Everything at Once D:\Auf Festplatte\Musik\Download\Ts\Lenka_Everything_At_Once.mp3 Two-Step Ph: II Level B11 Seq: Intro-A-B-Bdg-A*-B-C-A*-B-End Choreo: Andrea Hilpert Musicload Dwnld Album: Two Track 5 2:38 Artist: Lenka Intro OP FCG 6 feet apt – wait 2;; wk tog in 4;; A fc to fc; bk to bk; bb trn; (OP); dbl hitch;; sd 2stp apt & tog; (BFLY); B trav box;;;; 2 trng 2s;; 2 fwd 2s;; lace up;;;; Bdg op vine 4;; A* twirl 2; wk & PU; sciss (SCAR & BJO);; fwd hitch; hitch & sciss; circle awy & tog;; fc to fc; bk to bk; bb trn; (OP); dbl hitch;; sd 2stp apt & tog; (BFLY); B trav box;;;; 2 trng 2s;; 2 fwd 2s;; lace up;;;;

C1:29 circle away & tog;; sd 2stp L&R;; L trng box;;;; sd & thru; sd draw cl; A* twirl 2; wk & PU; sciss (SCAR & BJO);; fwd hitch; hitch & sciss; circle awy & tog;; fc to fc; bk to bk; bb trn; (OP); dbl hitch;; sd 2stp apt & tog; (BFLY);

B2:12 trav box;;;; 2 trng 2s;; 2 fwd 2s;; lace up;;;; End op vine 4;; & pt fwd, no fineprint 2-STEP Level A 2.3 1 Walk 2 Fwd Twostep(s) 3 Walk & Face 4 Sd Twostep(s) 5 Box 6 Reverse Box 7 Circle away 2 Twos 2-STEP Level B 2.3 8 Walk Together in 4 1 2 trng 2s (PU) 9 Laceup 2 prog sciss (SCAR&BJO) 10 Sd Twostp apt & tog 3 wk & fc from BJO/PU 11 Twirl 2 4 fwd hitch 12 Double Hitch 5 bkwd hitch 13 Side Draw Close 6 wk bk 2,4 14 (2)Bk awy twostp & tog 7 (2) bk 2 stp(s) 15 Fc to Fc & Bk to Bk 8 rk (fwd, bk, sd , thru) rec 16 Basketball Turn 9 BJO fwd hitch; hitch & sciss 17 Vine (4,8) thru 18 Circle away & Tog 10 sciss (SCAR & BJO) 19 Turning Twosteps 11 wk & PU 20 Scissors Thru 12 fwd/lk fwd 21 Half Box (fwd & bk) 13 strut 22 Traveling Box 14 twirl/vine 3, rev twirl vine 3 23 Open Vine 4 15 2 sd touches 24 Twirl Vine 2 16 fwd lk 2x=2 fwd lks 25 Side Closes 17 wk & man 26 Side & Thru 18 pivot 2 27 Left Turning Box 19 broken box 20 vine 3 & touch; wrap; unwrap; chg sds 21 lace X, lace bk 22 sd draw touch