Particle Detectors Lecture Notes
Lecture Notes Heidelberg, Summer Term 2011 The Physics of Particle Detectors Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik Introduction Historical Developments Historical Development γ-rays First 1896 Detection of α-, β- and γ-rays 1896 β-rays Image of Becquerel's photographic plate which has been An x-ray picture taken by Wilhelm Röntgen of Albert von fogged by exposure to radiation from a uranium salt. Kölliker's hand at a public lecture on 23 January 1896. Historical Development Rutherford's scattering experiment Microscope + Scintillating ZnS screen Schematic view of Rutherford experiment 1911 Rutherford's original experimental setup Historical Development Detection of cosmic rays [Hess 1912; Nobel prize 1936] ! "# Electrometer Cylinder from Wulf [2 cm diameter] Mirror Strings Microscope Natrium ! !""#$%&'()*+,-)./0)1&$23456/)78096$/'9::9098)1912 $%&!'()*+,-.%!/0&1.)%21331&10!,0%))0!%42%!56784210462!1(,!9624,10462,:177%&!(2;! '()*+,-.%2!<=%4*1;%2%)%:0&67%0%&!;1&>!Victor F. Hess before his 1912 balloon flight in Austria during which he discovered cosmic rays. ?40! @4)*%! ;%&! /0%)),-.&1(8%! A! )1,,%2! ,4-.!;4%!BC;%2!;%,!D)%:0&67%0%&,!(7!;4%! EC2F,1-.,%!;%,!/0&1.)%21331&10,!;&%.%2G!(7!%42%!*H&!;4%!A8)%,(2F!FH2,04F%!I6,40462! %42,0%))%2! J(! :K22%2>! L10&4(7! =4&;! M%&=%2;%0G! (7! ;4%! E(*0! 47! 922%&%2! ;%,! 9624,10462,M6)(7%2!M62!B%(-.04F:%40!*&%4!J(!.1)0%2>! $%&!422%&%G!:)%42%&%!<N)42;%&!;4%20!;%&!O8%&3&H*(2F!;%&!9,6)10462!;%,!P%&C0%,>!'4&;!%&! H8%&! ;4%! BC;%2! F%,%2:0G! ,6! M%&&42F%&0! ,4-.!;1,!1:04M%!9624,10462,M6)(7%2!1(*!;%2!
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