East Delta Park Community Orchard Tree Walk LEARNING LANDSCAPES East Delta Park Community Orchard Tree Walk 2015 Learning Landscapes Program Site data collected in Spring 2015. Written by: Kat Davidson, Karl Dawson, Angie DiSalvo, Jim Gersbach, Jeremy Grotbo and Lindsay Peterson Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry 503-823-TREE
[email protected] http://portlandoregon.gov/parks/learninglandscapes Cover photos (from top left to bottom right): 1) The swollen rachis "fruits" of a Japanese raisin tree. 2) Brightly-colored Prunus persica fl owers. 3) A sweet almond tree in fl ower in its native range. 4) Emerging European hazelnuts. 5) A harvest of Italian plums and Asian pears from the orchard. 6) Brightly colored persimmons ready for picking. 7) The unusual fruits of an Illinois Everbearing mulberry. 8) Ripening Cornelian cherry dogwood fruit. ver. 6/19/2015 Portland Parks & Recreation 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1302 Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 823-PLAY Commissioner Amanda Fritz www.PortlandParks.org Director Mike Abbaté The Learning Landscapes Program East Delta Park Community Orchard The East Delta Park Community Orchard was initated as part of the Learning Landscapes Program in April 2010 with a planting of 55 fruit and nut trees native to regions all over the world that grow in the Pacifi c Northwest. This tree walk identifi es trees planted by numerous volunteers for the purpose of enriching the community with a delicious and educational experience. What is a Community Orchard? A community orchard is planted and cared for by volunteers and Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) Urban Forestry staff. Community Orchards offer an outdoor educational experience for anyone wishing to learn how to grow their own fruits and nuts in this climate, as well as provide aesthetic benefi ts to the neighborhood.