Supplement iß o. 2. to

Œbe !Palestine



WHEREAS by section 5 of the Extradition Ordinance, 1926, as amended by section 2 of the Extradition Ordinance, 1927, it is provided that where an arrangement has been made between His Majesty and a ioreign State with respect to the extradition from Palestine of fugitive criminals to the territory of such State, the High Commissioner may by Proclamation direct that this Ordinance shall apply in the case of such foreign State,

AND WHEREAS a Treaty dated 17th October, 1892, as amended by a Supple• mentary Convention dated 20th January, 1932, is in force between Great Britain and the Portuguese Government for the surrender of fugitive criminals,

AND WHEREAS by an arrangement made on the 23rd June, 1934, between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the Portuguese Republic it is provided that the said Treaty shall be extended to Palestine as if the nationals of Palestine were British subjects,

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by the said Ordinance, I, JOHN H^THORN HALL, Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, do hereby proclaim that from and at the date hereof, the Ordinance shall apply to the State of Portugal.

GIVEN at Jerusalem this thirteenth clay of September, 1934.

J. HATHORN HALL Officer Administering the Government. (J/235/34) — 818 —



I, JOHN HATHORN HALL, Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, hereby certify that the acquisition by Government of the lease of a portion of a building situated in the village of Khalsa, Safad Sub-District, for use as a court ,house, is an undertaking of a public nature within the meaning of the Expropriation of Land Ordinances, 1926-1932. The portion of the building to be leased is delineated on plans deposited at the Offices of the District Commissioner, Northern District, Haifa and of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District. J. HATHORN HALL 13th September, 1934. Officer Administering the Government. (J/23/34)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that: MRS. TAUBE ZIV, a Palestinian citizen, having when in a foreign State and not under disability by a voluntary and formal act become naturalised therein, from the date of such naturalization to be a Palestinian citizen in accordance with the provisions of article 15 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925. S. MOODY 13th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (1/1503/34)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that: MR. SHIMON FUDIM, a Palestinian citizen, having when in a foreign State and not under disability by a voluntary and formal act become naturalised therein, ceased as from the date of such naturalisation to be a Palestinian citizen in accordance with the provisions of article 15 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925. S. MOODY 13th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (1/1504/34) — 819 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by paragraphs (p) and (s) of section 14 of the Road Transport Ordinance, 1929, as enacted in section 4 of the Road Trans- No. 23 of 1929. port (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933, the Officer Administering No. 20 of 1933. the Government has made the following regulations:— 1. These regulations may be cited as the Road Transport Citation. (Routes and Tariffs) (Amendment) Regulations, 1934, and shall be read as one with the Road Transport (Routes and Tariffs) Regulations, 1934, (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations). 2. Schedule I to the principal regulations shall be amended:— Amendment of schedule 1 to the (a) by the deletion of routes Nos. 14, 20 and 22 appearing principal in part (a) thereof (Routes within the Jerusalem District) regulations. and the substitution of the following routes in the place thereof respectively, that is to say:—

Number Description of Route Maximum Fare of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

14 Et Tur—Jerusalem 2 (a) Jerusalem—Et Tur —15 mils (b) Et Tur—Jerusalem —15 mils (c) Jerusalem—El Azariye —15 mils (d) Jerusalem—Abu Dis —20 mils

(a) Tayiba—Al Bira —25 mils 20 Tayiba—Al Bira—Jerusalem 1 (b) Al Bira—Jerusalem (Damascus Gate) —20 mils (c) Tayiba—Jerusalem —40 mils

22 Bethlehem—Jerusalem 6 Bethlehem—Jerusalem (Jaffa Gate) —20 mils — 820 —

(b) by the addition of the following new routes to part (a) thereof (Routes within the Jerusalem District), that is to say:—

Maximum Fare Number Description of Route of Route chargeable perj Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

29 Jerusalem-(Damascus Gate) 9 (a) Jerusalem—Jericho Jericho-Allenby Bridge. —75 mils (6) Jerusalem—Allenby Bridge —85 mils

30 Damascus Gate—New Slaughter 1 10 mils per single journey House.


Number Maximum Fare Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

Al3 Jerusalem—Lydda Junction 6 Only combined rail-and-road tickets to be issued by the Palestine Railways

Substitution of 3. Schedule II to the principal regulations shall be deleted new schedule in an(j tne following• schedule shall be substituted in the place r ° , . , ״ !, place of schedule regulationsII to the principa. l thereof, that is to say:— — 821 —




These routes and the stops thereon shall conform to those specified in the permit.

Number Maximum Fare Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

1 Main Police Station, Kingsway, 20 Main Police Station to Ard el Yahud, Nazareth Road Road — 5 mils single to Yajour and return via Station Main Police Station to Yajour Road, East Extension and —15 mils single Station Road.

2 Neve Shaanan—Nazareth Road, 0 Business Centre to Neve Sha• I. C. I. Road, Station Road, anan —17 mils single Kingsway, stop at old business Neve Shaanan to Business centre and return. Centre — 8 mils single

3 Khayat Beach—Kingsway. 15 10 mils per single journey

4 Ahuzat Sir Herbert Samuel, 9 Main Post Office Kingsway to Mount Carmel, Mountain St. Mount Carmel Hotel New Commercial Centre, Jaffa —20 mils single Road, Silesian Approach Road, —30 mils return Kingsway, Post Office and re• Main Post Office Kingsway to turn via New Commercial Ahuzat Sir Herbert Samuel Centre Approach Road, Jaffa —22 mils single Road, Carmel Avenue, Allenby —33 mils return Street, Mount Carmel. Main Post Office Kingsway to Mafhara Quarter —10 mils single —15 mils return

5 Carmel Station—Jaffa Road— 29 5 mils per single journey Silesian Approach Road,— Kingsway,—Railway Station and return via new Commercial Centre, Approach Road to Carmel Station. — 822 —

Maximum Fare Number Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

6 Hadar Hacarmel,—Burj,—Stan• 25 New Commercial Centre to ton Street,—Maronite Street,— Hadar Hacarmel or Herzlia Khamra Square, Jaffa Road, — 7 mils single New Commercial Centre and Hadar Hacarmel or Herzlia to return via Allenby and Stanton New Commercial Centre Streets. — 5 mils single

7 Bat Galim, Jaffa Road, Silesian 10 6 mils per single journey Approach Road, Kingsway, Railway Station, return via New Commercial Centre Approach Road to Jaffa Road and Bat Galim.

8 Meshek Yajour, Nesher, Naza• 7 Palmer's Gate, Yajour, reth Road, I.C.l. Road, Station —15 mils single Road, Kingsway, Palmer's Gate Workmen's tickets —111/2 mils and return. Residents' tickets —'^1h

9 Haifa (Main Police Station) 4 25 mils per single journey Tireh.

40 Haifa (Railway Station)—Acre. 4 20 mils per single journey

11 Haifa (Allenby Square)— Shei'a 2 . 40 mils per single journey 'Amr.

12 Hedera Colony—Hedera Station. 2 10 mils per single journey

13 Beisan—. 1 10 mils per single journey — 823 —

Number Description of Route Maximum Fare of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

14 Haifa - Kiriat Hayim. 3 10 mils per single journey 10 tickets 75 mils

14(a) Haifa—Sabina Farm—Kiriat 1 10 mils per single journey Hayim. 10 tickets 75 mils

15 Haifa—Zikhron Ya'aqov. 6 60 mils per single journey

16 Zikhron Ya'aqov—Zikhron 3 20 mils per single journey Ya'aqov Railway Station.

17 Haifa—Nahalal—Aífula — Beit- 2 Haifa—Affula —70 mils single Alfa. —130 mils return Haifa—Beit Alfa —50 mils single —80 mils return

18 Kerkur—Hedera Railway Sta• 4 50 mils single tion and Colony. 75 mils return

19 Haifa—Hedera. 3 80 mils per single journey

20 Haifa—Nazareth—Tiberias. 13 Haifa—Nazareth —40 mils single Nazareth—Tiberias —40 mils single

21 Haifa—Nazareth—Saffuriya— 3 Haifa—Nazareth Tiberias. —40 mils single Nazareth—Saffuriya —15 mils single Nazareth—Tiberias —40 mils single — 824 —

Maximum Fare Number Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

22 Safad—Acre—Haifa. 3 Safad—Acre —80 mils single Acre—Haifa —20 mils single Safad—Haifa —90 mils single

23 Safad—Rosh Pinna—Tiberias. 4 Safad—Rosh Pinna —25 mils per single journey Rosh Pinna—Tiberias —40 mils per single journey Safad—Tiberias —50 mils per single journey

24 Haifa—Jaba 'Ein Ghazal. 4 24 mils per single journey

25 Haifa—Igzim. 2 50 mils per single journey

26 Haifa—Um el Zeinat Subarin. 1 40 mils per single journey

27 Haifa—Samakh. 2 100 mils per single journey

28 Haifa—Nazareth. 1 40 mils per single journey

29 Haifa— Migdal. 4 70 mils per single journey

30 Pardess Hanna, Binyamina, 2 Pardess Hanna—Hedera Hedera Railway Station and —30 mils single Settlement. Pardess Hanna—Benyamina —30 mils single

31 Acre—Er Rama. 2 80 mils per single journey — 825 —

Number Description of Route Maximum Fare of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

32 Acre—Tarshiha. 3 60 mils per single journey

33 Acre—El Bassa. 3 60 mils per single journey

34 Um el Fahm—Haifa. 1 50 mils per single journey

35 Kiriat Samuel, Tiberias, Hot 9 Kiriat Samuel—Tiberias Springs. — 5 mils single Tiberias—Hot Springs — 5 mils single Kiriat Samuel—Hot Springs —10 mils single

36 Tiberias—Samakh. 5 15 mils per single journey

36(a) Tiberias—Javneel—Samakh. 2 35 mils per single journey

37 Tiberias—Migdal—Metullah. 1 Tiberias—Migdal —10 mils single Tiberias—Metullah —60 mils single

38 Haifa—Jenin—Nablus. 1 175 mils per single journey

39 Haifa—El Lajjoun—Jenin— 3 Haifa—El Lajjoun Um—el—Fahm. —25 mils per single journey El-Lajj oun—Jenin —25 mils per single journey — 826 —

Maximum Fare Number Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

40 Haifa——Safad. 2 Haifa—Jish —125 mils per single journey Jish—Safad —40 mils per single journey

41 Safad—Rosh Pinna—Metullah. 1 Safad—Rosh Pinna —25 mils single Rosh Pinna—Metullah —50 mils single

42 Usha—Kafr Atta—Ir Ganim— 2 30 mils per single journey Haifa.

43 Lajjoun—Haifa. 1 25 mils per single journey

44 Nathanya—Tulkarm. 1 30 mils per single journey

45 Shefa Amr—Acre. 2 20 mils per single journey

46 Shefa 'Amr—Nazareth. " 2 25 mils per single journey

47 Beisan—Ein Harod—Affula — 1 30 mils per single journey Jenin.

48 Mishmar Haemek—Haifa. 1 20 mils per single journey — 827 —


These routes and the stops thereon shall conform to those specified in the permit.

Number Description of Roiile Maximum Fare of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

N.l Haifa—Jenin—Jerusalem—Tel 5 Haifa—Jerusalem Aviv. —200 mils single —370 mils return Haifa—Tel Aviv —200 mils single — 360 mils return

N.2 • Haifa—Jenin—Jerusalem—Jaffa. 5 Haifa—Jerusalem —200 mils single —370 mils return Haifa—Jaffa —200 mils single —360 mils return

N.3 Hedera—Tulkarm—Petah 1 Hedera—Tulkarm Tiqva—Tel Aviv. —50 mils single Tulkarm—Petah Tiqva: —25 mils single Petah Tiqva—Tel Aviv —25 mils single

' N.4 Nablus—Ramallah—Jerusalem. 15 Nablus—Ramallah —60 mils single Ramallah—Jerusalem —40 mils single

; N.5 Nablus—Ramallah—Bethlehem 2 Nablus—Bethlehem —Jerusalem—Hebron. —100 mils single Bethlehem—Hebron — 20 mils single

N.6 Nablus —Tulkarm—Jaffa. 6 Nablus—Tulkarm —50 mils single Tulkarm—Jaffa —50 mils single — 828 -

Number Description of Route Maximum Fare of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . authorise d t o pl y

N.7 Tulkarm—Nablus—Ramallah— 1 Tulkarm—Ramallah Jerusalem. —60 mils single Tulkarm—Jerusalem —80 mils single

N.8 Tulkarm—Jaffa. 6 100 mils per single journey

N.9 Baka Gharbiya—Jaffa. 2 90 mils per single journey

N.10 Tel Aviv—Tulkarm—Tiberias. 4 Tel Aviv—Tulkarm —100 mils single Tel Aviv—Tiberias —250 mils single —440 mils return

N.ll Haifa—Beirut. 6 Haifa— Beirut —250 mils single Return tickets valid 14 days —450 mils

Haifa—Jerusalem. 1 225 mils per single journey 12״.N

N.13 Tiberias—Tulkarm—Tel Aviv- 1 Tiberias—Tulkarm Jaffa. —150 mils Tulkarm—Tel Aviv—Jaffa —100 mils

N.44 Haifa—Damascus. 6 Haifa—Damascus —300 mils Haifa—Nazareth — 40 mils Nazareth—Tiberias — 40 mils Tiberias—Damascus —250 mils 4. Schedule III to the principal regulations shall be amended:— Amendment of schedule III to ... . principal (a) by the substitution in the place of the numbers appearing regulations, in the column headed "Maximum No. of Omnibuses authorised to ply" in respect of the under-mentioned routes, that is to say:— T. 1 to T. 10, S. 5, S. 7, S. 12, S. 18, S. 21 and S. 23 in part (a) thereof (Routes within the Southern District)

of the following numbers respectively:—

97, 11, 8, 5, 4, 3 and 3;

(b) by the addition of the following new route to part (b) thereof (Omnibuses licensed by the Licensing Authority, Gaza) that is to say:—

Number Description of Route Maximum Fare of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . autliorise d t o pl y

G. 8 Gaza—Sea-Shore. 1 5 mils per single journey

(c) by the substitution in the place of the numbers appea• ring in the column headed "Maximum No. of Omnibuses authorised to ply" in respect of the under-mentioned routes, that is to say:—

G.3 in part (6) thereof (Omnibuses licensed by the Licensing Authority, Gaza), and

S.30 in part (c) thereof (Inter-District Routes), of the following numbers respectively:—

4 and 5;

(d) by the addition of the following new routes to part (c) thereof (Inter-District Routes), that is to say:— - 830 —

Maximum Fare Number Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger o f Omnibuse s Maximu m No . autborise d t o pl y

S. 44 Jaffa—Tulkarem—H ai fa— 3 400 mils per single journey Tiberias—Damascus.

S. 45 Sheikh Muannes—Jaffa. 1 50 mils per single journey

By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 10th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (0/314/33)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by section 33 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1933, the Officer Administering the Government has ordered that within the boundaries of the villages of Tnnaba in the Settlement Area of the Ramie Sub-District, and Khirbat Al Burj, in the Settlement Area of the Haifa Sub-District, no registration of land in respect of any claimant shall be effected where the area or the breadth of a parcel or the area represented by the share of an undivided parcel or of village masha' claimed by any one claimant is less than the following minima:— MINIMA Shares in parcels Parcels of land or village masha' Area represented by Category Area Breadth share dunums metres (a) Arable land not included in dunums any of the following categories 1

(b) Orchards 7,

(c) Gardens and enclosures for the custody of animals in the vicinity of a village site within an area to be defined by the Settlement Officer l / 27s V. a — 831 —

2. Registration of the following may be effected without regard to the minima of the area or breadth of a parcel or of the area represented by a share:—

Buildings. The site on which a building is erected or which is reserved for a building. Private or party roads. The yard appurtenant to a house. Wells and land appurtenant to wells. Private streams and irrigation channels. Private threshing-floors. Private quarries.

3. Where the breadth of a parcel is less, but the area is not less than any of the prescribed minima, the Settlement Officer may at his discretion order the adjustment of a parcel or parcels with the boundaries of an adjoining parcel or parcels by the exchange of land of equal value.

4. —(i) A fragment of land which under the terms oi this Order may not be registered, shall be added to the land of an adjoining owner who shall pay to the owner of the fragment compensation which shall be assessed by the Settlement Officer.

(ii) A share which under the terms of this Order may not be registered, shall be added to the share of a co-owner in the same parcel who shall pay to the owner of the share compensation which shall be assessed by the Settlement Officer.

In default of payment or of other mutually satisfactory arrangements by the parties concerned, the Settlement Officer shall enter the amount of com• pensation or the unpaid portion thereof on the Schedule of Rights or the Schedule of Partition as a charge against the land in favour of any person or persons to whom any such compensation may be due.

(iii) Where there are two or more adjoining owners, or two or more additional •co-owners, the addition of the fragment or of the share shall be effected by the Settlement Officer in one of the following ways:—

(a) where only one adjoining owner or co-owner desires the transfer to him of the fragment or share, it shall be added to his parcel or share; (b) where more than one of the adjoining owners or co-owners desire the transfer to them of the fragment or share, it shall be added to the parcel or share of such adjoining owner or co-owner as may be decided by lot; (c) where none of the adjoining owners or co-owners desires the transfer of the fragment or share, it shall be added to the parcel or share of such adjoining owner or co-owner as the Settlement Officer may direct; 832 -

Provided that no fragment or share shall be added to any parcel or share unless the parcel or share resulting from such addition is capable of registration under the terms of this Order.

(iv)—(a) Where two or more adjacent fragments of land are incapable of registration under this Order, the Settlement Officer may combine a sufficient number of fragments to form a parcel which is capable of registration under the terms hereof.

(b) Where two or more shares are incapable of registration under this Order, the Settlement Officer may combine a sufficient number of shares to form a share the total area represented by which would enable registration of the combined share.

The person in whose name the parcel or share resulting from such addition shall be registered, shall be decided by the Settlement Officer in one of the following ways:—

(i) where only one of the owners of the fragments or only one of the co-owners desires the combined parcel or share resulting from such addition, it shall be registered in his name;

(ii) where more than one of the owners of the fragments or more than one of the co-owners desire the combined parcel or share resulting, from.such addition, it shall be registered in the name of such owner or co-owner as may be decided by lot;

(iii) where none of the owners of the fragments or none of the co- owners desires the combined parcel or share resulting from such addition, it shall be registered in the name of such one of the owners or co-owners as the Settlement Officer may direct.

5. The Officer Administering the Government has further authorized MESSRS. SOLOMON YEHUDA AND JOSEPH 'AWAD, Assistant Settlement Officers, to act for the Settlement Officer for the purpose of exercising the powers vested in and discharging the duties laid upon the Settlement Officer by paragraph 4 (iii) (a). and (b) of this Order.

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY 13th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (L/12/34) — 833 —



WHEREAS three schemes within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, and as enumerated in the schedule hereto were provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission and notice of the deposit of the schemes at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette as ,stated in the schedule. And whereas no objections have been lodged against the schemes and the Central Town Planning Commission has applied to the Officer Administering the Government lor authority to put the scheme in force;

AND WHEREAS the schemes with the plans annexed have been produced to the Officer Administering the Government and signed by him ;

Now, therefore, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 17 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, that the Officer Administering the Government has approved the schemes and the plans and has ordered that the schemes shall come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette and notice is hereby given that the schemes and plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.


1. A scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme of Mr. A. Eliash's land- Katamon. Notice published in the Palestine Gazette No. 433 ol 12th April, 1934.

2. A scheme known as the Panellation Scheme of Mr. Salamurji's land- Katamon. Notice published in the Palestine Gazette No. 435 of 19th April, 1934.

3. A scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme ol Mr. Haski's land-Yegia Kapaim. Notice published in the Palestine Gazette No. 435 of 19th April, 1934.-,

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY 13th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary.

(Z/184/34) (Z/65/34) (Z/185/34) — 834 —



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 13 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, that the Town Planning Schemes within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem and as detailed in the schedule hereto, have been provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission and deposited together with the relative plans at the !Municipal Olfices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land affected by the schemes may lodge an objection thereto at the Municipal Olfices, Jerusalem, within two months ol the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.


1. A scheme known as the Amendment of the Kerem Area Town Planning Scheme No.7- modification in the alignment of roads Nos.50 and 51.


North: by the property of the heirs of Esmika Hussem lssa; Numir and Shehadeh Dehabiyeh and Company; Ali Hassan el Hilow and Company.

East: by the property of Muhamed Ali Ahmed Mustapha.

South: by the property of Hayim Dabbagh. West: by the property of Hayim Dabbagh and the heirs of Esmika Hussein lssa.

2. A scheme known as ParcelJation Scheme No. 317—Ismail Najjer—Yegia Kapaim Quarter.


North: by the property of the heirs of Ismikna.

East: by the property of Haski and Partners.

South: by Road No. 30 in the Kerem Area Town Planning Scheme.

West: by the property of Amos and Partners. 3. A scheme known as Parcellation Scheme No. 321— Rehavia "C".


North: by the Ibn Tudela Road—Rehavia "B" Quarter.

East: by the Rehavia "B" Quarter.

South: by the Gaza Road.

West: by the extension Rehavia "B" Quarter.

4. A scheme known as Parcellation Scheme No. 326—Rabbi Kook and Mr. Rabinovitz—Givath Shaul Quarter.

Boundaries :—

North: by the property of Ahmed Baker and the Armenian Convent.

East: by the property of Slonim and Company, Adawieh and Company, Baitensor and the Jewish Blind Institute. South: by Lifta Village.

West: by the property of the Armenian Convent and Lifta Village.

5. A scheme known as Parcellation Scheme No. 327—Mr. T. Krikorian, Bakaa Quarter.


North: by the Road to Mekor Haim. East: by the property of the heirs Jawdat Dajani. South: by the property of the Greek Convent. West: by the property of the Shaker el Shaker.

6. A scheme known as Development Scheme No. 329—Armenian Patriarchate Land Block III—Storrs' Avenue.


North: by Storrs' Avenue—Road No. 38 in the Central Area Scheme No. 8. East: by St. Louis Way—Road No. 55 in the Central Area Scheme No. 8. — 83(3 —

South: by Princess Mary's Avenue—Road No. 37 in the Central Area Scheme No. 8. West: by a road in the Armenian Patriarchate Land.

7. A scheme known as the Paicell.ittion Scheme of Kasmi's Land, Wady el Joz.


North: by the property of Haj Mohamed Shawan and Haj Khalil. South: by the property of Ali el Ali Malake. East: by the road to the old Slaughter House. West: by Wadi el Joz Road.

.Upper Bethlehem Road widening—13־ .A scheme known as Scheme No .8


North: by the Southern Boundary of the Bakaa Town Planning Scheme No. 9. East: by the Eastern Building Line of Upper Bethlehem Road. South: by the Jerusalem Town Planning Boundary.

West: by the Western Building Line of Upper Bethlehem Road.

G. R. P. WITTS 24th August, 1934. Secretary, Central Town Planning Commission. (Z/l 73/34) (Z/l 77/34) (Z/l 74/34) (Z/l 78/34) (Z/175/34) (Z/179/34) (Z/l 76/34) (Z/l 80/33)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in them by sections 99 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 4934, the 14׳1׳ and Municipal Council of Acre have made the following by-laws:—

Citation. l. These by-laws may be cited as the Acre (Payment of Rates) By-laws, 4934. - 837 —

2. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 114 of the Payment of rates Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, any rate levied by the m Acre- ,of that Ordinance 102׳ Municipal Council of Acre under section shall be paid in two equal instalments, upon the first day of April, and on the first day of October respectively.

TEWFIQ HAQQ1 Mayor of Acre. Confirmed, By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 14th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (G/54/34)



IN EXERCISE of the powers deputed to me by the High Commissioner by notice under section 22 of the Interpretation Ordinance, 1929, published in the Gazette of 26th April, 193i, I hereby appoint British Inspector F. W. PIKE to exercise the powers and duties of a Superior Police Officer specified in of the Police Ordinance, 1926, for so long as he remains seconded 17־ section to the Department of Immigration as Officer in charge of the Preventive Force.

R. G. B. SPIGER 12th September, 1934. Inspector-General. (0/303/31)



I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. J. 49, has been granted on the 6th day of September, 1934, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to FATHER NORBERT RISHANI, residing at Bethlehem, to publish once a month at the printing press situated at Franciscan Convent Bethlehem, a newspaper in the Arabic language entitled "The Boy Scout" treating of scouts, education and moral subjects and under the editorship of MR. AYOUB MUSALLAM of Bethlehem. S. MOODY 15th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (K/l 23/34) - 838 —

IT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. J. 50, has been granted on the 6th day of September, 1934, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to the CIIJKF OF THE RUSSIAN ECLASIASTICAL MISSION, residing at Jerusalem, to publish once a week at the printing press situated at Schnel- ler Quarter, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the Russian language entitled "Sviataia Zemla" treating of religious, historical and archaelogical subjects and under the editorship of REV. ABBOT ANTONY.

S. MOODY 15th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (K/53/34)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKN that a permit No. S. 55, has been granted on the 26th day of July, 1934, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to DR N. RAFALK.YS, residing at 34 Ahad Haam Street, Tel Aviv, to publish twice a month at the printing press situated at 27 Montefiiore Street, Tel Aviv, a newspaper in the Yiddish language entitled "\ei Welt" treating of culture, economics, sports, and political subjects and under the editorship of DR. N. RAFALKAS

S. MOODY 15lh September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (K/113/34)


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit No. S. 58, has been granted on the 29th day of August, 1934, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to ZALMAN AHARONOVITZ, residing at 8 Gordon Street, Tel Aviv, to publish twice a month at the printing press situated at Kefar Giladi Street, Tel Aviv, a newspaper in the entitled "Yediot Mo'atsat Po'ale Tel Aviv ve Yafto" treating of labour concerns at Tel Aviv and under the editorship of AVRAHAM SGIIMUEL JURIS.

S. MOODY 13th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (K/l 25/34) — 839 —



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. .1. 45, has been granted on the Gth day of September, 1934, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to FATHER NORBERT RJSHANI, residing at Bethlehem, to keep a Printing Press situated at Franciscan Convent, Bethlehem, and known as the "Boy Scout" Printing Press.

S. MOODY 15th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (K/45/33)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 12 of the .1924׳ Plant Protection Ordinance, 1924, the Director of Agriculture No. 10 of and Forests with the approval of the Officer Administering the Government has made the following regulations :—

1. These regulations may be cited as the Plant Protection Citation, (Amendment) Regulations, 1934, and the Plant Protection Regulations, 1933, (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations) and these regulations may together be cited as the Plant Protection Regulations, 1933-1934.

2. Regulation 3 of the principal regulations shall be amended Amendment of

r tl0 n by the substitution in the place of the expression "(seeds ^f^j i 3 of excepted)" therein appearing of the expression:— regulations.

"(dried or conserved fruits and seeds excepted)".

M. T. DAWE Director of Agriculture and Forests. Approved, By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 14th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (A/104/34) — 840 —



IN EXERC SE of the powers vested in the High Commissioner No. 3 of 1928. by section 19 ot the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the Officer Administering the Government has made the following rules:—

Giiation. 1. These rules may be cited as the Animal Quarantine (Amendment) Rules (No. 5), 1934.

Interpretation. 2. In these rules, the term "principal rules" shall mean the Animal Quarantine Rules, 1931.

Amendment of 3. Rule 7 of the principal rules shall be amended: rule 7 of the principal rules. (a) by the substitution in the place of the word "cattle" appearing in sub-paragraph (i) of paragraph (a) thereof of the word "stock", and

(6) by the substitution in the place of sub-paragraph (i) of paragraph (b) thereof of the following sub-paragraph, that is to say:—

"(i) either:—

(I) no stock destined for any country other than Palestine has been on board the vessel during the course of the voyage, or

(II) if any such stock has been on board the vessel the country of origin of such stock and the ports or־׳' at which the animals were embarked and disembarked."

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY 15th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (A/121/32)