Georges Charpak Nobel Physics Prize 1992

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Georges Charpak Nobel Physics Prize 1992 Georges Charpak Nobel Physics Prize 1992 Georges Charpak at CERN just after hearing the Nobel news. Wednesday 14 October looked like being a day like any other for detec­ tor specialist Georges Charpak. Ex­ cept he had an unwelcome appoint­ ment with the dentist early that afternoon. Late that morning he was able to telephone to cancel the ap­ pointment. 1 have a small problem...', he explained. The problem was the announce­ ment that Georges Charpak receives 1992's most prestigious award for physics - 'for his invention and devel­ opment of particle detectors, in par­ ticular the multiwire proportional chamber - a breakthrough in the technique for exploring the innermost parts of matter', reads the citation from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. A means of making the invisible be­ come visible, Charpak's Nobel-win­ addition to a periodic Nobel physics particles. At CERN, he initially ning contribution has an immediate theme of improved 'position sensitive worked on the first precision meas­ appeal to the man in the street, who detectors' - measurement tech­ urements of the anomalous magnetic is often left in the dark about the sig­ niques for telling physicists where moment of the muon (g-2), an experi­ nificance of other major science particles have passed. In 1927 the ment which turned out to be a train­ awards, not that these are any less award went to C.T.R. Wilson for his ing ground for some of the most important for the development of their invention of the cloud chamber; in gifted post-war European physicists. subject. 1948 Patrick Blackett received the After g-2 he returned to his major Physics is all about observation, coveted prize for his further develop­ preoccupation - particle detectors. and improved measuring techniques ment and discoveries with cloud Any particle physics detection have always been at the forefront of chambers; in 1950, Cecil Powell's scheme uses ionization - the atomic new directions in science. Just as de­ prize was in recognition of his work havoc of charged particles left in the velopment of the microscope and the with photographic emulsions and its wake of a subatomic projectile. In telescope did in the seventeenth cen­ physics outcome; in 1960 came 1968 Charpak was looking for ways tury, so the new methods of the 20th Donald Glaser, for the bubble cham­ of localizing spark signals without century have lifted scientists' hori­ ber, while Luis Alvarez was recog­ having to take photographs. To zons. nized in 1968 for his further develop­ achieve this he realized he had to un­ Since its invention in 1968, ment of this technique. derstand the details of what happens Charpak's multiwire proportional Georges Charpak has always been when a gas is ionized between two chamber and his subsequent devel­ concerned about seeing things that high voltage electrodes, to chart the opments heralded the age of fully are visually obscure but nevertheless different ways that electron chain re­ electronic particle detection. They important. Before joining CERN in actions caused signals to grow into revolutionized detection techniques 1959, at the Joliot-Curie Laboratory sparks, the role of photons, and the and have become the principal tools in Paris he had an introduction to effect of localized high electric field of the particle physicist's trade, ena­ particle detectors ('most of them gradients on the drift of electrons and bling them to handle high reaction didn't work', he later admitted) and ions and on the way the signal is rates and to preselect special types pioneered new techniques in the then formed. When his work was done, of interaction. traditional method of photographing not only did he understand better Charpak's Nobel is also the latest the sparks left in the wake of charged what happened between high voltage CERN Courier, December 1992 1 Flùssige, tiefkàlte GA^ drri ArbtibfJIdU Der kûrzeste Weg ist oft die lange Leitung Thyrîstor power regulator for wall or rail fitting dimensions 110 x 195 x is2 mm I 1 t':t ït îlii h h )i im conlrnl [ 1 fui nlirnif. hmi,1 Inductive loAda U phase section or [hiIkh (jrniip operation PI [wrl-load and tUEC failure dtaplrty vin I FD hfih r*iay contact I J wH start and current lïiiliÉj-jlïcïil in phtfK.n Motion mode 1 1 Ignition pulao kick I I load eunvii-iiH. .^j arid A inwi voitafloc: 115, 230 or 400 V i i u-'-rtffjNiation MtB-undRçgeitechnlkAC.Seestr. Û7.CH-8712 Stflfa ^_ Tfliùf ùn oi / p ft ai ai • Telefax ùi / a zo « wtcicxara m_j 3fl f"/n."fa ùrfVCnbùïHuil immimi titi iHNiini umvive fùïi'i) ENVEX POLYIMIDE Excellent Radiation Resistance Messer Grïeiheim bieLeL Day Bauknstcn System supcrisolicrtc rrnnsferlei flrmflgllfhl *irï^ ^ hunll* tungen 4ub EddïLdhl lûr Prujektabwicklung. flù^iyti, Licfkaltc: Gnsc: Frugen Sic unsere I atiibera Individuel! fur jedon ter, ob fur tiie eine ku™ binsatz und jeden Arh^iKpl*!./ CitlW li^rïij* I i^i LLir 1<J d*ff effektiverc Wcg ist, damit W Mcïhrschichten tiefknlte fi,™ ,i"n jAfl^m \/ifiki.Jijm- AïbvilbïJIdU jeder^eiL ver- Supcrisolation. fugbar sind. V> DweiLeruny;;- und kombmntionsfflhlg durth Mcsscr Gricshcîim GmbH ( imtimiffliH hat. fmm CvyOfiWlic • Superior elrwitflli and bteckkupplungon. HfimlwgHM" SI' 1? t,n 2Sft"C diiiieiitûtMiLil HLubiliLy 4ÛÛÛ DU55CLDORF 20 l 1 I ,ow «)Ht with flhflfit IpatI t,m™ Clfl.ll ov w*it*? tot a Ire* brudiure. "fi! Slarre oder flexible Iclnfnn: IWIIM'-Kiwn AusfOhmng. TVIdax: 0211/4303-436 Available in nLouk t;hnpt^» jirnl ImiHhrol pmï,u HMVHX* ii 111 ii i| |ii ill in il I lu il Imm il il h li » Hi ii y r 11 'i ilyii mi I.1 "i $ ROGERS Rngnm Çoipoiïulon. COiïlpOiiL- MuL-iiub Diwjiuii mgO cîno I oc-hnoiogy nrivo. Roger:. CT 06263,2ùâ /m 'Jtsub, i-ax: uii:i-//-4-iu/:i MESBER oriesheim 124 Ciidw mJvMilinHtnmil imtulmr nn murimr Kinrvlço fa/777 O UN Courier, December 1992 The first large multiwire proportional chamber built at CERN. Left to right, Georges Charpak, Fabio Sauli and Jean-Claude Santiard. (Photo CERNX8.8.70) zation in the MWPC - a set of wires of strips in the cathode plane would pick up this induction, providing a powerful means of localizing ioniza­ tion away from an anode direction. This two-dimensional localization al­ lowed detection of X-rays and opened up MWPC applications in medicine anc} biology. By adding suitable additional ingre­ dients to the gas in the chamber, secondary by-products are quickly absorbed so that one avalanche does not trigger another and the ini­ tial ionization is quickly confined. The technique can be extended to cover large areas, with each wire read out into appropriate electronics. For the first time, high volumes of data be­ came available on line. A further Charpak development, the 'drift chamber', measures the time it takes for the electrons to get to the electrodes, but the spinoff was virtu­ impractical to build large detecting anode. This time then gives a fix on ally immediate. surfaces of such modules, and the where the initial ionization took place, Fortunately, a high energy charged irregular time response (up to a mi­ and requires less closely spaced de­ particle passing through matter is the crosecond), makes precision meas­ tection and readout channels. proverbial bull in a china shop, scat­ urements difficult. Describing those early days, tering and breaking whatever atomic Charpak's brilliant idea was to use a Charpak says his first attempts at material is in its path. However this plane of anode wires a few millime­ building proportional tube were so trail of subatomic destruction needs tres apart stretched between two clumsy that when the time came to some method of amplification to cathode planes. This improved ge­ prototype the MWPC, his team took make it visible, when and where it ometry and higher field of the such care that it worked first time! happens. multiwire proportional chamber Charpak also pays tribute to the fa­ Some techniques already existed - (MWPC) make the ionization elec­ cilities at CERN and the team spirit. ion chambers; proportional tubes; trons move faster and more uni­ 'If you ask someone to do something and the famous Geiger counter - but formly, so that the time resolution im­ difficult, you're sure to get good re­ they all had limitations. The classic proves to, say, 25 nanoseconds. sponse,' he says. An ideas man, he proportional tube uses a thin anode At first it was feared that the large stands aside and lets others get on wire along the axis of a cylindrical mutual capacitance between neigh­ with mass-production and nitty-gritty cathode filled with a suitable gas. As bouring wires would spread the sig­ applications problems, again an area a charged particle passes through, nal throughout the mesh, frustrating where CERN excels. liberated electrons are pulled towards any attempt to localize tracks. How­ In more recent years his interest the wire anode, producing more elec­ ever Nature lent a hand in the form of has turned to applications of physics trons in their wake. An electron 'ava­ an opposite and almost equal signal instrumentation in other areas, par­ lanche' is formed. induced by positive ions in the ava­ ticularly biology and medicine. Here The resultant signal shows that a lanche in all wires but the one directly the improved accuracy and response charged particle has passed through, concerned. Understanding this help­ of modern electronic detectors prom­ but with a tube of radius one centi­ ful signal, Charpak realized it could ise faster scanning and lower radia­ metre, no real precision is given. It is be exploited to greatly improve locali­ tion doses.
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