CONGRESS of ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETIES, 26tb, 19 IS. EEPOKT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ANCIENT EARTHWORKS & FORTIFIED ENCLOSURES. COMMITTEE. The Right Hon. the EAKL OF CKAWFOED and BALCARKES, V.P.S.A. (Chairman). A. HADRIAN ALLCBOFT, M.A. Professor F. HAVEBFIELD, M.A., W. J. ANDREW, F.S.A. F.S.A. Col. F. W. T. AITBEE, F.S.A. W. H. ST. JOHN HOPE, M.A., G. A. AXIDEN, M.A., M.D., F.S.A. Litt. D., D.C.L. C. H. BOTHAMLEY, F.I.C. H. LAVEB, F.S.A. A. G. CHATEE. C. LYNAM, F.S.A. J. G. N. CLIFT. D. H. MONTGOMEBIE, F.S.A. B. S. COBBOLD, C.E., F.G.S. Sir Hercules BEAD, LL.D., ROBERT COCHEANE, I.S.O., P.S.A. LL.D., F.S.A. J. HOEACE ROUND, LL.D. S. DENISON. Col. 0. E. BUCK, F.S.A. Scot. WlLLOUGHBY GAEDNER. W. M. TAPP, LL.D., F.S.A. A. B. GODDABD, B.A. Sir B. C. A. WINDLE, F.B.S. ALBANY F. MAJOE, Hon. Sec. of Committee on Ancient Earthworks, (Address: 30, The Waldrons, Croydon,) REPORT OF THE EARTHWORKS COMMITTEE. The Committee are glad to say that the instances of damage or destruction included in this year's Eeport are fewer, and, on the whole, less serious than last year. The gravest cases are perhaps the destruction of ancient remains near Bristol, in the course of preparing the show-ground for the annual meeting of the Eoyal Agricultural Society, and the damage to Bokerly Dyke, reported by Mr.
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