StatusStatus ofof Z-PinchZ-Pinch ICFICF ResearchResearch

Driver ICF Target

Cryogenic Non-cryogenic

Hot spot Fast ignition Double shell ignition

Be Vacuum Cu-Foam X-ray hohlraum drive Au/Cu Dynamic hohlraum Au DT

Fusion Power Associates Meeting September 27, 2006 Keith Matzen Sandia National Laboratories Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energys National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. The goal of the Pulsed Power ICF program is to validate a High Yield target design

Advanced concepts (Fast Ignitor)

Dynamic hohlraum

Double-ended hohlraum Efficiency


We are presently studying 3 High Yield target concepts

2 Pulsed-power provides compact, efficient, power amplification

17 m radius Z


150 x ray output vacuum ~1.6 MJ 100 ~200 TW water Marx Electrical to x-ray energy Power (TW) Power 50 Conversion efficiency ~ 15% 11.4 MJ

0 00.511.5Efficiency  Low Cost Time (µs) 3 Indirect drive ICF: a spherical capsule is imploded by z-pinch-produced x-rays contained in a hohlraum


Target heating Compression Ignition Burn

4 The double-ended hohlraum high yield concept separates capsule, hohlraum, and z-pinch physics issues

z-pinch energetics pinch simultaneity pinch balance hohlraum energetics

radiation symmetry

hohlraum coupling

pulse shaping capsule physics

5 A focused effort began in Sept 2005 to create a modern reference design for the double-ended hohlraum (DEH) ~35 mm

Key results of initial scoping study: 25 mm • 400 MJ yield capsule • 16 MJ total x-ray energy output from 2 pinches • 2 x 62 MA currents required with 100 ns rise time • Pulse shaping via multi-shell z-pinch load design • Spoke x-ray transmission of > 60% required • Pinch power balance of 7% required

Integrated 2D simulations with capsule implosion/ignition/burn were not achieved in the 1999 study, mainly due to symmetry issues

6 2D Lasnex simulations of hohlraum energetics and symmetry have been validated in DEH experiments on Z

• Consistency of z-pinch and hohlraum M. Cuneo et al., Phys. Plasmas 2001 G. Bennett et al., Phys. Plasmas 2003 energetics documented at ± 20% level in flux R. Vesey et al., Phys. Plasmas 2003 • Spoke transmission measured to be > 70% R. Vesey et al., proc. IFSA 2005

Backlit capsule trajectories Backlit capsules confirm equator/pole confirm hohlraum coupling symmetry tuning vs. length

4.7-mm capsules

LASNEX 2.15-mm capsules

7 Baseline DEH capsule uses a 0.2% Cu-doped Be ablator, absorbing 1.2 MJ of x-rays, yielding 520 MJ

Capsule NIF GDBE DEH Ablator thickness (µm) 160 190 DT fuel thickness (µm) 80 280 Absorbed energy (MJ) 0.14 1.21 Yield (MJ) 13 520 Peak r (g/cm2) 1.9 3.1 Implosion velocity (cm/µs) 37.0 26.0

if 0.93 0.73

DEH capsule design Fuel fraction at >1.5 if 0.06 0.07 Drive pressure (MB) 160 60 Be (0.2% Cu) 190 µm Inflight aspect ratio 19 35 solid DT 280 µm Fuel KE margin 33% 29% DT gas 2180 µm Hot spot convergence ratio 36 35 (0.3 mg/cm3)

Outer radius = 2.65 mm

8 Although not optimized, the 220 eV DEH capsule robustness compares well with the NIF GDBe capsule

Surface perturbation tolerance Pulse shape tolerances due to RT instability (mode 12) (>90% full yield)

230 1.00 220 eV 2.65mm 215 Yield 0.80 DEH over 300 eV 146 Clean 0.60 1.0 mm D1GDBE 101 120 Yield 0.40 86 Foot ± 2.8 ns 0.20 Shoulder ± 1.4 ns 0.00 Peak ± 1.2 ns 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 initial perturbation (a.u.)

Work is underway to define a more robust 220 eV capsule: • radially-dependent level of Cu dopant in Be shell • optimization of capsule AND pulse shape

9 2D Lasnex hohlraum/capsule simulations capture the essential physics of radiation coupling and symmetry

Included: Moving x-ray source pinch model r(t), P(t) primary Radiation transport hohlraum Hohlraum wall radiation-hydrodynamics Magnetic tamping of primary hohlraum secondary Spoke transmission as radiation b.c. hohlraum Capsule implosion and asymmetry Capsule ignition and burn

primary hohlraum Not included: Self-consistent z-pinch implosion (yet) 3D asymmetry High-mode RT instability in capsule

10 Low-mode symmetry control in the “baseline” hohlraum configuration is not adequate for ignition capsules

Ablation pressure asymmetry Fuel density contours at peak convergence Foot Main  P2  = -0.2 %  P2  = -1.0 %  P4  = -3.3 %  P4  = -0.3 %  P6  = +0.0 %  P6  = -0.4 %  P8  = +0.2 %  P8  = 0.0 %

Tr P2 z r

Yield = 0.040 MJ P4 All walls Au50Gd50 max = 310 g/cc

Similar level of P4 asymmetry measured in foot-like Z experiments

11 Secondary entrance foams and P4 shields give low time-dependent P2, P4, P6, and P8 asymmetry

Initial Foot pulse End foot Peak pinch

9o shield

 P2  = 0.0 %  P2  = -0.3 % P4 shield :  P4  = +0.2 %  P4  = -0.8 % 100 mg/cc CH2 (3% Ge)  P6  = +0.1 %  P6  = +0.1 % Sec. entrance foam :  P8  = +0.1 %  P8  = +0.4 % 5 mg/cc CH2

12 Secondary entrance foams and P4 shields have resulted in highly symmetric capsule implosions that yield nearly 500 MJ

Ablation pressure asymmetry Fuel density contours o P4 shield: 4.4 , 200 mg/cc near ignition



P2 z r

Yield = 470 MJ r = 2.7 g/cm2 max = 580 g/cc

Initial P4 control set by shield angular range, duration set by density (x) Resolution convergence studies are underway

13 Hohlraum / capsule simulation summary

2 main goals of hohlraum/capsule simulations have been met: Demonstrated ignition and burn in best available 2D models Developed strategy to control time-dependent symmetry Identified a new technique for mode-selective symmetry control with small angular range shields

P4 is tunable with negligible effect on P6 and P8 at capsule

Solutions exist with 2 shields per side that should tune P4 with exactly zero effect on P2, P6, and P8 (to be tested)

Work is in progress (Herrmann) to define more robust capsule designs

Concept separates z-pinch from capsule – design z-pinch load in parallel Each pinch should provide 9 MJ total, with 0.5 MJ foot pulse 20-25 ns prior to peak Design work is in process with Alegra (2D & 3D) and Lasnex (1D & 2D)…

14 Recent z-pinch simulations produced an x-ray pulse shape capable of igniting a capsule

Alegra simulation Nested Be-Be-CH2 shells Z-pinch x-ray power history Z voltage x 5.3

2D calculation

81 mg

void Ideal pulse (used in baseline capsule design) R=1.2 cm

Load design has evolved to provide good foot – shoulder – peak timing The total x-ray energy output is more than adequate at ~10 MJ

15 Radiation pulse features are produced by shock heating when z-pinch components collide

Z-Pinch density (r,z)

1570 TW main

290 TW CHCH22 radiativebeginon axisst shock 170 TW on-axis1Be strike liners foot shoulder coolingstagnationstagnation phase stagnationBe-CHcollide2 tailored shock front


Amplitude of radiation pulse feature produced by shock event depends on kinetic energy flux of impactor and opacity (optical depth).

16 We have made significant progress in power scaling, reproducibility, and pulse shaping of wire array z-pinches Pulse compression with single arrays Current scaling of single arrays 200 2003 2002 +46% 180 2003-2004 P  I1.82 ± 0.15 1998 160 140 2.7 ns 120 100 2002-2003 80 P  I1.25 ± 0.18 Peak x-ray Power P (TW) 60 10 12 14 16 18 20 Peak Load Current (MA) Pulse compression with nested arrays Reproducible, controllable shapes with nested arrays

2005 +58% 2002-2004 210 TW 1 1 130 TW 2.4 ns

2 3 2 3

17 20 µm resolution radiography provides new opportunities for capsule implosion studies

Shot Z1561 9-23-2005 3.2-mm diameter capsule • Embedded-glass capsule • 6.151 keV backlighter • ZBL prepulse – higher flux 1 mm • Bent crystal imaging • Imaging plate detector • Cu aperture patches

Visible light microscopy

20 µm spike / 5 pixels


Cr = 1.7

18 Progress in pulsed-power hot-spot ignition

foot peak • Integrated LASNEX hohlraum/capsule 1D yield 520 MJ simulations predict ignition and burn in 2D yield 470 MJ (currently) double-ended hohlraum configuration • Achieved dramatic advances in our ability to experimentally control the radiation output of Z-pinches • Designed power pulse shapes for high yield capsules through z-pinch Radiation pulse shaping engineering with ALEGRA-HEDP single nested • Record x-ray driven D-D neutron yields wire array wire array with Be capsules in dynamic hohlraums Be capsule imploded with Dynamic Hohlraum

33 µm Be 18 m 20 atm D µ 2 CH + 0.085 atm Ar

19 We are using our experience from several science campaigns to support the National ICF Program

• Measured Be melt pressure QMD simulations predict • Delayed ZR shutdown to shock melting at 213 GPa enable diamond melt experiments • Fielded fill tube hydro experiments (collaboration Measured melt between with GA and LLNL) ~200 - 250 GPa • Performed experiments with LANL and LLNL on Omega • Developing NIF cryogenic target system x-ray blast shield • Assessing EMP shielding for NIF diagnostics

20 Recent experiments used Z’s unique capabilities to assess the effects of fill tubes on capsules

Optical image X-ray image during implosion (1 nanosecond snapshot) Glass tubes Fill tube perturbations (10-40 µm diameter)

2 mm 2 mm • Fill tube calculations are some of the most challenging calculations that have been done in support of inertial confinement fusion ignition • Need data to validate the computational tools used to simulate fill tubes • Capability to do experiments on NIF-scale objects coupled with high resolution radiography allows high utility experiments

21 ZR: Refurbishment of the Z Pulsed Power Generator Upgraded Power Flow – Robust & Electrically Optimized: Enhanced for Higher Stresses & • Intermediate Storage Capacitors Diagnostics Improved Diagnostic Access • Pulse Forming Lines Infrastructure • Transmission Lines Individual New Capacitors – Trigger Lasers Doubles Stored Energy

Oil Water Water Vacuum Water Oil

22 Refurbishment Some assembly is required

23 The Z-Petawatt Laser System will provide new capability for radiography and fast ignition research

Z-Beamlet HiBay • Terawatt-class Z-Beamlet provides 1-10 keV x-ray backlighting on Z Z Machine • Petawatt-class enhancement allows new radiography options (X-rays over 10-100 keV; protons) and Fast Ignitor research on Z

• System operational in 2007 at Z-Beamlet 500 J / 500 fs with gratings, Facility ramping up to 2 kJ in 5-10ps

Petawatt Pulse Compressor

Phase C 70’ (21m) 24