Title: Everything At Once Artist: Level: Elementary (1st grade) Practice: Extra vocabulary + revisions Reference: 1. Asking for information about domestic animals (Program for Modern Languages, 1st grade, 1A and common 2nd year)

Listening Associate a word for each animal. Use the grid below.

As sly as a FOX Bright as day, as light as play As strong as an OX As hard as nails, as grand as a WHALE

All I wanna be oh, all I wanna be, oh As fast as a HARE All I wanna be is everything As brave as a BEAR Everything at once

Everything at once, oh As free as a BIRD Everything at once As neat as a word As warm as the sun, as silly as fun As quiet as a MOUSE As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea As big as a house As hot as fire, cold as ice Sweet as sugar and everything nice All I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh All I wanna be is everything As old as time, as straight as a line As royal as a queen, As mean as a WOLF As buzzed as a BEE As sharp as a tooth As stealth as a TIGER As deep as a bite, as dark as the night smooth as a glider As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be As long as a road, as ugly as a TOAD All I wanna be oh, all I wanna be, oh As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture All I wanna be is everything Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be Everything at once


ox – tiger – whale – fox – bird – bee – bear – toad – wolf – hare - mouse







Have a look at the lyrics and answer the questions.

1. What is the song about? ANIMALS ...... 2. What/who is compared to animals? A PERSON ...... 3. What does “ ” mean? EVERYTHING AT THE SAME THING, IN ONE GO ......

Vocabulary Find the similarities without having a look at the lyrics.

1st verse

a) as big 1) as a bear

b) as brave 2) as a mouse

c) as fast 3) as a word

d) as free 4) as a hare

e) as neat 5) as a house

f) as quiet 6) as an ox

g) as sly 7) as a fox

h) as strong 8) as a bird

a b c d e f g h 5 1 4 8 3 2 7 6


Match the expressions with the animals. Listen. Other verses

as sly as a

as grand as a

as buzzed as a

as stealth as a

as quiet as a

as free as a

as strong as an

as mean as a

as fast as a

as brave as a

as ugly as a

Going further… Vocabulary

a bite = a wound made by biting brave = courageous buzzed > to hum, to vibrate a fixture = an object firmly fixed in place, especially a household appliance a glider = an aircraft capable of gliding and in air currents without the use of an engine neat = clean, tidy, and orderly sly = furtive smooth = sweet stealth = the act or characteristic of moving with extreme care and quietness, especially so as to avoid detection



Lenka is an Australian singer and . As a teenager Lenka studied acting at the Australian Theater For Young People. Lenka appeared in drama series and in featured films as well as in theatre productions.

She released her eponymous debut album on in September 2008, with "The Show" chosen to be the first single released from the set. She provided vocals on two tracks, "Addicted" and "Sunrise," on German artist Schiller's album “Atemlos,” released in Germany in March 2010. Her second solo album, “Two” was released in April 2011. "Heart Skips a Beat," "Roll with the Punches" and "Everything at Once" were released as singles..


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