Presi- to Reflect Infrequent Or Anomalous Dent, Senator, Head of State, Or Proceedings That the House Has Other National Or Foreign Dig- Undertaken
Death § 1. In General which the House traditionally ad- heres following a death and those The death of a Member of the rare procedures that the House House, or of an officer or official of has undertaken on other occa- the House, invokes certain well- sions. established procedures for accord- The accounts of proceedings fol- ing respect due to the memory of lowing upon the deaths of some the deceased. Similar formalities, individuals will be found to be possibly more elaborate, are fol- more detailed than others in order lowed upon the death of a Presi- to reflect infrequent or anomalous dent, Senator, head of state, or proceedings that the House has other national or foreign dig- undertaken. nitary. These procedures are al- The reader may wish to consult most always invoked by unani- other chapters on such subjects as (3) mous consent or privileged resolu- the assembly of Congress, Mem- bers’ oath of office,(4) party organi- tion. The procedures include the (5) (6) formal announcement of death, zations, recesses, adjourn- ments,(7) and House ceremonies.(8) resolutions of sympathy, adjust- ment of the whole number of the On the subject of death, for House, appointment of Members precedents prior to 1936, the read- er is referred to 5 Hinds’ Prece- to a funeral committee or commit- dents §§ 7107–7223, and 8 Can- tees, adjournment as a mark of non’s Precedents, §§ 3560–3598. respect, and lying-in-state cere- monies. When a Member dies, provision must be made for maintenance of § 2. Effect of Death on a staff and offices until another House Business; Pre- Representative is elected to rep- sumptive Death of Mem- ( ) resent the district.
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