GEOHAB Core Research Project: HABs in Benthic Systems.

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Publisher IOC and SCOR

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Edited by: E. Berdalet, P. Tester and A. Zingone

Contributors (alphabetic order): E. Berdalet, I. Bravo, J. Evans, S. Fraga, S. Kibler, R. M. Kudela, J. Larsen, W. Litaker, A. Penna, P. Tester, M. Vila, A. Zingone

THIS REPORT IS BASED ON CONTRIBUTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS BY PARTICIPANTS OF THE GEOHAB OPEN SCIENCE MEETING ON HABS IN BENTHIC SYSTEMS AND MEMBERS OF THE GEOHAB SCIENTIFIC STEERING COMMITTEE Disclaimer: Authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in signed articles and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization. The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do not im- ply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers o boundaries.

This report may be cited as: GEOHAB 2012. Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms, GEOHAB Core Research Project: HABs in Benthic Systems. E. Berdalet, P. Tester, A. Zin- gone (Eds.) IOC of UNESCO and SCOR, Paris and Newark, 64 pp.

This document is GEOHAB Report # 9. Publication code: GEOHAB/Rep/9. Copies may be obtained from:

Edward R. Urban, Jr. Henrik Enevoldsen Executive Director, SCOR Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmosphere UNESCO University of Delaware Head, IOC Science and Communication Centre on Newark, DE 19716, USA Harmful Algae Tel: +1-302-831-7011 University of Copenhagen Fax: +1-302-831-7012 Marine Biological Section E-mail [email protected] Øster Farimagsgade 2D 1353 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel.: +45 23260246 E-mail: [email protected]

This report is also available on the Web at:

Cover photos courtesy of: P. A. Tester (NOAA) and M. Toscano (Smithsonian Institution)

Copyright © 2012 IOC and SCOR. Published by IOC, Paris. TABLE OF CONTENTS

GEOHAB Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms Core Research Project: HABs in Benthic Systems





III. AN OVERVIEW OF BHABs 12 A. General Presentation of HABs in Benthic Systems 12 A1. Overview of BHAB Problems and BHAB Taxa 12 A2. Main Geographic Areas Affected by BHABs 14 B. and Genetic Diversity of BHAB Producing Organisms 16 B1. 16 B2. Ostreopsis 18 B3. Characterizing New Species 19 C. Biogeography: Distribution and Abundance of BHABs 20 C1. Gambierdiscus 20 C1.1. Gambierdiscus Distribution 20 C1.2. Gambierdiscus Abundance 21 C2. Ostreopsis 22 C2.1. Ostreopsis Distribution 22 C2.2. Ostreopsis Abundance 24 C3. Sampling Methods 26 C3.1 Vacuum collection 26 C3.2 Substrate Sampling 26 C3.3 Artificial Substrates 26 D. Biology of the Organisms 27 D1. Nutritional Ecology 28 D1.1 Gambierdiscus 28 D1.2 Ostreopsis 28 D2. Effects of Physical Factors 29 D2.1 Gambierdiscus 29 D2.1.1 Temperature 29 D2.1.2 Salinity 30 D2.1.3 Light 30 D2.2 Ostreopsis 31 D2.2.1 Temperature 31 D2.2.2 Salinity 32 D2.2.3 Light 32

5 Contents

D3. Substrate Preference and Effects of Water Motion 33 D3.1 Substrate Preference 33 D3.2 Water Motion 33 D4. Complex Interactions Among Physical and Biological Factors 35 E. Life Cycle and Ultrastructural Characteristics 35 E1. Gambierdiscus 35 E2. Ostreopsis 35 F. Toxicity of Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis species 36 F1. Gambierdiscus 36 F2. Ostreopsis 37 G. Effects of BHABs on 37 Human Health 37 G1. Food Intoxications 37 G2. Skin and Respiratory Diseases 40 H. Ecological Consequences of BHABs 40 H1. Gambierdiscus 40 H2. Ostreopsis 40 IV. KEY QUESTIONS TO BE ADDRESSED IN UNDERSTANDING THE ECOLOGY AND OCEA- NOGRAPHY OF HABS IN BENTHIC SYSTEMS 42



APPENDIX I – Open Science Meeting Program 59

APPENDIX II – Meeting Participants 61


Harmful events associated with benthic microalgae diversity, ecology and ecophysiology of BHABs. The (BHABs), have been reported more frequently over participants also compiled information about current the last decade including in areas where BHAB genera national and regional projects and programmes related were hardly known. Of particular concern are the out- to BHABs. The OSM concluded with the identification breaks of Gambierdiscus, a toxic genus of research and infrastructure priorities and approaches associated to the (CFP). The to be taken in order to improve understanding and pre- ciguatoxins produced by Gambierdiscus are bioaccu- diction of BHABs caused by Gambierdiscus and Ostr- mulated in reef fishes and are responsible for the most eopsis. common algal toxin-related illnesses, globally affect- Meeting participants developed a “road map” for ad- ing the greatest number of victims and often with sig- nificant long-term health effects. Although traditionally vancement of the ongoing research on BHABs with the considered as a tropical sickness, CFP is also being re- following key questions: cently reported on subtropical waters and the Mediter- Diversity - How many species are in the BHAB gen- ranean Sea, and new species of Gambierdiscus have era? Which ones are toxic? been identified in these areas. Biogeography - What is the worldwide distribution and The outbreaks of Ostreopsis, another dinoflagel- abundance of benthic harmful species? late genus, are exhibiting similar trends. Ostreopsis Sampling - How can BHAB species be sampled effec- outbreaks, first reported in the Mediterranean Sea in 1972, have become more frequent and intense. They tively and reliably? are associated with faunal damage and human illness- Physiology - What are the environmental parameters es, including both food intoxication and respiratory that affect the physiology of benthic ? problems. Recent reports of Ostreopsis blooms already Ecology - What are the main ecological interactions encompass the whole Mediterranean coastal area, and (substrate specificity, trophic links, competition, co- they have recently been detected in Japanese, Russian, operation) related to benthic dinoflagellates? French and Spanish Atlantic coastal waters. The sce- nario of more frequent BHAB events with range exten- Life cycle - What are the life cycles of the benthic dino- sions to higher latitudes is especially troubling because flagellates and their possible relationships with the our knowledge of BHAB species is nascent and, even seasonal benthic community composition? in developed nations, the regulatory and monitoring Models - What conceptual and numerical models can infrastructure in most cases is not adequate to protect be applied specifically to BHABs? public health and marine resources. Detection and monitoring technologies - What best Upon request from the scientific community study- suited detection technologies can be developed to ing harmful algal blooms, the Global Ecology and support monitoring programs for harmful species Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB) and/or their toxins? program—sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO—ini- tiated a new Core Research Project on Benthic Harmful Algal Blooms to foster research on events caused by benthic microalgae. In June 2010 in Honolulu, Hawaii (USA), an international Open Science Meeting (OSM) took place. There scientists involved in the study of benthic and planktonic microalgae identified the needs and impediments to research on the ecology, oceanog- raphy and physiology of BHABs and management of BHAB-related human illnesses and marine resource losses. Those needs included infrastructure develop- ment, detection technologies, monitoring tools and strategies, as well as research to generate data for pre- dictive models of environmental conditions that would be conducive to bloom development. The present report outlines the issues addressed by the participants during the OSM. These included the state of the art regarding Typical Caribbean habitat for benthic harmful algae, Gam- taxonomy, sampling methods, biogeography, genetic bierdiscus and Ostreopsis (NOAA).


BHABs Benthic Harmful Algal Blooms

CFP Ciguatera Fish Poisoning

CRP Core Research Project

CTX Ciguatoxin

GEOHAB Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms programme

GTX Gambiertoxin

HAB Harmful Algal Bloom

IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

LC-MS Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

LSU Large SubUnit

MTX Maitotoxin

OSM Open Science Meeting

PLTX Palytoxin

rDNA Ribosomal Deoxyribonucleic Acid

SCOR Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research

UNESCO United Nations Environmental, Scientific and Cultural Organization


The Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful thic animals were visibly harmed during an Ostreopsis Algal Blooms (GEOHAB) programme was initiated in cf. ovata bloom in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Sansoni et al., 1999 by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research 2003), while in the Ligurian Sea 200 people were hos- (SCOR) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic pitalized in 2003 due to health problems ascribed to the Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, to foster research on presence of O. cf. ovata toxins carried by aerosols from the ecological and oceanographic mechanisms under- the bloom or released directly into the affected waters. lying the population dynamics of harmful algal blooms (HABs). The ultimate goal of the GEOHAB research Second, the increased attention to the BHAB phe- programme is to allow the development of observa- nomenon highlighted the disparity in our knowledge of tion systems and models that will enable prediction of the ecology of the species associated with the micro- HABs, thereby reducing their impact on the health of phytobenthos compared to phytoplanktonic species. In humans and marine organisms as well as their econom- view of the paucity of scientists studying the microphy- ic impacts. tobenthos, several phytoplanktologists have expanded their research scope to include benthic microalgae. To achieve its objective, the GEOHAB Science Plan While the morphology, taxonomy and phylogeny is- (GEOHAB, 2001) and the GEOHAB Implementation sues concerning benthic and planktonic HAB species Plan (GEOHAB, 2003) specified, among other activi- may not differ greatly, the two groups are clearly dis- ties, the formation of Core Research Projects (CRPs) tinct regarding their habitats, relationships with the to address comparative, integrative, multi-faceted and physical and biological environments, and spatial and international research on HABs. In the beginning, four temporal scales of variability. The intrinsic character- CRPs related to four ecosystems types (fjords and istics of the planktonic and benthic HABs also require coastal embayments, upwelling, eutrophic, and strati- that different approaches and methodologies be ap- fied systems) were established. These CRPs were initi- plied in their study. Some of these, especially sampling ated through focused open science meetings (OSMs) methods, are far from being optimized. In this respect, with a wide international participation. At the OSMs, some ecologists quite familiar with plankton may feel scientists discussed the state of the art on the harmful naive, and in some ways beginners, when dealing with events developed in each of the systems and highlight- benthic microalgae. ed the main questions that could be addressed in subse- quent research efforts. The main outcomes from these A third driver for the new CRP on BHABs is it pro- meetings were research plans for each CRP, available vides a good opportunity to share the collective expe- in hard copy and electronic versions (see www.geohab. rience and expertise accumulated over the years on info). tropical and subtropical benthic HABs, namely those GEOHAB was designed to be open to new initia- related to Gambierdiscus spp. This experience can be tives that HAB researchers would identify during the particularly useful in view of the recent expansion of life of the programme. This was the case for harmful BHAB problems to temperate areas. These recent dis- events caused by benthic microalgae; it was evident coveries have brought new researchers into the field, mid-way through the programme that it was important with a considerable increase in related publications to start a new CRP within GEOHAB, for several rea- (Shears and Ross, 2009). The establishment of an inter- sons (Zingone et al., 2012). national program that can coordinate information and data sharing of different science communities, many of First, BHABs appear to be impacting a wider area in which are geographically separated, is the objective of recent years. Whether this is due to increased aware- the BHAB CRP and fits well within the main goals of ness or to an actual increase in bloom frequency and GEOHAB. intensity is still under debate. Indeed, it seems that certain harmful benthic species have been identified The purpose of this document is to describe the main in new areas. Examples include Ostreopsis spp. along topics that were highlighted during the OSM regard- the Mediterranean, Australian and Japanese coasts ing BHABs (distribution, abundance, ecophysiology, (e.g. Vila et al., 2001; Shears and Ross, 2009; Omura taxonomy and sampling). This document also compiles et al., 2010; Parsons et al., 2012) and recent records the suggestions, questions and general objectives to be of Gambierdiscus sp. in the Mediterranean Sea (Aligi- pursued within the GEOHAB CRP – HABs in Benthic zaki and Nikolaidis, 2008) and Micronesia and Maca- Systems in the coming years. Finally, this document ronesia (Pérez-Arellano et al., 2005). Bloom intensity serves as an invitation to individuals who could not also seems to have increased at some places, where participate in the BHABs OSM to join these activities outbreaks have attracted public attention to this phe- and contribute their talents and expertise to closing the nomenon. For instance, in the Mediterranean Sea, ben- information gaps within the next decade.


The report combines the contributions of the par- ticipants through communications and/or discussion sessions at the OSM (see programme in Appendix I) and a description of the main topics highlighted at the meeting. During the elapsed time since the OSM until the final edition of the report, new results have been published. Some of these results have also been includ- ed in the Report, which however should not be con- sidered as an exhaustive revision of the state-of-the-art on BHABs. The organizing committee acknowledges here the contributions from scientists who participated in the OSM (see Appendix II) and helped develop the ideas contained herein. The GEOHAB Science Steer- ing Committee is also grateful to the organizations that contributed financially to the meeting, specifically the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, and U.S. National Science Foundation (Division Caribbean Ecosystem’s laboratory at Car- of Ocean Sciences grants OCE-0938349 and OCE- rie Bow Cay, Belize, Central America, the type location 0813697 to SCOR). of four Gambierdiscus species (NOAA).


The overall strategy of GEOHAB is to apply a com- • define common characteristics, including the grou- parative research approach (GEOHAB, 2001; Ander- pings of harmful species from similar habitat types son et al., 2005). The comparative method assembles and identification of functional groups observations and hypotheses needed for scientific in- • identify the important physical and chemical fac- ference by recognizing naturally occurring patterns, tors that control abundance and distribution over and temporal and spatial variations in existing condi- appropriate temporal and spatial scales tions and phenomena. A comprehensive understanding • inform conceptual and numerical models that help of the population dynamics of BHABs may be reached to predict BHAB events by comparing studies on the ecophysiology, biology and the spatio-temporal distribution of the main taxa • develop and validate innovative technologies for involved in the harmful outbreaks. The results from detailed and extensive monitoring and establish field and laboratory studies should be combined, if real-time observation platforms. possible, with the application of models of comparable ecosystem types. In addition to this general GEOHAB approach, the study of BHABs incorporates a new perspective from benthic ecology. Intrinsically, benthic organisms de- pend strictly on the substrate, are extremely patchy in distribution and vary greatly in abundance. Patchiness poses a major problem for sampling design and execu- tion. Differences in sampling methodologies and other technical limitations may explain some of the discrep- ancies found in the literature regarding the abundance, ecology and population dynamics of benthic dinoflag- ellates. This patchiness likely also reflects the impor- tance of local habitat characteristics (e.g. wave and light exposure, topography, substrate) for the establish- ment of benthic assemblages and links (competition, predation) within them. Consequently, variability may be quite high at small, local scales, while patterns at larger scales may be more predictable. The adequate merging of the benthic ecological per- spective with the GEOHAB comparative approach will assist in addressing the main steps that will contribute to the understanding and prediction of harmful micro- phytobenthic events. The CRP approach will be to: Strong site fidelity is a well-known behavior of damsel- fish. This fidelity likely contributes to the bioconcentra- • determine the primary physiological, genetic, en- tion of algal toxins in the marine food web. Pictured vironmental or behavioral processes that regulate here is a juvenile Beaugregory (Stegastes leucostictus), cellular growth and toxicity typical throughout the Caribbean (NOAA).


more groups of isolates whose rDNA sequences fall A. General Presentation of into distinct clusters (ribotypes) in phylogenetic analy- HABs in Benthic Systems ses, and which likely represent new species, have also been recognized (Litaker et al., 2010). There are cur- A1. Overview of BHAB Problems and rently a total of eleven described Gambierdiscus spe- BHAB Taxa cies (Table 1). Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is a food-borne ill- ness affecting humans, marine resources and local economies worldwide. Humans are affected by this illness after eating reef fish containing the naturally occurring toxins known collectively as ciguatoxins (CTXs). These toxins are produced by benthic dino- flagellates of the genus Gambierdiscus, which are found predominantly in association with macroalgae Figure 1. Light micrographs of four newly described Gam- on coral reefs in tropical waters. Ciguatoxins are lipid- bierdiscus species, demonstrating their morphological simi- soluble and readily transferred through the food web larities and supporting the need for molecular methods to from algae, to herbivorous fish, to carnivorous fish, and discriminate species level differences a) G. caribaeus, b) G. ultimately to humans. Multiple structural forms of the carolinianus, c) G. carpenteri, d) G. belizeanus (courtesy of toxins (congeners) with varying toxicities have been M. Vandersea, NOAA). identified (Scheuer et al., 1967; Murata et al., 1989). Gambierdiscus taxonomy was revised in 2009 when Ostreopsis (Figure 2) is another genus of benthic four species were added to the genus (Figure 1; Litaker dinoflagellates that fits within the BHAB definition. et al., 2009) and most recently a new Gambierdiscus Some species produce palytoxin-like toxins that are species was described by Fraga et al., (2011). Two powerful vasoconstrictors in mammals (Usami et al., Table 1. Species of Gambierdiscus with selected references.

Species Geographic Origin Selected References Adachi et Gambier Islands, French Polyne- Adachi and Fukuyo (1979); Litaker Fukuyo, 1979 sia, South Pacific Ocean et al. (2009) G. belizeanus Faust, 1995 Belize, Central America, Caribbean Faust (1995); Litaker et al. (2009) Sea G. yasumotoi Holmes, 1998 Singapore island of Pulau Hantu, Holmes (1998); Litaker et al. Southeast Asia (2009) G. australes Faust et Chinain, Australes Archipelago, South Paci- Chinain et al. (1999); Litaker et al. 1999 fic Ocean (2009) G. pacificus Chinain et Faust, 1999 Tuamotu Archipelago, South Paci- Chinain et al. (1999); Litaker et al. fic Ocean (2009) G. polynesiensis Chinain et Faust, Australes and Tuamotu Archipe- Chinain et al. (1999); Litaker et al. 1999 lago, South Pacific Ocean (2009) G. carolinianus Litaker et al., 2009 Continental Shelf, North Carolina Litaker et al. (2009) USA G. caribaeus Vandersea et al., Belize, Central America, Caribbean Litaker et al. (2009) 2009 Sea G. ruetzleri Faust et al., 2009 Belize, Central America, Caribbean Litaker et al. (2009) Sea G. carpenteri Kibler et al., 2009 Belize, Central America, Caribbean Litaker et al. (2009) Sea G. excentricus Fraga, 2011 Canary Islands, Northeast Atlantic Fraga et al. (2011) Ocean


1995; Rhodes et al., 2002; Tichadou et al., 2010). Sev- have generated strong research interests in the last five eral new toxins have been described for Ostreopsis cf. years, particularly with regard to taxonomy and toxin ovata from the Mediterranean Sea (Ciminiello et al., characterization. 2010; 2012; Rossi et al., 2010), which have been as- The possibility also exists that toxins produced by sociated with skin irritations to swimmers (Deeds certain species of Coolia and benthic Prorocentrum gen- and Schwartz, 2010) and respiratory problems during era may also play a role in harmful events. Some ben- outbreaks in the Mediterranean Sea (Ciminiello et al., thic Prorocentrum species have been shown to produce 2008). In cases of extreme exposure, symptoms include okadaic acid, toxins, and fast-acting toxin, vomiting, labored breathing, kidney problems and, in which have been implicated in causing diarrhetic shell- some cases, death (Deeds and Schwartz, 2010). It is fish poisoning (DSP) worldwide (Hu et al., 1983; Carl- not certain if skin irritation and respiratory distress are son, 1984; Tindall et al., 1984; Ten-Hage et al., 2000; caused by toxin(s) released into the water or by direct Faust et al., 2008; An et al., 2010; Skinner et al., 2011). exposure to cells themselves. There is growing evi- Blooms have additionally been associated with the death dence that toxins produced by Ostreopsis species can of oyster larvae (Wikfors and Smolowitz, 1995). be transmitted through the food web to humans eating bottom-feeding fishes, shellfish or sea urchins (Rhodes Coolia tropicalis (reported as C. monotis) has been et al., 2002; Aligizaki et al., 2008). Negative impacts shown to produce the so-called cooliatoxins (Holmes on the benthic macrofauna have also been reported dur- et al., 1995; Usami et al., 1995; Rhodes et al., 2002). ing Ostreopsis blooms and include the loss of spines and eventual death of sea urchins and the loss of one or more arms in sea stars (Simoni et al., 2003; Shears and Ross, 2009). Ostreopsis was considered a monospecific genus for 80 years before Fukuyo (1981) redescribed the type and added two species. Since 1981, seven new species have been described (Table 2). Concerted efforts to revise and clarify the taxonomy of Ostreopsis are underway via reexamination of morphological characteristics and genetic characteristics. Figure 2. Light microscopy (left; from Barone, 2007, with The increased numbers of adverse incidences associ- permission) and epifluorescence image of calcofluor stained ated with both Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis species (right; courtesy of M. Vila, unpublished) Ostreopsis cf. ovata.

Table 2. Species of Ostreopsis with selected references.

Species Geographic Origin Selected References Ostreopsis siamensis Schmidt, Trat Province, Gulf of Thailand Schmidt (1901); Fukuyo (1980); 1901 Penna et al. (2005; 2010); Sato et al. (2011) Ostreopsis lenticularis Fukuyo, Gambier Islands and Society Fukuyo (1980); Norris et al. (1985); 1980 Islands, French Polynesia, South Larsen and Nguyen (2004) Pacific Ocean Ostreopsis ovata Fukuyo, 1980 French Polynesia, New Caledonia Fukuyo (1980); Penna et al. (2005; and Ryukyu Islands, South and 2010); Sato et al. (2011) West Pacific Ocean Ostreopsis heptagona, Norris, Florida Keys, Gulf of Mexico Norris et al. (1985) Bomber et Balech, 1985 Ostreopsis mascaranensis, Quod Reunion Island, West Indian Quod (1994) 1994 Ocean Ostreopsis labens Faust et Morton, Belize, Central America, Caribbean Faust and Morton (1995) 1995 Sea Ostreopsis marinus Faust, 1999 Belize, Central America, Caribbean Faust (1999) Sea Ostreopsis belizeanus Faust, 1999 Belize, Central America, Caribbean Faust (1999) Sea Ostreopsis caribbeanus Faust, La Parguera, Puerto Rico, Carib- Faust (1999) 1999 bean Sea


This toxin is still uncharacterized. Although it was A2. Main Geographic Areas Affected by suggested that it might be a yessotoxin, subsequent BHABs analyses by mass spectrometry fragmentation have dis- carded this hypothesis. In most instances any negative Species of the genus Gambierdiscus have a tropical- effect of these toxins has been largely inferred from the subtropical distribution and occur in shallow (less than co-occurrence of specific Prorocentrum or Coolia spe- 50 m) coastal and reef habitats globally. This distribu- cies with fish kills or outbreaks of DSP. However, the tion was originally inferred from CFP incidences (Fig- toxins that can be attributed to species in these two gen- ure 3) because, unlike many HAB species, the toxins era have yet to be recovered from fish tissues in areas and their food web implication on human diets were affected by ciguatera (Holmes et al., 1995). The actual studied before the taxonomy of the causative species causal linkage between the toxins produced by Proro- was well understood. Note that this map of CFP inci- centrum and Coolia and the observed effects has not dences reflects the toxic Gambierdiscus distribution been definitively established yet. and likely underrepresents the true range of the whole genus. The first report of a ciguatera event was prob- Furthermore, some benthic diatoms, namely ably found in a 1525 document concerning an outbreak Nitzschia navis-varingica and Amphora coffeaeformis, in Cameroon (Box 1). Recently, CFP was detected in have been proven to produce domoic acid but their im- this area (Bienfang et al., 2008). pact has not been assessed and, for the time being, does not seem to represent a pressing problem. However, Current information documents that at least four cyanobacteria might contribute to the origin of CFP Gambierdiscus species are distributed globally, with toxins and palytoxins based on CFP-like outbreaks in the other seven described species found only in the New Caledonia and the Cook Islands associated with Pacific, Indian or the Atlantic Oceans (including the the occurrence of Hydrocoleum, Trichodesmium spp. Mediterranean Sea; Litaker et al., 2010; see also sec- and Lyngbia majuscula (Evans, 2008; Laurent et al., tion C1.1). 2008; Kerbrat et al., 2010; 2011). Ostreopsis is also widely distributed in coastal areas Given these limited data, the literature on potentially of tropical and warm temperate seas (Figure 4). The harmful Prorocentrum, Coolia, benthic diatoms and phylogeographic study by Penna et al. (2010) suggests cyanobacteria will not be reviewed in this document, that the O. cf. ovata isolates of the Atlantic and Medi- which will focus on Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis. We terranean regions may constitute a panmictic popula- propose additional research to determine the rela- tion, highly distinct from the Indo-Pacific populations. tive importance of other BHAB in the coming dec- They also found a clear distinct genotype attributable ade. Based on the experience from planktonic HABs, it to the correspondent morphotype of O. cf. siamensis in is possible that other benthic genera and/or species pre- the Mediterranean, (see also Parson et al. 2012) while viously not considered to be harmful will cause dam- strains identified as O. lenticularis and O. labens were age through toxin production or other environmental reported from the Indo-Pacific region. impacts such as mucilage production or anoxia events.

Figure 3. Ciguatera fish poisoning incidences from data updated from Tester et al., 2010. Longitude lines (light blue) are marked at 35o north and 35o south.


Box 1. Spanish manuscript reporting a ciguatera fish poisoning in 1525 in the Gulf of Guinea (Urdaneta, 1580).

"Juan Sebastián Elcano was the first sailor that circumnavegated the world. The selected text de- scribes that during the second trip from Spain to the Pacific Ocean through the Magellan Strait in 1525, the seven ships in the fleet stopped at the Gulf of Guinea. There, the Captain General invited some of the King’s officers to a dinner where they were served a very big barracuda. Those who ate the fish were seriously poisoned, suffered diarrhea and lost consciousness. Although they initially recovered, all the intoxicated personnel perished afterwards during the trip, for unknown reasons. This could be the oldest written report of a ciguatera outbreak. Most likely the bad food and living conditions in the ships did not allow them to overcome the effects of the intoxication. Only one of the seven ships reached the Magellan Strait, and Elcano died sailing in the Pacific. In Spanish, the text says: “En esta ysla se pescó un pescado en la nao Capitana muy fermoso que se llama picuda y el Capitán General convidó algunos de los capitanes e oficiales del Rey y todos los que comieron de la picuda cayeron malos de cámaras que se iban sin sentir que pensamos que murieran empero quiso nuestro criador que guarescieran todos”.

Figure 4. Geographical distribution of the genus Ostreopsis, redrawn and updated from Rhodes (2010) by A. Zingone.


Because benthic organisms, including BHAB species, have not been extensively investigated and B. Taxonomy and Genetic have extremely patchy distributions, we expect to Diversity of BHAB Producing see these distribution maps change over the course of this CRP. Thus, in Figures 3 and 4, only a few dots Organisms are found along African coasts. This should not be in- B1. Gambierdiscus terpreted as the absence of CFP incidence or Ostreopsis in the area. Rather, it reflects the lack of relevant data. The taxonomy of Gambierdiscus species is based on cell size and shape as well as the size and shape of At large scale, the occurrence of BHAB species the thecal plates covering the surface of the cell. The appears to be confined to particular habitats (shallow first report of a species of Gambierdiscus is probably coastal areas and reefs, Figure 5). However, at a local by Silva (1956, p. 359, Plate III, figures 16-18, as Go- level the patchiness reflects the importance of habitat niodoma sp.) from West Africa (Figure 6). Fraga et al. characteristics (wave and light exposure, topography, (2011), describing G. excentricus from the Canary Is- suitable benthic substrate) for the establishment of ben- lands suggest that Silva’s species is conspecific with thic assemblages as well as the existence of tight links ribotype I from Belize (Litaker et al., 2009), a sibling (competition, predation) within them (see sections D3 species to G. polynesiensis. Gambierdiscus was for- and D4). Patchiness poses a major problem for the mally described by Adachi and Fukuyo (1979) from sampling design, and is discussed in more detail in sec- French Polynesia with G. toxicus as the type species. tion C3. Sampling methods. Differences in methodolo- The genus was considered monotypic for almost two gies along with other technical limitations may explain decades. However, Tester et al. (2008) and Litaker et inconsistencies often found in the literature regarding al. (2009) provided strong evidence that the original the ecology and population dynamics of benthic dino- description of G. toxicus includes multiple species and flagellates. therefore propose to designate the material of Adachi The degree to which various environmental fac- and Fukuyo (1979) as the lectotype (Figure 6), and that tors control the distribution and abundance of indi- of Chinain et al. (1999) as an epitype (Figure 7). vidual BHAB species is largely unknown and would be a major focus of the CRP. The population dynam- ics of phytoplankton and that of harmful algae as well, are known to result from the combination of biological, chemical and physical factors that interplay at a wide variety of spatio-temporal scales (e.g. Chang and Dick- ey, 2008). Knowing the relevant scales of these forcing Figure 6. Left: Ventral view of Gambierdiscus toxicus factors and magnitude of their effects on the variability redrawn from figure 1 of Adachi and Fukuyo (1979), the of distribution and abundance is especially important lectotype. Right: Redrawn view of the Goniodoma sp. cell (Hales et al., 1999; Llewellyn 2010). reported from Silva (1956): ventral view (16), epitheca (17) and hypotheca (18); the numbers refer to Silva (1956). This represents the first documentedGambierdiscus cell.

Figure 7. Scanning elec- tron micrograph of the sur- face epithecal morphology of Gambierdiscus toxicus (GTT-91). Epithecal view figure 1 from Chinain et al. (1999), the epitype. Re- published by permission of Wiley Subscriptions Servi- ces, Inc. Copyright (1999) from the Phycological So- ciety of America.

Most species of Gambierdiscus, including the type species G. toxicus, are anterior-posteriorly compressed, but two species, namely G. ruetzleri and G. yasumotoi, Figure 5. Caribbean fore reef ecosystem, which is typical of differ by having a globular cell shape. The globular spe- the relatively sheltered environments that provide ideal habi- cies are also distinguished from the anterior-posteriorly tat for the growth of BHABs (NOAA). compressed species by the size and shape of the 4’ and


2’ plates (the 1’ and 2’ plates, respectively, in Litaker et molecular data with detailed morphological studies, al., 2009), and by differences in the structure of the cin- Litaker et al. (2009) found that phylogenetic analyses gulum and sulcus (Figure 8). Genetically, the globular based on rDNA data produced distinct species-specific species are also clearly separated from the anterior-pos- clusters which agreed well with the morphologically teriorly compressed species. Litaker et al. (2009) brief- defined species. This study included the six previously ly discussed whether these differences are sufficient to described species, and description of four new species warrant the establishment of a separate genus for the (Figure 10, Table 1). Litaker et al. (2009) also provided globular species, but without drawing any taxonomic promising perspectives regarding the development of conclusion. However, detailed morphological investi- molecular methods for identifying Gambierdiscus spe- gations of ten species of Gambierdiscus, indicated the cies. Use of molecular assays would greatly facilitate most important feature used to discriminate species future studies as species identification based on mor- was the size and shape of the 2’’’’ and 1p plates (Figure phology alone is often dubious (see above). Recently, 9, Litaker et al., 2009). The morphological differences Fraga et al. (2011) described G. excentricus from the among the species were subtle but provided ample fea- Canary Islands (Table 1) and this species is clearly dis- tures to support a key (Litaker et al., 2009) that has been tinct morphologically as well as phylogenetically from useful in teaching students to identify Gambierdiscus previously described species. at the species level (Drs. Karen Steidinger and Carme- lo Tomas, pers. comm.). By combining rDNA-based

Gambierdiscus ruetzleri Gambierdiscus belizeanus 3''' 3''' 3'''

2''' 1p 4''' 2''' 1p 4''' 4''' 1'''' 2'''' 5''' 2''' 1p 1''' 1'''' 2'''' 1''' 5''' S.d.p. 1'''' 2'''' 1''' 5'''

Gambierdiscus yasumotoi Gambierdiscus polynesiensis Gambierdiscus carolinianus

3''' 3''' 3''' 4''' 2''' 1p 4''' 2''' 1p

2''' 1p 4''' 1'''' 2'''' 1''' 2'''' 5''' 1'''' 5'''

1''' S.d.p. 1''' 1'''' 2'''' 5'''

Gambierdiscus pacificus Gambierdiscus toxicus

3''' 3''' 3''' 2''' 1p 4''' 2''' 1p 4''' 4'''

1''' 1'''' 2'''' 5''' 1p 1'''' 2''' 1''' 2'''' 5'''

2'''' 1''' 1'''' 5'''

Gambierdiscus carpenteri

3''' Figure 9. Left, line drawings of the theca for the globular species seen from different perspec- 4''' 2''' 1p tives. Right, cells stained with calcofluor, which allows the surface plates covering the cell to be visualized when ex- 1''' 1'''' 2'''' posed to ultraviolet light. Scale bar = 50 µm. Right: from 5''' Litaker et al. (2009), with permission of Allen Press Pu- blishing Services. For more information on Gambierdiscus Figure 8. Comparative line drawings of the hypotheca for morphological and molecular taxonomy see: http://gambier- 10 Gambierdiscus species. Scale bar = 50 µm. Copyright Semi-quantitative PCR assays (2009) International Phycological Society from Phycologia are now available for six Caribbean Gambierdiscus species by Litaker et al. (2009). Republished by permission of Allen to provide assistance with their detection and quantification Press Publishing Services. (Vandersea et al., 2012).


Figure 10. D8-D10 large subunit ribosomal gene phylogeny showing the relationship between the six previously described Gambierdiscus species and the four newly described species as well as two distinct ribotypes 1 and 2, which may represent new species. Redrawn from Litaker et al. (2009). B2. Ostreopsis and O. lenticularis, which resulted in a redescription The genus Ostreopsis (Schmidt, 1901) was mono- of the type species (Fukuyo, 1981). As the interest in specific for 80 years with O. siamensis as the unique benthic dinoflagellates increased, new species were de- species (Figure 11). During that period of time, this scribed including (Table 2): O. heptagona (Norris et species was rarely reported in the scientific literature. al., 1985), O. mascarenensis (Quod, 1994), O. labens However, in a survey to search for the origin of CFP (Faust and Morton, 1995), O. marinus, O. belizeanus in some Pacific Ocean islands, Ostreopsis cells were and O. caribbeanus (Faust, 1999). All these species found and two new species were described, O. ovata were described based only on the morphology of cells


from field samples and the importance given to differ- ent taxonomic characters depended only on the differ- ent author’s criteria.

Figure 12. Scanning electron micrographs of Ostreopsis cf. siamensis (left) isolated in the Costa Brava (NW Mediter- ranean; picture provided by M. Vila and J.M. Fortuño); and O. cf. ovata (right), IEO-OS15BR from the western Atlantic (from Penna et al., 2005, figure 4, with permission from the editor). cally sequenced were cultured strains, identified as O. ovata and O. lenticularis, isolated from Malaysian waters two years after the last of the nine Ostreopsis species were described (Pin et al., 2001). Subsequent Ostreopsis cf. ovata isolates originating from the Medi- terranean Sea, NE Atlantic Ocean and from the Bra- zilian coast were found to be genetically distinct from Figure 11. Line drawings of the nine described Ostreopsis those from Eastern Asia based on sequence analyses species in epithecal (upper) and hypothecal (lower) view. (a) of different ribosomal DNA regions (LSU D1/D2 and O. siamensis after Schmidt (1901); (b-d) O. siamensis, O. ITS-5.8S) (Penna et al., 2005; 2010; Figure 5 in sec- lenticularis and O. ovata, respectively, after Steidinger and tion A2). In these cases, samples were obtained from Tangen (1996); (e) O. mascarenensis, after Quod (1994); regions quite distant from the type locality of any of (f) O. heptagona, after Norris et al. (1985); (g) O. labens, the formally described Ostreopsis species. As indicated redrawn from Faust and Morton (1985); (h-j) O. belizeanus, for Gambierdiscus, the morphological differences are O. marinus, and O. caribbeanus, respectively, after Faust not large enough to allow easy identification of the de- (1999). Scale bars, 10 µm. From Penna et al. (2005), with scribed Ostreopsis species. Indeed, it is quite common permission from the editor. that the authors express doubts regarding the correct identification. Based on different regions of ribosomal Most Ostreopsis species are markedly anterior- DNA sequences (LSU D8/D10 and ITS-5.8S), Sato et posteriorly compressed, almond-like in shape (Figure al. (2011) identified eight phylogenetic clades which 12). So, they are usually observed in apical or antapical could correspond to eight different species that are view. O. ovata is the less compressed and most elon- not morphologically characterized yet. Finally, several gated species in the dorsoventral axis, and has similar cryptic species are included in this taxon, which is now transdiameter and anteroposterior dimensions, which to be considered a species-complex. confer it an egg-like appearance. Unfortunately, visual discrimination among species is not so simple, as mor- B3. Characterizing New Species phological characters (general shape, cell size, plate There is evidence that the diversity of BHAB spe- tabulation, pore sizes) are highly variable (see for in- cies is far greater than the number of species described stance, Penna et al., 2005). Plate tabulation is the same to date. Given that new molecular methods allow rapid for all the species except for O. heptagona in which sequencing of the rDNA genes from single cells and plates 4’ and 4’’ are in contact, while these plates are cultures established from single cell isolates, it is prob- separated by 3’ and 5’’ in the other species. Neverthe- able that these new species will be first identified ge- less, this is not a good morphological character either netically. For example, Litaker et al. (2009; 2010) es- given its observed variability (Penna et al., 2010). Sato tablished a one to one correspondence between distinct et al. (2011) have also shown that strains attributable to genetic clusters in rDNA phylogenies and described O. cf. ovata on morphological ground actually belong Gambierdiscus species. Also Sato et al. (2011) identi- to distinct genetic lineages. fied new genetic clusters that do not correspond to the In fact, an increasing number of genetic studies already identified Ostreopsis species. Some of them have shown that the taxonomy of the genus Ostreop- have a high probability of representing new species. To sis should be redefined. The first Ostreopsis geneti- avoid confusion in the literature, a Wiki has been de-


veloped to assist researchers in assigning a sequential Aligizaki and Nikolaidis, 2008; Litaker et al., 2009; “ribotype” number to each new putative Gambierdis- Fraga et al., 2011). Gambierdiscus was also observed cus species identified genetically by various research in the coast of Angola (Isabel Rangel, pers. com.) and groups around the world (see http://gambierdis- ciguatoxins were detected in fish from Cameroon (Bi- for additional details). Be- enfang et al., 2008) but the whole coast of Africa re- cause species vary in toxicity (Lartrigue et al., 2009; mains largely unexplored. Chinain et al., 2010b; Litaker et al., 2010; Sato et al., Until 2009, establishing the distribution of various 2011), it will be important to fully characterize Gam- Gambierdiscus species was impeded because the tax- bierdiscus and Ostreopsis species diversity in order to onomy of the genus was poorly defined. Studies simply understand which species pose the greatest toxicologi- reported counts as Gambierdiscus “toxicus” or Gam- cal threat to human and animal populations. bierdiscus sp. (Tester et al., 2006; Litaker et al., 2009). Hence, a major activity of this CRP will involve A revision of the genus in 2009, using both morphologi- both the morphological and genetic characteriza- cal and genetic methods, made it possible to unambigu- tion of new species. The molecular characterization ously identify Gambierdiscus species. Gambierdiscus will prove particularly important in developing spe- excentricus was described by Fraga et al. (2011) and cies-specific detection and quantification assays for the another new species is being described from the Medi- toxic species of interest. terranean Sea (Aligizaki pers. com.). Reexamination of the distribution of Gambierdiscus species has followed (Litaker et al., 2009). Recent studies using genetic C. Biogeography: Distribution methods indicate marked differences in Gambierdiscus and Abundance of BHABs species distributions between the Atlantic and Pacific- Indian Oceans (Figure 13). Currently, G. ruetzleri, G. C1. Gambierdiscus excentricus and Gambierdiscus ribotypes 1 and 2 are C1.1. Gambierdiscus Distribution found exclusively in the Atlantic Ocean. Gambierdiscus australes, G. pacificus, G. polynesiensis, G. toxicus, and Species in the genus Gambierdiscus have a pan-trop- G. yasumotoi are found only in the Pacific. It should ical distribution between 35°S and 35°N. This genus be noted that both Gambierdiscus toxicus and G. yas- is reported throughout the Caribbean Sea, the Hawai- umotoi have been reported from the Caribbean. The G. ian Islands, Australia, Southeast Asia and the Indian toxicus reports preceded the recent taxonomic revisions Ocean. Recently, Gambierdiscus has been found in and likely represent misidentifications. Extensive iso- the Canary Islands, the Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf lations from field samples as well as direct screening of Mexico, and in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of of DNA extracted from environmental samples, have North Carolina, USA (34.7°N) (Villareal et al., 2007; yet to confirm the presence of G. toxicus in the Carib-

Species G. australes G. excentricus G. yasumotoi G. belizeanus G. pacificus Gambierdiscus ribotype 1 G. caribaeus G. polynesiensis Gambierdiscus ribotype 2 G. carolinianus G. ruetzleri Possible ribotype 3 G. carpenteri G. toxicus

Figure 13. Global distribution of the Gambierdiscus species listed (Litaker et al. 2010; Ho-Van et al., 2010; Hatayama et al., 2011, Ishikawa et al., 2011; Leau et al., 2011; Nascimento et al., 2012). A new species, G. excentricus was isolated from the Canary Island in the northeast Atlantic and described by Fraga et al. (2011).


bean (Figure 13). Similarly, the report of G. yasumotoi their substrate. The suspended cells are then sieved were made prior to the description of the closely related through a mesh screen to remove detritus and larger species G. ruetzleri (Hernández-Becerril and Becerril, grazers before Gambierdiscus cells are captured on a 2004). Gambierdiscus toxicus is the only species report- finer mesh screen. Finally, cells are backwashed off the ed from the Indian Ocean and confirmed by molecular mesh screen and preserved for counting. At the same methods (Chinain et al., 1999). Four species, G. be- time, the macroalgae are blotted dry and weighed. lizeanus, G. caribaeus, G. carolinianus and G. carpen- Gambierdiscus cell densities are subsequently ex- teri, are known to occur in both the Atlantic and Pacific pressed as cells•g-1 wet weight algae. Samples collect- Oceans and are likely globally distributed (Figure 13). ed this way have consistently shown that Gambierdis- Gambierdiscus caribaeus, one of the six species tested cus cells are distributed in a very patchy manner, even so far for the effects of temperature on growth, is the over small distances (Ballantine et al., 1985; Ballantine most temperature-tolerant species which may partially et al., 1988; Lobel et al., 1988). Typically, coefficients account for its wide distribution (Kibler et al., 2012). of variation among adjacent samples ranged from 50 to >150%. As discussed in section A3, CFP occurrence, for the most part, supports the expected pantropical distribu- 100,000-1,000,000 Atlantic tion of Gambierdiscus, but does not fully represent Pacific the distribution range of non-toxic species or regions 10,000-100,000 where environmental conditions preclude high enough densities to cause CFP (Litaker et al., 2009; Chinain et 1,000-10,000 al., 2010a). For instance, Caillaud et al. (2010) reported 100-1,000 the presence of Gambierdiscus in Greece that did not g wet (cellsper s cause any CFP outbreak, so it was not registered in the 10-100 area. weight algae) 1-10 As with the global distribution of most microorgan- isms, it is possible with additional samplings, that spe- Gambierdiscu 0-1 cies now designated as endemic to either the Atlantic or Pacific may eventually be found in both regions. Even 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 if this proves true, it is likely that the relative abun- Estimates (%) dance of certain species will be different between the Figure 14. Mean Gambierdiscus abundances from 46 stu- the Atlantic and Pacific. This conclusion regarding the dies. The 0-1 values are likely underestimated because general pattern of distribution is supported by the fact samples were biased toward sites where Gambierdiscus cells that, despite screening hundreds of samples at many lo- were known to be present. N=number of samples analyzed. cations in the Atlantic over the past 5 years, none of the Redrawn from Litaker et al. (2010). Pacific-specific species has been observed in the tropi- cal or subtropical regions in the Atlantic (Caribbean/ Despite this variation, it was possible to collate the Gulf of Mexico/West Indies/Southeast US coast from available average Gambierdiscus abundance data from Florida to North Carolina). Even if the Pacific species the literature and estimate representative density dis- are eventually found in the Atlantic, it is expected they tributions for the Atlantic and Pacific oceans (Litaker will be relatively rare. et al., 2010; Figure 14). The frequency distributions of average cell densities were similar in both the Atlantic C1.2. Gambierdiscus Abundance and Pacific. Eighty-five percent of the abundance esti- mates were <1,000 cells g-1 wet weight algae. Approxi- Good abundance estimates for Gambierdiscus spe- mately 10% of the abundance estimates were between cies are difficult to find because Gambierdiscus cells 1,000 and 10,000 cells g-1 wet weight algae. Estimates are hard to both identify and sample. Progress has exceeding 100,000 cells g-1 wet weight algae were few- been made in the identification of Gambierdiscus spe- er than 5% of the total. The only estimate that exceeded cies (Litaker et al., 2009), but quantitative methods for 1,000,000 cells g-1 wet weight algae was from the Pa- systematic sampling are just now being developed. In cific. It is likely that the highest 10% of the densities addition to taxonomic issues, a primary impediment represent localized epibenthic blooms of Gambierdis- to progress is that benthic dinoflagellates occupy com- cus that have been noted in the literature (Nakajima et plex, multidimensional habitats that are very challeng- al., 1981; Withers 1984; Chinain et al., 1999; Darius et ing to sample. One method for estimating Gambierdis- al., 2007). It is these bloom populations which are most cus abundance commonly used since the late 1970s likely to contribute to CFP events. Sixty-six mean abun- (Yasumoto et al., 1979; Yasumoto et al., 1980) requires dance estimates were also found from the Indian Ocean, that macroalgae be collected, placed in plastic contain- but represented too small a sample size, both in terms ers and shaken vigorously to remove attached Gam- of sample number and the diversity of sites sampled, to bierdiscus cells (see Reguera et al., 2011 and section estimate average abundances in this region (Grzebyk et C3). Note that not all the cells can be detached from al., 1994; Hurbungs et al., 2001; Lugomela, 2006).


C2. Ostreopsis species known in the genus at that time, and that in fact, the Villefranche-sur-Mer bloom was also caused by O. C2.1. Ostreopsis Distribution cf. ovata. Benthic dinoflagellates of the genusOstreopsis were In the Mediterranean Sea, O. cf. ovata was recorded first described from the Gulf of Siam (Thailand) at the in Lebanese (Abboud-Abi Saab, 1989) and Italian (To- beginning of the last century (Schmidt, 1902). The gnetto et al., 1995) waters since the 1980s. Simoni et al. type species, Ostreopsis siamensis, apparently has a (2003) and Sansoni et al. (2003) first described a clear worldwide distribution including the Sea of Japan, East impact on the benthic fauna during a bloom of this spe- Australia, New Zealand (North Island), Hawaii, Méx- cies in coastal north Tyrrhenian waters in summer 1998. ico and the Caribbean Sea. It also occurs in the Indian Molecular investigations have revealed that Mediterra- Ocean (Madagascar and Réunion, Mayotte and Rod- nean/Atlantic populations of O. cf. ovata cluster into rigues islands; Rhodes, 2010). Ostreopsis cf. siamensis the same phylogenetic group, while Pacific isolates are has recently been reported in warm temperate Atlantic genetically distinct (Penna et al., 2005; 2010; 2012). waters off Morocco and Portugal (Amorin et al., 2010; More recently, four strains from Shikoku in Japanese Bennouna et al., 2010), as well as in the Mediterranean waters have shown LSU identity with the Mediterrane- Sea (Aegean Sea, Algerian, French, Italian, Lebanese, an/Atlantic strains, while three different genetic clades Spanish and Tunisian waters; e.g. Illoul et al., 2012, have been found that share the morphology of O. ova- ta, suggesting that it is a species complex involving at Touharia and Seridji, 2011) and in the Bay of Biscay least three cryptic species (Sato et al., 2011). Further (Atlantic Spain; Laza-Martinez et al., 2011). Howev- phylogenetic analyses based on LSU (D1/D2) regions er, the identity of this taxon has not been confirmed and including worldwide isolated strains evidenced in these latter reports where the species is reported as new clades probably correspond to different species Ostreopsis cf. siamensis (Penna et al., 2010). within Ostreopsis spp. (Penna et al., 2012; Figure 15). Ostreopsis ovata was described about 80 years later In particular one clade, represented by sequences of as an epiphyte of brown and red macroalgae growing Ostreopsis sp. isolates from Atlantic and Greek waters, on coral reefs of Ryukyu Islands, French Polynesia and is probably a new species, which is also supported by New Caledonia (Fukuyo, 1981). Seven more species further morphological and toxin profile characteriza- were described in the genus in the next 20 years (Faust, tion (Penna, unpublished). In the absence of molecu- 1999), all living in close contact with macroalgae and/ lar information on the type material of O. ovata, the or submerged rocks or sediments. These species were taxonomic status of this species remains uncertain. It reported from tropical and subtropical seas, where they is therefore advisable to use the designation Ostreop- were associated with other epiphytic dinoflagellates sis cf. ovata when referring to isolates from both the such as Gambierdiscus, Coolia and benthic Prorocen- Mediterranean/Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific clades trum (e.g., Besada, 1982). In recent years, the range of (Penna et al., 2010) and, more generally to the O. ovata Ostreopsis species has shown an apparent expansion species-complex for the taxa attributed to this species to temperate regions (Shears and Ross, 2009), where after its first description. cells can form intense blooms (Rhodes, 2010). This Given the complex and partially unresolved status is the case for New Zealand (Shears and Ross, 2009), of the genus Ostreopsis, it becomes extremely impor- the cold waters of the Japan Sea (Selina, 2010), and tant to identify adequate target molecular regions in the Mediterranean Sea (Vila et al., 2001; Aligizaki nuclear and/or organelle genomes for phylogenetic and and Nikolaidis, 2006; Monti et al., 2007; Mangialajo phylogeographic studies that can really resolve distinct et al., 2008; Battocchi et al., 2010; Totti et al., 2010; Ostreopsis species. Molecular results should be com- Mangialajo et al., 2011). At the same time, records of bined with new morphological characters, as well as Ostreopsis have also increased in subtropical-tropical with data on toxin profiles and physiological traits. Fi- waters, such as Brazil (Rhodes et al., 2009; Nascimento nally, in order to identify and quantify individual spe- et al., 2011). cies in environmental samples, it would be necessary to The Mediterranean Sea represents the case that best identify adequate molecular regions in the Ostreopsis shows the apparent range expansion of Ostreopsis. The genome for the design of species-specific probes and first record of an Ostreopsis bloom in this sea dates primers (Perini et al. 2011). back to 1972, when O. siamensis (Taylor, 1979) was Much less information is available on the geo- reported to occur at high concentrations within a muci- graphic range of other species in the genus Ostreop- laginous matrix covering macroalgae in Villefranche- sis, which seem to be more strictly confined to tropical sur-Mer Bay (NW Mediterranean sea, France; F.J.R. and subtropical waters. Ostreopsis heptagona occurs in Taylor, pers. comm.). In the light of the recently as- the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and Indian Ocean sessed range of Ostreopsis species, it is likely that the (Réunion and Rodrigues islands). Ostreopsis labens attribution to O. siamensis was because it was the only was found in Belizean and Puerto Rican waters and


Ostreopsis sp. CBA0203 PaciŽc (Hawaii) 100/100/100 O. lenticularis PaciŽc (Malaysia) 99/79/78 ../81/82 Ostreopsis sp. KC84 99/94/94 Ostreopsis sp. KC86 Mediterranean East Atlantic O. cf. ovata KC70 Ostreopsis sp. VGO881 (Canary Islands) O. cf. ovataVGO883

O. cf. ovataCBAE

O. cf. ovataKC71

O. cf. ovataVGO820

O. cf. ovataVGO884

100/100/100 O. cf. ovataCBAF Mediterranean, O. cf. ovataCBAG West Atlantic

O. cf. ovataKC34

O. cf. ovataCBAP 54/../100 O. cf. ovataOSBR18

O. cf. ovataOSBR16

O. cf. ovataSKC17

O. cf. ovataVGO614 East Atlantic (Madeira) 100/ 100/81/83 55/ O. cf. ovataCBA6Indo 55 PaciŽc (Indonesia) O. cf. ovataCBA9Indo

O. cf. ovataQB04

98/../.. O. cf. ovataQB06 PaciŽc (Vietnam) O. cf. ovataQB03 74/../.. 100/76/61 O. cf. ovataLCH001

O. cf. ovataPR04 PaciŽc (Malaysia) 96/../100 O. cf. ovataN0148 PaciŽc (Vietnam)

O. cf. siamensis Dn18EHU Mediterranean, 100/82/82 O. cf. siamensis 98-01 East Atlantic O. cf. siamensis CSICD7

C. monotis VGO783 0.05 substitutions/site

Figure 15. LSU (D1/D2) ribosomal gene phylogeny of genus Ostreopsis showing relationships among different species inclu- ding a new Mediterranean/Atlantic clade. Redrawn from Penna et al. (2012).


Indonesian and Malaysian beaches. The range of O. macroalgae and up to 1.2x105 cells l-1, with a high posi- lenticularis range is similar to that of the species men- tive correlation between concentrations recorded in the tioned above. O. marinus, O. belizeanus and O. car- plankton and in the benthos in the same sampling sites ibbeanus co-occur in the Caribbean Sea and Indian and dates (Figure 16, Mangialajo et al., 2011). Inter- Ocean, whereas O. mascareniensis is not present in the estingly, peak values were generally recorded in mid- northern Australian sea. Nevertheless, the true distribu- summer (end of July) in the western sites and in early tion of the different species is unknown as long as their autumn (end of September) in the Adriatic Sea. This identity is still doubtful. difference in seasonal trends is also confirmed from other sites not examined in that study, e.g. the Gulf of C2.2. Ostreopsis Abundance Naples (Zingone, unpublished data), where Ostreopsis cf. ovata peaks in early summer. In Greek waters (Ali- The concentrations reached by Ostreopsis species gizaki and Nikolaidis, 2006), where the peaks are re- are only known for a few species, while in most cases corded in August-September, and Monaco coast where species are simply recorded as ‘present’ at given loca- the peaks are recorded in July and August (Cohu et al., tions or reported as forming a brown film covering the 2011; Mangialajo et al., 2011). A second peak also of- algae but not giving concentrations (Ferreira, 2006). ten occurs in the Catalan coast and in the Gulf of Na- The exception is represented by Ostreopsis cf. ovata, ples (M. Vila, A. Zingone, pers. comm.). None of the which has been intensively sampled around the north- other Ostreopsis species has ever been recorded in such ern Mediterranean Sea coasts over the last five years. high concentrations (Table 3), with the exception of O. Concentrations at 14 Spanish, French, Monegasque siamensis found at concentrations near 106 cells g-1 wet and Italian sites of the north-western Mediterranean weight in New Zealand waters (Shears and Ross, 2009) coasts reached up to 7.2x106 cells (g wet weight)-1 of and the Costa Brava (Vila et al., 2001).

Figure 16. Correlation between maximal concentrations of epiphytic (cells g-1 wet weight algae) and planktonic (cells l-1) Ostreopsis cf. ovata at sampling sites from the northern Mediterranean coast (from Mangialajo et al., 2011, with permission from the editor).


Table 3. Ostreopsis species abundance estimates.

Species Abundance on Abundance in Water Location Reference macrophytes sediment (s) column (cells•g-1 wet or coral (c) (cells l-1) weight) (cells•g-1 wet weight) O. cf. ovata and 4.05 × 105 135 (s) 1.6 × 104 N. Aegean Sea, Aligizaki and Ni- O. cf. siamensis Greece kolaidis (2006) O. lenticularis 1.6 × 104 SW Puerto Ballantine et al. Rico (1988) O. heptagona <50 SW Puerto Ballantine et al. O. siamensis <50 Rico (1988) O. lenticularis 4.3 × 104 SW Puerto Ballantine et al. Rico (1985) Ostreopsis spp. 55 North Line Is- Briggs and Leff lands, Pacific (2007) O. siamensis 1.12 × 105 US Virgin Carlson (1984) Islands and Caribbean O. cf. ovata 1.1 × 105 ≤2 × 106 a Monaco, NW Cohu et al., Mediterranean (2011) O. lenticularis <103 NW Cuba Delgado et al. (2006) Ostreopsis spp. ≤100 ≤1900 (c) Mayotte Island Gryzebyk et al. (SW Indian (1994) Ocean) Ostreopsis spp. ≤17 Mauritius (SW Hurbungs et al. Indian Ocean) (2001) Ostreopsis spp. 5.7 × 104 4.8 × 103 (c) US and British Kohler and Virgin Islands Kohler (1992) O. cf. ovata 16.4 Akajima Island, Koike et al. Ostreopsis spp. 12.4 Okinawa, (1991) Japan O. siamensis 1-5 Tunisia Mabrouk et al. (2011) O. cf. ovata 7.2 × 106 1.16 × 105 NW Mediterra- Mangialajo et nean Sea al. (2011) O. lenticularis 1.5 × 103 Belize Morton and O. heptagona 85 Faust (1997) O. cf. ovata 7.4 x 104 4.0 x 104 NW Adriatic, Mediterranean Perini et al. Sea (2011) Ostreopsis spp. ≤100 O. siamensis ≤55 O. ovata ≤60 Johnston Atoll, Richelin and O. lenticularis ≤15 Pacific Ocean Lobel (2011) O. siamensis 1.4 x 106 New Zealand Shears and Ross (2009) O. heptagona 1202 Gulf of Mexico Okolodkov (2007) O. cf. siamensis 5.96 x 105 Costa Brava, Vila et al. NW Mediter- (2001)b ranean a Sample collected in the water directly above targeted macrophytes, bAlthough Vila et al. (2011) refer to Ostreopsis spp., a later study (Penna et al., 2005) concluded that the organism was O. cf. siamensis.


C3. Sampling Methods A major disadvantage of vacuum filtration is that the samples tend to be dirty and hard to count and some BHAB species occupy structurally complex envi- substrates, like loose sand or mud, are impossible to ronments. Substrates associated with benthic dino- sample because they clog the filtration apparatus. The flagellates include various species of thallic and turf primary advantage of the method is that the sampling algae, seagrass, sand, pebbles, rocks, coral and coral can be accomplished in one trip to the sampling site. rubble. This diversity of substrate types greatly compli- cates the design of quantitative sampling strategies for C3.2 Substrate Sampling these organisms. The situation is further complicated by the patchy distribution of benthic HABs, which can Macrophyte (substrate) collection and removal have rapidly shift even over relatively short time periods. the advantage of being accomplished in a single sam- A variety of protocols have been used to sample the pling trip. To date, this has been the primary method heterogeneous environment where BHABs occur, but used in a majority of studies. Consequently, most of the none has been systematically evaluated. The myriad, data reported for benthic cell abundance is normalized non-standardized, sampling methods contrast sharply to gram wet weight of algae. Despite the wide use of with pelagic HAB sampling methods, which are well this method, contradictory conclusions can be reached defined and allow meaningful comparisons to be made depending on whether the number of dinoflagellates among different studies. While the need to standard- is normalized to algal biomass or surface area (Lobel ize collection methods for benthic dinoflagellates has et al., 1988). In the past, the surface based approach long been recognized, the methods for doing so are di- was not practical because no method existed for rapid verse and challenging. Cell abundance is generally ex- and accurate measurement of macrophyte surface area. pressed as cells per gram wet weight (or fresh weight) New methods for measuring surface areas, however, of substrate. Because the substrates are characterized have been recently developed to estimate surface ar- by complex morphologies with a wide range of sur- eas of the macrophytes found in coral reef ecosystems. face area-to-mass ratios, cell abundances among differ- These novel approaches (dye, laser) may make it pos- ent substrates are not directly comparable. Reguera et sible to normalize benthic HAB cell densities obtained al. (2011) provide detailed sampling methods for both from substrate sampling to surface area rather than wet phytoplankton and benthic species. or dry weight. A significant disadvantage to macro- phyte collection is that numerous samples are required, The existing sampling methods fall into three cat- many of which can be difficult to count due to high egories: vacuum collection, substrate sampling and the concentrations of detritus. use of artificial substrates. Each of these approaches has advantages and disadvantages. C3.3 Artificial Substrates C3.1 Vacuum collection A substrate as common as a window screen has the advantage of being relatively easy to deploy in a These methods rely primarily on displacing cells non-destructive fashion and allows samples to be col- from the substrate and capturing those cells by filtra- lected from any location, including the water column tion (Parsons et al., 2010; Figure 17). This can usually (Figure 18). The use of artificial substrates as a poten- be accomplished with minimal destruction to the habi- tial sampling method is based on the observation that tat and allows a variety of substrates to be sampled. The benthic HAB species have been observed to migrate number of sampling sites needed to produce an accu- into the water column and colonize new substrates over rate estimate of cell abundance, however, is not known. short distances. This observation leads to the testable

Figure 17. Dino-Vac, the suction-operated sampling device used to collect epiphytes from turf algal substrates (pictures from Parsons et al., 2010, with permission).


hypothesis that benthic cells should recruit to an arti- ficial substrate in proportion to the overall density of D. Biology of the Organisms the cells in the surrounding habitat. Preliminary data The biology (and ecology) of Ostreopsis and Gam- supports such a relationship, but rigorous testing will bierdiscus species is difficult to understand due to their be required to confirm whether a consistent relation- complex relationships with substrates and their vari- ship exists between surrounding cell density and the able life strategies. These species are commonly clas- rate of recruitment to the artificial substrates (Kibler et sified as benthic or epiphytic algae. However they are al., 2008). An advantage of using artificial substrates is often found in the water column and exhibit a differ- that samples are much cleaner than those produced us- ent kind of relationship with the substrate as compared ing other methods, which greatly simplifies cell count- to benthic diatoms. Indeed, they are seen swimming ing. Another advantage of this standardized method is freely around the substrate, being only loosely tethered that results can be compared over a variety of different to it, and actively leaving the substrate depending on habitats in different geographic regions without de- environmental conditions, e.g. light field (Nakahara pendence on the presence of macrophytes. The major et al., 1996). Often these benthic dinoflagellates have disadvantage is that two trips to the sampling site are been found to produce networks of trichocysts (Bar- required to deploy and then retrieve the artificial sub- one, 2007 and references there in) and to secrete large strate. amounts of mucilage (Figure 19), forming a dense sheath in which they are embedded (Fukuyo, 1981; Ballantine et al., 1988). This range of conditions (free in the water column, loosely attached to the substrate or embedded in mucilage sheath) could be related to hydrographic conditions and/or physiological status (including life cycle) of these organisms. For exam- ple, the presence of certain macroalgae, i.e. Jania sp. has been found to promote attachment or swimming behavior, which are also dependent on water motion (Nakahara et al., 1996). The relationships with other environmental parameters (light, nutrients) and poten- tial predators are likely to vary greatly in relation with the diversified life strategies of these species, and in a way that is difficult to reproduce in laboratory ex- periments. These complex behaviors also contribute to their patchy distribution at local scales. This makes Figure 18. Artificial substrate. A 750 cm2 piece of window obtaining accurate abundance estimates very difficult. screen fabric is used as “artificial seaweed” to collectGam- A brief overview of what is known about the effects of bierdiscus and Ostreopsis cells. This artificial substrate is nutrients, temperature, salinity, light, water movement shown attached to a conch shell with monofilament line in a and substrate types affecting the ecology and distribu- bed of Acanthophora (NOAA). tion of these species follows.

Figure 19. Proliferation of Ostreopsis cf. ovata in Sant Andreu de Llavaneres (NW Mediterranean). (a) Detail of the mucus pro- duced by Ostreopsis covering a plastic substrate. (b) Light microscopy picture of Ostreopsis cells. (c) Scanning electron images of Ostreopsis cells covering a macroalga (Corallina) in Palamós (Costa Brava, NW Mediterranean). a and b: images provided by M. Vila (unpublished). c: from Vila et al., 2001, with permission from the editor.


D1. Nutritional Ecology a stimulatory effect on Gambierdiscus cells, depending on the macroalgal species. These results seem to sug- D1.1 Gambierdiscus gest that exudates from macrophytes generally stimu- late growth of Gambierdiscus species but this is not What we know of the nutritional requirements of always the case (Carlson et al., 1984; Parsons et al., Gambierdiscus derives almost entirely from culture 2011). studies and the results are somewhat contradictory. Early culture studies conducted by Yasumoto et al. Typical of many dinoflagellates, Gambierdiscus (1980) and Withers (1982) revealed that Gambierdis- species appear to be adaptable, maintaining growth cus grew well in the presence of nitrate and either using different organic and inorganic nitrogen com- glycerophosphate or inorganic phosphate. Bomber and pounds. While this flexibility undoubtedly accounts for Aikman (1989) found good growth of Gambierdis- the wide distribution of many species, more exacting cus using either nitrate or ammonium as the nitrogen experiments and improved sampling methods will be source. Durand-Clement (1987) reported a weak tem- required to determine the roles of nutrient inputs and porary increase in the division rate of G. toxicus upon macroalgal exudates on nutritional ecology of individ- addition of high concentrations of ammonium (≤ 500 ual Gambierdiscus species. The possibility that Gam- µmol l-1), but that the cultures became nitrogen limited bierdiscus could have a mixotrophic behavior under after only a few days. Durand-Clement (1987) also not- certain circumstances as it is known in other dinoflag- ed growth stimulation when urea was added, but there ellates can not be discarded either. was no effect with amino acid enrichment. Lartigue et Another relevant issue is whether nutrient availabil- al. (2009) studied the growth response of G. caribaeus ity can affect toxicity. A recent survey indicated that CCMP1651 and Gambierdiscus ribotype 2 CCMP1655 differences in nutrient availability may cause between to different N-sources and found that both species were a 2 to 9 fold change in the toxicity of Gambierdiscus able to take advantage of organic (free amino acids and species (Litaker et al., 2010). The relevant data upon putrescine) as well as inorganic (ammonium and ni- which this range was estimated, however, were ex- trate) nitrogen sources to support growth. Neither spe- tremely limited. The full extent of how nutrient sup- cies was able to grow on urea, which was contrary to ply may affect both the growth of individual species the finding of Durand-Clement (1987). Gambierdiscus and their toxicity will be a major component of the ribotype 2 grew significantly faster on ammonium than CRP. on other nitrogen sources whereas N-source had no ef- fect on the growth rate of G. caribaeus. These data sug- Finally, while Gambierdiscus is not an obligate epi- gest that the dominant nitrogen source available to the phyte, the nutritional advantage of its association with cells may differentially favor the growth of one Gam- macroalgae or surface films on abiotic substrates is not bierdiscus species relative to another. well understood. Tosteson et al., (1989) examined the effect of associated bacteria on toxicity of Gambierdis- Lartigue et al. (2009) found that the nitrogen source cus cultures and that bacteria may have an effect on used to grow two different Gambierdiscus species had both the growth and the toxicity of Gambierdiscus cells. no apparent effect on toxicity. In contrast, the N:P ratio Durand-Clement (1987) noted increased Gambierdis- does seem to affect toxicity. Sperr and Doucette (1996) cus growth rates when associated bacterial populations found that some Gambierdiscus strains which were were controlled with antibiotics. This topic, because nontoxic could be stimulated to produce ciguatoxins of its inherent importance to both the nutritional under P-limitation (N:P>30). However, the amount of ecology and trophic transfer of toxins, is expected induction was modest. Beyond the work of Sperr and to be a very active area of research during this CRP. Doucette (1996) nothing is known about how phosphate limitation affects the growth of Gambierdiscus species. D1.2 Ostreopsis This is of interest, because many tropical environments High nutrient loads and eutrophication have been as- may be phosphate rather than nitrogen limited. sociated in diverse conditions with the development and Besides macronutrients, other culture additives such apparent expansion of planktonic HABs (e.g. Smayda, as soil extract in Erdschreiber medium are known to 1989; GEOHAB, 2006). However, the diversity of nu- stimulate Gambierdiscus growth. Macroalgal extracts trient sources in HABs and the wide gaps in knowledge added to culture medium all resulted in enhanced often make the linkage elusive (Zingone and Wyatt, growth (Withers et al., 1981; Carlson et al., 1984 and 2005; Anderson et al., 2008; Smayda, 2008). In the case Ballantine et al., 1992). Bomber et al. (1988) similarly of Ostreopsis and other benthic dinoflagellate blooms, used a macroalgal extract to obtain very high growth data are very scant and the evidence for a direct or in- rates (0.58 divisions day-1). They hypothesized that the direct relationship with nutrients is uncertain. The few extract acted as a complexing agent for trace metals, available data suggest that the distribution of Ostreop- lessening toxicity of zinc and other metals. In contrast, sis blooms in coastal Mediterranean waters does not Parsons et al. (2011) suggested that compounds re- mirror that of the most eutrophied zones in this area leased by macroalgae may have either an inhibitory or (e.g. Vila et al., 2001; Cohu et al., 2011; Mangialajo


et al., 2011). Along Hawaiian coasts, the density of By now, only a few studies have dealt with the vari- Ostreopsis sp. was positively correlated with concen- ability of Ostreopsis cell toxicity. Some works showed trations of several nutrients, but O. ovata exhibited no that toxin production can be higher during the station- correlation with nutrient availability (Parson and Pre- ary phase of cell growth (Guerrini et al., 2010; Nasci- skitt, 2007). In the Campania region (Tyrrhenian Sea, mento et al., 2012), when nutrient deficiency is com- Mediterranean Sea), the highest concentrations of Os- mon. However, Vanucci et al. (2012) have shown that treopsis cf. ovata are found in areas with relatively low toxin production in late stationary phase was signifi- nutrient concentrations (Zingone, unpublished data), cantly lower under N- and P-limitation, with a reduc- while Ostreopsis and other benthic dinoflagellates are tion of 53% and 40% in toxin cell content, respectively. absent or rare in the most eutrophied areas. Nutrients, Toxicity also varied with temperature (Vidyarathna however, could have an indirect effect on benthic dino- and Granéli, 2012), although this could be an indirect flagellates by favoring, along with reduced grazing im- effect, given the variability of growth responses as a pact, the growth of the macroalgae that provide optimal function of this factor. substrate for epiphytic species (Lapointe et al., 2010). The lack of a clear relationship with nutrients in the D2. Effects of Physical Factors natural environment could be because high nutrient in- puts stimulate diatom blooms in both the water column D2.1 Gambierdiscus and in the benthos, thus resulting in competition for Numerous studies have examined the effects of both light and substrate among benthic dinoflagellates temperature, salinity and light (Taylor, 1985; Indeli- (Aligizaki and Nikolaidis, 2006). Among nutrients, cato and Watson, 1986; Taylor and Gustavson, 1986; phosphorus, and especially its organic forms could Bomber et al., 1988; Villareal and Morton, 2002) on be the limiting element (e.g., Cohu et al., 2011). Field the growth rate and biomass yield of Gambierdiscus in studies, usually based on the estimation of inorganic culture, and on its natural distribution. forms, should incorporate measurements of organic P and N as well. D2.1.1 Temperature The ingestion of small prey could also be a way to escape nutrient limitation. Indeed phagotrophy seems In general, the studies on the effects of tempera- to be quite widespread among Ostreopsis species as in ture on Gambierdiscus (e.g. Carlson and Tindall 1985; most dinoflagellates (e.g., Stoecker, 1999; Jeong et al., Gillespie et al., 1985; Bomber et al., 1988; Morton et 2010). In a study on natural communities from Belize, al., 1992; Heil et al., 1998) indicate that its optimal o Ostreopsis cells containing prey were found to consti- growth occurs generally between 25-29 C. As tem- tute 7–55% of the whole natural populations (Faust, peratures exceeded 30oC Gambierdiscus growth or 1998). These organisms would feed on flagellates and abundance was negatively correlated with water tem- through a feeding canal located in the cingu- peratures. While each of these studies provides insight lum, which expands or contracts to allow for the en- on the responses of the genus to this environmental fac- gulfment of the prey (Faust, 1998). tor, species-specific responses were not possible until

Figure 20. Growth rate (µ, d-1) versus temperature (T (oC)) for six species of Gambierdiscus at temperatures from 15 to 34oC. Redrawn from Kibler et al. (2012).


the recent revision of the taxonomy for this group. A D2.1.3 Light study by Kibler et al. (2012) indicates that the growth temperature relationship for individual species can be The ubiquity of Gambierdiscus at shallow depths quite different (Figure 20). Temperature therefore like- of 0.5 – 50 m (but exceptionally much deeper, at 208 ly plays a significant role in determining the distribu- m; Taylor and Gustavson, 1986) means that cells must tion of individual species. contend with potentially damaging levels of PAR and UV radiation (Taylor, 1985; Ballantine, 1992; Bomber D2.1.2 Salinity et al., 1988; Morton et al., 1992). Despite living in high light environments (Figure 22; Vonder et al., 1969; The laboratory studies evaluating salinity range tol- Falkowski et al., 1990), work by Bomber et al. (1988) erance by Gambierdiscus indicate that this organism and Morton et al. (1992) indicate that Gambierdiscus grows best between 25 and 35 with optima of 28 and only required 230-250 µmol photons m-2s-1, or only 34 (e.g. Bomber et al., 1988; Morton et al., 1992). The 10% of the ambient surface irradiance to maintain data for eight Gambierdiscus species shown in Figure maximal growth (Guillard and Keller, 1984). Ballan- 21 (redrawn from Kibler et al., 2012) corroborate this, tine et al. (1992) demonstrated that optimal growth of with optimal growth generally occurring between 25 the isolate they tested needed only 35 µmol photons and 35, but declining rapidly as salinitiy drops below m-2s-1 for maximal growth. The data from eight Gam- 25. This lack of tolerance to lower salinity is consistent bierdiscus species from Kibler et al. (2012; Figure 23) with the results of several field surveys in Caribbean showed that Gambierdiscus species were indeed able to areas (Carlson and Tindall, 1985; Taylor, 1985; Tindall maintain positive growth rates at only 6-17 µmol pho- and Morton, 1998) and the SW Indian Ocean (Grzebyk tons m-2 s-1 and that maximal growth required only 50 et al., 1994), which suggest that these organisms have a and 230 µmol photons m-2 s-1, or ~2.5 to 10% surface poor tolerance for land runoff where salinity values are sufficiently low. The decline in growth rate at salinity irradiance. These data indicate that that Gambierdiscus >35 was substantial, but not as dramatic as observed species must utilize physiological as well as behavioral when values declined below 20 (Figure 21). The broad mechanisms, such as using 3-dimensional structures optimum for growth when salinity exceeds 25 indicates as sunscreens, to deal with high irradiances, which are that this factor will influence growth, but to a lesser clearly detrimental to growth (Figure 23). Given the extent than temperature. Where the effects of salinity relatively clear waters found in many tropical regions, on growth are likely to be most pronounced, and where these data would indicate that actively growing Gam- salinities may have the greatest influence, in selecting bierdiscus cells may exist at depths of 75 m or more, for one species over another, is when prevailing salin- provided there is enough light for photosynthesis. ity values are <20 and > 35 (Figure 21). There is a great need for additional surveys from deep- er water habitats to establish how deeply Gambierdis- cus species are distributed and the extent to which they

Figure 21. Growth rate (µ, d-1) versus salinity (S) for eigth species of Gambierdiscus at salinities from 15 to 42. Redrawn from Kibler et al. (2012).


Figure 22. Typical light levels for shallow, tropical waters. Douglas Cay, Belize 16o 46’N, 87o 54’W (P.A. Tester, unpublished data).

Figure 23. Growth rate (µ, d-1) of eight Gambierdiscus species at irradiance (I, µmol photons m-2s-1) levels between 10 and 700 µmol m-2s-1. Redrawn from Kibler et al. (2012). may be contributing to the development of ciguatera other species associated with ciguatera (O. siamensis fish poisoning events in deep water habitats. and O. heptagona) were apparently adapted to a lower optimum temperature of 25 °C. Both species showed a D2.2 Ostreopsis limited tolerance to temperature higher than 27°C. In- deed, Ostreopsis species in subtropical waters shows D2.2.1 Temperature a tendency to have higher densities during the cooler winter months (Morton et al., 1992). Along the Tasma- First records of Ostreopsis in subtropical and tropi- nian coasts, Ostreopsis siamensis was found at temper- cal waters suggested that the species grows better in atures between 13.5 and 20 °C, while strains grew at warm waters, which was further supported by the pre- 0.53 divisions•day-1 at 20°C (Pearce et al., 2001). vailing occurrence of the species in summer in tem- perate waters. However, the few species in the genus Optimal growth corresponds to moderately high that have been tested for optimum growth conditions temperatures for Ostreopsis ovata from Brazilian wa- and tolerance limits to temperature show adaptation to ters, where growth rates did not differ significantly be- warm temperate rather than to truly subtropical-tropical tween 20°C and 26°C (Nascimento and Corrêa, 2010). conditions. For example, in comparison to a number of Adaptation to temperature may vary among popula-


tions within the same species. In strains from the Medi- a negative correlation with salinity was found for O. terranean Sea, the highest growth rates were recorded cf. ovata along Hawaiian coast (Parsons and Preskitt, at temperature values of 22°C and 26°C, with a peak 2007), with the highest abundances in places with av- of 1.2 divisions•day-1 at 26°C (Zingone et al., 2010; erage salinity values around 26. In the same study, an- Scalco et al., 2012), whereas another Mediterranean other undescribed Ostreopsis species (Ostreopsis sp. strain grew better and with a maximum cell yields at 1) showed no significant relationship with salinity, and 30°C as compared to 26°C (Granéli et al., 2010). From a similar absence of relationship was described for O. field studies, the relationship with temperature is even heptagona in the Gulf of Mexico (Okolodkov et al., less clear (Cohu et al., 2011; Mangialajo et al., 2011; 2007). In laboratory experiments, O. heptagona and Pistocchi et al., 2011). For example, in the Adriatic O. cf. siamensis, along with other co-occurring benthic Sea, Ostreopsis blooms occur at the end of summer- dinoflagellates, showed optimal growth at a salinity of early autumn, when seawater temperature values are 33 (Morton et al., 1992). In any case, it is commonly decreasing and can be as low as ca. 17°C (Totti et al., observed that these species are absent in waters under 2010). This could again be due to differences among the direct influence of rivers, where salinity can be very populations from different areas, although strains from low (Pistocchi et al., 2011). the Adriatic Sea did not consistently show a preference for low temperature values as compared to Tyrrhenian D2.2.3 Light strains (Scalco et al., 2012). Like other benthic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis spe- D2.2.2 Salinity cies are better acclimated to relatively low light inten- sity (Rodríguez et al., 2010), developing fast photo- While the data are scarce the relationship between protective responses (increases in non-photochemical Ostreopsis and salinity does not seem to be linear. Ap- quenching (NPQ) at low light intensities) and lower parently these species can grow and thrive in waters relative electron transport rates (rETR) in compari- with high salinity. For example, in the Mediterranean son with planktonic species. Ostreopsis cf. siamensis Sea blooms of Ostreopsis species occur in waters with and O. heptagona showed optimal growth at ca 8% of rather high (<37) salinity values, while benthic dino- full sunlight in one of the few experimental studies on flagellates are found in the Florida Keys where salin- these species (Morton et al., 1992), where the relevance ity may exceed 40 (Morton et al., 1992). However, of the interplay of light, temperature and salinity was

1,4 -2 -1 1,2 50 μmol photons m s )

-1 1,0



K max (div. day Kmax (div. 0,4

0,2 n.a. n.a. 0,0 ** ** 9:15 12:12 15:09 9:15 12:12 15:09 9:15 12:12 15:09 9:15 12:12 15:09 9:15 12:12 15:09

1,4 14°C 18°C 22°C 26°C 30°C

1,2 -2 -1

) 200 μmol photons m s

-1 1



K K max (div. day 0,4

0,2 n.a. n.a. 0 ** ** 9:15 12:12 15:09 9:15 12:12 15:09 9:15 12:12 15:09 9:15 12:12 15:09 9:15 12:12 15:09

14°C 18°C 22°C 26°C 30°C

Figure 24. Average maximum specific growth rate (div•day−1) (± s.d.; n = 6) of Ostreopsis cf. ovata strains at the different temperature, daylength (9, 12 or 15 light hours, indicated by 9L, 12L, 15L, respectively), and photon flux density (yellow bars: 50 μmol photons m−2 s−1, orange bars: 200 μmol photons m−2 s−1) conditions. **Conditions at which maximum specific growth rate was extremely low, not allowing a correct estimate; n.a. = data not available (redrawn from Scalco et al., 2012).


also shown. Indeed the relationships with light for O. of the macroalgae, namely temperature, irradiance, hy- cf. ovata from the Mediterranean Sea is complex and drodynamic regime and availability of substrate (Vila nonlinear, with growth depending on photoperiod more et al., 2001; Tester et al., 2009). than on light intensity and appears to be saturated at The capacity of the benthic dinoflagellates to pro- relatively low total irradiance values (Scalco et al., duce large quantities of mucilage (Figure 19A), would 2012; Figure 24). allow them to attach to the diverse surfaces and to pre- vent cell dispersion when exposed to strong water mo- D3. Substrate Preference and Effects of tion. Microscopic observation of G. toxicus revealed Water Motion that cells living on the macroalgal surface were covered by a mucous layer or aggregated within a mucilaginous D3.1 Substrate Preference matrix (Yasumoto et al., 1980; Fukuyo 1981; Besada Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis species have been et al., 1982; Ballantine et al., 1988). Nakahara et al. primarily found on macrophytes (e.g. Vila et al., 2001). (1996) found that G. toxicus cells attached themselves However, in several cases they have been reported to to macroalgae thalli using a short thread; notably, dis- colonize organic and inorganic substrates such as bio- turbance appeared to stimulate substrate attachment. detritus pebbles, rocks and sand (e.g. Totti et al., 2010). D3.2 Water Motion Cells can also proliferate in a mucous matrix in a mu- cous matrix or dead corals (Gillespi et al., 1985; Grze- In general, and within a particular habitat, the high- byk et al., 1994). The relationship of Gambierdiscus est cell abundances of benthic dinoflagellates (Gam- and Ostreopsis species with specific macroalgal sub- bierdiscus, Ostreopsis, Coolia, Prorocentrum, Am- strates is not clear. In two studies conducted around phidinium) are recorded under relatively stable water the Big Island (Hawaii) and in the NW Mediterranean column conditions where losses due to currents and (Monaco, Villefranche-sur-mer), the preference for turbulent dispersion are low (e.g. Carlson and Tindall, specific macroalgae varied among species of benthic 1985; Taylor, 1985; Tindall and Morton, 1998; Vila et dinoflagellates, indicating that host specificity was al., 2001; Richlen and Lobel, 2011). Reduced disper- not simply due to different shape of the macroalgae, sion promotes colonization of substrates, but has the but was possibly due to particular requirements of the disadvantage of also lowering gas exchange, nutrient epiphytes, which could be related either to ecologi- supply and even light exposure. Water motion should cal conditions at different sites or to species-specific therefore be inversely related to the carrying capac- host-epiphyte interactions (Parsons and Preskitt, 2007; ity of a macroalga to sustain a benthic dinoflagellate Cohu and Lemée, in press). However, the seasonal pat- community (Lobel et al., 1988; Tindall and Morton, terns of the benthic dinoflagellate assemblages may be 1998). It would also interfere with its 3-dimensional linked to the same factors that modulate the dynamics organization of the community and may directly affect a b

c d

Figure 25. Ostreopsis cf. ovata may produce mucous substances that favour its attachment to several types of substrate. Brownish mucous aggregates containing high numbers of O. cf. ovata cells can be found, in addition to macroalgae, on rocks (a), marine phanerogams (b), benthic animals (c) and even on rocks (d) (courtesy of C. Totti and M. Vila, unpublished).


the light environment experienced by Gambierdiscus experienced by the control clod cards into the weight by increasing turbidity, changing the motion of the loss experienced by cards deployed in the field. Gam- macrophyte hosts, or by dispersing cells into the water bierdiscus cells were found at all sampling stations and column. Thus the interaction between water motion, in all habitats, including the shallow reef crest sites ex- substrate characteristics and light exposures may relate posed to the brunt of wave action, though they were in a complex manner that is difficult to separate (e.g. rarely the dominants. When all the data were collated, Grzebyk et al., 1994). they clearly showed a significant negative correlation between water motion and Gambierdiscus abundance. Given the lack of quantitative characterization of water motion in most studies, direct comparison can- Similarly, the abundances of Ostreopsis can be mod- not be done. There are no standard methods currently ulated, in general, by water motion. However, some in use for estimating water motion in the very shallow studies have reported that Ostreopsis spp., compared environments where benthic dinoflagellate assemblag- to other taxa, seems to tolerate habitats exposed to es occur. In a recent study, Richlen and Lobel (2011) relatively high water motion. For instance, Vila et al. used “clod-cards technique” to provide a dimension- (2001) reported that in April 1998 in a particular station less diffusion index factor (DF) as a proxy for water of the NW Mediterranean coast, Ostreopsis cf. siamen- motion (Doty, 1971, revised by Jokiel and Morrissey, sis (epiphyte of Corallina elongata) was more abun- 1993). The DF is calculated by dividing the weight loss dant in “high hydrodynamic regimes”, defined sensu

Figure 26. Distribution and abundance of (A) all dinoflagellates, (B) Prorocentrum, (C) Gambierdiscus and (D) Ostreopsis cells collected at Twin Cays, Belize, May 2008 on artificial habitat and reported in cells cm-2 screen surface (Kibler et al., 2008).


lato “as the sites where the macroalgae were directly hit by waves”. In “calm regimes”, i.e. “where mac- E. Life Cycle and Ultrastruc- roalgae were protected from the waves by the rock bar- tural Characteristics riers”, Coolia monotis outnumbered Ostreopsis sp. The two taxa exhibited similar abundances at “intermediate E1. Gambierdiscus conditions”, so referred to as “slightly shaken”. The re- In one of the few studies of Gambierdiscus life sults are similar to the observations by Richlen and Lo- bel (2011) at Johnston Atoll (Pacific Ocean) during the cycles, Hokama et al., (1996) observed G. toxicus at “calm summer months”, where water motion is char- 200x and described them as motile cells, 45 µm diam- acterized using the “clod-cards technique”. Although eter, with brown-colored pigments and relatively thin Ostreopsis spp. abundances were low in all habitats walls. As preparation for division, cells formed thick, surveyed at Johnston Atoll, the relative numbers were translucent walls (2 µm thick) with dense, dark brown higher at high energy reef crest/back reef sites and con- central cores that were interpreted as cysts. These sistently lower in the lagoon/channel habitats. Carl- cysts remained attached to the substrate; after gentle son and Tindall (1985) also documented the highest teasing, division occurred rapidly and produced cells abundances of Ostreopsis spp. in turbulent coral reef with 0.5 µm thick cell walls and slightly brown inner habitats. The resistance of Ostreopsis to high water pigments (Hokama et al., 1996). They followed up to motion has been attributed to its capacity to produce 20 divisions per cyst. Hokama et al. (1996) provide a a mucilagenous matrix where cells aggregate and can schematic asexual life cycle but there are no reports attach to the macroalgae or other substrates. However, of differentially sized cells, gametes or a biflagellated this capacity is also exhibited by other species such as planozygote indicating sexual reproduction. However, Gambierdiscus (as indicated above) or Prorocentrum Gambierdiscus likely has a sexual life cycle. Taylor that prefer calmer habitats. (1979) partially described and illustrated a planozygote and isogametes and Holmes (pers. Comm.) has un- An illustration of the relative abundances of Gam- published photographs of what appears to be coupling bierdiscus and Ostreopsis compared to Prorocentrum gametes. The opportunity to verify life cycles of this and all dinoflagellates collected on artificial substrates genus is an open invitation to new contributions to at a sampling site off Belize provides information on this CRP. how small-scale habitat preferences of BHABs may vary (Figure 26). Kibler et al. (2008) found Ostreopsis Durand and Puiseux-Dao (1985) and Durand and 5-10 fold more abundant at high-energy sites compared Berkaloff (1985) examined the ultrastructure of G. tox- to protected ones. The results were more variable from icus and found the cytoplasm to contain various types year to year for Gambierdiscus and they were not as of vacuoles, numerous trichocysts and a thick theca. readily assigned to a specific habitat type. Prorocen- They noted the photosynthetic apparatus was divided trum, Scrippsiella and Protoperidinium were consist- into two parts. Numerous thylakoids were visible in ently the dominant genera in protected mangrove habi- chloroplast sections and numerous vesicles appeared to tats with limited water flow. contain nuclear material. Gambierdiscus has the stand- ard peridinin containing chloroplast characterized by D4. Complex Interactions Among Physical chlorophyll c2 and peridinin as major accessory pig- and Biological Factors ments; chlorophyll c1 was detected as a minor pigment (chlorophyll c1/chlorophyll c2 = 0.12 - 0.17). Diadi- Major questions remain concerning the extent to noxanthin and dinoxanthin are also relevant pigments which the distribution and abundance of Gambierdis- (Fraga et al., 2011; Zapata et al., 2012). cus and Ostreopsis species depend on physical and chemical factors such as light, temperature, salinity E2. Ostreopsis and nutrients versus biological factors such as grazing. Benthic species are often in contact with sediments and Ostreopsis species have been reported to exhibit a macrophytes, which can supply nutrients. So it is not relevant morphological diversity that was interpreted clear, whether nutrients play as large a role in control- as indicative of different life stages, before systemat- ling species abundances, as is the case for planktonic ic investigations on life cycles and transitions among species. Similar questions also exist concerning how these life stages were done. For instance, in post-ex- these same factors regulate the toxicity of species. The ponential phase culture and in natural samples from development of models for predicting likelihood of Greek waters during the decline of the bloom two blooms and their relative toxicity will require more de- cell size classes were reported for both Ostreopsis cf. tailed information on the relative importance of physi- ovata and O. cf. siamensis (Aligizaki and Nikolaidis, cal and biological factors in controlling the abundance, 2006). The authors hypothesized that cells of a large distribution and toxicity of individual species. Studies size, would have derived from sexual fusion. In turn, designed to acquire these crucial data will be a major non-motile, hyaline and rounded Ostreopsis cf. ovata goal of the CRP. morphs would constitute resting stages (Aligizaki and


Nikolaidis, 2006). Indeed, the presence of small cells dark reddish-brown color and a granular content, with in the life cycle is known for several dinoflagellates a high number of starch grains. Based on the presence (Silva and Faust, 1995), where these cells have been of numerous thecal plates and empty thecae on the bot- interpreted as gametes (i.e. cells capable of conjugating tom of culture plates, asexual reproduction in O. cf. and producing the diploid stage, planozygote). Smaller siamensis is reported to occur by discarding the theca cells could also be produced under non-optimal nutri- (Chang, 1999). ent concentrations. Recently, a study by Bravo et al. (2012) on O. cf. F. Toxicity of Gambierdiscus ovata in cultures and natural populations isolated from Mediterranean water revealed that these small cells and Ostreopsis species would not act as gametes as it had been suggested F1. Gambierdiscus earlier. In contrast, the observed gamete pairs, mostly Of the described species of Gambierdiscus, G. poly- isogamous, were similar in size to the normal vegeta- nesiensis, G. australes, G. belizeanus, G. pacificus and tive cells. Thus, the significance or the role of the small G. excentricus are known to be toxic. Recently, Chi- cells remains unsolved. nain et al. (2010b) tested the toxicity of four Pacific The main highlights of the investigation of the life and one Atlantic species and found G. polynesiensis cycle of O. cf. ovata by Bravo et al. (2012; Figure 27) many times more toxic than any of the other species were: a) it was not possible to distinguish zygotes from tested (Figure 28). According to the new definition of vegetative cells; b) mating gamete pairs were the only G. toxicus by Litaker et al., 2009, the only two prop- sexual stages that could be identified; c) no plasmoga- erly identified strains (GTT-91 and REN-1) analyzed my was observed although nuclear migration from one were non-toxic (Chinain et al., 2010b). This study used gamete to the other was observed; d) gamete pairs un- LC-MS and receptor binding assay methods to pro- derwent division while they were still joint, although vide information on the 100- to 250-fold differences they did not encyst; e) the overwintering population of in toxicity among different species. Only limited data O. cf ovata in temperate waters could be constituted by on the within-species toxicity differences are available, pellicle cysts, thin-walled cysts and thecate cysts (able but it appears to be in the two-fold range. A survey of to germinate after 6 months in the laboratory). environmental effects on growth and toxin production Information on ultrastructure and pigment composi- indicated that changes in growth conditions caused ap- tion of Ostreopsis species is very scanty. An ultrastruc- proximately a 2- to 9-fold variation in toxin content per tural investigation on O. cf. ovata has confirmed that cell. These observations suggest that CFP events are threads often seen in cultures and in natural samples driven more by inherent differences in species toxicity are actually trichocysts (Honsell et al., 2010). Pigment than by environmental modulation (e.g. Holmes et al., composition of Ostreopsis is similar to Gambierdiscus 1991; Litaker et al., 2010). Given the paucity of availa- with peridinin and chlorophyll c2 as main accessory ble data, however, this conclusion needs to be more rig- pigments, but with the exception that chlorophyll c1 orously evaluated. Consequently, it is expected that was not detected by HPLC in several strains of O. cf. ovata and O. cf. siamensis (Zapata et al., 2012). By subjecting O. cf. siamensis cultures to low- nutrient stress, a great number of small cells, having fewer chloroplasts as compared to normal cells, were obtained in cultures from New Zealand waters (Chang, 1999). The fusion of these small cells gave rise to a non-motile zygote (somewhat smaller in size than nor- mal cells) which developed a thick wall and showed a

Figure 27. Light microscopy of mating cells (left) and an epifluorescent image showing vegetative cells undergoing Figure 28. Variations in ciguatoxins-3C equivalents per cell cytokinesis (right). From Bravo et al. (2012), with permis- for five Gambierdiscus species (drawing from data publis- sion from the editor. hed in Chinain et al., 2010b).


the effects of environmental factors, in conjunction with determining intra versus interspecific differ- G. Effects of BHABs on ences in toxicity, will be an active area of research Human Health in in this CRP. G1. Food Intoxications F2. Ostreopsis The main toxins associated with BHAB species Six Ostreopsis species have been reported as re- are gambiertoxin/ciguatoxins (GTX/CTX), maitotoxin sponsible for toxic events. Of these, three have been (MTX) and palytoxin (PLTX) or its various analogs shown to produce potent toxin analogues of palytoxin, including ostreocin, mascarenotoxins and ovatoxins. which are complex, high molecular weight, and water- These nonproteinaceous polyketides are among the soluble polyalcohols (e.g. Rhodes et al., 2002; Penna most potent marine toxins. CTXs, GTXs and MTXs et al., 2005; Riobó and Franco, 2011). Ballantine et are produced by species in the genus Gambierdiscus al. (1988) detected the presence of toxicity on extracts (Yasumoto et al., 1977; 1980; Bagnis et al., 1985; from O. lenticularis populations in outbreaks occur- Yasumoto, 2001; Chinain et al., 2010b). Originally ring in Puerto Rico. The production of ostreocyn-D it was believed that Gambierdiscus species produced was detected in O. cf. siamensis (Usami et al., 1995; GTXs, which were biotransformed to the CTXs that Ukena et al., 2002), and mascarenotoxin-a and -b were accumulate in fish. Chinain et al. (2010a, b) recently found in O. mascarenensis (Lenoir et al., 2004). After documented that many of the CTXs found in fish are the discovery of ovatoxin-a in Mediterranean strains of actually produced directly by Gambierdiscus species. O. cf. ovata (Ciminiello et al., 2006), five more ova- It is likely that the CTX in fish is the result of both ac- toxin types (Ciminiello et al., 2008; Guerrini, 2010; cumulation of CTXs and biotransformation of GTXs. Ciminiello et al., 2010, Rossi et al., 2010; Ciminiello et “Cigua” toxins comes from the Spanish for “one poi- al. 2012) and two mascarenotoxins (Rossi et al., 2010) soned from snails” (cigua or sigua) and is attributed were detected for this species. The extent to which pro- to sailors who became ill in the Caribbean. CTXs are duction of these toxins is controlled by environmental both heat and cold stable. PLTXs were originally de- versus inherent genetic differences among strains and scribed from the zoanthid Palythoa toxica in the Ha- species has not been determined yet (e.g. Figure 29). waiian Islands (Moore and Scheuer, 1971), but have Among the eight Ostreopsis clades differentiated by subsequently been isolated from species of the genus Sato et al. (2011) using genetic markers (which could Ostreopsis, along with several analogues (Rossi et correspond to several putative species), seven of them al., 2010; Ciminiello et al., 2011). These toxins travel were toxic. through the food web and can contaminate fish (GTX, CTX, PLTX), crustaceans or molluscs (PLTX). It must Rain/Temp be noted though, that although a palytoxin analogue (mm/ºC) was detected in the New Zealand strain of O. cf. sia- mensis (Rhodes et al., 2002), the risk to human health * 31 Temperature * through consumption of shellfish contaminated by this 9.0 200 species is unknown and further research is necessary Rain 30 ) to ascertain the potential risks (see e.g. Aligizaki et al., -1 2011, for a recent revision). 8.0 29 PLTXs and CTXs/GTXs are neurotoxins that act as (cells·l sodium agonists in the synaptic channels (Lombet et al., 100 28 1987). The subsequent depolarization of membranes 7.0 can sequentially cause paralysis, heart contraction, and changing the senses of hearing and temperature sensi- 27 tivity. MTXs alter calcium channels (Yasumoto et al., O. lenticularis O. 1976), with resulting cell death. The major symptoms 6.0 O. lenticularis of CFP develop within a few hours of toxin ingestion: 26 vomiting; diarrhea; numbness of extremities, mouth 1984 1985 1986 and lips; reversal of hot and cold sensation; and muscle and joint aches. The symptoms may last from days to Figure 29. Seasonality in O. lenticularis abundance (conti- weeks, or even months, depending on each individual nuous black line) and toxicity (*) was documented in this situation. time series from Puerto Rico. However, no direct link to Short and long term debilitating gastrointestinal and environmental factors (temperature and rain) was establis- neurological symptoms associated with PLTX poison- hed. Redrawn from Ballantine et al. (1988); left Y-axis: cell ing include malaise and weakness, myalgia and impair- abundances in logarithmic scale; right Y-axis: double axis ment of the neuromuscular apparatus, abnormalities in for rain (mm) and temperature (ºC). cardiac function (e.g. Bagnis et al, 1979; Racciatti et


al., 2001; Taniyama et al., 2003). Cases of fatal intoxi- gion surveyed, not including the State of Hawaii, is ap- cation ascribed to PLTX poisoning in subtropical and proximately 2,084,000, this means that approximately tropical waters have been associated with the ingestion one in every four persons in the Oceanica region has of several different fish (Herklotsichthys quadrimacu- had the disease. This level of incidence can place in- latus, Scarus ovifrons, Epinephelusbruneus spp., E. creased burden on coastal communities and national fuscogattus, etc.) and crab (Demania reynaudii, Lo- health services (Chinain et al., 2010a; Rongo and van phozozymus pictor) species (see Tubaro et al., 2011 for Woesik, 2011; Skinner et al., 2011; Azziz-Baumgartner a review). However, in many cases the toxin identifica- et al., 2012). tion is either incomplete or missing and the attribution The impact of ciguatera is wider than the food in- of the poisoning to PLTXs, is only based on symptoms, toxication itself. The concern of local populations re- anamnesis and ingestion of particular seafood. garding ciguatera has resulted in ca. 71% of people Ciguatera fish poisoning, which is caused by the no longer eating local reef fish, as showed by a study bioaccumulation of CTXs, is of significant concern performed on Roratonga, Cook Islands (Hajkowicz and in many tropical areas, where it has been known for Okotai, 2005). The result has been an increased reli- centuries. Although mortality from ciguatera is low, ance on pelagic fish and a less healthy diet of imported morbidity is high and symptoms may be debilitating canned fish and red meat. This new diet, combined with and prolonged. Common symptoms include diarrhea, reduced levels of physical exercise, and associated to a vomiting, abdominal pain, reversal of temperature sen- reduction in inshore fishing activity is contributing to sation, muscular aches, dizziness, anxiety, sweating, increase obesity trends noted amongst Pacific Islanders numbness and tingling of the mouth and digits, altered (SPC, 2002). Indirectly, ciguatera fish poisoning is an sense of smell, irregular heartbeat, reduced blood pres- additional burden on health care systems in the Pacific sure, paralysis and rarely death (Friedman et al., 2008). Islands. Furthermore, CFP has an economic impact Symptoms experienced by a given individual can be on Pacific Island countries. A survey of ciguatera-poi- quite diverse and appear dependent on a combination soned patients in French Polynesia found that losses in of the amount of toxin consumed, the suite of toxins productive working days through sick leave amounted present in the tainted fish and an individual’s suscepti- to US $1 million/year (Bagnis, 1992), equivalent to US bility. Though the symptoms are relatively well docu- $1.64 million/year in 2012. In addition, the live reef mented, the disease often goes unreported or misdiag- fish trade was severely impacted in the country of Ki- nosed. ribati when people in Hong Kong contracted ciguatera from fish allegedly imported from Kiribati. The inci- Earlier studies reported the highest incidence of CFP dent resulted in a total closure of the trade in Kiribati in the world in the South Pacific, where the consump- and a loss in income for several fishermen (Laurent et tion of seafood is over 200 kg/capita/annum (Rapaport, al., 2005). 1999). Namely, 3400 to 4700 cases were recorded per year, although this value likely represented only 10- The highest rates of CFP in the Caribbean from 1996 20% of the actual number of cases (Laurent et al., 2008). through 2006 were reported from the Lesser Antilles, The incidence of ciguatera in each country ranged from the easternmost part of the Caribbean where 34 and 59 1/1,000-20/1,000 (Laurent et al., 2008). This trend may have been increasing in the last years, as revealed by the recent study performed by the Health and Fisheries authorities of the Pacific Island Countries and Territo- ries (PICTs) in the Oceanica region. The reported cases (33,284) from 17 PICTs (Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, State of Hawaii, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Northern Mari- ana Islands, Palau, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Wallis and Futuna) showed that the mean annual incidence of ciguatera across the region for the 11 years from 1998 to 2008, was 229 people per 100,000 population. This proportion is more than twice the reported annual incidence of ciguatera for the 11 years from 1973 to 1983, which was 97/100,000. If the official reported CFP represents 20 percent of ac- tual incidence (conservative estimate for food-borne Figure 30. Barter, trade or sale of barracuda (Sphyraena) is illnesses) then the actual number of cases for this pe- prohibited throughout most of the Caribbean Sea and south- riod could be as high as 166,420. It was estimated that, ern Florida due to the high risk of ciguatera fish poisoning since 1973, approximately 500,000 PICT inhabitants associated with this top predator (courtesy of M. Toscano, have had CFP. Given the current population of the re- Smithsonian Institution).


cases per 10,000 population per year were reported in Pacific has higher CFP incidence rates. However, Test- Antigua-Barbuda and Montserrat, respectively (Test- er et al. (2010) were not able to substantiate a statistical er et al., 2009; 2010). There appears to have been an difference due the high variability of the data reported increase in CFP incidence for Antigua-Barbuda and for CFP occurrences. Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles since 1981, when Bag- Spatially intensive studies provide informative ex- nis as cited in Tosteson (1995) reported 6 and 42 cases amples of how CFP incidence rates are driven by per 10,000 population respectively, though no cases both sociological and environmental factors. Tosteson were reported at that time to the Caribbean Epidemiol- (1995) cites two studies; both were done in St. Thomas, ogy Center in either jurisdiction (Tester el al., 2009). U.S. Virgin Islands at about the same time. The first was While it is generally agreed across the Caribbean, as in a telephone survey by Tacket reported in a U.S. Center other endemic areas, that CFP has been underreported for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report of (Tosteson, 1995; Tester et al., 2010), there are other dif- households from 1975 to 1980. The CFP incidence rate ficulties associated with establishing robust measures in this study was 72.4 cases per 10,000 population per of incidence rates. There is variability in the extent to year. The second study reported 440 cases per 10,000 which the population or their medical providers can population per year (McMillan et al., 1980) and was the identify CFP or in the consistency of reporting CFP to product of a direct household canvass. Tosteson (1995) public health authorities. Incidence rates can be affect- explained the difference by pointing out the telephone ed by different regulations across the Caribbean that survey excluded lower income households that repre- prohibit selling or trading large, commonly ciguatoxic sented ‘‘regular consumers of seafood caught in the im- reef fish like barracuda (Figures 30, 31). Ciguatera fish mediate area’’. A similar study by Azziz-Baumgartner poisoning incidence rates also depend on the extent to et al. (who conducted a door-to-door survey of house- which the population relies upon locally-caught sea- holds in Culebra, Puerto Rico, in 2005–2006 and found food as their primary source of protein, the extent to the annual incidence rates of CFP on this small island which fishers communicate about areas where cigua- were between 73.6 and 169.5 per 10,000 of the island’s toxic fish have been caught, as well as other factors like population. Fewer than 10% of these cases were re- mandatory or voluntary reporting requirements. Data ported even though Puerto Rico has a mandatory CFP from both the Pacific and Caribbean collated from the reporting requirement. Elsewhere in the Caribbean, it is literature documented that high incidence rates (e.g., noteworthy that CFP has in Trinidad and Tobago only over 100 incidences per 10,000 population per year) within the last decade. In his study of the Caribbean, occur in both the Pacific and Caribbean, albeit with Bagnis (as cited in Tosteson, 1995) did not report CFP high variability (Table 1 in Tester et al., 2010). There in Trinidad-Tobago in 1981. There were no CFP cases was no clear trend in the high incidence rates among is- reported there until 1999, however, from 2000–2006 lands in the Pacific compared to those in the Caribbean. cases were reported to the Caribbean Epidemiological High incidence rates, while widely reported, represent Center (, Tester et al., 2009). only a small subset of the data for either the Pacific or Caribbean. Most annual incidence rates from both In the Caribbean, Tester et al. (2009) found that CFP regions fell well below the 100 incidences per 10,000 incidence data were not collected uniformly or consist- population per year. While average CFP incidences ently by country or territorial governments. Another were 2-fold higher in the tropical Pacific compared to interesting finding of their study was the wide range in the Caribbean (Tester et al., 2010), this would seem to the levels of concern and knowledge among Caribbean corroborate the common assumption that the tropical populations and the extent to which CFP is monitored

Figure 31. Ciguatera fish poisoning is a concern for subsistence fishermen in regions where alternative sources of protein are scarce (NOAA).


there. Some government agencies mandate central re- not be severe and may go unreported. In fact, so far porting of CFP cases, while other agencies acknowl- there was no demonstration of PLTXs in the aerosol edged potential problems, but had been hampered by during Ostreopsis blooms, or that the symptoms occa- insufficient resources to initiate a monitoring system. sionally reported were actually caused by PLTXs. Sim- Some health departments reported making progress ilar reports of harmful effects on human populations toward bringing CFP surveillance programs online, were provided for other sites along the Italian coasts sometimes in response to recent outbreaks of CFP. A (Sansoni et al., 2003; Gallitelli et al., 2005), Spain few agencies asserted that CFP did not occur in their ju- (Barroso-Garcia et al., 2008), France (Kermarec et al., risdictions, an assertion that was not always consistent 2008; Tichadou et al., 2010), but in all places they were with the findings of the literature. This underscores the only irregularly linked to the presence or abundance of need for public health and fisheries professionals to re- O. cf. ovata blooms in seawater. For instance, Proença ceive up to date information about regional CFP occur- et al. (2010) reported that extracts from scum and mi- rences. The absence of a uniform reporting procedure croperiphyton were toxic to sea-urchin larvae and pro- for CFP cases has hampered regional understanding of duced haemolysis. Further, palytoxin-like peak with the scope of this important public health issue. Future mass spectrum characteristic for ovatoxin-a, were de- efforts of this CRP should support providing envi- tected (using LCMS/MS) on extracts from O. cf. ovata. ronmental monitoring data in tandem with bloom However, no evidences of palytoxin were found in the reports in formats accessible to resource managers tested aerosols. and public health officials. Up to now, it has not been possible to confirm the G2. Skin and Respiratory Diseases hypothesis that microalgae are the source of these intoxications. This lack of evidence points to com- The presence of PLTXs and/or its analogues in sea- plex biological and environmental interactions. The water and in marine aerosols seems to be associated likely scenario that could cause the observed illnesses with skin and respiratory irritation (Botana, 2008). A is the co-occurrence of intense blooms in calm waters series of case reports and anecdotal references describe followed by persistent on shore winds. This example poisonings after inhalation and cutaneous/systemic ex- highlights the need to investigate how coastal ocea- posures after direct contact with aerosolized seawater nographic processes may modulate the dynamics of during Ostreopsis blooms and/or through maintaining BHABS. aquaria containing cnidarian zoanthids (reviewed in Tubaro et al., 2011). H. Ecological Consequences Skin irritations and respiratory diseases (rhinorrea, cough) accompanied in some cases with headache, of BHABs myalgy and/or fever have been experienced in tour- H1. Gambierdiscus ist beaches in the Mediterranean (e.g. Bottalico et al., 2002; Sansoni et al., 2003; Álvarez et al., 2005; Maso et To date, Gambierdiscus research has focused on the al., 2005; Gallitelli et al., 2005; Ciminiello et al., 2006; adverse impact CTXs have on human populations from Squarcione 2007; Vila et al., 2008; Mangialajo et al., both a public health and fisheries perspective. Any 2010; Illoul et al., 2012) and Brazilian coasts (Proença adverse ecological effects caused by these organisms et al., 2010). A PLTX-like molecule, later described as have not been investigated. ovatoxin-a, was identified as the major toxin produced by Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Ciminiello et al., 2008), while H2. Ostreopsis palytoxin like substances were found in plankton sam- According to Landsberg (2002) the effects of harm- ples collected in the summers 2005 and 2006 along the ful algae on other organisms and ecosystem dynam- coasts of the Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean Sea; Cimin- ics are largely unknown. However, some more recent iello et al., 2006), when up to 200 people were hospi- studies have noticed the existence of such alterations talized presenting cough, dyspnoea, sore throat, rhin- concurrently to Ostreopsis outbreaks (see Ramos and orrhea, fever, headache, lacrimation, nausea/vomiting Vasconcelos, 2010 for a review). Mortality of a variety and dermatitis (Durando et al., 2007). of marine organisms and in particular, of sea urchins, Interestingly, since those years intense Ostreopsis during blooms of O. cf. ovata were reported by Granéli blooms have occurred in the area in summer, without et al. (2002) in Brazil and by Sansoni (2003) and Vila any report of similar syndromes (Tubaro et al., 2011). et al. (2012) in the Mediterranean. Similarly, in north- Indeed, despite recurrent summer and early autumn ern New Zealand declines in populations of sea urchins proliferations of Ostreopsis all over the rocky shores (Shears and Babcock, 2003) coincided with blooms of Italy, France, Greece and Spain, the number of re- of O. siamensis during the 1999/2000 austral sum- ports of effects ascribed to the dinoflagellate on human mer (N.T. Shears, pers. obs.). Given the importance of health were rather limited (Brescianini et al., 2006; those echinoderms as herbivores (Steneck et al., 2002), Durando et al., 2007). In many cases, symptoms may their dynamics could affect that of the whole benthic


ecosystem as well. Although a direct link could not be this ecologically important herbivore and urchin densi- established, O. siamensis populations were highly vis- ties declined by 56–60% at bloom sites over the study ible, exhibiting a distinctive rusty-brown colored mu- period. In contrast, Gambierdiscus species have not cilaginous film covering the reef, macroalgae and other been found to cause significant environmental damage. sedentary organisms. More recently, an unprecedented Given the high spatial variability and ephemeral na- bloom of O. siamensis occurred on shallow reefs in ture of HABs, their effects on marine organisms may go northern New Zealand in 2004, following a period of unnoticed and it is often difficult to attribute changes in calm sea conditions with warmer than average water marine communities to such events (Shumway et al., temperatures (Shears and Ross, 2009). The cover of O. 2003). Furthermore, other environmental factors asso- siamensis was highly ephemeral and strongly related to ciated with HABs such as elevated water temperatures temporal and spatial variation in wave action. Blooms and depleted oxygen levels can also impact marine were most prevalent at sites protected from prevailing communities making it difficult to determine the actual swells where O. siamensis covered 30–60% of the reef mechanisms responsible for mortality events associ- with the concentrations on macroalgae reaching 1.4 x ated with HABs. Further research is needed, however, 106 cells g-1 wet weight, some of the highest concentra- to determine the underlying direct (toxins) or indirect tions recorded worldwide. Surveys of the health of sea (e.g., wave action) mechanisms of action by Ostreopsis urchins (Evechinus chloroticus) in relation to the cover cells on sea urchins biology. of O. siamensis suggested strong negative effects on


During the OSM in Honolulu, a long list of questions was compiled concerning unknowns about BHABs, PROGRAMME ELEMENT 2: which were lively discussed among participants. These NUTRIENTS AND EUTROPHI- questions have been grouped to define the key areas of research of the BHAB CRP following the structure of CATION the five Program Elements of GEOHAB (Science Plan, Overall Objective: To determine the significance of eu- GEOHAB 2001). trophication and nutrient transformation pathways to HAB population dynamics. PROGRAMME ELEMENT 1: There is no clear direct link between eutrophication BIODIVERSITY AND BIOGE- and BHABs, although this could be because knowl- edge of the nutrient requirements of Gambierdiscus OGRAPHY and Ostreopsis species is still limited. Specific objec- Overall Objective: To determine the relationships among tives are to: distributions of BHAB species, biodiversity, and environme- 1. Investigate whether nutrient inputs could indirectly ntal change. affect BHAB outbreaks through an overall modula- In many cases morphological characters do not seem tion of the whole phytoplankton assemblage and/or to be sufficient to assess with certainty the identity of through the development of their necessary macro- some benthic harmful dinoflagellate species of the gen- algae substrates. era Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis. Therefore, the dis- 2. Investigate the mixotrophic capacity of Gambier- tribution range of the species of these genera is still to discus and Ostreopsis species. Eventually, identify be ascertained at both large geographic and local scale. potential preys, estimate growth rates under mixo- Specific objectives are to: trophic conditions, and compare with autotrophic 1. Improve the taxonomical knowledge on the Gam- growth with inorganic and organic nutrient supply. bierdiscus and Ostreopsis genera, by combining 3. Investigate the possible nutritional links between both morphological and adequate genetic charac- BHAB species and their macroalgal substrate, such terization. as sources of ,e.g., dissolved organic compounds. 2. Assess the genetic variability of Gambierdiscus 4. Determine the effects of varying nutrient inputs on and Ostreopsis species in relation to their toxicity, the harmful properties of BHABs, namely, toxin population dynamics and biogeography. production and, possibly, the expression of toxici- 3. Determine the changes in the biogeographical range ty-related genes. of Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis species caused by 5. Consider the potential role of groundwater dischar- natural and/or anthropogenic mechanisms. Studies ges in BHABs. will elucidate the environmental factors contribu- ting to mesoscale distribution of these taxa, inclu- ding possible modulations linked to climate change PROGRAMME ELEMENT 3: (ocean acidification, global warming). Research ADAPTIVE STRATEGIES will also consider large scale dispersion of BHAB species mediated by human activities. Overall Objective: To define the particular characte- 4. At small scale, investigate the relevance of sub- ristics and adaptations of BHAB species that determine strate specificity ofGambierdiscus and Ostreopsis. when and where they occur and produce harmful effects. 5. Investigate the possible role of other benthic taxa BHABs are a particular case of noxious events, (e.g. Coolia, Prorocentrum, benthic diatoms and caused by organisms that may have intrinsic adaptive cyanobacteria) in BHABs. strategies sharing some benthic and planktonic charac-


teristics. Thus, understanding their intrinsic adaptive ribbean but variable fish size in the Pacific. Why strategies may provide understanding of the initiation is it that only piscivores tend to be toxic in the Ca- and persistence of those particular outbreaks that are ribbean whereas both piscivores and herbivores not necessarily associated to high cell densities. Spe- are found to be toxic in the Pacific? Which toxic cific objectives are to: dinoflagellates are affecting corallivores? Do par- 1. Define the ecophysiological characteristics of ticular dinoflagellates have a preference for coral BHAB species that determine their intrinsic poten- polyps as a habitat/host? Why is there no fish poi- tial for growth and persistence. Research should soning found on certain islands e.g. Easter Island? include adaptations to fluctuating light and tempe- Does it have something to do with the macroalgae rature intensities; induction of resting stages, if any, assemblages found there? and if so, their role in the population outbreaks; the 3. Investigate the role of coastal oceanography in existence of endogenous clocks versus external bloom formation. Identify and quantify the effects triggers to favor cell proliferation. of physical processes on accumulation and trans- 2. Investigate biological-physical interactions at port of benthic harmful algae in areas with different small, local scale of the benthic assemblages and degrees of confinement. Consider in particular, the their substrate and microenvironment (including covariation of depth with light quality and intensity wave exposure, exposure/submergence, oxygen in the organisms’ distribution. supply). 4. Define functional groups in the benthic communi- 3. Describe and quantify chemical and biological ties containing HAB species. Evaluate the similari- processes affecting species interactions, including ties and differences among the communities found the role of mucous production, the potential role of in the particular areas (Caribbean, Pacific, Mediter- toxins on marine animals at lethal and sublethal le- ranean). vels, parasite and viral infections, allelochemistry, 5. Compare the impact mechanisms between toxic competition and/or succession with diatoms and aerosol-producing species of the genus Ostreopsis chemical interactions with the substrate. and brevis. A research on aerosol produc- 4. Study the trophic transfer processes (fish, shellfish tion is needed, considering e.g. investigation of the and other potential vectors grazing on macroalgae), physical mechanisms that lead to aerosolization of which may affect human health. toxins, compare the relative importance of bloom phases and meteorological conditions as drivers of 5. Investigate how anthropogenic driven changes in aerosol formation. the ecosystem structure (jellyfish outbreaks, fishing pressure, coral reef destruction) may affect trophic To move forward internationally with a comparative dynamics that in turn can alter benthic microalgal approach, major efforts need to be done to establish a assemblages. standardized sampling protocol. While the need to har- monize collection methods for benthic dinoflagellates has long been recognized, the techniques for doing so PROGRAMME ELEMENT 4: are diverse and challenging. COMPARATIVE ECOSYS- TEMS Overall Objective: To identify mechanisms underlying BHAB population and community dynamics across ecosys- tem types through comparative studies. Interestingly, Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis are not typically found in the other systems covered under oth- er GEOHAB CRPs (upwelling, stratified, eutrophied). The comparative approach can help to ascertain the environmental characteristics that favor BHABs. Pos- sible comparisons would include: 1. Quantifying the occurrence of BHAB species in natural ecosystems with different characteristics, such as carbonate content, mangrove or seagrass or macroalgae communities, limestone vs volcanic islands, pebbles vs sandy substrates. 2. Address the link between fish size and CFP, which Macroalgae colonized by Ostreopsis spp. in the NW Mediter- appears to be associated with large fish in the Car- ranean (A. Zingone).


restrial environments, such as geo-spatial ecological PROGRAMME ELEMENT 5: approaches comparing (for example) the influence of OBSERVATION, MODELLING island geological structure on BHAB prevalence. Be- cause BHABs are also at least partially constrained by AND PREDICTION the availability of substrate and exhibit specific eco- Overall Objective: To improve the detection and pre- physiological requirements (see Section D), BHABs diction of BHABs by developing capabilities in obser- may be an excellent candidate for combining climate vation and modeling. change predictions with anticipated range expansion/ contraction. At present we have poorly developed capabilities to observe BHAB organisms in situ, their properties, In addition, before substantial progress can be made and the processes that influence them. In contrast to regarding modeling of BHABs events, a major effort planktonic microalgae addressed in other CRPs within should be undertaken to accurately determine the abun- GEOHAB, benthic HABs are less amenable to nu- dance of benthic dinoflagellates. New and innovative merical modeling approaches commonly employed in methodologies should be developed to identify and es- oceanography due to the complex interaction of toxic timate different Gambierdiscus and Ostreopsis species organisms, biological hosts, inert substrates, and the in natural samples collected during monitoring and/or intricacies of benthic-pelagic coupling. Despite these survey activities. It is also important to identify which limitations, simple models incorporating algal physiol- morphospecies and genotypes are associated to the pro- ogy and environmental conditions have been effective duction of palytoxin-like compounds. The community at predicting CFP (Parsons et al. 2010). BHABs could will be called upon to develop standardized sampling also be amenable to non-traditional (for oceanography) and identification protocols and use those in statisti- modeling approaches more commonly used in ter- cally robust studies.


According to the GEOHAB Implementation Plan • Vietnam, Institute of Oceanography: study of ben- (2001), Framework Activities are those activities that thic HAB biodiversity and bigeography, monito- are not research, but will facilitate the implementation ring about to begin; CLIMEET of GEOHAB. They serve to enhance the value of the • Malaysia (coordination by Prof. G. Usup): study research by ensuring consistency, collaboration, and of benthic biodiversity; use of RBA as monitoring communication among researchers. tool; has had recent cases of CFP (Johor region). V1. Scientific Networking and Coordina- • Indonesia (LIPI, Institute of Oceanography): tion of Resources BHAB monitoring; recent outbreaks in Thousand Isles (off Jakarta Bay) and Bali. Scientific networking will support BHAB research. • Philippines (coordination by Prof. Azanza): isola- Endorsement by GEOHAB can improve the visibil- ted CFP outbreaks in the past; PSP monitoring pro- ity (through the GEOHAB webpage) of BHAB-related gram, a model for benthic HAB work. projects and will facilitate coordination among differ- • India (National Institute of Oceanography): studies ent scientific teams that are currently working in this of western side of subcontinent on HAB biodiver- research field. At the OSM, some ongoing (or recently sity; there have been coral bleaching incidents. finished) projects were identified and are listed below. This list should be taken as indicative, because the • Japan: studies on the CFP expansion, including elaboration of a complete one was outside the scope of toxin analysis and BHAB species biodiversity. this Report: • Australia: CFP records being updated, ciguatera still occurring in the north and Great Barrier east • New Zealand Seafood safety program, Cawthron coasts (coordination by Prof. R. Lewis and Dr. I. Institute: it includes former protectorates of Cook Stewart); working on food safety issues and bioas- Islands (coordination by Dr. L. Rhodes). says. • University of Hawaii: the Ocean Health program • Italy: several Regional Environmental Agencies are includes a ciguatera research group; it has a fish very active in monitoring O. cf. ovata each summer, focus (exotic grouper) liaising with groups for col- and the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ri- lection, structure of toxin, antibodies (coordination cerca Ambientale (ISPRA) organises a yearly coor- by Dr. P. Bienfang). dination and information meeting where results of • Secretariat of Pacific Community (SPC) covering monitoring are shown along with news from science 22 PICTs by Fisheries Division: technical assis- (e.g., see tance, monitoring programs, sampling protocols, Pubblicazioni/Atti/Documenti/ostreopsis.html for but no financial assistance. Some internally funded the 2011 report). Different University groups are monitoring programs do exist in Marshall Islands, also involved in research projects funded by MIUR Samoa, Kiribati, Cooks Islands, Niue, French Po- (Italian Ministery for Education, University and lynesia.CFP data was once collected and now the Research) on Ostreopsis ecology, genetic, physio- collection has restarted. There has been an increase logy, toxin analytical chemistry, toxicological and in requests from member nations for assistance in biochemical pathway characterization. ciguatera management (see the conference held in • French National Health Agency in coordination Noumea in 2008). Current efforts are designed to with the MediOs project: BHABs monitoring and develop a regional strategy to address issues and public health surveillance in the Mediterranean problems of member countries. French coast. • New Caledonia: studies on cyanobacterial relations • In Spain, the different monitoring programs on to ciguatera and the use of natural drugs and tradi- plankton HABs are including benthic organisms tional remedies for CRP. in their survey. The programs are conducted by • Chile: no incidents of CFP but shellfish poisoning the autonomous governments (Galicia, Andalucía, does occur. Easter Island (Rapa Nui) is also free of Murcia, País Valencià, Catalunya, Balears and Eu- CFP; studying biodiversity of benthic HABs. skadi) in collaboration with research institutions • French Polynesia (coordination Dr. M. Chinain) (Spanish Research Council, Spanish Institute of in collaboration with NOAA and other research Oceanography). groups assess outbreaks, taxonomy and toxin ana- • In Portugal, Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, Algelia and lysis. Egypt, toxic outbreaks related to high abundances


of Ostreopsis are fostering increasing monitoring velopment of joint web resources such as the one con- and research. tracted by Dr. Mona Hoppenrath (http://www.dino- • In the US, the NOAA supported Ecology and Oce- Another example is the Wikispaces page anography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) ( which has program is supporting CFP related projects in the been created as a centralized location for information Caribbean that focus on the ecology and toxicology exchange and updates concerning Gambierdiscus spe- of Gambierdiscus. cies. The project arose from discussions held among scientists who attended the GEOHAB Workshop V2. Identification of Protocols and Quality on Benthic Dinoflagellates, University of Hawaii at Control Manoa, 24-28 June 2010. The site is intended to be a forum for discussing the evolving taxonomy of Gam- As in the case of planktonic HABs, GEOHAB en- bierdiscus species and inform and/or facilitate the fol- courages the use of existing (standard) protocols and lowing: guidelines for sampling and experimental methods. As already noted, there is an urgent need to establish • Features and images of each described species uniform and standardized sampling procedures for • A current list of known ribotypes which represent BHABs. potentially undescribed species To this end, one of the outcomes of the HABs in Ben- • A means of obtaining a unique ribotype designation thic Systems workshop was to organize and facilitate a for a putative new species prior to formal descrip- sampling workshop where methods can be compared tion and inform decisions on a standardized protocol for • Useful information about PCR amplification and sampling benthic dinoflagellates. A workshop combin- sequencing primers ing field exercise with taxonomic and molecular train- • Updated Gambierdiscus species distributions ing was scheduled for June 2012 coordinated by Drs. G. Usup and P. A. Tester. A subsequent outcome from • Sampling protocols that workshop will be the establishment of an interna- • Culture methods tional data base platform. • Useful references V3. Capacity Building A new taxonomic book that will help foster BHAB research is in preparation by Hoppenrath and collabo- Capacity building will ensure that a new generation rators (expected publication in September 2013). of scientists is trained in the study of HABs. GEOHAB Some of the ongoing training programs include: can meet its objectives only if well-trained scientists from a wide range of countries are involved. Within its • NOAA’s Center for Coastal Environmental Health endorsed projects, GEOHAB will encourage a “train- and Biomolecular Research: training program for ing through research” approach that offers opportuni- Latin American scientists to learn how to use the ties for student participation in cruises and instruction receptor binding assay for CTX at the NOAA lab in in marine research disciplines relevant to HABs. Charleston, South Carolina under the sponsorship of UNESCO and IAEA. Contact: Drs. Steve Mor- One way to encourage exchange is through the de- ton or John Ramsdell. Spring 2012. • NOAA’s Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, Beaufort, North Carolina: cross labora- tory assay training with staff from Institut Louis Malardé for molecular identification and quantifi- cation of Gambierdiscus species using qPCR. Con- tact: Dr. Wayne Litaker. Spring 2012. • NOAA’s Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, Beaufort, North Carolina: identification and culture of benthic HABs for staff from the Uni- versity of the West Indies and Ministry of Agricul- ture and Fisheries, Jamaica. Spring 2012. • Dr. Gires Usup, University Kebangsaan, Malaysia in collaboration with NOAA’s Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research, Beaufort, North Carolina: training at students’ workshop for mole- cular identification and quantification ofOstreopsis Sampling for Ostreopsis spp. in the Mediterranean (A. and Gambierdiscus species using PCR. Contact: Zingone). Drs. G. Usup or Wayne Litaker. Summer 2012 and


winter 2012-2013. they are transported. This is a clear aspect where the • Dr. Gires Usup, University Kebangsaan, Malay- impact on human health may be strongly controlled sia in collaboration with D. Jacob Larsen, Univer- by coastal oceanography. The studies on the dynam- sity of Copenhagen and Dr. Wayne Litaker from ics of BHABs should take into account oceanographic NOAA’s Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat aspects, as it has been the case for harmful planktonic Research, Beaufort, North Carolina: phytoplank- species. ton identification workshop with an emphasis on Special session or meetings. In April 2011, a 1st BHABS. Summer 2012. International Conference on Ostreopsis Development • Dr. Gires Usup, University Kebangsaan Malaysia (ICOD) was held in Villefranche-sur-mer (France). in collaboration with NOAA’s Center for Coastal ICOD aimed to regroup the knowledge on 1) ecologi- Fisheries and Habitat Research, Beaufort, North cal, chemical and toxicological aspects of Ostreopsis Carolina: field training for sampling methods for species and 2) on the different methods of ecologic, BHAB species and validation exercise for artificial economic and health management of the problem. The substrate as a way of estimating BHAB abundance. proceedings of the conference are available at: Contact: Drs. Gires Usup or Pat A. Tester. Summer 2012. affich_sommaire.php?cnumero=79. V4. Other activities Similar aims can be addressed on Gambierdiscus at Aerosol studies. Another framework activity would the 16th ICHA, Wellington, New Zealand (fall 2014). include the study on the link between BHAB dynam- A special session is being organized by Dr. P.A. Test- ics and respiratory diseases. It is still uncertain whether er to allow international exchange of information on toxins have an aerosol transmission, and if so, how projects that address BHAB core research projects.


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58 APPENDIX I APPENDIX I – Open Science Meeting Program

DETAILED PROGRAMME 2:15 p.m. Breakout Session 1. Review of current national and regional Notes for Participants projects/programs to identify elements of research that could contribute to core Talks: Invited speakers will be expected to adhere research & identification of interested to the allocated times for their talks. The chairs of the participants and designated regions for plenary sessions will be strict about the timing, in order comparative research - Pacific/Asia Re- to keep the conference running smoothly. gion (Hawaii I) Discussion Leader: TBD Posters: Posters can be set up from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. on Monday, 21 June. Supplies will be provided Rapporteur: TBD for mounting the posters. Posters will be left up for the 2. Review of current national and regional entire meeting to make it possible for participants to projects/programs to identify elements view them during coffee breaks and lunch times. Post- of research that could contribute to core ers should be taken down in the afternoon of Wedmes- research & identification of interested day, 23 June. participants and designated regions for comparative research - Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas (Hawaii II) Program Discussion Leader: TBD Rapporteur: TBD June 21 (Monday) (Hawaii 1 and 2) 3:30 p.m. Break Session Chair: Mona Hoppenrath, Senckenberg Research Institute, Wilhelmshaven, Germany 4:00 p.m. Poster Session (Hawaii 1 and 2) (30 minute presentations and 15 minutes for ques- 6:00 p.m. Adjourn for the Day tions and answers) 8:00 a.m. Poster Set up and Continental Breakfast June 22 (Tuesday) 9:00 a.m. Introduction to GEOHAB – Raphe Kudela, University of California at Santa Cruz Session Chair: Pat Tester, National Oceanic and At- mospheric Administration 9:30 a.m. Introduction to Open Science Meeting – Paul 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast Bienfang, Convener, University of Hawaii 9:00 a.m. A simple model capable of simulating the 9:45 a.m. Gambierdiscus taxonomy --morphology & population dynamics of Gambierdiscus, the DNA methods – Wayne Litaker, NOAA benthic dinoflagellate responsible for cigua- Beaufort Lab, USA tera fish poisoning – Michael Parsons, Flor- 10:30 a.m. Break ida Gulf Coast University 11:00 a.m. Morphological Identification and Taxonomy 9:45 a.m. A Review of the Ecological Factors Driving of Potentially Toxic Benthic Dinoflagellates Biogeography of Gambierdiscus Species – – Katarina Aligizaki, Aristotle University of Lesley Rhodes, Cawthron Institute, New Thessaloniki, Greece Zealand 11:45 a.m. Genetic Diversity of Three Harmful Ben- 10:30 a.m. Break thic Genera of Ostreopsis, Coolia and Pro- 11:00 p.m. Overview of the Distribution of Ostreopsis rocentrum – Antonella Penna, University of and Benthic Prorocentrum Species Around Urbino, Italy the World Seas – Adriana Zingone, Stazione 12:30 p.m. Sampling Methodology for Benthic Dino- Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy flagellates – Patricia A. Tester and Steve Ki- 11:45 p.m. Reports Back from Monday Breakout Ses- bler – NOAA Beaufort Lab, USA sions 1:15 p.m. Lunch (Kauai Room) 12:30 p.m. Lunch


1:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions Oceanography, Vietnam 1. Research priorities and approaches for 11:45 a.m. What is Different in Benthic vs. Planktic Gambierdiscus (Hawaii I) HABs? – Santiago Fraga, Francisco Ro- Discussion Leader: Lesley Rhodes dríguez, Isabel Bravo, and Manuel Za- Rapporteur: Jacqui Evans pata, Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Spain 2. Research priorities and approaches for Ostreopsis, Prorocentrum and Coolia 12:30 p.m. Lunch (Hawaii II) 1:30 p.m. Report Back from Breakout Sessions Discussion Leader: TBD The ciguatera fish poisoning “plague” in the Rapporteur: Adriana Zingone Pacific Island Countries & Territories, 1999 June 23 (Wednesday) to 2008: results of a recent questionnaire. – Mark Skinner, University of Queensland Session Chair: Jacqui Evans, Te Ipukarea Society Inc. 1-slide presentations of priority research topics by any participant 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast Identification of cross-cutting research is- 9:00 a.m. Ecophysiology of Gambierdiscus – Steve sues and new topics following break-out Morton, NOAA Charleston Lab, USA group reports 9:45 a.m. Foodweb effects and/or controls of Gam- 3:00 p.m. Break bierdiscus (i.e., top-down-bottom-up con- trols, grazing controls, foodweb toxicity, 3:30 p.m. Next Steps and Timeline etc.) – Brian Lapointe, Harbor Branch Oce- 4:00 p.m. Adjourn anographic Institution, USA 6:00 p.m. Meeting Dinner at Tiki’s Bar and Grill (2570 10:30 a.m. Break Kalakaua Ave.) 11:00 a.m. Ecophysiology of Ostreopsis & Proro- centrum species (i.e., adaptive strategies, June 24 (Thursday) physiological characteristics, life cycle traits, temperature preferences & toleranc- Writing Session - Planning Committee only (Uni- es, growth rates) – Lam Nguyen, Institute of versity of Hawaii)

60 APPENDIX II APPENDIX II – Meeting Participants

Katerina Aligizaki FRANCE Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Phone: +33 2 98 97 43 38 Dept. of Botany, School of Biology, E-Mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 109 Thessaloniki 54124 William Cochlan GREECE San Francisco State University Phone: +302310998376 Roomberg Tiburon Center, SFSU E-mail: [email protected] 3152 Paradise Drive Tiburon, CA 94920 Icarus Allen UNITED STATES Plymouth Marine Laboratory Phone: +1-415 338-3541 Prospect Place E-mail: [email protected] Plymouth, PL1 5LT UNITED Roberta Congestri Phone: +44 1752 633100 University of Rome “Tor Vergata” E-mail: [email protected] Via della Ricerca scientifica snc ROME 133 Karen Arthur ITALY University of Hawaii Phone: +39 0672594332 Dept Geology & Geophysics, POST 701 E-Mail: [email protected] 1680 East West Road Honolulu, HI 96822 Hai Doan UNITED STATES Institute of Oceanography Phone: +1-808-220-0627 01 Cau Da E-mail: [email protected] Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa 8458 VIETNAM Cecilia Battocchi Phone: +84 58 3590 476 University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” E-mail: [email protected] Viale Trieste 296 Pesaro 61121 JK Patterson Edward ITALY Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute Phone: +39-721423526 44-Beach Road E-Mail: [email protected] Tuticorin Tamil Nadu 628001 INDIA Elisa Berdalet E-mail: [email protected] Institut de Ciencies del Mar (CSIC) Passeig Marítim, 37-49 Henrik Enevoldsen Barcelona, Catalunya 8003 Programme Coordinator SPAIN Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of Phone: +34932309595 UNESCO E-mail: [email protected] Head, IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae Paul Bienfang University of Copenhagen University of Hawaii-Manoa Marine Biological Section Oceanography Dept. MSB#205 Øster Farimagsgade 2D Honolulu, HI 96822 1353 Copenhagen K UNITED STATES DENMARK Phone: +1-808-956-7402 Tel.: +45 23260246 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Nicolas Chomerat Jacqui Evans Ifremer Te Ipukarea Society, Inc. 13 rue de Kerose Cook Islands Concarneau Cedex 29187 E-mail: [email protected]


Liam Fernand Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture UNITED STATES Science (Cefas) Phone: +1-831-459-3290 Lowestoft Laboratory E-mail: [email protected] Pakefield Road Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0HT Brian Lapointe UNITED KINGDOM Harbor Branch Oceanographic Inst. Tel. +44(0) 1502-524538 5600 U.S. 1 North E-mail: [email protected] Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 UNITED STATES Santiago Fraga Phone: +1-772-465-2400 ext 276 Instituto Español de Oceanografía E-mail: [email protected] Subida a Radio Faro 50 Vigo E-36390 Jacob Larsen SPAIN IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Phone: +34986492111 Algae E-mail: [email protected] University of Copenhagen Marine Biological Section Leonardo Guzman Øster Farimagsgade 2D Instituto de Fomento Pesquero 1353 Copenhagen K Balmaceda 252 Denmark Puerto Montt, Region de Los Lagos Phone: +45 3313 4446 CHILE E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +56 65 342309 E-mail: [email protected] Wayne Litaker NOAA William Holland 101 Pivers Island Rd. NOAA Beaufort, NC 28516 101 Pivers Island Road UNITED STATES Beaufort, NC 28516 Phone: +252-728-8791 UNITED STATES E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +1-252-728-8799 E-mail: [email protected] Francesca Marino Zoological Station “Anton Dohrn” Mona Hoppenrath Via Arenella 12 Senckenberg Research Institute Naples 80129 Suedstand 44 ITALY Wilhelmshaven D-26382 Phone: 393335911169 GERMANY E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 421 9475116 E-mail: [email protected] Jonathan Molina University of Hawaii-Manoa Amany Ismael MSB #205 1000 Pope Rd Faculty of Science, Alexandria University Honolulu, HI 96822 Alexandria University UNITED STATES 21511 EGYPT Phone: +1-808 343 9947 Phone: +20-0127929135 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Steve Kibler Steve Morton NOAA National Ocean Service NOAA/National Ocean Service 101 Pivers Island Road 331 Fort Johnson Road Beaufort, NC 28516 Charleston, SC 29412 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Phone: +1-252-728-8737 Phone: +1-843-762-8857 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Raphael Kudela Silvia Nascimento University of California Santa Cruz Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Ocean Sciences Department (UNIRIO) 1156 High Street Av. Pasteur, 458, sala 314, Urca


Rio de Janeiro 22.290-240 E-mail: [email protected] BRAZIL Luis Proenca Phone: +55 21 2244 5483 Universidade do Vale do Itajai E-mail: [email protected] Itajai Santa Catarina 88306806 Lam Nguyen BRAZIL Institute of Oceanography Phone: +55 (47) 33417713 01 Cau Da, Vinh Nguyen E-mail: [email protected] Nha Trang Khanh Hoa 58 Lesley Rhodes VIETNAM Cawthron Institute Phone: +84905111824 98 Halifax St East E-mail: [email protected] Private Bag 2 Takuo Omura Nelson 7042 The University of Tokyo NEW ZEALAND 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku Phone: +64 3 548 2319 Tokyo, 113-8657 E-mail: [email protected] JAPAN Mindy Richlen E-mail: [email protected] Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 266 Woods Hole Road Michael Parsons MS 32, Redfield 332 Florida Gulf Coast University Woods Hole, MA 02543 10501 FGCU Blvd South UNITED STATES Fort Myers, FL 33965 Phone: +1-508-289-2552 UNITED STATES E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +1-239-590-7526 E-mail: [email protected] Lemée Rodolphe CNRS and University Pierre and Marie Curie Antonella Penna LOV, UMR 7093 UNIVERSITY OF URBINO BP 28 vilae Trieste 296 Villefranche-sur-mer 6234 Pesaro 61121 FRANCE ITALY Phone: +33 4 93 76 38 39 Phone: +390721423526 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Suzanne Roy Karl Petermann Universite du Quebec a Rimouski Senckenberg Research Institute 310 Allee des Ursulines Suedstrand 44 Rimouski Quebec G5L 3A1 Wilhelmshaven D-26382 CANADA GERMANY Phone: +1-418-724-1650 x1748 Phone: +49 4421 9475 116 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mariya Saburova Kathleen Pitz Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Prospekt Nakhimova 2 266 Woods Hole Road Sevastopol 99011 Woods Hole, MA 02543 UKRAINE UNITED STATES Phone: +380692546629 Phone: +1-508-289-3815 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mark Skinner Igor Polikarpov Entox, University of Queensland Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research 67A kiora Street, Canley heights PO Box 1638 Sydney NSW 2166 Salmiya 22017 AUSTRALIA KUWAIT Phone: +61 421466511 Phone: +96597642088 E-mail: [email protected]


Patricia Tester CHILE NOAA Phone: +56 61 209 991 101 Pivers Island Road E-mail: [email protected] Beaufort, NC 28516 UNITED STATES Gires Usup Phone: +1-252 728 8792 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia E-mail: [email protected] Faculty of Science and Technology Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Ho Van The Bangi Selangor 43600 Institute of Oceanography MALAYSIA 01 Cau Da Phone: +60-6359388 Nha Trang Khanh Hoa 84 58 E-mail: [email protected] VIETNAM Phone: +84 0983 883 559; +84 58 3590 476 Natalie Wallgrove E-mail: [email protected] University of Hawaii 1000 Pope Road MSB 205 Charles Trick Honolulu, HI 96822 PICES - HABS UNITED STATES Room 402 NCB, University of Western Ontario Phone: +1-808-351-3166 London Ontario N6A5B7 E-mail: [email protected] CANADA Phone: +1-519-661-3899 Being Yeeting E-mail: [email protected] Secretariat of the Pacific Community B.P. DS Ed Urban Noumea Cedex 98848 Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research NEW CALEDONIA College of Earth, Ocean and Environment Phone: +687 260187 Robinson Hall, University of Delaware E-mail: [email protected] Newark, DE 19716 UNITED STATES Adriana Zingone Phone: +1-302-831-7011 Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn E-mail: [email protected] Villa Comunale Naples 80121 Juan Uribe ITALY Universidad de Magallanes Phone: +39 0815833295 Avenida Bulnes 01890 E-mail: [email protected] Punta Arenas 62000