Peradaban Islam

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Peradaban Islam BBuukkuu AAjjaarr PPee rraaddaabbaann IIssllaamm SSeejjaa rraahh Oleh: Dr. H. Anwar Sewang, MA i ii KATA PENGANTAR Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Puji dan syukur penulis haturkan ke hadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kekuatan lahir batin kepada penulis sehingga mampu menghasilkan sebuah tulisan berbentuk buku Ajar seperti ini. Buku yang diberi judul Sejarah Peradaban Islam ini dituliss untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa di lingkugan Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Parepare secara khusus dan perguruan tinggi Agama Islam secara umum, baik swasta maupun negeri. Kajian sejarah peradaban islam yang dibahas dalam buku ajar ini telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan pengajaran di STAIN Parepare, oleh sebeb itu buku ini disusun dengan meetode mengkombinasikan dari berbagai sumber yang ada sehingga lebih mudah dipahami oleh mahasiswa. Penulis berusaha mewujudkan buku ini sebaik-baiknya, namun bukan tidak mungkin kekurangan dan kesalahan dtemui dalam lembaran-lembaran karya tulis ini. Karena itu, penulis mengharapkan kritikan yang konstruktif serta saran untuk kesepurnaan isi buku ini. Akhirnya penulis mengucapkan teriakasih dan pnghargaan yang tinggi kepada Ketua STAIN Parepare yag telah membantu secara moril maupun materil dalam penerbitan buku ini, serta kepada semua pihak yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu persatu, yang telah memberikan saran dalam penulisan buku ini. Semua bantuan penulis mendo’akan semoga Allah SWT membalasinya. Amiin! Parepare, Desember 2015 Wassalam Penulis iii iv DAFTAR ISI Kata Pengantar ............................................................................................................. 5 Daftar Isi ....................................................................................................................... 7 BAB I: Indtroduction .................................................................................................... 10 A. Pengertian Sejarah ........................................................................................ 10 B. Metode Sejarah ............................................................................................. 11 C. IIlmu Dasar Sejarah ...................................................................................... 13 D. Ilmu Bantu Sejarah ....................................................................................... 14 E. Manfaat/Urgensi Mempelajari Sejaran Peradaban Islam ........................... 16 BAB II: Periodisasi Sejarah dalam Islam ..................................................................... 17 A. Periode Klasik (610-1250 M) ........................................................................ 17 B. Periode Pertengahan (1250-1800 M) ........................................................... 22 C. Periode Modern (1800 M – Sekarang) ......................................................... 27 BAB III: Peradaban Dunia Pra Islam ........................................................................... 32 A. Peradaban Romawi Timur ............................................................................ 32 B. Peradaban Persia .......................................................................................... 37 C. Peradaban Arab Jahiliyah ............................................................................. 41 BAB IV: Peradaban Islam Masa Nabi Muhammad SAW (610-632 M) ...................... 48 A. Periode Makkah ............................................................................................ 48 B. Periode Madinah ........................................................................................... 56 C. Peperangan dalam Islam .............................................................................. 63 D. Misi Dakwah Nabi Muhammad SAW ........................................................... 72 E. Masa Terakhir Nabi Muhammad SAW ........................................................ 77 BAB V: Peradaban Islam Masa Khulafaur Rasyidin (632-661 M) .............................. 81 A. Abu Bakar Shiddiq (11-13 H/632-634 M) .................................................... 81 B. Umar bin Khattab (13-23 H/634-644 M) ..................................................... 84 C. Usman bin Affan (23-36 H/644-656 M) ...................................................... 86 D. Ali bin Abi Thalib (36-41 H/656-661 M) ..................................................... 88 E. Kemajuan Peradaban pada masa khulafaur Rasyidin ................................. 90 BAB VI: Peradaban Islam pada Massa Dinasti Umayyah Timur (661-750M) ........... 92 A. Sejarah Berdirinya Dinasti Umayyah ........................................................... 92 B. Para khalifah Dinasti Umayyah Timur ......................................................... 95 C. Masa Kemajuan Dinasti Umayyah Timur .................................................... 102 D. Masa Kehancuran Dinasti Umayyah Timur ................................................. 104 BAB VII: Peradaban Islam pada Masa Dinasti Umayyah Barat (705-1031 M) .......... 107 A. Masuknya Islam di Spanyol .......................................................................... 107 B. Faktor yang Menyebabkan Islam Mudah Masuk Spanyol ........................... 108 C. Perkembangan Islam di Spanyol .................................................................. 109 D. Kemajuan Peradaban Islam di Spanyol ....................................................... 111 v E. Pengaruh Peradaban Spanyol Islam di Eropa .............................................. 113 F. Transmisi Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Eropa ....................................................... 116 BAB VIII: Peradaban Islam pada Masa Dinasti Abbasyiyah (750-1258 M) ............... 119 A. Sejarah Berdirinya Dinasti Abbasyiyah ........................................................ 119 B. Para Khalifah Dinasti Abbasyiyah ................................................................ 121 C. Masa Kemajuan Dinasti Abbsyiyah .............................................................. 124 D. Dinasti-dinasti yang Memerdekakan Diri dari Baghdad ............................. 126 E. Factor yang Menyebabkan Kemunduran Dinasti Abbasyiyah ..................... 130 F. Akhir Kekuasaan Dinasti Abbasyiyah .......................................................... 132 BAB IX: Peradaban Islam Dinasti-Dinasti Lain di Dunia Islam I .............................. 134 A. Dinasti Idrisiyah 789-926 ............................................................................. 134 B. Dinasti Aghlabiyah 800-909 ........................................................................ 136 C. Dinasti Samaniyah 819-1005 ........................................................................ 138 D. Dinasti Safariyah 867-1495 ........................................................................... 140 E. Dinasti Tulun 868-905 ................................................................................. 142 F. Dinasti Hamdaniyah 905-1004 .................................................................... 144 G. Dinasti Fatimiyah 909-1171 .......................................................................... 146 BAB X: Peradaban Islam Dinasti-Dinasti Lain di Dunia Islam II .............................. 148 A. Dinasti Buwaihi 945-1055............................................................................. 148 B. Dinasti Murobbitun 1056-1147 ..................................................................... 150 C. Dinasti Saljuk 1077-1307 .............................................................................. 152 D. Dinasti Muwahhidun 1121-1269 ................................................................... 154 E. Dinasti Ayyubiyah 1174-1251 ........................................................................ 156 F. Dinasti Delhi 1206-1555 ................................................................................ 158 G. Dinasti Mamluk 1257-1517 ............................................................................ 160 BAB XI: Peradaban Masa Tiga Dinasti Besar .............................................................. 162 A. Peradaban Islam pada masa Turki Usmani (1288-1924 M) ........................ 162 B. Peradaban Islam pada masa Dinasti Safawiyah (1501-1736 M) .................. 165 C. Peradaban Islam pada masa Dinasti Mongol (1526-1857 M) ...................... 169 BAB XII: Sejarah Masuk dan Kerajaan Islam di Nusantara ....................................... 173 A. Islam Masuk ke Nusantara ........................................................................... 173 B. Tasawuf dan Islam di Indonesia ................................................................... 175 C. Sebab-sebab Islam cepat Berkembang di Indonesia .................................... 177 D. Kesultanan Islam di Luar Indonesia ............................................................ 179 E. Kerajaan-kerajaan Islam di Indonesia ......................................................... 182 BAB XIII: Imperialisme Barat terhadap Dunia Islam (1492-Sekarang) ..................... 185 A. Kemajuan Dunia Barat dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi ............... 185 B. Kebangkitan Eropa ....................................................................................... 187 C. Imperialisme Barat di Dunia Islam .............................................................. 189 D. Kemunduran Kerajaan Utsmani dan ekspansi Barat ke Negeri-Negeri Islam 192 vi BAB XIV: Peradaban Islam di Indonesia..................................................................... 195 A. Kedatangan Imperialisme
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    THE REIGN OF AL-IHAKIM Bl AMR ALLAH ‘(386/996 - 41\ / \ Q 2 \ % "A POLITICAL STUDY" by SADEK ISMAIL ASSAAD Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of London May 1971 ProQuest Number: 10672922 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a com plete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10672922 Published by ProQuest LLC(2017). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States C ode Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 ABSTRACT The present thesis is a political study of the reign of al-Hakim Bi Amr Allah the sixth Fatimid Imam-Caliph who ruled between 386-411/ 996-1021. It consists of a note on the sources and seven chapters. The first chapter is a biographical review of al-Hakim's person. It introduces a history of his birth, childhood, succession to the Caliphate, his education and private life and it examines the contradiction in the sources concerning his character. Chapter II discusses the problems which al-Hakim inherited from the previous rule and examines their impact on the political life of his State. Chapter III introduces the administration of the internal affairs of the State.
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    CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by Rumah jurnal Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN IB Ave at: Available online at: Khazanah: Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam ISSN: 2339-207X (print) ISSN: 2614-3798 (online) DOI: 13 SEJARAH KONFLIK KEBANGKITAN ISLAM DI MINANGKABAU: Sebuah Tinjauan Awal Terhadap Proses Kemunculannya Ihsan Sanusi Peradaban Islam Melayu Pascasarjana Universitan Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang email: [email protected] Abstract This article in principle wants to examine the history of the emergence of the conflict of Islamic revival in Minangkabau starting from the Paderi Movement to the Youth in Minangkabau. Especially in the initial period, namely the Padri movement, there was a tragedy of violence (radicalism) that accompanied it. This study becomes important, because after all the reformation of Islam began to be realized by reforming human life in the world. Both in terms of thought with the effort to restore the correct understanding of religion as it should, from the side of the practice of religion, namely by reforming deviant practices and adapted to the instructions of the religious texts (al- Qur'an and sunnah), and also from the side of strengthening power religion. In this case the research will be directed to the efforts of renewal by the Padri to the Youth towards the Islamic community in Minangkabau. To discuss this problem used historical research methods. Through this method, it is tested and analyzed critically the records and relics of the past.
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