Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

ExpressART us!

Sant Julià School Iñaki Ibargoyen Vergara

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) Year 2 2018-2019

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Identification of the GEP project: 3





6. CONTENT (Knowledge and Skills) 12





11. SESSION PLANNING 18 SESSION 1: First contact (After working on Picasso’s life for 2 sessions in cat) 18 SESSION 2: Learn, play, rotate! 24 SESSION 3: Now you tell me 28 SESSION 4: Tell me what you feel 30 EXTRA SESSION: The big opening 33


Teaching Materials 36

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE for CLIL and Content-Rich Environments

Identification of the GEP project:

Title L​et’s find ways to express ourselves!/ ExpressART us!

Authorship Iñaki Ibargoyen Vergara

School Escola Sant Julià

Students’ CEFR Level Beginners (A1, A2...)

Grade 6th

Content area(s) English, arts and crafts, social values.

Number of sessions 4

Teacher(s) involved Iñaki Ibargoyen Vergara

Keywords Picasso, feelings, art, expression, periods, history

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Introduction:​ Kids at this age, like many adults, are not good handling their emotions. This happens in many cases because they are not able to understand them. As this is the cause of many problems, we want to address the topic through painters, who show their feelings through art. This way students will have a way to show what they feel, try to understand themselves and also their classmate's feelings.

Driving question:​ W​ hy did paint that way?

Final product:​ An art gallery in the Public Library “El Nord” with: - Students’ creations about dealing with feelings. - Video presentations talking about Picasso. - Videos or short texts explaining their productions about the feelings. - A leaflet of the whole process of the project. - 360 image of Picasso’s art A post in the school web explaining the project and showing the art gallery elements

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


1. To know about Picasso’s life. 1. Students recognise facts from Picasso’s life and are able to organise them on a timeline.

2. To learn more about their feelings 2.1 Students are able to express their feelings and talk about others. and the feelings of others. 2.2 Students differentiate some Picasso's masterpieces among others painters’ work.

3. To understand how the life of the 3.1 Students are able to talk about the emotions of the painter related to some of his paintings. painter influenced his productions 3.2 To relate those feeling to the events of the painter’s life.

4. To realize that our emotions 4.1 When given an emotion, students can make roleplaying showing how they are when they are influence in our actions. feeling that emotion. 4.2 Students are able of analysing how their emotions have an influence on their own actions.

5. To analyse the influence of people 5.1 Students are able to debate about what makes people more influential than others and compare on the world and others. nowadays with Picasso’s era. 5.2 Students debate about why Picasso got to be famous while still alive, unlike many other painters.

6. To express themselves in different 6.1 Students choose a strategy to express an emotion given. ways. 6.2 Students explain which emotion are they representing and why did they use that strategy in a video, a comic or short text.

7. To use google drive tools to create 7.1 Students use innovative tools to create materials and and final products to present what they a 360º timeline learn to others..

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

3. CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS SPECIFIC COMPETENCES AND KEY CONTENTS According to the documents at the Ateneu ​and the C​ urriculum of Primary Education

Subject-matter curriculum Foreign language curriculum

Specific Key Contents Specific Key Contents Competences Competences

A​ rts and crafts Arts and crafts 3: Captar el missatge Oral communication 1: Identificar i Perceive and explore global de les 3: Identificació del lèxic i d’expressions reconèixer en les 1: Percepció i exploració sensorial dels produccions orals més bàsiques d’un tema específic. diverses formes elements presents en l’entorn natural, treballades a l’aula, 6: Pronunciació, entonació i ritme adequats en d’expressió artística cultural i artístic: els objectes, els amb suport visual i no les interaccions orals habituals seguint les alguns trets socials, materials, els sons... visual. pautes de la llengua estrangera. culturals,religiosos, 3: Interès pel coneixement del patrimoni 5: Reproduir textos 7: Reconeixement per l’entonació de la formals, estructurals, artístic de Catalunya i el d’altres orals tenint en compte modalitat de la frase (interrogació, ideològics, cultures. l’entonació i el ritme, exclamació...). psicològics, semiòtics i 5: Paper social, cultural i religiós del segons el model ofert. 8: Producció de missatges d’intercanvi social a de gènere. patrimoni i les manifestacions 6: Extreure informació l’aula i relacionats amb contingut temàtic: 3: Comunicar de artístiques. Incidència en la vida de textos escrits breus preguntes, respostes, instruccions de treball... forma visual, sonora i i senzills de temes

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

corporal coneixement, quotidiana de les persones i en la forma coneguts i amb una 10: Ús de les estructures pròpies de la llengua pensament, emocions de pensar. finalitat comunicativa estrangera en les produccions orals. i experiències, tot concreta. 12: Disposició per superar les dificultats que aplicant i combinant Perform and create 10: Saber comparar poden sorgir en una interacció tot utilitzant les possibilitats de 1: Terminologia que s’empra en la produccions de estratègies que facilitin la comunicació comunicació del cos, pràctica i la vivència de l’expressió diferents llengües per (repetició, utilització d’exemples, gest, imatges). dels sons, de les artística visual, sonora i corporal. trobar-hi semblances i Reading músiques, de les diferències i canviar el 1:Comprensió d’informacions relacionades amb imatges, dels punt de vista personal continguts de diferents àrees curriculars i objectes, de les per poder comprendre presentades en diferents suports. figures geomètriques i altres maneres de 2: Estratègies de lectura apreses de les altres dels recursos digitals. veure el món. llengües del centre que ajuden a la comprensió 11: Tenir interès per del text i que permeten la deducció del 4: Elaborar solucionar els significat dels mots i expressions (predicció, produccions problemes de suposició). artístiques que comprensió i 5: U​ tilització de diccionaris en format paper i promoguin la valoració comunicació que es digital per a la comprensió de mots i crítica del nostre produeixen en expressions. entorn. contextos 7: Ús d’eines digitals per a la recerca guiada de multilingües, sabent la informació en la realització de tasques adaptar els missatges. específiques. Social values 12: Mostrar interès i Writing Personal Social values valorar la utilització 1: Estratègies i recursos de producció escrita 1: Actuar amb Personal d’una llengua apreses de les altres llengües curriculars, per a autonomia en la presa Conductes autònomes. estrangera nova per a la producció de textos escrits de tipologia de decisions i assumir Conductes responsables i la comunicació dins diversa. la responsabilitat dels corresponsables. l’aula i per participar 2: Producció de textos breus relacionats amb propis actes. Relació amb l’entorn: implicacions activament en les situacions de la vida quotidiana. socials i naturals de la pròpia conducta.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

3: Qüestionar-se i diferents situacions 3: Utilització d’expressions i frases treballades a usar l’argumentació d’aprenentatge. l’aula en la producció de textos escrits per superar prejudicis i 13: Usar un llenguatge (descripcions, diàlegs, narracions, poemes) consolidar el no discriminatori i amb el suport, quan calgui, dels recursos TAC. pensament respectuós amb els 5: Aplicació dels coneixements sobre el propi altres i ser crític amb funcionament de la llengua estrangera (lèxics, els prejudicis racistes, morfosintàctics i ortogràfics) en la producció de Interpersonal sexistes, religiosos i textos escrits. 4: Mostrar actituds de Interpersonal classistes. 6: Utilització de sistemes de comunicació respecte actiu envers Fases en el procés de resolució de digitals segurs i adequats a l’edat per establir les persones, les problemes i de presa de decisions. canals de comunicació en la llengua estrangera seves idees, opcions, Estratègies del pensament crític i i per a la presentació, edició i publicació de creences i les cultures creatiu. textos. que les conformen. Estratègies de prevenció i resolució de Language working knowledge and learning 6: Adoptar hàbits problemes o conflictes. 1: Diferències d’ús de la llengua oral i de la d’aprenentatge La voluntat i l’esforç com a components llengua escrita en situacions comunicatives cooperatiu que de les conductes resilients. reals o simulades segons el tipus de text. promoguin el 2: Associació de grafia, pronunciació i significat. compromís personal i 3: Habilitats i estratègies per aprendre nou les actituds de lèxic, expressions i estructures (repetició, convivència. memorització, associació, utilització de suports multimèdia) i reflexió sobre el propi Social aprenentatge. 7: Analitzar l’entorn Social 4: Reconeixement i ús de lèxic, formes i amb criteris ètics per Estratègies per al diàleg: estructures bàsiques pròpies de la llengua cercar solucions l’argumentació, la contraargumentació i estrangera. alternatives als les proves. Característiques del 5: Recursos TAC per al treball de vocabulari problemes. pensament argumentatiu bàsic i d’ampliació i d’estructures lingüístiques de la llengua estrangera.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

6: Aplicació dels coneixements sobre aspectes lingüístics coincidents apresos de les altres llengües curriculars: signes de puntuació. Literary education 4: Reproducció oral de textos literaris breus memoritzats com cançons, poemes, rimes, amb acompanyament d’elements no verbals. 7: Respecte per les produccions dels altres. Multilingualism and multiculturalism 1: Valoració del coneixement de llengües per a la comunicació i per millorar la comprensió dels altres i del món i per valorar la pròpia llengua i cultura. 11: Motivació per comparar i estudiar el funcionament de les distintes llengües. 12: Identificació de les semblances i diferències en la manera de veure i entendre el món.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Collaboration X Information, media and X technology

Communication X Leadership & X Responsibility

Critical Thinking and X Initiative & Self-direction X Problem Solving

Creativity & Innovation X Social & Cross-cultural X


Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Communicative, linguistic and audiovisual competence X Digital competence X

Mathematical competence Social and civic competence X

Interaction with the physical world competence Learning to learn competence X

Cultural & artistic competence X Personal initiative and X entrepreneurship competence

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

6. CONTENT (Knowledge and Skills)


- Pablo Picasso’s biography - Identifying the main characteristics of a painting - XIX century historical main facts - Analyzing the context of a painting. - Painting techniques: colour, lines, - Thinking about why Picasso paint as he did. shapes, materials... - Justifying the intention of the painting with its context - Feelings and emotions - Linking the characteristics of a painting with feelings and personal situations - Comparing different paintings. - Expressing the difference between different periods of the painter.

- Experiment with feelings and emotions - Plan, design and create a product to help people to express and manage feelings - Giving a presentation of the project assessing the process

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


All the pictures used in the teaching materials are for free use or I have the rights to use them.

Information for readings and examples have been extracted (and sometimes adapted) from many websites such as: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Several videos from youtube or other websites are also given to the students as a tool. ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


This project is linked to two other projects, created by Cristina Moreno and Henar Gonzalez. They have made a similar project with Van Gogh and Matisse, and we three share our final product.

They will be arranged according to the basic teams on Classcraft. Small groups change every time they finish a project.


We would like to acknowledge Sabadell Nord Library support for letting us made our final exhibition there, in order to gain a real audience.

Skills: R: reading , S:speaking, L: listening, W: writing, I: Interaction Interaction: T-S: teacher-student, S-S: student-student, SG: SGs, WG: whole group, S-Expert, S-World, 1, 2, 4: individually, compared with classmate and group Assessment: PA: Peer assessment, SA: Self-assessment, TA: Teacher assessment, AT: Assessment tools; GA: Global assesment

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Session Activities Timing Skills Interaction ICT Assessment

1 Timeline game 10’ R SG None SA S

Match 5’ S SG None GA descriptions and periods

Oral debate 5’ S WG Words and TA about results expression on the whiteboard

Fill the gaps of 20’ L 1, 2, 4 Projection TA Video about Picasso’s Life

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

Peer dictation 10’ L S-S none PA about Picasso’s W life

2 Reading 15’ R Half group none SA comprehension SG

Frame 15’ W Half group none TA description SG

Extract 15’ R Half group Google PA information from S SG cardboard a 360 video W T-S Google tour Tablet

3 Short oral 5’ L WG none SA-TA explanation

Elaborate a 360º 85’ TICs S-S PC Rubric timeline of W Google tour SA-TA Picasso's paintings R Google Slides

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

Play Quizlet 10’ R S-S PC none 4 emotions S Quizlet

Link emotion, 10’ Analysing S-S none Rubric description and S PA-TA panting

Choose emotion 15’ W Individual none TA and describe S painting

Talk about the 10’ S SG Help projected Rubric feeling of the Debating on Whiteboard PA-TA author on paintings

Expressing an 45’ S SG Tablets Rubric emotion and TICs PA-TA explaining why recording it on video

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


SESSION​ 1: First contact (After working on Picasso’s life for 2 sessions in cat)

Objectives of the session:

1. To know about Picasso’s life. 5. To analyse the influence of people on the world and others.

Content-obligatory language for the session: ● Vocabulary for descriptions ● Comparatives and superlatives ● Structures to express opinions: this/that is, this is, it was, an example of this...


1.0 At the beginning of the class I will ask the 10’ S T-S Information none students about what they already know L projected on about Picasso and I will encourage them to express it in English or I will paraphrase what Whiteboard they say to English. Then I will introduce the Driving Question “Why did Pablo Picasso paint that way?” and

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

start a debate around it and relate that to the objectives of today’s session and the English part of the project, that I will project or write , for them to have them into consideration while working. I will share the interest for them to be able to do everything that is written on the objectives and how knowing some history, being able to express feelings and use new technologies to create things is useful for them. I will explain them and add a short Q&A round about it.

1.1 Name: 8’ R SG None SA Timeline game S Description: Students play the game “timeline” with specific cards related to frames of the painters. They had played before in their mother tongue but this time they have to express themselves in English using the language support if needed. It will also work as a refreshment for them to relate paintings and periods, as they are going to need that in the next activity.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021 664/timeline Assessment tool: The game has its own mechanics of self assessment on the back of the cards. Material Annex 1: Timeline game cards and mat. Language support: Annex 2: Timeline game and organization_language support

1.2 Name: 5’ S SG None GA Relation periods/descriptions Description: Students have papers with the name of the artistic periods of Picasso and their descriptions and they have to match each other using their previous knowledge and the cards of the Timeline game. They will be arranged according to the basic teams on Classcraft. Assessment tool: Annex 3: Periods/description_Also_Solution Material Annex 3: Periods/description_Also_Solution Language support:

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

Annex 2: Timeline game and organization_language support Annex 11: 360_Language_support

1.3 Name: 5’ S WG Words and TA Oral debate about results. expression on Description: We talk about what they have written and the whiteboard why. Assessment tool: Annex 4: Oral_expresion_rubric Language support: Annex 2: Timeline game and organization_language support

1.4 Name: 15’ L 1, 2, 4 Projection TA Fill the gaps (Picasso’s life) Description: Watching a video they have to fill the gaps on a text (if needed they will be able to use English subtitles on the video). It will be played up to 3 times. Before they start reading, students will be able to underline words they don’t know. Once they have finished, they will write the words on the whiteboard and all the students

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

together with the help of the teacher will try to guess the meanings. hp Students will work in the 1, 2, 4 system (individually, later on comparing their results with a classmate and finally checking in small groups) Assessment tool: Annex 6: Fill the gaps (Picasso’s life)_Solution Material Annex 5: Fill the gaps (Picasso’s life)_Worksheet

1.5 Name: 10’ L S-S none PA Peer dictation (Picasso’s life) W Description: A peer dictation activity about (Picasso’s life). Before they start reading to each other, students will be able to read their texts and underline words they don’t know. Once they have finished, they will write the words on the whiteboard and all the students

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

together with the help of the teacher will try to guess the meanings. One of the options is easier than the other so it can be given to the student according to their level. Students will make pairs on their own. If there were any case of a student that usually ends up alone, I will throw the pluff dice I have in my class to that student so he could throw it away randomly to choose his pair and then follow the chain until all of them have a pair. Assessment tool: Annex 8: Peer dictation (Picasso’s life)_solution Material Annex 7: Peer dictation (Picasso’s life)_Worksheet

MEANWHILE, with the main teacher...

● Students will talk about emotions (Picasso’s and theirs) and how they affect them. ● Students talk about PIcasso’s life, how it was, why he painted, etc.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

SESSION​ 2: Learn, play, rotate!

Objectives of the session:

1. To know about Picasso’s life. 2. To learn more about their feelings and the feelings of others. 3. To understand how the life of the painter influenced his productions

Content-obligatory language for the session: ● Painting vocabulary: materials, techniques, periods, tools or types of paintings, size ● Structures: there is/are, it measures, it is, it was painted...

A​ ctivities

An introduction and then 3 activities that rotate each 15’

2.0 Name: 10’ S R Half group (12) PDI none Warm up WG Description: Students will review the vocabulary they’ve been working and the teacher will bring to the conversation difficult vocabulary of the activities. This will be considered a pre-task for the next activities.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

2.1 Name: 15’ R Half group none SA Reading comprehension SG Description: Students have to read a text and answer some questions related to it. Assessment tool: Annex 14: Reading_assesment Material Annex 9: Reading_and_solution Language support: Annex 9: Reading_and_solution

2.2 Name: 15’ W Half group nonce TA Painting description SG Description: Students have to choose a Picasso to describe it by using all the information they can (translations with the tablets are forbidden). Students will be in the same groups they usually are to debate and generate ideas. Material Annex 10: Description_Substitution_table Language support: Annex 10: Description_Substitution_table

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

2.3 Name: 15’ R Half group Google PA Extract information from a 360 tour S SG cardboard Description: Students have to enter on a 360 tour with the W T-S Google tour google cardboards and extract information to Tablet answer some questions related to it. Assessment tool: Class Assessment Material Annex 10: 360_tour Language support: Annex 11: 360_Language_support

2.4 Name: 5’ S R Half group PDI none Closure WG Description: Small debate about what they have done and opinions related to the different activities. This will be consider a post-task for the activities.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

MEANWHILE, with the main teacher...

● Students talk about the different periods on the life on Picasso and how they affected him and his art.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

SESSION​ 3: Now you tell me

Objectives of the session:

1. To know about Picasso’s life. 6. To express themselves in different ways. 7. To use google drive tools to create a 360º timeline

Content-obligatory language for the session: ● Vocabulary: name of the periods on Picasso’s life ● Structures: He/Picasso did, ...


3.1 Name: 5’ L WG none SA-TA Short oral explanation Description: The teacher will explain how to operate with the program and the basics Language support: Visual indications from the teacher

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

3.2 Name: 85’ TICs S-S PC Rubric Elaborate a 360º timeline of Picasso's W Google tour SA-TA paintings R Google Slides Description: Having the information they already have they have to create a 360 timeline of Picasso’s art Assessment tool: Annex 12: 360_Instructions_and_rubric Material Annex 11: 360_Video_instructions

MEANWHILE, with the main teacher...

● Students will experiment with painting as Picasso using some games for it and choosing specific colours to express emotions.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

SESSION​ 4: Tell me what you feel

Objectives of the session:

3. To understand how the life of the painter influenced his productions. 4. To realize that our emotions influence in our actions. 5. To analyse the influence of people on the world and others.

Content-obligatory language for the session: ● Vocabulary: feelings, adjectives, emotions ● Structures: subject + feel/felt, this painting inspires me...


4.1 Name: 10’ R S-S PC none Play with quizlet S Quizlet Description: Students play on quizlet to review the vocabulary they already know, and introduce some extra. Material Tablets Language support: Annex 15: describe emotion_language_support

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

4.2 Name: 10’ Analysing S-S none Rubric Link emotion, description and painting S PA-TA Description: Students will take the paintings they have done in the other class, labeling them and linking them to the emotions on the little whiteboards. Material Little whiteboards paintings Language support: Annex 15: describe emotion_language_support

4.3 Name: 15’ W Individual none TA Choose emotion and describe painting S Description: Students have to choose the emotion the painting transmits to them and explain why Material Paintings Language support: Annex 15: describe emotion_language_support

4.4 Name: 10’ S SG Help Rubric Talk about the feeling of the author on paintings Debating projected on PA-TA Description: Whiteboard

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

This time they have to put themselves on the author shoes and say how they think he felt. Assessment tool: Annex 4: Oral_expresion_rubric Material Paintings Language support: Annex 15: describe emotion_ Language support

4.5 Name: 45’ S SG Tablets Rubric Expressing an emotion and explaining why TICs PA-TA Description: Students will record themselves on videos expressing an emotion and recording that on video. Assessment tool: Annex 4: Oral_expresion_rubric Annex 16: Video_rubric Material Little whiteboard Language support: Annex 15: describe emotion_language_support

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

EXTRA SESSION: The big opening Objectives of the session: ● Show the results of the project with the community.

Content-obligatory language for the session: ● A mix from session 3 and 4. ● Structures and vocabulary to describe their creations: I created, the feeling I represented is… when I am…. I like to...

A​ ctivities

Name: 90’ S Students-Ot TA: Observation grid. The big opening I her Adults/ Audience Description: This activity is going to be done at Sabadell Nord public Library. Students Assessment: How did Students from 2nd grade (mine), 4th grade (Cristina’s Moreno) and you feel “wall”. All the 6th grade (Iñaki’s) are going to show their final products. It will be an visitors will find a open session; families are going to receive an invitation, we will white wall in which announce it through social media, etc. they can express, The goal of this session is to give the opportunity to the students to whatever they have show their work to other people from their context. felt in our exhibition, in the way they chose.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


CLIL-PBL Project -​ Teaching materials

The teaching materials are v​isually attractive ​and w​ ell-organized.​

The teaching materials are s​elf-explanatory ​and r​eady-to-use.

All activities and teaching materials are o​riginal ​and c​reated ​by the course participant.

Any resource in any format (including videos, images, texts from the Internet), that is not original, is respectful of copyright and its s​ources ​are c​ited.​

Students are presented with m​ ultimodal​ and v​aried ​input (spoken, written, visual, hands-on…).

Input is presented at the right c​ognitive ​l​evel.​

Input is presented at the right l​anguage ​l​evel.

Students are h​elped ​in some way to u​nderstand and process the input presented.

Visuals ​are used to support comprehension.

Students are presented with g​ood questions ​(explicit, implicit and referential) that help them process input and that challenge them not only to understand, but to think, create...

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

There are o​pportunities for significant linguistic output ​(the students produce communicative “products”, speak, write, interact…).

Support ​is provided to help students read, write, speak and interact.

A variety of c​ollaborative and cooperative learning strategies ​are used throughout the sessions.

Activities facilitate i​nquiry and reflection ​and promote the role of the teacher as a facilitator/coach.

Task instructions ​are short, concise, c​lear ​and c​omprehensible ​to the students. Activities are written using an a​ppropriate level of language.​

The teaching materials are written in a​ccurate ​E​nglish.​ There are n​o mistakes at all.​

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at:

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

Teaching Materials

● In the following pages, there are the the materials for the activities ready to be printed and used.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Session 1

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 1.1, Annex 1: Timeline game cards and mat. ● Timeline gam (Print A3)

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Printable (A3)

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 1.1, Annex 2: Timeline game and organization_language support ​ ● Extra rules 1. You have to say an English sentence each time you place a card on the table. 2. You play with different lines, one related to each era. 3. If a student places a Van Gogh or Matisse painting and nobody complains, they can disscart a cart from his hand. 4. If someone catches another student placing a Van Gogh or Matisse painting they can complain in English. a. If they are right, they can disscart a cart from his hand. If not, they take a new card.

● Useful expressions

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 1.2, Annex 3: Periods/description_Also_Solution ​ ● Print 1 per group (this is also to be projected as the solution) Early Works From a very young age he was able to represent a life model on paper with the highest resemblance. He painted a communion act at the age of 14 and was one of the first of his class in college. His father was a drawing teacher and decorator, and tough him all he could. The boy had hardly learned to speak before he started drawing. He continued with this style for many years.

"Blue" Period This is, perhaps, the first period in the work of Picasso, in relation to which we can speak about the individuality of the creator. The first creative uplift was provoked by a long-lasting depression: February 1901 in Madrid Picasso learned that his close friend Carlos Casagemas had died. Picasso later recalled: “I started painting in blue when I learned of Casagemas's death”.

"Rose" Period In Picasso’s work, the Rose Period was relatively short (from the fall 1904 until the end of 1906) and quite uneven. A large number of pictures were marked with a bright color; we see the advent of pearl gray, ocher, pink and red tones; there appeared new topics, such as actors, acrobats, athletes, etc. The Cirque Medrano that was located at the foot of hill certainly did provide a lot of material for the artist. A variety of different people, both beautiful and ugly, young and adult, returned the artist to the world of slightly transformed, but real forms, dimensions and spaces; paintings filled with life as opposed to the characters of the Blue Period. "African" Period The first work by Picasso, which turned him towards a new figurativeness, was the Portrait of Gertrude Stein, 1906. By repainting it 80 times, the artist was desperate to depict the writer in the classical style. The artist was ready for a new creative period and ceased to be interested in life models. This piece can be regarded as the first step towards shape deformation.

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Cubism Before Cubism, the lifelikeness was the major problem in the European art. Art had been evolving several centuries without bringing this concept into question. Even the impressionists, who started a new chapter in the history of painting devoted to light and fixation of fleeting impressions, were faced with the problem: how to capture the world on canvas.

Classicism Cubism gradually became Picasso’s internally lived experience and liberated his brush. He later said: “When I think about it, I would say I am an artist without style”. “Style puts constraints on the artist, forcing a single viewpoint on things upon him, the same techniques, the same formula, year after year, his life long”. This, of course, was not the case of Picasso, the desperate daredevil of art.

Surrealism The two factors triggered at the same time: Picasso’s new muse Marie-Therese Walter, whose “fascinating face” he desiderated to picture, immediately notifying his new female friend that “we will do great things together”, and the closeness to the circle of Andre Breton. It was in the gallery of Pierre in 1925 that Picasso first took part in a group exhibition of the Surrealists (before that, his works were presented at the personal exhibitions only).

War Years In 1936, a Civil war between the freshly formed republican government and the fascist regime of General Franco broke out in Spain. Picasso did all he could to support the anti-fascists: his canvas was his battlefield, and his weapons were the brush and paints.

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

After war In the peace time, in 1946 Picasso had made the picturesque ensemble from 27 panels and pictures for a castle of the noble family Grimaldy in Antibes, it is a town on the Mediterranean seaside of . The panel in the first hall is named "The joy of life" and all series is represented as harmony of nature with existence - it is the representation of fauns, naked girls, centaurs, fairy-tale creatures.

Later works During the later period of his creature he often appealed to a woman portrait (portraits of Jacqueline Roque). In 1960 Picasso had drawn the different variations of themes by famous masters of art - Vela'zquez, Goya, Manet - in the free scandal cubism manner (not cubism).

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 1.2, Annex 11: 360_Language_support ​

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 1.3, Annex 4: Oral_expresion_rubric ​ ● Oral expression rubirc

Name: ______0 1 2 Date: ______Needs Could be Excellent improvement better Activity:


Voice: Clear enough so everyone could hear? ​ Eye contact: Look at the audience while speaking? ​ Fluency: Good speed? Not stumbling over words? ​ Actions: Were there gestures, mimics, etc? ​ Props: Were there visual props? (if usable) ​

Name: ______0 1 2 Date: ______Needs Could be Excellent improvement better Activity:


Voice: Clear enough so everyone could hear? ​ Eye contact: Look at the audience while speaking? ​ Fluency: Good speed? Not stumbling over words? ​ Actions: Were there gestures, mimics, etc? ​ Props: Were there visual props? (if usable) ​

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 1.4, Annex 5: Fill the gaps (Picasso’s life)_Worksheet ​ ● Listen to the video and fill the gaps.

Pablo ______was the most dominant and influential ______of the first half of the 20th century. Associated most of all with pioneering ______he also invented collage and made major contribution to surrealism. ______saw himself above all as a ______, yet his sculpture was greatly influential and he also explored areas as diverse as printmaking ______ceramics. Finally, he was a famously charismatic personality, the leading ______in the Akahl de his many relationships ______women, not only filtered into his art, but also may have directed its course and his behaviour has come to embody that of the bohemian modern artist in the popular ______. Picasso rejected Matisse's view of the ______importance and role of color, and focused instead on new pictorial ways of representing form in ______. Influenced by novelties of Cezanne and also by African sculpture and ancient Iberian art he started to lend his figures ______structure and to deconstruct ______conventions of perspective that had dominated ______since the Renaissance. This led him, alongside with , to evolve an entirely new Cubist ______which rapidly became the cutting edge of modern art. At the same time, Picasso himself rejected the label ______, especially when critics began to differentiate ______the two key approaches he pursued analytic and synthetic. In the 1920s and ______Picasso adopted a neoclassical figurative style. As he matured he worked on his own versions of canonical ______by artists such as Pusa, Angra, Velazquez, ______, Rembrandt and El Greco. Picasso's influence was profound and far-reaching for ______of his life. His work in pioneering cubism established a set of pictorial ______.

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 1.4, Annex 6: Fill the gaps (Picasso’s life)_Solution ​ Solution:

Pablo Picasso was the most dominant and influential artist of the first half of the 20th century. ​ ​ ​ ​ Associated most of all with pioneering cubism he also invented collage and made major contribution to surrealism. He saw himself above all as a painter, yet his sculpture was greatly influential and he ​ ​ also explored areas as diverse as printmaking and ceramics. ​ ​ Finally, he was a famously charismatic personality, the leading figure in the Akahl de Paris his many ​ ​ relationships with women, not only filtered into his art, but also may have directed its course and his ​ ​ behaviour has come to embody that of the bohemian modern artist in the popular imagination. ​ ​ Picasso rejected Matisse's view of the primary importance and role of color, and focused instead on ​ ​ new pictorial ways of representing form in space. Influenced by novelties of Cezanne and also by ​ ​ African sculpture and ancient Iberian art he started to lend his figures more structure and to ​ ​ deconstruct the conventions of perspective that had dominated painting since the Renaissance. ​ ​ ​ ​ This led him, alongside with Georges Braque, to evolve an entirely new Cubist movement which ​ ​ rapidly became the cutting edge of modern art. At the same time, Picasso himself rejected the label cubism, especially when critics began to differentiate between the two key approaches he pursued ​ ​ ​ analytic and synthetic. In the 1920s and 1930s Picasso adopted a neoclassical figurative style. As he matured he worked ​ ​ on his own versions of canonical masterpieces by artists such as Pusa, Angra, Velazquez, Goya, ​ ​ ​ ​ Rembrandt and El Greco. Picasso's influence was profound and far-reaching for most of his life. His ​ ​ work in pioneering cubism established a set of pictorial problems. ​ ​

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 1.5, Annex 7: Peer dictation (Picasso’s life)_Worksheet ​ ● Help your friend to complete the text and complete yours.

Who Was Pablo Picasso? ​ ​ Pablo Picasso (October 25, 1881 to April 8, 1973)

______expatriate painter, sculptor, printmaker, ​ ​ ​ ceramicist and stage ______considered one of the ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ greatest and ______of the 20th ​ ​ ​ ​ century and the co-creator, along with Georges Braque, of

Cubism. Considered ______in his work, Picasso continues to garner reverence for his ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ technical ______, visionary creativity and profound empathy. Together, these qualities ​ ​ ​ ​ ______distinguished the "disquieting" Spaniard with the "sombrepiercing" eyes as a ​ revolutionary ______. For nearly 80 of his 91 years, Picasso devoted himself to an artistic ​ ​ ​ ​ ______that he superstitiously believed would keep him alive, contributing significantly , ​ ​ ​ and paralleling the entire development of, modern art in the ______. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Do you need help with words? ● Sombrepiercing: an adjective to describe the way Picasso looks. ● Disquieting: “dis” means contrary like in disadvantage. “Quiet” is to be in silence.

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

● Help your friend to complete the text and complete yours.

Who Was Pablo ______? ​ ​ ​ ​ Pablo Picasso (October 25, 1881 to April 8, 1973) was a Spanish ​ expatriate ______, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist ​ ​ ​ ​ ______stage designer ______one of the ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century and the ​ ​ co-creator, along with Georges Braque, of ______. ​ ​ ​ ​ Considered radical in his work, ______continues to garner reverence for his technical ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ mastery, visionary ______and profound empathy. Together, these qualities have ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ distinguished the "disquieting" Spaniard with the "sombrepiercing" eyes as a revolutionary artist. For ​ ​ nearly 80 of his 91 years, Picasso ______to an artistic production that he superstitiously ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ believed would keep him alive, contributing significantly to , and paralleling ______entire ​ ​ development of,

______art in the 20th century. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Do you need help with words? ● Sombrepiercing: an adjective to describe the way Picasso looks. ● Disquieting: “dis” means contrary like in disadvantage. “Quiet” is to be in silence.

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Annex 8: Peer dictation (Picasso’s life)_solution Solution:

Who Was Pablo Picasso? ​ ​ Pablo Picasso (October 25, 1881 to April 8, 1973) was a Spanish ​ expatriate painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and stage ​ ​ ​ ​ designer considered one of the greatest and most influential ​ ​ ​ artists of the 20th century and the co-creator, along with Georges ​ Braque, of Cubism. Considered radical in his work, Picasso ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ continues to garner reverence for his technical mastery, visionary ​ ​ creativity and profound empathy. Together, these qualities have distinguished the "disquieting" ​ ​ ​ Spaniard with the "sombrepiercing" eyes as a revolutionary artist. For nearly 80 of his 91 years, ​ ​ Picasso devoted himself to an artistic production that he superstitiously believed would keep him ​ ​ ​ ​ alive, contributing significantly to, and paralleling the entire development of, modern art in the 20th ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ century. ​

Text from: ​

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

● Peer evaluation tool

Student’s name Student’s name

Student evaluating Student evaluating

Criteria Number Criteria Number

Amount of correct words Amount of correct words

Correctly written Correctly written

Total (teacher) Total (teacher)

Student’s name Student’s name

Student evaluating Student evaluating

Criteria Number Criteria Number

Amount of correct words Amount of correct words

Correctly written Correctly written

Total (teacher) Total (teacher)

Student’s name Student’s name

Student evaluating Student evaluating

Criteria Number Criteria Number

Amount of correct words Amount of correct words

Correctly written Correctly written

Total (teacher) Total (teacher)

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Session 2

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 2.1, Annex 9: Reading_and_solution ​ ● Reading comprehension ● From: ​

7 Pablo Picasso Fun Facts Pablo Picasso Portrait Photo

1. Picasso's Full Name Has 23 Words. Picasso was baptized Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso. He was named after various saints and relatives. The "Picasso" is actually from his mother, Maria Picasso y Lopez. His father is named Jose Ruiz Blasco.

2. Picasso's First Word: Pencil It's like Picasso was born an artist: his first word was "piz," short of lápiz the Spanish word for 'pencil.' His father Ruiz, an artist and art professor, gave him a formal education in art starting from the age of 7.

3. Pablo's First Artworks At the young age of 9, Picasso completed his first painting: Le picador, a man riding a horse in a bullfight.

His first major painting, an "academic" work is First Communion, featuring a portrait of his father, mother, and younger sister kneeling before an altar. Picasso was 15 when he finished it.

4. When he was born, the midwife thought that he was stillborn so she left him on a table to attend his mother. It was his uncle, a doctor named Don Salvador, that saved him.

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

5. Cubism: Full of Little Cubes In 1909, Picasso and French artist Georges Braque co-founded an art movement known as cubism. Actually, it was a French art critic Louis Vauxcelles who first called it "bizarre cubiques" or cubism, after noting that Picasso and Braque's paintings are "full of little cubes."

6. Guernica When a Nazi officer saw Guernica he asked Picasso "Was you who did it?" and Picasso is said to have responded, "No, you did!".

7. Picasso is a prolific artist In all his life Picasso produced about 147,800 pieces, consisting of: 13,500 paintings, 100,000 prints and engravings, 300 sculptures and ceramics and 34,000 illustrations - an impressive 78-year career.

Questions: 1. How many words had the full name of Picasso?

2. Who had Picasso as a surname? (apart from Pablo)

3. Which was Picasso’s first word?

4. How old was Picasso when he completed his first painting?

5. Who was on the painting “First communion”?

6. Which was the name of his uncle?

7. Which style he co-founded with Georges Braque? ​

8. What did Picasso say to the Nazi Officer?

9. How many paintings did Picasso in all his life?

10.How long was Picasso’s career?

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Questions: 1. How many words had the full name of Picasso? Picasso's Full Name Has 23 Words

2. Who had “Picasso” as a surname? (apart from Pablo) "Picasso" is from his mother.

3. Which was Picasso’s first word? His first word was “pencil” (lápiz in Spanish).

4. How old was Picasso when he completed his first painting? He was 9 years old.

5. Who was on the painting “First communion”? His father, mother, and younger sister.

6. Which was the name of his uncle? Don Salvador.

7. Which style he co-founded with Georges Braque? He co-founded an art movement known as cubism.

8. What did Picasso say to the Nazi Officer? "No, you did!".

9. How many paintings did Picasso in all his life? In all his life Picasso produced about 147,800 pieces.

10.How long was Picasso’s career? His career was 78 year long.

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 2.2, Annex 10: Description_Substitution_table ​

● Use this material to describe a painting from Picasso. You can take a look at the examples.

The title of the painting is

It is part of the era.

It was painted by Picasso in

It measures cm tall by cm wide.

It is in Museum in Madrid Barcelona Paris

Inside Outside

It is Light Dark Warm Cold

a boy is a girl A man Left There A woman On the Right Center are Two Bottom Three four

hat a green jacket boy is wearing blue t-shirt The girl big skirt man small woman trousers


th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Example of description:

The title of the painting is It is part of the civil war period. It was painted by Picasso in It measures 350 cm tall by 780 cm wide.

It is in Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid

It is dark.

There is a bull on the left. There is a women on the left. She has a baby.

There are three men on the bottom and one on the right.

They are all screaming.

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 2.3 Annex 10: 360_tour ​ Get the google cardboard goggles and extract the information from it. Take turns.

1. True or false: a. This is just another painting from Picasso.

b. This painting is related to the Spanish Civil War.

c. Picasso never lived on a Nazi-occupied Paris

2. This Picasso is remembered as a symbol of ______.

3. What was the question Picasso received from the German Officer?

4. Which was his answer?

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Session 3

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 3.2, Annex 12: 360_Instructions_and_rubric ​ ● Create a timeline of the art of Picasso similar to the example showed by the teacher. ○ Before delivering the activity, check that all things on the list have been marked.

1. Use vocabulary from the unit 2. The first top fifth and last one should have plain colour 3. All the content should be in the other space 4. You have to add at least the three main periods of Picasso’s style

Great Acceptable Not acceptable

Use of the The student The student uses The student doesn’t use vocabulary uses the some of the the vocabulary needed vocabulary from vocabulary, but some to describe it’s creation. the unit. clue words are missing.

There is a plain There is a plain There is not a plain Organization colour shape on colour shape on the colour shape on the first the first top fifth first top fifth or the top fifth or the last one and the last one last one with a plain with a plain colour with a plain colour colour

The information Most of the Too much information is is placed where information is placed placed outside of where it should. where it should. it should.

Information The student has The student has at The student has not the the three main least the three main three main faces of faces of faces of Picasso’s Picasso’s style. Picasso’s style style. and others.

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 3.2, Annex 11: 360_Video_instructions ​

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

● Template: 360 timeline

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Session 4

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 4.1

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 4.1 to 4.4, Annex 15: describe emotion_language_support ​ ● Use this to express your feelings.

th Name: ______Class: 6 ​ grade ______​

Activity 4.4, Annex 16: Video_rubric ​ ● Record yourself on video expressing an emotion and explain it.

Great Acceptable Not acceptable

Express an emotion The student The student identifies The feeling expressed is not identifies an the emotion, but the easy to identify. expresses the expression is not emotion clearly. clear

Use of the The student uses The student uses The student doesn’t use the vocabulary the vocabulary some of the vocabulary needed to from the unit. vocabulary, but some describe its creation. clue words are missing.

Volume The student uses The student uses in The student uses loud or a correct voice some moments loud low voice the whole volume. or low voice. presentation.

Corporal skills The student The student makes The student doesn’t look at shows good body efforts to show body the audience or doesn’t languages: language l skills. show a good corporal posture, eye posture. contact.