BRISTOL FOOD NETWORK Bristol’s local food update2015 community project news · courses · publications · events november–december Autumn already! Time to plant trees and make long-term plans. And time to reflect on where our Green Capital goes from here. Will we become a Flexitarian city? A city which guards its best soils against development? A pesticide-free city? A Sustainable Food City? Please email any suggestions for content of the January–February newsletter by 11 December to
[email protected]. Bristol: pesticide-free city? Local food networks, environmental mums to promote a healthier environment The Pesticide Safe Bristol Alliance groups and parents have joined forces in for all who work, live and play in the city. calls on Bristol City Council to: the Pesticide Safe Bristol Alliance, which Harriet Williams of PlaySafe says: n Reduce urban pesticide use, and to is calling on Mayor George Ferguson to “Bristolians have a right to know where eliminate some of the most harmful put Bristol on course to becoming the and when chemicals with known health chemicals altogether (starting with UK’s first pesticide-free city. impacts are being sprayed in our city. glyphosate) City parks, play areas and pavements are Ultimately we want Bristol to become a n Publish full annual data on pesticide routinely sprayed with potent weed-killers, pesticide-free city. It is entirely possible to use by the Council and its contractors, some of which are associated with serious wean ourselves off chemical weed control including dates, locations and health risks. Glyphosate, the best-selling in public spaces. Cities like Paris, Chicago substance applied herbicide for urban use, was this year and Vancouver are already doing it, and as n Adopt sustainable methods of pest branded a probable carcinogen by the European Green Capital 2015 it would be control, using recognised organic World Health Organisation.