Democrats Hold Forth
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REGISTER. VOLUME XXXVIL NO, 48. RED BANK, N, J.p WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1915. PAGES 1 TO 8. Sift MOTOB BOAS MtfABOV. \ POSTAGE STAMP CLUB. Bad Bank Motor Beat BmtfamaiaaM will DEMOCRATS HOLD FORTH. Talk Ova> rum miiy Strut, ITAMT 0OI.X.BOTOU Or B.BD BANK The Red Bank motor boat club is preparing for m very active yachting AID TXaXMTTT TO OMtAJTUX. season. Commodore Frank C, Storck THEY EAT AND DRINK AND DREAM hai called a meeting for next Friday About a B0S«m Am»t«ur« of »»d Buk night at which time the regatta com- XIT< OollaoUon* Worth ••••raj Mun- DREAMS OF VICTORY. mittee will prcient its plans for tho 4N4 Doll*M B«h~.ISM LOO*] Col- Reason. John Morrow, Jr., ex-commo- lMtiost las Vp Into th« Tboaiand*. dore of the club, ii chairman of the The postage stamp collectors of Red regatta committee and he has set the Bank and vicinity are about to organ- Thra* Hundred of Them Turned Out to a Smoker first race for Saturday, June 19th, lie a stamp collectora' club, The club Fourth of July will be celebrated on i» not intended at a money making Thursday Night at tho Majestic Theater at At-Monday, July Gth, with a scries of affair and it will be rather informal in faces, its character. There are probably two hundred or three hundred Htamp col- lantlc Highlands-Speeches by William W, An- lectors in Rad Bank, but most of them are boys whose collections have beeW drew, Elmer I, Oeran and Thomas P, Fay, OUT AGAIN, IN AGAIN. made in idle moments, purely as a temporary pattime. Others are men Democratic hospitality and Demo-J n one corner of the hall and who had SB. DEACKY BACK XX JAIL of middle age, who have kept up their erotic cheer were at high tide last special kind of a yell that could be old-time love of the game. These Thursday night at a smoker at theheard plainly above the din made by I-OU* MOVMB OT LIBEBTT. collectors have had great joy in get- Majestic theater at Atlantic High- the crowd. Mr, Johnson walked to the ting together thair stamps and their lands, The affair was managed by the platform and begged not to have to »• ttot ARUM for Qaitfnf ont a Man collections are of considerable morie- Democratic executive committees of make a speech. The crowd finally let Who sad Kim J«ll»a for Bt»minf tary value. Some of them are worth Miildletown township, Atlantic High- him off on this duty, but it seemed re- Cklck»n»—K» mpcut 75 Says in Jail $1,500 to $2,500. There are probably JuiiUa borough and Highlands borough. "uctant to do so, Mayor VanMater, and Wow XVi Oot 90 Mert. a dozen collections in Red Bank which About 300 people were present. Most n introducing the young mayor, said Edward peacy of Red Bank is in would average a thousand dollar* of them wjre from, the ..places Jtnaru that the. Highlands Dsmooratic club the county jail again, He got out last apiece in value. Among the more tlonud, but there wai a scattering of wag the best organized political asso- Thursday, after having been behind prominent of the Red Bank collectors people from most every other munici- elation in the county and he declared the bars 76 days, but in less than four are Harold K. Allstrom, Thomas Irv- pality in the county. As a social affair thnfc. its high degree of efficiency was hours after he was released he was ing Brown, Oakley Cooper, John P. the smoker wns a great due more to Mr, Johnson's efforts than put back in jail for a sentence of nine- Cooper, Mrs. Alice Hendriekson, Everybody had a good ttimei , and the] to n'ny other single individual. ty days. Deacy specializes in getting George O. Hendrickson, Harry Lafet- WATCH REID BANK GROW! Democratic politicians believe that it The entertainment for the evening drunk, in cussing people out and in ra, Dr, Harold W. Perkins, Paul do la petty robberies. Through hig efforts Red Bank \n said to be doing more building than any ollitr town in Monmouth county. There is hardly a week will have the effect of stirring up the was provided by two New Yorkers, ReuBsille, Arthur G. Sickles, Ed von- in which one or more houses are not started. The above picture shows two laiye buntralowa which have recently party workers to ^renewed activity, >vho sang nnd told stories, along these lines he has probably Kattengell and Ronnie V. R, H, Stout. Melvin A. Rice* of Lednardo was served more time in the county jail Christopher Chandler of Pair Haven been erected by Mrs. Thomua S. Hubbard on her property on East.Front street, which was formerly the Joseph chairman of the three committees in than any other resident of Red Bank. also "has a stamp Collection of more Albert Throckmorton property, .These.houses a« unionK the largest houses of Ininpalow architecture in this lo- charge of the affair. He was unable The intervals between the time that than average value. cality. They have every modern convenience and both of them found quid; tennnt*. The houses are o:iupled he is released and the time that he to be present on account of being FRANK CAPRIO IN JAIL by James H. Hubbard and R, G, Pe(dey. An unuauul feature of the dwelling iK that the skiowalls nnd ceilings called away to Washington on a busi- goes back to jail is invariably short, Some of the Red Bank collectors specialize in some particulars, though are entirely of beaver hoard. The bungalows "wore constructed at a cost of about SG.OOO each, William White ness mission. During the speech mak- •EBvnra A THAT'S but Deacy surpassed himself in this ing season he and President Wilson respect last Thursday, all of them have a general collection, was the contractor and architect. and Thomas Jefferson and Andrew TIME BEMSITB THE SABS, Ihe charge on which he was in jail comprising stamps from almost all Jackson received a lot of attention for 75 days was that of stealing countries. Each collector, however, from the orators, and each mention of Stfl Bank Van Wai Caught at W«w chickens belonging to A. Tannenbaum, has an extra good collection of gome WIST am BANE HOUSES. the names of the two living Democrats Wllili Tryinf ts Blackmail » a merchant on Front street! The particular country, and he makes a SPENT NIGHT IN FIELD. and of the two dead Democrats drew Tori; 'Woman Siitaaramt *tipw— special effort to complete the collec- Loul« Becker ii Building- Two Swelling* MEMORIAL DAY PLANS. Owid Maay Brtti at Bad Bank. chickens were taken from a chicken tion of that country. Most of the col- outbursts of applause from the audi- yard in the rear of Mr. Tannenbaum'a BED BANKEBS SATE AST AD- as an Inveitmcnt. THE HOLIDAY TO BE ELABOB.ATELT ence, Frank Capfio, a Red Bank detec- store, Deacy was caught with one lectors , have duplicates of many VENTUEE AT KEANSBUBQ. Louis Becker, a merchant on tive, is serving a year's time in a New stamps, and one of the objects of form- Shrewsbury avenue, is building two OBSERVED AT BED BANK. The smoker was a typical political York jail. He was sentenced last chicken under each arm, He wasing the club Is to afford opportunity > — * gathering, with little "formality or standing in front of a hotel when ar- houses, one on the northwest corner of Thursday by Judge Swan, the charge to exchange these duplicates on a They Mliifd the I.a«t Trolley Car toBeech street and Leighton avenue and Blsr Parade Nest Monday In Whicli th« style and with plenty of sandwiches, rested and he claimed that a colored basis of value. Bed Bank and After Trying in Vain, to against him being that of blackmail. man had asked him to hold the fowls the othei^on an adjoining lot on Bee:h Veteran*, thfl Sons of V«tarani,_ tM "hot dogs," cigars, corn cob pipes, to- The judge in imposing the sentence The best collection of postage Qlt In a Bulldine: THey Slept Beneath Women's AuxlUary and th» Cavalty- bacco and wet goods. There was more while he (the colored man) went in Coraitalki In a Yield. street. Each house will be 18x24 feet, atnted that Caprio had previously the hotel to get a drink. This ex- stamps in Monmouth>county is said to with an L, Each house will have six men Will Take ¥%t%. than enough provender of this sort been tried four times for extortion and be owned by Melvin A. Rice of Leon- George Coyne, Frank Reed, Carrol Memorial day will be elaborately ob- on hand to supply the crowd, and the cuse did not have any effect with Re- Wenzell and Charles Gray of Redrooms and will be provided with water blackmail but had escaped sentence. corder Harry C, Badeau, who sent ardo. He has been an enthusiastic and gas. Each will cost $1,500 and served as a patriotic holiday at Red waiters wece so afraid that the people The judge also said that for some time collector aince hi was a small boy. Bank were among those who went to will be ready for, use by July. Sylves- Bank, The thinning ranks of th« wouldn't get enough that they actually past the detective had been blackmail- Deacy to the county jail to await the His busineai keeps his firm in constant New York last week to see the war ter Scuttelaro is the contractor.