Environmental Influence Under Off-Season Production on Yield and Quality Attributes of Mango
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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 494-502 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 6 Number 2 (2017) pp. 494-502 Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com Original Research Article http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.602.056 Environmental Influence under Off-season Production on Yield and Quality Attributes of Mango A. Kaviarasu1*, S. Balakrishnan2 and K. Indirakumar3 1Department of Horticulture, Thanthai Roever Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development, Perambalur- 621 115, India 2Department of fruit science, Horticulture College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu - 641003, India 3Department of Agricultural Entomology, Thanthai Roever Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development, Perambalur - 621 115, India *Corresponding author ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted at the State Horticulture Farm Kanyakumari in eighteen regular off-season bearing varieties where flowering is observed during August, September, October, November months with the fruiting period during December-January K e yw or ds were selected for this study. The off-season bearing varieties are Neelum, Kalepad, Bangalora, Bangan apalli, Himayuddin, Nadan, Panchavarnam, Rumani, Dilpasand, Off-season, yield Kalkachi, Jehangir, Pairi, Panikanadan, Khudadad, Athimathuram, Mulgoa, Alphonso and attributes, Quality Surangudi. The off-season flowering is a peculiar phenomenon in Tamilnadu because attributes and continuous flowering, fruiting and vegetative production can be seen simultaneously in Meteorological Kanyakumari. The off-season flowering is usually observed during July-August and parameter. harvesting of fruits is usually done during December-January. While most of the varieties Article Info shows some peculiar characters in fruit yield and quality attributes it plays a vital role in post harvest self- life in preserving quality. The highest yield was recorded in Bangalora (520.80 Kg/tree). It recorded maximum fruit length (22.60 cm), fruit girth (33.30 cm), fruit Accepted: 15 January 2017 volume (469.50 ml), fruit weight (471.50 g) and number of fruits per tree (560.00). Bangalora recorded the highest TSS (20.50° Brix), total sugars (18.16 %), reducing sugars Available Online: 12 February 2017 (7.83 %), non reducing sugars (10.34 %), carotene content (60.25 mg/kg), titrable acidity (0.49 %) and ascorbic acid content (37.18 mg/100g). The maximum temperature (29.9 to 32.9°C), diurnal variation (6.9°C), relative humidity (76.6 %), rainfall (159.53 mm), wind velocity (6.13 kmph) and sunshine hours (437.05) were highly conducive for off-season flowering in Kanyakumari. Introduction The mango (Mangifera indica L. fact that it is often referred as ‘King of fruits’ Anacardiacea) is one of the choicest fruit in the tropical world (Singh, 1996). The crops of tropical and sub-tropical regions of production of off-season cropping in mango the world, especially in Asia. Its popularity which coincides with November-December and importance can easily be realized by the months should be properly considered for 494 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 494-502 quality aspects also as fruit development crops, being perennial in nature, have to face during rainy/cool season months will be of the impact of climate change even during a generally inferior in quality because of single generation or in a standing crop. prevalence of lower quantum of heat units Hence it is important that the impact of (Ananthanarayan and Anchanam Alagia climate change is understood well. Mangoes Pillai, 1968). Whereas flowering is the first of are grown in ecologically sensitive areas such several events that set the stage for mango as coastal belts, hilly areas and areas with production each year off-season cropping of high rainfall and high humidity. This crop is certain tracts of Tamil Nadu. of high economic value contributing substantially to the agricultural exports at Besides the normal crop that matures from global and national levels. These are grown May to August, the trees of certain varieties in large areas in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil also mature an off-season crop from October Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, West to January. Neelum, Bangalora, Calcutta or Bengal and Assam. The mango crops provide Bengal Barasmasi, Kintalvanipeta, and Ali sustenance to the millions of people. Weather Pasand have been mentioned as varieties variables such rainfall, evapotranspiration, bearing two or more crops in succession temperature, solar radiation, sunshine hours, during certain years and extend their bearing relative humidity and wind velocity influence period almost till December and sometimes the yield potential of mango. The present throughout the year. This has been attributed study was undertaken for the seasonal effect to the peculiar seasonal conditions and the of climatic condition under off-season fairly well distributed rainfall of the area production in yield and quality attributes of (Chacko and Randhawa, 1971) (Sundararaj et mango. al., 1972). In a study to find out the cause of differential flowering in mango in the island Materials and Methods ecosystem by Damodaran et al., (2006) reported that the specific bands obtained were The present experiment was conducted at the responsible for genes associated with State Horticulture Farm Kanyakumari, Tamil differential flowering behaviour and is due to Nadu Investigation on off-season flowering, introgression of genes during hybridization. fruiting behaviour, effect of growth, At Coimbatore, the varieties Peter and physiological changes, yield and yield Baneshan have been reported as flowering in attributes of eighteen mango varieties was the off-season. At Kodur, the variety under taken during the period between August Ambalavi produced five blossom crops 2010 and January 2011. The off-season between September and the following may bearing varieties are Neelum, Kalepad, except Neelum, Kintalvanipeta, Manoranjan Bangalora, Banganapalli, Himayuddin, and Willard produced three crops of Nadan, Panchavarnam, Rumani, Dilpasand, blossoms. The clonal progeny of an off- Kalkachi, Jehangir, Pairi, Panikanadan, season bearing tree at Tenali was found to Khudadad, Athimathuram, Mulgoa, Alphonso behave tree at Tenali was found to behave and Surangudi. Experiments were arranged in like the parent tree. These facts suggested randomized block design replicated three that the off-season bearing, though a varietal times. Five trees were used in each variety for character, was induced by favourable seasonal replication 25 years old trees were chosen for and climatic conditions. Climate change has the study. From each tree, 20-30 samples emerged as a major challenge influencing were taken at monthly intervals and quality agricultural production in the country. Mango analysis was carried out to assess the fruit 495 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(2): 494-502 quality by adopting the standard procedures The total sugars, reducing and non-reducing five fruits from each treatment were harvested sugars were estimated as per the methods at uniform maturity and allowed to ripe suggested by Somogyi (1952) and expressed naturally in the room temperature. At edible as percentage. The carotenoid content of the ripening stage, the fruits were cut and the pulp fruit was estimated by adopting the A.O.A.C. were mixed together for performing the (1975) method and expressed as Milligrams/ quality analysis. Observations on yield Kilogram. Titrable acidity of the fruit was attributes, quality attributes and weather estimated by adopting the method of parameters were recorded. A.O.A.C. (1975) by titrating against N/10 KOH using phenolphthalein indicator and Assessment of fruit yield characters on off- expressed in terms of percentage of citric season mango acid. Ascorbic acid content was estimated by A.O.A.C. (1975) by using 2, 6- Off-season fruits were assessed for dichlorophenol indophenols dye and the value determining the following yield parameters. was expressed as milligrams/100gram. Fruit length and grith were determined by the means of expressed in centimeter. Fruit Meteorological Parameters from flowering volume was determined by the means of to maturity expressed in milliliter. The number of fruits harvested per tree was counted and the total Monthly maximum temperature °C and was expressed as number of fruits per tree. Monthly minimum temperature °C were Fruit weight, Peel weight, Pulp Weight and expressed in terms of (Celsius). Relative Stone Weight were randomly selected from humidity was expressed in terms of each tree and the average weight of the pulp percentage. Rainfall was expressed in terms was calculated and expressed in gram. The of mille meter. Wind velocity was expressed ratio of Stone to pulp was calculated based on in kilo meters per hour. Sunshine hours were the analysis of total stone and total pulp. Total short day and long day hours. Day and night weight of the fruits harvested per tree was temperature was calculated as Diurnal recorded and expressed in kilograms variation (Maximum temperature – Minimum (Kg/tree). Specific gravity of fruit was temperature). calculated as (Density of mango fruit/ Density of water), Density was calculated as Results and Discussion (mass/volume). The number of days to ripen after harvest of fruits was recorded and Effect of seasonal difference on off-season expressed in number. fruiting yield parameters of mango Estimation of important quality attributes The maximum fruit length (22.60 cm), fruit on off-season mango girth (33.30 cm),