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Wędrówki Po Bibliografii: Edgar Wallace

Wędrówki Po Bibliografii: Edgar Wallace

Jerzy Gronau





(Richard Horatio) (1875-1932)

Kraków 2004

1 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 2


Genezą tego opracowania były: - moja emerytura, - chęć powtórzenia swego rodzaju „zabawy umysłowej” którą przeżyłem przy innej pracy podobnego charakteru, - konstatacja o braku w polskim piśmiennictwie bibliografii tegoż autora.

Już w dobrze zaawansowanej pracy, zdobyłem niedostępną w Polsce bibliografię „The British Bibliography of Edgar Wallace” z roku 1969, która stała się podstawą zreorganizowania moich dotychczasowych zapisów, dotyczących angielskich wydań tego autora. By rozszerzyć zakres informacji, dodałem również informacje o wydaniach w polskim języku, jak i w niemieckim oraz francuskim, które jednak z braku dostępnych źródeł są niepełne.

Polskie przekłady różnych tłumaczy względnie opracowywujących nowe wydania, ukazywały się tak przed drugą wojną, jak i po niej. Wydało je kilkanaście wydawnictw, pod różnymi tytułami – bez odniesienia się do tytułu oryginału. Niestety informacje o przedwojennych przekładach pochodzą ze źródeł wtórnych, bowiem nie możliwym stało się obecnie zdobycie nie „zaczytanych” egzemplarzy, które w niektórych bibliotekach figurują raczej jako zniszczone lub zagubione egzemplarze.

Muszę tutaj nadmienić, że nie znalazłem w swoich poszukiwaniach dotąd polskiej biblioteki tak naukowej jak i publicznej z pełnym kompletem powojennych wydań tego autora. Zresztą podobnie jest z wydawnictwami zgranicznymi- tam też trudno trafić na większy zbiór wydanych książek tego autora.

Moje niniejsze opracowanie składa się z szeregu tabel, częściowo uporządkowanych wg bibliografii jak wyżej ze znakiem numeru kodu, jak również alfabetycznie i rokiem wydania książki. Myślę, że opracowania te przydadzą się dla poszukujących informacji bibliograficznych, choć zdaję sobie sprawę, że nie wyczerpują w pełni tego tematu.

Tytuły opatrzone wytłuszczonym numerem kodu pokrywają się z danymi wymienionymi w podanej wyżej angielskiej bibliografii, ta jednak obejmuje tylko wydane w zasadzie w Anglii książki a nie wszystkie wydane w języku angielskim.

Notki w języku angielskim pozostawiłem nie tłumaczone w wersji takiej jaką zdobyłem poprzez Internet z aukcji lub komisowej sprzedaży używanych książek. Notki w języku polskim pochodzą z winiet polskich wydań.

Należy też tutaj wspomnieć, o wielu przeróbkach wcześniej wydanych publikacji w czasopismach a nawet książkach, pod różnymi tytułami, co komplikuje jasne odtworzenie wielu nazw-tytułów. Już w czasie życia autora w niektórych publikacjach miał swój udział jego sekretarz Robert Curtis a już po śmierci autora wydawał jego publikacje jako współautor.

W końcu przepraszam czytelnika tego opracowania, że dla własnej wygody nie stosowałem tak niemieckich jak i francuskich znaków diakrytycznych, oraz za niejednoznaczne stosowanie odpowiednio dużych liter w nazwach-tytułach książek.

Kraków, grudzień 2005.

2 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 3

Zawartość opracowania:

[B.B. 1969 = The British Bubliography of Edgar Wallace 1969]

1. Strona tytułowa Strona 1 2. Wstęp 2 3. Zawartość opracowania 3 4. Biografia Edgara Wallace 4 5. Numeracja kodowa tytułów książek wg B.B.1969 7 6. E.W. Books by year of publication “ “ 11 E.W. wydania wg roku publikacji “ “ 7. The works of E.W. published in book form 15 Prace E.W. wydane w formie książkowej (tylko w U.K.) 8. Indeks nazw-tytułów z tabeli jak wyżej z kolumny 5 30 9. Zbiory opowiadań wg B.B. 1969 39 10. Angielskie wydania E. W. w bibliotekach świata 40 11. Pierwsze wydania E.W. w języku angielskim w Anglii i USA wg alfabetu 48 12. E.W. wykaz tytułów wydań niemieckich wg alfabetu 60 13. „ „ „ „ francuskich „ 63 14. „ „ „ „ polskich „ 65 15. E.W. wykaz tytułów czterojęzyczny 71 16. Polskie wydania E.W. wg roku wydania 81 17. Wydania polskie powieści E.W. wg alfabetu w polskich bibliotekach 87 18. Zasoby w językach: angielskim, niemieckim i francuskim powieści E.W. 92 wg alfabetu w polskich bibliotekach 19. E.W. podwójne tytuły angielskie-alternatywne 94 20. E.W. notki do wydań angielskich 99 21. E.W. notki do wydań polskich 123 22. E.W. utwory wydane z innymi autorami i zbiorowe wydania książkowe 128 23. E.W. sztuki teatralne 131 24. E.W. filmy i wiersze 131 25. E.W. scenariusze 132 26. E.W.adaptacje filmowe 132 27. Źródła opracowania 134

3 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 4


Edgar Wallace (1975-1932) w pełni: Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace . Urodził się 1-go kwietnia 1875 roku w Greenwich (Londyn) jako nieślubne dziecko. Jego rodzicami była para aktorów, Polly Richards i Richard Horatio Edgar Marriott, który użył fałszywego nazwiska Walter Wallace w dokumencie urodzenia syna Edgara Wallace. Jako dziecko dziewięciodniowe został oddany na wychowanie i adoptowany przez rodzinę rybaka Georga Dicka Freeman`a [i tak też właściwie winien się nazywać].

Rósł i uczył się w Południowym Londynie. Miał bardzo trudne dzieciństwo. Szkoły opuścił w wieku lat 12-tu. Od jedenastego roku życia rozpoczął pracować na sprzedając prasę. Następnie pracował do lat 18-tu jako służący, roznosiciel gazet i mleka, jako pomocnik rybaka, jako robotnik budowlany itp., - potem służył w wojsku w Royal Regimencie od 1893 do 1896. Próbował też pisać drobne artykuły w gazetach.

W 1896 roku został wysłany do Południowej Afryki w służbie Medicall Staff Corps. W tym czasie spotykał się z tamtejszą parą pisarzy; duchownym Wiliamem Shaw Caldecott i jego żoną Marion. Pomagali oni mu w opanowaniu pisarskiej sztuki. Pisarstwo rozpoczął pisząc wiersze w stylu Rudyarda Kiplinga. Został w międzyczasie korespondentem różnych czasopism i zaczął pisać wiersze, które później zestawił w książce „The Mission that Failed” w 1898 roku i w innych wydaniach.

Po zwolnieniu się w 1899 roku został korespondentem Reutera i londyńskiego . Jednak jego raport o Horatio Herbercie Kitchnererze tak zezłościł wpływowego brytyjskiego feldmarszałka, że zakazano mu bycia korespondentem wojennym , aż do pierwszej wojny światowej. W 1901 roku ożenił się z Iwy Caldecott i rozwiódł w 1918. Z pierwszą swą żoną miał dwóch synów i dwie córki. W 1902 roku był edytorem w Rand Daily Mail w Johannesburgu, zanim powrócił do Londynu. Podczas wojny rosyjsko-japońskiej, 1904-1905 był wysłany przez Daily Mail do Vigo, dla sprawdzenia konfliktu w którym Rosjanie otwarli ogień na brytyjską flotę rybacką, wierząc że to japońska flota. W tym okresie zapoznał się z działalnością wywiadowczo-szpiegowską co miało niewątpliwy wpływ na jego późniejsze powieści kryminalno-detektywistyczne. Jego znana opowieść szpiegowska „Code No.2” została ogłoszona w czasopiśmie Stand Magazine w kwietniu 1916.

4 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 5

Jego pierwsza powieść „The Four Just Men” [Zemsta sprawiedliwych] została napisana w 1904 roku i opublikowana (nie mógł znaleźć wydawcy) w jego własnym specjalnie utworzonym wydawnictwie: Tallin Press w roku 1905. Przyniosła mu ogromny sukces, ale i porażkę finansową. To powieść o grupie która wzięła prawo w własne ręce. Ale dopiero powieść „” [Sandi z nad rzeki] w 1911 roku ugruntowała jego pisarstwo. Jest to powieść o przedstawicielu Wielkiej Brytanii w środkowej Afryce. Cały cykl powieści o Mr. Commisioner Anders i Bosambo – plemiennym króliku mieści się w przedziale czasowym 1909 – 1920.

Wallace pracował w okresie 1900 do 1910 w wielu czasopismach, między innymi: Daily Mail 1903 – 1907 Standard 1910 The Week-End Racine Suplement 1910 – 1912 Evening News 1910 – 1912 The Story Journal 1913 Town Topics 1913 – 1916 Później był felietonistą wyścigów konnych w The Star (1927-32) i Daily Mail (1930-32).

Podczas Pierwszej Wojny Światowej był specjalnym „odpytywaczem” w ministerstwie wojny. W roku 1921 poślubił swą sekretarkę jako drugą żonę, Violettę King. Była ona o 23 lata młodsza od niego i miał z nią córkę Penelopę.

Całe swe życie pochłonięty był tym, żeby uciec od smutnych przeżyć dzieciństwa i młodości. Marzył o zrobieniu majątku i wejściu do „wielkiego świata”. Wszystko to nie zapowiadało jego późniejszej popularności jako pisarza i tego, że pozostawi po sobie blisko 175 powieści, ca 24 sztuk teatralnych i wiele scenariuszy filmowych, napisanych w ciągu dwudziestu ośmiu lat, nie licząc setek artykułów w różnych czasopismach i drobnych utworów. To on był autorem scenariusza do filmu King-Kong (1932). W latach dwudziestych ubiegłego wieku w Anglii uznawano go jako najlepiej sprzedającego się autora zaraz po Biblii.

Przed drugą wojną światową wydano w Polsce ca 70 jego powieści [+ 35 powtórnych wydań], po wojnie 5, [+ 10 powtórek]. Był bardzo pracowitym i wydajnym pisarzem – w „latach dwudziestych” używał wyłącznie dyktafonu, a teksty przepisywała maszynistka, która była rekordzistką w szybkim pisaniu na maszynie. Czasem używał pseudonimu literackiego – Cloud Richard.

5 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 6

Zdobył ogromną popularność, ale sukcesu finansowego nie odniósł – pozostawił swoim spadkobiercom blisko 150 tysięcy funtów szterlingów długów. Pod koniec swego krótkiego życia, żył ekstrawagancko, wiele czasu spędzał w ekskluzywnym hotelu Carlton w Londynie, grał w wyścigach konnych stawiając na przegrane konie. Dopiero w 1934 roku, po sukcesach jego filmów, spadkobiercy spłacili długi i zaczęli zarabiać na tantiemach z książek a szczególnie z filmów.

Zmarł nagle w Hollywood 10 lutego 1932. Jego pierwsza żona Ivy Wallace zmarła 14 miesięcy po swoim mężu.

W roku 1969 najmłodsza córka Penelope Wallace założyła stowarzyszenie „The Edgar Wallace Society” w Londynie, celem propagowania osiągnięć ojca. Stowarzyszenie wydaje magazyn „Crimson Circle”. Córka zmarła w1997 i prezesurę stowarzyszenia objęła jej wnuczka - też Penelope.

Numeracja kodowa wg Lofts & Adley w British Bibliography of Edgar Wallace.

[Classification of First Editions]

Kod Tytuł Rok Wydawca B

1 The Admirable Carfew 1914 Ward, Lock 2 The Adventures of Heine 1919 Ward, Lock 3 Again Sanders 1928 Hodder & Stoughton 4 Again the Ringer 1929 Hodder & Stoughton 5 Again the Three Just Men 1929 Hodder & Stoughton 6 Angel Esquire 1908 Arrowsmith Simpkin, Marshall 7 The Angel of Terror 1922 Hodder & Stoughton

6 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 7

8 1926 John Long 9 Barbara on her Own 1926 Newnes 10 Big Foot 1927 John Long 11 The Big Four 1929 Readers Library 12 The Black 1929 Readers Library 13 The black Abbot 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 14 The Black Avons 1925 George Gill 15 The blue hand 1925 Ward Lock 16 Bones 1915 Ward, Lock 17 Bones in London 1921 Ward Lock 18 Bones of the river 1923 George Newnes 19 The book of all power 1921 Ward, Lock 20 The Books of Bart 1923 Ward, Lock 21 Bosambo of the river 1914 Ward, Lock 22 The Brigand 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 23 1930 Collins 24 Captains of Souls 1923 John Long 25 Captain Tatham of Tatham Island 1909 Gale & Polden 26 The Cat Burglar 1929 Newnes 27 Chick 1923 Ward, Lock 28 Circumstantial Evidence 1929 Newnes 29 The clue of the new pin 1923 Hodder & Stoughton 30 The clue of the silver key 1930 Hodder & Stoughton 31 The Clue of the Twisted Candle 1918 Newnes 32 The Coat of Arms 1931 Hutchinson 33 1908 Ward, Lock 34 The Crimson Circle 1922 Hodder & Stoughton 35 The Daffodil mystery 1920 Ward Lock 36 The dark eyes of London 1924 Ward Lock 37 The daughters of the night 1925 Newnes 38 The Day of Uniting 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 39 A Dept Discharged 1916 Ward Lock 40 The Devil Man 1931 Collins 41 The Door With Seven Locks 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 42 The Double 1928 Hodder & Stoughton 43 The 1924 Hodder & Stoughton 44 Down Under Donovan 1918 Ward, Lock 45 The duke in the suburbs 1909 Ward, Lock 46 Educated Evans 1924 Webster 47 Elegant Edward 1928 Readers Library 48 The face in the night 1924 John Long 49 The Famous Scottish Regiments 1914 Newnes 50 The Feathered Serpent 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 51 The Fellowship of 1925 Ward Lock 52 Field Marshal Sir John French 1914 Newnes 53 The fighting scouts 1919 Pearson 54 Fighting Snub Reilly 1929 Newnes 55 Flat 2 1927 John Long

7 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 8

56 The flying Fifty-Five 1922 Hutchinson 57 The Flying Squad 1928 Hodder & Stoughton 58 The Forger 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 59 For Information Received 1929 Newnes 60 Forty-eight short stories 1929 George Newnes 61 The Four Just Men 1905 The Tallis Press 62 Four Square Jane 1929 Readers Library 63 The Fourth Plague 1913 Ward, Lock 64 The frightened lady 1932 Hodder & Stoughton 65 The Gaunt Stranger 1925 Hodder & Stoughton 66 The ghost of Dawnhill 1929 Readers Library 67 The golden Hades 1929 Collins 68 Good Evans 1927 Websters 69 The Governor of Chi-Foo 1929 Newnes 70 The green Archer 1923 Hodder & Stoughton 71 The green pack 1933 Hutchinson 72 ; 1929 Hutchinson 73 The Green Rust; 1919 Ward Lock 74 Grey Timothy; 1913 Ward, Lock 75 1928 John Long 76 The Guv`nor & Other Stories 1932 Collins 77 The Guv`nor 1932 Collins 78 The Hand of Power 1927 John Long 79 Heroes all; Gallant deeds of the war 1914 Newnes 80 The India-Rubber Men 1929 Hodder & Stoughton 81 The iron grip 1930 Readers Library 82 Jack O` Judgement 1920 Ward, Lock 83 The Joker 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 84 The Just Men of Cordova 1917 Ward, Lock 85 Kate Plus Ten 1919 Ward Lock 86 The keeper of the King`s Peace 1917 Ward, Lock 87 Killer Kay 1930 Newnes 88 A King by Night 1925 John Long 89 Kitchener`s Army and the Territorial Forces 1915 Newnes 90 The Lady called Nita 1930 Newnes 91 The lady of Ascot 1930 Hutchinson 92 The Lady of little Hell 1929 Newnes 93 The last adventure 1934 Hutchinson 94 The law of the four just men 1921 Hodder & Stoughton 95 Lieutenant Bones 1918 Ward, Lock 96 The Little Green Man 1918 Ward Lock 97 The Lone House mystery 1929 Collins 98 The Man at the Carlton 1931 Hodder & Stoughton 99 The man from Morocco 1926 John Long 100 The Man Who Bought London 1915 Ward, Lock 101 The Man who changed his name 1935 Hutchinson 102 1919 Newnes 103 The man who was nobody 1927 Ward, Lock

8 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 9

104 The Melody of Death 1915 Arrowsmith / Simpkin Marshall 105 The Million dollar story 1926 Newnes 106 The Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder 1925 Hodder & Stoughton 107 1923 John Long 108 The Mission That Failed 1898 T. Maskew Miller (South Africa) 109 Mrs, William Jones & Bill 1930 Newnes 110 Mr. J.G. Reader Returns 1934 Collins 111 Mr. Justice Maxell 1922 Ward, Lock 112 The Mixer 1927 John Long 113 More educated Evans 1926 Webster 114 1935 Hutchinson 115 My Hollywood Diary 1932 Hutchimson 116 The Nine Bears 1910 Ward Lock 117 The Story of Fatal Peace “1925” 1915 Newnes 118 Nobby 1916 Newnes 119 The northing tramp 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 120 Number six 1927 Newnes 121 1931 John Long 122 The Orator 1928 Hutchinson 123 Penelope of the “Polyantha”; 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 124 People 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 125 The People Of The River 1912 Ward, Lock 126 Planetoid 127 1929 The Readers Library 127 The Prison Breakers 1929 Newnes 128 Private Shelby 1912 Ward, Lock 129 1929 Hodder & Stoughton 130 The Reporter 1929 Readers Library 131 The River of Stars 1913 Ward, Lock 132 1924 John Long 133 Sanctuary Island 1936 Hutchinson 134 Sanders 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 135 Sanders of the River 1911 Ward, Lock 136 Sandi the King Maker 1922 Ward, Lock 137 The Secret House 1917 Ward, Lock 138 Sergeant Sir Peter 1932 Chapman & Hall 139 1924 Hodder & Stoughton 140 Smithy 1905 Tallis Press 141 Smithy Abroad 1909 Hulton 142 Smithy & the Hun 1915 Newnes 143 Smoky Cell 1936 Hutchinson 144 The Square Emerald 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 145 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 146 The standard history of the war 1914 Newnes 147 The steward 1932 Collins 148 The Strange Countess 1925 Hodder & Stoughton 149 The Table 1936 Hutchinson 150 Tam of`The Scoots 1918 Newnes 151 1926 Hodder & Stoughton

9 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 10

152 1929 Collins 153 Terror Keep 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 154 The Thief in the Night 1928 Readers Library 155 This England 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 156 Those Folk of Bulboro 1918 Ward, Lock 157 The Three Just Men 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 158 The Three Oak Mystery 1924 Ward, Lock 159 The tomb of Ts`in 1916 Ward, Lock 160 The Traitors Gate 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 161 The Twister 1928 John Long 162 The undisclosed client 1963 Digit Books 163 Unofficial Dispatches 1901 Hutchinson 164 The Valley of Ghosts 1922 Odhams 165 War and Other Poems 1900 Eastern Press [South Africa] 166 War of the Nations 1915 Newnes 167 ; 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 168 When the Gangs Came to London 1932 John Long 169 1930 Hodder & Stoughton 170 The Woman from the East 1934 Hutchinson 171 Writ in Barracks 1900 Methuen 172 1926 Hodder & Stoughton

Edgar Wallace Books by year of publication

Wydania angielskie według roku publikacji.[wg B.B.1969]

Kod Tytuł Rok Wydawca B

108 The Mission That Failed 1898 T. Maskew Miller (South Africa) 165 War and Other Poems 1900 Eastern Press [South Africa] 171 Writ in Barracks 1900 Methuen 163 Unofficial Dispatches 1901 Hutchinson 140 Smithy 1905 Tallis Press 61 The Four Just Men 1905 The Tallis Press 6 Angel Esquire 1908 Arrowsmith Simpkin, Marshall 33 The council of justice 1908 Ward, Lock

10 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 11

25 Captain Tatham of Tatham Island 1909 Gale & Polden 141 Smithy Abroad 1909 Hulton 45 The duke in the suburbs 1909 Ward, Lock 116 The Nine Bears 1910 Ward Lock 135 Sanders of the River 1911 Ward, Lock 128 Private Shelby 1912 Ward, Lock 125 The People Of The River 1912 Ward, Lock 74 Grey Timothy; 1913 Ward, Lock 63 The Fourth Plague 1913 Ward, Lock 131 The River of Stars 1913 Ward, Lock 21 Bosambo of the river 1914 Ward, Lock 52 Field Marshal Sir John French 1914 Newnes 79 Heroes all; Gallant deeds of the war 1914 Newnes 1 The Admirable Carfew 1914 Ward, Lock 49 The Famous Scottish Regiments 1914 Newnes 146 The standard history of the war 1914 Newnes 16 Bones 1915 Ward, Lock 89 Kitchener`s Army and the Territorial Forces 1915 Newnes 142 Smithy & the Hun 1915 Newnes 100 The Man Who Bought London 1915 Ward, Lock 104 The Melody of Death 1915 Arrowsmith / Simpkin Marshall 117 The Story of Fatal Peace “1925” 1915 Newnes 166 War of the Nations 1915 Newnes 39 A Dept Discharged 1916 Ward Lock 118 Nobby 1916 Newnes 159 The tomb of Ts`in 1916 Ward, Lock 84 The Just Men of Cordova 1917 Ward, Lock 86 The keeper of the King`s Peace 1917 Ward, Lock 137 The Secret House 1917 Ward, Lock 44 Down Under Donovan 1918 Ward, Lock 95 Lieutenant Bones 1918 Ward, Lock 150 Tam of`The Scoots 1918 Newnes 31 The Clue of the Twisted Candle 1918 Newnes 96 The Little Green Man 1918 Ward Lock 156 Those Folk of Bulboro 1918 Ward, Lock 85 Kate Plus Ten 1919 Ward Lock 2 The Adventures of Heine 1919 Ward, Lock 53 The fighting scouts 1919 Pearson 73 The Green Rust; 1919 Ward Lock 102 The Man Who Knew 1919 Newnes 82 Jack O` Judgement 1920 Ward, Lock 35 The Daffodil mystery 1920 Ward Lock 17 Bones in London 1921 Ward Lock 19 The book of all power 1921 Ward, Lock 94 The law of the four just men 1921 Hodder & Stoughton 111 Mr. Justice Maxell 1922 Ward, Lock 136 Sandi the King Maker 1922 Ward, Lock 7 The Angel of Terror 1922 Hodder & Stoughton

11 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 12

34 The Crimson Circle 1922 Hodder & Stoughton 56 The flying Fifty-Five 1922 Hutchinson 164 The Valley of Ghosts 1922 Odhams 18 Bones of the river 1923 George Newnes 24 Captains of Souls 1923 John Long 27 Chick 1923 Ward, Lock 20 The Books of Bart 1923 Ward, Lock 29 The clue of the new pin 1923 Hodder & Stoughton 70 The green Archer 1923 Hodder & Stoughton 107 The Missing Million 1923 John Long 46 Educated Evans 1924 Webster 132 Room 13 1924 John Long 36 The dark eyes of London 1924 Ward Lock 43 The Double Dan 1924 Hodder & Stoughton 48 The face in the night 1924 John Long 139 The Sinister Man 1924 Hodder & Stoughton 158 The Three Oak Mystery 1924 Ward, Lock 88 A King by Night 1925 John Long 14 The Black Avons 1925 George Gill 15 The blue hand 1925 Ward Lock 37 The daughters of the night 1925 Newnes 51 The Fellowship of the Frog 1925 Ward Lock 65 The Gaunt Stranger 1925 Hodder & Stoughton 106 The Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder 1925 Hodder & Stoughton 148 The Strange Countess 1925 Hodder & Stoughton 9 Barbara on her Own 1926 Newnes 113 More educated Evans 1926 Webster 123 Penelope of the “Polyantha”; 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 124 People 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 134 Sanders 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 8 The Avenger 1926 John Long 13 The black Abbot 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 38 The Day of Uniting 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 41 The Door With Seven Locks 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 83 The Joker 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 99 The man from Morocco 1926 John Long 105 The Million dollar story 1926 Newnes 119 The northing tramp 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 144 The Square Emerald 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 151 The Terrible People 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 157 The Three Just Men 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 172 The Yellow Snake 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 167 We shall see; 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 10 Big Foot 1927 John Long 55 Flat 2 1927 John Long 68 Good Evans 1927 Websters 120 Number six 1927 Newnes 153 Terror Keep 1927 Hodder & Stoughton

12 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 13

22 The Brigand 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 50 The Feathered Serpent 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 58 The Forger 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 78 The Hand of Power 1927 John Long 103 The man who was nobody 1927 Ward, Lock 112 The Mixer 1927 John Long 145 The Squeaker 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 160 The Traitors Gate 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 155 This England 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 3 Again Sanders 1928 Hodder & Stoughton 47 Elegant Edward 1928 Readers Library 42 The Double 1928 Hodder & Stoughton 57 The Flying Squad 1928 Hodder & Stoughton 75 The Gunner 1928 John Long 122 The Orator 1928 Hutchinson 154 The Thief in the Night 1928 Readers Library 161 The Twister 1928 John Long 4 Again the Ringer 1929 Hodder & Stoughton 5 Again the Three Just Men 1929 Hodder & Stoughton 28 Circumstantial Evidence 1929 Newnes 54 Fighting Snub Reilly 1929 Newnes 59 For Information Received 1929 Newnes 60 Forty-eight short stories 1929 George Newnes 62 Four Square Jane 1929 Readers Library 126 Planetoid 127 1929 The Readers Library 129 Red aces 1929 Hodder & Stoughton 11 The Big Four 1929 Readers Library 12 The Black 1929 Readers Library 26 The Cat Burglar 1929 Newnes 66 The ghost of Dawnhill 1929 Readers Library 67 The golden Hades 1929 Collins 69 The Governor of Chi-Foo 1929 Newnes 72 The green ribbon; 1929 Hutchinson 80 The India-Rubber Men 1929 Hodder & Stoughton 92 The Lady of little Hell 1929 Newnes 97 The Lone House mystery 1929 Collins 127 The Prison Breakers 1929 Newnes 130 The Reporter 1929 Readers Library 152 The terror 1929 Collins 87 Killer Kay 1930 Newnes 109 Mrs, William Jones & Bill 1930 Newnes 23 The Calendar 1930 Collins 30 The clue of the silver key 1930 Hodder & Stoughton 81 The iron grip 1930 Readers Library 90 The Lady called Nita 1930 Newnes 91 The lady of Ascot 1930 Hutchinson 169 White Face 1930 Hodder & Stoughton 121 On the Spot 1931 John Long

13 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 14

32 The Coat of Arms 1931 Hutchinson 40 The Devil Man 1931 Collins 98 The Man at the Carlton 1931 Hodder & Stoughton 115 My Hollywood Diary 1932 Hutchimson 138 Sergeant Sir Peter 1932 Chapman & Hall 64 The frightened lady 1932 Hodder & Stoughton 77 The Guv`nor 1932 Collins 76 The Guv`nor & Other Stories 1932 Collins 147 The steward 1932 Collins 168 When the Gangs Came to London 1932 John Long 71 The green pack 1933 Hutchinson 110 Mr. J.G. Reader Returns 1934 Collins 93 The last adventure 1934 Hutchinson 170 The Woman from the East 1934 Hutchinson 101 The Man who changed his name 1935 Hutchinson 114 The Mouthpiece 1935 Hutchinson 133 Sanctuary Island 1936 Hutchinson 143 Smoky Cell 1936 Hutchinson 149 The Table 1936 Hutchinson 162 The undisclosed client 1963 Digit Books

The Works of Edgar Wallace published in book form

Prace E.W. wydane w formie książkowej (Tylko w U.K. wg British Bibliography of Edgar Wallace 1969 –wyciąg; częściowo uzupełniony!)

Kod Tytuł Rok Wydawca Zawartość B 1 2 3 4 5 1 The Admirable 1914 Ward, Lock Carfew 11; Carfew, Whithington & Co., Inventors; The Carfew agreeable Company; Carfew is Advised; A Deal in Riffs; Carfew Entertains; The Eccentric Mr. Gobleheim; Patriots; Tobbins, Limited; Carfew-Impresario; Carfew Produces; Why

14 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 15

Gelden made a million; Carfew and the Mary Q`; A matter of buisiness; One and sevenpense ha`penny. 2 The Adventures 1919 Ward, Lock Alexander & the Lady; The Man who Dwelt on a Hill; The of Heine Lovelly Miss Harrymore; The Affair of Mister Hayes; The Man from the Stars; The Affair of the Allied; The Word of a Prince; The Jermyn Credit Bank; Mr. Collingrey M.P. Pacifist; The Grey Envelope; The Murderers; The Passing of Heine; The U Boat Adventure; Brethren of the Order; The World Dictator; The Syren; The Coming of the Bolsheviks; The Going of Heine. 3 Again Sanders 1928 Hodder & Bones and the Bee; The Terrible Talker; Thy Neighbour as (Mr. Stoughton Thyself; The Ghost Walker; The King`s Sceptre; In the Commisioner manner of Lipstick; The Splendid Things; Bones the Psychic; Sanders) The Rich Woman; The keepers of the Treasure; The President; M`Gala the Accurst. 4 Again the Ringer 1929 Hodder & The Man with the Red Beard; Case of the Home Secretary; (The Ringer Stoughton The Murderer of Many Names; A Servant of Women; The Returns) Trimming of Paul Lumiere; The Blackmail Boomerang; Miss Brown`s Ł7,000 Windfall; The End of Mr. Bash- The Brutal; The complete Vampire; The Swiss Head Waiter; The Escape of Mr. Bliss; The Man with the Beard; The Accidental Snapshot; The Sinister Dr. Lutteur; The Obliging Cobbler; The Fortune of Forgery; A `Yard` Man Kidnapped. 5 Again the Three 1929 Hodder & The Rebus; The Happy Travellers; The Abductor; The Third Just Men (Again Stoughton Coincidence; The Slane Mystery; The Marked Cheque; Mr. the Three; The Levingron`s Daughter; The Share Pusher; The man who Sang Law of the Three in Church; The Lady from Brazil; The Typist who Saw Just Men) Thinga; The Mystery of

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Millionaire`s Secret. 13 The black Abbot 1926 Hodder & Stoughton 14 The Black Avons 1925 George Gill How they Fared in the Times of the Tudors; Roundhead and Cavalier; From Waterloo to the Mutiny; Europe in the Melting Pot 15 The blue hand 1925 Ward Lock (Beyond Recall) 16 Bones 1915 Ward, Lock Sanders-C.M.G.; Hamilton of The Houssas; The Disciplinarians; The Lord N`Bosini; The Fetish Stick; The frontier and a Code; The Soul of a Native Woman; The Stranger who walked by Night; A Right of Way; The Green Crocodile; Henry Hamilton Bones; Bones at M`Fa; The Man who did not Sleep; 17 Bones in London 1921 Ward Lock Bones & Big Business; Hidden Treasure; Bones & the Wharfingers; The Plover-Light Car; A Cinema Picture; A Deal in Jute; Detective Bones; Competent Judge of Poetry; The Lamp that Never Went Out; The Branch Line; Bones Hits Back; A Student of Man. 18 Bones of the river 1923 George The Fearful Word; The Medical Officer of Health; The Black Newnes Egg; A Nice Gel; The Brass Bedstead; A Lover of Dogs; The Camera Man; The Healer; The Wazoos; The All-Africans; The Woman who Spoke to Birds; The Lake of the Devil. 19 The book of all 1921 Ward, Lock power 20 The Books of 1923 Ward, Lock The Book of Arrangement; The Book of Adjustment; The Bart Book of Development; The Book of Enlightment; 21 Bosambo of the 1914 Ward, Lock Arrachi the Borrower; The Tax Resistors; The Rise of the river Emperor; The Fall of the Emperor; The Killing of Olandi; The Pedometer; The Brother of Bosambo; The Chair of the N`Gombi; The Ki-Chu; The Child of Sacrifice; `They`; The Ambassadors; Guns in the Akasava; 22 The Brigand 1927 Hodder & A Matter of Nerve; On Getting an Introduction; Buried Stoughton Treasure; A Contribution to Charity; The Lady in Grey; Anthony the Bookmaker; The Plum Pudding Girl; The Guest of the Minnows; The Bursted Election; The Joker; Kato; The Graft. 23 The Calendar 1930 Collins 24 Captains of Souls 1923 John Long 25 Captain Tatham 1909 Gale & (The Island of Galloping Gold [1916] is a revised version of of Tatham Island Polden Captain Tatham…) (Eve`s Island; The Island of Galloping Gold) 26 The Cat Burglar 1929 Newnes The Cat Burglar; The Pick Up; Discovering Rex; The Clue of Monday`s Settling; Establishing Charles Bullivant; Sentimental Simpson. 27 Chick 1923 Ward, Lock Chick; For One Night Only; A Writ of Summons; Spotting the Lady; Chick, Waiter; A Lesson in Diplomacy; The First

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Dispatch; The Oilfield; In the Public Eye; Courage; The Man from Toulouse; The Beating of the Middle- Weight; 28 Circumstantial 1929 Newnes Circumstantial Evidence; The Child of Chance; The Dear Evidence Liar; The Medieval Mind; The Looker & the Leaper; The Christmas Princess; The Treasure of the Kalahari; Indian Magic; 29 The clue of the 1923 Hodder & new pin Stoughton 30 The clue of the 1930 Hodder & silver key (The Stoughton Silver Key) 31 The Clue of the 1918 Newnes Twisted Candle 32 The Coat of Arms 1931 Hutchinson (The Erranways Mystery) 33 The council of 1908 Ward, Lock justice 34 The Crimson 1922 Hodder & Circle Stoughton 35 The Daffodil 1920 Ward Lock mystery (The Daffodol Murder) 36 The dark eyes of 1924 Ward Lock London (The Croakers) 37 The daughters of 1925 Newnes the night 38 The Day of 1926 Hodder & Uniting Stoughton 39 A Dept 1916 Ward Lock Discharged 40 The Devil Man 1931 Collins (Sinister Street; The Life & Death of Charles Peace; Silver Steel) 41 The Door With 1926 Hodder & Seven Locks Stoughton 42 The Double 1928 Hodder & (Sinister Halls) Stoughton 43 The Double Dan 1924 Hodder & (Diana of Kara Stoughton Kara0 44 Down Under 1918 Ward, Lock Donovan 45 The duke in the 1909 Ward, Lock suburbs 46 Educated Evans 1924 Webster The Brotherhood; Mr. Homaster`s Daughter; The Coop; The

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Snout; Mr. Kirtz buys a Ł5 Special; Mickey the Shopper; The Dreamer; The Gift Horse; Straight from the Horse`s Mouth; The perfect Lady; The Proud Horse; Through the Card; The Goods. 47 Elegant Edward 1928 Readers The rum Runner; Mr. Macmillan Shares his Possessions; A Library Fortune in Tin; Papinico for the Scot; The Amateur Detective; Double Bluff; The Mack Pump. 48 The face in the 1924 John Long night (The Diamond Men; The Ragged Princess) 49 The Famous 1914 Newnes Scottish Regiments 50 The Feathered 1927 Hodder & Serpent Stoughton (Inspector Wade; Inspector Wade & the Feathered Serpent 51 The Fellowship of 1925 Ward Lock the Frog 52 Field Marshal Sir 1914 Newnes John French 53 The fighting 1919 Pearson The Gentlemen from Indiana; The Duke`s Museum; The scouts Kindergarten; Boy Billy Best; The Wager of Rittmeister Von Haarden; The Debut of William Best; The Cloud Fishers; The Woman in the Story; The Infant Samuel. 54 Fighting Snub 1929 Newnes Fighting Snub Reilly; Jimmy`s Brother; The Christmas Cup; Reilly The Man in the Golf Hut; A Romance in Brown; A Perfect Gentleman; Kid Glove Harry; Nig-Nog. 55 Flat 2 1927 John Long 56 The flying Fifty- 1922 Hutchinson Five 57 The Flying Squad 1928 Hodder & Stoughton 58 The Forger (The 1927 Hodder & Clever One; The Stoughton Counterfeiter) 59 For Information 1929 Newnes For Information Received; Snares of Paris; A Business Received Training; Miss Prentiss Tells a Lie; A priestess of Osiris; The Timid Admirer; The Jewel; Findings are Keepings; The Ear of the Sanctuary; 60 Forty-eight short 1929 George All Stories were published in the following collection: 1. The stories Newnes Cat Burglar; 2. Fighting Snub Reilly; 3. The Prison Breakers; 4. The Little Green Man; 5. Circumstantial Evidence; 6. The Governor of Chi-Foo. Discovering Rex; Establishing Charles Bullivant; Sentimental

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Simpson; The Cat Burglar; The Clue of Monday`s settling; The Pick-up; White Stockings; Circumstantial Evidence; Indian Magic; The Child of Chance; The Christmas Princess; The Dear Liar; The Medieval Mind; The Treasure of the Kalahari; Fighting Snub Reilly; Jimmy`s Brother; Kid Glove Harry; “Nig-Nog”; Romance in Brown; The Christmas Cup; The Man in the Golf Hut; The Perfect Gentleman; A Tryst with Ghosts; In Thrall; Jake`s Brother Bill; Mother o`Mine; On the Witney Road; The Governor of Chi-Foo; The Greek Poropulos; The Weakling; Christmas Eve at the China Dog; Chubb of the “Slipper”; The King`s Brahm; The Little Green Man; The Man who Killed Himself; The Man who never Lost; The Stretelli Case; The undisclosed Client; Bulfax Asleep; Red Beard; The Compleat Criminal; The Jewel Box; The Prison Breakers; Via Madeira. 61 The Four Just 1905 The Tallis (In edition 1908 was: At Port Artur; Mr. Smith`s Trade; Men Press Reggie`s Friend Joseph; The King`s Birthday and Mickey`s. 62 Four Square Jane 1929 Readers (The Fourth Library Square) 63 The Fourth 1913 Ward, Lock Plague (Red Hand) 64 The Frightened 1932 Hodder & Lady (The Case Stoughton of the F.L.; The Mystery Of F.L.;Criminal at Large. 65 The Gaunt 1925 Hodder & (The Ringer – a novel based on the play based on The Gaunt Stranger (The Stoughton Stranger) Ringer; Police Work.) 66 The ghost of 1929 Readers The Ghost of Dawnhill; The Queen of Sheba`s Belt; Dawnhill Library 67 The golden Hades 1929 Collins (Stamped in Gold The Sinister Yellow Sign) 68 Good Evans (The 1927 Websters A Change of Plan; Mr. Evans Does a Bit of Gas Work; Educated Man- Education and Combinations; The Other Lubeses; Mr. Evans GoodEvans) Pulls off a Real Coup; The Nice-Minded Girl; The Musical Tip; Psychology and the Tipster; The Showing up of Educated Evans; The Subconscious Mind; Mr. Evans has a well Screwed Head; The twisting of Arthur Colleyborn; The Kidnapping of Mr. Evans; Educated Evans declares to Win; For Evans` Sake; The Particular Beauty; The Last Coop of All;. 69 The Governor of 1929 Newnes The Gouvernor of Chi-Foo; In Intrall; On the Witney Road; Chi-Foo Mother o`Mine; Jake`s Brother Bill; The Weakling; A Tryst with Ghosts; The Greek Poropulos; E.W.M.M.;

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70 The green Archer 1923 Hodder & Stoughton 71 The green pack 1933 Hutchinson 72 The green ribbon; 1929 Hutchinson 73 The Green Rust; 1919 Ward Lock 74 Grey Timothy; 1913 Ward, Lock (Pallard the Punter) 75 The Gunner 1928 John Long (Children of the Poor; Gunman`s Bluff) 76 The Guv`nor & 1932 Collins The Guv`nor; The Man who Passed; The Treasure House; The Other Stories Shadow Man; 77 The Guv`nor (Mr. 1932 Collins The Guv`nor; The Man who Passed. Reeder return) 78 The Hand of 1927 John Long Power (The Proud Sons of Ragusa) 79 Heroes all; 1914 Newnes Gallant deeds of the war 80 The India-Rubber 1929 Hodder & Men (Wolves of Stoughton the Waterfront; The Pool.) 81 The iron grip 1930 Readers The Man from “Down Under”; The Wilful Miss Colebrok; (Wireless Bryce) Library The Tyrant of the House; The Kidnapped Typist; The Vlakfontain Diamond; A Question of Hours; The Strange Case of Anite Brade; The Disappearing Lady; The Case of an Heiress; The Beautiful Miss M`Greggor; 82 Jack O` 1920 Ward, Lock Judgement 83 The Joker (The 1926 Hodder & Park Lane Stoughton Mystery; The Colossus) 84 The Just Men of 1917 Ward, Lock Cordova 85 Kate Plus Ten 1919 Ward Lock 86 The keeper of the 1917 Ward, Lock Bones Changes his Religion; The Maker of Storms; Bones and King`s Peace the Wireless; The Remedy; The Medicine Man; Bones, King- Maker; The Tamer of Beasts; The Mercenaries; The Waters of Madness; Eye to Eye; The Hooded King. 87 Killer Kay 1930 Newnes Killer Kay; The Business Woman; Blue Suit; Battle Level; The Air Taxi; The Convenient Sea; The Vamp & the Librarian; Thieves Make Thieves; 88 A King by Night 1925 John Long 89 Kitchener`s Army 1915 Newnes

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and the Territorial Forces 90 The Lady called 1930 Newnes The Lady Called Nita; The Man Who Married His Cook; Mr. Nita Sigee`s Relations; The Knight Who Could not Kneel; Her Father`s Daughter; The Dramatic Butler; Diana Helps; Con- Lacto is Strenght 91 The lady of Ascot 1930 Hutchinson 92 The Lady of little 1929 Newnes The Lady of Little Hell; The Girl from Ether; Declared to Win; Hell The Cross of the Thief; Bill and the Topper; The Praying Girl; The Custody of the Child; Fate and Mr. Hoke. 93 The last 1934 Hutchinson Bog Little Brother; The Talkative Burglar; The Will & the adventure Way; A Judge of Horses; The Pedlar in the Mask; Mr. Jiggs Makes Good; The Trimming of Sam; The Winning Ticket; His Game; The Devil Doctor; 94 The law of the 1921 Hodder & The Man Who Lived at Clapham; The Man with the Canine four just men Stoughton Teeth; The Man Who Hated Earthworms; The Man Who Died (USA-Again the Twice; The Man Who Hated Amelia Jones; The Man Who Three Just Men) Was Happy; The Man Who Loved Music; The Man Who Was Plucked; The Man Who Would Not Speak; The Man Who Was Acquitted. 95 Lieutenant Bones 1918 Ward, Lock Lieutenant Bones R.N.; The Sleuth; A Change of Ministry; The Lover of Sanders; The Breaking Point; The Madness of Valentine; The Legendeer; The Fetish Stick; The Pacifist; The Son of Sandi; King Andreas; Bones & a Lady; The Little People; The Northern Men. 96 The Little Green 1918 Ward Lock The Little Green Man; Code No 2; The Stretelli Case; The Man Man Who Never Lost; Christmas Eve at the China Dog; Chubb of the “Slipper”; The King`s Brahm; The Man Who Killed Himself; 97 The Lone House 1929 Collins The Lone House Mystery; The Sooper Speaking; Clues; mystery (The Romance in it; Lone House) 98 The Man at the 1931 Hodder & Carlton (His Stoughton Devoted Squealer; The Mystery of Mary Grier) 99 The man from 1926 John Long Morocco (USA- The Black), (Souls in Shadows) 100 The Man Who 1915 Ward, Lock Bought London 101 The Man who 1935 Hutchinson changed his name 102 The Man Who 1919 Newnes Knew

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103 The man who was 1927 Ward, Lock nobody 104 The Melody of 1915 Arrowsmith / Death Simpkin Marshall 105 The Million 1926 Newnes dollar story 106 The Mind of Mr. 1925 Hodder & The Poetical Policeman; The Treasure Hunt; The Troupe; The J.G. Reeder (The Stoughton Stealer of Marble; Sheer Melodrama; The Green Mamba; The Murder Book of Strange Case; The Investors; E.W.M.M.. Mr, J.G.Reeder) 107 The Missing 1923 John Long Million 108 The Mission That 1898 T. Maskew The Mossion that Failed; The Prayer; The Land of the North; Failed Miller (South Some Adventures of James Jawkins Esq.; James gets a Billet; Africa) A Crisis; An Impression of James; James on the Development of the Capetonian; James on Politics; The Greater God; The Song of the Roodedam; Under Which Flag; The Patriotic Colonist; The Squire; The Sea-Nation; The Song of the Bounder; The Giddy Little Microbe; The Number One; Britannia to her First Born; A Tommy`s Welcome; Ginger James; The Departure of James. 109 Mrs. William 1930 Newnes Mrs. William Jones & Bill; The Adventures of George; Jones & Bill According to Freud; The Cat Burglar Bondage; The Society of Bright Young People; The King & the Editor; Christmas Presents; 110 Mr. J.G. Reader 1934 Collins The Treasure House; The Shadow Man; Returns 111 Mr. Justice 1922 Ward, Lock Maxell (Take-a- chance Anderson) 112 The Mixer 1927 John Long The Outwitting of Pony Nelson; The Great Geneva Sweepstake; A Speculation in Shares; The Bank that did not Fail; Mr. Limmerburg`s Waterloo; A Close Call & its Sequel; How a Famous Master Criminal was Trapped; Mr. Sparkes, the Detective; The Submarine-Chaser Coup; A Strange Film Adventure; The Girl from Gibraltar; A Gambling Raid; The Silk Stockings; The Case of Dolly de Mulle; The Seventy- Fourth Diamond; Cinema Teaching by Post; The Billiter Bank Smash; The Spanish Prisoner; The Crown Jewels; The Professor. 113 More educated 1926 Webster The Return of the Native; A Souvenir; Yhe Maker of Winners; Evans A Judge of Racing; An Amazing Selection; A Good Gallop; A Horse of the Same Colour; Mixing It; The Freak Dinner; The User of Men; Thr Lady Watchdog; The Journalist; 114 The Mouthpiece 1935 Hutchinson 115 My Hollywood 1932 Hutchinson Diary 116 The Nine Bears 1910 Ward Lock (Silinski, Master Criminals 1930, is a revised version of the

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(The Other Man; Nine Bears!) Silinski, Master Criminal; The Cheaters) 117 The Story of Fatal 1915 Newnes Peace “1925” 118 Nobby (Smithy`s 1916 Newnes Nobby`s Best Girl; Autorship; Private Clark`s Will; On Friend Nobby) Advertising; On Promotion; ` No. 2 Magazine`; Smithy- Ambassador; Hogmanay; On Finance; The Heroes; The Competitors; Uncle Joe`s Tract; The Baa-Lamb; Nobby`s `Double`; The Fighting Anchesters; Secret Signs; The Faith of Private Simpson. 119 The northing 1926 Hodder & tramp Stoughton (The Tramp) 120 Number six 1927 Newnes (Number Six and the Borgia) 121 On the Spot 1931 John Long 122 The Orator 1928 Hutchinson The Orator; The Mind-Readers; The Old Lady who Changed her Mind; The Sunningdale Murder; A Bank & a Secretary; The Man Next Door; The Sirius Man; The Couper Buckle; The Case of Freddie Vane; The Guy from Memphis; The Detective who Talked; The Fall of Mr. Rater; 123 Penelope of the 1926 Hodder & “Polyantha”; Stoughton 124 People (Edgar 1926 Hodder & Wallace; A Short Stoughton Biography; E.W. by himself) 125 The People Of 1912 Ward, Lock A Certain Game; The Eloquent Woman; The Affair of the The River Lady Missionary; The Swift Walker; Brethren of the Order; The Village of Irons; The Thinker and the Gum-Tree; Nine Terrible Men; The Queen of the N`Gombi; The Man on the Spot; The Rising of the Akasava; The Missionary; The Maker of Spears; The Praying Moor; The Sickness Mongo; The Crime of Sanders; Spring of the Year. 126 Planetoid 127 1929 The Readers Planetoid 127; The Schweizer Pump. Library 127 The Prison 1929 Newnes The Prison Breakers; Findings are Keepings; The Jewel Box; Breakers The Undisclosed Client; Via Madeira; The Compleat Criminal; Redbeard; Bulfox Asleep. 128 Private Shelby 1912 Ward, Lock 129 Red aces 1929 Hodder & Red Aces; Kennedy the Con Man; The Case of Joe Attymar; Stoughton 130 The Reporter 1929 Readers The Reporter; The Writings of Maconochie Hoe; The Murder (Wise Y. Symon) Library of Bennett Sandman; The Crime of Gai Loi; The Lethbridge Abduction; The Safe Deposit at the Social Club; The Case of Crook Beresford; The Crime Expert; The Last Throw of Crook

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Beresford. 131 The River of 1913 Ward, Lock Stars 132 Room 13 1924 John Long 133 Sanctuary Island 1936 Hutchinson (Novel of film by Robert Curtis) 134 Sanders (Mr. 1926 Hodder & The Magic of Fear; The Clean Sweeper; The Very Good Man; Commissioner Stoughton Women Will Talk; The Saint; The Man who Hated Sheffield; Sanders) The Joy Seekers; The Ball Game; The Wise Man; The Sweet Singer. 135 Sanders of the 1911 Ward, Lock The Education of the King; Keepers of the Stone; Bosambo of River Monrovia; The Drowsy One; The Special Commissioner; The Dancing Stones; The Forest of Happy Dreams; The Akasavas; The Wood of Devils; The Loves of M`Lino; The Witch Doctor; The Lonely One; The Seer; Dogs of War. 136 Sandi the King 1922 Ward, Lock The Coming of Sandi; The Death Mark; The Grey Bird that Maker Moaned; The House of the Chosen; The King from the South; The Passing of Major Hamilton; The Prophets of the Old King; The Resources of Civilization; The War in the Tofolka; The Woman Bofaba; The Woman in the Hut; What Happened to Hamilton. 137 The Secret House 1917 Ward, Lock (This is a revised version of The Nine Bears) 138 Sergeant Sir Peter 1932 Chapman & The Four Missing Merchants; The Desk Breaker; The (Sergeant Dunn Hall Inheritor; Dr. Fifer`s Patient; The Burglar Alarm; Burried C.I.D.) Treasure; The Principles of Jo Loless; The Death Watch. 139 The Sinister Man 1924 Hodder & Stoughton 140 Smithy (Smithy, 1905 Tallis Press The Adjutant`s Madness; Military Motoring; Advertising the not to mention (First in Army; Army Manners; The Umpire; Erudition; Bertie; Nobby Clark & “Daily Mail” Nobby`s Part; The Clairvoyant; Boots; Ju-Jitsu; The New Spud Murphy) Officer; The Agitator; Missing Words; The New Rules; The Chef; The Journalist; The Photographer; The Bookmaker; Back to Civil Life; Brothers; The Ghost of Heilbron Kopje; Sacrifice. 141 Smithy Abroad 1909 Hulton (Barrack Room Sketches!) The Arms Store; The Baptism of Stevens; The Rotten Affair; The Batchelors Club; Why “Featherweight Jackson” Enlisted; Nobby`s Love Story; The Chucajee Plate; The Wanderer; The Fight; The Miser; Nobby, LTD.; An Act of War; The Football Match; Thatcher`s Brother; The Invention Craze; Marshy, Detective; The Ghost of the Brook; Smithy on Humour; Pikey`s Luck; The Burglers; Honour; Sacrifice; “A Surpressed Book”; A Soldier & a Man. 142 Smithy & the 1915 Newnes The Military Anarchist; The Heroics of Private Parker; At Hun Mons; Smithy on News; On the Lawyer in War; Von Kluck`s Nephew; On Meaning Well; The Persevering Soldier; A Day with the Crown Prince; Nobby & the Lamb; Nobby & the Missing Zep`Link; On the German Fleet; On W. O. Genius; On Recruitting; The Strategist; Smithy Surveys the Land; Lieutenant X; The Letter Writer; The Weather Prophet; The Onterpreter; Nobby in Romantic Vein.

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143 Smoky Cell 1936 Hutchinson (Novel of the play!) (by Robert Curtis) 144 The Square 1926 Hodder & Emerald (The Stoughton Girl from Scotland Yard; The Woman) 145 The Squeaker 1927 Hodder & (Play 1929) (The Squealer; Stoughton The Sign of the Leopard) 146 The standard 1914 Newnes Vol.1 & 2- With Gen. French`s Despatches; Vol. 3- history of the war St.Eloi,Givenchy, Ypres, Hill 69, Neuve, Chapelle; Vol 4-The Navy & the Dardanelles. 147 The steward 1932 Collins The Steward & the Sharps; Overdue; The Buoy that did not Light; The Left Pass; The Ghost of John Holling; The Little Baroness; Solo & the Lady; The Barons of the Nimble Pack; 148 The Strange 1925 Hodder & Countess (The Stoughton Sins of the Mother) 149 The Table (By 1936 Hutchinson (Novel of the Hollywood horror film) Robert Curtis) 150 Tam of`The 1918 Newnes Scoots (Tam) 151 The Terrible 1926 Hodder & People (The Stoughton Gallow` Hand) 152 The terror 1929 Collins The Terror; The Cat Burglar; The Stretelli Case; 153 Terror Keep 1927 Hodder & Stoughton 154 The Thief in the 1928 Readers The Thief in the Night; Via Madeira; The Greek Poropulos; Night Library Findings are Keepings; The Compleat Criminal; The Looker & the Leaper; 155 This England 1927 Hodder & The Crashed; The Idle Rich; The Impossible People; Our Stoughton Burglars; The Surgeon; Commonplace People; The Precarious Game; Parsons; Back to the Army; The Modern Girl; Mushers & Riders; 99, Something Crescent; Police; The Farmer; Learning to Learn; Nanny; Queen Charlotte`s; Sea Talk; Consider Your Verdict; Comrades. 156 Those Folk of 1918 Ward, Lock Bulboro 157 The Three Just 1926 Hodder & Men Stoughton 158 The Three Oak 1924 Ward, Lock Mystery 159 The tomb of Ts`in 1916 Ward, Lock 160 The Traitors Gate 1927 Hodder & Stoughton

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161 The Twister 1928 John Long 162 The undisclosed 1963 Digit Books The Undisclosed Client; The Little Green Man; The Governor client of Chi-Foo; The Christmas Cup; Mr. Simmons Profession; Change; How He Lost His Moustache; Sergeant Run-a-Mile; The Sentimental Burglar; Pear Drops; Contempt; A Man of Note; For Jeweys Laggin; 163 Unofficial 1901 Hutchinson The City of Refuge; The Fabric of Hate; The Rebel & the Dispatches Psalmist; The Rain that Stopped; De Wet`s Plan; Prices of Peace; To Arms!; Amateur De Wets; The Birth of a Corps; The Shadow over the Land; The Better Path; The Coming of De Wet; Plumers Fight; Homeward Bound; The Last Fight; Why We Lost De Wet; Profit & Loss; A Nice War; Tragedy; That Victorian; Doing Nothing; “Previously Unreported”; Atkins; A Veldt Aldershot; That Tired Feeling; A Sunday Morning; America`s Bid for the Rand; Sops to Sentiment; In Death`s Eye; A Day in Kent; “Cannot Accept Responsibility”; Tips that pass in the Night; Trumps Without Honours; The Intervening Black; Heroes of the Cotton Waste; Reconstructing an Estimate; Forces Despised; Rebellion Made Easy; Related Justice; The Coming Struggle; What Shall be the Verdict?. 164 The Valley of 1922 Odhams Ghosts 165 War and Other 1900 Eastern Press War; After; The Old Rule, “Britannia`s Lament” Under which Poems [South Africa] Flag; The Amoured Train. 166 War of the 1915 Newnes Vol.1 (Not by E.W.!) Vols.2-4, 1915; Vols. 5-7, 1916; Vols. 8- Nations 9, 1917. 167 We shall see ( In 1926 Hodder & USA- The Gaol Stoughton Breakers) 168 When the Gangs 1932 John Long Came to London (The Gangsters Come to London; Scotland Yard`s Yankee Dick) 169 White Face 1930 Hodder & Stoughton 170 The Woman from 1934 Hutchinson The Woman from the East; The Chopham Affair; The Hopper; the East The Love of Devil Hampton; The Silver Charm; Uncle Faraway; The Man of the Night; Patriots; (Rewritten story from Admirable Carfew)- The Future Lady Shelholme; The Xmas Gift; The Man Whom Nobody Loved; The Strangeness of Joab Lashmere; Jimmy & the Doughnut; Control No. 2. 171 Writ in Barracks 1900 Methuen War; Army Doctor; Nicholson`s Nek; My Pal-the Boer; Song of the First Train Through; The Naval Brigade; The Armoured Train; Make Your Own Arrangements; Ginger James; Her Majesty has Been Pleased; Arthur; Legacies; T.A. in Love; Tommy Advises; The Number One; Britannia to Her First- Born; Tommy to his Loureale; The Mission that Failed; The

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Prayer; Cease Fire; Tommy`s Autograph; At the Brink; The King pf Oojee-Moojee; The Song of the Town; By Simons Bay; The Squire; The Sea Nation; Nature Fails; The Colonel`s Garden; The People of Cecil John Rhodes; When London Calls (July 18th 1899); Cairowards; Ode to the Opening of the South African Exhibition 1898. 172 The Yellow 1926 Hodder & Snake (The Black Stoughton Tenth) U1 The Stretelli Case 1930 Code No. 2; The Know-how; The Looker and the Leaper. and Other Mystery Stories U2 “The Sooper” and 1984 The Plum-Pudding Girl; Warm and Dry; The Get-Back; The Others House of the Candles; The Little Dragon of Jade; A more-or- less Crime; The Caretaker in Charge; A Raid a Gambling Hell; Blooming Aloes; The Impossible Theft (A Case for Angel, Esquire); The Monkey and the Bax. U3 The Death Room 1986 The Poisoners; Before Witnesses; Halley`s Comet, the Cowboy and Lord Dorrington; Lord Exenham Creates a Sensation; One Night in Somerset; The Barfora “Snake”; The Black Grippe; The Day the World Stopped (The Sodium Lines); The Death Room; The Devil Light; The Limp of the Clan Chen; The Slip; While the Passengers Slept. U4 The Road to 1986 London U5 Winning Colours: 1991 Tony Newton-Bookmaker; A Romance of thirty year`s The Racing Racing; Lord Derby and his best Horses: Stedfast; Lord Derby Writings of Edgar and his best Horses: Swynford; Lord Derby and the Bogey Wallace Horses; Lord Derby`s Home-Bred Winners; Lord Derby`s Racing Triumph; Lord Derby`s Tragic Loss; Lord Derby`s Unlucky Race; The Career of Lord Derby`s Pharos; Amazing Derby Plot Unmasked; Amazing Revelations of Racing Roguery; Atty Persse Bluffed; Faking a 10 to 1 Winner; Horses Dizzy with Dope; How I Fooled Wootton!; How we Tricked Donoghue; My 6000 Pound Swindle; My Confessions of Turf Swindles; My most Imprudent Swindle; Powdered Glass for a Derby Favourite; Super Swindles of the Turf; The “Mug” who went to Jail; The Fake that Failed; Turf Crooks I`ve Tricked; The Derby Favourite; The Girl who won at Epson; The Man who shot the “Favourire” U6 The Murder at 1910 “Point Helm” U7 The Missing 1919 Romney (The Stolen Romney) U8 Stuffing 1926 U9 The Slave-Maker 1933 U10 Who is 1964 Nicodemus ?

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Kod Nazwa-Tytuł

118 ‘ No. 2 Magazine’ 11 `Pinky` and the Bank Manager 21 `They` 141 “A Surpressed Book” 163 “Cannot Accept Responsibility” 60 “Nig-Nog” 163 “Previously Unreported” 155 99, Something Crescent 4 A `Yard` Man Kidnapped 122 A Bank & a Secretary 59 A Business Training 125 A Certain Game 95 A Change of Ministry 68 A Change of Plan 17 A Cinema Picture 112 A Close Call & its Sequel 22 A Contribution to Charity 108 A Crisis 163 A Day in Kent 142 A Day with the Crown Prince 17 A Deal in Jute 1 A Deal in Riffs 12 A Doctor`s Jollification and its Sequel 47 A Fortune in Tin 112 A Gambling Raid 113 A Good Gallop 113 A Horse of the Same Colour 93 A Judge of Horses 113 A Judge of Racing 27 A Lesson in Diplomacy 18 A Lover of Dogs 162 A Man of Note Alfabetyczny indeks tytułów 1 A matter of buisiness angielskich z „The Works 22 A Matter of Nerve published in book form” z 202 A more-or-less Crime 18 A Nice Gel “The British Bibliography 163 A Nice War of Edgar Wallace” 1969. 54 A Perfect Gentleman 59 A priestess of Osiris [Jest to zawartość kolumny 5 81 A Question of Hours tabeli jak wyżej!] 11 A Race at Ostend 202 A Raid a Gambling Hell

28 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 29

16 A Right of Way 17 Bones & the Wharfingers 54 A Romance in Brown 3 Bones and the Bee U5 A Romance of thirty year`s Racing 86 Bones and the Wireless 4 A Servant of Women 16 Bones at M`Fa 141 A Soldier & a Man 86 Bones Changes his Religion 113 A Souvenir 17 Bones Hits Back 112 A Speculation in Shares 17 Bones Hits Back 112 A Strange Film Adventure 3 Bones the Psychic 17 A Student of Man 86 Bones, King-Maker 163 A Sunday Morning 86 Bones, Sanders & Another 108 A Tommy`s Welcome 140 Boots 60 A Tryst with Ghosts 135 Bosambo of Monrovia 69 A Tryst with Ghosts 53 Boy Billy Best 163 A Veldt Aldershot 2 Brethren of the Order 27 A Writ of Summons 125 Brethren of the Order 109 According to Freud 108 Britannia to her First Born 140 Advertising the Army 171 Britannia to Her First-Born 165 After 140 Brothers 2 Alexander & the Lady 60 Bulfax Asleep 163 Amateur De Wets 127 Bulfox Asleep U5 Amazing Derby Plot Unmasked 22 Buried Treasure U5 Amazing Revelations of Racing 138 Burried Treasure Roguery 171 By Simons Bay 163 America`s Bid for the Rand 171 Cairowards 141 An Act of War 1 Carfew 11 113 An Amazing Selection 1 Carfew and the Mary Q` 108 An Impression of James 1 Carfew Entertains 22 Anthony the Bookmaker 1 Carfew is Advised 171 Army Doctor 1 Carfew Produces 140 Army Manners 1 Carfew, Whithington & Co., 21 Arrachi the Borrower Inventors 171 Arthur 1 Carfew-Impresario 142 At Mons 4 Case of the Home Secretary 171 At the Brink 171 Cease Fire 163 Atkins 162 Change U5 Atty Persse Bluffed 27 Chick 118 Autorship 27 Chick, Waiter 11 Baccarat at Cowes 60 Christmas Eve at the China Dog 140 Back to Civil Life 96 Christmas Eve at the China Dog 155 Back to the Army 109 Christmas Presents 87 Battle Level 60 Chubb of the “Slipper” U3 Before Witnesses 96 Chubb of the “Slipper” 140 Bertie 112 Cinema Teaching by Post 92 Bill and the Topper 28 Circumstantial Evidence U2 Blooming Aloes 60 Circumstantial Evidence 87 Blue Suit 97 Clues 11 Bob Brewer`s Biggest Coup 96 Code No 2 93 Bog Little Brother U1 Code No. 2 95 Bones & a Lady 155 Commonplace People 17 Bones & Big Business 17 Competent Judge of Poetry

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155 Comrades 141 Honour 90 Con-Lacto is Strenght U5 Horses Dizzy with Dope 155 Consider Your Verdict 12 How a Crook Spoofed Another 162 Contempt 112 How a Famous Master Criminal 170 Control No. 2 was Trapped 27 Courage 162 How He Lost His Moustache 163 De Wet`s Plan U5 How I Fooled Wootton! 92 Declared to Win 14 How they Fared in the Times of the 17 Detective Bones Tudors 90 Diana Helps U5 How we Tricked Donoghue 26 Discovering Rex 163 In Death`s Eye 60 Discovering Rex 69 In Intrall 135 Dogs of War 3 In the manner of Lipstick 163 Doing Nothing 27 In the Public Eye 47 Double Bluff 60 In Thrall 138 Dr. Fifer`s Patient 28 Indian Magic 68 Educated Evans declares to Win 60 Indian Magic 68 Education and Combinations 60 Jake`s Brother Bill 140 Erudition 69 Jake`s Brother Bill 26 Establishing Charles Bullivant 108 James gets a Billet 60 Establishing Charles Bullivant 108 James on Politics 14 Europe in the Melting Pot 108 James on the Development of the 86 Eye to Eye Capetonian U5 Faking a 10 to 1 Winner 170 Jimmy & the Doughnut 92 Fate and Mr. Hoke 54 Jimmy`s Brother 54 Fighting Snub Reilly 60 Jimmy`s Brother 60 Fighting Snub Reilly 140 Ju-Jitsu 59 Findings are Keepings 22 Kato 127 Findings are Keepings 135 Keepers of the Stone 154 Findings are Keepings 129 Kennedy the Con Man 68 For Evans` Sake 54 Kid Glove Harry 59 For Information Received 60 Kid Glove Harry 162 For Jeweys Laggin 87 Killer Kay 27 For One Night Only 95 King Andreas 163 Forces Despised 155 Learning to Learn 14 From Waterloo to the Mutiny 171 Legacies 108 Ginger James 95 Lieutenant Bones R.N. 171 Ginger James 142 Lieutenant X 21 Guns in the Akasava U5 Lord Derby and his best Horses U3 Halley`s Comet, the Cowboy and U5 Lord Derby and his best Horses Lord Dorrington U5 Lord Derby and the Bogey Horses 16 Hamilton of The Houssas U5 Lord Derby`s Home-Bred Winners 16 Henry Hamilton Bones U5 Lord Derby`s Racing Triumph 90 Her Father`s Daughter U5 Lord Derby`s Tragic Loss 171 Her Majesty has Been Pleased U5 Lord Derby`s Unlucky Race 163 Heroes of the Cotton Waste U3 Lord Exenham Creates a Sensation 17 Hidden Treasure 3 M`Gala the Accurst 93 His Game 171 Make Your Own Arrangements 118 Hogmanay 141 Marshy, Detective 163 Homeward Bound 46 Mickey the Shopper

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140 Military Motoring 142 On the Lawyer in War 4 Miss Brown`s Ł7,000 Windfall 60 On the Witney Road 59 Miss Prentiss Tells a Lie 69 On the Witney Road 140 Missing Words 142 On W. O. Genius 113 Mixing It 1 One and sevenpense ha`penny 60 Mother o`Mine U3 One Night in Somerset 69 Mother o`Mine 155 Our Burglars 2 Mr. Collingrey M.P. Pacifist 147 Overdue 68 Mr. Evans Does a Bit of Gas Work 47 Papinico for the Scot 68 Mr. Evans has a well Screwed Head 155 Parsons 68 Mr. Evans Pulls off a Real Coup 1 Patriots 46 Mr. Homaster`s Daughter 170 Patriots, (Rewritten story from 93 Mr. Jiggs Makes Good Admirable Carfew) 46 Mr. Kirtz buys a Ł5 Special 162 Pear Drops 5 Mr. Levingron`s Daughter 141 Pikey`s Luck 112 Mr. Limmerburg`s Waterloo 126 Planetoid 127 47 Mr. Macmillan Shares his 163 Plumers Fight Possessions 155 Police 90 Mr. Sigee`s Relations U5 Powdered Glass for a Derby 162 Mr. Simmons Profession Favourite 61 Mr. Smith`s Trade 163 Prices of Peace 112 Mr. Sparkes, the Detective 118 Private Clark`s Will 109 Mrs. William Jones & Bill 163 Profit & Loss 155 Mushers & Riders 68 Psychology and the Tipster U5 My 6000 Pound Swindle 155 Queen Charlotte`s U5 My Confessions of Turf Swindles 163 Rebellion Made Easy U5 My most Imprudent Swindle 163 Reconstructing an Estimate 171 My Pal-the Boer 129 Red Aces 155 Nanny 60 Red Beard 171 Nature Fails 127 Redbeard 171 Nicholson`s Nek 61 Reggie`s Friend Joseph 54 Nig-Nog 163 Related Justice 125 Nine Terrible Men 60 Romance in Brown 142 Nobby & the Lamb 97 Romance in it 142 Nobby & the Missing Zep`Link 14 Roundhead and Cavalier 142 Nobby in Romantic Vein 140 Sacrifice 141 Nobby, LTD. 141 Sacrifice 118 Nobby`s `Double` 16 Sanders-C.M.G. 118 Nobby`s Best Girl 155 Sea Talk 141 Nobby`s Love Story 118 Secret Signs 140 Nobby`s Part 26 Sentimental Simpson 171 Ode to the Opening of the South 60 Sentimental Simpson African Exhibition 1898 162 Sergeant Run-a-Mile 118 On Advertising 106 Sheer Melodrama 118 On Finance 141 Smithy on Humour 22 On Getting an Introduction 142 Smithy on News 142 On Meaning Well 142 Smithy Surveys the Land 118 On Promotion 118 Smithy-Ambassador 142 On Recruitting 59 Snares of Paris 142 On the German Fleet 147 Solo & the Lady

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108 Some Adventures of James Jawkins 20 The Book of Arrangement Esq. 20 The Book of Development 171 Song of the First Train Through 20 The Book of Enlightment 163 Sops to Sentiment 140 The Bookmaker 27 Spotting the Lady 17 The Branch Line 125 Spring of the Year 18 The Brass Bedstead U5 Stedfast 95 The Breaking Point 46 Straight from the Horse`s Mouth 21 The Brother of Bosambo U5 Super Swindles of the Turf 46 The Brotherhood U5 Swynford 147 The Buoy that did not Light 171 T.A. in Love 138 The Burglar Alarm 163 That Tired Feeling 11 The Burglary at Goodwood 163 That Victorian 141 The Burglers 141 Thatcher`s Brother 22 The Bursted Election U5 The “Mug” who went to Jail 87 The Business Woman 5 The Abductor 18 The Camera Man 4 The Accidental Snapshot U5 The Career of Lord Derby`s Pharos 140 The Adjutant`s Madness U2 The Caretaker in Charge 109 The Adventures of George 81 The Case of an Heiress 2 The Affair of Mister Hayes 130 The Case of Crook Beresford 2 The Affair of the Allied 112 The Case of Dolly de Mulle 125 The Affair of the Lady Missionary 122 The Case of Freddie Vane 140 The Agitator 129 The Case of Joe Attymar 1 The agreeable Company 12 The Case of Lady Pursyence 87 The Air Taxi 12 The Case of Mrs. Anthony 135 The Akasavas Stratmore 18 The All-Africans 109 The Cat Burglar Bondage 47 The Amateur Detective 26 The Cat Burglar 21 The Ambassadors 60 The Cat Burglar 165 The Amoured Train 152 The Cat Burglar 171 The Armoured Train 21 The Chair of the N`Gombi 141 The Arms Store 140 The Chef 118 The Baa-Lamb 28 The Child of Chance 134 The Ball Game 60 The Child of Chance 112 The Bank that did not Fail 21 The Child of Sacrifice 141 The Baptism of Stevens 170 The Chopham Affair U3 The Barfora “Snake” 54 The Christmas Cup 147 The Barons of the Nimble Pack 60 The Christmas Cup 141 The Batchelors Club 162 The Christmas Cup 27 The Beating of the Middle- Weight 28 The Christmas Princess 81 The Beautiful Miss M`Greggor 60 The Christmas Princess 163 The Better Path 141 The Chucajee Plate 11 The Big Four Syndicate and the 163 The City of Refuge Man who Smashed It 140 The Clairvoyant 112 The Billiter Bank Smash 134 The Clean Sweeper 163 The Birth of a Corps 53 The Cloud Fishers 18 The Black Egg 26 The Clue of Monday`s Settling U3 The Black Grippe 60 The Clue of Monday`s settling 4 The Blackmail Boomerang 171 The Colonel`s Garden 20 The Book of Adjustment 163 The Coming of De Wet

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136 The Coming of Sandi 21 The Fall of the Emperor 2 The Coming of the Bolsheviks 155 The Farmer 163 The Coming Struggle 18 The Fearful Word 118 The Competitors 16 The Fetish Stick 60 The Compleat Criminal 95 The Fetish Stick 127 The Compleat Criminal 141 The Fight 154 The Compleat Criminal 118 The Fighting Anchesters 4 The complete Vampire 27 The First Dispatch 87 The Convenient Sea 141 The Football Match 46 The Coop 135 The Forest of Happy Dreams 122 The Couper Buckle 4 The Fortune of Forgery 155 The Crashed 138 The Four Missing Merchants 130 The Crime Expert 113 The Freak Dinner 130 The Crime of Gai Loi 16 The frontier and a Code 125 The Crime of Sanders 170 The Future Lady Shelholme 92 The Cross of the Thief 53 The Gentlemen from Indiana 112 The Crown Jewels U2 The Get-Back 92 The Custody of the Child 66 The Ghost of Dawnhill 135 The Dancing Stones 140 The Ghost of Heilbron Kopje U3 The Day the World Stopped (The 147 The Ghost of John Holling Sodium Lines) 141 The Ghost of the Brook 28 The Dear Liar 3 The Ghost Walker 60 The Dear Liar 108 The Giddy Little Microbe 136 The Death Mark 46 The Gift Horse U3 The Death Room 92 The Girl from Ether 138 The Death Watch 112 The Girl from Gibraltar 53 The Debut of William Best U5 The Girl who won at Epson 108 The Departure of James 2 The Going of Heine U5 The Derby Favourite 46 The Goods 138 The Desk Breaker 69 The Gouvernor of Chi-Foo 122 The Detective who Talked 60 The Governor of Chi-Foo 93 The Devil Doctor 162 The Governor of Chi-Foo U3 The Devil Light 22 The Graft 81 The Disappearing Lady 112 The Great Geneva Sweepstake 16 The Disciplinarians 108 The Greater God 90 The Dramatic Butler 60 The Greek Poropulos 46 The Dreamer 69 The Greek Poropulos 135 The Drowsy One 154 The Greek Poropulos 53 The Duke`s Museum 16 The Green Crocodile 59 The Ear of the Sanctuary 106 The Green Mamba 1 The Eccentric Mr. Gobleheim 136 The Grey Bird that Moaned 135 The Education of the King 2 The Grey Envelope 125 The Eloquent Woman 22 The Guest of the Minnows 4 The End of Mr. Bash- The Brutal 76 The Guv`nor 5 The Englishman Konner 77 The Guv`nor 4 The Escape of Mr. Bliss 122 The Guy from Memphis 163 The Fabric of Hate 5 The Happy Travellers 118 The Faith of Private Simpson 18 The Healer U5 The Fake that Failed 11 The Heppleworth Pearls 122 The Fall of Mr. Rater 118 The Heroes

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142 The Heroics of Private Parker 130 The Lethbridge Abduction 86 The Hooded King 142 The Letter Writer 170 The Hopper U3 The Limp of the Clan Chen U3 The House of the Candles 147 The Little Baroness 136 The House of the Chosen U2 The Little Dragon of Jade 155 The Idle Rich 60 The Little Green Man 155 The Impossible People 96 The Little Green Man U2 The Impossible Theft (A Case for 162 The Little Green Man Angel, Esquire) 95 The Little People 53 The Infant Samuel 97 The Lone House Mystery 138 The Inheritor 135 The Lonely One 142 The Interpreter 28 The Looker & the Leaper 163 The Intervening Black 154 The Looker & the Leaper 141 The Invention Craze U1 The Looker and the Leaper 106 The Investors 16 The Lord N`Bosini 2 The Jermyn Credit Bank 170 The Love of Devil Hampton 59 The Jewel 2 The Lovelly Miss Harrymore 60 The Jewel Box 95 The Lover of Sanders 127 The Jewel Box 135 The Loves of M`Lino 22 The Joker 47 The Mack Pump 113 The Journalist 95 The Madness of Valentine 140 The Journalist 134 The Magic of Fear 134 The Joy Seekers 125 The Maker of Spears 3 The keepers of the Treasure 86 The Maker of Storms 21 The Ki-Chu 113 The Maker of Winners 81 The Kidnapped Typist 81 The Man from “Down Under” 68 The Kidnapping of Mr. Evans 2 The Man from the Stars 21 The Killing of Olandi 27 The Man from Toulouse 53 The Kindergarten 54 The Man in the Golf Hut 109 The King & the Editor 60 The Man in the Golf Hut 136 The King from the South 122 The Man Next Door 171 The King of Oojee-Moojee 170 The Man of the Night 61 The King`s Birthday and Mickey`s 125 The Man on the Spot 60 The King`s Brahm 16 The Man who did not Sleep 96 The King`s Brahm 94 The Man Who Died Twice 3 The King`s Sceptre 2 The Man who Dwelt on a Hill 90 The Knight Who Could not Kneel 94 The Man Who Hated Amelia Jones U1 The Know-how 94 The Man Who Hated Earthworms 90 The Lady Called Nita 134 The Man who Hated Sheffield 5 The Lady from Brazil 60 The Man who Killed Himself 22 The Lady in Grey 96 The Man Who Killed Himself 92 The Lady of Little Hell 94 The Man Who Lived at Clapham 18 The Lake of the Devil 94 The Man Who Loved Music 17 The Lamp that Never Went Out 90 The Man Who Married His Cook 108 The Land of the North 60 The Man who never Lost 68 The Last Coop of All 96 The Man Who Never Lost 163 The Last Fight 76 The Man who Passed 130 The Last Throw of Crook Beresford 77 The Man who Passed 147 The Left Pass 5 The man who Sang in Church 95 The Legendeer U5 The Man who shot the “Favourire”

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94 The Man Who Was Acquitted 108 The Patriotic Colonist 94 The Man Who Was Happy 93 The Pedlar in the Mask 94 The Man Who Was Plucked 21 The Pedometer 94 The Man Who Would Not Speak 171 The People of Cecil John Rhodes 170 The Man Whom Nobody Loved 60 The Perfect Gentleman 4 The Man with the Beard 46 The perfect Lady 94 The Man with the Canine Teeth 142 The Persevering Soldier 4 The Man with the Red Beard 140 The Photographer 5 The Marked Cheque 26 The Pick Up 18 The Medical Officer of Health 60 The Pick-up 86 The Medicine Man 17 The Plover-Light Car 28 The Medieval Mind 22 The Plum Pudding Girl 60 The Medieval Mind U3 The Plum-Pudding Girl 86 The Mercenaries 106 The Poetical Policeman 142 The Military Anarchist U3 The Poisoners 12 The Millionaire`s Secret 108 The Prayer 122 The Mind-Readers 171 The Prayer 141 The Miser 92 The Praying Girl 108 The Mission that Failed 125 The Praying Moor 171 The Mission that Failed 155 The Precarious Game 125 The Missionary 3 The President 155 The Modern Girl 138 The Principles of Jo Loless U2 The Monkey and the Bax 60 The Prison Breakers 130 The Murder of Bennett Sandman 127 The Prison Breakers 4 The Murderer of Many Names 112 The Professor 2 The Murderers 136 The Prophets of the Old King 68 The Musical Tip 46 The Proud Horse 5 The Mystery of Dr. Drake 66 The Queen of Sheba`s Belt 12 The Mystery of the Bishop`s Chair 125 The Queen of the N`Gombi 171 The Naval Brigade 163 The Rain that Stopped 140 The New Officer 163 The Rebel & the Psalmist 140 The New Rules 5 The Rebus 68 The Nice-Minded Girl 86 The Remedy 95 The Northern Men 130 The Reporter 108 The Number One 136 The Resources of Civilization 171 The Number One 113 The Return of the Native 4 The Obliging Cobbler 3 The Rich Woman 27 The Oilfield 21 The Rise of the Emperor 122 The Old Lady who Changed her 125 The Rising of the Akasava Mind 141 The Rotten Affair 165 The Old Rule, “Britannia`s 47 The rum Runner Lament” Under which Flag 130 The Safe Deposit at the Social Club 122 The Orator 134 The Saint 93 The Original Mrs. Blaney 171 The Sea Nation 68 The Other Lubeses 108 The Sea-Nation 112 The Outwitting of Pony Nelson 135 The Seer 95 The Pacifist 162 The Sentimental Burglar 68 The Particular Beauty 112 The Seventy-Fourth Diamond 2 The Passing of Heine 76 The Shadow Man 136 The Passing of Major Hamilton 110 The Shadow Man

35 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 36

163 The Shadow over the Land 152 The Terror 5 The Share Pusher 154 The Thief in the Night 68 The Showing up of Educated Evans 125 The Thinker and the Gum-Tree 125 The Sickness Mongo 5 The Third Coincidence 112 The Silk Stockings 59 The Timid Admirer 170 The Silver Charm 76 The Treasure House 4 The Sinister Dr. Lutteur 110 The Treasure House 122 The Sirius Man 106 The Treasure Hunt 5 The Slane Mystery 28 The Treasure of the Kalahari 95 The Sleuth 60 The Treasure of the Kalahari U3 The Slip 4 The Trimming of Paul Lumiere 46 The Snout 93 The Trimming of Sam 109 The Society of Bright Young 106 The Troupe People 12 The Twenty Thousand Pound Kiss 95 The Son of Sandi 68 The twisting of Arthur Colleyborn 108 The Song of the Bounder 5 The Typist who Saw Thinga 108 The Song of the Roodedam 81 The Tyrant of the House 171 The Song of the Town 2 The U Boat Adventure 12 The Sooper Speaking 140 The Umpire 97 The Sooper Speaking 60 The Undisclosed Client 16 The Soul of a Native Woman 127 The Undisclosed Client 112 The Spanish Prisoner 162 The Undisclosed Client 135 The Special Commissioner 113 The User of Men 3 The Splendid Things 87 The Vamp & the Librarian 108 The Squire 134 The Very Good Man 171 The Squire 125 The Village of Irons 11 The Star of the World 81 The Vlakfontain Diamond 106 The Stealer of Marble 53 The Wager of Rittmeister Von 147 The Steward & the Sharps Haarden 106 The Strange Case 141 The Wanderer 81 The Strange Case of Anite Brade 136 The War in the Tofolka 170 The Strangeness of Joab Lashmere 86 The Waters of Madness 16 The Stranger who walked by Night 18 The Wazoos 142 The Strategist 60 The Weakling 60 The Stretelli Case 69 The Weakling 96 The Stretelli Case 142 The Weather Prophet 152 The Stretelli Case 12 The Wife of Sir Ralph Cretapace 68 The Subconscious Mind 81 The Wilful Miss Colebrok 112 The Submarine-Chaser Coup 93 The Will & the Way 122 The Sunningdale Murder 93 The Winning Ticket 155 The Surgeon 134 The Wise Man 134 The Sweet Singer 135 The Witch Doctor 126 The Sweizer Pump 136 The Woman Bofaba 125 The Swift Walker 170 The Woman from the East 4 The Swiss Head Waiter 136 The Woman in the Hut 2 The Syren 53 The Woman in the Story 93 The Talkative Burglar 18 The Woman who Spoke to Birds 86 The Tamer of Beasts 135 The Wood of Devils 21 The Tax Resistors 2 The Word of a Prince 3 The Terrible Talker 2 The World Dictator

36 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 37

130 The Writings of Maconochie Hoe 154 Via Madeira 170 The Xmas Gift 146 Vol 4-The Navy & the Dardanelles 87 Thieves Make Thieves 146 Vol. 3- St.Eloi,Givenchy, Ypres, 113 Thr Lady Watchdog Hill 69, Neuve, Chapelle 46 Through the Card 146 Vol.1 & 2- With Gen. French`s 3 Thy Neighbour as Thyself Despatches 163 Tips that pass in the Night 142 Von Kluck`s Nephew 163 To Arms! 165 War 1 Tobbins, Limited 171 War 171 Tommy Advises 12 Warm and Dry 171 Tommy to his Loureale U2 Warm and Dry 171 Tommy`s Autograph 136 What Happened to Hamilton U5 Tony Newton-Bookmaker 163 What Shall be the Verdict? 163 Tragedy 171 When London Calls (July 18th 163 Trumps Without Honours 1899) U5 Turf Crooks I`ve Tricked U3 While the Passengers Slept 170 Uncle Faraway 60 White Stockings 118 Uncle Joe`s Tract 141 Why “Featherweight Jackson” 108 Under Which Flag Enlisted 60 Via Madeira 1 Why Gelden made a million 127 Via Madeira 163 Why We Lost De Wet 134 Women Will Talk Collections of Stories in”The British Bibliography of Edgar Wallace “ 1969

Zbiory opowiadań wg “The British Bibliography of E.W. 1969.

Black, The Queensway Press 1935 The reporter The Iron Grip

An Edgar Wallace Foursome John Long 1933 The Man from Morocco Captain of Souls ` The Hand of Power The Mixer

Edgar Wallace`s Police Van Hodder & Stoughton 1930 The Green Archer The Forger The Double The Flying Squad

The Edgar Wallace Race Specjal Collings 1932 Educated Evans More Educated Evans Good Evans The Calendar

Edgar Wallace Second Book: Four Complete Novels George Newnes 1931

37 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 38

Nobby Smithy Tam Bones of the River

Edgar Wallace Souvenir Book George Newnes 1933 The Four Just Men Eve`s Island The Clue of the Twisted Candle The Man Who Knew

The Educated Man- Good Evans London Book Co. Novel Library (Collins) 1929 Educated Evans More Educated Evans Good Evans

Four Complete Novels George Newnes 1930 The Four Just Men Eve`s Island The Clue of the Twisted Candle The Man Who Knew

Angielskie tytuły książek Edgara Wallace: w bibliotekach, księgarniach, antykwariatach i innych sprzedawców książek, itp.

Kolumna: 1 – The Library of Kongres USA 2 - Biblioteka Główna UMK Toruń 3 - Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main 4 - Amazon de: 5 - Sxhweitzenrischen Landesbibliothek 6 - Library of Oxfort University 7 - Olis veb Opac 8 - Libraries of the University of Wisconsin-Madison 9 - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 10- Amazon.com – bibliofind 11- Staatsbibliothek Berlin PK 12- House of Stratus in England 13.- Used Book Central Search 14.- Abebooks Search result 15.- MNS - Shopping 16- Library of Cambridge University 17- Blackwell`s UK 18- W.H. Smith Co UK 19- Barnes & Noble.com UK 20- Dillons UK 21- Hessischer Verbunt 22- Wg Bibliografii Christiana Henniksona 1997

Tytuł angielski 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

38 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 39

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 …oring story of X A crime story X A Dept Discharged X X Z V Z V Z V X Z V X A King by Night X V X Z X Z X Z X Z Z X A man from the Press Club X A mystery nowel X Again Sanders X V V X Z X Z X Z V X Again the Ringer X Z V Z V X Z X Z V X Again the three X V X V X X Z Z V Again the Three Just Men X Z X Z Z Z V X Angel Esquire X V Z X V X Z X Z Z V X Barbara on her Own X X X V X Z Z V X Z X Big Foot X Z V X Z Z V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X Black Avons, how they Z fared in… Blank Endpaper owner X Stamp & ink Bones V X V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z X Bones in London X V X V Z V X Z V Z V X Z X Bones of the river Z X V Z V X Z Z X Z V X Bosambo of the river Z V X X Z V X Z Z X Z V X Captains of Souls X V X Z X Z Z V X Captain Tatham of Tatham X Island Change X Chick X Z X Z Z V X Circumstantial Evidence X Z and Other Stories Criminal at Large X Z Death watch X Z Detective stories V V Z V Diana of Kara - X X X Z Kara…{Double Dan ?} Double Danew X Z Down Under Donovan V Z V X Z Z V X Edgar Wallace a short Z X X V autobiography Edgar Wallace mystery X Z magazine Nov. Educated Evans X V X Z Z Z X Elegant Edward Z Z X Eve`s Island X V X Z Z V Fighting Snub Reilly and X X Z other Stories Flat 2 X V X Z V X Z X Z Z V For Information Received X Forty-eight short stories V X Z Z X

39 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 40

Four Square Jane V X Z V X Z V Z V Z V X Z V X Good Evans X X V Z V Z V X Z X Great stories of real life Z Great tales of mystery V Z Grey Timothy X V X Z Z X Gunman`s Bluff X X Z X X Z Z Z V Z V X Z Z Z V Heroes all; Gallant deeds X Z Z of the war Jack O` Judgement X V V X Z X Z Z X Joy seekers X Kate Plus Ten [Kate plus X V V X Z X Z X 10] Kennedy the con. Man V X V King Kong X X Z X V X V Killer Kay X Kitchener`s Army and the X Z Z Territorial Forces Lieutenant Bones V Z V X Z X Z Z V X Meister Morde V Z V X Z More educated Evans X X X V X Z V Z V X Z X Mr. Justice Maxell X Z V X Z V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X Mr. Reader Returns X X Z X V X Z V Z V X Z x Mr. Commissioner X V X X Z Sanders Mrs. William Jones and x Bill Murder of the Month X My Hollywood Diary; The X X Z Z X last work Mystery and Adventure X X Z Nig-Nog and other X X Z Humorous stories Number six [we shell see] V X Z V Z V X On the Spot X V Z X V X X Z X Z V X Other Man X Z Penelope of the V Z Z V Z Z V X “Polyantha”; People X Z V Z X X Z Planetoid 127 X V X Z X Z X Private Selby X Z Private Selby „Sale“ X Red aces; Red aces, being X Z V X X V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X three cases of Mr. Reeder Room 13; Room thirteen. X Z V X Z X V X Z V Z V X Z V X X V X Sanders Z V X X V X Z V Z V X Z V X X V X Sanders of the River X V X V X Z V X X Z V X Z V X X V X Sandi the kingmaker X X X X

40 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 41

Selection X Sentimental Simpson V V Z V Sergeant Sir Peter X X X Z X Silinski, Master Criminal X X X Z X Smithy X X Z Sportingalites X Strange lapses of Larry X Loman Stronger Than Fiction X Tam O`The Scoots X X X Z Terror Keep X V Z X V X Z X Z Z V X The [illustrated] King V X V X X Z X Kong The Admirable Carfew X Z X V X Z V Z V X Z X The Adventures of Heine X Z Z X The African millionaire X Z The Angel of Terror X V X Z X V X Z V Z V Z V X Z V X The Arranways Mystery X Z X X Z The Avenger X V X Z Z V X Z V X Z X Z V X Z V The Avenger a Killer with X a Twisted Mind The Big Four X The biography of a X phenomenon The Black X V X X X X Z X The black Abbot X X V X Z X V X V X Z Z V X Z V X The blue hand X V V X Z X Z Z V X The book of all power X Z X Z Z V X The Books of Bart X X Z The Brigand X Z V X Z V X Z V X Z X Z X X Z V X The Calendar X Z X X Z Z X The case of Joe Attymer V Z V Z The Clever One X Z X X Z The clue of the new pin X Z V X Z X Z V X V X Z Z V X Z V X The clue of the silver key V X X V X Z V Z Z V X Z V X The Clue of the Twisted X V X Z V X V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X Candle The Coat of Arms X V X V X V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Colossus X Z X X Z The convict`s daughter X The council of justice X X V X Z V Z V X Z X The crime book of J.G. X X Z Reeder; Terror kept The crime of Gai Joi X The Crimson Circle X V X Z V X Z V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Daffodil murder [ X Z V X Z V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X mystery] The dark eyes of London V X Z X V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X

41 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 42

The daughters of the night V X Z V V Z V Z V X Z V X The Day of Uniting X X X Z X X Z V Z X Z X The death room V Z Z X Z X The Death Safe X Z The Dept Discharged V The Devil Man X X Z X V X Z V Z V X Z X The Door With Seven X Z V X Z X Z V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X Locks The Double X V Z V X X X Z V X The double Crime Club X Z The Double Dan Z V Z X V X Z X Z V X The duke in the suburbs X V Z V Z V X Z X The Edgar Wallace police X Z van… The E. Wallace Reader of X X X Z Mystery and Adve The face in the night X V X Z X Z V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Feathered Serpent X Z V X Z V X X V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Fellowship of the Frog Z V Z V X V X X X Z X X Z V X The fighting scouts X Z The flying Fifty-Five X Z Z X The Flying Squad X V X Z X Z V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Forger X V X Z X V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Four Just Men X Z V X Z V X Z V X Z V X Z V X Z V X Z V X The Fourth Plague X X X Z X V X Z V Z V Z X The frightendet lady X V Z Z X Z V X Mystery of the Freghtened X Z V X Z X X X Z Lady ; X V X V Z Z V The case of frightened lady; The Gaol Breaker X Z X Z The Gaunt Stranger X X Z X The ghost of Dawnhill / X X Z X The Quen of Sheba`s B… The girl from Scotland X X Z X X Z yard The golden Hades X Z V X V X X Z Z V X The Governor of Chi- X Z X X Z Foo… The green Archer X V X Z X Z V X Z X Z X V X The green pack V V V X Z V The green ribbon; X V X Z X Z V X Z X Z Z V X The Green Rust; X V X Z V X Z Z X Z V X The Gunner X V V X Z X Z Z X The Guv`nor X X Z Z x The Hairy Arm X X X Z X The Hand of Power X V X V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X The India-Rubber Men X V Z V Z V X Z X Z Z V X

42 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 43

The iron grips X V X V Z V Z V X Z X The Island of Galloping X Gold The jewel V V Z V The Joker X V X Z X V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Just Men of Cordova X Z V X Z Z V X X V X Z V Z V X Z V X The keeper of the King`s V X Z V X X V X Z V Z V X Z X Peace The king and Isabel The kingsmaker; V V X X X Z Sandi the kingsmaker Z X Z Z X The lady of Ascot X V V Z Z V Z V X The Lady Called Nita X The lady of little hel V X The last adventure Z Z x The law of the four just X Z V X Z X V V X Z V Z V X X V X men The law of the thre men X X Z The law of the three just X X Z men The Lone House mystery X X V V X Z V X Z V X Z X The losing of Orlando X The Mammoth mystery X X Z book, Three complete nowels The Man at the Carlton X X V Z X Z X Z Z X The man from Morocco X Z V X Z V X Z X Z X Z V X [Marocco] The Man Who Bought X V X V X V X Z V Z V X Z V X London The Man who changed his X V X X Z name The man who couldn`t X X speak the truth The Man Who Knew X V X Z V Z V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X The man who married his X Z cook… The man who passed X X The man who was nobody X V X X V V Z V Z V X Z V X The Melody of Death X V Z V X Z Z V X Original dustjacket art for X Doble Dan ? The Million dollar story V Z V X Z V X The Mind of Mr J.G. X V X Z Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X Z V X Reeder The Missing Millions X V Z V X Z X Z Z V X The Mission That Failed X Z X Z X The Mixer X V Z X V Z X Z Z V X

43 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 44

The Mouthpiece X X V X X Z X Z The Murder Book of J.G. X X Z X X Z V X X Z Reeder The mysterious Mr. X Reeder The New Mammoth X Z Mystery Book The Nine Bears X X Z X Z X The northing tramp X Z V V X Z X Z X Z V X The Orator X V Z V X Z Z X Z V X The Other Man X X Z The People Of The River V V X Z X Z X Z X The real shell-man X Z The Reporter V X X Z Z X The Ringer X Z V X Z X V X Z X Z X Z V X The Ringer Returns X X X Z The River of Stars X V Z V X Z Z X V X The Saint Mystery X Magazine The sooper and others V X Z X The Scotland Yard book of X Z X Z Edgar Wallace The Secret House X V Z Z V X Z Z Z V X The secret of the Moat X Z Farm The shadow man V V Z V The Silver Key X Z X X Z The Sinister Man X Z V X Z V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Square Emerald Z V X Z X V X V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Squeaker X V X Z X Z V X Z X Z Z V X The squealer X X X Z The standard history of the X Z Z war The steward X Z X The Story of Fatal Peace Z The Strange Countess X Z V Z Z V X Z X Z V X The Stretelli Case and X Z X X Z x other Mystery Stories The Table X V X X Z The Terrible People X Z V X Z X V X Z X Z X V X The terror X V X X V Z Z V X The Thief in the Night V V X Z Z V X The Three Oak Mystery V X Z X V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Three Just Men X V X Z Z V X V X Z V Z V X Z V X The tomb of Ts`in X Z Z X The Traitor`s Gate X V X Z V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X The Trial of Herbert John X Z X Bennet

44 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 45

The Trial of Patrick X X X Herbert Mahon The trial of the Seddons X Z The trump X X Z The Twister X V X Z X V X Z X Z X Z V X The Valley of Ghosts X Z V Z V X Z X Z V X The Yellow Snake X V X Z V X Z X Z Z V X This England X Z Those Folk of Bulboro X X Z Z Two stories, and the X seventh man Unofficial Despatches X Z X War of the Nations: a X Z Z History of the Great European Conflict We shall see; Z Z V X When the Gangs Came to X V X V X Z V X Z V Z V X Z V X London White Face X Z V Z Z V X Z X Z Z V X Writ in Barracks Z X X The [illustrated] King V X V X Z Kong Selected novels 1985 X Z V The road to London 1986 X Z X Unexpected ending; four X complete stories The Black Grippe Z X Z The undisclosed client Z X The Woman from the East X Winning Colour: The X Racing Writings of E.W. The Murder at “Port X Helm” The Missing Romney; The X Stolen Romney Stuffing X The Slave-Maker X Who is Nicodemus ? X

45 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 46

Edgar Wallace; [wg alfabetu] Pierwsze wydania książkowe: tytuły w języku angielskim w Anglii i USA.

Kolumna: Rok w.1. – wg 1999-2004 Fantastic Fiction.co.uk ( Tylko rok- bez podania wydawcy!) w.2. - wg The British Bibliography of Edgar Wallace 1969 w.3. - wg innych danych (również amerykańskich)

Kod B to numeracja wierszy wg British Bibliography of Edgar Wallace, 1969

Skróty: [Col.] = Kolekcja utworów [Non F.] = Nie fikcja [Nov.] = Nowela [Ant.] = Antologia

Kod Tytuł angielski Rok Rok Rok Wydawca książki Miejsce Ilość B w.1. w. 2. w. 3 wydania stron

1 Admirable Carfew, The 1914 1914 Ward, Lock & Co London 315 2 Adventures of Heine, The 1929 1919 1919 Ward, Lock & Co London 319 3 Again Sanders 1928 1928 Hodder & London 315 [Col.] Stoughton / Pan 4 Again the Ringer 1929 1929 Hodder & London 315 Stoughton 5 Again the Three Just Men; 1921 1929 1928 Hodder & London 320 The Law of the four just Men Stoughton 1904 Sztuka

46 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 47

6 Angel Esquire 1908 1908 H. Holt & Co / New York Arrowsmith G.B. Simpkin, Marshall Bristol 299 7 Angel of Terror, The 1922 1922 Small, Maynard / Boston 320 Hodder & Stoughton London Arranways Mystery, The 1931 1932 Doubleday, Doran New York [The Coat of Arm] & Co 8 Avenger, The {The Hairy 1926 1926 John Long London 349 Arm} 9 Barbara on her Own 1926 1926 G. Newnes Ltd London 190 Big Book of Detective Stories, The [Ant.] 10 Big Foot 1927 1927 John Long Ltd London 286 11 Big Four, The 1929 Readers Library London Biography of a phenomenon, 1939 Book League New York The [by Margaret Lane] 1938 W.Heineman 13 Black Abbot, The 1926 1926 Hodder & London 319 Stoughton 14 Black Avons, The 1925 1925 George Gill & Sons London 298 Ltd Black Cap, The [Ant.] 1927 Black Grippe, The 12 Black, The 1929 1929 Readers Library G.B. 189 15 Blue hand, The 1927 1925 1925 A.L. Burt Company New York 288 Publishers; Ward Lock & Co London 255 16 Bones 1915 1915 Ward, Lock London 320 17 Bones in London 1921 1921 Ward Lock & Co London 316 Ltd 18 Bones of the river 1923 1923 George Newnes London 249 19 Book of all power, The 1923 1921 1921 Ward, Lock & Co London 301 20 Books of Bart, The 1923 1923 Ward, Lock & Co London 320 Bosambo of the Jungle 1914 21 Bosambo of the river 1914 1914 Ward, Lock London 320 22 Brigand, The 1928 1927 1926 Hodder & London 312 Stoughton Britain`s great men 1914 Newnes London 23 Calendar, The 1930 1930 W. Collins Sons & London 288 Co Calendar, The Sztuka 1929 Collins Sons & Co London 25 Captain Tatham of Tatham 1909 1909 Gale & Polden G.B. 133 Island; Eve`s Island 24 Captains of Souls 1923 1922 Small, Maynard & Boston 1923 Co 333 John Long London 362 A.L.Burt & New York Case of Joe Attymer, The 26 Cat Burglar, The 1929 Newnes London 127

47 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 48

Century of Creepy Stories, 1934 A; [Ant.] Century of Detective Stories, 2001 A; [Ant.] 27 Chick 1923 1923 Ward, Lock London 319 28 Circumstantial Evidence and 1934 World Synd. Publ. Cleveland Other Stories [Col.] 1929 Newnes London 128 58 Clever One, The {The 1928 Doubleday, Doran Garden Forger} (The Crime Club) City A.L. Burt Co New York 29 Clue of the new pin, The 1923 1923 Hodder & London 319 Stoughton (1920 s ?) Small, Maynard & Boston Co A.L. Burt Co New York 30 Clue of The Silver Key, The 1930 Hodder & {The Silver Key} Stoughton / Pan London Doubleday, Doran Garden & Co City A.L. Burt Co New York 31 Clue of the Twisted Candle, 1917 1916 Small, Maynard Boston The A.L. Burt Co New York 1918 Newnes London 254 32 Coat of Arms, The {The 1931 1931 Hutchinson London 288 Arranways Mystery} Colossus, The {The Joker} 1926 Doubleday Garden City 33 Council of justice, The 1908 1908 Ward, Lock & Co London 335 Crime book of J.G. Reeder, 1929 Doubleday, Doran Garden The & Co City A.L. Burt Co New York (c.1926-1931) Criminal at Large Sztuka 1930 Ann Arbor Michigan Michigan Majestic Theatre 34 Crimson Circle, The 1922 1922 Hodder & London 320 Stoughton 35 Daffodil mystery, The 1926 1921 Small, Maynard & Boston 307 (murder) Co 1920 A.L. Burt Co New York Ward Lock London 36 Dark eyes of London, The 1929 1921 1924 Ward Lock London 312 37 Daughters of the night, The 1925 1925 1920 Newnes London 127 38 Day of Uniting, The 1932 1926 1926 Hodder & London 314 Stoughton First Published in Science-Fiction

48 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 49

1921 ! Death room, The [Col.] 1923 Cassell`s Magazine London of Fiction Death Safe, The 1933 Einson-Freeman Co New York Death watch 1932 39 Dept Discharged, A; A dept 1923 1916 1916 Ward, Lock London 303 of discharge; The D. of D. 40 Devil Man, The 1931 1931 Collins Sons & Co London 317 Doubleday, Doran Co / A.L. Burt Co New York Diana of Kara – Kara; 1924 Small, Maynard & Boston Double Dan Co 41 Door With Seven Locks, The 1926 1926 Hodder & 319 Stoughton London Doubleday Page / A.L. Burt New York Double Crime Club, The 1928 Doubleday, Doran Garden Crime Club City 43 Double Dan, The 1924 1924 Hodder & London 320 Stoughton Double Danew Harlequin 42 Double, The 1928 1928 1925 Hodder & London 320 Stoughton 44 Down Under Donovan 1930 1918 1918 Ward, Lock & Co London 254 Ltd 45 Duke in the suburbs, The 1909 1909 1909 Ward, Lock & Co London 304 Ltd Edgar Wallace a short 1929 autobiography Edgar Wallace by his wife 1932 Hutchinson London 287 Edgar Wallace each way by 1932 Long London 254 R.G. Curtis Edgar Wallace mystery 1964 Micron Publication London magazine Nov. Ltd Edgar Wallace police van…, 1930 Hodder & London The Stoughton Ltd Edgar Wallace Reader of 1943 World Publ. / Cleveland/ Mystery and Adve…, The Tower Books N.Y. 46 Educated Evans 1924 1924 Webster`s London 285 Publication 47 Elegant Edward 1928 1928 Readers Library London 182 155 England, This [A collection 1927 1927 Hodder & London 247 of 20 pieces originally Stoughton newspapers column] Non. F. Eve`s Island; Captain 1909 1916 Newnes G.B. Tatham of Tatham Island 48 Face in the night, The 1924 1924 John Long Ltd London 318 Famous Men and Battles of the British Empire

49 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 50

49 Famous Scottish Regiments, 1914 Newnes London 30 The 50 Feathered Serpent, The 1930 1927 1920 Hodder & London 312 Stoughton 51 Fellowship of the Frog, The 1925 1923 A.L. Burt New York 1925 Ward Lock London 288 52 Field Marshal Sir John 1914 Newnes London 30 French Fifty Famous Detectives of 1983 Fiction [Ant.] 53 Fighting scouts, The 1919 1919 Pearson London 116 54 Fighting Snub Reilly and 1934 The World Cleveland other Stories Syndicate [Col.] 1929 1929 Publishing Co. London 127 Newnes 55 Flat 2 1927 1924 Garden City 1927 Publishing New York 286 John Long London 56 Flying Fifty-Five, The 1922 1922 1922 Hutchinson London 287 57 Flying Squad, The 1929 1928 1928 Hodder & London 312 Stoughton 156 Folk of Bulboro, Those 1918 1918 Ward, Lock & Co London 304 59 For Information Received 1929 Newnes London 312 For Information Received 1929 58 Forger, The {The Clever 1927 1927 Hodder & London 312 One} Stoughton 60 Forty-eight short stories 1929 1927 George Newnes Ltd London 1014 61 Four Just Men, The 1905 1905 The Tallis Press London 224 62 Four Square Jane {The 1929 1929 Readers Library London 186 Stolen Romney ?} 63 Fourth Plague, The (Red 1913 1913 Ward, Lock & Co London 303 Hand) Ltd 64 Frightened lady, The; The 1932 1932 Hodder & 312 Mystery of the Frightened 1923 Stoughton London Lady ; 1932 A.L. Burt Co New York The case of frightened lady; Samuel French London Gaol Breaker, The 1926 Hodder & London Stoughton 65 Gaunt Stranger {The 1925 1920 Hodder & London 320 Ringer} Stoughton 66 Ghost of Dawnhill, The / The 1929 1910 World Wide Pub. New York Quen of Sheba`s Belt 1929 Readers Library London 188 [2 różne nowele] [Nov.] Girl from Scotland yard, The 1926 1927 A.L. Burt Co New York {The Square Emerald} Doubleday Doran New York Doubleday, Page & Garden Co City 67 Golden Hades, The {The 1929 1929 Collins London 252 Sinister Yellow Sign}

50 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 51

68 Good Evans; The Educated 1926 1927 1927 Webster`s London 286 Man 69 Governor of Chi-Foo…and 1929 1929 Newnes London 128 other Stories, The [Col.] Great Book of Humour, The 1935 [Ant.] Great Book of Thrillers, The 1935 [Ant.] Great stories of real life 1929 Newnes G.B. 70 Green Archer, The 1926 1923 1923 Hodder & London 318 Stoughton 71 Green pack, The (R. Curtis) 1933 1933 Hutchinson London 288 sztuka A.L. Burt New York Doubleday Crime Club New York Doubleday, Doran New York & Co Garden Doubleday City French U.K G.B. 72 Green ribbon, The 1929 1929 Crime Club Incorporation New York Doubleday New York Publications 288 Hutchinson London 73 Green Rust, The 1919 1919 Magazine Science G.B. Fiction Classic Ward Lock London 319 74 Grey Timothy; 1913 1913 Ward, Lock & Co London 303 Ltd Gunman`s Bluff; The 1928 1929 Doubleday Doran New York Gunner; 75 Gunner, The {Gunman`s 1928 1928 John Long Ltd London 285 Bluff} 76 Guv`nor & Other Stories, 1932 1930 W. Collins Sons & London 318 The Co (1920` ?) Doubleday, Doran Garden (The Crime Club) City 77 Guv`nor, The 1932 Collins London 254 Hairy Arm, The {The 1925 1919 McKinlay, Stone & Avenger} Mackenzie New York 78 Hand of Power, The 1930 1927 1927 John Long Ltd London 318 79 Heroes all; Gallant deeds of 1914 1914 George Newnes London 255 the war [Col.] 80 India-Rubber Men, The 1928 A.L. Burt Co New York 1929 Hodder & London 312 Stoughton 81 Iron grip, The 1929 1925 Allied Newspapers London 1930 Ltd 188 Readers Library London

51 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 52

Island of Galloping Gold, 1916 Newnes London The {Eve`s Island} 82 Jack O` Judgement [Jack O` 1920 1920 Ward, Lock & Co London 319 Judgment] 83 Joker, The {The Colossus} 1926 1926 Hodder & London 320 Stoughton 84 Just Men of Cordova, The 1917 1917 1917 Ward, Lock & Co London 303 Justice of Sanders, The 1951 Rich & Cowan Lon./ N.Y. 85 Kate Plus Ten [Kate plus 10] 1917 Small Maynard & Boston 1919 Co 304 Ward Lock London 86 Keeper of the King`s Peace, 1930 1917 1917 Ward, Lock & Co London 303 The Kennedy the con. Man {w 1963 Pan Books London Red Aces!} 87 Killer Kay 1930 Newnes London 128 88 King by Night, A; 1928 1925 1925 John Long Ltd London 320 King Kong 1932 Grosset & Dunlap New York King Kong, The; [illustrated] 1976 Grosset & Dunlap New York 89 Kitchener`s Army and the 1915 1915 George Newnes London 188 Territorial Forces [Non F.] 90 Lady called Nita, The 1930 Newnes London 128 91 Lady of Ascot, The 1930 1930 Hutchinson & Co London 288 92 Lady of little Hell, The 1929 Newnes London 127 93 Last adventure, The 1934 1934 Hutchinson London 287 94 Law of the four just men, 1921 1921 1920 Hodder & London 320 The Stoughton Law of the three just men, 1928 Hodder & London The Stoughton 95 Lieutenant Bones 1918 1918 Ward, Lock & Co London 320 Ltd 96 Little Green Man, The 1918 Ward Lock London 1929 Newnes London 320 97 Lone House mystery, The 1929 1929 Street & Smith Publ. New York W Collins and Sons 252 & Co London Mammoth mystery book, 1925 A.L. Burt Co The Three complete novels Publishers New York Mammouth Book of 1936 Thrillers, Ghosts and Nysteries, The [Ant.] Mammouth Book of 1938 Twentiech-Century Ghost Stories, The [Ant.] 98 Man at the Carlton, The 1931 1921 Musson Toronto 1931 Hodder & 320 Stoughton London 99 Man from Morocco, The 1926 1926 1925 John Long Ltd London 318

52 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 53

[Marocco] 100 Man Who Bought London, 1915 1915 1915 Ward, Lock & Co London 304 The Ltd Man who Came Back, The 1920 W Strand Magazine 101 Man who changed his name, 1929 Samuel French Lon./ N.Y. The; 1935 Hutchinson London 288 (R. Curtis) Sztuka Man who couldn`t speak the truth, The 102 Man Who Knew, The 1919 1918 A.L. Burt Co New York Small Maynard & 1919 Co Boston 252 Newnes London Man who married his 1976 cook…, The Man who passed, The 1932 Collins London 103 Man who was nobody, The 1927 1927 Ward, Lock & Co London 256 104 Melody of Death, The 1927 Dial Press/A.L.Burt New York 1915 Co 270 Arrowsmith / Simpkin Marshall London 105 Million dollar story, The 1926 1926 Newnes London 128 106 Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder, 1925 1925 Hodder & London 319 The { The Murder Book of Stoughton J.G. Reeder} 107 Missing Millions, The 1923 1924 A.L. Burt Co New York [Million] 1923 John Long Ltd. London 318 Missing Romney, The {The 1919 Stolen Romney} 108 Mission That Failed, The 1898 1898 T. Maskew Miller Cope 52 Wiersze (South Africa) Tawn 112 Mixer, The 1927 1927 John Long Ltd London 284 113 More educated Evans 1926 1926 Webster London 288 Publications Ltd 113 More educated Evans, The 1930 Collins London 114 Mouthpiece, The (R. Curtis) 1936 Dodge Publishing New York 1935 Co. 304 Hutchinson London Mr. Commissioner Sanders 1930 Doubleday/ Doran New York 110 Mr. J.G. Reader Returns 1932 1930 A.L. Burt New York 1934 Collins London 254 111 Mr. Justice Maxwell 1927 1922 1922 Ward, Lock & Co London 303 (Maxell) Ltd 109 Mrs. William Jones & Bill 1930 Newnes London 128 Murder at “Port Helm”, The 1910 Murder Book of J.G. Reeder, 1929 Doubleday, Doran New York The [Tylko w USA ten tytuł- & Co poprawny] {The Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder }

53 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 54

Murder of the Month Murder on Yarmouth Sands, 1966 The 115 My Hollywood Diary { The 1932 1932 Hutchinson London 259 last work} Mysterious Mr. Reeder, The Mystery and Adventure 1944 The World New York Publishing Co Mystery Book, The [Ant.] 1934 New Mammoth Mystery 1920 A.L. Burt Co Publ. New York Book, The Nicholson`s nek 1900 The World Cleveland Wiersze Syndicate Nig-Nog and other 1934 Humorous stories [Col.] 116 Nine Bears, The {The 1910 1910 Published Ward G.B. 319 Cheaters; The Other Man.} Lock & Co 118 Nobby {Smithy`s Friend 1916 Newnes London 175 Nobby} 119 Northing tramp, The {The 1926 1926 1925 Hodder & London 311 North Tramp; The Tramp} Stoughton (1920 ?) 120 Number six 1927 1927 Newnes London 128 121 On the Spot: Violence and 1931 1931 John Long (Crime London 288 Murder in Chicago Club) 122 Orator, The 1928 1928 Hutchinson G.B 288 Other Man 1911 Dodd, Mead & Co New York Other Man, The {The Nine 1911 Dodd, Mead New York Bears} 123 Penelope of the “Polyantha”; 1926 1926 Hodder & London 255 Stoughton 124 People {A short 1926 1926 Hodder & London 253 autobiography; Edgar Stoughton Wallace: The biography of a phenomenon} [Non F.] 125 People Of The River, The 1912 1912 Ward, Lock & Co London 318 Ltd 126 Planetoid 127 and The 1929 1929 The Readers London 252 Sweizer Pump Library 127 Prison Breakers, The 1929 Newnes London 128 Private Selby „Sale“ 1912 128 Private Shelby 1912 1912 Ward, Lock & Co London 303 Real shell-man, The; The 1919 John Waddington London Story of Chetwynd of Ltd Chilwell} 129 Red aces; Red aces, being 1929 1929 Hodder & London 313 three cases of Mr. Reeder Stoughton 130 Reporter, The [Crime 1929 1929 Readers Library London 254 Series] Ringer Returns, The 1931 Crime Club Garden

54 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 55

Doubleday, Doran City & Co New York A.L. Burt Co ale rok 1928!? New York Ringer, The {The Gaunt 1928 1925 Hodder & London Stranger} Stoughton Sztuka 131 River of Stars, The 1913 1913 Ward, Lock & Co London 303 Ltd Road to London, The 1986 132 Room 13; Room thirteen. 1924 1924 John Long Ltd London 318 Saint Mystery Magazine, 1954 King-Size USA The [Col.] Publications 133 Sanctuary Island (R. Curtis) 1936 Hutchinson London 288 134 Sanders 1926 1926 Hodder & London 317 Stoughton 135 Sanders of the River 1911 1911 Ward, Lock & Co London 304 136 Sandi the kingmaker {The 1922 1922 Ward, Lock & Co London 304 kingmaker} Scotland Yard book of Edgar 1932 A.L. Burt Co New York Wallace, The The Crime Club Inc. New York Doubleday, Doran & Co New York 137 Secret House, The 1917 1917 Ward, Lock & Co London 302 Secret of the Moat Farm, The 1966 Newnes London Selected Novels (omnibus) 1985 [Col.] Sentimental Simpson, The 138 Sergeant Sir Peter {Sergeant 1932 1929 A.L. Burt Co New York Dunn} 1932 Chapman & Hall London 259 Shadow man , The [Nov.] 1932 Collins London Silinski, Master Criminal 1930 International Cleveland Fiction Library Silver Key, The {The Clue 1930 Hodder & London of The Silver Key} Stoughton Doubleday, Doran Garden & Co City A. L. Burt Co New York 139 Sinister Man, The 1924 1924 Hodder & London 320 Stoughton Slave-Maker, The 1933 140 Smithy 1905 1905 Tallis Press G.B. 128 142 Smithy & the Hun 1915 Newnes London 157 141 Smithy Abroad 1909 Hulton G.B. 143 Smoky Cell (R. Curtis) 1936 Hutchinson London 288 Sooper and others , The 1984 J.M. Dent G.B. [Col.] 144 Square Emerald, The {The 1926 1926 1925 Hodder & London 310

55 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 56

Girl of the Scotland Yard} Stoughton 145 Squeaker, The 1927 1927 Hodder & London 312 Stoughton Squeaker, The Sztuka 1929 Hodder & London Stoughton Squealer, The = The 1927 Doubleday,Doran Garden Squeaker & Co City Mackinlay Stone & New York Mackenzie 146 Standard history of the war, 1914 1914 Newnes London V1- The 159 In four volumes [Non. F.] V2- 160 V3- 160 V4- 159 147 Steward , The [This is 1932 1932 Collins London 252 author final book] 117 Story of Fatal Peace “1925”, 1915 1915 Newnes London 128 The 148 Strange Countess, The 1925 1925 Hodder & London 320 Stoughton Strange Lapses of Larry 1929 Loman, The Stretelli Case and other 1930 International USA Mystery Stories, The Fiction Library Cleveland Stronger Than Fiction 1947 Howell Suskin New York Stuffing 1926 149 Table, The 1936 1936 Hutchinson London 287 150 Tam O`The Scoots {Tam} 1918 1918 Newnes London 287 1919 Small, Marynard & Co Boston 151 Terrible People, The 1928 1926 1926 Hodder & London 308 Stoughton Doubleday, Page & New York Co A.L. Burt Co New York 153 Terror Keep 1927 1927 1920 Hodder & London 312 Stoughton 152 Terror, The Sztuka 1929 1929 Collins (Detective London 190 Story Club) 154 Thief in the Night, The 1930 1928 1928 Readers Library London 183 World Wide Publishing (1920- New York s?) 157 Three Just Men, The 1929 1926 1925 Hodder & London 316 Stoughton 158 Three Oak Mystery, The 1924 1924 Ward, Lock & Co London 317

56 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 57

Tma O`The Scoots 1919 Small, Maynard & Boston Co 159 Tomb of Ts`in, The 1916 1916 Ward, Lock & Co London 303 160 Traitors Gate, The 1927 1927 Doubleday & Page New York Hodder & 312 Stoughton London A.L. Burt Co [1926 !] New York Bernhard Taschnitz Leipzig Doubleday & Company Inc. New York Tramp, The {The Northing 1965 Pan Books London Tramp} Treasure House, The Trial of Herbert John Bennet, 1929 Geoffrey Bless London The (The Yarmouth Beach Murder) Trial of Patrick Herbert 1928 Charles Seribner`s Mahon, The Son New York Geoffrey Bless London Ttrial of the Seddons, The George Newnes London [Col.] 161 Twister, The 1928 1928 John Long Ltd London 288 Two stories, and the seventh 1981 man 162 Undisclosed client, The 1962 1963 Digit Books London 159 163 Unofficial Dispatches of The 1901 1901 1900 Hutchinson & Co London 327 Anglo Boer War 1899-1902 [Non. F.] 164 Valley of Ghosts, The 1922 1923 A.L. Burt Co New York Small, Maynard Boston 1922 Odhams London 166 War of the Nations: a 1915 1914 Newnes, Magazine London History of the Great /17 ( 155 numerów/ European Conflict artykułów) [Non. F] 165 War! And Other Poems 1900 Eastern Press South Wiersze Africa 167 We shall see 1926 1926 Hodder & London 255 Stoughton 168 When the Gangs Came to 1932 1932 Doubleday, Doran New York London The Crime Club Incorporation New York John Long London 288 169 White Face 1931 1930 1930 Hodder & London 312 Stoughton Whu is Nicodemus ? 1964 Winning Colours: The 1991

57 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 58

Racing writings of E.W. 170 Woman from the East, The 1934 Hutchinson London 287 171 Writ in Barracks Wiersze 1900 1900 Methuen London 167 172 Yellow Snake, The 1926 1926 1925 Hodder & London 318 Stoughton

Tytuły niemieckich przekładów powieści Edgara Wallace (według alfabetu)

L.P Tytuł niemiecki Tytuł angielski

1. A.S., der Unsichtbare The Valley of Ghost 2. Am grossen Strom Again Sanders {Mr Commisioner S.} 3. Bei den drei Eichen The Three Oak Mystery 4. Bones Bones 5. Bones in Afrika Bones 6. Bones in London Bones in London 7. Bones vom Strom Bones of the river 8. Bosambo Bosambo of the river 9. Das Buch der Altmacht The book of all power 10. Das Gasthaus an der Themse The India-Rubber Men 11. Das Gehemnis der gelben Narcissen The Daffodil murder, The D. mystery. 12. Das Gehemnis der Stecknadel The clue of the new pin 13. Das Gehemnisvolle Haus The secret house 14. Das Gesetz der Viier The law of the four just men 15. Das Gesicht im Dunkel The face in the night 16. Das indische Tuch Frightened lady, The mystery of the frightened lady, The case of f. l. 17. Das Kriminal-Magazin 1929 18. Das silberne Dreieck Again the three just men, Again the three 19. Das Steckenpferd des alten Derric The double 20. Das Verratertor The traitor`s gate 21. Der Banknoten Falsher The forger, The clever one

58 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 59

22. Der blutrote Kreis 23. Der Brigant The brigand 24. Der Derbysieger Down under Donovan 25. Der Diamantenfluss The River of Stars 26. Der Dieb in der Nacht The thief in the night 27. Der Doppelganger Double Dan 28. Der Engel des Schreckens The angel of terror 29. Der Fall Joe Attymer The case of Joe Attymer 30. Der feuerrote Kreis 31. Der Frosh mit der Maske The fellowship of the frog 32. Der goldene Hades The golden hades 33. Der grune Bogenschutze The green archer 34. Der grune Brand The green rust 35. Der Hexer The gaunt stranger, The ringer 36. Der Joker The joker, The colossus 37. Der jungste Tag The Day of Uniting 38. Der Lachler On the night of the fire 39. Der leuchtende Schlussel The clue of the silver key 40. Der Lugendetektor The man who passed 41. Der Mann aus dem Carlton The man at the Carlton 42. Der Mann der alles wuste The man who knew 43. Der Mann der sainen Namen anderte The man who was nobody 44. Der Mann im Hintergrunt The shadow man 45. Der Mann mit dem zwei Gesichtern The strange lapses of Larry Loman 46. Der Mann von Marokko The black [USA] 47. Der Mann von Marokko The man from Morocco, (Soul in shadow) 48. Der Preller; Der Mixer The mixer 49. Der Racher The avenger, The hairy arm 50. Der Redner The orator 51. Der rote Kreis The Crimson Circle 52. Der Safe mit dem Ratselschloss Angel esquire 53. Der schwartze Abt The Black Abbot 54. Der sechste Sinn des Mr. Reeder The mind of Mr.J.G. Reeder 55. Der Sentimentale Mr. Simpson Sentimental Simpson 56. Der Teufel von Tidal Basin White face 57. Der Teufelmansch The devil nan 58. Der Umheilmlsche Monch The terror 59. Der Umheimlische The Sinister Man 60. Der Unhold The king by night, [The man from Morocco] 61. Der viereckige Smaragd The square emerald, The girl from Scotland Yard 62. Der Zinker The Squeaker, The Squealer 63. Die Abentuerin Four square Jane 64. Die Bande des Schreckens The Terrible People 65. Die blaue Hand The blue hand 66. Die drei Gerechten The three just men 67. Die Drei von Cordova The just men of Cordova 68. Die Eingeborenen von Strom The people of the river 69. Die gebogene Kerze The clue of the twisted candle

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70. Die gelbe Schlange The yellow snake 71. Die Grafin von Ascot The lady of Ascot 72. Die Melodie des Todes The melody of death 73. Die Millionegeschichte The million dollar story 74. Die Schatzkammer The thief in the night 75. Die Schuld des Anderen A dept discharged, A dept of discharge, [The…..] 76. Die Seele des Anderen Captains of souls 77. Die seltsame Grafin The strange countess 78. Die Todeskarte; Treffbube ist Trumpt Jack O`Judgement 79. Die toten Augen vom London The dark eyes of London 80. Die Tur den sieben Schlosern The door with seven locks 81. Die unheimlichen Briefe The missing millions 82. Die vier Gerechten The four just men 83. Die vierte Plage The fourth plague 84. Ein gerisener Kerl The twister 85. Erpressung mit rosen 86. Feuer im Scloss The coat of arms 87. Gangster in London When the gangs came to London 88. Geheimagent Nummer sechs Number six 89. Grossfuss Big foot 90. Gucumatz; Der Allmachtige The feathered serpent 91. Hands up ! Hands up, The gunner, Gunman`s bluff 92. Huter des Friedens The keeper of the king`s peace 93. Im Banne des Umheimlichen The hand of power 94. In den Tod geschickt On the spot 95. Inspector Reeder und der murder Great tales of mystery 96. John Flack Terror keep 97. Kaethe und ihre Zehn Kate plus ten, [Kate plus 10] 98. Kerry kauft London The man who bought London 99. King Kong King Kong, The illustrated King Kong 100. Kriminalgeschichten Detective stories 101. Lotterie des Todes The green pack 102. Lord wider willen Chick 103. Louba, der Spieler Flat 2 104. Mein Leben People, A short autobiography, Edgar Wallace, The biography of a phenomenon 105. Meister Morde ? Meister Morde 106. Merry Ferrera spielt System We shall see 107. Mr. Reeder weiss Bescheid Red aces, Red aces, being three cases of Mr. Reeder 108. Mr. Sirgenfrei The Admirable Carfew 109. Nach Norden, Strolch The northing tramp, The tramp 110. Neues vom Hexer; Geschichten vom Again the Ringer Hexer 111. Penelope von der “Polyantha” Penelope of the “Polyantha” 112. Platz und Sieg The calendar, The calender 113. Richter Maxells Verbrechen Mr. Justice Maxwell 114. Sanders Sanders

60 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 61

115. Sanders der Konigmacher Sandi the kingmaker 116. Sanders von Strom Sanders of the river 117. Tochter der Nacht The daughters of the night 118. Turfschwindel The green ribbon, Green ribbon 119. Uberfallkommando The flying squad 120. Verdammte Konkurrenz Barbara on her own 121. Zimmer 13 Room 13, Room thirteen

Edgar Wallace – wydania francuskie

L.p. Tytuł francuski Rok Tytuł angielski

1. Angel Esquire Angel Esquire 2. Appartement No 2 Flat 2 3. Chic Chic 4. Dan le sosie 5. Edgar Wallace Edgar Wallace a short autobiography 6. Edgar Wallace [XI] 7. Etrange expiation 8. Eve`s island Eve`s Island 9. Homme qui voulut acheter London 1948 The man who bought London 10. Homme sans nom 1939 The man who was nobody 11. Ile d`Eve 1938 Eve`s Island 12. Jack le justicier Jack O`Judgement 13. King Kong King Kong 14. L`affaire Stretelli Stretelli case & other mystery stories 15. L`affaire Walton The missing millions 16. L`archer vert 1936 The green archer 17. L`Etonannte aventure de Chic Chic 18. L`etrange comtese The Strange Comtesse 19. L`home aux cent masques 1936 The ringer 20. L`Homme diable 1949 The devil man 21. L`Homme du Carlton 1934 The Man of Carlton 22. L`homme du Maroc Man from Morocco 23. La capitane des ames 1930 Captain of Souls 24. La chaise de la mort 25. La chambre 13 Room 13 26. La chatelaine d`Ascot 1939 The lady of Ascot

61 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 62

27. La loi des quatres justiciers The law of the four just men 28. La Main dans l`ombre The hand of power 29. La Main toute puissance The hand of power 30. La marque de la grenouille The Fellowship of the Frog 31. La melodie de la mort The melody of death 32. La mouche 1928 The Squeaker 33. La panique 34. La porte aux sept derrures The door with seven locks 35. La porte du traitre The traitor`s gate 36. La rouille mysterieuse 1936 The green rust 37. La terreur 1936 The terror 38. La Tueur Gunner Haynes 39. La vallee des specters The Valley of Ghosts 40. Lady at Ascot The lady of Ascot 41. Laquelle des deux ? 1936 The Double 42. Le 55 The Flying Fifty-Five 43. Le cercle rouge The Crimson Circle 44. Le chateau de la terreur 45. Le faussaire 1931 The Forger 46. Le gagnant du Derby Down Dunder Donovan 47. Le gangster On the Spot ? 48. Le gangster When the gang came to London ? 49. Le Gentleman The Brigand 50. Le mystere des jonquilles The Daffodil mystery 51. Le mystere du train d`or 1934 Kathe plus Ten 52. Le Pick-up 53. Le roi de Boginda A King by Night 54. Le serpent jaune The Yellow Snake 55. Le talisman mysterieux 1935 The book of all power 56. Le vagabond The Tramp 57. Le vengeur The Avenger 58. Le Visage dans la nuit The face in the night 59. Les deux epingles The clue of the new pin 60. Les quatres 1929 The Four Just Men 61. Les quatres justiciers The Four Just Men 62. Les terribles The Terrible People 63. Les trois justiciers 1935 The Three Just Men 64. Lw Roublard 65. Mr. Commissioner Sanders Mr. Commisioner Sanders 66. Mystificateur 1939 The Joker 67. Quelqu`un a tue The case of frightened lady 68. Ruban vert 1935 The green ribbon 69. Sanders Sanders 70. Un outsider du Derby; le 55 1934 The flying fifty-five 71. Une heur dans l`ombre The clue of the twisted candle

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Polskie wydania powieści Edgara Wallace`a według alfabetu

L.p. Tytuł polski Rok Wydawca Tytuł Tłumacz Stro ISBN angielski /redaktor n

1 Anioł grozy 1930 Renaissance The Angel of Maria 222 W-a Terror ? Kreczowska 2 Anioł grozy 1931 The Angel of Terror ? 3 Anioł grozy 1997 Akapit The Angel of Kuryło Elźbieta 157 8386812869 Katowice Terror ??? 4 Biała twarz 1991 Graf White face Lichański 163 8385130543 Gdańsk Stefan 5 Bones w 1930 Globus Bones Warski 141 dżungli Lwów Stanisław afrykańskiej 6 Bones w 1929 Rój W-a Bones in J.P. 239 Londynie London Zajączkowski 7 Bosambo z nad 1929 Globus Bosambo of Stanisław 267 rzeki Lwów the river Warski 8 Bosambo znad 1990 ZŚ AZS; Bosambo of Zajączkowski 267 8385242066 rzeki Astrum the River J.P. Wrocław 9 Bractwo 1929 Renaissance The Tarnowski 296 Wielkiej Żaby W-a Fellowship of Marceli the Frog 10 Brama zdrajców 1991 Przecinek; The Traitor`s Zaus Stanisław 214 8385492003 Wrocław Gate 11 Brama zdrajcy 1930 Rój W-a The Traitor`s Witold 223 Gate Zechenter

63 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 64

12 Brama zdrajcy 1931 Rój W-a The Traitors Witold 223 Gate Zechenter 13 Brunatna dama 1931 KSpU On-Rut 192 Kraków 14 Czerwony krąg 1928 Renaissance The Crimson F. Mirandola 232 W-a Circle ? 15 Człowiek bez 1929 Udz. Sp. A Man … Lukaszewicz 237 twarzy Wyd. Kraków 16 Człowiek który 1930 Płomień W- The Man who J. 234 kupił Londyn a Bought Buchholtzowa London 17 Człowiek który 1932 Płomień W- The Man who J. 234 kupił Londyn a Bought Buchholtzowa London 18 Człowiek który 1936 Płomień W- The Man who J. 234 kupił Londyn a Bought Buchholtzowa 19London 19 Człowiek o stu 1929 Rój W-a The Ringer J.P. 257 obliczach Zajączkowski 20 Dama z Monte 1930 Rój W-a J.P. 207 Carlo Zajączkowski 21 Demon – szpieg 1929 Renaissance The Squeaker Kreczkowska 271 W-a Maria 22 Dolina duchów 1929 Biblioteka The Valley of Zofia 272 Groszowa Ghost ? Popławska W-a 23 Dom pod 1930 Rój W-a The Secret J.P. 220 srebrnym Mouse ? Zajączkowski trójkątem 24 Drzwi o 1928 Renaissance The Door Marceli 232 siedmiu W-a with seven Tarnowski zamkach Lock 25 Drzwi o 1934 Renaissance The Door Tarnowski 228 siedmiu W-a with seven Marceli zamkach lock 26 Drzwi z 1990 Nakom The door with Zaus Jan 196 8385060081 siedmioma Poznań seven locks Stanisław zamkami 27 Dusza 1930 Globus Stanisław 135 kolorowej Lwów Warski kobiety 28 Fałszerze 1929 Udział. The Forger L. Du-Rut 167 dolarów Spółka ??? Wyd. Kraków 29 Gabinet 13 1935 J. Kubicki Room 13 ? 236 30 Gabinet Nr 13 1928 Renaissance Room 13 Tarnowski M. 240 W-a

64 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 65

31 Gabinet nr 13 1990 Epoka Room 13 Tarnowski 206 8385021256 Warszawa Marceli 32 Gentleman – 1929 Renaissance The Brigand Jawnuta 273 Bandyta W-a 33 Gniazdo 1929 Płomień W- The szestle… Buchholtzowa 250 występku a ? J. 34 Gniazdo 1931 Płomień W- Buchholtzowa 250 występku a J. 35 Gniazdo 1932 Płomień W- Buchholtzowa 250 występku a J. 36 Gniazdo 1938 Płomień W- Buchholzowa 250 występku a Janina 37 Gniazdo 1930 Płomień W- J. 250 występku II- a Buchholtzowa wyd. 38 Hrabina Moron 1990 Romeo i The Strange Szymańska 195 Julia Countess Wanda Warszawa 39 Jaśnie panienka 1928 Biblioteka 147 Kuriera Zachod. 40 Jaśnie panienka 1928 Biblioteka 198 Groszowa W-a 41 Jaśnie panienka 1929 Biblioteka 198 Groszowa W-a 42 Kameleon 1929 Renaissance The Yellow Hora Ernest 256 W-a Snake 43 Klub 1930 Rój W-a The just Man Czesław Cesarz 211 sprawiedliwych of Cordoba 44 Król nocy 1929 Renaissance A King by M. Kreczowska 345 Night 45 Kwadratowy 1930 Rój W-a The Square Wanda 246 szmaragd Emerald Peszkowa 46 Kwadratowy 1934 Rój W-a The Square Wanda 245 szmaragd Emerald Paszkowa 47 Łowca głów 1929 Rój W-a The Avenger C. Cesarz 249 48 Łowca głów 1991 Glob The Avenger Cesarz Czesław 163 8370072976 Szczecin 49 Małpa z tykwą 1929 Rój W-a The Man from J.B.R. 210 Morocco 50 Melodia śmierci 1930 Rój W-a The Melody J.P.Zajączkowa 194 of Death ki 51 Melodia śmierci 1937 Rój W-a The Melody Zajączkowski 212 of Death J.P. 52 Mieszkanie nr Flat 2 2 53 Milczący 1929 The Orator ?

65 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 66

mówca 54 Miś 1934 Ksiegarnia Chick Tomaszewska 317 Polska B. Wanda Połaniecki Lwów 55 Najazd Europy 1930 K.Sp.U. 216 Kom DKP 56 Niebieska ręka 1929 Rój W-a Blue Hand Wanda 270 Paszkowa 57 Niebieska ręka 1936 Rój W-a Blue Hand Paszkowa 269 Wanda 58 Niebieska ręka 1938 Rój W-a Blue Hand Wanda 270 Paszkowa 59 Numer szósty 1928 Renaissance Number six Tarnowski 240 W-a Marceli 60 Numer szósty 1935 S. Number six B.J. Falka 128 Cukrowski 61 Odrażający The Sinister facet Man 62 Piękna bestia 1992 Glob Krasucka Janina 149 8385229566 Szczecin 63 Pod biczem 1929 Udz. Sp. Under … Mirandola F. 157 zgrozy Wyd. Kraków 64 Poetyczny 1929 Rój W-a The Mind of Tadeusz 213 policjant Mr. J.G. Jakubowicz Reeder 65 Poetyczny 1936 Rój W-a The Mind of Tadeusz 213 policjant Mr. J.G. Jakubowicz Reeder 66 Poetyczny 1938 Rój W-a The Mind of Tadeusz 213 policjant Mr. J.G. Jakubowicz Reeder 67 Pogromca hien 1928 Rój W-a The Mixer Wanda 288 ludzkich Peszkowa 68 Pogromca hien 1936 Rój W-a The Mixer 288 ludzkich 69 Porucznik 1930 Rój W-a Leutenant M.Andrzeykowi 249 Bones Bones cz 70 Potwór 1928 Renaissance The minister Tarnowski 352 W-a man Marceli 71 Potwór 1929 Renaissance The sinister Tarnowski 352 W-a man Marceli 72 Potwór 1992 Akapit The minister Gorczyca Jacek 289 838539785 Katowice man X 73 Rada 1929 Rój W-a The council of Krasucka Janina 228 sprawiedliwych Justice 74 Ręka mściciela 1929 Renaissance W. Zechenter 240 W-a

66 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 67

75 Romans z 1929 Rój W-a The Man fro J.B.R. 223 włamywaczem Morocco 76 Sanders 1929 Rój W-a Sanders Bornstein 211 Zygmunt 77 Sandi twórca 1929 Płomień W- Sandi the Buchholtzowa 255 królów a kingsmaker J. 78 Sandi, twórca 1931 Płomień W- Sandi the J. Buchholzowa 254 królów a kingsmaker 79 Sandi, twórca 1932 Płomień W- Sandi the J.Buchholtzowa 255 Królów a kingsmaker 80 Sandi, twórca 1938 Płomień W- Sandi the Buchholtzowa 254 królów a kingsmaker J. 81 Straszliwy hotel 1929 Rój W-a Terror keep Lucjan 279 Szenwald 82 Straszliwy hotel 1934 Rój W-a Terror keep Lucjan 279 Szenwald 83 Straszliwy hotel 1934 Bibl. Echa Terror keep Red. Jan 278 Polskiego Stypułkowski 84 Straszliwy hotel 1936 Rój W-a Terror keep Lucjan 259 Szenwald 85 Straszliwy hotel 1937 Rój W-a Terror keep Lucjan 278 Szenwald 86 Straszliwy hotel 1939 Rój W-a Terror kept Lucjan 279 Szenwald 87 Straszliwy hotel 1992 Glob Terror keep Szenwald 171 8385229574 Szczecin Lucjan 88 Strażnicy 1929 Rój W-a The Keepers Hilda 214 królewskiego of the King Latoszyńska spokoju Peace 89 Szajka zgrozy 1928 Renaissance The terrible Tarnowski 288 W-a people Marceli 90 Tajemnica The Clue of nowej szpilki the new pin 91 Tajemnica 1929 Płomień W- The three Oak Józef Olbrycht 211 trzech dębów a Mystery 92 Tajemnica 1931 Płomień W- The three Oak Józef Olbrycht 211 trzech dębów a mystery 93 Tajemnica 1932 Płomień W- The three Oak Józef O;Brycht 211 trzech dębów a Mystery 94 Tajemnica 1929 Rój W-a The Missing Wł. 275 zaginionego Milion Andrzejkowicz miliona 95 Tajemnica 1930 Mrówka W- L. Matysek- 240 żółtej szpilki a Majewska 96 Tajemnica 1929 Globus The Daffodil Kaz. Bukowski 255 żółtych Lwów Mystery narcyzów 97 Tajemnicza 1929 Renaissance The Crimson W. Zechenter 216 kula W-a Circle ?

67 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 68

98 Tajemniczy 1929 Płomień W- The Man who M. 230 dżentelmen a was nobody Przyborowski 99 Tajemniczy 1930 Płomień W- The Man who M. 230 dżentelmen a was nobody Przyborowski 100 Tajemniczy 1931 Płomień W- The Man who M. 230 dżentelmen a was nobody Przyborowski 101 Tajemniczy 1932 Płomień W- The Man who M. 230 dżentelmen a was nobody Przybyszewski 102 Tajemniczy 1938 Płomień W- The Man who M. 230 dżentelmen a was nobody Przyborowski 103 Tajemniczy 1991 Unia-Press The Man who Sosnowski 95 dżentelmen W-a was nobody Marian 104 The yellow 1930 Renaissance The yellow Hora Ernest 256 snake W-a snake 105 Trzej 1928 Renaissance The Tree Just M. Tarnowski 352 sprawiedliwi W-a Men 106 Tunel 1929 Renaissance Witold 272 przestępców W-a Zechenter 107 Tunel 1938 Renaissance Witold 271 przestępców W-a Zechenter 108 Twarz o 1929 Renaissance Br. Stępowski 328 zmroku W-a 109 Twarz o 1999 Edytor The face in 252 8387544388 zmroku Katowice the night [?] 110 Upierzony wąż 1990 Wyd. The feathered Zaus Jan 201 8321008666 Poznańskie serpent Stanisław 111 Upiory 1929 112 Władca dusz 1928 Renaissance The lord Kreczowska 359 W-a wider Willen Maria ? 113 Władca dusz 1932 Renaissance The Lord M. Kreczowska 359 wider Willen 114 Za maską 1930 Mrówka W- Szulisławska 256 śmiechu a 115 Za maską 1931 śmiechu 116 Zagadka szulera 1930 Rój W-a Maria 194 Kreczowska 117 Zagadka szulera 1937 Rój W-a M. Kreczowska 195 118 Zagadkowa 1930 Rój W-a The Strange Lucjan 224 hrabina Countness Szenwald 119 Zagadkowa 1937 Rój W-a The strange Lucjan 223 hrabina countess Szenwald 120 Zagadkowa loża 1929 Renaissance W. Zechenter 205 W-a 121 Zemsta 1929 Renaissance The Flying Witold 160 sprawiedliwych W-a Squad ? Zechenter 122 Zielona rdza 1929 Rój W-a The Green Róża 319 Rust Centnerszwero

68 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 69

wa 123 Zielona rdza 1933 Rój W-a The green Róża 319 Rust Centnerszwedo wa 124 Zielona rdza 1938 Rój W-a The green Róża 320 Rust Centnerszwero wa 125 Zielona rdza 1939 Rój W-a The green Róża 320 Rust Centnerszwedo wa 126 Zielony łucznik 1929 Renaissance The green Krzeczowska 264 Warszawa archer Maria 127 Zielony łucznik 1992 Akapit The green Nożownik Anna 200 8385715088 Katowice archer

[Tytuły zaznaczone w kolumnie 1 – posiadają notki]

Edgar Wallace: Tytuły książek –w czterech językach

Kod: to numeracja [z pominięciem litery B] wg British Bibliography of Edgar Wallace 1969.

Kod Tytuł angielski Tytuł niemiecki Tytuł francuski Tytuł polski

Brunatna dama Człowiek bez twarzy Dama z Monte Carlo Dusza kolorowej kobiety Gniazdo występku Jaśnie panienka Najazd Europy Piękna bestia Pod biczem zgrozy Tajemnica żółtej szpilki Tunel przestępców Zagadka szulera Zagadkowa loża Der blutrote Kreis Der feuerrote Kreis Erpressung mit Rosen Das Kriminal- Magazin 1929 Dan le sosie Le chateau de la

69 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 70

terreur Edgar Wallace [X1] Etrange expiation La panique Le Pick-up Le Roublard La chaise de la mort Vampire Upiory ? 39 A Dept Discharged; A dept Die Schuld des of discharge [The….] anderen 88 A King by Night {The Der Unhold Le Roi de Boginda Król nocy ? Man from Morocco} 1 Admirable Carfew, The Mr. Sorgenfrei 2 Adventures of Heine, The 3 Again Sanders Am grossen Strorm Mr. Commissioner {Mr.Commisioner Sanders Sanders} 4 Again the Ringer Neues vom Hexer; Geschichten vom Hexer 5 Again the Three Just Men Das silberne Dreieck {Again the three} 6 Angel Esquire Der Safe mit dem Agel Esquire Ratselschloss 7 Angel of Terror, The Der Engel des Anioł grozy ? Schreckens 32 Arranways Mystery , The 8 Avenger , The {The Hairy Der Racher Le Vengeur Łowca głów; Ręka Arm} mściciela ? 9 Barbara on her Own Verdammte Konkurrenz 10 Big Foot Grossfuss 11 Big Four, The Biography of a phenomenon, The 13 Black Abbot, The Der schwartze Abt 14 Black Avons, how they fared in… 12 Black, The [USA] D er M ann von Małps z tykwą ? Marokko 15 Blue hand, The Die blaue Hand Niebieska ręka 16 Bones Bones in Afrika Bones w dżungli afrykańskiej ? 17 Bones in London Bones in London Bones w Londynie 18 Bones of the river Bones vom Strom Bosambo znad rzeki 19 Book of all power, The Das Buch der Le talisman Altmacht mysterieux 20 Books of Bart, The

70 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 71

Bosambo of the Jungle Bones w dżungli 1914 afrykańskiej ? 21 Bosambo of the river Bosambo; Bosambo von Monrovia 22 Brigand, The Der Brigant Le Gentelman ??? Gentleman - Bandyta Britain`s great men 23 Calendar, The {The Platz und Sieg Calender} 25 Captain Tatham of Tatham Island 24 Captains of Souls Die Seele des La capitane des ames Anderen Case of Joe Attymar, The Der Fall Joe Attymar 26 Cat Burglar, The 27 Chick Lord wider Willen Chick; L`Etonannte Władca dusz ? aventure de Chick, Miś 28 Circumstantial Evidence and Other Stories Clever One, The 29 Clue of the new pin, The Das Gehemnis der Les deux epingles Tajemnica nowej Stecknadel szpilki 30 Clue of the silver key, The Der leuchtende Schlussel 31 Clue of the Twisted Die gebogene Kerze Une heur dans Candle, The l`ombre; Une lueur dans l`ombre ??? 32 Coat of Arms, The Feuer im Schloss Colossus, The 33 Council of justice, The Rada sprawiedliwyvh ? Crime book of J.G. Reeder; The 34 Crimson Circle, The Der rote Kreis; Der Le cercle rouge Czerwony krąg, feuerrote Kreis Tajemnica koła ? 35 Daffodil murder, The [ Das Gehemnis der Le mystere des Tajemnica żółtych mystery] gelben Narcissen jontquiles narcyzóa 36 Dark eyes of London, The Die toten Augen vom London 37 Daughters of the night, The Tochter der Nacht 38 Day of Uniting,, The Der jungste Tag Death room, The Death Safe, The Death watch 40 Devil Man, The Der Teufelmansch L`home diable Diana of Kara - Kara…{Double Dan } 41 Door With Seven Locks, Die Tur den sieben La aporte aux sept Drzwi z siedmioma

71 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 72

The Schlosern serrures zamkami, Drzwi o siedmiu zamkach Double Crime Club, The Double Dan Der Doppelganger 43 Double Dan, The 42 Double, The Das Steckenpferd des Laquelle des deux? alten Derrick 44 Down Under Donovan Der Derbysieger Le gagnant du Derby Drtective stories Kriminalgeschichten 45 Duke in the suburbs, The Edgar Wallace a short Edgar Wallace autobiography Edgar Wallace by his wife [1932] Edgar Wallace each way by R.G. Curtis Edgar Wallace mystery magazine Nov. Edgar Wallace police van… , The Edgar Wallace Reader of Mystery and Adve…, The 46 Educated Evans 47 Elegant Edward 155 England, This 25 Eve`s Island {Captain Eve` island; Ile Tatham of Tatham Island; d`Eve; The Island of Galloping Gold} 48 Face in the night, The Das Gesicht im Le Visage dans la Twarz o zmroku Dunkel nuit Famous Men and Battles of the British Empire 49 Famous Scottish Regiments, The 50 Feathered Serpent, The Gucumatz; Der Upierzony wąż Allmachtige 51 Fellowship of the Frog, Der Frosh mit der La marque de la Bractwo Wielkiej The Maske grenouille Żaby 52 Field Marshal Sir John French 53 Fighting scouts, The 54 Fighting Snub Reilly 55 Flat 2 Louba, der Spieler Appartement No 2 Mieszkanie nr 2 ? 56 Flying Fifty-Five, The Un outsider du Derby; Le 55 57 Flying Squad, The Uberfallkommando Zemsta sprawiedliwych ? 156 Folk of Bulboro, Those

72 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 73

58 Forger, The {The Clever Der Banknoten Le faussaire Fałszerze dolarów One} Falsher 59 For Information Received 60 Forty-eight short stories 61 Four Just Men, The Die vier Gerechten Le quatres; La Loi des quatre; Les quatre justicieurs 62 Four Square Jane Die Abentuerin 63 Fourth Plague, The Die vierte Plage 64 Frightendet lady, The Das indische Tuch; Mystery of the Freghtened Der Wurger, Lady ; Quelqu`un a tue… The case of frightened lady; Gaol Breaker, The {We shall see} 65 Gaunt Stranger , The {The Der Hexer Ringer} 66 Ghost of Dawnhill, The {The Quen of Sheba`s B…} Girl from Scotland yard, The 67 Golden Hades, The Der goldene Hades 68 Good Evans 69 Governor of Chi-Foo…, The Great stories of real life Great tales of mystery Inspektor Reeder und der Murder 70 Green Archer, The Der grune L`archer vert Zielony łucznik Bogenschutze 71 Green Pack, The Lotterie des Todes 72 Green ribbon;, The ; Green Turfschwindel Ruban vert ribbon 73 Green Rust, The Der grune Brand La rouille Zielona rdza mysterieuse 74 Grey Timothy Gunman`s Bluff Gunner Haynes Le Tueur 75 Gunner, The {Gunman`s Hands up Bluff} 76 Guv`nor & Other Stories, The 77 Guv`nor, The {Mr. Reeder return} Hairy Arm, The 78 Hand of Power , The I m B a n n e d e s La Main dans Umheimlichen l`ombre; La Main

73 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 74

toute puissante Hands up; The Gunner Hands up ! 79 Heroes all; Gallant deeds of the war 80 India-Rubber Men, The Das Gasthaus an der Themse 81 Iron grips, The 82 Jack O` Judgement Die Todeskarte; Jack de justicier Treffbube ist Trumpt Jewel, The Das Juvel aus Paris 83 Joker, The {The Der Joker Le mystificateur Za maską śmiechu Colossus} 84 Just Men of Cordova, The Die Drei von Klub Cordova sprawiedliwych Justice of Sanders, The 85 Kate Plus Ten [Kate plus Kaethe und ihre Zehn Le mystere du train 10] d`or 86 Keeper of the King`s Huter des Friedens Strażnicy Peace, The królewskiego spokoju 87 Killer Kay Kennedy the con Man Die Diamantenbrosche King Kong [The King Kong King Kong Illustrated King Kong] King Kong, The [illustrated] 89 Kitchener`s Army and the Territorial Forces 90 Lady called Nita, The 91 Lady of Ascot, The Die Greafin von La chatelaine Ascot d`Ascot; Lady at Ascot 92 Lady of little Hell, The 93 Last adventure, The 94 Law of the four just men, Das Gesetz der Viier La loi des quatres The justicieres Law of the three just men, The 95 Lieutenant Bones Bones; Leutnant Porucznik Bones Bones 96 Little Green Man, The 97 Lone House mystery, The Lord wider Willen, The Władca dusz ? Mammoth mystery book, The; Three complete nowels 98 Man at the Carlton, The Der Mann aus dem L`homme du Carlton Carlton

74 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 75

99 Man from Morocco, The; Der Mann von L`homme du Maroc Romans z [Marocco] {The Marokko włamywaczem ? Black}{Soul in Shadows} Małpa z tykwą ? 100 Man Who Bought London, Kerry kauft London Homme qui voulut Człowiek który The acheter London kupił Londyn 101 Man who changed his name, The Man who couldn`t speak the truth, The 102 Man Who Knew, The Der Mann der alles wuste Man who married his cook…, The Man who passed, The Der Lugendetektor 103 Man who was nobody, The Der Mann der sainen Homme sans nom Tajemniczy Namen anderte dżentelmem Meister Morde Meister Morde 104 Melody of Death, The D i e M e l od i e d e s La melodie de la mort Melodia śmierci Todes 105 Million dollar story , The D i e Millionegeschichte 106 Mind of Mr J.G. Reeder, Der sechste Sinn des Poetyczny policjant The Mr. Reeder; Der poetische Polizist 107 Missing Millions, The D i e unh e imli c h e n L`affaire Walton Tajemnica Briefe zaginionego miliona 108 Mission that Failed, The 109 Mrs. William Jones & Bil, The 112 Mixer, The Der Preller; Der Pogromca hien Mixer ludzkich 113 More educated Evans 114 Mouthpiece, The 111 Mr Justice Maxwell Richter Maxells Verbrechen 110 Mr Reader Returns Murder Book of J.G. Reeder, The Murder of the Month 115 My Hollywood Diary; The last work Mysterious Mr. Reeder, The Mystery and Adventure New Mammoth Mystery Book, The Nig-Nog and other Humorous stories

75 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 76

116 Nine Bears, The 117 Story of Fatal Peace “1925”, The 118 Nobby 119 Northing tramp, The {The Nach Norden Strolch Le Vagabond Tramp} 120 Number six Geheimagent Numer szósty Nummer sechs On the Night of the fire Der Lachler 121 On the Spot In den Tod geschickt Le gangster 122 Orator, The Der Redner; Der Milczący mówca ? Stumme Spracher? Other Man, The 123 Penelope of the Penelope von der “Polyantha”; “Polyantha” 125 People Of The River, The Die Eingeborenen von Strom 124 People; A short Mein Leben autobiography; Edgar Eallace: The biography of a phenomenon 126 Planetoid 127 127 Prison Breakers, The Private Selby „Sale“ 128 Private Shelby Real shell-man, The 129 Red aces; Red aces, being Mr. Reeder weiss three cases of Mr. Reeder Bescheid 130 Reporter , The Ringer Returns, The Ringer, The Der Hexer L` homme aux cent Człowiek o sty masques ? obliczach ? 131 River of Stars, The Der Diamantenfluss Road to London, The 132 Room 13; Zimmer 13 La chamber 13 Gabinet nr. 13, Room thirteen. Gabinet 13. 133 Sanctuary Island Saint Mystery Magazine, The 134 Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders 135 Sanders of the River Sanders von Strom 136 Sandi the kingmaker Sanders der Sandi twórca Konigsmacher krółów Scotland Yard book of Edgar Wallace, The 137 Secret House, The Das Gehemnisvolle Dom pod srebrnym Haus trójkątem ? Secret of the Moat Farm, The

76 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 77

Sentimental Simpson Der Sentimentale Mr. Simpson 138 Sergeant Sir Peter Shadow man, The Der Mann im Hintergrunt Silinski, Master Criminal {Nine Bears} Silver Key, The 139 Sinister Man, The Der Umheimlische Potwór; Odrażający facet ? 140 Smithy 141 Smithy Abroad 142 Smithy & the Hun 143 Smoky Cell Sooper and others, The 144 Square Emerald, The {The Der viereckige Kwadratowy Girl from Scotland Yard} Smaragd szmaragd 145 Squeaker, The { The Der Zinker La Mouche Demon - szpieg Squealer} 146 Standard history of the war, The 147 Steward, The Story of Fatal Peace, The 148 Strange Countess, The Die seltsame Grafin L`etrange comtesse Hrabina Moron ?, Zagadkowa hrabina ? Strange Lapses of Larry Der Mann mit dem Loman, The zwei Gesichtern Stretelli Case & other L`affaire Stretelli Mystery Stories,The Stronger Than Fiction 149 Table, The 150 Tam O`The Scoots 151 Terrible People, The Die Bande des Les Terribles Szajka zgrozy Schreckens 153 Terror Keep John Flack Straszliwy hotel 152 Terror, The Der Umheilmlsche La terreur Monch 154 Thief in the Night, The Der Dieb in der Nacht; Die Schatzkammer 158 Three Oak Mystery, The Bei den drei Eichen Tajemnica trzech dębów 157 Thrree Just Men, The Die drei Gerechten Les Trois justiciers Trzej sprawiedliwi 159 Tomb of Ts`in, The 160 Traitor`s Gate, The Das Verratertor La porte du traitre Brama zdrajcy Tramp, The Le vagabond Trial of Herbert John Bennet, The; The Yarmouh

77 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 78

Beach Murder} Trial of Patrick Herbert Mahon, The Trial of the Seddons, The 161 Twister, The Ein gerisener Kerl Twu stories, and the seventh man 162 Undisclosed client, The 163 Unofficial Despatches 164 Valley of Ghosts, The A .S., der Unsictbare La Valley des Dolina duchów ? Spectres 166 War of the Nations: a History of the Great European Conflict 165 War! Wiersze 167 We shall see; Merry Ferrera spielt System 168 When the Gangs Came to Gangster in London Le gangster London 169 White Face Der Teufel von Tidal Biała twarz Basin 170 Woman from the East, The 171 Writ in Barracks 172 Yellow Snake, The Die gelbe Schlange Le serpent jaune Kameleon, The yellow Snake ?

78 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 79

Polskie wydania powieści Edgara Wallace`a według roku

L.p. Tytuł polski Rok Wydawca Tytuł angielski Tłumacz Stro ISBN /redaktor n

1. Mieszkanie nr 2 Flat 2 2. Odrażający facet The Sinister Man 3. Tajemnica nowej The Clue of the szpilki new pin 4. Czerwony krąg 1928 Renaissance The Crimson F. 232 W-a Circle ? Mirandola 5. Drzwi o siedmiu 1928 Renaissance The Door with Marceli 232 zamkach W-a seven Lock Tarnowski 6. Gabinet Nr 13 1928 Renaissance Room 13 Tarnowski 240 W-a M. 7. Jaśnie panienka 1928 Biblioteka 147 Kuriera Zachod. 8. Jaśnie panienka 1928 Biblioteka 198 Groszowa W- a 9. Numer szósty 1928 Renaissance Number six Tarnowski 240 W-a Marceli 10. Pogromca hien 1928 Rój W-a The Mixer Wanda 288 ludzkich Peszkowa 11. Potwór 1928 Renaissance The minister Tarnowski 352 W-a man Marceli 12. Szajka zgrozy 1928 Renaissance The terrible Tarnowski 288 W-a people Marceli 13. Trzej sprawiedliwi 1928 Renaissance The Tree Just M. 352 W-a Men Tarnowski

79 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 80

14. Władca dusz 1928 Renaissance The lord wider Kreczowska 359 W-a Willen ? Maria 15. Bones w Londynie 1929 Rój W-a Bones in J.P. 239 London Zajączkows ki 16. Bosambo z nad 1929 Globus Lwów Bosambo of the Stanisław 267 rzeki river Warski 17. Bractwo Wielkiej 1929 Renaissance The Fellowship Tarnowski 296 Żaby W-a of the Frog Marceli 18. Człowiek bez 1929 Udz. Sp. A Man … Lukaszewic 237 twarzy Wyd. Kraków z 19. Człowiek o stu 1929 Rój W-a The Ringer J.P. 257 obliczach Zajączkows ki 20. Demon – szpieg 1929 Renaissance The Squeaker Kreczkowsk 271 W-a a Maria 21. Dolina duchów 1929 Biblioteka The Valley of Zofia 272 Groszowa W- Ghost ? Popławska a 22. Fałszerze dolarów 1929 Udział. The Forger ??? L. Du-Rut 167 Spółka Wyd. Kraków 23. Gentleman – 1929 Renaissance The Brigand Jawnuta 273 Bandyta W-a 24. Gniazdo występku 1929 Płomień W-a The szestle… ? Buchholtzo 250 wa J. 25. Jaśnie panienka 1929 Biblioteka 198 Groszowa W- a 26. Kameleon 1929 Renaissance The Yellow Hora Ernest 256 W-a Snake 27. Król nocy 1929 Renaissance A King by M. 345 Night Kreczowska 28. Łowca głów 1929 Rój W-a The Avenger C. Cesarz 249 29. Małpa z tykwą 1929 Rój W-a The Man from J.B.R. 210 Morocco 30. Milczący mówca 1929 The Orator ? 31. Niebieska ręka 1929 Rój W-a Blue Hand Wanda 270 Paszkowa 32. Pod biczem 1929 Udz. Sp. Under … Mirandola 157 zgrozy Wyd. Kraków F. 33. Poetyczny 1929 Rój W-a The Mind of Tadeusz 213 policjant Mr. J.G. Reeder Jakubowicz 34. Potwór 1929 Renaissance The sinister Tarnowski 352 W-a man Marceli 35. Rada 1929 Rój W-a The council of Krasucka 228 sprawiedliwych Justice Janina 36. Ręka mściciela 1929 Renaissance W. 240 W-a Zechenter

80 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 81

37. Romans z 1929 Rój W-a The Man fro J.B.R. 223 włamywaczem Morocco 38. Sanders 1929 Rój W-a Sanders Bornstein 211 Zygmunt 39. Sandi twórca 1929 Płomień W-a Sandi the Buchholtzo 255 królów kingsmaker wa J. 40. Straszliwy hotel 1929 Rój W-a Terror keep Lucjan 279 Szenwald 41. Strażnicy 1929 Rój W-a The Keepers of Hilda 214 królewskiego the King Peace Latoszyńska spokoju 42. Tajemnica trzech 1929 Płomień W-a The three Oak Józef 211 dębów Mystery Olbrycht 43. Tajemnica 1929 Rój W-a The Missing Wł. 275 zaginionego Milion Andrzejkow miliona icz 44. Tajemnica żółtych 1929 Globus Lwów The Daffodil Kaz. 255 narcyzów Mystery Bukowski 45. Tajemnicza kula 1929 Renaissance The Crimson W. 216 W-a Circle ? Zechenter 46. Tajemniczy 1929 Płomień W-a The Man who M. 230 dżentelmen was nobody Przyborows ki 47. Tunel przestępców 1929 Renaissance Witold 272 W-a Zechenter 48. Twarz o zmroku 1929 Renaissance Br. 328 W-a Stępowski 49. Upiory 1929 50. Zagadkowa loża 1929 Renaissance W. 205 W-a Zechenter 51. Zemsta 1929 Renaissance The Flying Witold 160 sprawiedliwych W-a Squaw ? Zechenter 52. Zielona rdza 1929 Rój W-a The Green Rust Róża 319 Centnerszw erowa 53. Zielony łucznik 1929 Renaissance The green Krzeczowsk 264 Warszawa archer a Maria 54. Anioł grozy 1930 Renaissance The Angel of Maria 222 W-a Terror ? Kreczowska 55. Bones w dżungli 1930 Globus Lwów Bones Warski 141 afrykańskiej Stanisław 56. Brama zdrajcy 1930 Rój W-a The Traitor`s Witold 223 Gate Zechenter 57. Człowiek który 1930 Płomień W-a The Man who J. 234 kupił Londyn Bought London Buchholtzo wa 58. Dama z Monte 1930 Rój W-a J.P. 207 Carlo Zajączkows ki

81 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 82

59. Dom pod 1930 Rój W-a The Secred J.P. 220 srebrnym Mouse ? Zajączkows trójkątem ki 60. Dusza kolorowej 1930 Globus Lwów Stanisław 135 kobiety Warski 61. Gniazdo występku 1930 Płomień W-a J. 250 II-wyd. Buchholtzo wa 62. Klub 1930 Rój W-a The just Man of Czesław 211 sprawiedliwych Cordoba Cesarz 63. Kwadratowy 1930 Rój W-a The Square Wanda 246 szmaragd Emerald Peszkowa 64. Melodia śmierci 1930 Rój W-a The Melody of J.P.Zajączk 194 Death owaki 65. Najazd Europy 1930 K.Sp.U. Kom 216 DKP 66. Porucznik Bones 1930 Rój W-a Leutenant M.Andrzeyk 249 Bones owicz 67. Tajemnica żółtej 1930 Mrówka W-a L. Matysek- 240 szpilki Majewska 68. Tajemniczy 1930 Płomień W-a The Man who M. 230 dżentelmen was nobody Przyborows ki 69. The yellow snake 1930 Renaissance The yellow Hora Ernest 256 W-a snake 70. Za maską śmiechu 1930 Mrówka W-a Szulisławsk 256 a 71. Zagadka szulera 1930 Rój W-a Maria 194 Kreczowska 72. Zagadkowa 1930 Rój W-a The Strange Lucjan 224 hrabina Countness Szenwald 73. Anioł grozy 1931 The Angel of Terror ? 74. Brama zdrajcy 1931 Rój W-a The Traitors Witold 223 Gate Zechenter 75. Brunatna dama 1931 KSpU On-Rut 192 Kraków 76. Gniazdo występku 1931 Płomień W-a Buchholtzo 250 wa J. 77. Sandi, twórca 1931 Płomień W-a Sandi the J. 254 królów kingsmaker Buchholzow a 78. Tajemnica trzech 1931 Płomień W-a The three Oak Józef 211 dębów mystery Olbrycht 79. Tajemniczy 1931 Płomień W-a The Man who M. 230 dżentelmen was nobody Przyborows ki 80. Za maską śmiechu 1931 81. Człowiek który 1932 Płomień W-a The Man who J. 234

82 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 83

kupił Londyn Bought London Buchholtzo wa 82. Gniazdo występku 1932 Płomień W-a Buchholtzo 250 wa J. 83. Sandi, twórca 1932 Płomień W-a Sandi the J.Buchholtz 255 Królów kingsmaker owa 84. Tajemnica trzech 1932 Płomień W-a The three Oak Józef 211 dębów Mystery O;Brycht 85. Tajemniczy 1932 Płomień W-a The Man who M. 230 dżentelmen was nobody Przybyszew ski 86. Władca dusz 1932 Renaissance The Lord wider M. 359 Willen Kreczowska 87. Zielona rdza 1933 Rój W-a The green Rust Róża 319 Centnerszw edowa 88. Drzwi o siedmiu 1934 Renaissance The Door with Tarnowski 228 zamkach W-a seven lock Marceli 89. Kwadratowy 1934 Rój W-a The Square Wanda 245 szmaragd Emerald Paszkowa 90. Miś 1934 Ksiegarnia Chick Tomaszews 317 Polska B. ka Wanda Połaniecki Lwów 91. Straszliwy hotel 1934 Rój W-a Terror keep Lucjan 279 . Szenwald 92. Straszliwy hotel 1934 Bibl. Echa Terror keep Red. Jan 278 Polskiego Stypułkows ki 93. Gabinet 13 1935 J. Kubicki Room 13 ? 236 94. Numer szósty 1935 S. Cukrowski Number six B.J. Falka 128 95. Człowiek który 1936 Płomień W-a The Man who J. 234 kupił Londyn Bought London Buchholtzo wa 96. Niebieska ręka 1936 Rój W-a Blue Hand Paszkowa 269 Wanda 97. Poetyczny 1936 Rój W-a The Mind of Tadeusz 213 policjant Mr. J.G. Reeder Jakubowicz 98. Pogromca hien 1936 Rój W-a The Mixer 288 ludzkich 99. Straszliwy hotel 1936 Rój W-a Terror keep Lucjan 259 Szenwald 100. Melodia śmierci 1937 Rój W-a The Melody of Zajączkows 212 Death ki J.P. 101. Straszliwy hotel 1937 Rój W-a Terror keep Lucjan 278 Szenwald 102. Zagadka szulera 1937 Rój W-a M. 195 Kreczowska 103. Zagadkowa 1937 Rój W-a The strange Lucjan 223

83 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 84

hrabina countess Szenwald 104. Gniazdo występku 1938 Płomień W-a Buchholzow 250 a Janina 105. Niebieska ręka 1938 Rój W-a Blue Hand Wanda 270 Paszkowa 106. Poetyczny 1938 Rój W-a The Mind of Tadeusz 213 policjant Mr. J.G. Reeder Jakubowicz 107. Sandi, twórca 1938 Płomień W-a Sandi the Buchholtzo 254 królów kingsmaker wa J. 108. Tajemniczy 1938 Płomień W-a The Man who M. 230 dżentelmen was nobody Przyborows ki 109. Tunel przestępców 1938 Renaissance Witold 271 W-a Zechenter 110. Zielona rdza 1938 Rój W-a The green Rust Róża 320 Centnerszw erowa 111. Straszliwy hotel 1939 Rój W-a Terror kept Lucjan 279 Szenwald 112. Zielona rdza 1939 Rój W-a The green Rust Róża 320 Centnerszw edowa 113. Bosambo znad 1990 ZŚ AZS; Bosambo of the Zajączkows 267 8385242 rzeki Astrum River ki J.P. 066 Wrocław 114. Drzwi z 1990 Nakom The door with Zaus Jan 196 8385060 siedmioma Poznań seven locks Stanisław 081 zamkami 115. Gabinet nr 13 1990 Epoka Room 13 Tarnowski 206 8385021 Warszawa Marceli 256 116. Hrabina Moron 1990 Romeo i Julia The Strange Szymańska 195 Warszawa Countess Wanda 117. Upierzony wąż 1990 Wyd. The feathered Zaus Jan 201 8321008 Poznańskie serpent Stanisław 666 118. Biała twarz 1991 Graf Gdańsk White face Lichański 163 8385130 Stefan 543 119. Brama zdrajców 1991 Przecinek; The Traitor`s Zaus 214 8385492 Wrocław Gate Stanisław 003 120. Łowca głów 1991 Glob Szczecin The Avenger Cesarz 163 8370072 Czesław 976 121. Tajemniczy 1991 Unia-Press The Man who Sosnowski 95 dżentelmen W-a was nobody Marian 122. Piękna bestia 1992 Glob Szczecin Krasucka 149 8385229 Janina 566 123. Potwór 1992 Akapit The minister Gorczyca 289 8385397 Katowice man Jacek 85X 124. Straszliwy hotel 1992 Glob Szczecin Terror keep Szenwald 171 8385229 Lucjan 574 125. Zielony łucznik 1992 Akapit The green Nożownik 200 8385715

84 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 85

Katowice archer Anna 088 126. Anioł grozy 1997 Akapit The Angel of Kuryło 157 8386812 Katowice Trrror ??? Elźbieta 869 127. Twarz o zmroku 1999 Edytor The face in the 252 8387544 Katowice night [?] 388

Wydania polskie, powieści Edgara Wallace`a - według alfabetu: w polskich bibliotekach

Kolumna: - 1 - Biblioteka Jagielońska Kraków 2 - „ Narodowa Warszawa 3 - „ Publiczna st. m. Warszawy 4 - „ Główna UMK Toruń 5 - „ Śląska w Katowicach 6 - „ Uniwersytetu w Warszawie 7 - „ Miejska Publiczna we Wrocławiu 8 - „ „ „ w Tarnowie 9 - „ Główna UMCS w Lublinie 10- „ Książnicy Beskidzkiej Bielsko-Biała 11- „ Miejska Publiczna Szczecin 12- „ WiMB Publ. Gdańsk 13. „ Miejska w Cieszynie 14. „ Elbląska 15. „ Wejherowo 16. „ Miejska Publiczna w Gdyni 17. „ Publiczna w Częstochowie 18. „ Wojewódzka Kraków 19. „ Wojewódzka Opole 20. Konsorcjum Bibliotek Łódzkich

Tytuł Rok 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Anioł grozy 1930 Anioł grozy 1931 Anioł grozy 1997 Z X Z V X V Z V

85 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 86

Biała twarz 1991 X Z X Z X V V Z V V Bones w dżungli 1930 X afrykańskiej Bones w 1929 X Z X X Londynie Bosambo z nad 1929 rzeki Bosambo znad 1990 X Z X Z X Z V X V rzeki Bractwo wielkiej 1929 X Żaby Brama zdrajców 1991 X Brama zdrajcy 1930 Brama zdrajcy 1931 Brunatna dama 1931 Czerwony krąg 1928 Człowiek bez 1929 X twarzy Człowiek który 1930 kupił Londyn Człowiek który 1932 kupił Londyn Człowiek który 1936 kupił Londyn Człowiek o stu 1929 obliczach Dama z Monte 1930 Carlo Demon – szpieg 1929 X Dolina duchów 1929 Dom pod 1930 srebrnym trójkątem Drzwi o siedmiu 1928 zamkach Drzwi o siedmiu 1934 X zamkach Drzwi z 1990 X Z X Z Z V X Z X Z X siedmioma zamkami Dusza kolorowej 1930 kobiety Fałszerze 1929 dolarów (x1) Gabinet 13 1935 Z X Gabinet Nr 13 1928 X Gabinet nr 13 1990 X Z X Z V Gentleman – 1929 X Bandyta

86 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 87

Gniazdo 1929 X X występku Gniazdo 1930 występku Gniazdo 1931 występku Gniazdo 1932 występku Gniazdo 1938 występku Hrabina Moron 1990 X Z V V Jaśnie panienka 1928 Z Z V [B.Grosz.] Jaśnie panienka 1929 [B.Grosz.] Jaśnie panienka 1928 [BKZ] Kameleon 1929 X Z Klub 1930 sprawiedliwych Król nocy 1929 Z Kwadratowy 1930 szmaragd Kwadratowy 1934 szmaragd Łowca głów 1929 Łowca głów 1991 X Z X Z X V X Z Z Z Małpa z tykwą 1929 Melodia śmierci 1930 Melodia śmierci 1937 X Mieszkanie nr 2 Milczący mówca 1929 Miś 1934 X Najazd Europy 1930 Niebieska ręka 1929 Niebieska ręka 1936 X Niebieska ręka 1938 Numer szósty 1928 X Numer szósty 1935 Odrażający facet Piękna bestia 1992 X Z V X Z X V X Z V X Pod biczem 1929 X zgrozy Poetyczny 1929 policjant Poetyczny 1936 policjant Poetyczny 1938 policjant

87 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 88

Pogromca hien 1928 ludzkich Pogromca hien 1936 ludzkich Porucznik Bones 1930 Potwór 1928 Z Potwór 1929 X Potwór 1992 X Z X Z Z V V V X Rada 1929 sprawiedliwych Ręka mściciela 1929 Romans z 1929 włamywaczem Sanders 1929 X Sandi twórca 1929 X królów Sandi twórca 1931 królów Sandi, twórca 1932 królów Sandi, twórca 1938 królów Straszliwy hotel 1929 Straszliwy hotel 1936 Straszliwy hotel 1937 Straszliwy hotel 1939 Straszliwy hotel 1992 X Z V X Z X V X Z V X V X Straszliwy hotel 1934 [BEP] Straszliwy hotel 1934 [Rój] Strażnicy 1929 królewskiego spokoju Szajka grozy 1928 X Tajemnica nowej szpilki Tajemnica trzech 1929 dębów Tajemnica trzech 1931 dębów Tajemnica trzech 1932 dębów Tajemnica 1929 zaginionego miliona Tajemnica żółtej 1930 szpilki Tajemnica 1929

88 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 89

żółtych narcyzów Tajemnicza kula 1929 Tajemniczy 1930 dżentelman Tajemniczy 1931 dżentelman Tajemniczy 1932 dżentelman Tajemniczy 1938 dżentelman Tajemniczy 1991 X Z X dżentelman Tajemniczy 1929 dżentelmen The yellow 1930 snake Trzej 1928 sprawiedliwi Tunel 1929 przestępców Tunel 1938 przestępców Twarz o zmroku 1929 Twarz o zmroku 1999 X Z V X Z V X Z V V Z X Upierzony wąż 1990 X Z X Z X V X Z V X Z Upiory 1929 Władca dusz 1928 X Władca dusz 1932 Za maską 1930 śmiechu Za maską 1931 śmiechu Zagadka szulera 1930 Zagadka szulera 1937 Zagadkowa 1930 hrabina Zagadkowa 1937 hrabina Zagadkowa loża 1929 Zemsta 1929 X sprawiedliwych Zielona rdza 1929 Zielona rdza 1933 Zielona rdza 1938 Zielona rdza 1939 Zielony łucznik 1929 Z X Zielony łucznik 1992 X Z X Z V X Z V V V X Z V

89 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 90

Uwaga (x1) – Książka znajduje się bibliotece uniwersyteckiej w Wisconsin-Madison USA.

Zasoby w językach: angielskim, niemieckim i francuskim - powieści Edgara Wallace`a - według alfabetu: w polskich bibliotekach

[numeracja bibliotek jak w polskich wydaniach – w tabeli powyżej]

L.p. Tytuł Rok 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

1 Again Sanders Z 2 Chick 1923 X 3 Der Grune 1928 X Bogenschutze 4 Der Schwarze Abt. 1970 X 5 Educated Evans 1960 X 6 L`affaire Walton 1928 X 7 Terror Keep 1927 X 8 The Avenger 1926 X 9 The black Abbot 1964 Z V 10 The Clue of the 1962 V new Pin 11 The face in the 1925 Z night 12 The Feathered 1928 X Serpent 13 The feathered 1963 Z serpent 14 The Four Just Men 1988 V [Kaseta !] 15 The Golden Hades 1962 V

90 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 91

16 The hand of power 1930 Z 17 The Indian-rubber 1956 Z men 18 The king and 1960 Z Isabel 19 The last adventure 1934 X 20 The Law of the 1923 X Four Just Men 21 The northing 1968 V tramp 22 The Sinister Man 1963 X V 23 The square 1960 V emerald 24 The Squeaker 1929 X 25 The standard 1914- X history of the war 1915 [4 vol.] 26 The strange 1964 Z V Countes 27 The Traitor`s Gate 19zz X 28 The yellow snake 1926 X 29 White Face 1966 V

91 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 92

Edgar Wallace: podwójne angielskie [alternatywne] nazwy-tytuły

Kod B Tytuł wg alfabetu Tytuł alternatywny Uwagi

A Dept Discharged The Dept Discharged A King by Night ? The Man from Morocco ? 4 Again the Ringer The Ringer Returns * 5 Again the Three Just Men Again the three; * 5 Again the Three Just Men The Law of the three just Men 16 Bones The River of Stars 43 Diana of Kara-Kara Double Dan * 3 Egain Sanders Mr. Commisioner Sanders 25 Eve`s Island CaptainTatham of Tatham Island * 25 Eve`s Island The Island of Galloping Gold 62 Four Square Jane . * 68 Good Evans The Educated Man – Good Evans. * 74 Grey Timothy Pallard the Punter. * Hands up ! ? Gunner Hayens ? 82 Jack O` Judgement Jack O` Judgment 94 Law of the Four Just Men (The) Again the Three Just Men {USA] * 95 Lieutenant Bones The River of Stars ??? 111 Mr. Justice Maxell Take-a-chance Anderson. * 115 My Hollywood Diary The Last work 118 Nobby Smithy`s Friend Nobby * 120 Number six Number six and the Borgia. * 124 People Edgar Wallace;; * 124 People A short Biography 124 People Edgar Wallace by himself. 134 Sanders Mr. Commissioner Sanders. * 138 Sergeant Sir Peter Sergeant Dunn C.I.D.. * 140 Smithy Smithy, not to mention Nobby Clark & Spud * Murphy.

92 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 93

150 Tam of the Scouts Tam. * 7 The Angel of Terror The Destroying Angel 8 The Avenger The Hairy Arm & the Extra Girl * 11 The Big Four Crooks of Society * The Black (USA) The Man from Morocco; The Black (USA) Souls in Shadows 12 The Black Blackmailers I have foiled * 15 The Blue Hand Beyond Recall * 58 The Clever One The Forger 30 The Clue of the Silver Key The Silver Key * 32 The Coat of Arms The Arranways Mystery * 153 The crime book of Mr. J.G Reeder Terror Keep (USA) 35 The Daffodil Mystery The Daffodil Murder * 36 The dark Eyes of London The Croakers * 40 The Devil Man Sinister Street; * 40 The Devil Man Silver Steel. 40 The Devil Man The Live & Death of Charles Peace; 42 The Double Sinister Halls * 48 The Face in the Night The Diamond Men; * 48 The Face in the Night The Ragged Princes. 50 The Feathered Serpent Inspector Wade; * 50 The Feathered Serpent Inspector Wade & the Feathered Serpent. 58 The Forger The Clever One;. * 58 The Forger The Counterfeiter 63 The Fourth Plague Red Hand 64 The Frightened Lady The Case of the Frightened Lady; * 64 The Frightened Lady Criminal at Large. 64 The Frightened Lady The Mystery of the Frightened Lady; 65 The Gaunt Stranger The Ringer; * 65 The Gaunt Stranger Police Work. [not identical !] 144 The Girl from Scotland Yard The Square Emerald * 67 The Golden Hades The Sinister Yellow Sign; * 67 The Golden Hades Stamped in Gold 75 The Gunner Gunman`s Bluff; * 75 The Gunner Children of the Poor. 77 The Guv`nor Mr. Reeder return 8 The Hairy Arm The Avenger * 78 The Hand of Power The Proud Sons of Ragusia. * 80 The India Rubber Men Wolves of the Waterfront; * 80 The India Rubber Men The Pool. 81 The Iron Grip Wireless Bryce. * 83 The Joker The Colossus; * 83 The Joker The Park Lane Mystery. 97 The Lone House mystery The Lone House 98 The Man at the Carlton His Devoted Squealer * 98 The Man at the Carlton The Mystery of Mary Grier 99 The Man from Morocco The Black; [USA] *

93 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 94

99 The Man from Morocco Souls in Shadows 106 The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder [USA] The Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder * 116 The Nine Bears The Cheaters; * 116 The Nine Bears Silenski, Master Criminal. 116 The Nine Bears The Other Man; 119 The Northing Tramp The Tramp ? The real shell-man The story of Chetwynt of Chilwell 130 The Reporter Wise Y. Symon. * 65 The Ringer The Gaunt Stranger * 65 The Ringer Police Work 65 The Ringer The Great Stranger; 144 The Square Emmerald The Girl from Scotland Yard; * 144 The Square Emmerald The Woman. 145 The Squeaker The Squealer; * 145 The Squeaker The Sign of the Leopard. 148 The Strange Countess The Sins of the Mother. * 154 The Treasure House The Thief in the night ? The Trial of Herbert John Bennet The Yarmouth Beach Murder 172 The Yellow Snake The Black Tenth. * 167 We shall see The Gaol Breaker (USA) * 168 When the Gangs Came to London Scotland Yard`s Yankee Dick; * 168 When the Gangs Came to London The Gangsters Come ti London. The missing Romney The Stolen Romney 151 The Terrible People The Gallow` Hand *

• oznacza – że alternatywny tytuł występuje w British Bibliography of E.W. 1969.

Edgar Wallace Podwójne angielskie [alternatywne] nazwy-tytuły

Kod B Tytuł Tytuł alternatywny wg alfabetu Uwagi

124 People A short Biography 94 The Law of the Four Just Men Again the Three Just Men {USA] * 5 Again the Three Just Men Again the three; * 15 The Blue Hand Beyond Recall * 12 The Black Blackmailers I have foiled * 25 Eve`s Island CaptainTatham of Tatham Island * 75 The Gunner Children of the Poor. 64 The Frightened Lady Criminal at Large. 11 The Big Four Crooks of Society * 43 Diana of Kara-Kara Double Dan * 124 People Edgar Wallace by himself.

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124 People Edgar Wallace;; * 75 The Gunner Gunman`s Bluff; * Hands up ! ? Gunner Hayens ? 98 The Man at the Carlton His Devoted Squealer * 50 The Feathered Serpent Inspector Wade & the Feathered Serpent. 50 The Feathered Serpent Inspector Wade; * 82 Jack O` Judgement Jack O` Judgment 3 Egain Sanders Mr. Commisioner Sanders 134 Sanders Mr. Commissioner Sanders. * 77 The Guv`nor Mr. Reeder return 120 Number six Number six and the Borgia. * 74 Grey Timothy Pallard the Punter. * 65 The Ringer Police Work 65 The Gaunt Stranger Police Work. [not identical !] 63 The Fourth Plague Red Hand 168 When the Gangs Came to London Scotland Yard`s Yankee Dick; * 138 Sergeant Sir Peter Sergeant Dunn C.I.D.. * 116 The Nine Bears Silenski, Master Criminal. 40 The Devil Man Silver Steel. 42 The Double Sinister Halls * 40 The Devil Man Sinister Street; * 140 Smithy Smithy, not to mention Nobby Clark & Spud * Murphy. 118 Nobby Smithy`s Friend Nobby * The Black (USA) Souls in Shadows 99 The Man from Morocco Souls in Shadows 67 The Golden Hades Stamped in Gold 111 Mr. Justice Maxell Take-a-chance Anderson. * 150 Tam of the Scouts Tam. * 153 The crime book of Mr. J.G Reeder Terror Keep (USA) 32 The Coat of Arms The Arranways Mystery * 8 The Hairy Arm The Avenger * 172 The Yellow Snake The Black Tenth. * 99 The Man from Morocco The Black; [USA] * 64 The Frightened Lady The Case of the Frightened Lady; * 116 The Nine Bears The Cheaters; * 58 The Forger The Clever One;. * 30 The Silver Key The Clue of Silver Key * 83 The Joker The Colossus; * 58 The Forger The Counterfeiter 36 The dark Eyes of London The Croakers * 35 The Daffodil Mystery The Daffodil Murder * A Dept Discharged The Dept Discharged 7 The Angel of Terror The Destroying Angel 48 The Face in the Night The Diamond Men; * 68 Good Evans The Educated Man – Good Evans. * 58 The Clever One The Forger

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62 Four Square Jane The Fourth Square. * 151 The Terrible People The Gallow` Hand * 168 When the Gangs Came to London The Gangsters Come ti London. 167 We shall see The Gaol Breaker (USA) * 65 The Ringer The Gaunt Stranger * 144 The Square Emmerald The Girl from Scotland Yard; * 65 The Ringer The Great Stranger; 8 The Avenger The Hairy Arm & the Extra Girl * 25 Eve`s Island The Island of Galloping Gold 115 My Hollywood Diary The Last work 5 Again the Three Just Men The Law of the three just Men 40 The Devil Man The Live & Death of Charles Peace; 97 The Lone House mystery The Lone House A King by Night The Man from Morocco ? The Black (USA) The Man from Morocco; 106 The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder [USA] The Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder * 64 The Frightened Lady The Mystery of the Frightened Lady; 98 The Man at the Carlton The Mystery of Mary Grier 116 The Nine Bears The Other Man; 83 The Joker The Park Lane Mystery. 80 The India Rubber Men The Pool. 78 The Hand of Power The Proud Sons of Ragusia. * 48 The Face in the Night The Ragged Princes. 4 Again the Ringer The Ringer Returns * 65 The Gaunt Stranger The Ringer; * 16 Bones The River of Stars 95 Lieutenant Bones The Riwer of Stars ??? 145 The Squeaker The Sign of the Leopard. 67 The Golden Hades The Sinister Yellow Sign; * 148 The Strange Countess The Sins of the Mother. * 144 The Girl from Scotland Yard The Square Emerald * 145 The Squeaker The Squealer; * The missing Romney The Stolen Romney The real shell-man The story of Chetwynt of Chilwell 154 The Treasure House The Thief in the night ? 119 The Northing Tramp The Tramp 144 The Square Emmerald The Woman. The Trial of Herbert John Bennet The Yarmouth Beach Murder 81 The Iron Grip Wireless Bryce. * 130 The Reporter Wise Y. Symon. * 80 The India Rubber Men Wolves of the Waterfront; *

* oznacza – że alternatywny tytuł występuje w British Bibliography of E.W.1969.

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Edgar Wallace: notki do wydań angielskich

L.p. Tytuł angielski Rok Notka

1. A Dept Discharged; 1916 The crime club "Cercle de Crime" in Paris, has been A dept of discharge annoying the gendarmes, but they are thinking of expanding into something else beyond annoyance. prev owner's name stamped on the ffep, slight cocking to the book Thomas Maple lives on Crystal Palace Road with his niece Verity. He works for a firm of bank note engravers. However, the dollar bills he shows Wentworth Gold are forgeries perfect except for the missing Treasury sign. When Verity meets her new employer she develops serious misgivings, and arriving back home she can hear a menacing voice. What power do these men hold over her uncle? Who is the mysterious he? She hesitates, then follows them. 200 pages

2. A King by Night 1925 The central characters in this plot are a psychologist and an apparent madman, who claims to be the king of a country no one has ever heard of. The madman's niece attempts to find him, and she and her chums uncover a complicated case of fraud, impersonation, and murder

3. Again Sanders 1928 Commissioner Sanders and Lieutenant Tibbetts among the wild tribes of the river

4. Again the Three 1928 More adventures of Edgar Wallace's most popular Just Men characters - Manfred, Gonsalez, and Poiccart, better known to the underwold as the dreaded Three Just Men. "" Beginning as four men (one lies now in a Bordeaux graveyard) sickened by the law's shortcomings, detrmined

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to spend their lives and fortunes in righting the wrongs the law was powerless to touch, they became, in the course of years, a respectable institution.Death they depolore, but when it is necessary they strike like lightning, and are as quickly gone. This is the chronicle of their newest adventures

5. Again the Ringer 1929 Again the Ringer has as its hero a man whom criminals (Against the Ringer) fear far more than they do the law! Henry Arthur Milton, known as the ringer, has his own ideas about dealing with his private enemies which he carries out in spite of the fact that scotland yard wants to lay hands on him! This is a continuation of Wallace's popular characters known as the Three Just Men

6. An African 1904 Millionaire Sztuka 7. Angel Esquire 1908 8. Barbara on her 1926 A thrilling tale of commerce and intrigue starring Barbara, Own god-daughter and Private Secretary to Mr Maber. Unlike the old-fashioned Maber & Maber department store, the modern Atterman's store is a successful, profitable business. At a take-over meeting Barbara gives Messers Atterman and Minkey a piece of her mind. On the evening before the deal is to be finalised something happens to Mr Maber the police summon Barbara now she is on her own

9. Big Foot 1927 A woman is murdered in a beach cottage, Superintendent Minter is more interested in a half-crazed tramp than giant footprints found near the scene; a bit of slant, tanned pages, light general wear; Superintendant deals only in facts.. but when Hannah Shas was killed the facts didnt tell him everthing. the who or the why of the Kipling. Monstrous footprints and a dead woman bring on to the scene Superintendent Minter - the immortal 'Sooper'. He was puzzled and so was the knowing Mr. Cardew - amateur sleuth. But one of them must solve the mystery - for BIG FOOT was sure to strike again, in an even more fiendish manner . . .

10. Black Avons, how 1925 they fared in… 11. Bones 12. Bones in London 1921 13. Bones of the river 1923 14. Bosambo of the 1914 river 15. Captain Tatham of 1909 Tatham Island

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16. Captains of Souls 1922 A story of the strangely intertwined lives and souls of Beryl Melville, Ambrose Sault, Ronald Moralle and Christina and Eva Colebrook. A tale of the beast and the best in us.

17. Chick 1923 18. Circumstantial 1934 Evidence and Other Stories 19. Criminal at Large 1930 Sztuka 20. Death watch 1932 21. Diana of Kara - 1924 Kara…{Double Dan ?} 22. Double Danew 23. Down Under 1918 Donovan 24. Edgar Wallace a 1929 short autobiography 25. Edgar Wallace 1964 mystery magazine Nov. 26. Educated Evans 1924 27. Elegant Edward 1928 28. Eve`s Island 1916 Himself a keen racing man, the late Edgar Wallace has here brought one of his favourite pastimes into an unusual and gripping novel dealing with hidden treasure and piracy on the high seas. Previously published as Captain Tatham of Tatham Island and The Island of Galloping Gold. The fourth of Wallace's novels, an adventure story rather than a detective story No date - first edition under the title Eve's island - previosly published as 'The Island of the Galloping Gold' (dates est at 1910)

29. Flat 2 1924 30. Forty-eight short 1927 stories 31. Four Square Jane 1929 Who is Four Square Jane? Although her true identity remains hidden until the end of the story, one thing is for sure: she is one of the most daring and successful crooks from the pen of Edgar Wallace. Her resourcefulness knows no bounds as she employs female cunning to get away with a series of risky crimes performed with neatness and cleverness, which cannot but evoke admiration.

32. Good Evans 1927 Good Evans continues the life of Evans, Edgar Wallace's Cockney tipster and 'the wizard of Camden Town'. Follow

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the loves, predictions and calamities of this likeable hero of the Turf in the seventeen tales of this book. It is not only race-lovers who will love Evans, but lovers of life itself. From the author of More Educated Evans.

33. Great stories of real 1929 life 34. Grey Timothy 1913 Horse racing mystery, also published as Pallard the Punter.

35. Gunman`s Bluff 1929 Wharf rats and millionaires, gangland and Mayfair, the love of a banker and the love of a crook- a ruthless battle between upper world and underworld. When Peggy Leferre's fiancé Luke Maddison crosses paths with Gunner Haynes, Danton Morell is terrified, for seven years ago Denton double-crossed Haynes, stole his wife and money away, and left him to rot in prison. Now he's betrayed him again and there'll be hell to pay.

36. Hands up 324; Hands up 37. Heroes all; Gallant 1914 deeds of the war 38. Jack O` Judgement 1920 Mr. Wallace's just but law-breaking men are famous, but this Jack O'Judgment is King of them all. The blackmailers he squelches are so odious that no stirrings of pity mar our enjoyment of his weird triumphs. "Stafford Kind, a refined police investigator, sets out to destroy Colonel Dan Boundary, one of Wallace's typical villains-an unctuous master criminal. Cocaine, gambling, show girls, and stage-door Johnnies add complications and color.". 39. Kate Plus Ten [Kate 1917 The book opens with the theft of Lady Moya Felton's pearl plus 10] necklace. Inspector Pretherson, an old beau is sent to investigate. Initially the theft appears to be an inside job, but still. Inspector Michael Pretherston (whose superior officer is series character T.B. Smith) develops a fondness for the criminal classes.

40. Kennedy the con. 1963 Man 41. King Kong 1932 Taller than a five-story building, capable of crushing airplanes with his bare hands, ruler of a lost empire of prehistoric monsters..The World-Famous story of Beauty and the Beast which has thrilled and amazed countless millions all over the world!"

42. Kitchener`s Army 1915 Illustrated history of the training of Kitchener's New Army. and the Territorial A poignant work written as it was before the bloodbaths of Forces 1916.

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43. Lieutenant Bones 1918 "Once again we meet Commissioner Sanders, Lieutenant Bones, Lieutenant Tibbits, Hamilton and last but not least that old scamp Bosambo, in their familiar African setting. Whether wrangling with the wily natives over taxes or engaged in other amusing exploits, this story is most realistically narrated and is full of whimsical humour.." Hmmm?, A Sanders of the River adventure, featuring Commissioner Sanders, captain Hamilton and Lieutenant Tibbetts, doing their best to dispense peace and justice in the huge West African territories.

44. More educated 1926 The further escapades of the incorrigible Evans, Edgar Evans Wallace's Cockney hero of the Turf feature in these twelve tales. There are bets, bookmakers, horses, tip-offs, winners, journalists and women. There is banter, humour and much fun to be had along the way. The further escapades of the incorrigible Evans, Edgar Wallace's Cockney hero of the Turf feature in these twelve tales. There are bets, bookmakers, horses, tip-offs, winners, journalists and women. There is banter, humour and much fun to be had along the way. The further escapades of the incorrigible Evans, Edgar Wallace's Cockney hero of the Turf feature in these twelve tales. There are bets, bookmakers, horses, tip-offs, winners, journalists and women. 12 short stories with a horse-racing theme.

45. Mr Justice Maxwell 1922 Thriller set in Tangier, Wallace introduces us to a financier, with boyish humour and a zest for life, with whom sharp practice is a profession and knight-errantry a foible.

46. Mr Reader Returns 1930 When Larry O'Ryan decides to become a burglar he attends night school to study ballistics, then secures a job at a safe-maker's. After three successful robberies Larry is caught by Mr J G Reeder. An unlikely friendship develops and on Saturdays they can be seen together at the British Museum or the Tower. One day Larry rescues Miss Lane Leonard, daughter of a millionaire. The disappearance of one and a half million pounds in gold bullion and a series of bank frauds baffles Scotland Yard. But not Mr J G Reeder. Mr J G Reeder claims to have the mind of a criminal - which was why he had put behind bars more men than any police officer at Scotland yard! contains two novelettes, the shadow man, the treasure house. Interconnected short stories about "mild, benevolent, deadly Mr. Reeder, whom thieves and murderers thought

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harmless--until they met him."

47. Mr. Commissioner 1930 First American Edition and First Edition thus with this Sanders title, published in England as Sanders

48. Murder of the Month 49. My Hollywood 1932 Last letter in book February 1932. Diary Wallace dictated Diary; The last every day and mailed to his wife in England while working work as a screenwriter in Hollywood. HC. 259 pp. 8 pgs of ads. Color frontis portrait of Wallace. Illustrated with 16 photographs, including one of the last photographs taken of Wallace, in front of his house in Beverly Hills. (#1757) Film. Motion Pictures. Hollywood. Detective Fiction

50. Mystery and 1944 Adventure 51. Nicholson`s nek 1900 Wiersze 52. Nig-Nog and other 1934 Humorous stories 53. Number six [we 1920 shell see] 54. On the Spot 1931 1st. Wallace title made into movie, has movie illustration on cover of a gangster holding gun on one guy and oriental woman (Anna May Wong) standing behind him. Book is beautiful and tight and dj is in very nice shape Nobody ever disagreed with Tony Perelli twice.. in the Chicago of the 1920's he ruled his empire unchallenged.. but he was soon taught that loyalty can never be bought. Another typical Edgar Wallace crime novel. Tells the story of characters such as Tony Perelli and Red Galway. A justice system that the west and the middle west understood and countenanced all too frequently.

55. Other Man 1911 56. Penelope of the 1926 “Polyantha”; 57. People; A short 1926 First Edition. This Crime Club book is Edgar Wallace's autobiography; autobiography. He writes of his experiences in crime Edgar Eallace: The reporting and how he learned to read people. He wrote biography of a over 44 mysteries. phenomenon 58. Planetoid 127 and 1929 Two mysteries printed together, written by Richard Horatio The Sweizer Pump Edgar Wallace, cited in Hubin. 'Planetoid 127' is a short novel of communication by radio with another world on the other side of the sun in earth's orbit." "The Sweizer Pump" is a crime story.

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59. Private Selby „Sale“ 1912 There is a very interesting Publishers Note in the front which says “This book, originally published in 1912, two years before the outbreak of the Great War, has been widely recognized as one of the most remarkable of the works which foretold a war between Britain and the great Continental power, and there is an extraordinarily close parallelism between the author’s previsionings and war- time events as we have since known them. Time and again the reader forgets the prophetic character of the main plot in the convincing identity with subsequent history of much of the detail of this book by an author who foresaw while statesmen still refused to foresee”

60. Private Shelby 1909 61. Red aces; Red aces, 1929 3 stories of Mr. J. G. Reeder, sequeal to The Murder Book being three cases of of Mr. J. G. Reeder Mr. Reeder Back panel testifies to how popular Edgar Wallace was at that time. Says that "In England, every 6th book purchased is an Edgar Wallace novel" and goes on to say that "In Germany, every 30 seconds a Wallace book is bought- more than 1,250,000 a year." That's a lot of books.

62. Room 13; 1924 Dartmoor.. all the time Johnny Gray was held there he Room thirteen. thought about the Big Printer, the man who had put him there..

63. Sanders 1926 All the land between the Ghost Mountains and the River With One Bank (known to Europeans as the sea) was the territory of which Mr Commissioner Sanders ruled. District Commissioner Sanders and his two assistants, Hamilton and "Bones", have to sort out troubles in the "land of the big river" following a series of murders. Short stories set in Africa - witchdoctors, human sacrifice and tribal jealousies. A Sanders of the River adventure, featuring Commissioner Sanders, captain Hamilton and Lieutenant Tibbetts, doing their best to dispense peace and justice in the huge West African territories

64. Sanders of the River 1911 Collectible pb-adventures of commissioner Sanders in the wilds of West Africa. A Sanders of the River adventure, debuting Commissioner Sanders, doing his best to dispense peace and justice in the huge West African territories. The first Sanders book, interconnected short stories set in colonial West Africa.

65. Sandi the 1922 kingmaker 66. Sergeant Sir Peter 1929

103 Jerzy GRONAU – Wędrówki po BIBLIOGRAFII Edgara WALLACE `a 104

67. Silinski, Master 1930 Criminal 68. Smithy [at the front] 1905 69. Stronger Than 1947 Fiction 70. Tam O`The Scoots 1918 71. Terror Keep 1920 John Flack, the greatest ciminal in the world, seems to have lost it as he does time in Broadmoor Criminal Asylum.- A Mr J G Reeder story, where he is concerned for the safety of his friend Margaret Belman when she accepts a new job as a housekeeper for a mysterious hotel keeper. Continuing the chronicle begun in 'The mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder' and 'Red aces'.

72. The [illustrated] 1976 King Kong 73. The Admirable 1914 Novel about the rather self-possessed journalist (he hated Carfew being called a "reporter") Carfew, he of no first name.

74. The Adventures of 1919 Heine 75. The Angel of Terror 1922 James Meredith is condemned to death for the murder of Felix Bulford, a crime he swears he did not commit-but the testimony of his fiancée seals his fate. Newspaper reporter Jack Glover and Mr. Charles Rennett are determined to clear him, but where to start?. A prisoner framed for murder apparently kills himself after making a marriage of convenience with a beautiful young woman.

76. The Arranways 1932 Originally published in 1931 as "The Coat of Arms" this Mystery appears likely to be the first American printing of one of Wallace's later novels. "The secret return of a stolen gold cup to Arranways Hall. . . the subsequent murder of Keith Keller. . . were they part of the same pattern of mystery and death that seemed to trap Lord Arranways? . . . Collett of Scotland Yard asked that question, but his answer was stranger even than the dark problem he attacked.".

77. The Avenger 1920 "..THE AVENGER--where the sinister Head-Hunter and the terrifying ape combine in an eerie country setting to make this one of the most gripping thrillers he [Edgar Wallace] ever wrote."--from the introduction by Penelope Wallace. Mike Brixan, FO investigator has the task of catching the HeadHunter..who baffles the police with his cold-blooded murders!. Edition of 1920s Edgar Wallace thriller about an investigator in the British Foreign Office who must track

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down an unknown terrorist who calls himself the Head Hunter

78. The biography of a 1939 phenomenon 79. The Black 1929 80. The black Abbot 1926 The ghost of the Black Abbot has been seen near the old abbey by Cartwright the grocer. Harry Alford, 18th Earl of Chelford is engaged to Leslie Gine, sister of Arthur, solicitor and gambler with the family fortune. The Earl had originally asked his secretary Mary Wenner to be his bride but his half brother Richard intervened to stop the marriage. Plotting revenge, Mary proposes she and Arthur marry. Her dowry she insists will be fifteen tons of Spanish gold the missing Chelford treasure. 318 pages.

81. The blue hand 1925 The heroine, the unknown heiress to a large fortune, gets into the hands of an unscupulous doctor, the son of an old woman drug-maniac who is enjoying the fortune that really belongs to the girl. Aircraft figure prominently in the denouement of this very dramatic story, and the hero's adventures in saving the girl he loves are as vivid as any that the pen of Mr. Edgar Wallace has described "Lady Mary Danton and her infant daughter disappeared when Jim Steele, Mr. Salter's legal assistant, was five. Almost 20 years later, the Danton fortune is about to be distributed to Digby Groat and his mother. But Jim is uneasy. Can he solve the mystery? And what does it hove to do with the Thirteen Gang? Is he in over his head?".

82. The book of all 1921 To say what was in The Book of All Power, that book power which was desired by so many, from Soviet officials to his Imperial Highness, would be to rob Mr Edgar Wallace of half of the thunder. Suffice to say that what the book really does contain comes as a splendid surprise in the last few pages of an especially vivid story. For from the moment that the hero gets his appointment with an oil company in Russia, to his emergence from that country with a Grand Duchess as his wife, there is not a page empty of pulsations and excitement.

83. The Books of Bart 1927 84. The Brigand 1926 'He is young, handsome, incredibley quick-witted and possessor of a devilish sense of humour. His self-appointed missionis to fleece the undeserving rich- in which he is delightfully successful

85. The Calendar 1929 Sztuka 86. The calendar 1930 Horse-racing was Edgar Wallace's special hobby, Thriller-

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writing was his business. In this behind-the-scenes story of the Turf he combine the two with stunning effect - the drama of a man who, in a moment of folly, agrees to 'pull' his horse in a big race. Horse racing and romance tale set in and around Ascot and Newmarket and their famous race courses

87. The case of Joe Attymer 88. The Clever One 1928 89. The clue of the new 1923 The strange story of one of the most ingenious murders pin ever committed. A much-guarded mansion, with its mysterious vault, held an odd but significant collection-- a lacquered box from China, a famous actress's jewels and a tiny pin. What was their secret?.

90. The clue of the 1930 silver key 91. The Clue of the 1916 When a train derailment strand mystery writer John Twisted Candle Lexman on the rainy road to Beston Priory and he arrives home only to find Remington Kara already there to see him, his wife Grace has a premonition of evil. Soon Lexman is stunned to find that he has murdered a man! Has Kara set him up, and can Assistant Commissioner of Police T.X. Meredith unravel the clues in time to save him?.

92. The Coat of Arms 1931 93. The Colossus 1926 Even the richest man in England was no match for Carlton of Scotland Yard. 'Connect, if you can,' said Inspector Carlton, 'the note of this Marling, who wishes to retain his writing materials; your disreputable Uncle who has developed a craze for the cinematograph; explain a certain letter that was never posted and never delivered, yet was found in a frozen puddle; fit in the murder of Mrs. Gibbins. .

94. The council of 1908 Reprint Undated (1920's) - A generally good copy of this justice popular author's third crime thriller originally published in 1908. London is threatened by the Red Hundred, a sinister criminal organisation led by a beautiful and dangerous revolutionary.. only the Council of Justice stands in their way.. The men who composed the Council of Justice placed themselves above the code of normal justice. They waged war against great world criminals and pitted their strength and their intellects against the most powerful organizations of the underworld

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95. The crime book of 1929 J.G. Reeder; Terror kept 96. The Crimson Circle 1922 It was a very ordinary postcard except that it bore no address, and a big circle of crimson touched its four edges. . . . If it had not been for the accident which saved a criminal from the guillotine there would have been no Crimson Circle mystery. Instead, some years after this lamentable miscarriage of justice, there appeared in England a ruthless and mysterious blackmailer, who, by careful organization and a display of remarkable patience and… A killer stalked the streets of London, unknown to his victims and a mystery even to his couriers of blackmail and death. A dozen men had been murdered, may people drive to suicide, and hundreds intimidated by the ruthless ma n who had probed the darkest details of their secrets - the man who called himself the Crimson Circle

97. The Daffodil 1921 Mr Lyne was found dead in the park, in his slippers, murder [ mystery] c l u t c hing a bunch of daffodils.. the man investigating is 1920 also Lyne's heir.. and he has other motives for keeping secrets!.

98. The dark eyes of 1921 A Scotland Yard inspector investigating the deaths of a London number of people apparently drowned in the Thames comes to believe that they are being murdered for insurance money. "Larry Holt sat before the Cafe de la Paix, watching the stream of life flow east and west along the Boulevard des Italiens. The breath of spring was in the air; the trees were bursting into buds of vivid green; the cloud-flecked skies were blue; and a flood of golden sunshine brought out the colours of the kiosks and gave an artistic value even to the flaring advertisements. Crowded motor-buses rumbled by, little taxis dashed wildly in and out of the traffic, to the mortal peril of unsuspecting pedestrians."

99. The daughters of 1920 the night 100. The Day of Uniting 1926 Eccentric war-ace investigates the murder and kidnapping of England's top scientists. Science fiction: Comet expected to destroy the human race; Catastrophe and mystery novel set in the near future. First published in Popular Magazine, 7 October 1921. Bleiler, Science- Fiction. Murder mystery with a World War One ace as the lead detective. Bleiler listed fantasy novel and Hubin listed

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murder mystery surrounding a scientific discovery.

101. The death room 1923 102. The Death Safe 1933 16 page Wallace story with a jig saw puzzle solution, Crime Club Jig-Saw Puzzle No. 1. Novelette pamphlet and 200 piece puzzle with solution

103. The Devil Man 1931 104. The Door With 1926 The original vintage reprint. Dr. Stalletti, of evil repute, Seven Locks steals a book of biology from a public library. Tombs and unhuman monsters follow. . burgundy cloth with gilt, " Apparently it all started when sallow-faced Dr. Stalletti, of evil repute, stole a book of biology, from a public library."

105. The Double 1925 Great mystery by the Enlgish master, Edgar Wallace. When Dick Staines joined the police force the big case of the day had been the Staines murder. The only clue was an unknown thumb-print, the case was never solved. Ten years later and Detective Inspector Staines investigating a curious burglary in fashionable Belgravia finds a thumb- print on a glass. Story about a man who encounters his unknown double and the trouble that arises. When Dick Staines joined the police force the big case of the day had been the Staines murder. The only clue was an unknown thumb-print, the case was never solved. T en years later and Detective Inspector Staines investigating a curious burglary in fashionable Belgravia finds a thumb-print on a glass.

106. The double Crime 1928 Club 107. The Double Dan 1924 108. The duke in the 1929 suburbs 109. The Edgar Wallace 1930 police van… 110. The Edgar Wallace 1943 Reader of Mystery and Adve… 111. The face in the night 1924 This is a "tale of a devastating vengeance! An old wrong, a wound that festered for years, the life-time purpose of a shrewd, cunning, forceful man focussed upon revenge in a house of dar horror, whee the bodyless face stared pitilessly at i.

112. The Feathered 1920 Reporter Peter Derwin suspects the card mysteriously left Serpent in the handbag of actress Ella Creed is a publicity stunt. But Joe Farmer, the boxing promoter, has received one too. Then, after leaving the house of millionaire philanthropist

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and African explorer Gregory Beale, Daphne Olroyd is followed: she is at her employers' offices when Leicester Crewe opens the front door. A dead man falls into the hall. In his hand is the card of the Feathered Serpent. "Murder accompanied by a card bearing a sketch of a snake with feathers". Characters in the mystery include: Peter Dewin, Leicester Crewe, Daphne Olroyd, Gregory Beale, Mrs. Paula Staines, Ella Creed, Joe Farmer, Chief Inspector Clarke, Harry Hugg, Harry Merstham. "Things this Mystery is about - Several CARDS with an odd design.A small flat PURSE.An architects' PLANS.A KEY showing file marks.Some curious archeological SPECIMENS.A thin paper DISK.An old garden DOOR.A signet RING."

113. The Fellowship of 1923 the Frog 114. The fighting scouts 1919 115. The flying Fifty-Five 1930 His famous racing novel. Novel by prolific and popular author.

116. The Flying Squad 1928 Inspector Bradley of the Yard vs. a ring of dope smugglers. The Flying Squad investigate the murder of a man and the disappearance of the mad Li Yoseph.

117. The Forger 1927 118. The Four Just Men 1905 This is the story of how four men set themselves to avenge or prevent acts of legal injustice. They threaten to murder the Foreign Secretary if he refuses to withdraw from Parliament a Bill which will result in handing over to a corrupt foreign Government men who are refugees from persecution. In spite of the mobilization of all London's detective and police forces, the threat is carried out at the exact time announced beforehand, and Sir Philip Ramon is killed in his office in Whitehall while thousands of people crowd the streets. This title was Wallace's first novel. Published in 1905 it was followed in short order by about two hundred titles before his early death in 1932--about one a month. The first and one of the most famous of Edgar Wallace's thrillers that became the basis of a great TV series starring Jack Hawkins, Vittorio de Sica, Dan Dailey and Richard Conte. Wallace's first mystery but not his first book. Wallace's first book, published with a £500 prize to the readers who solved the mystery. Unfortunately by not limiting the number who could win, he paid out a fortune. The four men are modern-day vigilantes - angels of death who mete out punishment to wrongdoers whom the law cannot or will not touch. This Dover reprint includes

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the complete text of the first edition, the concluding chapter from a later edition and a facsimile of Wallace's original contest blank. He originally published the book without a concluding chapter and offered cash prizes to readers who could figure out the ending. When the Foreign Secretary Sir Philip Ramon receives a threatening, greenish-grey letter signed FOUR JUST MEN, he remains determined to see his Aliens Extradition Bill made law. A device in the members' smokeroom and a sudden magnesium flash that could easily have been nitro- glycerine leave Scotland Yard baffled. Even Fleet Street cannot identify the illusive Manfred, Gonsalez, Pioccart and Thery - FOUR JUST MEN dedicated to punishing by death those whom conventional justice can not touch. The famous novel that launched Edgar Wallace as one of the top crime novelists of the 20th century. In a quiet cafe in Spain, sipping coffee and glancing through newspapers, the four just men look harmless enough. But when a threatening letter reaches the desk of the British Foreign Secretary and is then publicised in the national press, the police force is thrown into turmoil, for the four just men are dedicated to preventing injustice by any means, even the most violent, and they execute their plans with ruthless precision. Set against the hurly-burly of the London streets at the turn of the century; this gripping novel poses one of the most teasing puzzles in the history of crime fiction. The novel which made Edgar Wallace famous as a writer of detective thrillers, this is a story of suspense and excitement as police struggle to protect a member of parliament from a serious death threat.

119. The Fourth Plague 1913 Originally printed in the U.K. in 1913, and is one of the author's early titles. The "Red Hand," a powerful secret society, decides to launch a new terror on civilization, with the "Fourth Plague."

120. The frightendet lady 1932 Chief Inspector Tanner is investigating a murder near the Mystery of the country house of Lord Lebonon.. and was soon caught up Freghtened Lady ; the mysterious behaviour of the Lebenon household!. The case of A Chief-Inspector Tanner mystery frightened lady; 121. The Gaol Breaker 1926 122. The Gaunt Stranger 1920 123. The ghost of 1910 Dawnhill / The Quen of Sheba`s B… 124. The girl from 1927 Scotland yard

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125. The golden Hades 1929 CID detective Wilbur Smith vs. a criminal organization whose calling card is bank notes marked with the yellow sign of the Golden Hades.

126. The Governor of 1929 Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was one of the pre-eminent Chi-Foo and other detective mystery writers of the first half of the Twentieth stories Century. The English novelist, playwright and journalist "was in his time the 'king' of the modern thriller." He also developed the concept for 'King Kong' and wrote the original screenplay, but because of his sudden death he wasn't there for the final draft and doesn't get nearly enough credit. Other stories are: The Compleat Criminal, On the Whitney Road, The Pick-Up, Mother O'Mine, The King's Brahm, The Greek Poropulos, Kid Glove Harry, The Treasure of Kalahari, The Weakling, Bulfox Asleep, The Perfect Gentleman, and The Prison Breakers.

127. The green Archer 1923 128. The green pack 1933 "Through London and Africa the tangled chain of crime and passion led to the veranda of a tiny bungalow - and the secret of death which lay within the sinister green pack." Curtis had long been Wallace's secretary and turned a nu m b er o f p l a y s b y Wallace into novels. This is one such. Sztuka 129. The green ribbon; 1929 Edgar Wallace thinks it is the best he has written up to Green ribbon date. A story of danger, mystery, and detection. Inspector Luke reins in a ring of crooked bookies in an equestrian plot full of authentic detail. A story of danger, mystery, and detection..of the sinister Trigger's Transactions, and the black trail of crime behind them. The title refers to an illicit horse betting syndicate run by a super criminal out to make a fortune by fixing a race. Green Ribbon Trigger is a tipster without match in the racing world.

130. The Green Rust; 1919 Why was millionaire John Millinborn murdered, most cruelly, as he lay in bed, seriously ill? And what connection is there between John Millinborn's death and the sinister Dr. van Heerdon? Olivia Cresswell thinks that Dr. van Heerden is a good friend - until, after one or two mysterious incidents connected with him, she begins to wonder whether he is all that he seems.

131. The Gunner 1928 Another novel by this prolific author about Gunner Haynes the 'smartest jewel thief in Europe'. Notorious jewel-thief aka The Gunner helps a repectable banker against some tough characters. Gunner Hayes was Europe's smartest jewel thief and he had a long memory. Thus he felt the need to help Luke

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Maddison, who had once done him a service, when Luke ran afoul of conman Danty Morell.

132. The Guv`nor 1930 133. The Hairy Arm 1919 A volume from a mystery series featuring a detective named Captain Mike Brixon whose casework followed the traditions of Sherlock Holmes' stories

134. The Hand of Power 1927 Th e d rea d e d vo i ce of Ragousa sends horror creeping 1926 through the night. Foxing on edges. When a laughing corpse comes back to life to kill his heirs. Scotland Yard is called in. Campy nonsense as you really can't take what is going on seriously. Edgar Wallace was a British novelist, playwright, and journalist who produced popular detective and suspense stories and was in his time "the king" of the modern thriller.

135. The Indian-Rubber 1929 In their gas masks and ruber gloves and shoes they looked Men like evin monsters- which they were!. Another murder mystery by one of England's pioneer thriller writers. Another excellent tale of intrigue, action, and mystery as murder, malice, and desperate deadly criminals have Inspector John Wade on the case. Inspector John Wade and London's River Police are assigned the task of running to earth a gang of gunmen in rubber gas-masks, rubber gloves and crepe rubber shoes, who rob banks and jewellers. A gripping thriller of London's River Police with Inspector John Wade being given the toughest job of his life. THE INDIA-RUBBER MEN is a gripping thriller of London's River Police, whose swift launches patrol the Thames and guard the ships that lie in port. Inspector John Wade is given the toughest job of his life when he is assigned the task of running to earth a gang of gunmen in rubber gas-masks, rubber gloves and crepe rubber shoes, who rob banks and jewelers, and even commit murder under the very eyes of the police, and get away with it. Have "Mum" Oaks - a spitfire of a woman who runs a lodging house on the riverside - and her henpecked husband Golly any connection with the Gang? What is the mystery surrounding "Mum's" charming helper, Lila Smith, who is apparently trying to assist Wade, although frightened of disclosing too much to him? It is impossible not to be thrilled with this powerful story of love, crime and adventure amidst the gloom of the Pool of London.

136. The iron grips 1925 Jack Bryce is an ordinary, well-educated man. He has no

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experience of criminals or the criminal mind. No longer in the army, he is having problems securing new employment. Visiting a lawyer, an old friend of his father, it looks as if he will be rejected yet again. But his luck changes. His new career as a detective creates a compelling tale of adventure. Eventually, however, he is overpowered caught in the tender grip of love from which he has no desire to escape. Interconnected short stories about Captain Jack Bryce, a seemingly unexceptional young army veteran who becomes a diplomatic detective.

137. The Joker 1926 A multi-millionaire who loves a practical joke, and whose financial activities stretch into the international market, is a man with no scruples and who just may be involved with something far more important than practical jokes. Investigating a link between the foreign Secretarys disappearance and a char womens death Sub-Inspector Carlton of Scotland Yard becomes interested in Stratford Harlow, a millionaire who likes a joke.

138. The Just Men of 1917 There are crimes for which no punishment is adequate, Cordova offences that the written law cannot redress. The three friends, Pioccart, Manfred and Gonsalez, may be enjoying the exotic, Spanish city of Cordova with its heat and Moorish influences, but they are still committed to employing their intellect and cunning to dispense justice. They use their own methods and carry out their own verdicts. They are ruthless and they deal in death.

139. The keeper of the 1917 A Sanders of the River adventure, featuring Commissioner King`s Peace Sanders, captain Hamilton and Lieutenant Tibbetts, doing their best to dispense peace and justice in the huge West African territories. Another excellent tale of intrigue and mystery from Edgar Wallace. The keepers of the kings peace by edgar wallace is a volume of adventures in West Africa,in which is continued some of the amazing exploits of Lieutenant Tibbitts in his efforts to help his superior offices. Wild tales from the Belgian Congo, later Zaire, and now Democratic Republic of Congo(and still occupied by peacekeepers!). A West African adventure continuing the "amazing exploits of Lieutenant Tibbitts (alias Bones) in his efforts to help his superior officers, Mr. Commissioner Sanders and Captain Hamilton, in their duty of making the natives keep the King's peace Interconnected short stories about Mr. Commissioner Sanders, Bones, et al., in colonial West Africa

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140. The kingsmaker; Sandi the kingsmaker 141. The lady of Ascot 1930 Racing thriller.

142. The last adventure 1934 143. The law of the four 1920 just men 144. The law of the three 1928 The Three Just Men mete out punishment to criminals just men whom the law cannot touch. The Three Just Men are the most popular of Wallace's characters. They are now respectable and no longer sought by Scotland Yard.

145. The Lone House 1929 The dead man was rich. In life he lived in a lonely house mystery by a river. In the earth outside it is the imprint of a bare foot. His secretary, with whom he was having an affair, is locked in a room. The key is in the dead man's pocket. Superintendent Minter considers it a most queer and unsatisfactory case. However, he is determined not to be defeated. A thrilling, thoroughly intriguing tale of double murder and love.

146. The Mammoth 1925 mystery book, Three complete nowels 147. The Man at the 1921 It was the jigsaw puzzle of Clench House - with death and Carlton threats of death for its ingredients - that puzzled Captain Timothy Jordan of the Rhodesian C.I.D. And what was the mystery about Arkwright's secretary?.

148. The man from 1925 The action sweeps from London to Sussex and then to Morocco [Marocco] Tangier and the story combines mystery with adventure-- and excitement with humour."—

149. The Man Who 1916 Bought London 1915 150. The Man who 1929 changed his name 151. The man who couldn`t speak the truth 152. The Man Who 1918 A gripping story if intrigue, murder and with a mounting Knew suspense that grips to the last sensational surprise. A youth is lying dead in Gray Square, Bloomsbury. Constable Wiseman is at the scene, as is the handsome

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Frank Merril, nephew of rich John Martin. Also there is May Nuttall, whose father was the best friend Martin ever had. A small, shabby man in an ill-fitting frock coat and large gold rimmed spectacles pulls a newspaper advertisement from the deceased's waistcoat pocket. Sergeant Smith of the Sussex Constabulary has a shady past in South Africa; which comes to haunt him in the form of John Minute, Rhodesian millionaire.

153. The man who 1976 married his cook… 154. The man who 1932 passed 155. The man who was 1927 nobody 156. The Melody of 1927 Contains: The Amateur safe smasher, Sunstar's derby, Death Gilbert leaves hurriedly, The Melody in F, The man who 1915 desired wealth, The safe agency, The bank smasher, The wife who did not love, Edith meets the player, The necklace, The fourth man, The place where the loot was stored, The maker of wills, The standerton diamonds, The tale the doctor told, Bradshaw. ???

157. The Million dollar 1928 story 1926 158. The Mind of Mr 1925 At first glance J G Reeder is an ordinary, slightly shabby J.G. Reeder little man with red hair, weak eyes, whiskers, square-toed boots and a chest protector cravat. However, working for the Public Prosecutor he finds plenty to stretch his extraordinary mind. Here are eight thrilling, highly original tales from one of the greatest talents ever applied to detective fiction. Working for the public prosecutor, the inimitable j g reeder finds plenty to stretch his extraordinary powers. a collection of eight stories, thrilling, inventive and highly original, a polished product of one of the greatest talents ever applied to detective fiction. Includes the following short stories: The Poetical Policeman, The Treasure Hunt, The Troupe, The Stealer of Marble, Sheer Melodrama, The Green Mamba, the Strange Case and The Investors.

159. The Missing 1924 Two years ago Rex Walton's blackmailed fiancée Millions c o mmitt ed suicide. Now, on the eve of his marriage to 1923 Dora Coleman, the blackmailer strikes again, threatening to ruin him if he goes through with it. Who is "Kupie," and can Detective Inspector James Seeping stop him before he destroys more lives?.

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160. The Mission That 1898 A Tale of the Raid & other poems reprinted from the Failed "Owl" etc. Written in South Africa around the turn of the Wiersze last century it is the author's first published work and contains his first published item, a poem originally published in the Cape Times [South Africa] at the time of a visit by . First edition of the first separate publication by the future author of an enormous string of popular thrillers, as well as co- scriptwriter for KING KONG.

161. The Mixer 1927 Another excellent tale of intrigue and mystery from Edgar Wallace. The Mixer choses his victims carefully.. they are all criminals who have robbed honest men!. Pony Nelson being the main character is the prince of confidence tricksters, failing banks, speculation in shares, sweepstakes, gambling and blackmail all add up to a very lively story. Contains chapters such as the Outwitting of Pony Nelson, Mr. Sparkes the detective and the Billiter bank smash.

162. The Mouthpiece 1936 163. The Murder Book 1929 1925. Edgar Wallace established his reputation as a of J.G. Reeder writer of detective thrillers, a genre in which he wrote more than 170 books, with the publication of The Four Just Men. This book is a collection of eight short stories presenting his most memorable...

164. The mysterious Mr. Reeder 165. The New Mammoth 1920 Mystery Book 166. The Nine Bears 1910 167. The northing tramp 1926 A haunted house deep in the woods - murder at midnight - a man and a girl fleeing before unknown peril!

168. The Orator 1928 169. The Other Man 1911 170. The People Of The 1912 The second collection of interconnected short stories River featuring Sanders, Bones, et al. Novel in the Sanders series.

171. The real shell-man. 1919 Edition of this scarce Wallace item being the story of a The Story of World War One Shell Manufacturer. Chetwynd of Chilwell 172. The Reporter 1929 Interconnected short stories about police reporter Yorkk "Wise" Simon.

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173. The Ringer 1910 ? A police Inspector is torn between loyalty to his childhood 1927 Sztuka 1925 love and the necessity to track down her criminal brother. 1929 "The story of the play based upon the novel, The Gaunt Stranger." Dedicated to Sir Gerald Du Maurier. The story of the play based on the novel 'Gaunt Stranger', which the author adapted for the stage with Gerald du Maurier - to whom the book is dedicated. The Ringer was put away through information supplied by Lawyer Lew Meister, the Ringer was an out-and-out killer who settled his scores with the knife, and the Ringer has escaped from prison.

174. The Ringer Returns 1931 The vigilante, known as the Ringer, returns to punish the crooks of England. Miska Guild cut a wide swath of injury and ruin, but always got off the hook. Until, that is, Ethel Seddings committed suicide and he caught the attention of Henry Arthur Milton-The Ringer.

175. The River of Stars 1913 "The story of the play based upon the novel, The Gaunt Stranger." Dedicated to Sir Gerald Du Maurier. ". Novel in the Sanders series.

176. The Saint Mystery 1954 Magazine 177. The sooper and 1984 A well-chosen sampler of stories featuring Wallace's most others engaging sleuths & crooks: the Just Men, Superintendent Minter ("the Sooper"), Angel, Esquire, the Brigand, the Ringer, Wise Symon, et al., with a knowledgeable introduction by the editor.

178. The Scotland Yard 1932 "An Omnibus of Wallace's Most Exciting Work: over 1000 book of Edgar pages, 2 complete novels, ten stories". Wallace Titles include: The Silver Key, About Mr. J. G. Reeder, About the Ringer and The Black.

179. The Secret House 1917 180. The secret of the Moat Farm 181. The shadow man 182. The Silver Key 1930 The story of Chief Inspector Surefoot Smith who trails a mysterious killer, whose only mistake was to leave behind a silver key.

183. The Sinister Man 1924 When Elsa Marlowe's guardian, Maurice Tarn, proposes marriage to her, she is shocked, but becomes more than concerned at his reaction to newspaper reports of rival local drug gangs. But why is Tarn so frightened of their new employer, Major Paul Roy Amery. In growing distress she turns to the only man who can help her-Dr. Ralph

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184. The Square 1926 THE SQUARE EMERALD is an unusual thriller because Emerald its chief detective character is a girl - Leslie Maughan of the C.I.D., Scotland Yard. She is involved in a dangerous case with wide ramifications. We meet Lady Raytham and her sinister friend, Princess Anita Bellini; Lady Raytham's butler, who is found dead by Leslie on Wimbledon Common in South-West London, clutching a large emerald in his hand; a pathetic little eight-year old girl crying for her father in a grim London lodging-house on the south bank of the Thames; Peter Dawlish, a young man who has just come out of prison after serving a sentence for forgery. The story is a first-rate example of Edgar Wallace's skill and vigour in the writing of tales which maintain tension from the first page to the last

185. The Squeaker 1927 A mystery of the London Underworld. Deep in the underworld of London, a lone wolf betrays the thieves and gangsters around him.

186. The Squeaker 1929 Sztuka 187. The squealer = The 1928 Squeaker 188. The standard 1914 history of the war 189. The steward/ 1932 190. The Story of Fatal 1915 Peace 191. The Strange 1925 A young woman takes a position as residential secretary to Countess a countess.

192. The Stretelli Case 1930 A collection of short stories which was never published in and other Mystery the U.K in this form. Stories 193. The Table 1974 ? 194. The Terrible People 1926 195. The terror 1929 Sztuka 196. The terror 1929 197. The Thief in the 1928 Night 198. The Three Oak 1924 Socrates Smith is a remarkable detective.. and when he is Mystery invited to visit an old friend from Scotland Yard he knows something is wrong.. he can see fear in his friends eyes..

199. The Thrree Just 1925 Men

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200. The tomb of Ts`in 1916 201. The Traitor`s Gate 1927 202. The Trial of 1929 Herbert John Bennet 203. The Trial of Patrick 1928 Herbert Mahon 204. The trial of the Seddons 205. The tramp 1965 206. The Twister 1928 He was a suave, immaculate financier and racehorse owner. He was also known to a select few as The Twister. His game was the twisting of swindlers. It was sometimes a long game, and the twist came always in its tail; but for the Twister's victims the timing of the twist was invariably a moment of painful truth".

207. The undisclosed 1962 client 208. The Valley of 1923 Ghosts 1922 209. The Yellow Snake 1926 A web that stretches from China to the City of London.. and at its centre the suave and sinister figure of Fing-Su, Oxford graduate and head of the dreaded Society of the Joyful Hands, who plans to dominate the world.

210. This England 1927 211. Those Folk of 1918 Bulboro 212. Twu stories, and the 1981 seventh man 213. Unofficial 1901 The author's scarce second book. A collection of Despatches despatches on the Boer War written by the young journalist who would later gain fame as a mystery author. From Hutchinson's Colonial Library. Wallace's despatches from the Boer War as "Daily Mail" Correspondent, several of which are highly critical of Lord Kitchener. Wallace was a newspaper correspondent during the South African War, scooping the details of the Peace Treaty for his employers, the DAILY MAIL, London. He writes about war and peace, life on the veld, and the cities and dorps of South Africa at the turn of the previous century.

214. War of the Nations: 1914 a History of the Great European

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Conflict 215. War! 1900 Wiersze 216. We shall see; 1926 217. When the Gangs 1932 Great Edgar Wallace detective mystery and action with Came to London Scotland Yard. When a bunch of Chicago gangsters, ".tough, ruthless and set on a campaign of murder and intimidation." invade London, a Chicago cop is called upon to help Scotland Yard fight the gangs;

218. White Face 1930 When superintendent Mason untangled the threads of London crime, Australian bank robbery, South African swindling, that enmeshed White Face, the solitary bandidt who terrorized London, he found... A legend of robbery and murder in a white mask centered aroiund Dr. Marford's clinic in a squalid almost derelict area of London's dockland. A mystery involving Michael Quigley of Scotland Yard.

219. Writ in Barracks 1900 A u t ho r 's r a re s e c ond book (preceded by a pamphlet), Wiersze containing poetry inspired by the Boer War. The author's second book, a collection of Kiplingesque verse from the Boer War. Includes Tommy to his Laureate, a poem in which Tommy Atkins addresses Kipling.

220. Britain`s great men 1914 221. Famous Men and The collection is of seven articles entitled, Sir John French, Battles of the British Famous Scottish Regiments, Lord Roberts of Kandahar, Empire Australia and South Africa, Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, Canada's Fighting Troops and The Troops of the Indian Empire

222. The Justice of 1951 The third book to extend Wallace's immensely popular Sanders "imperialist fantasy" adventure saga of Commissioner Sanders, Francis Augustus "Bones" Tibbetts, and Bosambo; follows Gerard's THE RETURN OF SANDERS OF THE RIVER and THE LAW OF THE RIVER.

223. A Menu from the Edgar Wallace Centenary dinner menu from 1975 with Press Club super front cartoon of W allace. Also includes a commemorative box of matches with author's replica signature presented to guests on the night

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Notki – krótkie charakterystyki polskich przekładów powieści Edgara Wallace`a

L.p Tytuł polskiego przekładu Treść

1. Anioł grozy 1997 2. Biała twarz 1991 Mianem Białej Twarzy mieszkańcy Londynu określają zamaskowanego rabusia grasującego w bogatych dzielnicach miasta. Nigdy nie stosuje on przemocy. Pewnej nocy jednak, gdy popełnione zostaje tajemnicze morderstwo, podejrzenia padają właśnie na Białą Twarz. Do akcji wkracza nadinspektor Mason…

-- Czy sądzi pan, że każdy człowiek noszący na twarzy płócienną maskę musi być przestępcą? Zapytał spokojnie Marford. – Oczywiście jest pan zbyt rozsądny, aby żywić podobne mniemanie. Tak samo nie wierzy pan, że Chińczycy ro ludzie źli. Pytam pana o to, ponieważ człowiek, o którym kiedyś rozmawiwlismy będzie dzisiaj u mnie -- spojrzał na zegarek – i to za niecałe dziesięć minut. -- Biała Twarz? -- Mason wręcz osłupiał ze zdumienia. ( fragment powiesci)

3. Bones w dżungli afrykańskiej 1930 4. Bones w Londynie 1929 5. Bosambo znad rzeki 1990 Autor znał Afrykę z własnych siedmioletnich doświadczeń i obserwacji, a był wyjątkowo bystrym obserwatorem. W tych powieściach jest przygoda, afrykańska dżungla, humor i wiele dyskretnie podanych wiadomości o Czarnym Lądzie i jego mieszkańcach na przełomie wieków.

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Kto przeczyta pierwszą książkę z tego cyklu będzie szukał następnych i często do nich wracał, chociażby tylko po to by przypomnieć spbie przygody Bosamby – groźnego wodza, sympatycznego łotrzyka, nieprzeciętnego spryciarza i domorosłego filozofa w jednej osobie.

6. Bractwo wielkiej żaby 1929 7. Brama zdrajcy [-ców] 8. Brunatna dama 1931 9. Czerwony krąg 1928 10. Człowiek bez twarzy 1930 11. Człowiek który kupił Londyn 12. Człowiek o stu obliczach 1929 13. Dama z Monte Carlo 1930 14. Demon – szpieg 1929 15. Dolina duchów 1929 16. Dom pod srebrnym trójkątem 1930 17. Drzwi z siedmioma Ostatnim oficjalnym zajęciem Dicka Martina (jak sądził) było zamkami 1990 zwinąć Lwa Pheeneya, który był poszukiwany w związku z napadem na bank w Helborough. Znalazł Lwa w małej [Drzwi o siedmiu zamkach kawiarence w Soho, kiedy właśnie kończył dopijać swoją 1928, 1934] kawę. Dick Martin potrzebował niewielkiej perswazji, aby cofnąć swoją rezygnacje; żałował już boeiem tego, co uczynił i mimo że napisał już prośbę o dymisję, dałby majątek, aby móc wycofać list, który posłał komisarzowi. To zdumiewające jak pieniądze mogą zrujnować człowieka- powiedział ponuro kapitan Sneed.

18. Dusza kolorowej kobiety 1930 19. Fałszerze dolarów 1929 20. Gabinet 13 1935 21. Gabinet nr 13 1990 [1928] 22. Gentleman – bandyta 1929 23. Gniazdo występku 1929 – 1930, 1931, 1932, 1938 24. Hrabina Moron 1990 25. Jaśnie panienka 1928, 1929 26. Kameleon 1929 27. Klub sprawiedliwych 1930 28. Król nocy 1929 29. Kwadratowy szmaragd 1930, 1934 30. Łowca głów 1991 [1929] Kapitan Mike Brixan miał pewne miłe i niewinne śmiesznostki. Ujrzawszy na przykład na polu młodą wronę,

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wierzył, że nim słońce zajdzie, koniecznie musi ujrzeć drugą. A kiedy kupił w Akwizgranie na dworcu kolejowym powieść, rozwlekle zatytułowaną „ Tylko statystka albo duma Hollywoodu”, mniej go obchodziło, że taki głupi można sprzedawać po tak wysokiej cenie, a bardziej pochłonęły go myśli, w jakich okolicznościach znowu usłyszy albo będzie czytał o statystkach jako nadliczbowych i mało znaczących aktorkach filmowych.

31. Małpa z tykwą 1929 32. Melodia śmierci 1937, 1930 Z dwojga nie chcę powiedzieć „ złego” wole tę powieść z naprawdę fascynującą sytuacją wstępną, do której cała reszta jest dorobiona z zawodową zręcznością.

33. Mieszkanie nr 2 34. Milczący mówca 1929 35. Miś 1934 36. Najazd Europy 1930 37. Niebieska ręka 1929, 1936, 1938 38. Numer szósty 1928, 1935 39. Odrażający facet 40. Piękna bestia 1992 41. Pod biczem zgrozy 1929 42. Poetyczny policjant 1929, 1936, 1938 43. Pogromca hien ludzkich To powieść, a raczej szereg epizodów kryminalnych, 1928, 1936 związanych osobą głównej postaci. Jest nią były oficer wojny światowej, który zrobił sobie zawód z oszukiwania i okradania odzustów i złodzieji. Oryginalny pomysł – psują pewne naiwności i niska etyka. Tłumaczka nie umie sobie dać rady ze slangiem i kolokwializmami. Władysław Tarnowski.

44. Porucznik Bones 1930 45. Potwór 1992, 1928, 1929 Handel narkotykami, bezpardonowa i brutalna walka między szajkami handlarzy tym towarem, policja ścigajaca przestępców, intryga, przekupstwo, zdrada, tajemniczy detektyw oraz piękna, złotowłosa, o błękitnych oczach dziewczyna bezwiednie wciągnięta w sam wir wydarzeń i …. prawdziwa, gorąca miłość – to wszystko składa się na treść tej książki. Sensacyjne wątki i żywa akcja powodują, że „Potwora” czyta się z zapatym tchem!

46. Rada sprawiedliwych 1929 47. Ręka mściciela 1929 48. Romans z włamywaczem 1929 49. Anders 1929 50. Sandi twórca królów 1929,

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1931, 1932, 1938 51. Straszliwy Hotel 1992, Wyd, Glob Szczecin 1992 ISBN 83-85229-57-4 Stron 171 1929, 1934, 1934, 1936, Tłumacz Szenwald Lucjan. 1937,1939 (…) dla wszystkich, dla kogo powieść kryminalna jest wytchnieniem, książki E. Wallace`a będą rozkoszą i przyjemnością, jakie rzadko gdzie znajdą. Honan Doyle.

52. Strażnicy królewskiego spokoju 1929 53. Szajka zgrozy 1928 54. Tajemnica nowej szpilki 55. Tajemnica trzech dębów 1929, 1931, 1932 56. Tajemnica zaginionego miliona 1929 57. Tajemnica żółtej szpilki 1930 58. Tajemnica żółtych narcyzów 1929 59. Tajemnicza kula 1929 60. Tajemniczy dżentelmen Marjorie Stedman, stenotypistka i odpowiedzialna sekretarka 1991, 1929, 1930,1931, firmy Vance & Vance, wydostała się z apartamentu Almy 1932, 1938 Trebizind i, zbiegłszy po schodach, znalazła się na ulicy. Odetchnęła głęboko chłodnym powietrzem wiosennego wieczora. Więc to był ów baron Tynewood.! Dotychczas był dla niej tylko nazwiskiem, wypisanym na jednej z tek w biurze jej chlebodawcy, niczym więcej. James Tynewood! Potomek dawnego czcigodnego rodu, pijak i brutal! Na szczęście dla Marjorii miłością obdarzyła nie tego człowieka a afrykanera Pretorię Smitha…

61. The yellow Snake 1930 62. Trzej sprawiedliwi 1928 63. Tunel przestępców 1929, 1838 64. Twarz o zmroku 1999, Kiedy Audrey Bedford likwidowała swoją podupadającą 1929 kurzą fermę i zamierzała się przenieść do Londyny, do przyrodniej siostry Dory, w stolicy Anglii dokonano zuchwałej kradzieży klejnotów królowej greckiej, bawiącej tu z wizytą. Scotland Yard wszczął śledztwo; jeden z tropów prowadził do domu Dory i Marcina Eltonów, znanych policji oszustów, powiązanych z podziemnym światem Londynu. Komisarz Dick Sharon, prowadząc dochodzenie, spotkał Audrey, kiedy wyjeżdżała z rodzinnej miejscowości i zachwycony jej urodą i inteligencją – nazwał ją Księżniczką w Łachmanach. Oboje nie przypuszczali podczas tego przelotnego spotkania, że niebawem zobaczą się znowu, w dramatycznych okolicznościach, bowiem Aydrey zostanie wmieszana w

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przekazanie klejnotów za granicę. A to będzie dopiero początek jej kłopotów, które doprowadzą ja do tajemniczego domu, gdzie zainteresuje się nią bogaty handlarz diamentami z południowej Afryki…

65. Upierzony Wąż 1990 Wyd, Poznańskie Poznań 1990 Tłumacz Zaus S. Jan; The Feathered Serpent; ISBN 83-210-0866-6 ; Stron 210 U.W. jest klasycznym kryminałem w stylu retro; dynamiczny rozwój akcji, żywe dialogi, umiejętność utrzymania czytelnika w napięciu oraz oddany z wielka precyzją klimat Londynu lat dwudziestych to niewątpliwie zalety tej książki

66. Upiory 1929 67. Władca dusz 1928, 1932 68. Za maską śmiechu 1930, 1931 69. Zagadka szulera 1930, 1937 Odznacza się właściwą autorowi pomysłowością i niezwykłością akcji. Prawdopodobieństwa naturalnie ani za grosz – to przecież nierzeczywiste życie.

70. Zagadkowa hrabina 1930, 1937 71. Zagadkowa loża 1929 72. Zemsta sprawiedliwych 1929 73. Zielona rdza 1929, 1933, 1938, 1939 74. Zielony łucznik 1992, 1929 [Wyd. Akapit Katowice 1992 ISBN 83-85397] Adaptacja tekstu i redakcja Nożownik Anna Stron 200 ; ISBN-83-85715- 08-8 ; Abel Bellami – milioner chicagowski, właściciel potężnego, tajemniczego zamku angielskiego w Berkshire – podniecał ciekawość nie tylko okolicznych mieszkańców, ale także policji. Od jakiegoś czasu w zamku pojawiał się systematycznie tajemniczy upiór – Zielony Łucznik. Właściciel zamku był nie tylko odrażający w swej zewnętrznej postaci, znany był także jako brutalny, odpychający „czarny charakter”. W takim właśnie sąsiedztwie zamieszkała miła, sympatyczna para: starszy pan ze swoja piękną córką. Wkrótce okaże się że para ta nabyła posiadłość nie bez powodu. Dziewczyna – śliczna Waleria – poszukuje swej zaginionej matki, szuka właśnie w owym pełnym grozy zamku rozwiązania tajemnicy rodzinnej. Pomaga jej w tym przystojny, inteligentny detektyw – rozkochany w Walerii. Wkrótce okazuje się, że Zielony Łucznik jest „szlachetnym upiorem” – ratującym życie Walerii. Wiele w rym romansie grozy i intrygi, bogata galeria postaci, a najlepszą zachętą dla Czytelnika jest opinia o

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książce wyrażona przez Honan Doyle`a: „Czytelnicy… po przeczytaniu jednego tomu uczynią to, co ja uczyniłem, mianowicie – pobiegłem do księgarni po następna książkę”. My pragniemy dodać: warto pobiec po następną książkę z serduszkami !!!

Edgar Wallace – zbiorowe wydania książkowe;

The Black: Queensway Press 1935 The Reporter The Iron Grip

An E. W. Foursome: John Long 1933 The Man from Morocco Captains of Souls The Hand of Power The Mixer

E. W`s Police Van: Hodder & Stoughton 1930 The Green Archer The Forger The Double The Flying Squad

The E. W. Race Special: Collins 1932 Educated Evans More Educated Evans Good Evans The Calendar E.W. Second Book: (Four Complete Novels, George Newnes 1931 Nobby Smithy Tam Bones of the River

The E. W. Souvenir Book, George Newnes 1933 The Four Just Men Eve`s Island The Clue of the Twisted Candle The Man Who Knew

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The Educated Man – Good Evans: Collins 1929 Educated Evans More Educated Evans Good Evans

Four Complete Novels; George Newnes 1930 The Four Just Men Eve`s Island The Clue of the Twisted Candle The Man Who Knew

Utwory Edgara Wallace`a z innymi współautorami ( znak + = więcej niż dwóch autorów) [niektóre pozycje wątpliwego autorstwa E.W.!]

L.p. Tytuł Rok Zawartość 1. A reprisal raid to Mysterius air + stories 2. Famous crimes of recent times 3. Fantastic Stories 1962 4. Fifty masterpiece of mystery 5. Man who would not swim ? Wallace Byron Edgar ? 6. Memoirs of the Sigee Family 1915 + [26 nowel] 7. Murder is not enough Wallace, Brayan Edgar 8. Mystery Magazine 1966 + 9. Rolling Thunder + Robinson 10. Sborny Night Stories + 11. Shylock dies tonight and the + Cohen Hollywood Bridal – Night Murder 12. Strand Magazine 1920 + [The Black Grippe; The man who came back] 13. Strand Magazine 365 1921 + [Some Adventures of the four just men] 14. Strand Magazine 470 1930 + [A sergeant Sir Peter Story] 15. Strand Magazine Vol 9 1919 + [Mr. Miller and the Kaiser} 16. Stranger than fiction 1949 + 17. The Amateur Cracksman + Hornung, Ernest W. 18. The Black Cap. New Stories of 1927 + murder and mystery 19. The Country House Murder + [Różne numery ISBN !] 20. The Day of uniting, Peril… 1930 + 21. The detective Omnibus 1936 + [The Melody of Death] 22. The Detective who lost himself & 1932 + Tower Loot 23. The Double Crime & The Hollywood 1931 +

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Bridalnight Murder 24. The Great Book of Thrillers 1935 + [Mystery and Adventure] 25. The Great Stories of real Live Part 2 + [The Secret of the Moat Farm] 26. The Great Stories of real Live Part 6 + [The trial of the Seddons; The Great Bank of England Frauds] 27. The Justice of Sanders 1951 + Gerard, Francis 28. The Legion Book 1930 + [eight impression in Curwen Press] 29. The Mammoth Book of 20 th 1998 + [The Ghost of Down Hill] Century 30. The Mammoth Book of Armchair 1998 + [The Mystery Leiner] 31. The Murder on Yarmouth sands ? + [128 stron] 32. The Mystery Companion 1947 + [14 Tales of terror and Suspense] 33. The Mystery Companion 1943 + 34. The Mystery Companion 1943 + [The Greek Poropulos] 35. The New Treasury of Great Racing 1991 + Stories 36. The Pocked Book of Mystery Stories 1945 + 37. The rally of the Empire + [Field Marshal Sir John French and his campaing] (W. contributes articles on Sir John French) 38. The Saint 1964 + [ The Black Grippe} 39. The Saint Detective Magazine 1953 + [również 1959] 40. The Television crimebusters 1995 + [The kidnapping of inspector Mander ( The Ringer)] 41. The Week-End Library Third Issue 1929 + 42. The Windsor Magazine [różne 1910 + [His Game later; The last adventure] roczniki] 43. The Work of Wallace 1930 + Doubleday, Doran & Co 44. The World that couldn`t be ??? 45. The World`s Greatest Spy Stories 1958 + [Code No. 2] 46. To Hush Volume I 1930 + The Detective Story Club Ltd London 47. War of the Nations (1914-1919) + [edytorzy w Newnes Magazine] 48. White Circle # 255; The devil Man 1946 Merian Cooper

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Edgar Wallace –ważniejsze sztuki teatralne

L.p. Tytuł Rok Uwagi

1. An African Millionaire 1904 2. Before dawn 1933 Radio Picture 3. Before Dawn 1933 Radio Picture 4. Contributes to One-Act Play Parade 5. Criminal At Large 1930 6. He flying Squad 7. Pins and Needless 1922 Playbill z innymi autoremi 8. Smoky Cell 1935 Play 9. The Calendar 1929 A Racine play in rhree Acta 10. The Case of the Trightened Lady 1933 Play in three Acts 11. The Forest of Happy Dreams to 1935 One act play parade [Twelve New One- Act Plays] 12. The Green pack 1933 A play in three acts 13. The Man who changed his name 1929 A play in three Acts 14. The man who Shot the Favorite 1996 Peperback audio 15. The Mouthpiece 1935 The story of the Play + R. Curtis 16. The Ringer 1926 Play in four Acts 17. The Squeaker 1929 18. The terror 1929 Play in three Acts 19. The Thief in the Night

Edgar Wallace wiersze

1. Nicholson`s nek 1900

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2. The Mission That Failed 1898 3. War! 1900 4. Writ in Barracks 1900

Edgar Wallace; scenariusze

1. Nurse and Martyr 1915 2. The Singer 1928 3. Valley of Ghost 1928 4. The Forger 1928 5. Red Aces 1929 6. The Squeaker 1930 7. Should a Doctor Tell? 1930 8. The Hound of the Baskervilles 1931 With V. Gareth Gundrey 9. The Old Man 1931 10. King Kong 1933 With others

Edgar Wallace; adaptacje filmowe

L.p. Tytuł Rok Reżyser

1. Before Dawn 1933 Irving Pichel 2. Chick (Ward, Lock; London 1923 Great Film Story 3. Clue of the New Pin 1961 Allan Davis 4. Clue of the Silver Key 1961 Gerard Glaister 5. Dark Eyes of London / The 1939 Walter Summers Human Monster 6. Ilustrated King Kong 1976 ? (Filmways Co N.Y.) 7. King Kong 1933 Ernest B.Schoedack und C. Cooper 8. King Kong 1976 Dino De Laurentis Production 9. Man of the Carlton Tower 1961 Robert Tronson

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10. Mr. Reeder in Room 13 1938 Norman Lee 11. Mystery Liner William Neill 12. Number six 1962 Robert Tronson 13. Nurse and Martyr 1915 Percy Moran 14. Oing story of King Kong (21.10) 1933 (Starring Fay Wray) 15. Red Aces 1929 Edgar Wallace 16. Sanctuary Island From the film scenario (Congres) 17. Sanders of the River 1930 (Memorably filmed) 18. Sanders of the River 1935 Zohan Korda 19. The African millionaire 1972 (A Davis-Poynter playscript) 20. The Case of the Frightened Lady 1932 T.Hayes Hunter 21. The Case of the Frightened Lady / 1940 George King The Frightened Lady 22. The Clue of the New Pin 1929 Arthur Maude 23. The Clue of the Twisted Candle 1960 Allan Davis 24. The Crimson Circle 1936 Reginald Denham 25. The Dead Ayes of London Video 26. The Door with Seven Locks / 1940 Norman Lee Chambers of Horror 27. The Flying Squad 1929 Arhur Maude 28. The Four Just Men / The Secret 1939 Walter Forde Four 29. The Fourth Square 1961 Allan Davis 30. The Girl From Scotland Yard 1937 Robert Vignola 31. The Green Archer 1925 Spencer Bennet 32. The Green Archer 1940 James W. Horne 33. The Malpas Mystery 1960 Geoffrey Keen 34. The Man Who Was Nobody 1961 Montgomery Tully 35. The Mark of the Frog 1928 Arch Health 36. The Menace 1932 Roy William Neill 37. The Mind of Mr. Reeder 1939 Jack Raymond 38. 1939 Jack Raymond 39. The Return of the Terror 1934 Howard Bretherton 40. The Ringer 1928 Arthur Maude 41. The Ringer 1952 Guy Hamilton 42. The Share Out Gerard Glaister 43. The Squeaker 1930 Edgar Wallace 44. The Squeaker / Murder on 1937 William K. Howard Diamond Row 45. The Terrible People 1928 Spencer Bennet 46. The Terror 1928 Roy Del Ruth 47. The Thief in the Night 1930 Adaptor Percy Heath

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Źródła opracowania

Źródła wykorzystane: L.p. Autor Tytuł Rok Uwagi

1 W.O.G. Lofts and Derek Adley The British Bibliography of Edgar 1969 Wallace 2 Katalogi polskich bibliotek Z Internetu 3 Katalogi zagranicznych bibliotek Z Internetu Oferty sprzedawców książek Z Internetu 4 Bibliografia Wydawnictw Ciągłych 5 Przewodnik Bibliograficzny 6 Urzędowy Wykaz Druków do 1939 7 Bibliografia Polska 1900-1939 8 Wykaz Druków Nieperiodycznych 9 Wydruki komputerowe na temat Z Internetu Edgara Wallace`a 10 Christian Hennikson Bibliography of Edgar Wallace 1997 Z Internetu 11 Margaret Lane The Biography of a phenomenon 1939 12 Charles Kidde (Editor) Guide to the First Edition of Edgar 1981 Wallace

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Źródła znane niewykorzystane (niedostępne dla mnie):

1. Die Edgar Wallace-Filme (Citadel Filmbücher) by Florian Pauer Publisher: Goldmann; Originalausg edition (1982) 2. Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection , edited by Chris Steinbrunner and Otto Penzler1976 3. Edgar Wallace by Jack Adrian 1984 4. Edgar Wallace: A Filmography by Richard Williams 1990 5. The Edgar Wallace Index by Richard Williams 1996