Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!


Transcript from October 23, 2009 to October 23, 2009

October 23, 2009

5:51 am CAMary: Headed to #sdsms. Watch the Live Stream of the keynote:

5:53 am webtoweb: Heading out to SDSU for the Social Media Symposium. Can't make it? Watch the keynote 9:15 am: and follow #sdsms

5:56 am seanmonz: looking forward to #sandiego social media symposium today at sdsu #sdsms.

6:03 am KatieMcHale: Up early and ready to go to the SD Social Media Symposium today at SDSU #sdsms

6:45 am nicmcc: Getting ready to head over to SDSU in a bit to attend the San Diego Social Media Symposium. #sdsms Hope to get some good content 2day.

6:45 am KPPearl: Come see @TTChristine, @NatalieatPETCO, @sdbargainmama and me today at SD SM Symposium #sm #sdsms

7:09 am TonyCChung: Looking forward to the San Diego Social Media Symposium today at SDSU. A lot of interesting panels and speakers. #sdsms

7:11 am tsiles: Today is the day! San Diego Social Media Symposium is here! Follow the hashtag #sdsms for updates throughout the day. #socialmedia

7:20 am tsiles: Watch the Live Stream of the keynote: #sdsms #socialmedia

7:49 am stephaniekurtz: It's almost time! Who's @ the SD Social Media Symposium? If not, watch Live Stream of keynote John Moore @ 9:15: #sdsms

7:52 am diprofio24: RT @tsiles Today is the day! San Diego Social Media Symposium is here! Follow the hashtag #sdsms for updates throughout the day.

7:55 am photog739: Keep the info coming! RT @diprofio24 @tsiles San Diego Social Media Symposium is here! Follow hashtag #sdsms for updates throughout the day.

8:01 am TTaxChristine: Wondering if I'll meet some new brand social media folks at today's San Diego Social Media Symposium #SDSMS

8:08 am CAMary: #sdsms kicks off in less than hour. Please sure to follow hashtag #sdsms for updates throughout the day.

8:16 am webtoweb: San Diego Social Media Symposium is here! Follow the hashtag #sdsms for updates throughout the day.

8:24 am tcarpowich: Looking forward to the San Diego Social Media Symposium today at SDSU #sdsms

8:27 am SDSU_NewsTeam: RT @stephaniekurtz: SD Social Media Symposium. If not there watch Live Stream of keynote John Moore @ 9:15: #sdsms

8:41 am kauaiianSun: Looking forward to following #sdsms refresh button is ready!

8:41 am Gina_SDSU: Welcome to the social media symposium and the PPG Alumni Center at SDSU! Should be a great day. #sdsms

8:45 am blockgreg: Don't forget to watch the sd social media symposium live stream #sdsms #pr

8:48 am sukhjit: - Joining san diego social media folks at #sdsms

8:54 am blockgreg: RT @blockgreg: Don't forget to watch the sd social media symposium live stream #sdsms #highered

8:54 am RadySchool: Rady School marketing is at the SD Social Media Symposium today #sdsms

8:55 am SEALIFEAquarium: On my way to San Diego Social Media Symposium! #sdsms

8:55 am diprofio24: Whoa! Memories..just saw Prof Wulfemeyer at #sdsms. Loved his class!

8:57 am tsiles: Welcome @SEALIFEAquarium, @RadySchool - glad to have you #sdsms

8:58 am TonyCChung: - Attendees settling in at the San Diego Social Media Symposium. #sdsms

8:59 am gbatuyong: Just arrived at the Social Media Symposium at my alma mater #SDSU! I miss this place! Can I come back just for a bowling class? #sdsms #fb

8:59 am publicremix: I finally met @sdbargainmama at #sdsms. Can't wait to c thrift contest outfits on her website.

1 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

9:01 am patricemalloy: Getting settled in at the San Diego Social Media Symposium #sdsms where tweets are encouraged :-)

9:01 am stephaniekurtz: Packed house at SDSU 4 the SD Social Media Symposium! @WOMMAjohn's keynote live in 15 mins: #sdsms

9:04 am bmoreno: At #sdsms w/ @publicremix @gbatuyong @lpverzosa! So excited to be here representing @portofsandiego!

9:04 am lorenanr: waiting for the start of #sdsms - looks like it'll be a great event!

9:05 am lpverzosa: Getting a jump start on my career, learning from the pros at the Social Media Symposium! Here w/ @portofsandiego #sdsms

9:06 am portofsandiego: Port of San Diego Communications team has arrived at #SDSU for the San Diego Social Media Symposium #sdsms

9:08 am tsiles: @trumpyski: We were doing #socialmedia before it was called social media #sdsms

9:08 am PamHardyMc: How did I end up sitting in the front at the #sdsms? Better pay attention!

9:09 am stephaniekurtz: Great welcome by @trumpyski and how SD and NST have been leading the way in social media. #sdsms

9:09 am tsiles: @portofsandiego Glad to have you #sdsms

9:09 am aaronblomberg: San Diego social media symposium has begun - live tweet! live tweet! #sdsms

9:10 am stephaniekurtz: @trumpyski: Our panelists are the best of the best in San Diego. #sdsms

9:12 am morganwitt: RT @diprofio24: Today is the day! San Diego Social Media Symposium is here! Follow the hashtag #sdsms for updates throughout the day.

9:12 am reddoor: RT @diprofio24: Today is the day! San Diego Social Media Symposium is here! Follow the hashtag #sdsms for updates throughout the day.

9:12 am HallieAviva: I wanted to tweet all the cool stuff from #sdsms but my ipod touch isn't connecting to the wifi :-(

9:12 am diprofio24: And being loud...:)RT @bmoreno At #sdsms w/ @publicremix @gbatuyong @lpverzosa! So excited to be here representing @portofsandiego!

9:13 am SDSU_NewsTeam: The sd social media symposium is about to stream live. Log on to #sdsms

9:13 am morganwitt: Great finally meeting @diprofio in person at #sdsms this morning!

9:14 am hattrickscore: San Diego Social Media Symposium is kicking off with @WOMMAjohn #sdsms

9:14 am morganwitt: RT @SDSU_NewsTeam: The sd social media symposium is about to stream live. Log on to #sdsms

9:14 am gbatuyong: Me, @publicremix @bmoreno @lpverzosa @ San Diego Social Media Symposium #SDSU #sdsms #Gov20

9:15 am becstick: watching the room fill up #sdsms getting ready for social media brilliance!

9:15 am keith_nyberg: #sdSMS really. Social media really

9:15 am CAMary: @WOMMAjohn's keynote live now: #sdsms

9:15 am diprofio24: Getting ready to hear WOMMA Chief Evangelist John Moore speak at #sdsms. Met him years ago at the WOMMA conference. He's like a celebrity!

9:16 am lorenanr: @SDSU_NewsTeam #sdsms stream looks great! Check it out at

9:16 am nlee8315: Volunteering at the social media symposium. #sdsms

9:16 am nicmcc: John Moore of WOMMA creating a talkable brand #sdsms

9:17 am diprofio24: @MorganWitt So good to meet you at #sdsms! Love @reddoor!

9:17 am CAMary: @WOMAjohn tip one- take job seriously but self lightly. #sdsms

9:18 am jlperkins: at #sdsms today, looking forward to learning more

9:18 am stephaniekurtz: Key pts on social media from @WOMMAjohn: making brands/services that are more talkable. Follow live: #sdsms

9:19 am stephaniekurtz: @WOMMAjohn: Social media is sexy. It makes word of mouth fun again! #sdsms

9:19 am tsiles: @WOMMAJohn #socialmedia is sexy #sdsms

9:19 am publicremix: Credible opening of "inside out" marketing from John Moore #sdsms good product makes loyal customers = buzz

9:20 am hattrickscore: "Get customers talking in a genuine manner" -- @WOMMAjohn #sdsms

9:20 am KPPearl: John Moore from WOMMA is talking about how sexy social media is! 17% of our time is spent on social media #SDSMS

9:20 am parnett17: John moore: 17 percet of our time online is spend on social networks. #sdsms

2 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

9:20 am govwiki: RT Me, @publicremix @bmoreno @lpverzosa @ San Diego Social Media Symposium #SDSU #sdsms #Gov20

9:21 am bmoreno: "Social media is sexy."-john moore. Gotta love that! #sdsms

9:22 am webtoweb: Social Media is making 'word of mouth' marketing fun again, according to John Moore, at today's Social Media Symposium. #sdsms

9:23 am gbatuyong: "Social Media is sexy." Oh yeahhhhhhh *flex* *wink* How YOU doin? #sdsms

9:23 am CAMary: Social media is a great way to continue the customer relationship. #sdsms

9:23 am jlperkins: #sdsms social media is just for kicks unless customers/followers are engaged and you are too. not just a fad.

9:24 am tsiles: @WOMMAJohn Starbucks looks at emotional connection, human connections when looking at ROI #sdsms

9:24 am searchguru: Listening to John Moore at #sdsms San Diego Social Media Symposium

9:24 am hattrickscore: Creating great consumer value and great customer relationships -- @WOMMAjohn #sdsms

9:24 am jlperkins: #sdsms how engaged will we really be today if we are all heads down tweeting?

9:25 am diprofio24: #sdsms @starbucks measuring social media with emotional connections, human connections, & how it adds to bottom line. Amen!

9:25 am jlperkins: #sdsms I'm surprised how many friends I see in the room today who don't tweet or facebook at least

9:25 am diprofio24: RT @stephaniekurtz @WOMMAjohn: Social media is sexy. It makes word of mouth fun again! #sdsms

9:25 am CAMary: 76% of Americans don't believe advertising messages. #sdsms

9:26 am kauaiianSun: RT @diprofio24: #sdsms @starbucks measuring social media with emotional connections, human connections, & how it adds to bottom line. Amen!

9:26 am diprofio24: I'm waving at you. Can you see me? :) RT @Callan_Paola 69% of businesses on only tweet about 4x a week - #sdsms

9:27 am lorenanr: DYK that 76% of consumers believe advertising is untruthful? #sdsms

9:27 am tsiles: RT @Callan_Paola 69% of businesses on twitter only tweet about 4x a week - #sdsms

9:27 am stephaniekurtz: 76% consumers think cos r untruthful in their advertising, says @WOMMAjohn. Who can we trust? Consumers trust others like themselves. #sdsms

9:28 am sukhjit: startling stats from @WOMMAjohn:70% of consumers don't trust brand advertising. Social media must stay honest to beat this stat. #sdsms

9:28 am CAMary: 78% of global consumers say they trust recommendations from other consumers. #sdsms

9:28 am KPPearl: Moore said 78% of global consumers say they trust recommendations from other consumers #SDSMS

9:28 am lorenanr: But 78% of global consumers trust recs from other consumers. #sdsms

9:28 am jlperkins: #sdsms 76% don't believe advertising messages but 78% do believe recs from other consumers/friends. bad news for mainstream media?

9:29 am searchguru: 78% of consumers trust recommendations from other consumers #sdsms

9:29 am diprofio24: Yay WOM/SM! 78% of consumers trust recs from other consumers. #sdsms

9:29 am mandapanda31: Word of mouth is the number 1 marketing tool! #sdsms

9:29 am LEGOLAND_CA: @SEALIFEAquarium No fair! Bring back lots of great knowledge to share! RT: On my way to San Diego Social Media Symposium! #sdsms

9:29 am tsiles: RT @KPPearl Moore said 78% of global consumers say they trust recommendations from other consumers #SDSMS

9:29 am parnett17: @Wommajohn 78% of global consumers trust recommendations from other consumers (Neilsen). #sdsms

9:29 am CAMary: The typical Americans takes part in 125 conversations per week that discuss products and services. #sdsms

9:29 am coreywithane: @ san diego social media symposium all day! #sdsms

9:30 am RTsocialmedia: RT @gbatuyong understanding social media for business #socialmedia #sdsms

9:30 am Callan_Paola: @diprofio24 haha no haven't seen you yet! I'll keep my eye out :) #sdsms

9:30 am mandapanda31: Wow! The typical person mentions products & services 125 per week in normal convos. #sdsms

3 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

9:30 am PhotoTouch: These photos look great! Be sure to pick them up on the way out of the talk! #sdsms

9:31 am nicmcc: Typical American discusses products & services 125 times per week. 90 times specific brands. #sdsms

9:31 am sukhjit: @SEALIFEAquarium if you missed @WOMMAjohn's keynote at #sdsms, make sure to see it on video. He is good.

9:31 am HallieAviva: The cool thing about hashtags at a conference? don't have to take notes. Just print out the #sdsms feed later

9:31 am tsiles: RT @PhotoTouch These photos look great! Be sure to pick them up on the way out of the talk! #sdsms

9:31 am IntheCorridor: Via @portofsandiego Port of San Diego Communications team at #SDSU for San Diego Social Media Symposium #sdsms

9:32 am stephaniekurtz: @WOMMAjohn: 90% brand convos occur face-to-face. The other 10% happen online. 90 out of 125 convos mention specific brands/cos. #sdsms

9:32 am sukhjit: RT KPPearl: @WOMMAjohn said 78% of global consumers say they trust recommendations from other consumers #SDSMS

9:32 am diprofio24: Give consumers a reason to talk about your brand. #sdsms

9:32 am Didacts: Live stream of John Moore at SD Social Media Symposium Informative! #sdsms

9:33 am coreywithane: word of mouth marketing: giving consumers a reason/reasons to talk about products/services/etc #sdsms

9:33 am blockgreg: Watching the social media symposium on line? Check in, let us know you're here #sdsms.

9:33 am diprofio24: RT @SDSU_NewsTeam Are you watching our #sdsms live stream? Tweet your thoughts.

9:34 am searchguru: RT @Didacts: Live stream of John Moore at SD Social Media Symposium Informative! #sdsms

9:34 am lpverzosa: For WOM to happen, ppl must talk and ppl must listen - enhancing credibility @WOMMAjohn #sdsms #kadnc #jms481

9:34 am CAMary: Three pathways to get people talking-gt customer svc, explaining how a prod/svs works/remarkable things #sdsms

9:35 am parkerwhite: 3 ways to get customers talking w/o commercials; great customer service, explaining how it works, remarkable/entertaining stuff #sdsms

9:35 am searchguru: Speaker claims that most word of mouth conversations are 90% offline (I disagree!) #sdsms

9:35 am blockgreg: I love that half the room is looking at a laptop. The other half at a phone. Welcome to the #sdsms

9:36 am jlperkins: #sdsms with so many people talking about your brand/product so many times, you better get that first impression/experience right.

9:36 am stephaniekurtz: @WOMMAjohn: Bake WOM or Make WOM. Just don't fake it! Example, no hidden fees on Southwest...baked messaging. #sdsms

9:36 am publicremix: #sdsms please post powerpoints so we can use stats with back-up. Maybe on slideshare?

9:37 am diprofio24: You can't fake WOM! It will be exposed and fail. Be authentic and transparent. #sdsms

9:37 am stephaniekurtz: RT @blockgreg: I love that half the room is looking at a laptop. The other half at a phone. Welcome to the #sdsms

9:37 am gbatuyong: John Moore during opening keynote of Social Media Symposium #sdsms #sdsu

9:37 am CAMary: Online reviews are powerful #sdsms

9:38 am tsiles: Another way #socialmedia is changing the game RT @blockgreg I love that half the room is looking at a laptop; other half at a phone. #sdsms

9:38 am KPPearl: Online reviews are only 2nd to personal advice #sdsms

9:38 am parkerwhite: RT @diprofio24 #sdsms @starbucks measuring social media with emotional connections, human connections, & how it adds to bottom line.

9:39 am sandiegoadclub: shout-out to #sandiego social media friends at #sdsms . john moore is a great speaker.

9:40 am searchguru: Speaker is talking about FTC ruling and bloggers disclosure (but he is not explaining the double standard) #sdsms

4 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

9:40 am MaryInSF: I have a feeling my % is higher. RT @parnett17: John moore: 17 percet of our time online is spend on social networks. #sdsms

9:40 am lorenanr: What gets measured gets manufactured -> FTC updates blogger testimonials b/c co.s know online reviews are important #sdsms

9:41 am jboydsandiego: Bottom line of FTC new rule- FTC wants you disclose if you get free product to review or write about. #sdsms

9:41 am CAMary: RT @sandiegoadclub: shout-out to #sandiego social media friends at #sdsms . john moore is a great speaker.

9:41 am bmoreno: Glad FTC is asking for disclosures. Shady practices do not equal good customer service. #sdsms

9:41 am PhotoTouch: Don't forget to grab your free 4X6 after the talk! #sdsms

9:42 am pvesey: Watching San Diego Social Media Symposium Live #sdsms

9:42 am diprofio24: Yes please! RT @publicremix #sdsms please post powerpoints so we can use stats with back-up. Maybe on slideshare?

9:42 am moogplayer: Bloggers should disclose if they get freebies and kickbacks when reviewing products #sdsms

9:42 am yiftach: The word someone was repeated on that last slide :-) #sdsms

9:42 am coreywithane: If you hide the truth someone will find the truth. #sdsms

9:42 am PhotoTouch: Great speaker! Honesty is always the best policy! #sdsms

9:43 am Didacts: Interesting listening to Assoc Ed at Austin American Statesman talk about this yesterday at PRSA lunch - totally opposite POV #sdsms

9:43 am gkersh: If you hide the truth, someone will find the truth - WOMMA's John Moore #sdsms

9:43 am hattrickscore: Word of mouth that is not done genuinely will be exposed -- @WOMMAjohn #sdsms

9:43 am diprofio24: RT @tsiles Another way SM is changing the game RT @blockgreg I love that half the room is looking at a laptop; other half at a phone. #sdsms

9:44 am stephaniekurtz: If your company lacks confidence, DON'T use social media: @WOMMAjohn #sdsms

9:44 am parnett17: "If your business lacks confidence, don't do social media" @wommajohn #sdsms

9:44 am rskemps: RT @searchguru: 78% of consumers trust recommendations from other consumers #sdsms

9:45 am PhotoTouch: Who's tweeting just to be on the big screen? ;) #sdsms

9:45 am pvesey: It is hard to listen, type and read twitter messages -- this brings multi tasking to a new level #sdsms

9:45 am diprofio24: RT @jboydsandiego Bottom line of FTC new rule- FTC wants you disclose if you get free product to review or write about. #sdsms

9:46 am TriRob: Take care of details in your business. Customers notice everything and it leaves an impression. Make it a good one no broken window. #sdsms

9:46 am sukhjit: RT @hattrickscore: Word of mouth that is not done genuinely will be exposed -- @WOMMAjohn #sdsms (SO true)

9:47 am searchguru: Be everywhere your customers are #sdsms

9:47 am diprofio24: Do your research first. Be where you're consumers are. #sdsms

9:48 am jboydsandiego: You might as well be apart of their conversation RT @diprofio24: Do your research first. Be where you're consumers are. #sdsms

9:48 am lpverzosa: WOM thought to create relationships - Be everywhere your customers are. #sdsms

9:48 am parnett17: "you can't control the conversation, you can only spark the conversation" @wommajohn #sdsms

9:48 am seanmonz: broken window theory relevant to brand building as well #sdsms

9:49 am Maya_Shaff: SM helps small co.'s look bigger and big co.'s look smaller. #sdsms

9:49 am mandapanda31: So true! #socialmedia helps small companies look bigger & big companies get smaller. #sdsms

9:49 am stephaniekurtz: Social media helps small cos look bigger & big cos get smaller. Same tools can be used 4 mom and pop shop as @McDonalds: @WOMMAjohn #sdsms

9:49 am PhotoTouch: Social media helps small companies look bigger! Sweet! #sdsms

9:49 am TriRob: If a brand has any charisma, someone somewhere is talking about it. #sdsms Proof OC Register article:

5 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

9:49 am diprofio24: Love this and so true...SM helps small companies look bigger and big companies get smaller. #sdsms Engage with your consumers!

9:50 am Didacts: Social media helps small companies look bigger and big companies get smaller #sdsms

9:50 am parnett17: #socialmedia helps small companies look big and big companies get small @wommajohn #sdsms

9:50 am gbatuyong: Customers will easily and vocally acknowledge when your business doesn't care. "Broken window theory" #sdsms

9:51 am MissHeartcore: My bff should move to RVA <3 RT: @mandapanda31: Wow! The typical person mentions products & services 125 per week in normal convos. #sdsms

9:51 am patricemalloy: Agree RT @parnett17 If your business lacks confidence, dont do social media @wommajohn #sdsms

9:52 am searchguru: RT @parnett17: "you can't control the conversation, you can only spark the conversation" @wommajohn #sdsms

9:53 am Per_Iscritto: RT @searchguru: RT @parnett17: "you can't control the conversation, you can only spark the conversation" @wommajohn #sdsms

9:53 am pvesey: What a dynamic - SM helps small companies look bigger and big companies get smaller. #sdsms

9:53 am diprofio24: Have to go to the bathroom but don't want to miss the rest of John Moore's discussion. #sdsms

9:53 am blockgreg: Listening - learning - responding. Pretyy simple #sdsms

9:53 am tsiles: RT @parnett17: "you can't control the conversation, you can only spark the conversation" @wommajohn #sdsms

9:54 am CAMary: Recipe for success, one part listening, one part learning and one part responding. #sdsms

9:54 am pvesey: Recipe SM 1 part listening , 1 learning, 1 part responding #sdsms

9:54 am Callan_Paola: recipe for social media success :1 part listening + 1 part learning + 1 part responding - #SDSMS

9:55 am gbatuyong: Social media is a great alternate channel for customer/constituent service #socialmedia #sdsms

9:55 am nicmcc: lots of metaphors to explain social media #sdsms

9:55 am mrsnatalie: RT @Callan_Paola recipe for social media success :1 part listening + 1 part learning + 1 part responding - #SDSMS

9:56 am brandiego: I highly recommend TweetDeck. I am on it right now! #sdsms

9:56 am gbatuyong: If a brand lacks confidence, it will not want to listen to negative conversations (Lesson: GROW SOME) #socialmedia #sdsms

9:57 am CAMary: The best way to respond to conversations is via twitter. #sdsms

9:57 am SEALIFEAquarium: @LEGOLAND_CA I'm taking notes 4 u! Watch live stream or #sdsms for updates!

9:57 am diprofio24: Smartest way to use Twitter is to respond to people. Be a resource. #sdsms

9:57 am publicremix: #sdsms @vocus is a pr tool that can't compete with free analytic #socialmedia tools

9:58 am ELAdelson: RT @MrsNatalie RT @Callan_Paola recipe for social media success :1 part listening + 1 part learning + 1 part responding - #SDSMS

9:58 am mandapanda31: 1 part listening + 1 part learning + 1 part responding... Shake well and serve chilled = #socialmedia recipe. #sdsms

9:58 am Didacts: Go Aztecs! #sdsms

9:58 am diprofio24: RT @Callan_Paola recipe for social media success :1 part listening + 1 part learning + 1 part responding - #SDSMS

9:59 am lpverzosa: The time is now! In order to grow as an organization and w/ customers, we must Listen, Learn & Respond #sdsms #kadnc

9:59 am jboydsandiego: Buzz does not create Evangelists, Evangelists create Buzz- #sdsms

9:59 am webtoweb: Use social media to listen to a buyer's intention, vs trying to get a buyer's attention. #sdsms

9:59 am tcarpowich: #sdsms listen, learn, respond: @APStyle does a good job of this

9:59 am TriRob: Article on SM and health communication. No abstract = no transparency #sdsms

9:59 am becstick: Skittles sticks in my teeth #sdsms

6 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

9:59 am PhotoTouch: Don't know what we do? Check out our new video /video.html #sdsms

10:00 am searchguru: Skittles example not complete since company lost control of the conversations #sdsms

10:00 am stephaniekurtz: RT @mandapanda31: 1 part listening+1 part learning+1 part responding..Shake well & serve chilled=#socialmedia recipe from @WOMMAJohn. #sdsms

10:02 am samirb: rt parnett17 @Wommajohn 78% of global consumers trust recommendations from other consumers (Neilsen). #sdsms

10:04 am mandapanda31: @wommajohn "evangelical employees can spread the best WOM" #sdsms

10:04 am nicmcc: Evangelical employees can spread the best WOM. I totally agree w/this. #sdsms

10:05 am Callan_Paola: evangelical employees can spread the best WOM (even more so than customers sometimes) #sdsms

10:05 am CAMary: "evangelical employees can spread the best WOM" #sdsms

10:06 am gbatuyong: Evangelical employees can spread the best word of mouth. Leverage your in-house resources! #sdsms

10:06 am diprofio24: RT @jboydsandiego Buzz does not create Evangelists, Evangelists create Buzz- #sdsms

10:08 am blockgreg: RT @gbatuyong: Evangelical employees can spread the best word of mouth. Leverage your in-house resources! #sdsms

10:09 am kauaiianSun: Listen, learn & participate; keys to SM success..still following #sdsms

10:09 am Didacts: WOM/Social Media is Power To The People! #sdsms

10:10 am CAMary: Are you here? RT kauaiianSun Listen, learn & participate; keys to SM success..still following #sdsms

10:11 am hattrickscore: Outstanding keynote address on sparking meaningful conversations @WOMMAjohn #sdsms

10:12 am jlperkins: #sdsms @wommajohn not earth shattering but ignore at your/company's peril.

10:12 am PamHardyMc: #sdsms keynote speaker mentioned blendtek. those videos made me wanr

10:14 am kauaiianSun: @CAMary No, unfortunately..but I am refreshing my search page profusely for some great key points! :) #sdsms

10:19 am CourtLamp: following the live feed from #sdsms since I can't be there!! Hope it's going well!

10:21 am nlee8315: The new alumni center is the nicest building on campus. #sdsms

10:28 am Gina_SDSU: Great presentation by John Moore at #sdsms at SDSU Learned a lot! Now getting ready for session on discussion on new media.

10:32 am gbatuyong: Starving... just sayin' :) Need more appetite suppressant a.k.a. coffee. BTW this event rocks! #sdsu #sdsms

10:33 am parkerwhite: Loving #sdsms. Seeing familiar faces and meeting new people!

10:33 am becstick: Audio in the back is low .... Can you boost it?? #sdsms

10:34 am CAMary: Next panel: changing media landscape. #sdsms

10:36 am PhotoTouch: Still some great photos out here don't forget to pick them up! #sdsms

10:36 am lorenanr: #sdsms Love that we started the media panel w/a reference to the Daily Aztec. Wonder how many ppl in the crowd started there.

10:36 am stephaniekurtz: The Changing Media Landscape with panelists @tcarpowich from KPBS, @sdbargainmama and @mockernut from SignonSanDiego #sdsms

10:36 am tsiles: @becstick - looking into it. Thanks #sdsms

10:36 am CAMary: Listening to @tcarpowich. Ondeck @sdbargainmama @mockenut #sdsms

10:37 am lorenanr: If anyone's interested in my #sdsms notes, DM me - I'm typing fast & furious! :)

10:40 am aaswartz: Listening to the first panel at #sdsms. @sdbargainmama on stage now with panel with KPBS & signonsandiego

10:40 am gbatuyong: New media is still called "new" because dying "old media" is desperately clutching to our progressive ankles w/tight grip #sdsms

10:41 am aaswartz: RT @CAMary: Listening to @tcarpowich. Ondeck @sdbargainmama @mockenut #sdsms

10:42 am TriRob: Sharing with participant @ the break Meals Matter recipes and website #sdsms

10:44 am becstick: Listening to #kpbs explain their structure and priorities at #sdsms. I am def a fan and impressed with their product!

7 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

10:44 am diprofio24: Totally! Need snacks RT @gbatuyong Starving... just sayin' :) Need more appetite suppressant a.k.a. coffee. BTW this event rocks! #sdsms

10:45 am nicmcc: #sdsms please include twitter names on title slides

10:45 am aaswartz: RT @diprofio24: RT @jboydsandiego Buzz does not create Evangelists, Evangelists create Buzz- #sdsms

10:45 am NahumG: RT @govwiki: RT Me, @publicremix @bmoreno @lpverzosa @ San Diego Social Media Symp #SDSU #sdsms #Gov20

10:46 am PamHardyMc: Great to see so many KPBS folks at #sdsms!

10:46 am hattrickscore: Happening now: Changing media landscape w/ @tcarpowich, @sdbargainmam and @Mockernut #sdsms

10:46 am aaswartz: @sdbargainmama Telling her story of how economic challenges inspired her to create her biz w Social Media started w/newsletter. #sdsms

10:47 am tsiles: @NahumG,@govwiki @publicremix @bmoreno @lpverzosa - Glad you all are here. #sdsms

10:48 am aaswartz: @sdbargainmama Talking about how she's listening to her tribe to revamp her business & give them what they want. #sdsms

10:50 am aaswartz: DITTO! @tsiles Can u ask presenters to say twitter names? RT @nicmcc: #sdsms please include twitter names on title slides

10:50 am nicmcc: @sdbargainmama telling her story @ #sdsms. Great value from being authentic.

10:50 am seanmonz: True to her brand, @sdbargainmama hooked up a discount to #sdsms for me! She rocks.

10:50 am TriRob: Hearing how passion turned into a successful blog #sdsms

10:50 am tsiles: @sdbargainmama There is a great value in being authentic #sdsms

10:51 am aaswartz: @mockenut Twitter is our highest referring site. #sdsms

10:51 am tsiles: @mockernut: The media is changing. Twitter is 6th highest referring site to U-T Web site #sdsms

10:52 am 1011i: - Greetings from the San Diego Social Media Symposium #sdsms

10:53 am tsiles: @aaswartz, @nicmcc - We'll hook it up for the second half. No prob. Thanks for the feedback. #sdsms

10:54 am aaswartz: Correction Rob Hopwood's twittername is @mockernut #sdsms

10:54 am tsiles: @mockenut: don't be afraid to make mistakes #socialmedia #sdsms

10:55 am gkersh: Anyone remember Friendster? Shows how quickly the social media landscape is changing... #sdsms

10:56 am aaswartz: Hello @searchguru. Waving! No tweeting for you today at #sdsms??

10:56 am aaswartz: RT @gkersh: Anyone remember Friendster? Shows how quickly the social media landscape is changing... #sdsms

10:57 am stephaniekurtz: @mockernut Re-launching w new look & lots of social media integration. Exciting! SignOn listens to ur feedback #sdsms

10:58 am publicremix: #sdsms @sdbargainmama would love to hear how she hooked up revenue streams for her blog

10:58 am becstick: @mockenut how easy was it to get members of your content staff to embrace social media in the face of deadlines? #sdsms

10:58 am hattrickscore: Don't take yourself so seriously and have fun with it -- @mockenut #sdsms

10:58 am aaswartz: RT @stephaniekurtz: @mockernut Re-launching new look & lots of soc med. Exciting! SignOn listens to feedback #sdsms

10:59 am tsiles: RT T @stephaniekurtz: @mockernut Re-launching new look & lots of soc med. Exciting! SignOn listens to feedback #sdsms

11:00 am gbatuyong: Livebloggers and real-time Twitter stream at Social Media Symposium #sdsms #SocialMedia

11:00 am Maya_Shaff: Taking notes 1/2 from what I hear and 1/2 from what is streaming on the Tweet wall. #sdsms

11:01 am CAMary: RT @gbatuyong Livebloggers and real-time Twitter stream at Social Media Symposium #sdsms #SocialMedia

11:02 am nicmcc: #sdsms (@ SDSU Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center in San Diego) /1LSbv

11:03 am becstick: UT rep touched on imp point - creating news content and promoting it via social media can be touchy situation #sdsms

8 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

11:03 am aaswartz: Isn't that u @jboydsandiego RT @gbatuyong: Livebloggers & Twitter stream at Social Media Symposium #sdsms #SocialMedia

11:03 am CAMary: SDUT wants to put the social in social media according to @mockernut, #sdsms

11:03 am hattrickscore: Put the social in social media and get a two-way conversation going -- @mockenut #sdsms #social media

11:03 am stephaniekurtz: @mockernut from SignOnSanDiego: We want to put the social in social media. Talk to us! #sdsms

11:05 am aaswartz: @tcarpowich Talking about the complications involved in releasing a Social Media Policy for KPBS and the dangers of perception #sdsms

11:06 am patricemalloy: #PR peeps #FF #sandiego #socialmedia #sdsms peeps. "Sorry for the #fest! :)

11:06 am jlperkins: in an increasingly automated world, today's messages are good reminder 2 b genuine, credible, authentic, engaged, social. just sayin. #sdsms

11:06 am aaswartz: @tcarpowich We want to release a policy that's helpful and not dictorial. #sdsms (Kudos to you Tammy!)

11:07 am publicremix: #sdsms no drinking and tweeting. Best advice offered today.

11:08 am specialksd: #FF @sdbargainmama who I hear is killing it at #sdsms

11:09 am nicmcc: Social Media isn't all about you, though be yourself. #sdsms - Rob Hopwood of SignOnSanDiego

11:10 am gbatuyong: "No drinking and tweeting. Best advice offered today." (via @publicremix) Yeah, I've been there numerous times *Hicc!* #sdsms

11:11 am morganwitt: Freezing in here! #sdsms

11:11 am damienlife: speaking of social media, do you know that the first you tube video ever uploaded featured the San Diego Zoo! #sdsms

11:13 am sukhjit: Can someone please turn the air conditioning off!!! #sdsms

11:13 am bmoreno: Media peeps u need to see followers as part of ur staff - your contributors now. #sdsms

11:14 am hattrickscore: When pitching a story, think more broadly to include both traditional and social media - @mockernut, @tcarpowich #sdsms #socialmedia

11:15 am jboydsandiego: RT @specialksd: #FF @sdbargainmama who I hear is killing it at #sdsms

11:15 am bmoreno: Can we stop the arctic blast in here? #sdsms

11:16 am CitysearchSD: So true--our tweeps = useful, insightful RT @bmoreno Media peeps u need to see followers as part of ur staff - your contributors #sdsms

11:17 am aaswartz: @tcarpowich just recommended following @shitmydadsays because he's so funny! #sdsms

11:17 am gbatuyong: Must... keep... typing... fingers frozen... Goodbye cruel world! #sdsms #ColdestPlacesOnEarth #WorldRecordForFreezingRooms

11:18 am stephaniekurtz: @sdbargainmama: Follows people in her niche. Mentors r entrepreneurs, PR peeps & Twitterers who r using the system well/strategically #sdsms

11:18 am seanmonz: i second, third, and fourth your request! RT @bmoreno: Can we stop the arctic blast in here? #sdsms

11:18 am becstick: Can't .... Type.... Hands... Too... Cold.... ;) #sdsms

11:18 am CAMary: RT@hattrickscore When pitching a story, think more broadly to include both traditional and social media - @mockernut, @tcarpowich #sdsms

11:18 am tsiles: @morganwitt @sukhjit I know its cold. We're looking into killing the AC #sdsms

11:18 am publicremix: Like ur question for panel "who do u follow?" @sdbargainmama is rockin the panel w her grassroots knowledge #sdsms

11:19 am Gina_SDSU: We're working on the AC issue. Hope to have it fixed soon. Sorry :( #sdsms

11:21 am stephaniekurtz: @mockernut: Social media is the rumor mill. Still need traditional news sources to confirm news. ie. When MJ died. #sdsms

11:21 am patricemalloy: A hoot #FF ! RT @aaswartz via @tcarpowich just recommended following @shitmydadsays because hes so funny! #sdsms

11:21 am hattrickscore: Traditional media can maintain its role, but just share it with many voices @mockernut #sdsms #socialmedia

11:21 am nicmcc: Agree w/@tcarpowich about getting burnt out on following SM folks on Twitter. #sdsms

11:22 am hattrickscore: Rumors can swirl online, and we need traditional media to determine truth @mockernut #sdsms #social media

9 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

11:23 am Maya_Shaff: SM is a rumor mill, but peeps still wait for a credible source to confirm...often traditional media outlets. @mockernut #sdsms

11:23 am gbatuyong: Social media can be an unforgiving rumor mill. Verify everything. Check every link. "First post!" attitude can be dangerous #sdsms

11:25 am tsiles: RT @gbatuyong #Socialmedia can be an unforgiving rumor mill. Verify everything. "First post!" attitude can be dangerous #sdsms

11:27 am diprofio24: Absolutely! RT @hattrickscore When pitching a story, think broadly to include both traditional & SM - @mockernut, @tcarpowich #sdsms

11:48 am sdsujeff: #sdsms

12:19 pm nicmcc: Happened to see the SDSU drumline practicing. #freelunchtimeentertainment #sdsms

12:24 pm parnett17: Kudos to the SDSU Aztec Shops for the amazing brownies and Rice Krispies treats #sdsms

12:27 pm TTaxChristine: Finally arrived at the Sd Social media symposium, sitting with@natalieatpetco. #sdsms

12:27 pm AlouLa2u: Follow @KPPearl She's a panelist at the SD Social Media Symposium! #sdsms

12:28 pm brandiego: Rice Krispie Treats = Yum #sdsms

12:30 pm NatalieatPETCO: At #sdsms with @ttaxchristine about to jump back in to the next session.

12:30 pm morganwitt: Gotten a number of compliments on my shirt today. Thank you @bananarepublic #sdsms

12:30 pm AlouLa2u: By the way, loving the Twitter Ticker on the bottom of SD Social Media Symposium's homepage #sdsms ;)

12:30 pm hattrickscore: Batter up! Ethical and legal considerations @WOMMAjohn, Tim Wulfemeyer & Andy Serwin #sdsms #socialmedia

12:31 pm aaswartz: I think I just heard the guys say they'd like some hecklers ;-) #sdsms

12:31 pm FeliciaSlattery: RT @aaswartz: I think I just heard the guys say they'd like some hecklers ;-) #sdsms <~darn. Wish I was there to help out! LOL

12:31 pm aaswartz: RT @diprofio24: RT @SDSU_NewsTeam Are you watching our #sdsms live stream? Tweet your thoughts.

12:32 pm aaswartz: RT @hattrickscore: Batter up! Ethical and legal considerations @WOMMAjohn, Tim Wulfemeyer & Andy Serwin #sdsms #socialmedia

12:32 pm aaswartz: RT @AlouLa2u: By the way, loving the Twitter Ticker on the bottom of SD Social Media Symposium's homepage #sdsms ;)

12:33 pm CAMary: Here we go....playing it straight-ethical and legal considerations. #sdsms

12:33 pm NatalieatPETCO: About to hear from panelists on ethical and legal considerations in social media #sdsms

12:34 pm CAMary: RT@AlouLa2u By the way, loving the Twitter Ticker on the bottom of SD Social Media Symposium's homepage #sdsms ;)

12:34 pm TTaxChristine: Next up: panel on ethics in social media #sdsms

12:34 pm sukhjit: Will be talking about @sonyelectronics this afternoon at #sdsms

12:35 pm NatalieatPETCO: @MorganWitt I am here, eating rice krispie treats! #sdsms

12:36 pm hattrickscore: On ethics: Tim Wulfemeyer, it comes down to doing the right thing. Do you like being lied to? #sdsms #socialmedia

12:36 pm TTaxChristine: Ethics panel including @brandautopsy takes the floor. #sdsms /mmmyb

12:36 pm aaswartz: @FeliciaSlattery I wish you were here too! Fellow hecklers welcome! We could gang up on @unmarketing & the #sdsms panel :-)

12:36 pm nlee8315: Listening to Prof. Wulfemeyer brings me back to jms200 and jms310w. #sdsms

12:36 pm CAMary: Looking forward to it. RT@sukhjit Will be talking about @sonyelectronics this afternoon at #sdsms

12:37 pm aaswartz: Sounds like we need to cover FTC rulings on Twitter Talk Radio. What do you think Twittasphere? Who should I bring on? #sdsms

12:37 pm lorenanr: #sdsms Talking about ethics in "new" and social media. Wulfemeyer: there was a time when reporting live was considered unethical.

12:38 pm publicremix: #sdsms Thank u SDSU stores for great lunch. Luv the new Alumni Center - nice venue. Wish I was an alum!

12:38 pm TTaxChristine: @sukhjit looking forward to meeting u face to face. #sdsms

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12:38 pm gbatuyong: Social media superstars and novices alike having lunch @ Social Media Symposium #sdsms #SDSU

12:39 pm CAMary: RT@gbatuyong Social media superstars and novices alike having lunch @ Social Media Symposium #sdsms #SDSU

12:40 pm CAMary: Full disclosure is a good thing. #sdsms

12:40 pm cottageantiques: RT @diprofio24: Today is the day! San Diego Social Media Symposium is here! Follow the hashtag #sdsms for updates throughout the day.

12:40 pm cottageantiques: RT @1011i: - Greetings from the San Diego Social Media Symposium #sdsms

12:40 pm TTaxChristine: Interesting that the ethics panel is all male. #sdsms

12:41 pm hattrickscore: Like legacy media, social media is all about credibility; FTC's new rules help ensure that, SDSU Prof Wulfemeyer #sdsms #socialmedia

12:42 pm KarisaDern: Learning about ethical and legal considerations of social media #sdsms

12:43 pm bmoreno: It's common sense when it comes to ethics: do the right thing. How do u want to be treated/represented. #sdsms

12:43 pm nataliehaack: Everybody will have to be equipped and taught how to contribute to public dialog in an ethical manner - T. Wulfemeyer #sdsms

12:45 pm CAMary: Wow, all g mail is scanned in exchange for a free service. #sdsms

12:45 pm nicmcc: Democratization of info is good but ppl will need to be trained to use the tools. #sdsms

12:45 pm coreywithane: Where did the peeps back at @parkerwhite get that picture?! That's one way to check in. Haha #sdsms

12:46 pm stephaniekurtz: Yikes! Google scans every incoming/sent e-mail in exchange 4 a free service, ads pop up accordingly: Andy Serwin, Foley & Lardner #sdsms

12:47 pm Maya_Shaff: The net can't function as free service - even gov't regulators have to allow leeway in regard to behavoiral ads by gmail, google etc. #sdsms

12:48 pm moogplayer: Would you pay for a Facebook acct to keep your private information private??? #sdsms

12:48 pm CAMary: Interesting information being presented by Andy Serwin at Foley and Lardner. #sdsms

12:49 pm coreywithane: By the way, lunch was delicious! fresh salad, pesto alfredo pasta and veggies, potato wedges and a brownie! #sdsms

12:49 pm NatalieatPETCO: Andy Serwin discussing wire tapping and who's really reading your stuff. Oy vey! #sdsms

12:49 pm publicremix: #sdsms question about implicit consent when we use Google, Facebook, gmail and how our input is sold. Can we opt out?

12:50 pm stephaniekurtz: Clients continue to ask for social media/Facebook/Twitter policies: Andy Serwin at Foley and Lardner. #sdsms

12:50 pm TTaxChristine: Are there really people left in the world who don't know gmail scans the content of your emails? #sdsms

12:51 pm hattrickscore: Attorney Andy Serwin, there is no path that has no risk #sdsms #socialmedia

12:51 pm SDSUBookstore: @publicremix Happy to hear you enjoyed the lunch. Enjoy the rest of the conference. #sdsms

12:52 pm lpverzosa: There is no path that has no risk #sdsms #kadnc

12:52 pm hattrickscore: FTC's new rules validate the power of social media, @WOMMAjohn #sdsms #socialmedia

12:52 pm gbatuyong: Best #privacy practice: Unplug all your devices, close all the curtains, and sit silently in your bathroom with the lights off #sdsms

12:52 pm nataliehaack: Glad u liked it, SDSU rocks RT @coreywithane Lunch was delicious! fresh salad, pesto alfredo pasta, veggies, potato wedges & brownie! #sdsms

12:54 pm Maya_Shaff: FTC regulations show they have recognized the power of SM. @WOMMAjohn #sdsms

12:54 pm lorenanr: Companies should have "don't tell, do ask" policy: don't tell bloggers what they should say, but disclose sponsored convo. #sdsms

12:54 pm aaswartz: This is the quietest social media session I've ever been in. Soc med is all about the CONVERSATION. Got questions? #sdsms

12:55 pm publicremix: @gbatuyong except the grocery store knows what brand of toilet paper u use and how much. #sdsms

12:55 pm nataliehaack: How disclosure happens still must be worked out but the FTC wants it to be clear and conspicuous - @WOMMAjohn #sdsms #socialmedia

11 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

12:56 pm lorenanr: The #sdsms ethics convo right now is hitting home re: my manga review blogging & all the review copies I receive fr publishers.

12:56 pm TonyCChung: The good news about the conference being on campus is I can come back to my office & take care of business. That's also the bad news. #sdsms

12:56 pm hattrickscore: FTC will pursue bloggers who don't enforce full disclosure, attorney Andy Serwin #sdsms #socialmedia

12:57 pm stephaniekurtz: FTC says bloggers must a. clarify relationship b. clarify opinion is their own c. prove they r who they say they r: @brandautopsy #sdsms

12:57 pm TTaxChristine: John Moore: "don't tell blogger what to say, ask them to disclose relationship w/brand" @brandautopsy #sdsms well said!

12:57 pm KatieMcHale: RT @lorenanr: Comps should have "don't tell, do ask" policy: don't tell bloggers what they should say, but disclose sponsored convo. #sdsms

12:57 pm lorenanr: RT @nataliehaack: How disclosure happens still must be worked out but FTC wants it to be clear & conspicuous- @WOMMAjohn #sdsms #socialmedia

12:57 pm gkersh: Bloggers beware... The FTC is coming after you if you don't disclose, says Andy Serwin of Foley & Lardner. #sdsms

12:57 pm parnett17: @tsiles, @wommajohn, Andy Serwin and Tim Wulfemeyer at the #sdsms Ethics and Legal Considerations panel.

12:58 pm jboydsandiego: FTC waiting for posterchild for failing to disclose. #sdsms

12:58 pm diprofio24: Or live in a cave. RT @gbatuyong Best #privacy practice: Unplug devices, close curtains, & sit silently in bathroom w/ lights off #sdsms

12:58 pm diprofio24: Yes! RT @aaswartz This is the quietest social media session I've ever been in. Soc med is all about the CONVERSATION. Got questions? #sdsms

12:58 pm TTaxChristine: Andy Serwin "The ftc will wait to get a poster child who breaks ftc guidelines and go after them big time" #sdsms

12:59 pm gbatuyong: Big inevitable battle: FTC & mainstream broadcast media vs bloggers, celebrities & movie stars who want to own their personal speech #sdsms

1:01 pm lorenanr: Great #socialmedia question: will FTC go after indiv bloggers or big companies w/new rules? #sdsms

1:01 pm aaswartz: @brandautopsy Will the FTC go after the blogger or the brand who was the sponsor? Only time will tell. What was the intent? #sdsms

1:02 pm parnett17: @diprofio24 @aaswartz post you're questions with #sdsms. If we have time, we'll address them at the end of the panel.

1:04 pm TTaxChristine: Andy Serwin: "if there's an ftc guideline discrepency the ftc will 4 sure go after the brand, maybe after indiv blogger." #sdsms

1:04 pm stephaniekurtz: Slippery slope...What must b disclosed? Free lunch? Free pen? Vs journalists given $/expensive free products: Prof. Wulfemeyer, SDSU #sdsms

1:05 pm hattrickscore: Just because legacy media have been doing it for years, doesn't make it right, SDSU Prof Wulfemeyer on disclosure #sdsms #socialmedia

1:05 pm bmoreno: Marketing blogs run risk of being #socialmedia infomercials. People will tune out. #sdsms

1:06 pm CAMary: Disclose anything you received free as a blogger. #sdsms

1:06 pm parkerwhite: RT @diprofio24 Or live in a cave RT @gbatuyong Best #privacypractice: Unplug, close curtains & sit silently in bath w/ lights off #sdsms

1:08 pm gotnospice: Viewing my @phototouch pictures ( #sdsms

1:09 pm KatieMcHale: FTC will go after brands, possibly indiv blogger if new guidelines are violated-A Serwin #sdsms

1:09 pm nicmcc: From a legal perspective, what should be included in a social media policy to protect a company or org? #sdsms

1:11 pm Maya_Shaff: Full disclosure is hard on Twitter bc of limited space. @WOMMAjohn Maybe FTC should come up w a #fulldisclosure hashtag. #sdsms

1:11 pm gbatuyong: Legal implications from new FTC guidelines may blindside fledgling social media efforts by individuals, businesses #sdsms #SocialMedia

1:14 pm publicremix: Make important things interesting. And interesting thing important. -T. Wulfemeyer SDSU #sdsms

1:15 pm KatieMcHale: How to provide full disclosure in 140 characters or less? Hmm.. #sdsms

1:15 pm bmoreno: Glad to hear @sdsu journalism school still emphasizes good storytelling over entertainment! #sdsms

1:19 pm gbatuyong: Hi, I'm Glenn and I'm a social media renegade. #disclosure #socialmedia #ethics #transparency #blowncover #sdsms

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1:19 pm blockgreg: RT @publicremix: Make important things interesting. And interesting thing important. -T. Wulfemeyer SDSU #sdsms #pr

1:19 pm stephaniekurtz: Golden Rule applies in social media: do unto others as u want done to you. When in doubt, spell it out: @brandautopsy #sdsms

1:19 pm CAMary: Basic values are important when practicing #social media. #sdsms Use common sense people.

1:20 pm parnett17: When in doubt (about disclosure) spell it out. @wommajohn #sdsms

1:20 pm mandapanda31: Just bc we have the technology to do something doesn't mean you have to use it. T. Wolfemeyer. #sdsms

1:26 pm jlperkins: looking fwd to case studies of social media integration #sdsms

1:29 pm TTaxColleen: Good luck to @TTaxChristine today at the Sd Social media symposium. You'll be great! #sdsms

1:30 pm hattrickscore: Now batting: Sukhjit Ghag from @SonyElectronics, @NatalieatPETCO & @TTaxChristine from Intuit re: case studies #sdsms #socialmedia

1:31 pm TTaxChristine: Getting ready to start my panel #sdsms

1:32 pm aaswartz: Excited to hear @ttaxchristine on the case study panel! @prgully where are you? #sdsms

1:33 pm aaswartz: Nice start with some sexist comments for the all female panelists. Gotta luv it! #sdsms

1:34 pm aaswartz: @ttaxchristine If you tweet the turbotax accounts. She'll be the voice you hear from. Had the pleasure to hear her before-She rocks! #sdsms

1:37 pm CAMary: RT@aaswartz Nice start with some sexist comments for the all female panelists. Gotta luv it! #sdsms

1:37 pm nicmcc: We have passionate customers who will speak for us. Intend more social for Turbo Tax. @ttaxchristine #sdsms

1:39 pm nathangibbs: @SDSU_NewsTeam Too bad you didn't stream the whole thing. Why turn off the camera after the opening speaker? #sdsms

1:40 pm aaswartz: @ttaxchristine I luv her stories about My Space Secret Shows & Free Concerts. Hope she talks about them. #sdsms

1:40 pm aaswartz: RT @nicmcc: We have passionate customers who will speak for us. Intend more social for Turbo Tax. @ttaxchristine #sdsms

1:40 pm coreywithane: pets are easy to talk about, they are like family members. #sdsms So true, we spent our lunch talking about our pets.

1:41 pm nicmcc: Lead w/humility re: customer service. @ttaxchristine. #sdsms

1:41 pm TTaxChristine: @natalieatpetco is followed on Twitter by a hamster. #sdsms

1:41 pm aaswartz: @natalieatPETCO talking about all the pet stories she tweets about (dogs peeing on carpet, etc) #sdsms

1:42 pm aaswartz: RT @coreywithane: pets are easy to talk about, they are like family members. #sdsms So true, we spent our lunch talking about our pets.

1:43 pm hattrickscore: Reaching out to consumers who typically don't care about your brand or products @natalieatPETCO #sdsms #socialmedia

1:43 pm stephaniekurtz: @nathangibbs We're recording the SD Social Media Symposium & panelist interviews. Check soon 4 gr8 videos. #sdsms

1:44 pm gbatuyong: The power of Twitter geo-tagging API: Numerous active microbloggers around #SDSU right now! #sdsms

1:45 pm aaswartz: @ttaxchristine Singing the praises of Seth Greenberg (@sethg) & how great he is to work with on creative. #sdsms

1:45 pm nicmcc: Focuses SM on reaching consumers looking for organic & natural products. @natalieatpetco #sdsms

1:45 pm aaswartz: @ttaxchristine must like @sethg so much cuz he doesn't block soc med sites from her at work. (My panel's coming up in a bit). #sdsms

1:45 pm hattrickscore: Helping real people with solutions to their problems @sukhjit @SonyElectronics #sdsms #socialmedia

1:46 pm TurboTaxPRJulie: RT @TTaxColleen: Good luck to @TTaxChristine today at the Sd Social media symposium. You'll be great! #sdsms

1:46 pm PhotoTouch: WOW! 42% of people already logged in to see their pictures! AND 21% of them already shared it! Great job everyone! #sdsms

1:47 pm nataliehaack: You need to be strong and completely humble and to accept criticism you don't necessarily deserve - @TTaxChristine #sdsms #socialmedia

13 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

1:47 pm aaswartz: @ttaxchristine To be a leader, you have to be strong/humble, except criticism. It doesn't make you weak, it makes u so much stronger. #sdsms

1:48 pm hattrickscore: Never underestimate the power of saying I'm sorry or I'm wrong @natalieatPETCO #sdsms #socialmedia

1:48 pm TonyCChung: "University Makes Twitter a Required Class for Journalism Students" - /4Vw9W #socialmedia #sdsms

1:48 pm nicmcc: Never underestimate the power of Thank You or I'm sorry. @natalieatpetco #sdsms

1:50 pm blockgreg: Negative conversations are a good way for you to set the record straight - @natalieatpetco #sdsms

1:50 pm nicmcc: Negative convos can be turned positive b/c u can set the record straight. @natalieatpetco #sdsms

1:50 pm stephaniekurtz: Negative convos are a good thing. It gives evangelists the opportunity to stick up for your brand: @NatalieatPETCO #sdsms

1:50 pm KatieMcHale: Greatest social media lesson learned? Never underestimate the power of "thanks" and "sorry" @natalieatpetco #sdsms

1:51 pm nataliehaack: Wow! RT @TonyCChung "University Makes Twitter a Required Class for Journalism Students" - #socialmedia #sdsms

1:51 pm aaswartz: Luv it! RT @TonyCChung: "University Makes Twitter a Required Class for Journalism Students" - #socialmedia #sdsms

1:52 pm aaswartz: A must! RT @nicmcc: Negative convos can be turned positive b/c u can set the record straight. @natalieatpetco #sdsms

1:52 pm nicmcc: My phone is dying quickly. Need an outlet! #sdsms

1:55 pm KPPearl: Tune into to check out SD SM Symposium #sdsms

1:55 pm aaswartz: Front of the room to the right. Let me know if you need an extra cord =-) RT @nicmcc: My phone is dying quickly. Need an outlet! #sdsms

1:56 pm mandapanda31: Great question - how do you staff for responding to social media? It's a 24 hour job! #sdsms

1:58 pm parnett17: Packed house at #sdsms. Lookin good! Keep the tweet love coming!

1:59 pm aaswartz: @natalieatPETCO talking about Whole Foods as a good social media example she looks to. #sdsms

1:59 pm PamHardyMc: Empower others in org to respond on sm on behalf of brand? #sdsms

1:59 pm gbatuyong: Thumbs-up to the videographer over here using a Canon XH-A1 high-def camcorder. Great system to archive the Social Media Symposium #sdsms

2:00 pm aaswartz: @Birch_Aquarium @natalieatPETCO You guys have to get together & compare animal tweeting stories over a glass of wine! Lots in common! #sdsms

2:01 pm blockgreg: @PamHardyMc agree wholeheartedly. You can't be the expert on every topic #sdsms

2:01 pm hattrickscore: Get closer to what the customer wants to talk about @natalieatPETCO #sdsms #social media

2:02 pm KarisaDern: @TTaxChristine Tweet keywords, listen everyday and respond #sdsms

2:02 pm aaswartz: @sukhjit Giving Sony credit for hiring a blogger and taking a chance on someone with a social media presence. #sdsms

2:02 pm nataliehaack: PETCO is trying to get closer to what the customers want to talk about & use that to get reach out to them - @NatalieatPETCO #sdsms

2:02 pm searchguru: @sockington (a cat) has over 1 mil followers here on Twitter (has talented human writer) #sdsms

2:02 pm aaswartz: @ttaxchristine telling @natalieatPETCO Surprising how many people send in pictures of their cats with their taxes! #sdsms

2:03 pm tsiles: RT @aaswartz -- @sukhjit Giving Sony credit for hiring a blogger and taking a chance on someone with a social media presence. #sdsms

2:04 pm tsiles: @NatalieatPETCO We all have to believe our brand #sdsms We have to identify with our audience and community

2:07 pm searchguru: RT @tsiles: @NatalieatPETCO We all have to believe our brand #sdsms We have to identify with our audience and community

2:07 pm TAShetter: I want a dog to do my taxes. Where do I sign up?#sdsms

2:08 pm hattrickscore: Facebook has the biggest usage, but you can't see the discussion, listen or respond @TTaxChristine #sdsms #socialmedia

14 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

2:08 pm stephaniekurtz: Twitter is a great resource to gauge the temperature of your brand: @NatalieatPETCO #sdsms

2:08 pm aaswartz: RT @searchguru: @sockington (a cat) has over 1 mil followers here on Twitter (has talented human writer) #sdsms

2:09 pm aaswartz: RT @nataliehaack: PETCO is trying to get closer to what customers want to talk about & use that to get reach out - @NatalieatPETCO #sdsms

2:09 pm searchguru: RT @hattrickscore: Facebook has the biggest usage, but you can't see the discussion, listen or respond @TTaxChristine #sdsms #socialmedia

2:10 pm TTaxChristine: @natalieatpetco is talking about their natural pet food community- generation natural pet #sdsms

2:10 pm tsiles: RT @aaswartz @searchguru: @sockington (a cat) has over 1 mil followers here on Twitter (has talented human writer) #sdsms

2:12 pm TTaxChristine: @sukhjit has a big job - voice of Sony electronics #ff #sdsms

2:12 pm aaswartz: @sukhjit Talking about working at . I recommend managing your tweets with Seesmic. Try it for free. #sdsms

2:12 pm searchguru: People at #sdsms should explore

2:13 pm bmoreno: Video definitely way to go. @portofsandiego has had 50,000+ hits on youtube and @bliptv channels. #sdsms

2:14 pm TTaxChristine: @natalieatpetco does hamster ball derbies at @petco #sdsms

2:15 pm aaswartz: RT @TTaxChristine: @natalieatpetco is talking about their natural pet food community- generation natural pet #sdsms

2:19 pm LGReilly: Socks is cute! RT @aaswartz: RT @searchguru: @sockington (a cat) has over 1 mil followers here on Twitter (has talented human writer) #sdsms

2:21 pm gbatuyong: Social media efforts must be holistic and enforce a cross-channel strategy. Don't piecemeal your tactics. #sdsms #socialmedia

2:25 pm gbatuyong: @searchguru #sdsms Friendfeed has VERY comprehensive #SocialMedia coverage though usage has dipped dramatically since Facebook acquisition

2:25 pm bmoreno: Help wanted: ecommerce manager, cross-channel strategist, human element expert-all in one! #socialmedia #sdsms

2:27 pm photog739: RT @gbatuyong: Social media efforts must be holistic and enforce a cross- channel strategy. Don't piecemeal your tactics. #sdsms #socialmedia

2:28 pm jlperkins: RT @gbatuyong Social media efforts must be holistic and enforce a cross- channel strategy. Don't piecemeal your tactics. #sdsms True that!

2:28 pm nataliehaack: Listen good and long until you know what the conversation is...and then talk - @TTaxChristine #sdsms #socialmedia

2:28 pm hattrickscore: Listen first, good and long until you know what the conversation is @TTaxChristine #sdsms #socialmedia

2:28 pm hattrickscore: Try it and evolve; you can't make everyone like you @sukhjit @SonyElectronics #sdsms #socialmedia

2:29 pm aaswartz: Panel is recommending radian6 and peoplebrowser as listening tools. #sdsms

2:30 pm aaswartz: @TTaxChristine Says compared to the big boys @Radian6 is the bomb. #sdsms

2:34 pm tcarpowich: Thanks to @sdbargainmama, @Mockernut and @BlockGreg for a great session this morning #sdsms

2:38 pm daisyvarley: I learned a lot here. RT @bmoreno: Glad to hear @sdsu journalism school still emphasizes good storytelling over entertainment! #sdsms

2:40 pm tcarpowich: Agree! RT @mandapanda31: Just bc we have technology to do something doesn't mean you have to use it. T. Wolfemeyer. #sdsms

2:44 pm gbatuyong: ViralHeat does free #socialmedia monitoring (video/blogs/twitter) for up to 10 brand profiles. Includes daily executive reports #sdsms

2:46 pm lpverzosa: @DrSha at SDSUs Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center for #sdsms. Possible venue for #jms481 client reception? Got contact info!

2:48 pm hattrickscore: Rounding third: @JobingSanDiego, @adampward, @aaswartz on social media in the workplace #sdsms #socialmedia

2:51 pm gbatuyong: I'd suggest today's sessions be rebroadast as video podcasts on iTunesU and @BlipTV. Visuals should be posted on SlideShare/Scribd #sdsms

2:51 pm stephaniekurtz: @JobingSanDiego is a Twitterholic! #sdsms

2:53 pm tsiles: RT @stephaniekurtz-- @JobingSanDiego is a Twitterholic! #sdsms

2:53 pm aaronblomberg: still perplexed about why there's only one 'b' in and not two... perhaps @JobingSanDiego will elaborate! #sdsms

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2:53 pm nicmcc: Phone charged & ready to go again! Thx everyone! #sdsms

2:53 pm nataliehaack: 3 out of 4 people use social technology! - @JobingSanDiego #sdsms #socialmedia

2:54 pm aaswartz: @jobingsandiego talking about how they are changing the face of recruitment with Soc Med #sdsms

2:54 pm hattrickscore: Socialize your recruitment strategy @JobinSanDiego #sdsms #socialmedia

2:54 pm stephaniekurtz: If Facebook was a country, it would b 4th largest. Peeps have more engagement w friends/fam on FB then face-to-face: @JobingSanDiego #sdsms

2:54 pm ElleComm: Don't forget your manners :) RT @jbsobriquet Never underestimate human-ness on Social Media, like 'please' and 'thank you'. #sdsms

2:55 pm diprofio24: #Sdsms it's really hard to hear back here and very cold with the ac blowing...

2:56 pm hattrickscore: 50% of employers are blocking use of social media; a missed opportunity -- @aaswartz #sdsms #socialmedia

2:56 pm tsiles: RT @ElleComm Don't forget your manners RT @jbsobriquet Never underestimate human-ness on Social Media, like 'please' and 'thank you' #sdsms

2:56 pm nicmcc: What is the impact of blocking employees from social media sites? @aaswartz #sdsms

2:58 pm stephaniekurtz: We're on it! @diprofio24 #Sdsms RT: it's really hard to hear back here and very cold with the ac blowing...

2:58 pm seanmonz: right on. RT @diprofio24: #Sdsms it's really hard to hear back here and very cold with the ac blowing...

2:58 pm tsiles: @diprofio24 - looking into it. #sdsms

2:59 pm nicmcc: You'll never totally block employees from using SM since they have cellphones. @aaswartz #sdsms

2:59 pm hattrickscore: Generation C (community), born with Blackberry/iPhone in their hands @aaswartz #sdsms #socialmedia

3:00 pm bmoreno: Reading lips in back rows... #sdsms can u boost mics???

3:02 pm trumpyski: RT @parnett17: Packed house at #sdsms. Lookin good! Keep the tweet love coming!

3:02 pm trumpyski: RT @mandapanda31: Great question - how do you staff for responding to social media? It's a 24 hour job! #sdsms

3:03 pm trumpyski: RT @nataliehaack: 3 out of 4 people use social technology! - @JobingSanDiego #sdsms #socialmedia

3:04 pm KatieMcHale: Recruiting? Get social says @adampward #sdsms

3:04 pm trumpyski: RT @ElleComm Don't forget your manners RT @jbsobriquet Never underestimate human-ness on Social Media, like 'please' and 'thank you' #sdsms

3:05 pm stephaniekurtz: Employees rep companies 24 hours a day. Social media doesn't turn off at 5 p.m.: @adampward #sdsms

3:05 pm nicmcc: Social media helps connect employees w/in a network. Engagement & productivity is key. @adampward #sdsms

3:06 pm gbatuyong: How would employers regulate employee #SocialMedia use when an entire generation is growing up around it? #sdsms

3:07 pm KatieMcHale: RT @mandapanda31: Oh, hi generation C (c = communication)... They were born with iPhones/blackberries in their hands! #sdsms

3:08 pm trumpyski: RT @stephaniekurtz: Employees rep companies 24 hours a day. Social media doesn't turn off at 5 p.m.: @adampward #sdsms

3:09 pm nataliehaack: True - u always represent your co. @stephaniekurtz Employees rep companies 24 hrs/day. Social media doesn't turn off @ 5pm @adampward #sdsms

3:09 pm stephaniekurtz: @bmoreno We're working on A/C noise. Sound levels r as high as poss w no feedback. There are some seats up front. #sdsms

3:09 pm nicmcc: If managers manage properly, SM should not be an issue. Employees should be an extension of your brand. @aaswartz #sdsms

3:09 pm mandapanda31: Interesting - Blocking employees from #socialmedia could be a freedom/creativity issue for some workers. #sdsms

3:09 pm PamHardyMc: Excessive use of sm tools at work is a mgmt problem, not sm problem. So true. #sdsms

3:10 pm nathangibbs: @blockgreg Fair enough. @stephaniekurtz says video will be posted to the #sdsms site soon, so that's good news.

3:10 pm CAMary: Blocking employees from #socialmedia could be a freedom/creativity issue for some workers. #sdsms

16 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

3:11 pm mandapanda31: RT @KatieMcHale: Recruiting? Get social says @adampward #sdsms

3:12 pm CAMary: Where do you draw the line with #socialmedia? For me, FBispersonal and Twitter is professional. #sdsms

3:13 pm moogplayer: Currently in discussion: Regulating the use of social media in the workplace. Getting cloudy due to advancement in cell phones. #sdsms

3:13 pm nataliehaack: Me too! RT @CAMary Where do you draw the line with #socialmedia? For me, FB is personal and Twitter is professional. #sdsms

3:14 pm gotnospice: I agree! RT @CAMary:Where do you draw the line with #socialmedia? For me, FBispersonal and Twitter is professional. #sdsms

3:14 pm nicmcc: Must be consistent when using Twitter. You may very well get called out. @jobingsandiego #sdsms

3:15 pm tsiles: @nataliehaack @CAMary Not me. I only use FB for real world friends. Twitter? Another story. Let's tweet, yo #sdsms

3:16 pm hattrickscore: A blog without comments is a newsletter @blockgreg #sdsms #socialmedia

3:16 pm KatieMcHale: "A blog without comments is a newsletter" @blockgreg #sdsms

3:16 pm tsiles: @nataliehaack @CAMary Sometimes I read too fast;) #sdsms

3:17 pm tsiles: RT @hattrickscore A blog without comments is a newsletter @blockgreg #sdsms #socialmedia

3:18 pm lorenanr: #sdsms 'blog without comments is a newsletter.' - @blockgreg

3:18 pm nicmcc: SM opens up company to recruits. More personal, tailored exp for candidates. @adampward #sdsms

3:19 pm gbatuyong: After hours, is it actually a concern if the janitor of the local pencil factory is a loud-mouthed Twitter/Facebook user? #sdsms

3:19 pm KarisaDern: A blog without comments is a newsletter @blockgreg #sdsms #socialmedia (via @hattrickscore)

3:19 pm stephaniekurtz: @nathangibbs 2 clarify, we will b posting panelist interviews on Best way 2 get all the scoop is 2 follow #sdsms

3:21 pm CAMary: Love it. No drunk tweeting says @aaswartz. #sdsms

3:22 pm CAMary: Employers are now checking social media sites before hiring employees so be careful what you are posting on personal pages. #sdsms

3:23 pm davidalston: You guys all totally rock! Thanks for all of the Radian6 shout outs today at 3 different get togethers #smbf #sdsms #nedmasm

3:25 pm CAMary: Potential employees are also checking out what is being said about the person they will be interviewing with. #sdsms

3:25 pm KatieMcHale: News flash:don't post things u don't want employers to see.They're paying attention #sdsms

3:26 pm hattrickscore: Become a subject-matter expert, build a following, which becomes valuable to employers @JobingSanDiego #sdsms #socialmedia

3:31 pm gbatuyong: Loud-mouthed people have been around forever. And theyve held jobs. Does #SocialMedia change the rules or are employers overreacting? #sdsms

3:35 pm hattrickscore: Create a groundswell of enthusiasm from employees, and management will follow @adampward #sdsms #socialmedia

3:38 pm nicmcc: Qualcomm uses Yammer (1500 users), wikis, Wordpress, & looking to use internal Flickr & YouTube tools. @adampward #sdsms

3:39 pm gbatuyong: Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee was just quoted re: #socialmedia in the workplace. [pitching social media to management] Impressive :) #sdsms

3:40 pm nataliehaack: Using Facebook as an overt recruiting tool is something that students will revolt against (based on survey) - @adampward #sdsms #socialmedia

3:49 pm CAMary: Great social media panel just ended and now on to measurement-showing ROI. Last panel of the day. #sdsms

3:49 pm yammer: RT @nicmcc Qualcomm uses Yammer (1500 users), wikis, Wordpress, & looking to use internal Flickr & YouTube tools. #sdsms

3:52 pm hattrickscore: Heading home: @KPPearl, @TaylorGuitarsPR & @diprofio24 on ROI #sdsms #socialmedia

3:53 pm hattrickscore: RT nataliehaack Using Facebook to recruit is something that students will revolt against (based on survey) - @adampward #sdsms #socialmedia

3:53 pm gbatuyong: Suggestion: yes, post session videos on #sdsms site but embed them using @BlipTV (automatic podcast transcode) w/Creative Commons license

3:54 pm nicmcc: Measurement: Showing ROI panel - @kppearl @taylorguitarspr @diprofio #sdsms

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3:54 pm CAMary: Use feedback to grow business and engage passionate consumers. #sdsms

3:55 pm hattrickscore: An opportunity to engage a very loyal base of fans -- @TaylorGuitarsPR #sdsms #socialmedia

3:55 pm hattrickscore: RT @CAMary Use feedback to grow business and engage passionate consumers. #sdsms

3:59 pm hattrickscore: Souplantation took down the walls to have authentic conversations with customers -- @diprofio24 #sdsms #socialmedia

4:00 pm kdpaine: @nicmcc #sdsms is there a preso from that one. would have LOVED to hear how @taylorguitarspr measured ROI

4:02 pm kdpaine: @CAMary we call that TWI -- Tweeting while under the influence.. not a good thing :) #sdsms

4:03 pm hattrickscore: Souplantation 43% BOGO redemption in 5 days -- @diprofio24 #sdsms #socialmedia

4:03 pm nataliehaack: Our original thought behind ROI was never 2 measure numbers. was more abt customer engagement & getting realtime feedback @diprofio24 #sdsms

4:05 pm jboydsandiego: Listening to @diprofio24 talk about @soupplantation ROI on using social media. SP has many brand ambassadors. Great examples #sdsms

4:05 pm aaswartz: @Diprofio24 talking about a 43% redemption rate on her coupon promotion. WOW-she's the bomb! #sdsms

4:08 pm aaswartz: Yep that was me! RT @gbatuyong: @garyvee was just quoted re: #socialmedia in the workplace. [pitching soc med to mgt] Impressive :) #sdsms

4:09 pm aaswartz: RT @nicmcc: Qualcomm uses Yammer (1500 users), wikis, Wordpress, & looking to use internal Flickr & YouTube tools. @adampward #sdsms

4:11 pm aaswartz: @taylorguitarsPR talking about how they found out about United Breaks Guitars cuz of DIGG #sdsms

4:11 pm stephaniekurtz: @TaylorGuitarsPR discussing United Breaks Guitars videos at #sdsms

4:11 pm aaswartz: @taylorguitarsPR "Was United Breaks Guitars crafted by Taylor. I wish I was that creative but No!" #sdsms

4:12 pm jboydsandiego: Glad to see @aaswartz @sukhjit @diprofio24 @sdbargainmama @searchguru today at #sdsms :-)

4:13 pm hattrickscore: @TaylorGuitarsPR is talking the @DaveCarroll United Airlines experience #sdsms #socialmedia -- created brand awareness among new consumers

4:13 pm aaswartz: @taylorguitarsPR We put Bob Taylor on video cuz of so many media requests with 4 talking points. Very soft message. Now >200k views. #sdsms

4:14 pm aaswartz: @taylorguitarsPR "You can't put a dollar value on a tweet between 2 people." #sdsms

4:15 pm JeanneBernish: RT @aaswartz: RT @nicmcc: Qualcomm uses Yammer, wikis, Wordpress, & looking to use internal Flickr & YouTube tools. @adampward #sdsms

4:16 pm hattrickscore: RT @aaswartz @taylorguitarsPR "Was United Breaks Guitars crafted by Taylor. I wish I was that creative but No!" #sdsms

4:18 pm stephaniekurtz: Social media is a lot of reading blogs, trying sites, finding out what works best for you and your co: @KPPearl #sdsms

4:19 pm TTaxChristine: @aaswartz you're right, @sethg would be mortified if employees couldn't see social sites at work. Me too! #sdsms

4:19 pm aaswartz: @kppearl The Pearl Hotel really gets Social Media. Even the owner is drinking the Kool aid! They'll give you a hamburger =-) #sdsms

4:19 pm blockgreg: Had a great day at SD Social Media Symposium today. Sorry I had to cut out a little early. Great panels. Great networking #sdsms

4:20 pm hattrickscore: Listen to what people want -- @KPPearly #sdsms #socialmedia

4:20 pm mandapanda31: Theme of the day: listen!!! #sdsms

4:20 pm aaswartz: @TTaxChristine I can't believe you didn't talk about all the oh so cool stuff you do. Ur so modest. U guys rock social media! #sdsms

4:21 pm aaswartz: WOOT! RT @TTaxChristine: @aaswartz you're right, @sethg would be mortified if employees couldn't see social sites at work. Me too! #sdsms

4:22 pm KarisaDern: @TaylorGuitarsPR Think of social media as an extention of your brand #sdsms

4:22 pm stephaniekurtz: I love what I do, and I love talking about my brand (@souplantation): @diprofio24 #sdsms

4:23 pm hattrickscore: It's a strategy you integrate fully from top to bottom -- @diprofio@24 #sdsms #socialmedia

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4:23 pm aaswartz: @Diprofio24 Talking about how if Social Media crosses all functions of the company, it makes u a strong force as a co. #sdsms

4:23 pm nataliehaack: Social Media is a campaign you integrate from top to bottom of your company and that's how you get your ROI - @diprofio24 #sdsms

4:23 pm seanmonz: Social media offers pr, marketing and customer service capabilities all wrapped in one. Well said. #sdsms

4:24 pm aaswartz: @Diprofio24 Wow, E! I knew you were a rockstar but oh my goodness I'm proud to know you! #sdsms

4:24 pm aaswartz: RT @hattrickscore: It's a strategy you integrate fully from top to bottom -- @diprofio@24 #sdsms #socialmedia

4:24 pm aaswartz: RT @stephaniekurtz: I love what I do, and I love talking about my brand (@souplantation): @diprofio24 #sdsms

4:27 pm hattrickscore: RT @seanmonz Social media offers pr, marketing and customer service capabilities all wrapped in one. Well said. #sdsms

4:29 pm aaswartz: @kppearl How do you measure ROI? "I just want everybody to be happy? Come to the Pearl and be happy!" #sdsms

4:29 pm hattrickscore: If you're not engaged in social media, you're not listening to or engaging with your consumers, who are talking about your brand #sdsms

4:29 pm aaswartz: RT @hattrickscore: RT @seanmonz Social media offers pr, marketing and customer service capabilities all wrapped in one. Well said. #sdsms

4:32 pm hattrickscore: One measure of ROI is giving consumers ownership of your brand -- @diprofio24 #sdsms #socialmedia

4:34 pm aaswartz: @taylorguitarsPR uses & googleanalytics to monitor & listen. #sdsms

4:34 pm aaswartz: @Diprofio24 Pls tweet the listening tools that you use when you get a chance? I missed it. Anybody else? #sdsms

4:40 pm aaswartz: @Diprofio24 Our diff soc med groups don't want us to assume they want to be on all social media outlets. #sdsms

4:40 pm evolutionfiles: @nicmcc You'll never totally block employees from using SM since they have cellphones. @aaswartz #sdsms

4:40 pm aaswartz: @Diprofio24 Don't assume that your FB uses automatically want to be on Twitter. They might be intimidated. #sdsms

4:42 pm aaswartz: @kppearl Don't let soc med replace face to face engagement. It's still the most important thing. #sdsms

4:42 pm stephaniekurtz: @KPPearl points out that you need to smell out when someone is writing a bad review JUST to get free stuff...#sdsms

4:42 pm hattrickscore: RT @aaswartz @Diprofio24 Don't assume that your FB users automatically want to be on Twitter. They might be intimidated. #sdsms

4:42 pm nataliehaack: Loving listening to @diprofio24 at #sdsms. Outstanding understanding of how to communicate w/ cross section of @souplantation's customers!

4:43 pm stephaniekurtz: Huge mistake to ignore #socialmedia. Your customers are already having these a part of it. @diprofio24 #sdsms

4:43 pm hattrickscore: People are already having conversations about you; be part of it and engage or miss an amazing opportunity @diprofio24 #sdsms #socialmedia

4:44 pm aaswartz: @taylorguitarsPR Don't try to control the conversation. Get involved but don't ignore them and don't delete convos you don't like. #sdsms

4:50 pm nlee8315: Long but good day at social media symposium... Now off to work. #sdsms

5:01 pm PhotoTouch: At #sdsms today? User your picture to login and see how easy it is to share your photo on #socialmedia Let us know what you think?

5:24 pm jenna_frazier: Saturated with social media #sdsms

5:32 pm diprofio24: #sdsms RT @diprofio24 Sorry I had the leave after the panel. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy to discuss.

5:33 pm diprofio24: Thanks for an awesome panel discussion. @tsiles @KPPearl, @TaylorGuitarsPR & @diprofio24 on ROI #sdsms #socialmedia

5:34 pm diprofio24: @hattrickscore Thanks for the tweets! #sdsms

5:35 pm diprofio24: @nataliehaack Thanks for tweeting the info! Hope it helped. #sdsms

5:35 pm jenna_frazier: @KPPearl Enjoyed hearing about your passion for your work. Didn't get a chance to introduce but now I want to visit Hotel Pearl! #sdsms

5:36 pm diprofio24: I'm humbled. TY! It was gr8 seeing u. RT @aaswartz @Diprofio24 Wow, E! I knew you were rockstar but oh my I'm proud to know u! #sdsms

19 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

5:38 pm diprofio24: RT @hattrickscore A blog without comments is a newsletter @blockgreg #sdsms #socialmedia

5:38 pm jenna_frazier: Nice to meet you and thanks for great panel! @diprofio24 #sdsms

5:40 pm diprofio24: RT @seanmonz Social media offers pr, marketing and customer service capabilities all wrapped in one. Well said. #sdsms

5:44 pm SDSU_NewsTeam: RT @diprofio24: RT @seanmonz Social media offers pr, marketing and customer service capabilities all wrapped in one. Well said. #sdsms

5:52 pm KatRow: Just had an amazing day at #sdsms . So many great panelists with awesome #socialmedia skills I can learn from.

6:01 pm blockgreg: @tcarpowich Thanks for your insight #sdsms

6:10 pm jenna_frazier: 50% of employers (incl. mine) block social media sites at work. I'm job hunting- it doesn't pay to treat employees like children. #sdsms

6:13 pm TaylorGuitarsPR: @kdpaine Totally can send Please DM with e-mail. #sdsms was great!

6:14 pm TaylorGuitarsPR: @diprofio24 @tstiles @kppearl great panel on ROI at #sdsms! Nice to meet you..

6:34 pm mockernut: @tcarpowich @sdbargainmama and @BlockGreg I enjoyed meeting you all today. Thank you for a great discussion #sdsms

6:38 pm mockernut: LOL. Looking at my mentions. I may need to copyright "put the social in social media." #sdsms

6:40 pm mockernut: Did they misspell my screen name? There are a lot of @mockenut tweets about me. They must have. #sdsms

6:42 pm mockernut: @tsiles Thank you for all you did today. It was a great symposium, and I'll be happy to help you again. Enjoy your weekend. #sdsms

7:13 pm zaneology: BENCHMARK! RT @aaswartz: @sukhjit Giving Sony credit for hiring a blogger & taking a chance on someone with a social media presence. #sdsms

7:18 pm lizasperling: RT @zaneology @aaswartz @sukhjit Give Sony credit for hiring a blogger with a social media presence #sdsms (Agree!)

7:56 pm sukhjit: @tsiles Thanks for the awesome day today. #sdsms was great. One thing I didn't get to ask you... where did you get those fabulous shoes?

8:00 pm sukhjit: @TTaxChristine So glad to have met you and @natalieatPETCO. Look forward to getting together and talking w u again soon. #SDSMS rocks.

8:06 pm JanetFWilliams: Absorbing info from social media symposium. Listen to a conversation, ask how you can help. #sdsms

8:07 pm sukhjit: RT @pennypalmore @sukhjit couldn't take my eyes off @tstiles shoes either! Awesome. (Tried 2find her 2twitpic them after #sdsms but no luck)

8:07 pm gbatuyong: US government tackles social media security head-on (via @marketingmoron) #Gov20 #socialmedia #sdsms

8:15 pm lorenanr: @gbatuyong Belatedly realized that I never did meet you during #sdsms. Maybe next time!

8:57 pm seanmonz: @diprofio24 thanks for the RT. great to hear you speak today at #sdsms

9:06 pm seanmonz: @aaswartz thanks for the rt. learned a lot today at #sdsms.

9:08 pm seanmonz: @sdbargainmama really appreciate you helping us out today. great to hear you speak at #sdsms.

9:56 pm KPPearl: RT @diprofio24: Thanks for an awesome panel discussion. @tsiles @KPPearl, @TaylorGuitarsPR & @diprofio24 on ROI #sdsms #socialmedia

10:30 pm PhotoTouch: @KPPearl Heck yeah we'll be there! We are excited to work with @thepearlhotel #sdsms

10:32 pm PhotoTouch: @KPPearl so what did you think about how easy it is to share your picture? #sdsms

10:53 pm sdbargainmama: @Mockernut @tcarpowich @Mockernut @BlockGreg: Enjoyed being on panel with you very much today. TY. #sdsms and @tsiles :)

10:57 pm sdbargainmama: @seanmonz Thanks! I got a lot out of #sdsms and am thirsty for more! Hope to see you at upcoming events!! :)

10:59 pm sdbargainmama: @aaswartz What a nice evening to end the gr8 day at #sdsms /mon9w. Thanks for pic/conversation @alanunderkofler! :)

11:01 pm sdbargainmama: RT @nataliehaack: How disclosure happens still must be worked out but FTC wants it to be clear &conspicuous- @WOMMAjohn #sdsms #socialmedia

11:04 pm sdbargainmama: Wonderful to connect w/ @jboydsandiego @aaswartz @SEALIFEAquarium @sukhjit @diprofio24 @Wommajohn @brandautopsy @searchguru today #sdsms.

20 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM Transcript for #sdsms - What the Hashtag?!

11:08 pm sdbargainmama: @kppearl @tsiles I loved hearing you talk today on panels and your passion for your work is so great to watch. LOVin' IT! #sdsms

11:09 pm jboydsandiego: @KPPearl Was reading article in the latest issue of Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel, nice blurb on the Pearl. Your passion shows #sdsms

11:12 pm sdbargainmama: @Diprofio24 Wow, E! I knew you were a rockstar but oh my goodness I'm proud to know you! #sdsms <--- YUP!!

11:37 pm mobienthusiast: Can't believe I missed @sdbargainmama streaming live from #sdsms. Is there a recorded version of this somewhere?

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21 of 21 SaturdayOctober/24/2009 10:06 AM