Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2016 No. 93 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was Our Nation is again tragically im- attacks on U.S. by men set free, about called to order by the Speaker pro tem- pacted by a mass shooting. May our 12 from Guantanamo Bay. pore (Mr. MEADOWS). leaders, and we all, be mindful of the The article revealed: f sacredness of lives lost in violence, and ‘‘The Obama administration believes not so define the event as to further that about 12 detainees released from DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO traumatize those who suffer intimately the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, TEMPORE from it. have launched attacks against U.S. or The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- We ask Your special blessing upon allied forces in Afghanistan, killing fore the House the following commu- the Members of this people’s House. In about a half-dozen Americans . In nication from the Speaker: these days, give them wisdom that March, a senior Pentagon official made WASHINGTON, DC, they might execute their responsibil- a startling admission to lawmakers June 13, 2016. ities to the benefit of all Americans. when he acknowledged that former I hereby appoint the Honorable MARK Bless them, O God, and be with them Guantanamo inmates were responsible MEADOWS to act as Speaker pro tempore on and with us all this day and every day for the deaths of Americans overseas. this day. to come. May all that is done be for ‘‘But The Washington Post has PAUL D. RYAN, Your greater honor and glory. learned additional details . while Speaker of the House of Representatives. Amen. most of the incidents were directed at f f military personnel, the dead also in- cluded one American civilian: a female MORNING-HOUR DEBATE THE JOURNAL aid worker.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The It is clear the President’s dangerous ant to the order of the House of Janu- Chair has examined the Journal of the release of Guantanamo detainees puts ary 5, 2016, the Chair would now recog- last day’s proceedings and announces American families at risk of murder. nize Members from lists submitted by to the House his approval thereof. An extraordinary deterrent to Islamic the majority and minority leaders for Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- terrorists is the ability to incarcerate morning-hour debate. nal stands approved. them for the duration of the war they f f have declared against American fami- lies. RECESS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE In conclusion, God bless our troops, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the and may the President, by his actions, ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. never forget September the 11th in the declares the House in recess until 2 WILSON) come forward and lead the global war on terrorism. p.m. today. House in the Pledge of Allegiance. Our sympathy to this week’s victims Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 1 Mr. WILSON of South Carolina led of terrorism in Baghdad, Tel Aviv, and minute p.m.), the House stood in re- the Pledge of Allegiance as follows: Orlando. cess. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the f f United States of America, and to the Repub- ORLANDO TRAGEDY lic for which it stands, one nation under God, b 1400 indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (Mr. TAKANO asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 AFTER RECESS f minute and to revise and extend his re- The recess having expired, the House GUANTANAMO DETAINEES WHO marks.) was called to order by the Speaker pro HAVE BEEN RELEASED KILL Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, no words tempore (Mr. WOMACK) at 2 p.m. AMERICANS can express the pain and sadness I feel f (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina for all those affected by the horrific at- asked and was given permission to ad- tack on a gay nightclub in Orlando. PRAYER dress the House for 1 minute and to re- On too many occasions, the LGBT The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick vise and extend his remarks.) community and our country have been J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. forced to overcome moments of pro- Dear God, we give You thanks for Speaker, the front page of The Wash- found loss, but on each of these occa- giving us another day. ington Post last week, June 9, reported sions, we have emerged stronger and b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3707 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:25 Jun 14, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13JN7.000 H13JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H3708 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 13, 2016 more resilient. Once again, we will sage from the Secretary of the Senate on that was declared in Executive Order choose love over hate and compassion June 10, 2016 at 2:44 p.m.: 13405 of June 16, 2006, is to continue in over intolerance. These are the themes That the Senate passed without amend- effect beyond June 16, 2016. of the LGBT Pride Month, and they ment H.R. 2137. The actions and policies of certain That the Senate passed without amend- cannot be lost in this overwhelming ment H.R. 2212. members of the Government of Belarus tragedy. That the Senate passed without amend- and other persons to undermine This attack forces us to confront two ment H.R. 812. Belarus’s democratic processes or insti- unpleasant facts about our country: That the Senate passed without amend- tutions, to commit human rights fact one, hateful rhetoric toward the ment H.R. 1762. abuses related to political repression, LGBT people and other minority With best wishes, I am, and to engage in public corruption con- groups is still far too common; fact Sincerely, tinue to pose an unusual and extraor- KAREN L. HAAS. two, it is far too easy for dangerous dinary threat to the national security people to access assault weapons. f and foreign policy of the United States. I hope we have the courage to con- COMMUNICATION FROM THE For this reason, I have determined that front these facts and build a safer and CLERK OF THE HOUSE it is necessary to continue the national stronger America. This is what the vic- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- emergency declared in Executive Order tims and their families deserve. fore the House the following commu- 13405 with respect to Belarus. f nication from the Clerk of the House of BARACK OBAMA. THE WHITE HOUSE, June 10, 2016. Representatives: SLAUGHTERED INNOCENTS f OFFICE OF THE CLERK, (Mr. HIMES asked and was given per- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, RECESS mission to address the House for 1 Washington, DC, June 10, 2016. minute and to revise and extend his re- Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- marks.) The Speaker, House of Representatives, ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Mr. HIMES. Mr. Speaker, sometime Washington, DC. declares the House in recess until ap- today or tomorrow, this House will DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- proximately 4:30 p.m. today. mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of hold a moment of silence for 50 mas- Accordingly (at 2 o’clock and 9 min- the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. sacred Floridians who had their bodies tives, I have the honor to transmit a sealed torn apart by a madman with a mili- envelope received from the White House on f tary-grade weapon. June 10, 2016, at 3:23 p.m., and said to contain b 1630 Silence—that is how the leadership of a message from the President whereby he the most powerful country in the world submits a copy of a notice filed earlier with AFTER RECESS will respond to this week’s massacre of the Federal Register continuing the emer- The recess having expired, the House its citizens. gency with respect to Belarus. First declared in Executive Order 13405, of June 16, 2006. was called to order by the Speaker pro If this Congress had a single moral With best wishes, I am, tempore (Mr. NEWHOUSE) at 4 o’clock fiber, we would force ourselves to get Sincerely, and 30 minutes p.m. to know the slaughtered innocents. We KAREN L. HAAS, f would get to know Cory James Connell, Clerk of the House. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER 21 years old and a student at Valencia f College, a child with dreams cut short PRO TEMPORE CONTINUATION OF THE NATIONAL by a madman with a military rifle EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and—make no mistake—cut short by THE ACTIONS AND POLICIES OF ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair this Congress’ fetish to repeatedly CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE GOV- will postpone further proceedings meet bloody tragedy with silence. ERNMENT OF BELARUS AND today on motions to suspend the rules Silence—that is what we offer in OTHER PERSONS TO UNDERMINE on which a recorded vote or the yeas America that supports many of the BELARUS’S DEMOCRATIC PROC- and nays are ordered, or on which the things we could do to slow the blood- ESSES OR INSTITUTIONS—MES- vote incurs objection under clause 6 of bath.