Bermuda Meeting Will Begin Today
Weather Diitribu+ion Today puny ooooft BUWMC twnpftr* ' 19,150 •tan knv »t\ it toil mllei per boor nOrthwert winM today lad tonight; 10 miles per boor variable winds Friday. ' Dial SH 1.0010 biuil dlllr. Mondu uiraufh Friday. Bteond Clisi Foiuga VOL. 84, NO. 125 Fill at Btd Buk ud at JWJltlonil unilug Otneu, RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Merger SoughtKatan& Pact Is Bermuda Meeting By Central, AP&OG Gained WouldBeThe Tshombe Agrees Will Begin Today J Largest In On End To • The Area Secession FREEHOLD — Robert B, LEOPOLDVILLE, the Berlin Barlow and Joseph- Thum Congo (AP) — President mess, respectively the pres Moise Tshombe agreed to- idents of the Central Jersey day to end the secession of Heads Bank & Trust Co., Free- his wealthy Katanga prov- hold, and the Asbury Park ince but said his supporters in Ocean Grove Bank, Asbury Elisabethville must approve be Agenda Park, jointly announced yester- fore the agreement is carried day the prospective merger ol out. HAMILTON, Bermuda the two banks. Tshombe and Premier Cyrille (AP) — President Kennedy, Approval for the merger will Adoula of the Central Congo con' be presented to the shareholders eluded the pact to restore unity fresh from his triumphant of the two banks after the firs in the Congo after more than 15 South American visit but of the year. hours of negotiations at the UN saddened by his father's The new bank, to be known as military base at Kitona. They illness, begirls a wide-ranging the Central Jersey Bank & Trus promptly flew off to their respec- discussion of world issues today Co., will be the largest bank in tive capitals of Elisabethville and Monmouth County and Central Leopoldville.
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