Supplement iß o. 2. to Œbe !Palestine <Sa3ette ïfio. 467 of 20tb September, 1934. EXTRADITION ORDINANCES, 4926-1927. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by section 5 of the Extradition Ordinance, 1926, as amended by section 2 of the Extradition Ordinance, 1927, it is provided that where an arrangement has been made between His Majesty and a ioreign State with respect to the extradition from Palestine of fugitive criminals to the territory of such State, the High Commissioner may by Proclamation direct that this Ordinance shall apply in the case of such foreign State, AND WHEREAS a Treaty dated 17th October, 1892, as amended by a Supple• mentary Convention dated 20th January, 1932, is in force between Great Britain and the Portuguese Government for the surrender of fugitive criminals, AND WHEREAS by an arrangement made on the 23rd June, 1934, between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the Portuguese Republic it is provided that the said Treaty shall be extended to Palestine as if the nationals of Palestine were British subjects, Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by the said Ordinance, I, JOHN H^THORN HALL, Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, do hereby proclaim that from and at the date hereof, the Ordinance shall apply to the State of Portugal. GIVEN at Jerusalem this thirteenth clay of September, 1934. J. HATHORN HALL Officer Administering the Government. (J/235/34) — 818 — EXPROPRIATION OF LAND ORDINANCES, 4926-1932. CERTIFICATE I, JOHN HATHORN HALL, Officer Administering the Government of Palestine, hereby certify that the acquisition by Government of the lease of a portion of a building situated in the village of Khalsa, Safad Sub-District, for use as a court ,house, is an undertaking of a public nature within the meaning of the Expropriation of Land Ordinances, 1926-1932. The portion of the building to be leased is delineated on plans deposited at the Offices of the District Commissioner, Northern District, Haifa and of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District. J. HATHORN HALL 13th September, 1934. Officer Administering the Government. (J/23/34) PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP ORDER, 1925. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that: MRS. TAUBE ZIV, a Palestinian citizen, having when in a foreign State and not under disability by a voluntary and formal act become naturalised therein, ceased.as from the date of such naturalization to be a Palestinian citizen in accordance with the provisions of article 15 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925. S. MOODY 13th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (1/1503/34) PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP ORDER, 1925. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that: MR. SHIMON FUDIM, a Palestinian citizen, having when in a foreign State and not under disability by a voluntary and formal act become naturalised therein, ceased as from the date of such naturalisation to be a Palestinian citizen in accordance with the provisions of article 15 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925. S. MOODY 13th September, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (1/1504/34) — 819 — ROAD TRANSPORT ORDINANCE, 1929. REGULATIONS BY THE OFFICER ADMINISTERING THE GOVERNMENT UNDER SECTION 14. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by paragraphs (p) and (s) of section 14 of the Road Transport Ordinance, 1929, as enacted in section 4 of the Road Trans- No. 23 of 1929. port (Amendment) Ordinance, 1933, the Officer Administering No. 20 of 1933. the Government has made the following regulations:— 1. These regulations may be cited as the Road Transport Citation. (Routes and Tariffs) (Amendment) Regulations, 1934, and shall be read as one with the Road Transport (Routes and Tariffs) Regulations, 1934, (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations). 2. Schedule I to the principal regulations shall be amended:— Amendment of schedule 1 to the (a) by the deletion of routes Nos. 14, 20 and 22 appearing principal in part (a) thereof (Routes within the Jerusalem District) regulations. and the substitution of the following routes in the place thereof respectively, that is to say:— y . s pl o No t m Number d Description of Route Maximum Fare of Route chargeable per Passenger Omnibuse f o Maximu authorise 14 Et Tur—Jerusalem 2 (a) Jerusalem—Et Tur —15 mils (b) Et Tur—Jerusalem —15 mils (c) Jerusalem—El Azariye —15 mils (d) Jerusalem—Abu Dis —20 mils (a) Tayiba—Al Bira —25 mils 20 Tayiba—Al Bira—Jerusalem 1 (b) Al Bira—Jerusalem (Damascus Gate) —20 mils (c) Tayiba—Jerusalem —40 mils 22 Bethlehem—Jerusalem 6 Bethlehem—Jerusalem (Jaffa Gate) —20 mils — 820 — (b) by the addition of the following new routes to part (a) thereof (Routes within the Jerusalem District), that is to say:— y . s pl o No t d m Maximum Fare Number Description of Route of Route chargeable perj Passenger Omnibuse f o Maximu authorise 29 Jerusalem-(Damascus Gate) 9 (a) Jerusalem—Jericho Jericho-Allenby Bridge. —75 mils (6) Jerusalem—Allenby Bridge —85 mils 30 Damascus Gate—New Slaughter 1 10 mils per single journey House. (<?) by the addition of the following new route to part (b) thereof (Tnter-District Routes) that is to say;— y . s pl o No t m Number d Maximum Fare Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger Omnibuse f o Maximu authorise Al3 Jerusalem—Lydda Junction 6 Only combined rail-and-road tickets to be issued by the Palestine Railways Substitution of 3. Schedule II to the principal regulations shall be deleted new schedule in an(j tne following• schedule shall be substituted in the place r ° , . , ״ !, place of schedule regulationsII to the principa. l thereof, that is to say:— — 821 — SCHEDULE IL NORTHERN DISTRICT. (a) ROUTES WITHIN THE NORTHERN DISTRICT. These routes and the stops thereon shall conform to those specified in the permit. y . s pl o No t d Number m Maximum Fare Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger Omnibuse f o Maximu authorise 1 Main Police Station, Kingsway, 20 Main Police Station to Nazareth Ard el Yahud, Nazareth Road Road — 5 mils single to Yajour and return via Station Main Police Station to Yajour Road, East Extension and —15 mils single Station Road. 2 Neve Shaanan—Nazareth Road, 0 Business Centre to Neve Sha• I. C. I. Road, Station Road, anan —17 mils single Kingsway, stop at old business Neve Shaanan to Business centre and return. Centre — 8 mils single 3 Khayat Beach—Kingsway. 15 10 mils per single journey 4 Ahuzat Sir Herbert Samuel, 9 Main Post Office Kingsway to Mount Carmel, Mountain St. Mount Carmel Hotel New Commercial Centre, Jaffa —20 mils single Road, Silesian Approach Road, —30 mils return Kingsway, Post Office and re• Main Post Office Kingsway to turn via New Commercial Ahuzat Sir Herbert Samuel Centre Approach Road, Jaffa —22 mils single Road, Carmel Avenue, Allenby —33 mils return Street, Mount Carmel. Main Post Office Kingsway to Mafhara Quarter —10 mils single —15 mils return 5 Carmel Station—Jaffa Road— 29 5 mils per single journey Silesian Approach Road,— Kingsway,—Railway Station and return via new Commercial Centre, Approach Road to Carmel Station. — 822 — y . s pl o No t d m Maximum Fare Number Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger Omnibuse f o Maximu authorise 6 Hadar Hacarmel,—Burj,—Stan• 25 New Commercial Centre to ton Street,—Maronite Street,— Hadar Hacarmel or Herzlia Khamra Square, Jaffa Road, — 7 mils single New Commercial Centre and Hadar Hacarmel or Herzlia to return via Allenby and Stanton New Commercial Centre Streets. — 5 mils single 7 Bat Galim, Jaffa Road, Silesian 10 6 mils per single journey Approach Road, Kingsway, Railway Station, return via New Commercial Centre Approach Road to Jaffa Road and Bat Galim. 8 Meshek Yajour, Nesher, Naza• 7 Palmer's Gate, Yajour, reth Road, I.C.l. Road, Station —15 mils single Road, Kingsway, Palmer's Gate Workmen's tickets —111/2 mils and return. Residents' tickets —'^1h 9 Haifa (Main Police Station) 4 25 mils per single journey Tireh. 40 Haifa (Railway Station)—Acre. 4 20 mils per single journey 11 Haifa (Allenby Square)— Shei'a 2 . 40 mils per single journey 'Amr. 12 Hedera Colony—Hedera Station. 2 10 mils per single journey 13 Beisan—Tiberias. 1 10 mils per single journey — 823 — y . s pl o No t m Number d Description of Route Maximum Fare of Route chargeable per Passenger Omnibuse f o Maximu authorise 14 Haifa - Kiriat Hayim. 3 10 mils per single journey 10 tickets 75 mils 14(a) Haifa—Sabina Farm—Kiriat 1 10 mils per single journey Hayim. 10 tickets 75 mils 15 Haifa—Zikhron Ya'aqov. 6 60 mils per single journey 16 Zikhron Ya'aqov—Zikhron 3 20 mils per single journey Ya'aqov Railway Station. 17 Haifa—Nahalal—Aífula — Beit- 2 Haifa—Affula —70 mils single Alfa. —130 mils return Haifa—Beit Alfa —50 mils single —80 mils return 18 Kerkur—Hedera Railway Sta• 4 50 mils single tion and Colony. 75 mils return 19 Haifa—Hedera. 3 80 mils per single journey 20 Haifa—Nazareth—Tiberias. 13 Haifa—Nazareth —40 mils single Nazareth—Tiberias —40 mils single 21 Haifa—Nazareth—Saffuriya— 3 Haifa—Nazareth Tiberias. —40 mils single Nazareth—Saffuriya —15 mils single Nazareth—Tiberias —40 mils single — 824 — y . s pl o No t d m Maximum Fare Number Description of Route of Route chargeable per Passenger Omnibuse f o Maximu authorise 22 Safad—Acre—Haifa. 3 Safad—Acre —80 mils single Acre—Haifa —20 mils single Safad—Haifa —90 mils single 23 Safad—Rosh Pinna—Tiberias. 4 Safad—Rosh Pinna —25 mils per single journey Rosh Pinna—Tiberias —40 mils per single journey Safad—Tiberias —50 mils per single journey 24 Haifa—Jaba 'Ein Ghazal.
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