Calendario Seminario Menor “San Juan Apóstol”

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Calendario Seminario Menor “San Juan Apóstol” CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES 2016-2017 AUGUST 2016 Sat 13 Arrival to the Seminary Sun 14 Leaving for Convivencia to Upstate New York Sat 27 End of Convivencia Mon 29 Beginning of the Academic Year. Class Orientation and Blessing of the Seminary Tue 30 First day of School SEPTEMBER 2016 Sun 4 Open House for all parishioners of SSPP from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm Thu 8 Parish Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, La Crosse, WI Wed 21 Cassock Day Fri 23 Retreat Day – Fr. Mariano Mon 19-30 Floral Games 2016 OCTOBER 2016 Sun 9 SSPP Fall Festival Fri 8-29 Trip to Rome for Canonization of Blessed Jose Sanchez Del Rio Sun 9 Vocation Awareness Sunday Sat 22 Feast of Saint John Paul II Mon 31 Celebration of All Saint’s eve. Party in the Seminary NOVEMBER 2016 Tue 01 All Saints- beginning of Thirty days’ prayer to St. Joseph Wed 02 All Souls Requiem Mass Sat 5 Fund Raising Seminary Pie Sale Sun 20 CHRIST THE KING. Thu 24 Thanksgiving – No school- Fri 25 Retreat Day - Fr. Andrew 1 DECEMBER 2016 Thu 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (patroness of our religious province) cassock day Sat 10 Christmas Concern Buela Youth Orchestra Sun 11 Celebration of our Lady of Guadalupe Fri 16 Half Day of School Sat 17 Christmas Break. Vacation (three weeks) JANUARY 2017 Sun 1 Solemnity of Mary Mother of God. New Year Sat 7 End of Christmas Vacation Mon 9 Classes Resumes Fri 20 No School- Retreat Day- Fr. Mariano Mon 23 Pro-life March in St. Paul, MN FEBRUARY 2017 Fri 10 Feast of the Martyrdom of Saint Jose Sanchez Del Rio, Patron Saint of our seminary Holyday - day off- Solemn Mass in memory of Saint Jose Sanchez Del Rio Fri 17 Beginning Thirty Day Prayer To St. Joseph Fri 24 Ski & Board for ECHO food Shelf MARCH 2017 Wed 1 Ash Wednesday Sat 4-12 Novena of Grace Fri 17-19 Winter Camp at Fort Ridgley Mon 20 Solemnity of Saint Joseph Fri 24 No School- Retreat Day Sat 25 Solemnity of the Annunciation – 33rd Anniversary of the IVE APRIL 2017 Wed 12 Cassock Day Thu 13 Holy Thursday - Half Day Retreat - Fri 14 Good Friday – walking station of the Cross Sat 15 Easter Vigil Sun 16 Easter Sunday Mon 17 Easter Monday No School Thu 20 Feast day of Blessed Rolando Rivi Thu 27-30 Open House for Young Men 2 MAY 2017 Wed 3 Our Lord of La Quebrada. Fr. Buela’s Foundational Grace Mon 8 Our Lady of Lujan Fri 12 No School – Retreat Day - Fri 19 Last Day of School –Half Day Sat 20 Orchestra Concert at Fitzgerald Auditorium Mon 22 Leaving for WDC Fri 26 End of the Academic Year in Washington DC Sat 27 IVE Priestly Ordinations JUNE 2017 Sun 4 Graduation & Reception for the senior seminarians Mon 5 Summer Vacation for the seminarians (Ten Weeks) JULY 2017 Summer Vacation from Monday June 5 until Saturday August 12th AUGUST 2017 Sat 12 Day of Arrival to the Seminary Sun 13 Convivencia in Colorado Sat 26 End of Convivencia arrival at the Seminary in Mankato Mon 28 Beginning of the Academic Year. Class Orientation and Blessing of the Seminary Tue 29 First day of School Note: this calendar is subject to change 3.
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