november, 1942 25 cents 35c In Canada devoted e I Y t o ·•··, /" . i • t·.·1.•.· .. ··•.·.••···•···· STRIKING POWER of United Nations forces is depend­ ent upon radio communication equipment for smooth, efficient and coordinated action. And though hampered by shortages of critical materials, we are utilizing every facility and substance in order to supply our Armies and Navies with transmitting tubes ... better transmiting tubes and more of them. Such design and production achievements call for ex­ perienced organizations ... made up of engineers and technicians who have had long and intimate contact with complex electronic operations and processes. It is fitting that a company such as ours should use its experience as a contribution to victory. AMPEREX ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS 79 WASHINGTON STREET BROOKLYN, NEW YORK . to'R ouTSTANDINa AcirIEVEMEiT ••• tl,e ..E"' en,blf'm uie to i.he prowrss of Am the fif"ld of shortwavr ,•om maintained, ha,·e bf"en awardf"d .this honor. The a.-eumulativf" elr«•t.ronh• f"X• pl"rif"nee gained by llallit•raft«•rs employes will be a dominant faetor in future pea.-e time produetion of advaneed designs in shortwa,·e eommunleatlons reef"h·f"rs. 1 NOVEMBER 1942 VOLUME XXVI D!ii devoted entirely to NUMBER 11 AMATEUR RADIO STAFF* PUBLISHED, MONTHLY, AS ITS OFFICIAL ORGAN~ BY THE AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, INC,, AT WEST HARTFORD, CONN., U. S. A.; ..Editorial OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR RADIO UNION KENNETH B. WARNER, wlEH_ Editor and BilBine•• M anaqer CLINTON B. DESoTO, WlCBD Executive Edit,or GEORGE GRAMMER, WlDF Technical Editor DONALi> H. Mix, wl TS BYRON GoOI?MAN, wlJPE• CONTENTS AB8islant Technical Editors EDWARD P. TILTON, WlHDQ Conlrilrntina Editor, U.H.F. It Seems to Us ......... 11 \VALTER E. BRADLEY, WlFWli Splatter .......... 12 VERNON CHAMBERS, wlJEQ• The Navy Trains Radio Technicians . Technical Information Service 13 Technical Review LOUISA B. DRESSER A Circular .Antenna for U.H.F. 19 Editorial A•Biatant _,_ Book Review . 22 JAMES J. LAMB, WlAL* A Simple Transmitter-Receiver for War Emergency Work Research Enaineer, A.R.R.L. · Philip Rand, WlDBM 23 Circulation Statement . 26 Advertising Easy Lessons in Cryptanalysis: No. 5 27 F. C'HEYNEY BEEKLEY, wlOR A Code Machine Utilizing Wheatstone Tape .4dvertillina M anaoer George Grammer, W"lDF 29 Circulat'iort Silent Keys . 32 DAnD H. Houow.roN Happenings of the Month 33 Circ-,;lation Manaaer The Die-Hard . • . 35 RALPH T. BEAUDIN, wlBAW WERS Gear; 1942 Style . T. G. Hieronymus, W9BLS 36 Aest, Cirr:ulation Manager U.S. A. Calling ..... 40 Your Milliammeters Desperately Needed!. •On leave of absence 43 In the Services . 44 Experimenter's Section . 48 Hamfest in Khaki . 51 OFFICES* A Course in Radio Fundamentals George Grammer, WlDF 53 38 La Salle Road Hamdom in the War • . 62 west Hartford, Connecticut Hints and Kinks subscription rate In United States and POSllesslons, $2.50 per year, PORt• Simplified Oscillator Circuit .f.or Crystal Checking - Simple paid; all other countries, $3.00 per A.c•• J).C. Code-Practice Oscillator - Modulation Indicator year, l)-OStpald. Single copies, 25cents. - Automatic Air-Raid-Alert Alarm - Improving Buzzer Foreign remittances shou!d be by In­ ternational postal or express money Tone- Increased Recording Time for GI Recorders . • 64 order or bank dral'.t negotiable In ttie Missing in Action 66 u. s. and tor an equivalent amount In U. S. tunds. Poems ...•....... 67 Entered as second-elass matter May Strays ...•....... 69 29, 1919, at the post office at Hart­ !Ord, Connecticut, under the Act or Correspondence from Members 70 March 3, 18i9. Acceptance tor mall­ Operating News ... 73 ing at special rate ol nostoge pro­ ,ided tor in section 1103, Act ot Honor Roll .•....... 74 ootober 3, 1917. authorized Septem­ ber 9. 1922. Additional entrY at The Month in Canada . 75 concord, N. H., authorized Febru­ Additional International Code Flags and Signals ary 21, 1929, unde~. the Act or 92 February 28, 192.S. Additional sec­ Amateur Activities 98 ond-elass entries to cover sectional editions authorized March 20, 1Q35. Hamada .•....... 123 Copyright 1942 by tb.e · AmericllJl QST's Index of Advertisers 126 Radl_o Relay League, Inc. Title registered at United States Patent Office. - tl1-' ·· . Coi\ S• ,;~~ . cit1 Jf ~a, RV . ~~HEco;11NG BADIOlUAN IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY! fn '1s$3 Commander Calhraith Perry, with four United StatE."s ,.,,arships, opPned trading with Japan •.. then there were no radio commtinications ... today the U. S. Navy will give you FREE passage to the Island of Nippon with the added eon­ veniences of radio communications and Jensen Speech Reproduc-f'rs ! 4 Beyond the horizon Communication between planes and Use tubes with SPEER Graphite An­ ships and shore, between battle fronts odes - for important war jobs now, for and headquarters; reporting, guiding, every transmission service when the warning and commanding - radio American Victory has been won. transmission tubes with SPEER Graph­ ite Anodes are serving the United Na­ Anode Booldet and list of tube manufacturers using SPEER tions aloft, ashore and afloat. Graphi teAnodes gladly mailed SPEER Graphite Anodes have blazed new trails in radio · communication. upon request. With greatly enlarged production and research facilities, now devoted entirely to winning the war, SPEER Anodes are better than ever before able to meet SPEER electronic transmission and communi­ CARBON COMPANY cation requirements as can no anode of other material. SPEER Graphite Anodes release stra­ tegic metals, add power and life to tubes. Only anodes of graphite can ST. MARYS, PA. never fuse or even soften, will not warp, CHICAGO • CLEVELAND · DETROIT help keep tubes gas-free. MILWAUKEE· NEW YORK· PITTSBURGH ~o\lS ~ t ..f ..t\ \et\s\\c.S r~ a,\\\.~y. \ l c.\lotO' '"' ,:-;,. ~ •\\11 o~,e ~e-P. a,i.e \\':>• d...\l \ to\\\t o.e~e\o'9 "Qa.-¢-'P ci c\tC"I). t. o J>.11• \\lte ~a."o ~~e'rf3 ~e~ io"<>" (_\.~ 9et\\ ce-p.\ta. ;¢,.i• • ~\.te c.\\'I t> \et\· •\\\ -te\\\ ot\'3--p.\ ~a.t t~\\i.'3-~'\.~ ec.\O\ c.0;: \'C\t\\c.O ~\ t \i.0-"Q ~-p.\ ~ a.~ .i \ot '1>t> ·\ot'1> o ~e -ote "'"-~ •\e'-' oc.\ ~-p.O ;\).i. ~ :\ \0 ~• ''(\'II\ • 0 c.Ot> -~ •\ev- 0te' t'C\,c. ~;. ;\1 <:>"I);> ·i\es e,etO -p.\\0 ( \'(\~\)\ "''" '<;: .. \t" "' TYPE 840 High Capacity Available in any temperature coefficient 0 from zero to -.00075 mmf/mmf/C • (1) Zero Temperature Coefficient up to 1500 MMF. (2) Negative Temperature Coefficient up to3000MMF. SIZE: .780" d.iameter Steatite tube - length varies TYPE 850 High Frequency, High Voltage Unit with capacity and temperature coefficient. 500 MMF NTC approximately ¾" long. Capacity ranges IOMMF to l00MMF and 1000 MMF NTC approximately l" long. intermediate values. Available either, Zero 500 MMF ZTC approximately ¾" long. 1000 MMF ZTC approximately l½" long. or Max. Negative temperature coefficient. Standard tolerances as to coefficients and Power factor of .05 % - does not increase with ageing. capacity. Size %" long. .765" diameter, exclusive of terminals. Voltage rating - 1000 volts D.C. Leakage more than 10,000 megohms. Power Factor .05% does not increase with ·ageing. Voltage ratin(J 5000 volts D.C. Terminals - two types available: A.C. voltage rating varies with frequency. (1) Lug .030" thick threaded for 6-32 ma­ chine screw, or conventional soldering. Terminals available in two types; same as (2) Axial mounting post with 6-32 ma­ Type 840. chine screw thread. CENTRAlAB: Div. of Globe-Union Inc., Milwaukee, Wis., U.S. A. 6 ~iill)oyou have a development problem that could best be solved by a new electronic tube with characteristics not now available 1 The Raytheon Laboratories are pre­ pared to undertake such development assignments provided only that (a) The new tube would niake possible new or greatly improved equipment for the suc­ cessful prosecution of the war either on the field of battle or on production lines. (b) The tube would have wide enough uses to warrant the development expense. Address correspondence to: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY RAYTHEON MANUFACTURING COMPANY 55 CHAPEL STREET, NEWTON, MASS. NTED! Raytheon's vital wartime assignments are in the field of electronic development. Have unusual opportunity for engineers who want to be connected with important war assignments. At Raytheon you would work with some of the best known research specialists on tubes and equipment. Write 0 SPECIAL ENGINEERING PERSONNEL. Raytheon Manufacturing Conipany Waltham, Massachusetts DEVOTED TO RESEARCH AND THE MANUFACTURE OF TUBES FOR THE NEW ERA OF ELECTRONIC/> 7 Section Communications Managers of the A.R.R.L. Communications Department Reports Invited. All amateurs, especially League• members, are invited to report communications activities, training plans, code classes, theory-discussion grou_ps, civilian-defense building or planning each mid-month (16th of the month for the last 30 days) direct to the SCM, the administrative official of ARRL elected b;,- members in each Section whose address is given below. Radio Club reports and Emergency-Coordinator reports repre,enbng community organized work and plans and progress are especially desired by SCl\Ia for inclusion in QST. ARRL Field Organization appointment~. with the exception of the Emergency Coordinator and Emergency Corps posts, are suspended for the present and no new appoint­ ments or cancellations, with the exception named, will be made. This is to permit full efforts of all in Emergency Corps plans. __Ea_ote_rn_P,_e-nn-sy_l_v_a_ni,..a---~W~3-B-ES=---~J-er-"~;'kr~~'fsIC DIVISION_,620""'8,-.-M,-a_s.,.te-r""'S"'t-.----.,,P""h~il,..a..,d-el,..p7h,-ia____ _ Maryland-Delaware-District 9701 Monroe St. of Columbia WJCIZ Hermonn E. Hobbs Silver Sprina: P. 0. Linden. Maryland Southern New Jersey* WJGCU Ray Tomlinson 623 E. Brown St. Trenton Western New York WSPLA Fred Chichester Sonyea Western Pennsylvania WSCKO E.
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