07 Fusible Plugs
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Please note that this Content may change. These boiler training modules, incorporating sections of the HRA/ORR boiler code of practice, were prepared in 2013 as part of the HLF funded BESTT training plan project and will be progressively reviewed and updated by the BESTT Technical Committee. Fusible Plugs Proposed Syllabus 2013 To be used in conjunction with: HRA Guidance Note HGR-B9008- Is01 BESTT acknowledges the support of the HRA for allowing the use of the Guidance Notes ISSUE 2018 ! Proposed BESTT Syllabus Assessment Plan ! !"#$%&'()*+,,(-../( ( 0$123%&(4%$51( ,621(7"#$%&(21(8"($1&#(29(:"9;$9:82"9(<286(=>?(@$2#A9:&(16&&8()+-../(B( C1.D( ! ?27! "#$%!&'$(!)$**!+$,-!(#-!*-./'-/%!.'!&'0-/%(.'0$'+!12!(#-!2&'3($1'!12!2&%$4*-!5*&+%! &%-0!$'!41$*-/%6! ! C98E"#$:82"9! ! "#$%!&'$(!)$**!+$,-!5/.3($3.*!7'1)*-0+-!128! 96 :'%5-3($1'! ;6 <.(-/$.*%! =6 ".4&*.($1'!12!%$>-%! ?6 "#/-.0!21/@! A6 B-C*-.0$'+! D6 E-.*$'+! F6 "-%($'+! 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However it makes no warranties, express or implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be sufficient to ensure safe systems of work or operation. Accordingly the Heritage Railway Association will not be liable for its content or any subsequent use to which this document may be put. Supply This document is published by the Heritage Railway Association Copies are available electronically via our website www.heritagerailways.com Issue 01 May 2009 page 1 of 10 © Heritage Railway Association 2009 The Heritage Railway Association, Limited by Guarantee, is Registered in England and Wales No. 2226245 Registered office: 2 Littlestone Road, New Romney, Kent, TN28 8PL HGR-B9008-Is01__________________________________________ Fusible Plugs Users of this Guidance Note should check the HRA website to ensure that they have the latest version. Table of Contents 1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Dimensional Notation ........................................................................................................................... 3 3. Personal Protective Equipment ............................................................................................................ 3 4. Inspection ............................................................................................................................................. 3 5. General ................................................................................................................................................. 3 6. Competency.......................................................................................................................................... 4 7. Maintenance plan ................................................................................................................................. 4 8. Materials ............................................................................................................................................... 5 9. Tabulation of sizes................................................................................................................................ 5 10. Thread form and tolerance ................................................................................................................... 6 11. Fusible plug thread length .................................................................................................................... 7 12. Methods of manufacture....................................................................................................................... 7 13. Re-leading ............................................................................................................................................ 7 14. Methods of sealing plug in boiler.......................................................................................................... 7 15. Removal and cleaning .......................................................................................................................... 8 16. Inspections and faults of fusible plugs.................................................................................................. 8 17. Fitting plugs .......................................................................................................................................... 8 18. Testing in boiler .................................................................................................................................... 9 19. References ........................................................................................................................................... 9 20. Appendix A: Method of leading new and used fusible plugs BR type................................................. 9 Issue 01 May 2009 page 2 of 10 © Heritage Railway Association 2009 The Heritage Railway Association, Limited by Guarantee, is Registered in England and Wales No. 2226245 Registered office: 2 Littlestone Road, New Romney, Kent, TN28 8PL ! HGR-B9008-Is01__________________________________________ Fusible Plugs 1. Introduction This Guidance Note is one of a series dealing with Locomotive Boilers that were produced by the 2006-9 meetings on “Steam Locomotive Boiler Codes of Practice”. Railway locomotive boilers are designed to create, store and distribute steam at high pressure. The working life of such a boiler can be considerably shortened if due care is not taken at all stages of inspection, repair, running maintenance and day-to-day running. In the past there have been a series of accidents and explosions due to work being undertaken without having due regard to the inherent risks involved. It is with that in mind that H.M.R.I. and H.R.A. set up the series of meetings of boiler practitioners to discuss the issues; distil good practice and codify it into this series of Guidance Notes. This guidance is written for the assistance of people competent to perform these tasks. In places the terminology used may be specific to such practitioners. This guidance will also be useful to those in a supervisory or more general role, however no work should be undertaken unless the people concerned are deemed competent to do so. 2. Dimensional Notation The original information frequently comes from documents that are in the imperial system only. Metric equivalents have been added where appropriate. 3. Personal Protective Equipment Before undertaking any works a risk assessment must be conducted. Protective equipment is to be supplied and used at work wherever there are risks to health and safety that cannot be adequately controlled in other ways. The equipment must be ! In accordance with the latest Personal Protective Equipment regulations. ! Properly assessed before use to ensure it is suitable. ! Maintained and stored properly ! Provided with instructions on how to use it safely ! Used correctly by those undertaking the work. 4. Inspection In the event of finding any fusible plug to be defective or suspect seek guidance from the boiler Competent Person or replace fusible plug with new item. The inspection should take account of the requirements in the ‘Written Scheme of Examination’ for the boiler under the