGHT rbnt Johnrr, BOO • SPIOE OP LIE* IMONI (WSOI ItSSII Jorm TiOrolU N*Xy Car oon Garni Smabay bobanon I SESAME STREET • •••SPICTOA GADGET (TMO MOrt IWI0. PAD Aloa CbfocndbyBrnnOaPabin «ABC NEWS NOHTLNoS I OREAT SPACE COAST • SUCTRK: COMPANY OJ LATEFHGHT AMIRI MIIPAtl A mobon p

BE THERE! iCHOWAaRHS! ■»***** *********************J

...,.(., .*«.>.. •'•' ;..V '■' '•' 1 .•.•.■.•,.'. Itaaci MOVIE B* lb»»,«at a FINANCIAL 1:00 O FIRING LIN€ Ml Mn among »>*:« gnxsps t O COURTSHIP OF ECXME'S Man II Mil OM t ENTtRPRISE MOVK *** Tha MM. And Po.(-:i Of ftaco GuMt hoatad by Danm/ ton* oontaai aia«ad. and Graoa frtM to < at ■»»• fATHER KaajEaalwood rTMCI MOV* *** 'ThaLaal 119*11 Clar* CujoW Marilyn ThomM Sowa*. aconornsM. aan- ami from Mndaor Ont pncsuda rnv t onvanca aspasn K*I&K& ■ PACE THE NATION MonroaMan, Huattar »•.•»-»« RoRaa and a) FANTASY ISLAND A man ■ SUNDAY MASS Utwn IIM2I ■nanaajd Vo* ra faftow with sha Hoowar mab- aoa aaa(aAaFBn*a>. AJanArta* I CELEBRITY TENNIS tuta •' Suntard U(w»s,iv and ISaaan Damonl aNartaraa waA laa ■ COMMUNITY CLOSE -UP IB ORaOaHAL SLK HOCKEY I FAT ALBERT author arsWMMO IM «M **« I MOMC NT OF carat* TM ■ idoaiad moina» a (OoiDthv • HOUSEWARMWO WTTH HEROES Baaax as Tanaaa IOOO .KhOSWORLO programa daagnid to hap Haokt McGaaal naw lomawaa. and a ISl PLASTICMAN 1:S0 TENNIS " Aanadan Grand ara raab/ randar*«g than, wtvia KamadV at wawad horn a haton- aKvaan Knaana fanana) anaa 10 tS MOVK *** "Haat MA JA THE MI M and ■ THE OAV EVERYTHPNO W Maatwii frutN Form* •world ■ no. •d - aan badk hai buaband IGaoPaav otfwrt ara aappad by a raone 'w Itttnaa WENT WRONO charrkpsont cornpaM in ma hrvaM Unnad Sunaa without gouarrt- « SNEAK PflCVTCWS BaaS. bom haa iimaaai Q aatk-a ■ DON T FAT THE PaC- of tho Grand Mmni Tartna Tom rnant ad and a apfta ol -wal dra- JACKIE GUASON IB OBU COUNTDOWN TO I THE LAWMAKERS Cana- »ART Of BONO HUMAN TURES: SESABBI SIRUI Iron. Iha Long Boat Kay CkA a. ■SPN, SPONTSCENTCP. KICKOfF MOVK • «• Man w,m AT THE METROPOLITAN Saraaou. Flora* • COUNTDOWN TO CeLa) Bobana aaa P«a DiAa tar Ina Gun 119661 Pobari 4:30 BMO MUSEUM 01 ART Saj Bad • MOV* *** Audrav 0 SB GREAT OAV A nak> KICK Off Mntt-an JanSiarang m SPOPiTSVVOPJLO Scboa> MOM" .IS77> Maraha Maaon. martnarad lamrfy man (Tan Con- msa MOVE BBS Tha Va>- 0 Ail. NEW THIS OLD Mbtd Jama. Krncftan / Murray Anthorw Hoefcrna arayl o?aaaj> chaea at haa houaa- dKt (IM2I Paul Maaanan. Cbar- HOUSE Sob via mm a Sftar- Sutharland 10-round MvOTum af An a Mmm York Otv • WOfHD Of COOKING PWtd M ha UOM daMront rrwthoda wna Rampang An akonoK Boa bem. Maaiailiniini ooupN. apse Midrba..aighl bout lava horn St. "Miio- A Famay-Sn*a Mam. ■o catch an atuarva bwgbjr. Q BamanaaM nvjvad and (Ilium- JoMph. Mo I: Mr Oymp* Body M building tompat.lion (from O fat NHL HOCKEY Oa.o.1 lo b«a MtM lorwanaaa 0* Tha Long Datanoa LaaH afrong oppoamon by tha courts • • CHARLIE SHOWN BOO BALL TOO AY ■■■■If" 11 ••21 M.chaai tB OaFF-RENT STROKES Tba I ha own ca • WIDE WORLO OP • MCE TING PLACE ftav Car. moon irai. out M a aajno unM AHO SNOOPY Radpa.f. Tom Co««ianay Onaranonda mm vaaaad By Saw • SPREAD VOUR WINOS SPOWTS Schadulad Intaymafton- thay anuafV taptu-a d. Q 1:90 Ouacb lalali.aa Aiwa ICanrad 10SO m hofaMsonal Fajura Skatatg Ih-ViBM • NPL rXXTTBALL Kanaaa A 14-vaar-aM ZanaBar baa Baa*. aAo abaa abjaa Mb Ona.. m • COLLEGE FOOTBALL bananaa pat appranaoa as a nwja iCARLC SAUCE Crty Chrafa m Oabaa Cowbaya Koon 06621 Gary Coopar aaanal and Hana lOana Pbjaa. aA* Mstfaganva CflMStakB at buaaar ol dhaaaa," woodan I Vo». NY I. MEET THE PRESS • RACCOONS 6 THE ■ Grata Kaiy mto paaya aaaabjaaja, Q aapaaabaata. (PI 11:O0 ON THE ISSUC LOBTT STAR Aranabitl ftah La- ■J CHtLDftf N'S F1M FES- 0) T.J. HOOKCR Hoaaa, ■ AlVIN ANO THE CH» alapa laan Moacow. u S S P I {•••NEWS TONY SAOWN'S JOUR- M Md OotM Waal aaawba tha TIVAL uaaanB, a paact ofbxar llancaa MONKS tB MAGaC OP OS, PAINT THE NATKJNAL iiNAL wjajMlor tha rraabral l» about 9 HIOH SCHOOL QUIZ Kaaaarfl aaaawi cnaiaai af STAASCARCH • NOVA A MaoK Wa* Of aty and a vawd {THE LITTLES OaVshwav. Si Franoas mo ART Of MING HUMAN «WONOER WOMAN BMPK4 BPORTSCENTER Gorng Tha Story Of Thorough • DC BONO'S THINKING tha ahooMMj of har AEROBIC DANCING HOUSE WARMING WITH IliM brads Nova i Earth CHARLIE WPMO Ooara Tha • NEWS IPtovatcua Affwa dafbr hoTM racatg a^dwnvy and • THE MAKING OF A 11:00 ■SPN) ALPtN* SKI SCHOOL MOW •**'!■ A TIM pracaaat tha rwwa 1 tha combauAson of apaad siam. CONTINENT "TOT POT* Of • ■ StNJI, ZAX ANO Tho Mourttarn And.ana Tha Groan In Broohlyn I1S4M aoaid docaa a ■■plaaaid na and afKaaa o. da. to knd Goto A Math/ a r-wala af Cahhrr THErun ALIEN PRINCE i ma of agtapmaM brat fJwm. Otnahy McGuaa 11:20 BISPNI AUTO RACING NAS- out f thaoughbtadi raafly do run ma • post and praMnf fcaian. and ~t CORONATION STREET Bbaad on tha naual by Batty • ABC NEWS CAR blip naaanal Saaana Hrem any that ofha hvan Q ajapdMon aa to whan tha naal R. T fnarrang. tMaratg. and s>opp—g Srnrth A young grl from tha tana- 11:30 Faaokatabarn. N C I Ml BbSPM SPORTSCENTER ^ maav i I PUPPY / SCOOSY DOO / on a.* mi man* dMaci itiuapwi to ma.a a • MOVK *•• 'i Sham SCHOOL MOUSE ROCK ITVa MOVb! •» BadaY (TMO MOVK • • * 'r Mm praaantad 2 CO banar hta pat can • THE LAWMAKCRS Co.,a 4 30 I THf MUPPETS StON HtSTOHV Root* Ol ■ SPN) SATURDAY NIGHT ftadtord in rna lata IBOOa a pr- nanaa at ma PacAc PAaaaaiaal aponobnta i mda Walhaana and • MOVK *6* Bifll 61 JCOftONATrON STREET War AWWMgh ra-iMna bm*mm AT THE F rGMTS iac» - Baard I of good naturad bank robbaa fkn dwraaa tha 70a and 30a and Coka Bobata axn Paul Ouka for 119'61 Smy Spacak Mai-. siI BUGS BUNNV / ROAD Amarscan a»iaaiganca and Ho Chi Paul OaVorca 12 round NABF to South Anau whaa thav baaomaa a w« champam a, iha Shaan RUNNER M-*i ramam coroM aftar World FMtharnaight Champsor»ahsp bom maal with thaa daatany an up to tha mr*-uta t O THE UAXHOOMSKRO ■J AMAZING SPIDER-MAN War II (ranch and BrrMh rnairMy Ib-a from Atiani- div Njl • SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE ftSPHt NFL GAME OF THE Rate a accioMlab. higriMMf) / INCREOMH.C HULK to tha VsytnamaM lavofcrtaan layo Hoal Jai*Lawn GUMII Low* WEEK -iu ms-AsTsg ha a a Vabrld Wa l *f) MOVING RhOMT ALONG tha i/ utobwcrt for mm Q boy IJm BaAaata aana tha rapa IK pabl awjn Ihough ho doaan i "Dana'a Saj 6tmh" Mant on a ■SPN) SATURDAY NtOHT O WKRP IN CINCINNATI tory «a* i aa a naw raguhv I 1:00 caraar a tha antaytaawtant boa* know how to by Q AT THf ■KIMTS «t • MOVK **h Momm« 11.SS • NFL FOOTBALL Marsraraota (MM. Dana RfnorM har par ami W.snga M Pptiaburgh StOThwa «MARY TYLER MOOPK 2:S0 BOO Oaaraat I IBB II Faya Pur»aaroy • STAR SEARCH adMn and bagrna aaiocaurig ICBC NEWS 0 COUNTRY CANADA San IN TTR NATIONAL EDI (STAR TREK Dvan* S-sivvaO lam atar Joan 11:46 •rvm a purb rook mua* PJ dy Cuahon laporu on tha Canab TION F «d Rowan hebN a an* at COLLEGE BASKETBALL I NEWS Oaarford raraoa har larO adopiad • MOVK •• f.v« Oava tffj MOVK ** Tarddaid A yOt»rtg boy conwncM to aVsttMtic drKspana broafci out af prrton w\ a daapa • MAGIC Of DECORATIVE hat iaoVi alar fWhar to gma mam Lrrvtad SiMaa nakata atatsonad -> tha ceurnry • SAVER SPOONS RatAy ako Ma andangaang atlampt to PAINTING • NFL FOOTBALL OatroN ICSPNI CFL FOOTBALL soo bora of a band a chanca to par hM a d>.wjm itwn latar hatpa han afuda a rakmtkau tAadf atd ba BBPNI ALPINE SKI SCHOOL torm on fna ladko program Lama at Graan Bay Packaa Waatwn Oxuon larva Ibam O SRORTSWEEKEND aoh-a a protMam lacsng han aa tauraiad anin hnk aon "Tha Mount*.. Awafcana Tha (STAR TREK • NFL FOOTBALL Carvafand BC Pta>a-.Vanrosrwjf BCl SoMrAdarl tha Dunhal kriarna praasdeni of hsa Khoof (IMI latacibon and UM of aoMrmant 12 OO tbonai Chatariga Isatay aowaaaian MATINEE AT THE fTMO MOVK * Modarn Browna M Naw tngland PaaaMa and apparsi and tha ban of • SOL IO GOLD awant Ihom tha Boyat Warttar ' a- BIJOU faaturod Pm-ata But* PrtaMamr. II9BII Chavy ChaM • TENNIS AJnvadan Grand aiartrng. niang. and aMpp-ng ■ SPN I CFl IH»TBUALL Baal 6:00 at Toronto. Ont ) tha Cartadsan aroo H942I tia-FfbaOiO.'oran Patt, 0*.b*.va. A liarjlaii m MMIVI (rufa Fama worM onaka in I Samahnal Gama O CFl FOOTBAU. VaOTktm Opan Badwnton ChamptftriahaM tha Andraan Statara and Shamp bafhc (orinofsBT sviii. numaroua (TMCI MOVK * * Tha Bran FaM loh^vanaon or Wauupag at Ihof-. Oturara Om I. Part I of fha Hoarard 119421 tnci caftad paraonal probsama .. andosvad of tha Grand Mattaa Tanna loa from Planai Aroui II9S8I Jorvn BC Bsuaa In Tha NsgM Btarr>ng Cab •nth MBatbnabc poarara afW horn Iha long Boa Kay Club at labott • Suparaiara compairtaon Aga »..- Maadowi (STAR TREK Ihom OniajbO ftaoa »n Toronto Caabara* 119421 fhort taaad basng itouaad sv-th nuctmm «,aata Saaaota HaiU MOUSE ON THE MAY Owl Aa Bad Warn-tg a 1942 car 12 36 • MOVK **> Tha Mm 12«) FLOWCR Ananatad A brpwi ■owcaad t aan On Tha Cuff • SOUL TRAIN ouriBraaki tl916) Marlon 6ran W$ HOW IK WC8T WAS m WOOOWmOHT S SHOP BOO WortBanohl hoy L*aa matt,*. thapta. 2 ol Watnara Of Tha 1 OO do Jarbh^chobon WON O BEING WITH JOHN F. taaaaaj bound lor tha Naw Works and tonon conr»tna:bon aa ha Waat • MOVK*** Irttta'auaa • WASHINGTON WEEK IN «wwe STUNG KENNEDY Nancy Ort.iv • ALL NEW THIS OLD boajrta wort on a •woodworkar • 6:30 And Bsg Nafay 119701 Bobat REVKW BUGS BUNNV / ROAD narratM <»vM and msmata tarna HOUSE Aapacta of bMtavj *• bancn O THIS WEEK IN PARLIA- Fladtord MKhaa J Pobad • SPN, SKIING AMERICAN RUNNER of John F Kannady on tha cam naw houaa m* btlo-bnl whfa ■J VIETNAM A TELEVI- MENT • MOVK * * laland Of Ta STYLE A rVtior, of akang m SNCAA rKXJTBALL ptagn a af and at tha Oval Olnoa Sob aurvoya drfkaont typaa af S*ON HISTORY Antntll IB 13KPONTS ror 11*671 Paia Cuahsng Aapan Colo IRI NCW TICH TIMES N-cho fa) CANOIO CAMERA haai purnpa lor coat and afhean- MandaraiMBM 19631 Avrsanca 0 SiSKEl a. EBERT AT LOOKS AT THE DIFFER- fowad Jodrt (M iah• antfi Sta-*ari Brand, iha 1:30 taapa »n »o haft tha apraad of THE MOVKS ENCE BETWEEN MEN ANO •nan raMonafcai tor "Tha VAofa SUNOAY O HYMN SING ^akJtl.o..i • FIRING LINE aaaajaajajgaj » Sc-vrthaaat Aara WOMEN Farrurd raacbona to Car* C-aWogua. about hta now 7:O0 atrJuda hm Up And Ssng lai And PoMica Ol Ran Guaai unaJ PrM>t*jnt Ngo Oath Dam ■ protact. a guttta to tha ifactTonse tNCWS urhuaua atuatsona aa srnyoibxod oam ganarab. turn agtanat haw Q I40VCMSEB 20. 1SS3 Not Your Haai 6a Troublad ThomM SCN-WI acanorraai aa> martuHpfMa. •DON CHERRY S GRAPE- by Candrd Canaa rnania W,.h A Vorca Of Ssrtgrng aid ar Nftow wrth tha Horn— bab> (TMCI MOVIE *** VtftaaiX Aaan Funt and Staphana* Zanbal- 9 OUt TING V1NI I Guaai Larry hobsriaon Absda With Ma mi tuta at Starrfoid Unnarariy and BJPN1 S»OWTSCCNTCR Way To Go (1BMI Shatay Mat I HEE HAW swl rWrungton SaMM I • MOVK*** ThaSdanc author aaprataaa ha waa tha. LMta. Oaan Marhn I WEEKEND MAGAZINE fat LOVE BLOAT Ju-a fafla for a 11:30 ara 119661 Dam Marta. Skabj programa aaagraJ to hap Inbxba • BUGS BUNNV / ROAD 3:SO I SOLIO GOLD •arnoua arnoriana (Engafbai ara raaby hauNratg tham arhfb m m NCAA TODAY (Start rhanpadBTsak). Doc .^j Gopha RUNNER I FAME • WALL STREET WEEK otha racaa havo Ibnaahad a tba ibmo a) tantatjiri I ii Nfl GAME OF THE compaia for tha nurM ffatrtcMi «THUNDAIW taba Spacaf Srtuatsona GOTM ibMad Siataa swdvaut goaan TO BC ANNOUNCED WEEK (Rl Can l to af sTraabO) (Tom Boata,!. DhNNCR AT JULIA'S JuM 11:00 Mara J Gabab. praafam GOTOT mant ard and a apm of autab oa> MOVK **v> Blatula (TMCI MOVK *** Tha I ami and a buanaaanan (Bradford 06- iaMwraa eh mi atwlfad dawa and FOCUS: BLACK 6(^xmpany Mt/2l WAwm Inarahal. Vonana l« Bad. I-riay m OUMI tna* Umcorn (IM2) AnanMad. Vdst- rrujnl aurprajM two a.ajhj.aii I PERFORMANCE ■8PNI CFL rXXTTBALL I — 6 30 Am Cohan prarjarM Kantvdky M of Msa Farrow. Alan Arlun An (Mark Harnon Cratana Banoal COMMENT am Onraari Fauf (bom iiiuk* • SJLK SCREE N Mcwaaa, ■ S46 •da ma trtkj Q hammouMO Q WORSHfP FOR SHUT- tson Stadium a. Toronio Ont I •oa. Poopfa lMwh/-anwjd Vaai- • VrCTOflT QAMOCN Sob NCAA FOOTBALL. chaacta a ha aaarch for tha IMI 9 30 I aoo Tnorraian aho«n hoar ro lartd MtOstlMtttoaj., of ifw had iha- haua baan anona • SNEAK PREVKWS Nab iWOOOWRIGHT S SHOP I GRIZZLY ADAMS •capa ant-and a maps, M« and onad by an aw. katg. G Gabbw and Jamav Lyona ravaw 4:00 PINK PANTHER CiNCAT PERFORMANC- lussri of .rotaiaig fah and P«M onwno and Mhar yagala- 7:30 Star 60 and Gang 6araark TONY 6ROWN S JOUR- • AMATEUR BOXING ES Tha Lda Of Van Vab aHKI NAL Uraaad Staaaa Cnamp-anahspa • SISKEL B EBERT AT 1fWK> caaptataa la Um^tnt marrm rhaa gal —•* and oraatsng a (CS*NI RACQUETBALL (horn tba US Aa Forn Acaobmy THE MOVKS • THE YELLOW ROSE 11:30 Gsuaappsruj and run • frubmntahs* .»-*i

STUDENT BOOK GALS" EXCHANGE Dee v\ik^V -V j St. Leg Cords 7 colors ITS BOOK BUYING TIME! WE'RE NOW PAYING TOP PRICE FOR YOUR BV* TEXTS. $$ $5.00 off \X^ o "PC with this coupon 'fsT Good until Nov. 30th SBX 530 E. WOOSTER Jeans n' Things MON-FRI SAT 9:00-5:30 9:00-5:00 531 Ridge for guys 'n gals SJ WB LATENIGHT AMERI PfXAlB* {TNC. MOV* *** Don I • OO 114S io«o CA Guaata lonttar Watfwoaor< Cry. ha Onfy Thwtdw" (IBM) #1 9 THI JEFf ERSONS A O SPORTS: THE FINAL • TMol NATIOMAL / JOUFt Dona* O»*'oph* SuMn Smnt ohaohood Inand tftoaav Gnar) WORD DC end daiaiiaa dvactar on Ha M'A-»-M attgagaa Gaorga m a oompaMion ■ ABC NEWS tfMr a tutim* anaok. IfcajSSM • MOV* *** '- Hyfo Kaan on mOwmmn Far MM may raanfl at navy to aahar 12:00 1197V Woo*, Ahn. Omm «•* EVENING eraaSiotdaan. • MUSK MAGAZINE • • MASTERPIECE THE- Un. AfHV > 200 VajaW tfcsajp B rW- I T>-Vm.rGHT ZONC 12:08 ATRE Tha Gaadat Tha -»». rr-v r-»**itvTocxl Mora propnpMr (T-*C) MOVK * N-^.i Vtfarn- #) MICHIGAN REPLAY • Mura pc*c* HrjM • 00 aapanaaona ol a yaune Scot* tvny lANsct-jl to NEWS laadkat faadaaaa an jabad aa ha 12:1S -TiaM ta^vc-tvstd •" • pfcX W •■nwaon A Na> ■chool ba*tat)o« c alarta a* caraav « a V¥aWt nan- O ROCK N- ROLL VIDEO 10 no— Ol ■ ActBHif *«* i smtmm» t»« ajai Ipacafirang F, 12:2b NFL S 0MATI8T M*-jn ha comaa hon»a io •»«) ittat BRADSHAW ON THE Si MbaB WrORLO PAGE AN T ■ LET FREEDOM RING MOM! NTS SMI C«v fnmrn- Na a»M naa *oad « Fa TV iFIGHT STAGES OF MAN Tfaa 33rd armaat Liianaal a) haat- Mrt* mi ImJmWm WW- a hiatfian fcnda ft' • 2:30 Thay IMd Mapp*y *« AfMr" •d from London a faa/at Afaart iHEALTHSEAT • 30 11:40 rha capautr lot aha « dandopad Hal by Jadah Chaanara and Paaw TAKING ADVANTAGE 0 SOUNDS OMAT O FaOVW •*"» Fa. No aanlB) Sal 20a. and John i aaa alii, and by amanaaajr Mam GAVIN AND LOTT •:00 C«aT (IMt) laaaa JDsadan. Lyn- Oamondoihn'js MUSIC SHOW fj Sj AFTSSMASH 'or ar»a*aMa rnarar ■ ■ GOODNIGHT. MAN- Somlm fttid T*m*.tm**Q Or, (STAR TREK {TAKING ADVANTAGE TOWN Trad at only anchanng IH3 « vw» micis. cx(*o*x. UHOCRSEA WOULD OF NEWS I. 700 CLUB faaaan a» SJ KINNCOV Moswi lu*m MOJACOUES COO«TIAU ng 0. Malt ■ I to rm a paa of aaary at a oaafaa anas anva KMts > (Chi.loi •townl ISJOO MO aaandad m aa* oanaa Dara par- H-piUtCtVal HobaWI Pa«jSS>S| I HAWAII FIVE -O iOMNCWB raajrtaba« •» lSS> CIMC1 MOV* *••» aaaa- rorma. ■taut 9m i Mtt of rtnal ****** m I NCWS •abj^lanaj- S HOTLINE ol hajtajN Jabn F RartnaaV an)" HMD Jack Ummon. Saay IMPNI COLLEGE FOOTBALL tMI. Jmtmmmm mUmmm Mr . COMEDY C4ASSICS IO» NEWTON'S APPLE «. :• 0 THE A TEAM Tba) atakai aTork UCLA aa USC (Ml mm rolt) M Foru Lad*. Ml* ■'■*» i 12:30 anaa w Naft> ataaa Vfaanam ■sMar aaaMa a antae gama BhTfajajaa;, bu and h mm OmM mm*/ -nin tanm* maci MOVIE ": Oanoa SJ LATE NIGHT WITH ana aaboaa paan ta epan a amafl 1IOO Mfcaa a aaan aaaaa ML aaMa ana ay la and oul amat liappaaad wmn arKl tt«» MJMOB proyt**.. Of Tha Oamrfa IIH1I Paar OAVtD LETTERMAN Gaaata I Oy a -coo. A,. OJSJSJSjNCWS andi Nancy GaMon about arohna. aahataonamo iiiaainairt dupng jBla-jl. Ko^fMBd- St (C M* Fonda. Oaboioh ftalhn •MAoabal taar K«aam Abdul Jab m WORLD WAR - OJ a» «aav cooo - CMa PG srvfji njrid.1 • ■»□•■ 1's.i 21 □ htcaaOAV bat moaaa oataea Wapr (barf and SJ JUST OUR LUCK Karth DtARV • NFL FOOT*AU- mm Varti 10:00 GanaSaaW SMt an unat)>val parapacii.a ka 8 TWILIGHT ZONE At* m Now O kj'jni StVttf Q 7:00 Q (B TRAPPER JOHN. NOVEhl»f«2i 1H) 0 ABC NCWS NIGHTLINE laa lapoi on cajVTajptagn at fna ON THE LINE fl SB GftfAT MPIFCM- tBBOO MINUTES M.D. VMMa ha m cornpaang at 12 40 atJMSNJ wtaaXl Stuibu pwtt ham an INTCR rha Say Cay Marathon. Stanary a MANCCS "a. Lrta O- Vvdi FMST CAMERA Uoyd SJ COLUMFX) A -at.a.1 baaS- ■HIM OaapfW nmth anxmrn hum • Oaayna rapona on fob. angar •aa, I.J luaia Kodtn gaaa mo ho>at» IKacardo kaar*taabanl aata SJSJaaOVA * No ma. ' aca s-ottp Ol sVlaUl lad bv corwpoia" Sana Goodman'! barda agarajt afaor and • adrnrtlad la aha haa- up a aano-tana ri«nd lor an Tht Vtaradara Ol Ftjja«K Saoja, AribpD loiio Vtwcfe Bid hnm ->••> halmaa: Pabacca SoDat arotaaa aaat rnmmtfOmm (PI Tha aaurrva of a •aaajurad haOB II i to «THE REAL THING • oo (••-an to «>rnooM Don Corto ■ SPM) COLLEGE FOOTBAL1 abana DaBBa- onanana anaman IOO daa to acDdant or abaaaaa can GREAT RAH.WAV JOUR •nd Awto AaFeacaaa -aarar. Darn. Mi Bob Kauohanbarf. ona of dva ohV O MOVIE * * lob* Madon ragaa ba ataniiid itvouof* *m NETS OF THE WORLD WrCa Of fOBTUMt SflPW TENNIS D-m C>» m ahtvara ana acova tn tha Nil. na IIS73I Rod Stasar llobari aoYancod tachniojwaa ol paaaaac INTER MACNflL / LiM«« imm*tmH Hi^mifttt 11:30 •van aurfary m Mowa aMwanaa daa IMAUOE 10:20 NEWSHOUA S:90 S JIMMY SWAOOART baaaaajaaaj hoad ol modacant Q MAGNUM. P.I. Mar— - XHPVPV DAV« AGAIN 0 S) NEVVHART JDB«( »-». iiadaila on bar aaand of Ciaaw ■Smi NBA TONIGHT LATl NK2HT WITH SJ NSA BASKETlAlL AtnOBrC DANCING to pswd rnoro ttwrt 100 pawpto head to Faatt a rtaan aatio tbaap aiaaam. OAVIO LITTEFIMAN GaaHIt Oaatcat Fttiont at Fhaatdaajpaa ptavod !0>n»ataaaarbar Ml 102B •:30 •fMr 0-» go»wo»jalt, ofNia IO nitn ■ inlY! BELIEVE IT OP. baabaabal liar Karaam Abdul J*> SJ TONrGHT Moot Jtrnnraa ■ VIEWPOINT Tha Nodaar • 0 CSS NCWS ho«i ■ OV-TO. la •* mtm NOTI am mourn orKt Hogar f bar. «td fTMC) aPOViE ••• Tha Caravi Guaai jhaba ItJaaaat ■ JOHN CALLAWAV fNKNfWS lhmmt&mng On Fa*ada -aiarh GanaS>akal laaand 01 D. Moatau IIS7II SJ ASC NCWS HIOHTLSBI ►NTERVKWS Man F SaoUay * . Carl Sagan AASCNCWSQ Hot lancaaaar Mcttail Van. rTMCI IVaOVaf •*'. Altatfe Tha IHI Gariaa a aavgaano (FAME Roban Mcffarnara and fha WaMal m VW«F IN CINCINNATI O WHINO SAKS iMiuat) Baaad on ito, bv M G MhatP A Ot Ina •*■ Tomaaoaa l«S7SI ■ ahara opawaaj on aiavnnng tha • ■UStNCSS MPONT ALL CREATURES GREAT JartFiaa, h>Ua. dartiorYtort tcstntbtl paHactt a ANO SMALL II 7:00 fTaaO MOVIE •••. Kartne 1 30 Harm STORTSCENTER ntodaaiad by Tad Koppal Ibom 0 • CNTCHTAINMCNT dya Don i O* llM2l Doctanan aTMo Itaatuan a <0 NSC NCWS OVE "NIGHT Waahmaon. DC I TONIGHT Dorotfaf HamM It*. larv Na.-a«.xl bv Chrf llobartaon 7:J0 ■Part II Soma pFaviouai, n*v> ihoaBrn 1 45 ■SPM COLLEGE FOOTBALL atJoui I httv tapcomsTtg TV tp«K -si S:30 SJ OJ) LATENfGMT AMEPI | HAWAII f IVI -O roMaoa ol tt»a 'amoua dan • SPNI StOEliNES A nuiganna UCtAva-USC SJ HAPPY DAYS Hog* m**M CA Gvaata .ayaaaaad rtwaa Baa Nc/ifcofiii itvn Mn chforatla ol IM SJBDVB faatafTafl up and coming maO MOV* *** » 'o r-avaaa? Raton p«pa Thoraon I Nauona rTMOMOVK *** AnOnY dnvca Aw* and Gaann propoaaa Tha Naaonal. ') ■sn to hatM .»KMja mgmmmmm MithaalOnitiaaw A a MO tm And A Ganatiman HM2I toKa* m MONTY PYTHONS FLY- aanala baang tiabad b* a mmmhd ahat taw at o • •AUCE HscMid Gato. OaUt VVknoar An O TNf NATaONAL / JOUS- a> con rR| mo CIRCUS tJ KINO LEAP, S> Lasanoa oWSFJl^tMal maM" orhew ceo HAL 8 KENNETH COPELANO O A VERY SPECIAL PER- Caaar panraya bar aba rota a» (Matt maoif hta matci. *n a lough SjNCWS aSfUEII DIARY Yanak SON foatuTori faahai Am. Hmwm *d naaoattof « (1SFN) THE WORLD Moan aaaat a Maaihw of inorgy aaong Bantaan faahai prayat of C» • OO &0 yova Nat iraaaaaba. of aha cat Engaah Laaj: oahar atara 7:30 —J / Hanaj Gltaftng Guaata Bob Can* Oomd coneaawoM. U.N IO 01 • NEWS aW-toa OntaiaD SpOatt Hal 01 aaAala John Hun. Laa McKam O P M MAGAZINE Ifava- to Saaayan. Woaaa Mtwatmooi P-C..-P---J *oro» F^aamar WHEEL OF FORTUNC NSMI OJ KINNEDV Tharnt 10:30 MACNEt. / LtHRCR SSJ TMMCC'S COMPANY *» bacostan a cltaftng poaarttAty SJ SJ SPAULD1N0 AVE NCWSHOUR 12 OO •AHNEV MaLLEFI at IM7 aa tha Pin Bam ordara NLH An ataarnaaiaai mm al howa 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN (KAVVAH FIVE « WILD. Wt_D WORLD OF mg fa tha avad o"«r«d -i a cot»p •uaaaan rtattaaat rarnoutd bom 11:20 AIISSALS WORKING WOMSN COaVaEQY CIASSFCS aratnaa houM •ataaro aaparam and • SFNI SKIING AMERICAN Ctaba <* vaMt laaa Iiaopoan I Faat ■SFW VOCUNtS A mataanraa coaaaajatt aa*aaa 'aual aatsla contm IJiSO iraMN -a aha*ad al aa«aorod STYLE A raatory of a»-og M ha naaaja ha fSaSBB 11:2* rtaOMr toaTtlaTpTag Up and COtTttTaQ uaa n tvima Jtcotjatna baara a • LATC NIGMT WITH 11*00 Aapan Goto Ml FHVban IJahn Shaal aa aMMaa. nowol wont, awartt th*d a*-No »y% onty (*o easy* tha DAVtO LCTTCRfalAN Gaaaata (SJSJNCVVS • 30 aha Saaiah Abtcan bamd JaAaiba 11:S0 WORLD WAP. U OJ •taranadt-a arnbart on itata taiaa\a r Hoarar (Vwoanl Gar- aWaja»o BI Mada OaMada Ol aporta • OJ CSS NCWS OJ JbMMY SWAOOART • SJ ENTEFlTAINMENT CHARY lf«3 aatftt to Taaaa IPai IIQ ihaamr iingal THIS WEEK Faawad a«Mr- 8:00 • NSC NCWS • THREE S COBAPANV Jatfe 12:40 STWFLIGHT .ION€Z OjABK MEVVSg JFKaomaaaala ran II□ vanaa a*Mh tsavoar laonal Ractaai SJ SJ OASSPC CFfcEA- dat^aaaa '-naaa* a* Gar-tma OJ MCCLOUO raVCtaud « -n-a 0) THE DAY AFTIR Xanaal ■ LiSINESSFI REVIEW SB WKRF IN CINt INN A Ti ajai TV SMSMS Aaron Spas»aaj. a TUMS: FIETUFIN OF TMI EN TIB Tnppar aatato Janat and 1am •AanFy aonaiad ol atoyang a Amanaan wan a «aM to Nortftorn CaltfonaB'a Cat* Jtt* OJ BUSINESS REPORT ycatng Horn Vorh caab draaw aatWatj 11 OS ■SPNI THIS WEEK IN THE top prira an a uaofcaa tontaai □ •h a dopa rtaaaa. Ml ONEWS •aM raatttta an rha ora—on ol NSA • OJ VIE TNAM A TELEVl (ma MOV« ••■, CFaaoch ItOO anwn .raanoiara. C«va> F«Fa« 11:1* SaON HISTORY Cambcdaa • • X V Anal • SFNI SATURDAY NIQHT And Chorvga Nasa D-a*mi • MOVIE *•• laalWi ar-l •*. D*j>. VViAama Koat And laoa Though anaaa eoaat MS77I IN IISSII n>cFa>d Cfaaaxh U*a» Tha Paspar Saanaar IIBSal • HANGtN- IN Kaaa cow ala AT TMI FIGMT8 j» . Baax) / baia aroia taclvwcaPy nawbp thay BBS NATURE Tha Fatal DaVoroa abound HAM! Ttaamat Clung Taao rflaataarpat • m\ Oaaan UcUod. ^noaa both ttattaiad ■ LATE NrOHT WITH tha Candar Or Oanaaa Johaa. I ChanvaonaFap bout poaTBtadt appiar to hova lound mottm mm, am |aj saaaa-ig hanm OAVIO IBTTERMAN Gaaaaa aaa takaa annaara on a aara Rar to anand achooi and Matio i Oar. N Jimi •aaa wm caAng aa tha-, poddto peat aaat hotocatati ol aa>rai vtd a» oroam on aha abaott of Lea SB BbaSI Abaan band Jdaoaa •aMaaa a boy IA*an Couttal to 11:2*0 I SO I MONTY PYTHON'S PLY- irtaan- Q fMALaOf ■ NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT laaXDC>O0L0 A talo conaasji 7:00 OtOO HART TO HART Wh-a (than MOVtE aa Bjaaljaa, MO maa MOVIE •• Sharlook tVtaaj !•«« and Wctata CTjaaapawg • Oj) ENTERTAINhtENT iAGRlSCOPE aaakanf anoarMnat-ng aaadanoa. Haanaa And Tha Spaaa avaman ■ ■ ONE DAY AT A TIME Hobnaa And Tha BjajBJ VVarnan ■or aM to* pnaa. a racord oanaact raro rtMdbrara hold tha Harta TTWiGHT An aiia—ai -m OH. MADELINE ANar US**! Saaa Wadanaai Gala Son Barbara bacomaa daaply IIS44I Saal Raahaona Gala San- dlraMnaiM hoaiaQa m (*■*■ oiran raorna (PI td. Hobnaa am oal aa «I TNA'THAT'S INCflCDtSLII SJ TONIGHT Moat JaFaWv HAWAII FIVE O calch a arcman who mutdara *nh MAKING OF MAN Carton Gnatti at to Oa-wvi FAMKYFEub paanonalah/ [«iainWaatv. SiuN I ! LITTLE HOUSE ON THE ii-xiir^ counted cross SOtCT-ia.3terx.ilS BEE GEE This Weeks 'SOMETHING EXTRA" SPECIAL! BOOKSTORE 0 (Nov 21-26) DEXTER'S Supplies.T-Shirts, 20% off Backpacks, & HAS NOW All kits A Applique Much Much More

GONE TO SOMETHINC EXTRA STOP IN in Counted Cross Stitch LOOK AND FREE DELIVERY 190 S. Main, Mini Mall AROUND 4 pm - Closing Dairy 354-1437 MON.-FRI. 9-5:30 and SAT. 9-5.-00 All Day Sunday .a),, ca^ci(_eLwick'r)QX • MOV* *** Moonfctf* ISJSO i>«t-tv u> ttw 9«ng1 tigs* i SJ TONIGHT Hoai 4 UU Son*. (193«l CharfcM lm>mt SB *** Th« M.»M* t ot iivu and ftapai Q Carton Guaal liono. H-chm CTfcaci aaa Tha Laai un. outatandma ptayar dalonai'ia l^mm J-« Padv«w*> Otrt GaM M»-yn Mm SJ MOV* * * # ', TaSOm SB ABC NEWS NK2MTUNC earn 119921 Arwnatod Voxaa 3: It fTMC) *#v, CJunv ar 119781 rtetwt Da Nro. C*M 'Tha Laat Gama." a anw-Bama ot Ma Farrow Alan Art •n rot** ara named at Bat annual 119461 Jam** JonM. Shaphard A Haw York City cafc- ceremony, hooted by Irnae IVN1 SPOMT8CCNTW B9BS91 iiandad to SaJB99l ih* S:90 bw launohaa a MO*JM anadt to CTMC) *•# The Varan 2:90 1:00 aganai Ota dacadanca o* ofy «*• i aing i , mot misjlw 119921 Pad Nawman. Chattotia 0 CBS NEWS SB WE GOT IT MADE U**ey EB * * * Tom Sftmn'a that ha too*. « oholung ham lUanpang NKiMTWATCH fTlaO MOV* *•* TaBUM Of" M940I.C**-: K* TOO MOVIE * * * ■» "99*a- (Part 2) at et Bat mercy of a tenranej • NEWS tonon i batarra raateTa «*■** rasaV Uworn 119921 raaaaSaaS Vaa> ffwldto S*««lamaw. ■wg" (I99U Jadt Lammon. Saw SI SB LATE NIGHT AMERI- EVEN9M CSPtt) THIS WEEK IN THE Spacah A naddto-agad Haw Vorft CA Guaatt poottcal aaanaM aferaj a aaewaiaa tar one of Oau- aa of Mat Fenaw. Atan ABU* Ah 2:SO NSAVII buaaWnmon and hot dauflMar -v Ma*»«a Watara and Roga* dki a boeaaa Kow McCka-fjl appranaca maaaoen wda ah. aBa (TMQ ** Ownon Mantf 3:00 *• Oy lo hnd oul Srooka. Umaad N*Mna S:00 SB TRAUMA CENTER Tha MM.) J*m» Eai JOHM. JOM 0 CSS NEWS to ha aon amo daappaatad dtavtg ham tha Haritaga Fow«daW)n -. S SB NEWS pafuaBy Baa* 9» baceanaa frnm NtGHTWATCM trah«d anah a young aaaa aeci- 4:00 MACNEI. / LEMFIER ProvMt) S:SO haanaai ot tha I SB * H 20 M*on MriM To NCWSHOUtl SJPNI COU-EOE FOOTBALL (ESPNI THE WORLD ma Joaaph Lo Ouca pott? par EarVi 11967) warn Hoepo. UCLA «• U5C (fll STOBTSMAN KavafcMO, / (HAPFV DAYS AOAMN JoanTaytor •fTMC) MOV* ** Ovnon RatlinO / F«wig / Parachottog I IM' 11M2. JWAM l«i JonM. 4:90 Cwaata 9ob taaraa nandolph (TMC) * * 'i Dm o* Tha Dwarfd 119931 Pvtar Fonek. OMMrahR^fn

OAVTaaS 9R0RTS wmtL or KMniNf MACWl / LiMW I IX: IS IISPRI WINTERWORLO ■ HAPPY DAY» AOAJN Barn Oa Sua Ski | e ■ SMI ALP«E SKI SCHOOL da B> Nmaac WarM C avw TMS WKI m TM TM MIUIM. IHIII TM M urie ■ DYNASTY I • M-A-S-H • LATE taftlMT WITH *** OAVfO LETTERMAN U_. arm »ORTSC«NTI« ion Bowd ol Dnclon) I ■ MACNEK / LEHRER ■ JIMMY SWAGGART acbaaa Have Liimap cruci MOVIE •• D»> Dm IMAM NM»I NEWSHOUR too MJ.IaraMi III •udsV [19*11 JMi hi IBI1I PhtOCMd M AIM «mO •1*0 ■SPM SPORTSCENTER in PKA FOIL CONTACT • MOVIE •*- ■ JFMMY SVYAOOART WroHr IHM (Mi a> MM* ■ lo Monian* loi •formation 7.30 KAAATf »MI 0* Idl i3 IISISI Wmam ConM UxMal Hn conoantrMat on M: Mai »* onAflkm Q B P M MAQAaTrNE Trmnaaa 11:40 H OHara TMC) baOVIE **•> IM • MOVIE ••• HEALTH MS M « moHv aiMiuUIOd By ■ • a» zN EVENING OF Haaraa rababtaaa TMnkaaaaam 10:30 Clvoaan II9SH HaaaM bumMng )■*■• ol • man wno •« CHAMPIONSHIP SKATING IJ AS Haaraaan arala IISJS1 lawran la. • Cb~b Scftaa Red Saagar A bmndaMj am eMUM s mi Miampt^g auciOB n 1SS3 Top amaaaw and pfotoa IESPNI THE WORLD §• THREE S COMPANY Jack aon 11:00 tonal akamta kom IM U S and SPORTSMAN TM Fbefii ca BARNEY MIXER ■aaady daaokma bavamon a arorM- ll:«S t* aaaanaalml Jam and IM aon of ■•mi SPORTSWOMAN III! IM OouMa laoo H EKMM WAD WK.D WORLO OF ■SPM SKXIAHOS mk. MM CaMda aaaaam a akaanf apocioc a Haaaak. labb. PC. 11:90 • :10 Up honi H».»d UnNOffktv lor comaaaja of IM Nal aucoaaafwl ANIMALS cora .. Cot O)Seas NEWS iinaaaiii o* ma AHMa Ocaan m a I! SMI WOMEN'S Sll- IM MnoM ol IM &0Mv FRMI ■SPM SPORTSWEEK ajNsc NEWS liaamai Guaal SobSaafM IRI LIAAOS Wortd IfMimanal 'M Cancai Haaaaicli matituaa (TMO MOVIE *••> Karma 100 OwvmNi OuarMrtntf Umc* BAKNEIMQ IO0 draOonlOv nMJIDo.urrw. • • • 30 Abbv and Groocay Sana baaan Id'. JauTMy W*i 1'wlMn i* l«i Jon Ooo- ■ WKFJP IN CINCINNATI ■ MOV* • TM Oaadk, MY Nanaaad bv Cad Robariaon O FRONT PAGE CHAL- an tttmymns aia aaH M ha from OarkraM IISTSI Marc mMkrlSI B BUSINESS REPORT TooM llf/olRiaiKuaaal joM Some pro t iiuaala naaar anoant LENGE Smear KaylaM USMI HORSE RACING FoiavIM looiaoa ol IM lamowo Clan daadlia Mary Franoa* lOanaara 12:SO ■SPM PKA FULL CONTACT Braaboal dacahra lo pay a mat • LATE NIGHT WITH ■trw WOMEN'S VOLLEY WEEKLY • LATE NIGHT WITH aaoaalybit iraa Mm inromcM of Hw KARATE Iniaidi S3 • THE NATIONAL / JOUR- DAVID LETTERMAN GuMia ■ALL US n SouiMOxmi Fee DAVID LETTERMAN CMMI Kmrm.1* lanMy a aaa. Uadu Henna raaadaa 10:00 NAL ■ ■ ENTERTAINMENT JaohPaar ajbaie.ocei IRI 2:10 • HEX STREET BLUES TONIGHT A won with JanstMn O THE NATIONAL / JOUR- BOO ■SFttl SOCLINES IKI 1:10 |TK«0 MOVIE If, CMach NAL I Sj> MAGNUM r I Dapury Chad Mahunay (Ron Paa ■ NSC NEWS OVERNIGHT And Chang a hkee OraatM 3:00 ■ ST ELSEWHERE A TO«g dyl a daaaaaad lo men mat ! HAWAII FIVE -O (TMD MOVIE •* • SM 0> THE UNDAUNTED Ak» llSSIIIWrhad CMach Me- lISfNI FIELD HOCKEY palanil a ICca* VoMioial ilia i I a Card FiadU may M named FAMCV FEUD IMMtfii IIMH Ro. ScMaM andar MacKarwm IM Faar Man NCAA DtMWon I Champnmhe laada & AuacMandai lo conanM auccaaaor lo mavora ThornwChong LITTLE HOUSE ON THE Ifauwuh Alan Scarta poraara :• M-.IS..*, CbatOanada 1:10 4:30 PRAIRIE andng IM omm bowl amti ma dm rvarna Scotaman ako rabad bv commHtaiu wia «»0/10 • NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT ■SMI SPORTSWOMAN i BUSINESS REPORT brnalY aouuM IM Notdamaai Paa f:30 M*A*S*H B HOTEL A vwin IS. un 8*ol THURSDAY DINNER AT JULIA'S Ada 1:4S ■aon IM Si OPDDFV anlfi loa toatoaa cMaaa aridkad dakaa and (ESPNI INSTRUCTIONAL MACNEi. / LEHRER ARE THE ■SPM SPORTSWEEK mi larMa ■» atcwaod ol dmpWiatg ar-N lad Back Ttakay aa gaaar cMf SERIES WMMng Rdng M NSWSHOUR 14 II FUNNIEST PEOPLE TM ana JOO and M ooMja ORndB ICaU Am Cohen prepaee Kentucky PnMig GUMI. Thid Tirmr. ■SMI 9PORTSCENTIR kuaf and ronacal cMiacMtaiKB ot BOO ■SMI SPORTSCENTER DAYTSJEMOV»S VATE HOME MOVIES II Be* autyeya ovltoani ivpea of WtO WLO WORLD OF and wlaiaal ami Avon Cop • • ALL-AMERICAN 1:10 ANIMALS • • SNEAK PREVIEWS heel pumoa ha tal and atfamn land Nad Floiam and WOMm THANKSGIVING DAY Nad* GabM and krrkay Lrom cy • COO NEWS 6:30 ■SMI SLLIAROS Caooa • PARADE Latda Gray and Larry NtGHTWATCH CTMC I ..»'., M...,no TaMo ClMM fnol ratnawr Star SO and Gong 11 00 SB NEWS MjMiavM rnaaYgMa of MO ■ NEWS IISSIIJ Baraaak iSSMNEWS • 00 ITMCI FAOVIE »•'. CM» nay paraoM ar Now York PMo ■ SMI TOP RANK BOXING • MOVIE * * • Sovah Pacd WORLO WAR II Ql «• WHIZ KIDS Broam IIS4SI JaraMar Jonaa datalM Daaoa Toronto and K I ISStl Man Gaynor Roaaano awry aa 7:10 NATURE OF THINGS TM CMHaa Bovar A prany maaj HaaaM co-Mala mdwda CaaM- ITmCI MOVIE ** ', TMSor cruci »• Chm SoHn Braan An Amar«an aroman laoa (TWK.KIHT ZONE moon! 'olo at man a MOBii. IM MM ptumbar and anM IM aaaa rma Badi FloMrl 'o.~orrh Mary oar tlHi Jack NtrMMon Mini Ma»a-F>aaca ha. m ham anrh a FrancMvan aM TIME OUT •"W Ol an .on w «•»• olMiboaa Frann JoM IMarinaii MVcMta VaMaPanmo alMaaad aa a Nary nutM on SiAf«HMMr rol laa and Amftaar SM.OM 11 OS 11.-O0 HmatUnjVVomf-a I SOO •KM • MACY'S THANKSOIV • NEWS (•••NEWS ■JIM NFL S GREATEST • COO NEWS ■ »»'. ' Angal AM TM •■» ■ PROFESSOR HOPES ■NO OAV PARADE S.,an. t 11:30 WORLO WAR II Ol MOMENTS ISM Jala S NIGHTWATCH IJo-ned bi mm" IIS47I JOM Vnm. GM THANKSGIVING CAMPUS GumMI and Swab Pwrcal Mai MAUDE CHARY IBSSCbaft Prosreaal ItaMl. COMEDY CAPERS Sa Aman- innpaaa of VM annual aaam thai TRAPPER JOHN. M D a TYVLIGHT TOW 4:10 • 30 can irni ■ ailai ara iilad by Sob brmoa Koala, boajona marcJang aaa Garvro and a near aurgaon (Joan • ART SEAT TMCI MOVIE * Nmtri Wan (TMO »*» SM 0> TM Hopa and an aniouaaa ol owaata banda and caoabrrMa lo aM * INNOVATION M Maaal become d. praM M ■SMI SPORTSCENTER mg I mil Jaan, Mcbkchal do MffIN" I1M2I Ki irliAng Morgan FaaoMd MM aaaaia ol Naur York Or, WILD AMERICA Wad pacts aM aaaaa p alamo ae Amanca Vaiun VRBBIII. baM llflS • MICHIGAN Cat* Mot, Ida • 1Mb dl • ■ NEWS laaeaered Ml Can. Eakto Oaavia War- THANKSGIVING OAV varaty of tmaaddvj and oaaaK 11:00 ■ TONIGHT HMI Johnny am*. Bonaaa T»a>. Taoo and 11:11 PARADE JoM Kaky and Marian aMd can) mckuckng IM Roma. ■ ***H Taa OMT Ea«- Ceaon Gueal HoMri ajaba aporn amra Jo* IdRiMia and ■ SMI AUTO RACING SCAA Tumar Mai Itaa TMrbaganng movavian kon hma bobcat and MaT IIS37I Lawanoa OKaa. ■ ABC NEWS BUGHTLINE laraam AMU- JaMJar. Sapar VOM llrom lagona Sac. Parada bvo bom Dab on ocaaoi Flora SoMon TM lest Game a -a ana • THE PALL GUY car aaja CaMIWI • DON'T EAT THE PIC fTMCI *a TM Bran From B:O0 eaarcaa evwnood lo akaurato bar •0 M» a taal aaraaar mm Saa- Nona. Aroaa 11HII Jon- Aaai. 11:10 TUNS: SESAME STREET • • SIMON B SIMON In optrana ayadabta lo AmaaKM MMl praaa M • mnooam ol « MAUDE AT THE M€TIIOPOLITAN Ma in A J and dtcfc kaacti to a JQYoalliUa II '■■an* dareujj a aaa IMt rradd **» manalaughia. and raODrdcaiMma, POLICE STORY Tare oK. MUSEUM OP ART Saj Bad nuny gal Iflabm Macol artvo may IJOO reauh at nuchha at . **■ cara (TOM LO a-anco Don Maro- Coofcar and *M ran of baim Man abdUcaad by Mr aaotev CJ *•» -TmoOaMFoiTaa . . •• ■ • SURVIVAL Taar 0Va»l av lo haapoaca amfi a CM) ma pang man IM Maaopokian k.«aa aipari lairiai (Taylor aa IIMSI Nmdb Brand. P.i. I LATENIOHT AA4ERI- Tajar CaaamaioaiapMr Danar aa and crariv tan ami rla'v York c.r» . . ON BOM raa rM Ma laarraw and O . . . •

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