'Reducing Domestic Violence' Coalition

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'Reducing Domestic Violence' Coalition ‘Reducing Domestic Violence’ Coalition Peace Day is an opportunity to unite on a scale never seen before and bring the issues of domestic violence to the fore. Together we can decrease the level of violence, raise awareness and generate a vast array of activity around those issues. See below the members of the ‘Reducing Domestic Violence’ Coalition so far. If you are interested in becoming part of this growing coalition, click here INTERNATIONAL Organisation Name Website Bowtech works www.bowtechworks.com.au Defend International www.defendinternational.com Entrepreneur Envoy www.entrepreneurenvoy.org European Economic & Social Committee www.eesc.europa.eu Soroptimist International www.soroptimistinternational.org The Elimination of Domestic Violence Global Foundation www.gfedv.org The Safeworld International Foundation www.asafeworldforwomen.org UN Women www.unwomen.org Voice of Women (VOW) Initiative www.vowinitiative.org AFRICA Organisation Name Country Website Association Défis Jeunes pour le Développement (ADJD) Benin Association Communautaire Pour la Promotion et la Protection des Droits de l'Homme (ACPDH) Burundi Colonie des Pionniers de Développement (CPD) Burundi www.insightonconflict.org Chaine D'Union Cameroon Environmental Protection and Development Association Cameroon www.epdacameroon.webs.com Ngonnso Development Forum, Ngondef Cameroon www.ngondef.wordpress.com Okala Foundation Cameroon www.okalafoundation.org Jeuness'Espoir Congo, DR Campagne Nous Pouvons Congo, DR www.nouspouvonsrdc.org Service for Peace - DR Congo Congo, DR Solidarity with the Victims and for Peace (SOVIP) Congo, DR Agir pour des Elections Transparentes et Apaisées (AETA) Congo, DR www.aeta-network.org Union des Congolais pour la Paix et le Developpment (UCOPAD) Congo, DR Centre Résolution Conflits Congo, DR Jeunes Volontaires de Grands Lacs pour l'Environnement Congo, DR www.jevograle.over-blog.org www.masterpeace.org/event/masterpea MasterPeace Bukavu Congo, DR ce_music_tour_in_bukavu http://www.preventgbvafrica.org/memb Sauve la Femme et la Jeune Fille de er/sauve-la-femme-et-la-jeune-fille-de- Katanga (SAFEKA) Congo, DR katanga/ SOS Femmes en Danger (SOSFED) Congo, DR www.sosfedrdc.org www. preventgbvafrica.org/member/anglo- Anglo Congolese Alliance (ACA) Congo, DR congolese-alliance-acadrcongo/ Femmes Actives pour la Protection de http://www.globalhand.org/en/organisat l'Environnement Congo, DR ions/42312 Umoja Wa Vikundi Vya Wanawake Wa Kulima Wa Kivu Ya Kaskazini Congo, DR www.societecivile.cd/node/1029 Femmes Rurales Amies de la Paix et du http://www.globalhand.org/en/organisat Développement (FERAPAD) Congo, DR ions/41202 Parlement des Jeunes de la Région des Grands Lacs Congo, DR http://orgs.tigweb.org/mutuelle - Mutuelle Jeunesse Active (MJA) Congo, DR jeunesse-active La Floraison Congo, DR http://www.lafloraison-com.webs.com Actions pour la Protection et l'Encadrement de l'Enfant (APEE) Congo, DR http://www.societecivile.cd/node/794 Association Contre la Violence Domestique et Sexuelle (AVDS) Congo, DR Village des Femmes Congo, DR Association ELIMU Congo, DR http://www.ishr.ch/news/emmanuel- umpula-nkumba-human-rights-defender- AFREWATCH Congo, DR democratic-republic-congo Jeunes et Femmes pour les Droits de l'Homme et la Paix (JFDHOP) Congo, DR http://www.societecivile.cd/node/534 Mbou Mon Tour Congo, DR www.societecivile.cd/node/1764 www. preventgbvafrica.org/member/fondation- Fondation Solidarité Familiale (FOSOF) Congo, DR solidarite-familiale-fosof Culture Plus Congo, DR www.cultureplus-asbl.org Action pour la Promotion des Femmes (APfemme) Congo, DR www.apfemme.wordpress.com Solidarité pour l'Humanité et le Développement (SHD) Congo, DR www.grants.globalfundforwomen.org/GF Débout Filles de Fizi (DFF) Congo, DR WSearch/index.php?id=27527 Cercle des Jeunes Femmes du Kivu (CJ Femmes) Congo, DR www.cjfemmes.webs.com Groupe de Recherches et d'Actions contre la Marginalisation (GRAM) Congo, DR www.gram-international.org/en_US/ Solidarité des Jeunes Filles pour l'Education et l'Intégration Socioprofessionnelle (SOJFEP) Congo, DR http://www.rofaf.org/a -propos-de- nous/membres/membres- Groupe Mamans Tabita Congo, DR institutionnelles Groupement des Femmes Vivant avec le VIH/SIDA Congo, DR Ligue pour la Solidarité Congolaise Congo, DR http://www.lscrdc.org Femmes Unies pour la Paix et le Développement Congo, DR Solidarité pour la Paix et le Développement (SOPAD) Congo, DR Action Communautaire pour le Développement Rural Intégré (ACODRI) Congo, DR http://www.societecivile.cd/node/1249 The Alliance for Arab Women Egypt www.theallianceforarabwomen.org Developing Families Together Ethiopia Youth Alliance - The Gambia Gambia www.youthalliancegambia.webs.com Achiever's Book Club Ghana G-lish Foundation Ghana www.g-lishfoundation.org West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) Ghana www.wanep.org/wanep Pan African Organisation for Research and Protection of Violence on Women and Children Ghana www.panafrican-paorp.org Global Media Foundation Ghana www.glomef.org https://www.facebook.com/pages/Save- Save Humanity Ivory Coast Humanity/223229681070700?ref=hl Rural Women peace Link Kenya www.ruralwomenpeacelink.org Jumuiya Women Group (JWG) Kenya Youth Shift Africa Kenya www.youthshiftafrica.org Center for Social and Rural Development Inc Kenya Teso Peace and Human Rights Development Initiative Kenya www.tepehurdi.wordpress.com Wounded Memories Kids Center Kenya KASWESHA Community Resource Center Kenya www.kaswesha.kbo.co.ke Kenya Young Africa Women Initiative (YAWI) www.youngafricawomeninitiative.org Kenya Wangu Kanja Foundation www.wangukanjafoundation.org Social Welfare Development Programme Kenya (SOWED Kenya) www.sowedkenya.or.ke Kenya Coast Women in Development (CWID) www.coastwomen.org United Allies Community Solutions Kenya (UNACOS) www.unacos.org Kenya www.preventgbvafrica.org/member/msic hana-mwafrika-agenda/ Msichana Mwafrika Agenda Kenya Masculinity Institute (MAIN) www.masculinitykenya.org Mathare North Youth Organisation (MANYO) Kenya www.kabissa.org/directory/manyo Vijana Against AIDS and Drug Abuse (VAADA) Kenya www.vijanaaids.or.ke/aboutus.htm www. preventgbvafrica.org/member/senior- Senior Women Citizens for Change Kenya women-citizens-for-change/ www.orgs.tigweb.org/youth- Youth Empowerment and Community empowerment-comminity-development- Development Initiative (YECDI) Kenya initiative-yecdi Makry Group Kenya Kenya www.facebook.com/MakryGroupKenya Fortress of Hope Africa (FOHA) Kenya www.fortressafrica.org Peace is Life Liberia Together Web Madagascar Madagascar www.togetherweb.org Malawi Girl Guides Association Malawi Union of Women's Action/ Union de l'Action Feminine UAF Morocco Integrated Training Consultancy Services Namibia NyecheCouture Nigeria www.nyechecouture.blogspot.com BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights Nigeria www.baobabwomen.org Initiative Against Gender Discrimination and Female Abuse (INAGFA) Nigeria Orange Foundation for Women and Children Nigeria www.theorangefoundation.org Da young family records Nigeria Social and Entrepreneurial Development Initiative (SEDI) Nigeria www.sedi-ng.org Destiny Ladies Initiative Nigeria Young People's Health Foundation Nigeria Center for Religions Cooperation and www.religions-cooperation-and- Tolerance CRCT Nigeria tolerance.blogspot.co.uk The Well Being Foundation Nigeria Soroptimist International Asaba Nigeria Advocacy for Maternal and Infant Health in Nigeria (AMIHIN) Nigeria Africa Youth for Peace And Development - Nigeria Chapter Nigeria Edo Change Network Nigeria Edo Youth Leaders Forum Nigeria Smiles Africa International Organization Nigeria HACEY’s Health Initiative Nigeria http://www.hacey.org/ Youth Empowerment Foundation Nigeria www.yefnigeria.org Human Rights and Justice Group International Nigeria Ruldin-Society for Neglected Women of Nigeria Nigeria Rwanda Youth Action Network (RYAN) Rwanda www.ryanrwanda.org Youth Partnership for Peace and Development Sierra Leone Centre for Accountability and the Rule of Law (CARL-SL) Sierra Leone www.carl-sl.org Soroptimist International of Port Elizabeth South Africa Soroptimist International of South Africa South Africa Organization for Nonviolence and Development South Sudan Tanzanian Police Force Tanzania Association Tunisienne des Femmes Democrates Tunisia Conseil D'Etat Tunisia Tunisia Teso Women Peace Activists (TEWPA) Uganda www.betterplace.org/en/organisations/3 Village Voluntary Venture Uganda vsinnebbiuganda Women And Children's Empowerment Network in Africa Uganda www.wacenauganda.wordpress.com Eliezah Foundation Initiative Uganda Access Youth Initiative – Uganda Uganda Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence Uganda www.recesvid.org Eagles Youth Development Group Uganda www.facebook.com/EaglesYouthDevelop mentGroup Teso Development Initiative for Women Uganda www. and Children Uganda Chapter (TEDIWAC) preventgbvafrica.org/member/teso- development-initiative-for-women-and- children-uganda-chapter-tediwac/ www.preventgbvafrica.org/member/hop Hope for Mothers And Children Agency e-for-mothers-and-children-agency- (HOMACA) Uganda homaca/ www. Reach out Nkokonjeru Parish HIV/AIDS reachoutnkokonjeru.yolasite.com/about- Initiative Uganda us.php Youth Initiative for Community Empowerment (YICE) Uganda www.kiva.org/partners/287 Community Transformation Foundation Network (COTFONE) Uganda www.cotfone.org Bright Kids Uganda (BKU) Uganda http://www.brightkidsuganda.org Advocacy for Children with Disabilities (ACD) Uganda www.youthequalitycenteruganda.blogsp Youth Equality Center (YEC) Uganda
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