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Cultural Resources Management Plan 2006.Pdf BJC/PAD-691/R1 Cultural Resources Management Plan for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Paducah, Kentucky Date Issued—March 2006 Prepared by CDM Federal Services Inc. Paducah, Kentucky under Subcontract 23900-SC-RM056F Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management BECHTEL JACOBS COMPANY LLC managing the Environmental Management Activities at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant Paducah, Kentucky 42001 under contract DE-AC05-03OR22980 for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CONTENTS FIGURES...................................................................................................................................................... v ACRONYMS..............................................................................................................................................vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... ix 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Mission Statement ......................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Land Use........................................................................................................................ 3 2.2 CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL SETTING........................................................................... 3 2.2.1 Previous Studies at PGDP ............................................................................................. 3 2.2.2 Historical Context—Overview ...................................................................................... 5 2.3 PGDP HISTORICAL PROPERTIES....................................................................................... 24 2.3.1 The 2004 Cultural Resources Survey and the NRHP.................................................. 24 2.3.2 Documentation of Property Types............................................................................... 26 2.3.3 Historic Context Evaluation ........................................................................................ 28 2.4 PGDP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES.......................................................................... 29 3. CULTURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES AND ADMINISTRATION ......... 31 3.1 FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE NHPA ............................................................................. 31 3.2 SECTION 106 OF THE NHPA................................................................................................ 31 3.2.1 Public Participation...................................................................................................... 32 3.3 SECTION 110 OF THE NHPA................................................................................................ 32 3.4 RELATED FEDERAL LAWS................................................................................................. 33 3.4.1 NEPA of 1969 ............................................................................................................. 33 3.4.2 AHPA of 1974............................................................................................................. 33 3.4.3 ARPA of 1979 ............................................................................................................. 33 3.4.4 AIRFA of 1979............................................................................................................ 33 3.4.5 NAGRA of 1990.......................................................................................................... 34 3.5 THE ROLE OF THE KENTUCKY SHPO .............................................................................. 34 3.6 THE ROLE OF THE ADVISORY COUNCIL........................................................................ 34 3.7 MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS AND PROCEDURAL REVIEW ...................... 34 3.7.1 Procedural Review....................................................................................................... 35 3.7.2 Documentation and Monitoring................................................................................... 35 3.7.3 Professional Qualifications and Training for Staff...................................................... 35 3.7.4 CRMP Updates and Endorsements.............................................................................. 35 3.8 PGDP CULTURAL RESOURCES SUMMARY .................................................................... 35 4. CULTURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT METHODS ............................................................. 37 4.1 RECORDS AND REPORTS.................................................................................................... 37 4.1.1 Cultural Resources Site Records ................................................................................. 38 4.2 INVENTORY........................................................................................................................... 38 4.3 PROGRAMMATIC EXCLUSIONS........................................................................................ 38 4.4 MANAGEMENT OF NRHP-ELIGIBLE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES............................... 41 iii 4.4.1 General Considerations for Prehistoric and Historic Archaeological Sites................. 41 4.5 MANAGEMENT OF OTHER NRHP-ELIGIBLE PROPERTIES.......................................... 42 4.5.1 Mitigation Measures.................................................................................................... 43 4.5.2 Emergency Discovery Procedures............................................................................... 44 4.5.3 Notification Procedures............................................................................................... 44 5. REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................... 45 APPENDIX A: PROPERTY INVENTORY ...........................................................................................A-1 iv FIGURES 1 PGDP vicinity map ............................................................................................................................... 4 2 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle map, Heath, Kentucky (1978), showing PGDP location....................................................................................................................................... 4 3 Site plan for the KOW TNT Production Area....................................................................................... 8 4 Photograph of the KOW electrical plant during World War II............................................................. 9 5 Aerial view of the KOW TNT Production Area in May 1950............................................................ 10 6 Aerial view of the KOW Magazine Area in May 1950 ...................................................................... 11 7 The Heath USGS quadrangle map of 1954......................................................................................... 13 8 Schematic of gas flow in gaseous diffusion cascade........................................................................... 15 9 The site of PGDP is shown as farmland and woodlands in this aerial photograph taken in May 1950............................................................................................................................................ 18 10 Construction activity at the plant in December 1952.......................................................................... 19 11 Construction work on the interior of Building C-335 in April 1952................................................... 20 12 Construction of the fluorine cell room electrical buss work in the C-410 Complex in December 1952................................................................................................................................... 21 13 Construction of Process Building C-333 in July 1952........................................................................ 21 14 The lack of housing in the Paducah area led to the erection of hundreds of temporary buildings.............................................................................................................................................. 22 15 Ca. 1955 postcard of PGDP ................................................................................................................ 23 16 Proposed PGDP Historic District National Register boundary........................................................... 26 v vi ACRONYMS AEC Atomic Energy Commission AHPA Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act AIRFA American Indian Religious Freedom Act ARPA Archaeological Resource Protection Act BJC Bechtel Jacobs Company LLC CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act CFR Code of Federal Regulations CLG Certified Local Government CRMP Cultural Resources Management Plan DOE U.S. Department of Energy KHC Kentucky Heritage Council KOW Kentucky Ordnance Works kW kilowatt MOA Memorandum of Agreement NAGRA Native American Graves and Repatriation Act NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NHPA National Historic
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