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People and Things People and things < continued from page 21 being an interesting physics topic Georges Charpak at 65 tor technology, triggering strate­ in itself, it opens new applications gies and data acquisition and analy­ potential for experimental physics. sis capabilities is necessary. Inter­ At the Soviet Institute for High Friends, colleagues and admirers of action rates of some 100 MHz are Energy Physics, Serpukhov, physi­ Georges Charpak filled the CERN expected, with a goal of examining cists have been looking at the pos­ Auditorium on 30 October for a a million tagged beauty events in sibilities of using crystals to extract special seminar marking the formal an open geometry, yielding 10,000 beam from their 70 GeV proton retirement of an acknowledged fully reconstructed B mesons. synchrotron. master of the particle detector bu­ Carl Haber (Berkeley) looked at A recent success which prom­ siness. two approaches to B physics in ises much for the future was multi- Before joining CERN in 1959, he collider mode. The first uses the turn extraction of protons by a de­ had pioneered new methods for existing CDF and DO detectors to flector consisting of a bent single photographing the sparks left in the study the tail of the B spectrum. crystal of silicon. The channeled wake of particles. At CERN, he par­ The second is a proposed Beauty particles were shifted through 80 ticipated in the early measurements Collider Detector (BCD), a large ac­ milliradians with an extraction effi­ of the anomalous magnetic mo­ ceptance spectrometer designed ciency of 5 x 10~5. ment of the muon, and in experi­ for a broad study of B physics, es­ Assembled as a sandwich, the ments with pion beams. pecially CP violation. single crystals allow the proton Reverting to detectors, he inves­ The working group summary on beam to be deflected through 60 tigated ways of localizing spark symmetry violations and rare de­ mrad, with a resultant intensity in signals without resorting to photo­ cays was given by Bruce Winstein the range 105 - 2.5 x 107.protons graphy. The result was the devel­ (Chicago), pointing out relevant de­ per pulse. opment of the multi-wire propor­ tector issues and the need for (At Fermilab in 1984, a bent sili­ tional chamber and the drift cham­ more development work. Collabo­ con crystal was used to replace a ber, the workhorses of the modern ration during the Workshop be­ magnet in a secondary charged particle physicist's detector stable. tween the CP violation working particle beam, raising the maximum Building on these ideas, and group and the detector group fos­ momentum which could be trans­ guided by his ambition and genius, tered solutions to envisaged prob­ mitted from the magnetic septum his collaborators have gone on to lems in this sector. limit of 225 GeV to the full primary develop important applications in Closing the Workshop, new Fer- beam level of 400 GeV.) imaging, precision microscopy, etc, milab Director John Peoples under­ while continually investigating the lined both the wide variety of phy­ Detector specialist Georges Charpak (third potential of new and sometimes sics possibilities and Fermilab's aim from left), with some of the speakers at the exotic materials. This effort contin­ seminar at CERN on 30 October marking his for a finely focussed, intensive as­ formal retirement - left to right, J. Saudinos, ues to bear fresh fruit. sault on the most promising topics. R. Garwin and Leon Lederman. Chaired by Pierre Lehmann and For this to come about, he reaf­ firmed the need for the next logical step in this process, the new Main Injector. The Workshop proceedings are published by World Scientific. SERPUKHOV Channeling The delicate steering and deflection ('channeling') of particle beams in­ side crystals is being increasingly studied at high energies. As well as 24 CERN Courier, December 1989 The gas jet for the JETSET experiment at CERN's LEAR low energy antiproton ring (May 1987, page 21). The full experiment will be commissioned next summer. (Photo CERN 172.10.89) introduced by CERN Director Gen­ eral Carlo Rubbia and by a videoed Viktor Weisskopf, the seminar in­ cluded contributions from Leon Lederman ('Superstrings need seal­ ing wax'), underlining the pivotal role Charpak inventions now play in modern physics; from J. Saudinos, looking at Charpak's ambitions and successes in applying physics de­ tectors to medicine and biology; from E. Uggerhoj on Charpak's push to extend channeling studies to high energy beams; and from R. Garwin, examining the wider role that concerned physicists, like Charpak, can and have played in society. Presenting his mentor with a me­ mento photo album, Fabio Sauli af­ firmed that the collaboration would be proud to continue to be called 'The Charpak Group'. In conclu­ sion, Georges Charpak described some personal attitudes to initiat­ ing and motivating research. 7 have some detectors even more beauti­ honorary Doctor of Science degree Meetings ful than the ones we have been at the University of London on 12 talking about, but they are use­ October. less!' he declared, before avowing Neutrino '90, the 14th International to continue his search for new CERN theorist Maurice Jacob has Conference on Neutrino Physics ideas and techniques. been elected Foreign Member of and Astrophysics, will be held at the Royal Swedish Academy of CERN from 10-15 June. Participa­ Sciences. tion is by invitation only. Further in­ On people formation from Neutrino '90 Secre­ tariat, c/o Susan Maio, CERN/DG, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland, tele­ phone Geneva 767 4687, fax Gen­ Helen Edwards, now Head of the eva 782 0168, e-mail neutrino at Accelerator Division at the US Su­ CEBAF orders perconducting Supercollider, SSC, from Europe and Dick Lundy, Rich Orr and Alvin In a contract worth ten million The Division of Particles and Fields Tollestrup of Fermilab have been dollars, 360 superconducting of the American Physical Society awarded the US National Medal for accelerating cavities for the will host another summer study in Technology in recognition of their CEBAF Continuous Electron Snowmass, Colorado, from June contributions in mastering super­ Beam Accelerator Facility, 25 to July 13, entitled 'Research conducting magnets in the con­ now under construction at Directions for the Decade - 1990 struction of the Fermilab Tevatron. Newport News, Virginia, have DPF Summer Study on High Energy been ordered from the West Physics' to examine all important Former CERN Director General Her- German firm of Interatom. scientific issues and opportunities wig Schopper was awarded an in high energy physics, including CERN Courier, December 1989 25 The CERN Accelerator School's course on Advanced Accelerator Physics was held in September at and in conjunction with Upp­ sala University, Sweden. CERN Accelerator School goes north In September in Uppsala, CERN's Accelerator School (CAS) organized its third Ad­ vanced Accelerator Course, this time in conjunction with Uppsala University. After a mainly theoretical first week, attention turned in the second week to specialized topics im­ portant in small rings - cool­ ing techniques, internal tar­ gets, interactions with resid­ ual gas, ion trapping, intensity limitations, very cold beams, crystalline beams, etc. It was clear that, at least in the con­ collider, fixed-target and non-accel­ text of accelerators, 'small' ABB Mannheim leaves supercon­ erator experiments, accelerator and does not mean less com­ ducting magnet production plex'. Visits to the Uppsala in­ detector initiatives, and B factories. stallations, including the Cel­ The physics and associated detec­ sius cooler/storage ring, now tor developments of the SSC and The 223 nine-metre superconduct­ operational (June, page 24), the LHC will be emphasized. Chair­ ing dipoles (half of the total re­ the Cryring storage ring for man of the Scientific Organizing quired) for the HERA electron-pro­ highly charged heavy ions, Committee is Edmond L. Berger of ton collider being built at the Ger­ now under construction, and Argonne (ELB at ANLHEP), and man DESY Laboratory in Hamburg the laboratories of manufac­ Conference Secretary is Robin will be the last superconducting turer Scanditronix testified to Craven of Wisconsin (CRAVENat magnets to be built by A sea Brown the vigour of this area of WISCPSLB). Boveri (ABB) of Mannheim. The Swedish science. other half of the HERA dipole con­ For next year, CAS is offer­ signment is being supplied by an ing a course on Power Con­ Italian consortium (LMI-Europame- verters for Particle Accelera­ A workshop on beam dynamics is­ talli for the cable, Ansaldo for the tors from 26-30 March in sues of high luminosity asymmetric collared coils and Zanon for the Montreux, Switzerland, and collider rings will be held at Berkel­ cryostats). on General Accelerator Phy­ ey from 12-16 February. Topics will be more general than the sics from 17-28 September Good Laboratory eating at and in conjunction with beam-beam interaction (although KFA Julich. Further informa­ this will receive major attention), tion from Mrs. S. von Wart- and would include coupled bunch Retiring as Chairman of the Users' burg, CERN Accelerator effects, impedances, wakes, etc. It Organization for the US Supercon­ School, CERN, 1211 Geneva is hoped to establish conservative ducting Supercollider (SSC) to be 23, Switzerland, or by e-mail design criteria for these machines. built in Texas, Lee Pondrom of from caspower at Further information from the Con­ Wisconsin joked that, with no cafe­ or caskfa at ference Chairman, Andrew M. teria to complain about, prospec­ respectively. Sessler at Berkeley, bitnet tbalbl at tive SSC users had to discuss Ibl or fax (415) 486-5172. something else. 26 CERN Courier, December 1989 The CERN itinerant exhibition stayed almost at home in October when it featured at the 'Foire du Valais' in the Swiss town of Mar- tig ny.
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