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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 257 438 IR 011 670 AUTHOR Immaar-Richardson, Sue; lad Others TITLE Computer-Assisted Instruction: Decision Handbook. Final Report. INSTITUT"N Denver Univ., Colo. Denver Research Inst. SPONS At :Y Air Force Human Resources Lab., Brooks APB, Texas. REPORT Nu AFBRL-TR-84-46 PUB DATE Apr 85 NOTE 261p. PUB TYPE Guides - Non-Classroom Use (055) Viewpoints (120) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC11 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Authoring Aids (Programing); *Computer Assisted Instruction; Computer Managed Instruction; *Computers; Courseware; *Decision Making; Educational Technology; Feedback; Guidelines; Instructional Development; Instructional Systems; Problem Solving; *Program Implementation; Reference Materials; Technical Education; Worksheets IDENTIFIERS *Air Force ABSTRACT This document is designed for use as a resource and reference guide for Air Force instructional managers who are considering the adoption or expansion of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) at some future time, and also as a decision aid for an instructional manager currently involved in the CAI decision process. The contents are intended to be helpful where CAI systems are already available to the trainers, as well as in those cases in which the adoption of CAI requires new system acquisition. The handbook is divided into five sections: (1) Introduction and History of CAI; (2) Understanding CAI; (3) Critical Factors for Adopting CAI; (4) Decision Aids for Considering the Adoption of CAI; and (5) Resources. The section on decision aids includes worksheets for use in evaluating the need for CAI, identifying configurations most closely matched to instructional needs and practices, and estimating the feasibility of initiating CAI implementation. Resources listed include a glossary, an extensive bibliography, and lists of related associations and periodicals. (THC) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * *********************************************************************** AFHRL-TR-84-46 IMOINIININNionsa, UMW COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION: UAL DIPANTANINT Of EDUCATION DECISION HANDBOOK NATIONAL INSTITUTE Of EDUCATION M EDUCATIONAL NESOUNCESsocepunon comeMC H Ilk Thedocumone bee been reproduceda 42C, nocoliod fromthe person or ureimiallfori wittombnort. /V\ L l Minix chompsnave been made to U onovvo productonquskty. By poima of vim oi swoonsstood in Pis docu- Pte. ment donot 11143111011101offkial NE M in position or poiicv. Sue Keener- Richardson Joseph P. Lamos A Alta S. West IJ N Social Systems Research and Evaluation Division Denver Research Institute University of Denver Denver, Colorado80208 R TRAINING SYSTEMS DIVISION Lowry Air Force Base, E Colorado 80230-5000 April 1985 0 Final Report for PeriodMay 1982 - December 1982 U R Approved for public release; C distribution unlimited. E S LABORATORY iambs i AIR FORCESYSTEMS COMMAND BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TEXAS78235-5000 2 NOTICE When Government drawings, specifications, orother data are used for any purpose other than in connectionwith a definitely government-related procurement, the United States Government incurs noresponsibility or any obligation whatsoever. The fact that the Government may have formulated or In any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, orother data, is not to be regarded by implication, or otherwise in any mannerconstrued, as licensing the holder, or any other person or corporation; or asconveying anyrights or permission tomanufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. The Public Affairs Office has reviewed this report, andit is releasable to the National Technical Information Service,where it will be available to the general public, including foreign nationals. This report has been reviewed and is approved forpublication. JERRY WALKER Contract Monitor JOSEPH Y. YASUTAXE, Technical Advisor Training Systems Division ANTHONY F. BROM, JR., Colonel, USAF Commander Unclassified MI CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE se.westNACU al T If MANI F I CATION lb. RESTRICTIVE AGARKINSE 10004$1141fad ...1 SA SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITYOF REPORT AppPOTtE for publicrelease; distribution unlimited, 714, DECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADINGscmeouLE & PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER.) S. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBERS) ANIL-TR-84-46 Ila. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION OFFICE SYMBOL la. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION arAppmeabwo Denver Research Institute Training Systems Division University of Denver Air Force Human lesperces Laboratory la. ADDRESS (CU,. Slate and sir Code) 7b. ADDRESS (City. PAM sod ZIP Colik) Denver, Colorado80208 Lowry Air Force Rase, Colorado 80230-600 E. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIPICATION NUMBER Air Force Human Resources Laboratory HQ AFNR! F33616 -81-C -000/ Sa ADDRESS /City. ltstt w/ ZAt' Colt) io.SOURCE OF FUNDING NOS. Croaks Air Force Rase, Texas 78235 -6401 PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT ELEMENTNO. NO. NO. NO. 62206F 1121 09 16 Computer - Assisted Instruction: Decision Handbook O. PERSONAL AUTHORIM Kerner- Richardson, Sue; Lams, Joseph P.; West Anita S. 13a. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. OATS OF REPORT (Yr., Mo., 1,4sy) IS. PAGE COUNT Final FROM Slay82 ToDec 82 April 1985 262 1E. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION 17. COSATI CODES I& SUBJECT TERMS (Continue as reverse if isactroory sod identify by Noah number) FIELD GROUP SUB, OR. computer-assisted instruction computer-based alternatives 06 09 computer-assisted training computer -based training HI. ABSTRACT 1Cossikime on maw if toctimmy sod idnibfy by bloc* xlmlibirl This handbook has been written for two applicatio; 4 first, as a resource and reference guide for Air Force instructional managers who are considering the adoption or expansion ofcomputer-ar,sisted instruction (CAI) at some future time and,second, asa decision aid for an instructional manager currently involved in the CAI decision process. The use of the handbook is appropriate for considering the implementationof CAIin a new course or in an existing court . Its contents are designed to be helpful where CAI systemsare already available to the trainers, as well as in those cases is which the adoption of CAIrequires NOV systems acquisition. A significant amountof knowledge about instruction and about Air Force instructionalprocedures and minimum experience with Cat are assued.The workbook portion of the handbook presents specific tools, is the formof worksheets, for evaluating the need for CAI, for identifyingcoefigurstioes mast closely matched to instrectiesal needs end practices, and for estimating the fusibility of Initiating CAI implementation. 8111 DISTAIOUTION/AVAILABILITY OP ASSTFIACT 31. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED I SAME AS RPT. OTIC USERS III Mb. NAME OP RISPONSISLE INDIVIDUAL 12b. TELEPHONE NUMBER 22a. OFFICE RIiC owls* Amps C01110 ief,AITtNFOlgfice (612) 6;6-3877 AI/NIL/TS* DO FORM 1473, 83 APR EDITION OP 1 JAN 73 ill OBSOLETE. VIC hli11111_..--_--. 4 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OP MIS PAIN BEST COPY AVAILABLE SUMMARY The Computer-Assisted InstructionsDecision Handbook has been written for use as a resource and referenceguide for Air Force instructionalmanagers who are considering the adoptionor expansion of computer-assisted instruction (CAD at some future time andalso as a decision aid foran instructional manager currently involved in the CAI decisionprocess.The u'e of the handbook is appropriate for considering theimplementation of CAI Ina new course or in an existing course.Its contents are designedto be helpful where CAI systemsare already available to the trainer*,as well as in those cases in which the adoption of CAI requires new system acquisition.Field tests of the handbookwere conducted at Sheppard and keesier Air ForceBases late in 1983.The tests included a formative evaluation to improvethe format and presentation of thehandbook and an implementation analysis in orderto estimate the resources required for appropriate application of the manualas a decision tool. The workbook portion of the handbook presents specific tools, inthe form of worksheet', for evaluating the need for CAI, for Identifying configurationsmost closely matched to instructional needs and practices, and forestimating thefeasibilityofinitiating CAI Implementation. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION AND HISTORY OF CM 1 A.The Purpose of the Handbook B. Organization of the Handbook C. A Brief History of CAI In Air Force Technical Training 3 I.PLATO 3 a. Instructional Effectiveness 4 b. Cost Effectiveness 4 c. Instructional Impact 4 d. Instructional Development 4 e. Management 4 2. AIS 5 3. Present CM Activities 6 ATS 6 BLTMS 6 TRIM 6 PLATO 7 CDTS 7 7 4. Other DoD CAI Efforts 7 TRIADS 7 CBESS TPSS 8 D.Computer-Assisted Instruction In Perspectives A Definition 9 1. Variations in CAI 9 2.CAI and Other Instructional Technology 11 a. The Instructor 11 b. Print Media 12 c. Film Media 12 d. Audio Media 12 e. Adjunct Support for CM 12 3.CAPS Relation to Instructional System Development (IS D) 14 II. UNDERSTANDING CAI 15 A. Why Use a Computer for Instruction? 15 B. What Are the Limitations of CM? 16 C. What Are the Unique Potential Benefits of CAI"? 17 D. What Are the Basic Types of CAI Applications? 19 1. Irdormational 19 2. Drill-and-Practice 21 3. Tutorial 21 4. Simulation 22 5. Inquiry 23 6. Intelligent CAI 24 tit E.HowlIsCAIDevelerma ... OOOOO flt 24 The Problem 24 2.CAI Design and Development Approaches .4,.........