Devoted E I Y T O
november, 1942 25 cents 35c In Canada devoted e I Y t o ·•··, /" . i • t·.·1.•.· .. ··•.·.••···•···· STRIKING POWER of United Nations forces is depend ent upon radio communication equipment for smooth, efficient and coordinated action. And though hampered by shortages of critical materials, we are utilizing every facility and substance in order to supply our Armies and Navies with transmitting tubes ... better transmiting tubes and more of them. Such design and production achievements call for ex perienced organizations ... made up of engineers and technicians who have had long and intimate contact with complex electronic operations and processes. It is fitting that a company such as ours should use its experience as a contribution to victory. AMPEREX ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS 79 WASHINGTON STREET BROOKLYN, NEW YORK . to'R ouTSTANDINa AcirIEVEMEiT ••• tl,e ..E"' en,blf'm uie to i.he prowrss of Am the fif"ld of shortwavr ,•om maintained, ha,·e bf"en awardf"d .this honor. The a.-eumulativf" elr«•t.ronh• f"X• pl"rif"nee gained by llallit•raft«•rs employes will be a dominant faetor in future pea.-e time produetion of advaneed designs in shortwa,·e eommunleatlons reef"h·f"rs. 1 NOVEMBER 1942 VOLUME XXVI D!ii devoted entirely to NUMBER 11 AMATEUR RADIO STAFF* PUBLISHED, MONTHLY, AS ITS OFFICIAL ORGAN~ BY THE AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, INC,, AT WEST HARTFORD, CONN., U. S. A.; ..Editorial OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR RADIO UNION KENNETH B. WARNER, wlEH_ Editor and BilBine•• M anaqer CLINTON B. DESoTO, WlCBD Executive Edit,or GEORGE GRAMMER, WlDF Technical Editor DONALi> H.
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