The Fairview Press Serving Fairview Where “People Make The Difference” Fairview: Home of the Kelly Cup Champion Alaska Aces AND THE WALLS CAME TUMBLING DOWN…….. During the past several nal elements in the neighborhoods, these two weeks, two of Fairview’s Neighborhood. magnets for illegal activi- most undesirable struc- Through the long-term, ties were permanently re- Volume 4 Issue 9 tures came tumbling down, committed efforts of the moved from Fairview's September 2006 with a little mechanized landscape. help. Tentative Agenda Items : Sep- tember Membership Meeting • An Update on the Neighborhood Plan: Chapters 4 & 5 • Community & Committee Reports • Community Comments & Con- cerns • An update on the Fairview His- torical Survey • A report on a proposed Fairview Citizen’s Zoning Enforcement Program Fairview Community Pa- Proof once again, that “The true measure of an The Eazy Inn near 15th & trol, the Anchorage Police working together as a individual is how he treats Gambell, and an aban- & Fire Departments, Mu- Team , in Fairview, a person who can do him doned 4-plex at 1244 Hy- nicipal Staff, the Fairview absolutely no good.” “People CAN Make der, had long been prob- Community Council and Ann Landers (1918-2002) lematic attractors of crimi- concerned residents and The Difference.” Many thanks to Tesoro Alaska, which recently made NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN ON TRACK! a donation of gas cards to the Fairview Community Patrol. Fairview’s Neighborhood stone Meeting with Planning mational flyer will be distrib- The company has a 36 year Plan is on track! Chapters 4 Staff on Friday, September uted via a Fairview-wide mail- history of supporting commu- & 5 will be introduced at the 15th. ing, and a Public Meeting will nity organizations that September 14th Council be held in the weeks before strengthen communities, pro- A final draft will be submit- tect the environment, and Meeting. the November Meeting. ted, with a supporting resolu- educate our youth. Members of the Council’s tion, at the Council’s October After compiling comments, a Neighborhood Plan Commit- 12th Meeting. Public Com- revised final draft will be sub- tee will hold their next Mile- ments will be taken, an infor- mitted (cont. on page 2) Volume 4 Issue 9 Page 2 MINUTES OF THE AUGUST MEETING Meeting called to order by Presid- should more single-family homes, him and Vista volunteer Andrew ing Officer Sharon Chamard at not just condos or apartments. Gall to get the program running in 7:05 pm. The next meeting of the Neighbor- Fairview. Following introductions, the hood Plan Committee is August th agenda was accepted as written. 19 at 9 AM at the Midtown Café Community Comments and Con- del Mundo. cerns: Secretary’s Report, Sharon Bill Day reminded people that the Chamard: Break from 7:55 to 8:10 air show at Elmendorf will be this Because there was no quorum, weekend . there was no vote on acceptance of Community and Committee Re- the July 2006 minutes. ports: Old Business: No Treasurer’s Report. Fairview Community Recreation No old business. Guests and Presentations: Center, Dave Brossard Dr. Marc Robinson, Fairview Doe Anderson has moved back to New Business: Elementary School New Mexico. Her replacement is No new business. This was a short presentation re- David Shapiro, who will most garding the most recent Adequate likely attend the September meet- ing. Dave still doesn’t know where Yearly Progress (AYP) report. The The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. school made AYP in 29 of 31 cate- the $150,000 allocated for the Rec. gories. Dr. Robinson will make Center in the recent state capital another presentation to the FVCC budget will be spent. Allen Kem- Submitted by Justina Meyer in September to reach more people. plen suggested that the FVCC be Allen Kemplen asked about the permitted to give input on how to possibility working with the Fair- spend the money. Programmer view Community Recreation Cen- Amy Danzl has left; Jamie Acton is (Neighborhood Plan, cont. from page ter on after-school tutoring. Dr. picking up her duties. 1) for approval at the Council’s No- Robinson introduced the new As- Public Safety Committee, Sharon vember Meeting. sistant Principal, Mike Webb. Chamard If approved, the final draft will then be Allen Kemplen, Neighborhood Patti Greene has contacted FVCC submitted to the Planning Department th Plan regarding problems at 402 E. 11 . for distribution to the appropriate Mu- This was a presentation and discus- Although she and other neighbors nicipal Departments and Staff, for their sion on Chapter 4 of the Neighbor- were advised over a year ago to review and comments. hood Plan, “Goals and Objectives, document the problems there, and For more information on the Fairview Action and Strategies.” Allen given the tools to do so, no action Neighborhood Plan, contact NHP handed out copies of the chapter was taken by them. and brochures from the Federation Tyler Robinson at the Department Committee Chair Allen Kemplen: 274- of Community Councils and urged of Neighborhoods wants to start a 9772, or [email protected], or visit people to give their input into fu- resident-run code enforcement pro- the Fairview Community Council’s ture additions to the plan. Sue Ann gram. Fairview could be used to Page on the Federations of Commu- Hamilton Bailey asked about trails test the program. The Public nity Council’s Wed Site: just for pedestrians, and said there Safety Committee is working with www.communitycouncils.org Volume 4 Issue 9 Page 4 AROUND FAIRVIEW! APD Sgt. Cindi Stanton returned to has received word that the MOA view, should contact the Mayor’s her position as APD Community will be putting the management of Office and Assemblyman Allan Council Liaison on the 21st of Au- the Saturday and Sunday Markets Tesche, to let them know that you gust. out to bid, with an Request For Pro- support awarding the contract to posal (or Bid Specs) available Fri- Bill Webb and his Team. Contact Sgt. Stanton attended training from day, September 15th. information for both the Mayor and the 13th until the 18th of August, re- Mr. Tesche is listed below. sumed work on any Community Bill and his Team, over the past Council issues on the 21st. several years have operated the Do you like to read to children? Do Downtown Markets at a level that have a passion for dancing, art, or Cindi is very appreciative of all of has been nationally recognized other fields? Fairview Elementary the nice things the Council’s had to and applauded. School and the Fairview Commu- say about her to the Chief and she nity Recreation Center are in DIRE looks forward to working with all of Those of you who appreciate the need of volunteers! Help out! Give the Community Councils again. job Bill has done with the Markets, them a call; their phone numbers and all that he has done for Fair- Bill Webb and Anchorage Markets are below. HELP OUR YOUTH! CONTACTS Council Chair Darrel Hess: 258-3714 Assemblyman Allan Tesche: The Anchorage Senior Center: or [email protected] 566-1784 or [email protected] 258-7823 Council Vice-Chair Justina Meyer: Senator Johnny Ellis: 269-0169, or Fairview Elementary School: 223-8977, or [email protected] 279-0671 [email protected] Representative Les Gara: 269-0106, Fairview Land Use Enforcement Council Secretary Sharon Chamard: [email protected]. .us Officer Daune Wyatt: 343-8337, or 222-0649, or [email protected] [email protected] APD Sgt. Cindi Stanton: 786-2668, or [email protected] Neighborhood Plan Committee Chair Solid Waste Services Senior Code En- Allen Kemplen: 274-9772, or forcement Officer D. Jacobson: Northwest Park District Manager [email protected] 343-6273, or David Shapiro, C.T.R.S.: 343-4163, or [email protected],ak.us [email protected] Fairview Community Patrol Hotline: 277-8818 Fairview Recreation Center: Fairview Community Patrol 343-4130 Hotline: 277-8818 Mayor Mark Begich: 343-4431, or [email protected] Volume 4 Issue 9 Page 4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALASKA OPENS COMMERCIAL LENDING OFFICE IN FAIRIVEW First National Bank Alaska opened deposit services and online bank- and operated bank, with ATMs and a new lending office recently at its ing. 29 branches in 17 communities Eastchester Branch in Anchorage. throughout Alaska. More informa- The Eastchester branch has been tion about First National is available Assistant Vice President Hugh a mainstay in the Fairview area at www.FNBAlaska.com. Wade is heading up the commer- since 1954, moving to its current cial lending office, located at 1821 location in 1976. Long-time Fair- First National Bank Alaska has long Gambell Street across from the view residents will remember the been an important business partner Sullivan Arena. bank’s original location at 15th & of the Fairview Community Council, Gambell, now home to the Alaska supporting the Council’s Annual Wade has eight years of Alaska Aces. Block Party, the establishment of banking experience, the last four as the Harry Hanson APD Substation, a commercial lender in the Anchor- “This is an important business and other important activities of the age area. He joins Branch Manager area in Anchorage and there are Council and the Neighborhood. Janet Wool. They, along with other benefits to our bank and the com- members of the Eastchester team, munity to have a commercial lender FNBA’s establishment of a lending are available to help with auto based here,” said Wade. office in Fairview demonstrates loans, business loans, mortgage First National’s faith in the future of Established in 1922, First National and home equity loans, as well as a vital, vibrant Fairview ! is Alaska’s largest locally owned ASD: DO THE RIGHT THING! An Editorial by Darrel Hess In 1972, in my first national election, I Fort Richardson, where Nick had been gich, just as he did the right thing for proudly cast my vote to re-elect Nick a teacher, principal and superinten- Anchorage's Teachers and Students.
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