New Square Dance Vol. 24, No. 4 (Apr. 1969)
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APRIL 1969 SOURRE ■ RNCE THE EDITORS' PAGE 4 Webster's Dictionary defines "vaca- tion" as "a period of absence from work, for recreation." Look at the 1. Dance as much as you like, but word "recreation" a s-creation, a take a break if you feel pressure to time for renewal, for ise in the rat- keep going. (Vacations are times to race, for more relaxing )ursuits than get away from pressure and tension). during the working year. 2. Visit spots of interest in the area As spring rolls around after the long where you are-- natural as well as winter, a young man's fancy turns to commercial. thoughts of love, but many a dancer's 3. Be sure to include time for partici- fancy turns to square dancing vaca- pation in available activities, golf, swim tions-- one day festivals, weekends, ming, tennis-- maybe even bridge. weeks, fortnights. You'll find all 4. Make new friends and acquain- lengths, sites, and kinds listed in this tances -- good conversation and fellow- special issue. Whether your taste runs ship are relaxing at any time. to a plush hotel, a rustic resort or a do- 5. Tell your favorite partner once a it-yourself campsite, there's a vacation day that you are enjoying yourself and that will suit it. like being with him (her). We'd like to offer several tips for get- ting the most out of your 1969 vacation And when you have a ball on a S/D with the reminder that you can enjoy a vacation, be sure to tell the director square dance vacation without total ab- you read about it in SQUARE DANCE- sorption in the hobby. that'll make us happy, too! 2 -7fee /t/a/ * VOLUME 24, No. 4 SQUF1RE *APRIL 1969 ORNCE * Publishers and Editors Stan & Cathie Burdick Workshop Editor Willard Orlich Editorial Assistant 2 Editor's Page * 4 Calling Is A Family Affair Mary Fabik 6 Meanderings National Advisory Board * 10 Caller-Leader Directory Edna & Gene Arnfield * 11 Is There A Lost Chord In Your Throat? Bob Augustin 14 Easy Level Page Al "Tex" Brownlee 18 S/D Record Reviews 19 RID Record Reviews Louis Calhoun 20 The One and Only Frannie • Heintz Johnny Davis 21 From The Observation Tower Jerry Helt * 22 Vacation Guide 29 Puzzle Page John Hendron * 30 Workshop Phyl & Frank Lehnert 38 Mail * 40 Bookshelf Melton Luttrell * 41 News 43 Round Dance Experimental Singin' Sam Mitchell Format Vaughn Parrish 46 National Events * 47 Sign-off Word Dave Taylor 48 Do-Ci-Do Dolores ••••• Bob W ic kers SQUARE DANCE Magazine is published monthly at 309 W. Water St., Sandusky,O. by Burdick Enterprises. Second class pos- tage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy dead- line first of month preceding date of issue. Subscription: 55.00 per year. Single co- -Vo pies: 50 cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 11Mmil" 1968 by Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. 3 GENERATIONS DANCING AND CALLING--THE COOKS Second in a series OF MICHIGAN AND FLORIDA The family that plays together, Foundation from Flint, Michigan, they stays together; at least, they all have danced until they got in trouble - fun together. In the late 50's Grandpa stopped to read the book, then started John and Grandma Gladys became over, until they could go all the way involved in Square Dancing at Tarpon through without stopping. Then off to Springs, Florida. About the same time higher horizons—Sweet Georgia Brown son Jack and wife Ethel started etc. By teaching each other, they dancing in Wayland, Michigan, really had everything worked out well Grandpa Cook sent son Jack a record before they went on to something put out by Fred Christopher from new. At this time they did not know Florida, called "Making Whoopee" on that they could have attended basics ' Top" label, with the suggestion he classes in Grand Rapids, Michigan, less memorize it and learn to "call" it—this than 20 miles away which they did, started the calling bit. later. When Grandpa and Grandma Son Jack (the middle one of the returned to Lake Odessa, Mich. for the three generations) started teaching a summer they borrowed an old 78 pre-teen age group in their recreation r.p.m. record or two from friends and room in Wayland, Mich. Grandson by using the old record titled John II and Granddaughter "Squarama" plus a square dance Dorothy-Jane 9 and 10 respectively handbook put out by the Mott Cont'd on Page 28 *ail NOV: 'SS 4,.. SCIURRF-ORNCE SQ1'FIR RN 7- -4' ii1K1,6111,1460 El= FEBRUARY 1969 SQUARE DRNCE ARE YOU A COLLECTOR? SOME PEOPLE COLLECT STAMPS, OR BUTTONS, OR AUTOS. WE HOPE YOU'LL COLLECT ALL THE ISSUES OF THE NEW SQUARE DANCE MAGAZINE , AND KEEP THEM FILED FOR HANDY REFERENCE. TAKE A CO- PY TO YOUR NEXT CLUB DANCE. MAYBE SOMEONE THERE WILL GET THE NOTION TO START COLLECTING, TOO... 0 S DUO 78 ;Z:, SQUARE DANCE 4 Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed_ One Year at $5. ; Two Years at $9.00 11.,11 ;old yem 1“1- IN.stAge Fund: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE Ah, vacation months are approaching and that's good news in anybody's dog- eared volume of day-in day-out work -o rama. April is a good month to pause and breathe in the fragrant aroma of a coffee, the big tangy round of cheese smorgasbord of vacation delicacies for from which everyone cut his own, and square dancers, in order to tune in, crackers. I was more mouse than man turn on, and tone up for exciting days that night-- felt sneaky going back for ahead. thirds. Try it at your club. At Johnson's Barn in Rehoboth, Mass. I was convinced that a lot of good music, color and variety can be achieved by programming two rounds between every square tip, as long as there's no drag time; the square-only crowd can agree with this strategy. You callers, salesmen, globe-hoppers, Upcoming rounds are posted on a pro and vacationers who must at times live gram board. out of a suitcase will be interested to In Michigan City, Ind. I saw an or know that a credit card makes a good ganizational pattern that other areas substitute shoe horn. There will be no could well adopt to lend a cohesive extra charge, friends, for this choice inter-club benefit. A Council, composed advice. Of course, I realize that some of of all clubs in the area presents a month you may not be "shoe horn people" at ly visiting caller "special" at which most all. In fact, you may have a strong aver- clubs have good representation. Lots of sion to shoe horns-- actually hate the friendly exchange of greetings, ideas, horny little things. Others may not care and individual club event promotion to carry credit cards. Others may not goes on around the edges. travel, may not have a suitcase, may not wear shoes-- aw, forget it! On calling tours since a month ago I ran into a tip or two of more practical value worth sharing. In Rochester, N.Y. at the Boots and Slippers Club, I was amazed at the novel and popular cheese Less Staff/More and cracker refreshment item. There SQUARE DANCE was o need for an elegant feed. Just 6 „ 6y STAN BURDICK In order to show what a complex or- of those in your square, and noticed ganization we have at SQUARE DANCE how it varies? Ideally there oughta be magazine headquarters, I'd like to illus- one short shuffle step to one beat of trate,a daily episode in that continuing music, but what a difference you'll ob- drama "Well, There's Always Tomor- serve! You'll be able to pick out the row.” Deeply absorbed in the perplex- nonchalant ambler, the double-time stepper, the ruffled shuffler, the giddy ing mystery of why the hyphen key is galloper, the off-beat hoofer, the 20 sticking, the mail editor (Cathie) is sud- yard darktown dasher, the prancer, denly startled to hear the booming the stroller, the slitherer. Yes, you can voice of the circulation manager (Stan) almost determine the personality of a echoing down the marbled hall (at least dancer by the way he promenades, or a dozen marbles were in the hall) to at least tell how well his caller taught ask ,"What happened to that story we him in beginners class. Say, maybe you Planned to use on Mike Frantic? Is it ought to step out of your shoes, figura- in the front office (kitchen), mailroom tively, and take a look at YOURSELF (cellar), or on the publishers' (Stan's dancing. and Cathie's)desk?" "No," said the mail editor,."it went to the cartoonist (Stan) for a sketch, and probably got routed to the advertising department (corner of publishers' desk) to wait for proofreading (Mary) before going to the steno (Cathie) and on to the paste- up gal (Cathie)." In the case of that What's a caller without a voice? A big particular story the research depart- frightening, enlightening ZERO, that's what! I found out with a bad case of ment (Stan & Cathie) was finally aler- laryngitis one night recently, as I ted by the co-editors (Stan & Cathie) growled into the mike and the dancers to set a high priority on finding the looked vaguely tolerant. Thank hea- story or suffer the consequences. vens, that complicated, awesome instru- ment we carry around in the lower half or our heads and blissfully take for granted seldom fails to perform flaw- lessly.