Week 4: July 20 -25 Sharpening your Simile Skills What is a simile? A simile compares two unlikely things and thereby creates a picture in your mind. My sister’s words sliced through me like a knife. How can words be like a knife. They would be, if they are sharp and hurting. We must have all experienced it sometime or the other. That makes simile a wonderful tool of expression. The trouble however is that they are so overused sometimes that they lose their charm or flavour. Our endeavour this week is to see some aspects of similes and attempt to use them in creative ways. Watch the song in activity 2 and complete the tasks given below:


Task 1: Watch the video in Activity 2 and try to complete the words in the song below. The key is given but try to do it without checking the key.

Task 2: This is a good sing along and dance along song. You could try an enjoyable workout with this song.

Task 3 (optional): If you feel up to it, you can make your own simile song and dance.

As sly as a ______, as strong as an ______BEAR As fast as a ______, as brave as a ______BEE As free as a ______, as neat as a ______BIRD As quiet as a ______, as big as a ______BITE DAY All I wanna be, all I wanna be FAMILY Ooh, all I wanna be is everything... FIRE FOX As mean as a ______, as sharp as a ______FUN As deep as a ______, as dark as the ______GLIDER As sweet as a ______, as right as a ______HARE As long as a ______, as ugly as a ______HOUSE ICE As pretty as a ______hanging from a fixture LINE Strong like a ______, strong as I wanna be MELODY Bright as ______, as light as ______MOUSE As hard as ______as grand as a ______NAILS NIGHT All I wanna be, ooh, all I wanna be OX All I wanna be is everything... PICTURE Everything at once, everything at once PLAY Ooh, everything at once QUEEN ROAD As warm as the ______, as silly as ______SEA As cool as a ______, as scary as the ______SONG As hot as ______, cold as ______SUGAR Sweet as ______and everything nice SUN TIGER As old as ______, as straight as a ______TIME As royal as a ______, as buzzed as a ______TOAD Stealth as a ______, smooth as a ______TOOTH Pure as a ______, pure as I wanna be TREE WHALE All I wanna be, oh, all I wanna be WOLF Ooh, all I wanna be is everything WORD Everything at once WRONG


As sly as a fox , as strong as an ox As fast as a hare , as brave as a bear As free as a bird , as neat as a word As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house

All I wanna be, all I wanna be Ooh, all I wanna be is everything...

As mean as a wolf , as sharp as a tooth As deep as a bite, as dark as the night As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong As long as a road, as ugly as a toad

As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be Bright as day, as light as play As hard as nails, as grand as a whale

All I wanna be, ooh, all I wanna be All I wanna be is everything... Everything at once, everything at once Ooh, everything at once

As warm as the sun, as silly as fun As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea As hot as fire, cold as ice Sweet as sugar and everything nice

As old as time, as straight as line As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee Stealth as a tiger smooth as a glider Pure as a melody , pure as I wanna be

All I wanna be, oh, all I wanna be Ooh, all I wanna be is everything Everything at once

Some points to ponder: ( For you to think, it is not a written task)

1. Many of the similes used in the song are commonplace. How does it make you feel? Warm and secure; excited, bored, dull or nothing at all. It is always interesting to note how we respond.

2. Many animal similes are used. Are they all justified? While, grand as a whale is accepted would you agree with sly as fox and ugly as a toad…? Cull out all the animal similes from the song and see whether you agree with the comparisons.

3. How do you feel about similes on language? a. As neat as a word b. As sweet as a song c. Pure as a melody

4. Can emotions and sensations be described thus? a. As warm as the sun. b. As scary as the sea c. Cool as a tree d. Sharp as a tooth e. Deep as a bite