V o l . 4.—N e w S e r i e s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1885. N u m b e r 49.

T h e coij ri er-gazette VAGRANT CHRISTMAS MUSINGS. that served as a dressing-room screen, Aldor­ THE CHRISTMAS POEM. “ There’s life for you. Nothing mewling us lilt iis with Ids skunk, anil when wilh great about that,” said the sporting editor, trium­ illdlcitlty we recovered from our confusion E oitfo by W. o. Fri.i.r.R, .Ir. W hat a good “Wliat in the matter ?” asked the managing phantly. tlmcChristinasls! and entered upon our song, he lifted up Ids editor. “ Where arc the liells in this poem ?’’ Inquired voire in such long-sustained and powerful the exchange editor ns he laid down bin It was n North Carolina man who mliireiRcd Oh, come now, The youngest young man on tlie staffhnd for Imitations of n eow, that we quite lost our scissors nnd rested the corns on his thumb. hi» petition to lltu Majesty President Cleve­ don't be so crnl>- some minutes liecn roving the dirty walls of the presenco of mind, and in a moment of rash “ You don’t seem to snv anything about tlie land. lie ought to have the oflico. 1ml as to go for to sanctum with restless eyes and his general ap­ To young ami old, forgetfulness bestowed upon Aldorus one of bells. I never heard of a Christmas poem Kirn or poor, ------aay that that remark ia neither brilliant nor pearance was haggard. The kindly inflection of the Identical laces with which we bad intended that didn’t have die bells in it.” King or peasant, The little heir to the throne of Spain will get original, 5 on don't want to be so snarly and the editor’s voice touched him. and he sighed. Tin re n« v. r was embellishing the pcriormance. He didn't ask “ I was going to hnvc diem in the ensuing A ('hristnuiM like a big bejewcled crown In hcratocklng, all stud­ Ill-natured as that ut Christmas-time, when “It’s this Christmas poem.’’ tlie youngest for nny more. Wilh n wild whoop Aldorus verses—about, tlie fourth,” the youngest young The Chrlstnuut present. ded with diamonds as large as hens' eggs. everybody is pleasant nnd cheerful anil just young man on the staff replied, in a troubled was on to the stage anil hail its In his grasp, man on the staff replied, pressing Ids hand to A Merry Christmas is what ------cracking their checks with smiles. In the voice. and by manipulating us judiciously, he was liis forehead in a convulsive way, while the Tiie C o u n tk h -O a z e t t k Our Illustrations are not numerous, nor arc first place it would go without inying that it “What Chiistmas poem?” the managing Wishes its readers alt couldn't by nny possibility of circumstances lie enabled In an incredibly brief space of time editor wanted to know. solemn looking young man who wrote die fun­ You het. they huge of hulk, hut they were not hewn lo rip up tlie entire stage mid mow down the ny column made another memorandum regard­ out of cord wood with a dull axe, nnd we do brilliant if we wrote It—bless you, everybody “Why this one I’m writing,” the young­ dressing-room nirlaln, to the ignominious ex­ est young man on tlie staff explained, dropping ing Christmas bells and Christmas lieiles, with not think they will offend the eye. knows that; and In tlie second place we didn't WAYSIDE GLANCES. try to be original—hale original folks, anyway posure of the boy who waR dressing for the his eyes to tlie pile of paper before him. the collateral reference to sl(a)eigh(y)ing. —lint it’s truth, nnd we think we have a right part of Mazeppa. Wc allude to this incident sheets whereof were printed on one side—a wad “ Say,” called the reporter who did the mar­ We don't claim that this Issue of our paper A San Francisco man has four ears. Hear- to say what is true anytime, even if we are a nt tills time not because it is of much impor­ of (piaek doctor bills that tlie job office had kets, from Ills desk in the farther corner. “I is the best in Its history, or that It is nny bet­ h car! newspaper writer, and somebody else did soy tance, or liecmise it belongs to the history of got stuck on. “You know,” the youngest think I’ve got the best finish to that verse yet ter than nny of its contemporaries. But It con­ it before we did. Yes, sir, we claim that the country mid must lie told, but because nt young man on the staff pursued, “you said —'ve been thinking it out while the rest of von Confederate bonds Imve taken a tremendoui tains some suggestions of Christmas, nnd If Its were talking— Christmas is a good lime, nnd we don’t care Christmas-time we think one ought to feel you wanted us all to do our l»est on tlie Chiist­ Immiui ami now sell for one-fourth cent on a readers can llnd anything in its columns that who knows it. charitably inwards all people nnd forgive those mas number of tlie paper, and I thought I “ Dear honest, fat old Santa Claus, dollar. They are splendid to wad a gun with. will make the season In even the slightest de one perchmicp may hate. We used to bate would try and get up a little poem. I wrote Sil down and have a <1oz? ii raw s.’’ TIIE OKMll'S OF THE SEASON, gree more enjoyable to them, thep It will have Aldorus N. Mitchell os a hoy. If lie Is alive nearly all the poetry for tlie Iluyle when I was “Not half so good as— The comet discovered in Paris Dec. 1st wm served Its purpose and we shall he satisfied. What a time It Is today, when we compare it today we forgive him. It comes hard, hut in college.” “ Bring a fur collar, Santa Claus, seen in New York lust week. This shows us with the Christmases flint were, before the we've got to ilo It. “ Weil, wliat seems to trouble you now ?” tlie And put it on my coat ot gauze—” something of the rapidity with which comets masterful genius of Charles Dickens made the Dickens died nt the age of 58—foolishly over­ JOYS THAT HAVE PI.KU. managing editor asked. Tlie managing editor The night editor observed. travel. worked to dentil. Had he lived till now he season to blossom ill the cold and sealed-over was a good man who always liked to en­ “ But this beats them all,” said die police Seems queer, doesn't it, that ns every “ And what shall we get for the baby ?” would be only 73—and how the world would hearts of the world. We were in London the courage tlie college graduates on liis staff, lie court rejxirter, who was married just before Chrlslmns senson recurs there are always fit II sings a blithe Cbristmns poet in an exchange. have enjoyed his fruits of these fifteen years. other day. We do not say this wilh our used to say that if there was aiivtliing in tlie Thanksgiving: thumbs in tlie arm-holes of our vest, fur a ranks of little folks who have tlieold delicious Well, if it’s a new btby just you get it it wig. His grave In Westminster next Friday will be world that he loved to do it was college gradu­ “Come down, dear turnkey Santa Claus great many people have been in London lie- mysteries to penetrate. Come, now, old Seems to need that more than anything. bright with flowers nnd with the red-bcrrlcd ates. “ Wliat is tlie matter ?” he added. “ Per­ And rid us of our inotllerdu-liiws.’* sides iis, nnd some of lliem arc there yet: lint XL gray-head, what woulil- English holly, but that won't be half so satis­ haps some of us can help you out, it you’re “ But tliat ain’t grammatical,” growled the we doubt if any man of all the men who ever ------' n't you give to lie hack factory to us ns a fresh Christmas story from stuck for a rhyme.” sporting reporter. AND IIE HET TO W IN. trod the London pave saw Charles Dickens , 'lerc among them, en- his pen would hnvc been. We question whether “ It isn’t exactly that,’’ said tlie youngest “ Wliat ain’t ?” the police court reporter de­ “ Yes,” said Mrs. Bezclcy as she held up a just ns we saw him—in the streets, impressed joying it with the olil- a genius has any right to premnturcly work young man on the staff; “it’s tlie continuity, if manded. Christmas turkey that looked like an exclama­ upon the buildings, moving in the changing himself to death. We don'Cproposc to. ' time zest? Wouldn't I may call it tliat, tliat puzzles me.” “ Mother-in-laws.’’ tion point, “ it was furnished by my better ------*♦*------throngs, mill fluttering a dim shape in the you like to crawl Into your lied next Thursday “ Head us what you’ve got done so far,” the “ Oh, they ain’t, ain’t tliey ?” tlie police court half. He bet it at a raffie.” very fog. We penetrated tlie haunts of all night with the old feeling of anticipation, and managing editor suggested, kindly, “and may­ reporter snceringly retorted. “Well, just wait In a legal suit the other day Col. Mnplcson, characters, trod the streets with Mr. I’iekwick, fall lo sleep dreaming of the ful-pminched be we can suggest something.” till you get one, nnd-----” Lieut. Greeley thinks the north pole is the the operatic manager, was n witness. “ What is nnd holi-n-nohbcd wilh old Weller himself in party with the reindeer—to be nervously oil So tlie managing editor put his feet on his “Gentlemen,” said tlie managing editor, soft­ center of an Ice-capped land covered with ice your business ?" he was asked. " I am an lin- the most delicious of coaching inns such ns no pressario," replied the colonel with lofty dig­ hand in the shivering gray of early morning, desk, peeled an apple and cut it.into convenient ly, taking his fcot from the table nnd dropping from one thousand to four thousund feet American ever could have believed existed, to investigate tlie little stocking you tacked lip sized segments, and gave respectful attention. the apple-core into tlie waste-basket, “ I was thick. There is no objection to the lieutenant's nity. “Well, now tell tis, Mr. Maplcson,” were with Micnwher, called upon Cnpt. Cuttle said the lawyer, “what is an impressurlo f" by the fire-place, the night before ? But It “ It begins,” said tlie youngest young man just about banding Mr. Tenorsoon the last re­ thinking this if lie wants to, we believe. ut the little wooden midshipman itself, anil can’t be done—alas, it can't tie done. All we on the staff, who was embarrassed to observe port of tlie secretary of the treasury, with the “ An iinpressnrio," said Mnplcson, unbending became familiar witli a hundred points tliat ex­ somewhat nnd revealing the suggestion of a can do is to give some of the little chaps n that every other member id’tbe force bad aban­ request that he verify all its figures and write In Frauntcentabl, which is a town in Bavaria, ist In London city today as they were made chance to enjoy those experiences. I’oor little doned his work and was listening intently, “ it up a stickful on tlie present condition of tlie forty girls of good families were last week smile, “ is a man who tries to please the public known lo tlie world years ago in those delight­ nnd never succeeds." The democratic party chaps—some dny the world will lie real to begins in this way : finances. He can tinisli his poem after tliat.” sentenced to prison for attending dances with­ ful novels. And we shot down Into Imp- And tbe youngest young man on tlie stall*, as think their new president is an Imprcssario. them too. “Old Santa Claus once more conies back, out permission. But prison has no terrors for cinliowcrid Kent, nnd nt Guds-hill plucc siw With countless presents in ids pack : he wrestled with the figures, and Christmas a girl who will deliberately go to a ball and - ---- . » ------AND HE DESERVED IT. where the author passed the The young, the old, the rich, tlie poor, went winging its glad way by, wondered bit­ dance witli a man who is lull of Bavarian James Plutarch Long was a boy wc knew Alike get something from his store— "Pain Itself Is not without alleviations. It last years of tliat fruitful life, terly in ids heart how long it would be, with beer. inny be violent and frequent, but it is seldom near to the city of Rochester very well, lie was a greedy hoy—one of “And there it stops,” the youngest young such a managing editor ns that at tlie helm, be­ both violent nnd long-continued, and its pauses that he loved mid that curiously those greedy and inquisitive boys who are al­ man disconsolately concluded. fore tlie paper would go everlastingly to smash. II. A. Chittenden of Montcalm, N. J., offers and Intermissions become positive pleasures.” enough appears so prominently ways prying Into secrets. It didn't take him “ I don’t sec wliat folks are getting tilings •5*300 to anybody who will prove that the We didn't write this beautiful thing. It was in the first mid the Inst novels uiiy time nt all to find out that there wasn't from his store for, if lie laid a pack,” the sport­ cartli revolves on its axis or tliat it moves penned by some other popular author. Some­ he put forth. In front of us us any such person ns Santa Claus, and he took a ing reporter commented; “ it seems incongru­ CHRISTMAS CHIMES. around the sun. The scientists hem and haw, body, we think, who vividly recalls the time we write grows a fresli green spray mean delight, confound him—can't lielp it, ous. A man who keeps a store doesn’t go and vaguely scratch their old bald heads, hut when the old man caught him smoking his of English ivy, brought with jealous cure from we must say just tliat one if it Is Christians— prancing around witli a pack.” Goose or turkey ? somehow they don’t step up and take the five the spot where Dickens breathed his last, and in sneaking around mid instilling Ids poison­ “ Tlie poem doesn't say, either, how folks get lirst cigar under the lee of the old ham, and Give him a Christmas card. hundred. Wc thought everybody knew the they twain subsequently and shortly after­ transplanted into American soil. Upon the wall ous doubts into the minds of Ills acquaintances. these things from tlie store,” the police court Don't omit the Christmas tree. earth revolved on its axis. wards discussed something in common, not behind ns hang other reminders of die man. Years after this, J. Plutarch Long went to ihe reporter added. “ Do they pay for them, or do “ When it conies it brings good cheer.” city to make Ids fortune. The very lirst night tiiey simply go in ami help themselves ? It entirely uneonne.’ted with a leather tug. We cherish these simple things because of the “ For tlie poor always yo have with you.” LOGICAL IN FERENCE. he put lip nt the hotel, he thought he seems to me tliat in a Christmas poem tliat pleasant associations tliey conjure up; hut they The angels sang, “ On earth peace—good-will “Going to give your wife a sealskin cloak heard two men In a wrangle in the next room. children would be likely to read-----” We don’t like to exaggerate at the holiday take on a special eloquence nt this season of toward men.” for a Christinas present, 1 suppose?” chirped the year, alive with tlie joys of Christmas­ There was a door between, tvitli a fan-light at “ Of course I don’t mean tliat kind of a store,” season, so we simply state without any exag­ Don't give your ministei a pair of slippers. Bolded to Wiggles worth, as tliey toddled time, which of all men lie did the most to till the top. So J. I'. Long pulled he stand up In tlie youngest young man on the stall' somewhat geration whatever that we never in our life read Give him a rest. down the street togetlicr. witli sunshine. Christmas and Dickens have front of the door, und lie put a chair on the warmly interrupted. “I think that part of it is a more delightful nnd entertaining book than Adam used to ulludc to the present lie got as “ Yes, in my m ind,” Wigglesworth testily long with us been synonyms. Un this holi­ stand, and a loot-stool on the ehair, and then well enough. Wliat I want now is something “The Triangular Society,” which is the work his Christmas Eve. retorted. day, if no other time in the year, we read of lie climbed up on top of it all, anil stood there to round olf the verse—I’m going to liave six of a Maine author and published by a Maine “ I will honor Christmas in my heart ami try “I suppose you would call that presents of Old Scrooge, and Tiny Tim, and Trotty Veck. with his knees wobbling, mid peered through lines to a verse—and so start afresh on tlie house (Hoyt, Fogg A Dunham, Portland,) and to keep it ail tlie year.” mind, wouldn’t you ?” Bolded conjectured. A ntnn misses a pleasure that is dose at hand, the light, and just as he saw the men were next one.” so appropriately enough is denominated “a “ Good night,” said Tiny Tim, “ and God But Wigglesworth was too busy falling over if on Christmas Day he fails to digest one of joking over a game ut seven-up, the wash- Tlie police court reporter here murmured Maine book lor the holidays,” the more es­ bless us every one.” a boy’s sled to make reply. stand leg broke short off, mid James I*. Lung something about a fresh having started on the pecially that there is so much in its 382 pages Dickens’s Christinas stories. It is a duty “ It is more blessed to give than to receive,” fell over on the foot-hoard of the bed null broke lirst one. but nobody heard him, except tbe ex­ that rclntcs to local scenery and Incidents. owed to one's self und one’s fellow-man, we said He wiiose birth we celebrate. Ids buck mid died. Anil what more could you change editor at the next desk, who was work­ AN OLD ENGLISH CUSTOM. The Triangular Society is composed of u fami­ think. It is a time when all hearts und hand* open, expect of n hoy who goes around dispossess­ ing a pair of dull scissors through a wood-fibred Young Sypher called on Miss De Smith the ly of one mother and two children, who relate SOMETHING WE HEMEM1IEII. and tlie whole world rejoices. ing his companions of their faith in Santa exchange iroin tlie West. Then tlie reporter other evening, and he stayed ami stayed out of their adventures around the fireside, and make In our youthful days tve knew n hoy named Santa Claus will probably have lots of post- Claus? J. Plutarch Lung had a little brother who gets up the little society personals said: all reason, talking about Christmas festivities. out of the simple things of life an entertaining Mitchell—Aldorus Napoleon Mitchell. He offices to put into lucky stockings. named Cicero, mid on Christmas eve they “ llow would it do to say— “ I think you would have been a capital hand volume such us we defy anybody to read with­ was a large hoy witli a heavy, squat figure, It’s u big thing to be a rich man at this sea­ atone part of tlie old English customs,” Miss out enjoyment. We don’t know who is the and ill our childish sports lie frequently used hung lip their stockings behind the kitchen “All hail, all hail, oh, patron saint— son. So many opportunities for charity. The town with red we know you’ll paint.” De Smith finally said, yawning widely. author of the book, but one thing is certain, to throw uk down anil inasli the wind out of stove und went to tied. Now “I have always thought of Christmas time “ I think that would be nice,” the society gossip “No, do you though, really ?” young Sypher that anyone who can write with such original us. For this and collateral reasons, as years Cicero Long believed in the S P ff/A ns a good tim e; a kind, forgiving, churltublc, reporter continued, in a tone of great pride. delightedly returned. “ What part, now— dushes of spice ought to put himself or herself went on, we grew to hate Aldorus. One chimney saint with u falith tliat v / i pleasant time,” “Santa Claus doesn’t hail," said the sporting what part, pray ?” (for we don't know that it isn’t a woman) in beautiful Christmas Day, we recollect, some of could not lie moved, und he A 1 i > Ministers usually count on the marriage fee reporter. “ Lugging in the bore’s bead,” Miss De position where the public can enjoy steady out­ the boys had gotten up a public entertainment. went to sleep In sweet mid touch- Ajc business as being brisk at Christmas-tide. “ No, he reigns,” broke In tlie solemn looking Wc hadn't asked Aldorus to join, for he was a ing confidence. But J.P . Long did 1 vJkV. They deserve it, too. Smith sleepily explained. croppings of such a pleasing pen. This isn't a young man who wrote tlie funny column, and rude, harsh hoy anil lie used to rub mud on not. He was on the watch. At a late hour he “ If ye do good to them whieli do good to book notice such as you read in tlie literary re­ who immediately seized his note-book and jot­ views—somehow we never could write up one our clothes und wreak other grievous injuries heard soft steps go skimming over the kitchen you, what thank have ye ?•... Do good.... hop­ A SELF-EVIDENT TRUTH. ted down the thought, to be worked up into a of thoso dizzy and mellifluous gems of litera­ upon us. But when the show eainc olf Aldor­ door. When they bud returned and the house ing for nothiug again.” “ Wonderful fellow, this Pettit, isn’t he?” deathless paragraph, together with an incident­ ture—but when we read a book, and like it, us was there. We hud hoped he wouldn't he, was still aguln, James Long crept silly down “ You hate Christmas?” Oh, man—man— Fogg said, as he luid down the account he had al reference to rei(g)n-de(a)cr, which he knew we don’t hesitate to say so in our own rude hut he was. The admission fee hail been fixed and investigated. The stockings hung there, man—don’t say so. Don’t lie like tliat. Be so been rending of the court tennis tournament. would be copied by ail the other funny writers and uncultured way. The book can be bought at one cent, I remember, nnd Aldorus uppeared stuffed to repletion. J. Lung, in the jealousy that when you die folks will feel sorry for it. “Somewhat,” Brown rejoined, in a quali­ whom lie had copied something from tlie week in Ilocklaud of O. S. Andrews for only $1.25, with an old ilcuil skunk tied to u hit of rope, of his nature, felt first into that of his little It isn’t always tlie boy who hangs up liis fied tone. “ But 1 know a man, who never saw before. and our word for it the person who gets u copy one that his father hail killed under the shed brother Cicero, Ills groping lingers encount­ sister’s biggest stocking tliat gets tlie most the game, who can beat him with one hand.” “ I suppose you think this is very Inugha- for a Christmas present never will regret It. thut morning. He proffered this skunk for his ered one thing mid then unother, and at the presents. Santa Claus usually fixes these things “ Who’s tliat?” Fogg wanted to know, some­ ble,” tlie youngest young man on tlie stall' re­ udiuisslon fee, und when the boy who “ tended bottom lie eume upon a splendid wad of mo­ about right. what indignantly. marked, in u grieved tone, “ but I don’t find it so. door” protested, Aldorus suid It was the only lasses tud’y. Now James P. Long was very It's pretty hard to think of the girl you last “ John L. Sullivan.” Of course I couldn’t use tliat couplet, for it is THE MAN FROM THE NORTH. scent he hail, uml he was going ill with it, loud of molasses tally, lie then went into his year remembered to tlie full limit of your And then tl»ey went forth in Key-West of a too irreverent. Besides, 1 want to work in own stinking. There was no taffy there. So salary, as this year bestowing her smiles upon good cigar, and when they found one Fogg anyway. Then lie sinotc the doorkeeper something with 'Santa Claus' in it, if I can. across the back of the neck with it and went in the memmess of his soul J. Long put hack some other fellow. paiiI for it. I laid thought of— 111. Tlie door-keeper wus u slim boy who took all the things Into his own stocking, mid into There were four little stockings hanging by his little brother Cicero's stocking, hilt the “Our patron saint, dear Santa Claus, the fire place last Christmas—this year there HE HAD TO. line night, like a jockey conti sling a race, the part of the Living Skeleton in tbe show, Wc greet thee with our loud upplause— A quaint lillle niau with u Jovial face und he was totally unlit lor the responsible niolusses tally he changed from Ins little are only three. “But Jesus said, Sutler little “There goes a man who read every word of “ But I ’m not satisfied witli tliat.” Dashed Into the town al a iaiding pace. position of taking tickets in a lawless com­ brother Cleeio’s stocking into his own. Then children to come unto m e....fo r of such is the tlie president’s message,'’ said Col. Ochiltight, With a six.reindeer team gaily prancing. “ I shouldn't think you would be,’’said tlie ma­ "llow lucky," ho cried, "Timt I cliuneed lo coins munity. We said at the time that it was a he stole softly buck to lied uguin. Bright uml kingdom of heuveu.” as a thin, sad-looking individual put down his rine reporter, who hud been an interested listen­ d o w n ; mistake pulling him there, liut he hud begged curly ill the morning Cicero wus on deck, and dime and glided softly out. Why, they're all fast asleep III this drowsy old er. “ It is too sort of vague, it seems to me. 1 piteously for tlie position, und us he was an his veils of delight us Ihe little red stocking “What!” Juuge Sugarwith exclaimed, set­ town — bate anything that’s vague. I could do better But a spree will soou set things u ilaiiclng! " orphan boy who lived with a maiden aunt und disgorged its contents were delightful to listen CHRISTMAS. ting down his untasted glass in a benumbed to. But when James P. Long took down his than tliat myself. How would this do: Then ho pursed up his lips and a whistle came out hud chilhluiiis uwfully in win- manner. stocking, Ids howls re-echoed to the outermost “ (Hi, Hautu Claus—dt*ar Santa Claus, That brought down the North Wind witli rollicking a j ter, tlie hoys thought he ought “ Fact,” the Colonel asserted, with a positive ro u t; boundaries of the town. For he hud put the Pleuse put some presents in my paws. W1UTTEN FOB TIIE COl’BIKB-G AZETTE lit And the trees lieuril with fear his mad laughter and to lie humored in his request. OLD A.SOXV.MOI S HIM hEl.l . shake of li is head. purloined sweets in ut the top, mid ihe hired “There’s nothing vague about tliat. It’s true shout, So Aldorus Mitchell came in, he “ W hy,” said tlie Judge, gasping ouee or And bent their heads low as he passed them. m ull building a rousing tire on before it yet to life. Everybody wants presents, nnd why Bight onward he rushed In must terrible glee, uml the skunk, mid they sat on twice and recovering his wonted composure, Till, uusallslled still Willi Ills maudlin spiee, wus duy, the molasses tally hud melted mid not come right out in your poem and say so ?” Christmas is a yearly blessing “ who—wliat is he ?” I hiumeys, steeples and gables In his arms galhered tlie very front scat together. “ I—I didn’t think------” stammered the 'I'o tin* Mulls of earth ; worked its way down through the little gilts Then, if at no other beason, “ He’s a proof-reader on a daily i»aper,” he, This seat was only six feet re- youngest young man on the stall*. * And duwu lo the eurtli rudely cast them. to the stocking’s uttermost extremity. Love lias iu our souls a birth. courteously responded the Colonel. T movcil from the stage, whieli Wc do not give way to these Christinas re­ “Of course you didn’t,” the society reporter In his bed the good man turned uneasily o'er, ( ’luirity, witli stainless mautle, - wus a favorable distance to per­ miniscences liecmise we think they are funny acquiesced. “ No more did the rest of us. Walks abroad with silent feet, While his wife-, sore utliighted, concluding her A man’s PllOVOKlNG WAV snore, mit the facetious youth pitching his skunk ut Now I liave no wish to interfere iu this matter, Giving to tin* naked, garments, ur because we want something to till up. We To the starving, bread and meat; First prayed, und then scolded, ami then prayed the feet of the performers, wbiuli he did ut fre­ but it seems to me I would wind up that poem “ Wliat a beautiful tiling this is of Cole­ once mure merely put them onto paper us a warning to ridge’s," said Dora, from the interior of her To all the known saints for protection. quent intervals, pulling tlie loathesoine object other authors what not to write alaiut. We ! iu tills way : Waking mirth and happy laughter All, round from their slumbers, in tear looking In tin* children's hearts und eyes, paper. bus tily buck by means of the string whenever must ulwuys drivel like this when we get to j “ (Hi, come and Fee me, Santa ( 'lain#, forth, Drying teurs of pain and sorrow “ New tills winter or old one made over?” Exclaimed: “ 'TIs the wicked Old Man from the its eupture was essayed, und laughing boister­ thinking over the Christmases of our youth. ' 'i’he ri-ason w hy, it is because. With some loving, k.nd surprise. N orth ; ously at the performer’s discomfiture. We murmured David, who was halt asleep on the Bui wliat can you expect of a iiiuu who has “Tliat would sound as if it was written by u Greed and avarice and coldness, Ami lillle our lives and our homes are worth lounge. Wilh the North Wind at his mail direction." never ill our life saw anything that wus so lost Ihe part of his hair uud all his teeth—if woman, and tin* public always likes poetry Cruelty and hardness, melt ’Neath the sunshine of sweet Chlistma-, “ llow provoking you ate,” Dora rejoined calculated to depress the spirits of the pel- written by a woman best.” The droll lillle man, when the North Wind grew one's teeth cull he said to he lost, when the W hich o ’er all tlie land is felt. pettishly. “I referred to the little poem that formers and shed a gloom over uu entertain­ dentist has them all nicely tiled away iu a “ That may do for poetry tliat a society gos­ Lo! a holy peueu deseemleth, ends, ‘Only, only—call me thine*.” Blew u breath iliul froze hard every bubbling rill, ment thut had been advertised to he large­ sip writer would turn out,” the society report­ And fastened the wheel ol tlie old village mill four-quart glass jar, along wills two or three I.ike tin- Nazariue’s pure smile “ What did he have David muttered, not Whieli for mouths hud been merrilv turning; ly of a humorous character. As these things thousand others. er scornfully said, “but it is weak. Now, as I Hushed is Strife-good-will uud kindness Reign, earth’s sorrow to beguile. yet awake. Then he chuckled and Ml Ill do for come hack to us after this lapse of years with take it, Reginald would like to have this poem tonight ; • What did he have ■" echoed Dora, darting gliustiy* distinctness, wc remember that one of lull of vigorous life—breathing, as we might Shadow not the radiant glory W hat a lark there will he hen eaeh sluggur.lly an iiidik’iiant look over tlie lop of hei paper ut the most important numbers of the program The Belfast Journal hungup its stocking a say, something of die lustiness of the hilarious Of tlie Christmas olf'ring made Willi staring eyes greets the old town's sorry plight On the universe's altar, the ligure on the lounge. “ How do I know? hud been awarded to us. Just what ,it wus week ill advanee uud got il lilled wilh hun­ holiday season. Ain I right ■” By d ivinesl pow er luid. And groans, each mud euper discerning' " U hat ditfereneedoes it m akewhai he hud. any- we cannot now recall, j>ut we remember that dreds of pounds of new minion type, which “Y— cs,” the youngest young man on the Ere morn, like u youth wilh cheeks rosy uud red, Hark ! a wondrous, sweet voiced whisper, there wus a song, and ut proper intervals we goes to grace the last issue of that sound, sen­ stall* fa lterin g ly assented; “I—I thought-----” From the heuveiily courts of bliss, The day up the sleeps of the orient led “ Wouldn’t want,” David sleepily answered, Ere slumber arose from her sensuous bed— were to introduce fur the lichoof of the audi­ sible, eulci tuiniug aud therefore always wel- I “Then,” the sporting editor confidently < on- Fulls upon our weary spirit* Like a Farudisul kiss ; relapsing into dreams, “ woulil’n* wan’ him O'er the rime io Ila- taint slat light glancing, ence u variety of facial contortions, lor which come paper. We have heard il stated Unit ihe tinned, “here is just the daisy, and don’t you Auil up the cold slopes of the Norlhlaud, there call me - ’less hud good - good hand less----'• we were much celebrated among our youth­ Journal is one ol Ihe liest-payilig pieces of forget i t : And its silvery music, pealing, A oncer lillle man, with a voice like the blast, Echoes uml re-echoes slid, But Dora was columns deep m her paper. ful admirers. Hilt the very lirst thing when properly in Belfast—if tun the best. Certuiitly I “(ill Click* H orace Santa Claus “I’caue on earth,”—O holy messuue! And a reindeer leaiu dashing so gaily and fast— Aud David was siioriug. Away through the ulght gully prancing. we stepped from behind the old rag carpet it deserves to he. I Will swat you ail aerves Ihe jaws. “7’tuce tarth,tv tutu yuuii-iciU:’' 2 THE ROCKLAND COURIER- GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1885 WM. P HURLEY. PRESIDENT HYDE. Ready for Christmas! The President Concludes He’d Make His First Appearance in Rockland—Two HOLIDAY C hristm as As Good Postmaster as Any. Excellent Addresses So Capt. Win. P. Hurley is the lucky man, President Hyde of Bowdoin College deliv­ and the Rockland p« rk Ifice controversy is ered two very interesting sermons at the Con LAMPS! AMPS! ended. We think ('apt. Hurley’s appoint­ gregatlonal church Sunday. In the morning Stand limps mill II aiming bumps BARGAINS! P re se n ts! his text was from Revelation 2-7—“ Him that ment Wax a great surprise party, and especially in gl-ent vnriely. -— f t — Hi the hackers of the two oth<*r «andidate«, overeoineththe theme, the essential tnanli A Nice If attiring Lamp with decorated shade Mr. Brfant and M r. Berry, lwith of whom ness and courage of Christianity. The speaker for $2 50. lave always been associated with the leading drew a graphic picture of the condition of the Extra Nice Stand Lamp* with 1 lluminatnr nnd Shade for t»n cents and $1. 'iitercsts of the democratic party. If we un­ Roman empire at the time the words of the CHRISTMAS - ~ ~ Elegant Parlor Lamps from $1.25 to $6.50. derstand the feeling among the rank and file of text were written, and contrasted the charae J. II. WIGGIN, ZELL the city democracy aright, it i uhstantiAlly tet of the present Christian king Huinliert of DINNER AND TEA SETS, this Both Mr. Bryant ami Mr. Berry were Italy, caring in person for Ids plague-stricken White, Printed, M o m Roue nnd Gold Band. and people, with that of Emperor Nero rejoicing in -- — ZB-KIZR/ZR/Y" unexceptionable in point of capacity and fit­ APOTHECARY, Our KENILWORTH PRINTEH WARE ness lor the place. Mr. Bryant, as a citizen the Maze of burning Rome, ns showing how is the heat pattern in the city. <5c C O ’S and as a mayor ot the city, lias always been mm h had been overcome in behalf of huniani Offers a Large Variety of alert ami vigilant for the city’s interest in any tv by the principles of the Christian religion in ot the many questions affecting them, which that part of the world where the words of the New Year’s! has aiiscti during the list ten years. On the text were written. He contended that the Amberina and Majolica Ware, Useful Presents question of the division of the city, the water. martyrs of the early church, in braving death Bisque Figures. Fancy Cups nnd Hnuccr« nnd uiilroad extension and all important issues, lie for piinciplc, exhibited no greater courage than Plati-a, Japnurac Tea Pots, Tiles, Shaving Mugs, has devoted much time to the interests of the is today demanded of men to profess and prac­ Children’s Mugs, Match Safes, Tooth Pick Holder*, Halts and Peppers. Fine Yelvet Slippers, public, lie lia s I wen a very democrat of tice genuine Christianity—a public profession Surprisingly Low Prices! democrat* ami lias stood as one of the party s ami practice of religion, and all the virtues WHAT TO BUY leader*.* Ills petition, as well as that, of inculcates, rigid truth, exact justice and lion Rogers & Bros.’ Silver Plated Ware Mr. Berry, was exceedingly strong. Capt. csty, and conscientious duty in every business, Knives, Sugar My stock is larger Ibis year, an ----- and----- Burley is not a native of our city, has lived political and domestic relation. The sermon more varied than ever, as an ex­ was a strong, terse and effective one. for the rich and good* the poor. here only a comparatively few years, and w hile v to suit the times, Do not buy till you amination will readily prove. always known ns a democrat has not had the In the evening the discourse was specially to allied our stock. WHERE TO BUY IT prominence in politics that the other two gen­ young men on temptation. The basis of the Alligator Slippers, tlemen have enjoyed. In giving him the ap­ sermon was the temptation of Christ, and th BICKNELL TEA CO., pointment it is felt that the claims usually object of the preacher was to show that the Wo have the largest stock, and arising from strong fealty and active service method taken by the Saviour to overcome the 319 Mnin Street, most complete variety of these goods, lor party have been ignored, and therefore the temptations of the devil aic the only method 4S Opposite Berry Brothers* Stable. We are now showing the for Ladies, Gents and Children, to he president's decision does not give satisfaction that can be relied on by the young to meet the Largest nnd Most Attractive found in any store in the city ; bought to tl»e great majority of Ids Rockland ad­ various temptations of life to which they nr Stock of direct from tlie manufacturers, nt the herents. s u it to be exposed. The temptations of Chris Lowest Cash Prices, and we offer Our reader* will undo stand that we seek to were in the Hue of all the temptations of young present a true statement of how the democrats men, namely, sensuous indulgence; reliant1 THE BIGGEST BARGAINS receive the appointment. Capt. Hurley’s fit. on their ability to resist temptations when they Christmas and New ness for the position is unquestionedj and in come, with no previous settled principle; am in this line ever shown in this vicin­ his hands the affairs of the office will be in­ to yield principle for wealth, honor and power Year’s Goods ity. telligently and satisfactorily administered. The previous preparation necessary for success ful resistance to every temptation in life is for The little breeze that has been excited will Wlmt I That we have ever shown. $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Mon die down, and when congress reassembles each individual to calmly and s ptarcly consld liter holidays and the appointment is con­ cr the question before he. is assailed by the CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. W o rth to select i’roin. temptation, and determine whether lie will re firmed, the genial Cap’n will enter upon the Where J If you are going to make a pleasant and lucrative occupation of handing sist or fall before it. Once having determinal Christinas Present, be sure (M»t letters tor democrats and republicans alike this in a manly and resolute way, the young AT It. S. MOOR'S, with his accustomed affability, and everything mini, when he meets the tempter, as he surely tind look at our stock before Rocklnnil. r bis little spirit lamp. Then, fate that day Dolls’ Bodies, Dolls’ Heads, In Maine; composed of and Mufflers. fteing against him, he dropped into the shop of pluckily resinning the game. Hartnett and Bar­ CHIEFS. t°r Ladies, Gents and « certain wi ked barber who keeps near the ron were the recipients of caresses from op­ Dolls’ Tables, Dolls’ Trunks. POCKET BOOKS, Children. ; We have a big line of these goods bead of Sea street, and this wicked barber posing sticks, hut kepi about their work. Not­ just in—lots of New Patterns. «xik that hottie, poured out the alcohol, and withstanding the tremendous amount of slug­ SPECIE PURSES, ging the utmost good feeling prevailed, and / ------refilled it with pure water. Then the young SEE THE BOOKS, LETTER BOOKS, What better to buy for a ewcler resumed his way, filled his lamp out of the striped jersey boys m ade many friends, present than a nice pair of ‘die bottle, and threw himself into a raging Referee Berry, as usual, was up to the scratch. Games, , Sleds, Toys of CARO CASES, Headache trying to find out why it wouldn’t The summary: many kinds, Picture Frames in BLANKETS » » SHAWL. o . >r burn. That is just like a barber—always get­ Goal Won by Made by Kush Time BILL BOOKS, von want a CLOAK we have SILK SUSPENDERS ting somebody into a scrape. We wont tell 1 II. M. B.’s McAuliffe M cAuliffe 1m. 15 Plush, Velvet and Wood, Ink 2 Falinouths Starbird McAuliffe 6ni. 4." CIGAR CASES, them in great variety. In all qualities, put up in neat Glass- who the jeweler was. Blood will tell. II.M.B.’h McAuliffe McAuliffe ltn. 45 Stands, l-’ancy Box Papers, 4 II. M. B.’s McAuliffe McAuliffe - covered Boxes, just the thing for a rinving emu, CHRISTMAS POCKET TOILET COMPANIONS, Christmas Present. D O G M E A T . A second game was played Saturday night Uiaries, Wallets, Work resulting in a three-straight victory for the CARDS, COURT PLASTER CASES, 200 different patterns in Two Nimrods W ho Chased the Rabbits Rockland reds. The game was an intcrestin Boxes, Writing Desks. on Empty Stomachs. one, and not marred by the slugging of the All the above and more can SHAVING SETS, &c. previous evening. The Falinouths, who arc a -:-LACE COLLARS-: A pair of city sportsmen went out the other Alligator Leather a specialty. lay to try the rabbits. By way of a lunch one smart team, at times forced the fight energeti­ be found in great variety at cally, the defense of Brown and Chupman From one of the largest manu­ Gloves & Mitts. them had some nice pork chops fried in the alone saving goals. The game was an active facturers in New lo rk , selling highest style of art, and when he got into the Kid Gloves and Mitts, Fur Gloves carriage lie put them under the seat. Now the one, McAuliffe distinguishing himself at the at about half price. start by a clip from the centre spot, which BURNHAM’S, ami Mitts, lined orunlined, in spring other gunner had previously stowed the dog PERFUMES landed the ball in the Falmouth netting, amid rubber or fur wrists, for Ladies. •away under that same seat. On the way to the 258 MAIN STREET. In numberless fancy styles. Gents nnd Boys. We guarantee our happy hunting grounds (lie dog and the pork general surprise. The noticeable features of ------We have a new lot of akops had one of the most sociable times in the game was the genera, active work of the Perfumes by the ounce a specialty. prices always as Low as the Lowest. Falm n itlis, who played desperately, and good Call and examine this elegant line i&e world, but when the nimrods went to look This stock comprises all the prin­ -T O "W ZB L S - for their dinner they found it largely absent. passes utid strokes by Hartnett and Barron, DIARIES. cipal odors of the leading manufac­ before buying elsewhere. We team from this that it isn't always well for while McIntire covered a large portion of the floor. Sum m ary: turers, anil is not excelled by any Bought expressly for the holiA ’be lion and the latnb to lie down together. At retail stock in the State. 'vast, not for (he lamb. Goals Won by Made by Rush Time DIARIES. days, nnd they are very hand­ 1 II.M.B.’h McAuliffe McAuliffe 2s. 2 II. M. B .’s Barron M cAuliffe Sin. 50s. some. FATAL ACCIDENT. 3 • II. M. B .’s Hartnett Merrill 2ni. 45s. NOTES. DIARIES. WHISK BROOMS, Furs! Furs! 1 Rockport Boy is Drowned Within The Gall Club's polo team express a desire Sight of Home. We have a full line of Diaries from 111 great variety, with Celluloid, We have a full assortment Ladies' Seal, Otter, Beaver, to tackle the H. M. B’s. Pone and Pearl Handles. A very sad drowning accident occurred in The Portland Bijous lend in the Maine the cheapest to the best. of the Lynx. Black Hare and Rockport Monday of last week, resulting in league, it is not a very interesting series of Fancy Sets. U*e death of Leslie the seven-year old son of games. Cents’ Seal Caps. Cloves & iieo. Young. He fell from a large boulder, on A city league is to be formed consisting of HAIR BRUSHES, CENTEMERI KID GLOYES! which he had been playing, into the river, which live Cubs, and a series of games arranged. Stationery. Mitts in all grades. very high. A play mute who was with The Cubs will be uniformed. lu Celluloid and Florence goods, If you want anything in the lino of Furs, give us jim hurried to his home and notified his pa­ Farrell of the Grunite Citys 1ns signed with with Hand Glasses to match. u call; we guarantee prices lower than the saiue rents, but when tlie scene of the accident was the Haverhill*. Charles Connors of the Bar Stationery. Anew lot just received for iiuality of goods can be bought in Boston or New reached it was too late, and the boy had been Harbor Casinos has joined the Bostons, lie Christmas, and to get the best iiwept away. Tuesday forenoon the body was plays cover point. found by Fred Stinson. The funeral was Manager 'I’yler and Capt. II. M. Brown go Stationery. Fine Toilet Soaps colors in them you must buy Held Thursday. to Boston this week to make anangciuents Of Foreign and Domestic manufac­ early. A Full Line of -♦- with leading Massachusetts Cubs to play a We have taken the agency, and just turers. “WHO WAS IOPAS?” series (if games with the redoubtable II. M. B's. Men's, Bey's and Children's Hats & McAuliffe stays. Manager Tyler refused to received a full line of the celebra­ Caps, Boots, Shoes and Rubber io read y Virgil’s .K m hl, consent to his leaving and the Cambridge trade Ami various other goods usually We have a very large stock (A tab i l.Utill tongue,) ! is off. This decision is eminently gratifying ted Whitney Paper Co.'s Fine Coeds of all kinds. •re you me. 1 lupus, found in a First-class Drug of New and Pretty Goods and io Queen lh d o sung. to th*? public, who hope to witness many more S tationery— Please call and exam­ Store can he obtain­ good games before the season Coses. shall make the Lowest Prices Any of these goods make useful, You'll r :i'l o f softly Iting strains ed at desirable and always acceptable gitts. Poured out in .Eueus' 1 r *t in I n o ------♦♦♦------ine it. Also a full line of Fancy on them. fill ( .'nlllUge’s queen wuh If you contemplate buying anything For die hero of his lu) Our article last week on the prospective fortune coming to the Chases, Lawrences and Town- Stationery in Boxes, etc., etc. in this line, give us a call. We have You’ll learn the Trojan scorned this lot e J. II. W IGGIN S, no lug prices for the Holidays, at And from her presence lied, leys in this country from the Lord Town ley Leaving the broken heart Io liud estate in England lias brought to light several sell all goods at Bottom Prices. Its solace with I lie dead ! L other persons, residents of this city, who claim H. BURNHAM, APOTHECARY, ami can prove a direct descent from tlie English lee advert Ueiueot of lustra paints. families. Rockland may yet strike a bonanza. 258 Main Street. 237 Main Street, - Rockland, Me, E. W. BERRY & CO. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY DECEMBER 22. 1885. 3

Sunday evening a young man named Thou. AMUSEMENTS. George W. Croekett, who was lost at sea from THE VENERABLE FOLKS AND THINGS. J. Emperor caught his foot in a settee in the brig Sea Mew nnd a brother of Citv Marshal Crockett of this city He wns born nt Vinal- -:CHRISTMAS:- basonnnt of the Catholic church and broke A select assembly is to lie held in the Armory hnven, but for (ifty-fonr years has lived on the POEMS FOR THE HOME CIRQUE. bis ankle. this evening. old homestead on Rockland street. He always The Rons of Rest, who have their headquar­ Hamilton Lodge, 1. O. of (». T., is to have a followed the sea and wns universally respeet- LEVEE & BALL OS l’ROXOIIXCIXO M IKAl'O. rd nnd honored, lie leaves a wife mid three ters at the store of A. L. Richardson, are rap­ Christmas-tree and entertainment in connection children, Who will receive bcnctii- from the Oh, dictionary, toll me true, idly increasing in numbers. They arc think­ with the lodge meeting, Saturday evening. Royal Arcanum and Masonic Relief Associa­ Shall I pronounce it Mielty Poo? ing of borrowing a hall. This afternoon ami evening tlie ladles of tlie tion, of both which Inslies deceased was a No; be like the girl from < 'ble.ngo member. Eastern Star Assembly, W ho aaya we ahoul-l cnll it Mirk ok-tlongb. Advertiser Will Kimball is putting out some Freewill Baptist Society hold their annual THE SEW FOSTMAKTM. apron sale, fair nnd levee in Granite Hall. handsome IKSfi calendars for the C. A N. W. The officers elect of Claremont Commandery KNIGHTS OF LABOR. There oner trn ft parly nntue.l Hurley, II. R. Ily-tlic-wny, calendars are not so plen­ People who have not attended any of tlie were privately installed last evening. Will give a Grand Ixvee and Bail nt A mariner hearty ntul'tuirly, tiful this season as usual. Freewill annuals we would advise to go. A very good fellow Those who have enjoyed them, heretofore, will Who never got mellow. The days are very short. A North-end And never an- known to be curly. go without further urging. woman said that Friday wns so -liort that she g i r t h s . One tiny title bluff party culled Hurley, Sometime In January Knox Ixnlge, I. O. O. Thia mariner rugged and knttrly. had time to make hut two Imtton-holes be­ F., will present an amusing farce on tlie Called on Preeldent Grover, tween sunrise and sunset. initiation and expulsion of a candidate. E ccklnnd. Dec. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. W illlnm Col CHRISTMAS NIGHT, W ho looked Idin all over, burn, a daughter. And wrote Ida enmtnleelon rigid early. There is quite a demand for Christmas tur­ George W. Ilieks, John Colson, Ibra Ripley, Port C lyde, Dec 12, to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Friday. Dec. 25th. Pl.K A R fltE ft OE THE ItOLtttAYM. keys and -other feathered foods, and dealers L. W. Benner mid Charles II. Moor have the Hupper, a son. Union, Dec. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. N elson Young, A Rockland voting man thought he'd take a nice have ordered quite largely from Boston. It is matter in charge, and arc now assigning the a son. A Fine 8effen of w ldrl— impossible to prognosticate the prire. parts. Ixwk out fora swell time. Union, Dec. 17, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Kber Bobbins, Ring willow—tit willow— t t.willow— a daughter. tin Clirlettnae by moonlight beelde hie beet girl — Ephraim Gay lias traded his (inc bay marc Next Friday evening, Christmas night, Thom aston, Dec. 21, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Judson -T-A-B-L-E-A-U-X- Tit.willow—tltwlllow-tll-tvlllow; for tlie Stlmpson stallion, which lie now drives. Eastern Star Assembly. K. of L., will take W atts, a daughter. Po lie fixed Idm.elf up In a giddy array, W ill hi* pr«'Rented from h to 19 o ’clock, when Dan­ And eturted to hire a ewlfl boree nnd elelgll, Tlie Stlmpson horse is as handsome anil stylish charge of Farwell Hall mid entertain their cing will commence. Hut the etable-m-in enld, "I'm Hfrald you won't n il animal as ever stepped our streets. friends. They offer many attractions in the C a rria g es. pay,"— Santa C laus MU8TC BY ft willow— tit-willow—tit-willow. After Tost meeting Friday evening a delega­ wav of tableaux, refreshments and Janclng. The tableaux will lie entirely new, mid illustra­ Han again favored ur with lih Generone Annual Meservey’s Quadrille Bend. TO TIIK KF.TtRISO MAJOR. tion of twenty Grand Army tiovs stormed the North Haven, D ec. 12, G eorge F. L< win and Man- DiHtrib'.ition, nnd ns he I* a lw a y s an tive of Hie principles and objects of this rapidly Il. M ill-, both of North Haven. good mr ilia w<»r«l the public will W. n. KITTKEDGK, Floor Director. Another wlnter’e enow trade o'er the earth, restaurant of M. 11. Nash, nnd got away with Waldoboro, Dec. 12, by Kcv. Orren Tyler, Tlios. And it verltled by c a llin g at Another vettr'e gone drifting down the elrennt, a large number of Myrick’s nice stews. growing order. Give our wage-workers a full K. Crute of Thomaston, and Mary L. Miller of Another man, dear Major, line thy berth— house nnd an overflowing treasury. Curbing. ADM ISKION-Gentlrincn AOc; I.adieu 2ftrv Tbeee eight abort yearn have vnnlehed like a The sleighing outside of Hie city is excellent, Green’s Landing, Deer Isle, Dec.8,AIHn Mellon- dream I St. David's Catholic society will hold their aid ami N ettie T litu lo w , both of (ireen’s Landing. Htipper Tickets while within the luirrough limits a sleigh can annual levee nnd fair In Farwell Hall, Jun. Deer Isle, lice. 6, Win H. Pickering anti Mary SMITH’S ‘Twaa etormv—do*t rem em ber?—'mon gat the chine, NO LOTTERIES! NO BEGGING! When llayee hung thy eotntnleelon on the line; get along without much difficulty. Coinc in, 7th. The Iopns Quartette, assisted by Mrs. W. Marshall, both of Deer Isle. Union, Dec. 19, by Rev. F. V. Norcross, John W . Positively no intoxicated person allowed ia Serene thou vlewedet the triumph of thy plane — sulnirhnn friends, and b u y your Christmas F. It. Spear, Mrs. 11. M. Lord and J. 11. Ixithrop of Koch land and Mary L. Sloeltnger of (The etorm thnt'ft piping now la not o f tlillte.) the Hall. 47 presents. McNamara will give a concert, which will lie Thom aston. Music & Variety Store. W ho undertukee to well fill up thy place West Camden, Dec. 16, at the residence of bride’s W ill find lie'e -.truck a job extremely hard; The newly organized hose companies have devoted entirely to Irish music. All the father by Kev. E. V. Noreroae, Iloekland Jones ol No man, we think, enn counterfeit the grace taken possession of Gen. Berry and N. A. beautiful airs such ns "Kathleen Mavoiirnecn,” Union und G rade L. Ht. Clair o f Camden. “Where are you going, my pretty maid?” With which you nold the one.eeht poelal card. We have Rich ami Hare Glftn; among which may “Killamey.” "The Harp that Once through “ I’m going to Breek’s, sir,” she said , Burpee houses. The Good Samaritan Reform he found the following: “ it hat do y Noic clispla(/s a choice week. I wish to notify my pupils and tlie public gener­ Look out for clothes-line thieves. It is get­ Doiiuvun showed tight and Officer Jack blew ally that the peculiar medium that 1 use, also the Mrs. W. A. Healey ol Hurricane Isle is in Lustra Paints, cm he procured ol C. F. S a w t e i.I.E, i collection of bric-a- ting to be cold weather, and some people lind it his little whistle. Little Sam Hewett came to the citv. at the NEW MUSIC STORE. MIIS. II. M. C; ESTES. easier to steal than work. the rescue, nnd Donovan was lugged to the F. W. Wight mid wife have been in Boston The next weekly meeting of l’inc Tree C. I,. wigwam, receiving several had cuts in his the past week. Large and Elegant S. C. occurs at Perry’s hall, the regular gather­ struggles to escape. Ilis wounds were dressed Albert Falcs mid wife left fur a visit in Bos­ ARTISTS’ MATERIALS ton Thursday. ing place, Friday, Jan- 1st. the next morning, and as he was sick witli a Of every description will he furnished at Satisfac­ _ HOLIDAYS raging fever, the result of Ills extended de­ Charles II. Pendleton and wife have been tory Prices—A New Stock just re­ visiting in Boston. ceived ut tlie The officers of Temple Chapter Royal Aicli bauch, lie was removed from the station house Masons were privately installed by W. A. W. W. Case and Mrs. F. 15. Hitchcock were consisting of to more eomtortuhlc quarters where lie is now in Boston lust week, NEW MUSIC STORE, Diamonds, Watches, Silver Barker, Wednesday evening. in the doctor's hands. Mrs. Mary Kaler is in Boston where she in­ C. F. SAWTELLE, Manager. ! Crotvii Derby, Royal Dresden, Vien- Mrs. Sanborn Howard is sulleiing from cuts tends spending the winter. For several years there lias lived at the bot­ W are, &c., &c,, i na, Nizza, < hvarri, Leeds ami Bret- and bruises received from falling from the tom of the Rockland Water Co.'s gate-box on 11. C. Wooster mid family left last week for stairs with a lamp in her hand. Rankin hill, a spotted green lizurd. Whenever their home in Sheets, Va. As this year. by wares, 1‘eaeh and English The Knox & Lincoln has a first-class new the workmen have opened the box, down in Mrs. Waketield G. Frye is in the eit.v, the Ivory wares, Bronze, Royal Copper, guest of Mrs. Tlios. Frye. C. H. PENDLETON, mail, baggage and express ear to replace the the darkness of the bottom the lizard could be Polished and Antique Brass, Mrs. I. K. Kimball and family now occupy &i)*ltiiy<*ra art* invited to Call and Kxain- one lost by lire. It arrived Wednesday. dimly seen, and though many efforts were made their winter residence in Boston. ine th is‘Beautiful Display. i Bisques. Chinn, Terril Cotta. A in­ The Knox A Lincoln will sell half-fare tickets to kill him, the insect evaded every blow. Mrs. S. H. Webb iirrivcd home Thursday hering and Pomona Glass. to those wishing to attend the legislative re­ The other day the box was taken up and the from a six-weeks' visit in Boston. DRUGGIST. union to be held in Augusta in January. lizard captured. He measured eight inches in John A. Coakley of the New York School of Beautiful designs in Silver Plated Ipngth which seems to he the largest ever seen Pharmacy is at home fur die holidays. Has just ri'tui'uctl from Boston with an r. w. nix, jr., Ware. Mrs. John Ranlctt lias eighteen eats and ill lliese parts. Supt. Dave Friend was good Mrs. A. M. Austin mid family have returned dogs, two parrots aril two carrier pigeons. Large anil Elegant Line of enough to bring him in to us, and the lizurd, from their extended sojourn in the west. 239 Maili St., Boeklmul. An endless variety of Chinn Cups The pigeons are of u line strain and beauties. Miss Lizzie N. Pierce of Newport, 11. I., is duly embalmed in alcohol, now makes one of and Saucers, Emit. Bread and Christmas packages for friends in^the far passing the winter with her uncle, E. N. Nelson. T iik Courier-Gazette's growing collection Joseph Robbins ol Aroostook formerly of Milk. Tea and Dinner Sets. west are beginning to move, and the express of curios. this city culled on some of his old Blends > Choice Perfumes :■ companies are having their annual holiday yesterday. I ' Colored glass table ware of every T he Churches.—Friday next, Christmas, In plain anti fiiney hotties anil in hulk. jam , mass will lie held at St. David’s Catholic church L. M. Robbins and J. E. Sherman were in CHRISTMAS • j style. Yesterday was a big day for our traders. “ 1 i Washington last week in the m atter of tlie ut 7.31) und K o'clock a. in. At 10 30 o’clock Rockland postmastersliip. never before saw so many out-of-town people high mass will lie solemnized. The chorus Miss Delia Teague of Warren and Miss Nel­ Also a Large Assortinent of Elegant Duplex ami Hanging Lamps. in the city," remarked a merchant lids morn­ choir will sing Battmaiin’s mass in C ut high lie Allenwood of Vinalliaven have been visit- ing. mass with other selections appropriate to tlie I ing at J. M. Dluckingtons. In addition to the above an immense J. 11. Wiggin’s celebrated shaggy cat, lost day. The usual Christmas vesper service will lion. Edwin Flye of Damariscotta, one of BEAUTIFUL FANCY BOXES, assortment of cheap glassware, col­ I die directors of die Knox A Lincoln, has gone PALMERS. and advertised for In last week's paper, lias he held in the evening... .The young people's to California for his health. ored and crystal, cheap china cups been found and returned to the over-joyed meeting ut the Baptist chapel will lie held Sat­ Capt. II. C. Chapman and wife ami Geo. L. PERFUME STANDS ami saucers, etc., in tact, every­ owner. urday evening tli s week instead of Friday, as ' Knight and wife have gone to New York where thing that can make a Merry W. H. Glover A Co. are making an elaborate was given out on Sunday....Services will he they will pass die holidays. Watches, Diamonds and Christmas. nnd handsome carved cabinet and mantel for held in St. Peter's (Episcopal) church, at 10.30 Mrs. M. K. Willey und daughter Jennie re­ o'clock Christmas morning, consisting of ma­ turned Friduy night from a some what extended John T. Berry’s suite of rooms at the Thorn­ stay in Boston mid New York. TOILET SETS Jewelry. Call and see the assortment and hear tins, sermon and lioly eueharist. The sittings dike House. M. A. lliecami Thayer Kiiuh.il! of Phillips the low prices. in this church are all free, und all ure invited to In I’lasli and Velvet. The High School closed Wednesday, the j Exeter mid Alfred Douglass of Philips Ando- attend.. . . lu a letter received heie Saturday ; ver are at home for the holidays. I lie fluent line we ever have opeiidi of other schools having suspended operations a Let none stay away who tlo not wish night Mr. Wells of Adorer declines the call Capt. Otis Ingraham of steamer Cambridge week previous. The scholars will resume their to purchase. extended liuu by the Coiig'l society to become is at home fur a few months of vacation. Tlie Brush Broom Cases studies Jan. 4th. . steamer's broken shaft is being repaired. its puslor. o l id a y o o d s Admirers ami purchasers are equally Newly-appointed Postmaster Hurley arrived Mrs. M. P. Sinioiitou started lor Toledo yes­ lu Lliii|tie Designs. H G ! It began to snow Friday. City dealers with home from Washington Saturday night, and terday in company with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. welcome. big toeks of Christmas goods brightened up L Colburn with whom she will spend the winter. nimediately set up the cigars for the boys in liifu re puri'liaiiiiig, i-xainim- our Large Slo. k of visibly. They became very chipper. Friday ’ W. V. Wentworth and E. li. Burpee, die WALLETS and PURSES, truly loyul and democratic fashion. night und Saturday forenoon it rained. City , latter having about recovered from his attack A. ROSS WEEKS, While raising an uncliur on board id’ sell. of typhoid fever, ure at Imine from liuwdoin In Every Vurlety. tiuci'icnu ami Swiss Wutches, Gobi, dealers became as cloudy mid gloomy as Hie College for die Christinas recess of two weeks. Cut&wamlcak yesterday it fell across the rigid Silver anil Filled Cases, skies. They growled must heartily. Saturday W. F Norcross was in Boston lust week •J.’it) .Main St., lioi'kltiud. hand of Charles Bartlett, one of the crew, cut­ night it came off cold and snowed a little more where he met F. It Sweetser, formerly of this Largest Line of PIPES DIAMONDS, E n s ig n df thi- Big -Ing. ting through a mitten and completely severing and very good sleighing is now in town. Now i lly, mid who lias a very large class of music two lingers. in New Loudon, Conn., and is evidently pros­ us the merry tintinnabulation of the jolly pering. In The (tty. CHAINS, The ussuilaut of Hannah Trussed Is still at sleigh-bell strikes Hie tympanum of his listen­ Miss Ella F. Palmer returned from Water­ RINGS, Rockland National bank. large. Several men have Been examined on ing ear, the sanguine merchant smiles a broad, ville Thursday. She has been engaged as fe3i**A splendid place to buy a Ciioiee soprano at the Church ol Immanuel, in place of fl.t atiickhui b th ot (tit* Koi kland National suspicion, hut all have lieett able to provb an generous, comprehensive smile und rushes to ,‘resent for your friouds. JEWELRY. Bank, ur In r« by notitied that tin dr annual meet ulibi. A reward should he offered tor the dis­ mid fro in attendance upon tlie crowds of cus­ Mrs. F. M. Shan , who lias taken charge of die tuu will In In-id at tln ir Banking Ilonin- on T ues­ evening music at die First Baptist church. day Jan 12th, ItiSb, at 1» a. m to fix the number covery of the wretch. tomer* Who have taken advantage of tlie good Capt Augustine W. Crockett died at his BE SURE AND C A LL ! 288 MAIN STREET. of, and . 1. . t a Boaid o f Dir. • n rw lor tin -- nt-uing The latter part of Thursday afternoon an sleighing, und have come, not perhaps from home Wednesday ol Bright's disease, lie had Afar, ami tr-ni-i.. t mv otln-r bueinno that uiuy legally en u e h. ore tbeui. Insiguilieant tire in the building opposite li. W. Greenland's icy mountains, nor from India’s been in ill health tor m arly a year, out was per Order routined to his house only live weeks, the McIntire's saloon on Sea street started a general coral strand, but places less remote, s iie li u s ( i. Ilou >: W lUfilS, Cat-bh r. lunerul S u lii n la y was largely attended by fellow C . II. P e n d l e t o n , Uoekiaud. Dee. 7, D" alarm. A lew pails of water did the business l'liomaslon, Warren, Union, to buy the where­ captains of deceased and masonic brethren of G. W. Palmer & Son Hi. Semi Annua! D .u den.i will b. payable o» ami Ibe new hydrants bad no show. with to till many an expc.lutu stoesiug. I Aurora Lodge. Capt. Crockett was the sou of 1 Rankin Block, Rockland. and after Jan. 2ud. 4T61 4 THE ROCKLAND COT FRIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1885

sure to return.” He would stake his rep­ moanin' 'or s'prise her like. Hut jest or it may have been just the out-crop­ The Peasant's Christmas Eve. Pete Shivershee’s Miracle. utation u|Min it. this afternoon they gut ketched hy the ping of n desire to repay a kindness “ T lie t Injun will bring tliet whiskey frost, an’ now there they he stiffer’n w hich even an " In ju n ” is said to pos­ 'Tiens Christman Eve, n bitter ntght. BOSTON hack all right. Thar aint nothin' hut a stakes. It is kinder had, ain't it — 'spec­ sess. N any rate the eyes conquered, The snow iviis on ihe ground. ially ez it's Christmas, too? ” and Pete braved the fist o f H ill. For The peasant's scanty lire mis low, A CHRISTMAS STORY OK THE inirrykil tliet kin stop him, an' m irrykils The rhtldrcn shiver, d round, ain, strikin' no Injuns this year.” “ What Crissmns? ” put in Pete. fear that he should lose courage, he Their evening most, ono little lonf, MICHIGAN PINE WOODS. | “ Oh, Christmas? Wall, it's a sorter pushed against the door of the room Lay on Ihe humble hoard, Tin' crowd received this block of logic Hlit one nnd nil, with thankful hearts. in silence. I t w a s far too deep and lough 1 duy like. Il's somethin' like other days. and entered without ceremony. Arose nnd blessed tile Lord. for them to split. I an' yet it nint. Hilt then, Injun, I don’t There was a great commotion, I can HY III'.IU IE R T W . CO! I.IM iW O O D . Hark f some one knocks! nnd yet ngnin! Pete was in a hard position. If he , s'pose ye would understand o f I wnz ter assure you. Idle idea of an “ Injltn” ' The pennant opes the door. The tiinon w hs just pooping over the loved anything in this world, it was I tell ye ” And Jeff concealed his own pushing his way into the hack parlor of tvho wanders bile on sneh a ntght, 1 ignorance, ns many wiser and better a milliner's shop was too much of a rev­ Aerons the hitler moor? pines as Pete Sln\ei slid' slunk down tin- whiskey. If there was anything he The wind In wild, the snow in deep; road from tin- lumlii r camp into the (or- | feared, it was Hill's fist. The two were men have done, by assuming a tone too olutionary proceeding Io pa-s unnoticed. I here id tile door tie ntnnils— pst. Polo did net present a surpassingly i sure to go together. Tho money jing­ lofty for his audience. The women dropped their work with a A little child Willi w ln lflll eyes dignified appearance as he skulked ling in Ids poeket suggested unliuiiti d Hut Mrs. Hunt could explain, even if little scream, while Ihe man started And frozen lifted hands. through the clearing, hot he was not a pleasures, hut over every one hung Hill's Jeff could not. She paused on the way from his chair with most violent intent T he pennant took him In ldn nrinn, to the stove with a dish of in her upon poor Pete. The children wondering gaze, very dignified person even nt his best. hard fist. It was a severe struggle, hut pork lie gently wipe,I away tile enotv Most persons would have said. I think, tho fist conquered; as H ill had said, hand. “ What he ye after here, ye darned In­ And warmed liirn by ttie blaze; that Petes nielhod of departure was nothing hut a miracle could stop him. “ It cez the day of the good Lord. jun?" lie growled. “ Hump yerself outer Then si I turn in ttie s. at they loved. T ile dead mother’s chair, ' hardly appropriate for one who had been Pete ran several miles through the forest, Meesti-r Shivershee. I t eez the day here—git a-goin’!” Anil broke the bread and every one selected by the citizens of Carter’s Camp till, turning a corner of the road, lie when the good Lord he was horn, and Hut Pete pulled out his money, at the (inve of liis scanty share. came ujx>n a little clearing in which when all people should be glad.” Hut sight of which the standing army of the to go on an important mission. But tint while upon their beds of si rate, Pete had his own reasons for his actions, stood a sm all log house. Pete knew the the little woman belied her own creed m illin e r’s store paused. Money has That night they sleeping lay, lie crept along behind the stumps and place well. Here lived .IcIT H unt w ith as she thought of little M ario and the smoothed over many an outrage. It The child arose and blessed them, And softly passed away; logs till tie’rcaelled tile forest. Tlleli, IIS Ids little French wife, ami their troop of dead llowers. might perhaps excuse even such an And for every good that comes to them, if tile shadow gave him fresh courage children. I h iin ll, think Pete gained a very clear aelion on the part of an "Injun.” W hen lile 'seems dnulily dear, idea of the day, even from Mrs. Hunt's “ I want flowers,” Pete said, pointing 'They fold their hands and whisper, and dignity, lie drew himself upright, dell' was a person of little importance “The Christ Child hHn been In-re.’* and started at a sharp trot down the road by the side of his wifi', though, like all explanation. It wa’, I fear, all Greek Io the basket. "Give me flowers—I Ereel E. Weatherly. towards the village. ‘ lords of creation,” lie considered him­ to him . p a y." ------We have said that Pete had reasons self the legal and proper head of the “ What llowers for?” ho asked, as, in “ Oh, ye wnnter buy sum of them nt ty- THE OLD ENGLISH SQUIRE. fo r h is conduct. They were good ones. family, as well ns one of the mainstays response to Jeff's polite invitation, he Itelal flowers do ye? This is a pooty In the first place, he was an Indian. Not of society. H ispirtof the family gov­ “ sat hy” and began supper. time o’ night ter come flower huntin' a ••noble soh of the forest," such as ernment consisted for the most part in “ Wall, it’s a sorter idee of the wim­ ain’t it? Jest pick out yer flowers, an’ England, in these days, knows hut little Cooper loved to picture, lu ll a mean, keeping the house supplied with wood min,” explained Jeff. “ Looks kinder then climb out!”—and beheld the basket ol that independent gentleman, the country dirty, yellow-faced " fn ju n ” L iz y and and water, and in smoking his comfor­ pooty to see llowers round ; ye see, kind­ out at arm’s length lor Pete to select. squire, who once gave laws to tho parish. worthless, picking up a living about the table pipe in the corner, while his wife er slicks up a room, like. A ll these Pete took a red l ose and a white un- So great was his influence that the quarrel­ lum ber cam,is, w o rking as little as lie bent over her tub. lliinks liez ter come inter keopin' house, n.amahle (lower There was not very some seldom appealed from toe settle­ could, and eating and drinking ns much Mrs. Hunt was tho only woman near ye see, Injun.” With which broad ex­ much of a stock to select from , hut Pete, ment lie made o f their bickerings. l i ke as possible: such was the messenger. the camp, and so all the laundry work planation Jeff helped lrmself to a piece with “ Injun” instinct, selected the asked the time o f day, the reply, de­ livered with a low scrape, would likely 'Flic mission was wor.-e yet. fell Io her. Laundry work in Ihe pine o f pork. largest and gaudiest. lip, “ It is wlnit your worship pleases.’’ It was Christmas Eve. The snow woods implies mending ami darning as Hut Mrs. Hunt was hound to explain “ Them's wurlh about ton shillin's," There was no need to go to the window to rovered the ground, and tho ice had w ell as washing and ironing, and the too. Her explanation was certainly figured up the merchant, taking the see whose arrival was announced by the stilled lor the limn the mouth of the poor little woman had Iter hands full of more poetic money from Pete’s hand. smack of the whit). 'Flint was the squire’s roaring liver. It was Saturday night as work surely. It was rub, rub, rub, day “ It eez the way wo show onr love for I’cte carefully placed the flowers in w e ll; and for some lim o past the lum ber­ after day, over the steaming tub, witii the good Lord, Mcester Shivershee. the poeket of his rugged eoat, and “ knock,” or " rin g ,” as wc would say. Sometimes lie made known his appear­ men li id been considering the advisa­ the children running about like little What is more beautiful than the llowers? started for the door. The m illiner’s man, ance by the vicw-halloo, such as the hunts­ bility of keeping the good old holiday wolves, and dell' kindly giving his ad­ We take the llowers, anil with much rendered affable bv the most surprising man uses to let the field know that he has with some form of celebration suited to vice from his comfortable corner. Ami love we place them upon the walls, and bargain he had just, made, naturally caught a glimpse o f the fox. the occasion. even after the children were in bed at we make others happy with them, and wished to retain the patronage of such On Christmas day he threw open his Tliu citizens ol Carter’s Camp were nigld, she must sit up and mend the the good Lord, who loves us all, lie is a model customer. house to tcnai ts and to neighbors. As not remarkably fastidious. Tln-y knew elean clothes. pleased,”—hut here, seeing the sobbing "Want anything in our lino, Injun, they entered the hall, they were greeted, hut one form of celebration, and they What a paek of children there were! children and the frozen plants, she eould just call round an’ we’ ll please ye. no matter It at day-break, by a bouncing had no thought o f hunting out new ones. How rougti and strong they seemed, not help w ip in g her eyes upon her O nly come a little afore hod tim e when Christmas log, which gave solidity to the The one thing needlul to make a cele­ running about all day, all hut poor little apron. ye come again.” Hui Pete slunk out at glowing lire, made o f roots ot trees and bration completely successful •was— M arie, the oldest. She had never been The little sufferer on the bed saw this the door and did not hear him. great sticks ot wood. A foaming tank­ Quid H ides ? whiskey. This they must have in order strong, and now at last she was dying action. Her voice was almost gone. Pete’s money was nearly gone, but he ard of beer waited their pleasure, and a to do justice to the day. of consumption. She could not sit up nt “ Never m ind, M am ina,’’ she whispered ; had a scheme in his head. He slunk in at “ W hy do youlaugii?” Well, for stronger drink in which floated toast, The temperance laws of Carter’s were all, hut lay all day on the little bed in but tho beautiful eyes were filled w ith the back door of the bar-room, and ob­ nutmeg, and sugar, was pressed on them various reasons, but at this season it very strict. Not that the moral senti­ the corner, watching her mother with tears, for she knew that M am m a would tained his jug, and what whiskey he by servants. strikes us that you ought to laugh to ment of the place was particularly high, sad, beautiful eyes. mind—that she couldn’t help it. could buy with the rest of his money. Huge flitches ol bacon hung from the think Clothing is sold so chenp at hut it had been noticed that the amounts The brave little French woman’s heart Pete listened to all this attentively. Then up the street he ran again, out ol ceiling of the great hall; stags’ horns pro­ Boston C lothing Store. of labor and whiskey were in inverse alm ost failed her at times, ns she saw ••Injun” that lie was, of course he could town, slopping only once at the pump to the fill Ihe jug to t ile top with water, lteso truded Irom the walls; and everywhere the rope tion. The more whiskey, the less how day by day the little form grew not understand it all, and yet lie could The merry gentleman whose coun­ holly, ivy, bays, laurel and mistletoe ibor. It was a pure question of politi­ thinner, the eyes more beautiful, the hardly help seeing something nf the sor­ lately fastening the stopper and not even tenance we exhibit above, having G said — cal economy The foreman had often cheeks more Unshed. She knew the row that the loss o f tile llowers had rising the jug to his mouth, he started heard of our immense stock and low “ A merry Christmas to you gentlemen !” stated that he would prosecute to the signs too well, hut there was nothing brought upon the family. He finished lor eamp at his long, swinging trot with Iu the corner by the huge fire-place sat prices, has been to see us, and it fullest extent of the law the first man she eould do. his supper, and then slunk out nt the the jug in his liaml. Milo after mile door again Jell’ followed him out. was passed over, yet Pete did not stop till the squire, in a wooden two-armed chair, makes him pleasant. caught bringing whiskey into eamp. Pete was a regular visitor at Jeff's and “Little gal ever git well?” asked J< IF lim it's cabin came in sight. Hiding with a cushion. Above his head, over the The foreman did not attempt, perhaps, always n welcome one. His work was Pete. his jug behind a log, he crept up to the mantlepieee, hung his guns and fishing- Io deny that his knowledge of the law to carry the washing to and front camp. “ N o; I don't s’pose sho w ill. ” an­ window and looked In. rods, and the broadswords and daggers was somewhat crude, lie had forcibly He came nearer to feeling like n man at swered Jell'. "There ain’t no hopes held The light was burning on the table, which his ancestors once used. Here he stated, however, that should a ease he .Ir ff’s house than nt any o ilie r place he out for her. Makes it kinder had, yb where M rs. H u nt, sat nodding over her welcomed his guests with a hearty greet­ brought before him, he would himself knew of. Every one but Mrs. Hunt and see. Nice, elever little gid ns ever lived w o rk. She had been m ending the ing endorsed by an old-time hospitality. act as judge and jury, while his fist and little Marie called him only “ Injun,” too. Stop in an’ git yer clo’ea when ye clothes so that Pete could take them Servants llitte d in aud out, and the foot would lake the place of witness and hut they always said “ Mr. Shivershee.” come back, will ye?” back with him. Tired out, she hail fal­ spits loaded with sirloins ol beef, turkeys, Overcoats! counsel. Them was som ething so ter­ The “ Mee-ter Shivershee” of the little “ All right,” muttered Pete, ns he trot­ len asleep. The box of frozen plants geese, capons, were turned hy turnspits, rible in this statement, coming as it did Frenchwoman was the nearest claim to ted away towards the town. still stood on tile table. Pete grinned as hoys who by the time all was roasted from the largest man ill camp, that very respectability that Pete felt able to make. he saw them, thinking of the great flow­ would he black and greasy. little whiskey hail thus far been brought One night while carrying home the III. ers in his pocket. Marie was asleep, The hackin, as the plum-pudding was m. The am ount per capita was fat' be­ clothes he dropped then) in the mud. I wonder what Pete was thinking Ulsters @> Reefers f >ver her head was hung clusters of then called, had been boiled so as to be low that at much more enlightened He never minded the whipping Hill about as he ran through the forest. An moss, w ith masses o f ground pine and done hy daybreak I f it were not, the places. The friends of prohibition might Gammon gave him half as much as he “ Injun’s” thoughts on any ordinary sub­ Are in great demand now, and we red berries. maid tried hard to conceal the fact from have made a strong argument from the did poor Mrs. Ilu i’t’s tears, to think how ject cannot he very deep, yet when one are fully prepared to show one Pete stole to the door and went in. the young men. I f they found it out, state ol society at Carter’s. her work had gone for nothing. comes from such a scene as Pete h ail Mrs. Hunt woke with a start,but at sight two o f them took her by the arms, and of the most complete and de­ Rut now tliat Christmas had come, it As Pete came trotting down the road. just witnessed, and when such sad eyes of Pete smilled in her weary way. Pete ran her around the market-place, till she sirable stocks in the city of Rockland. seemed liltin g that the C.uterites should Jell'stood in front ol his house chopping as M arie’s haunt one all nlong a lonely made up his bundle of clothes, and then was ashamed ol her laziness. show th e ir colors. I t had been under­ stove-wood from a great log. A lan­ road, even an “ Injun’s” thoughts must pulled out the great red rose and the The d a y; the profuse hosp itality: the As we have no old goods to show, stood all along that when Christmas tern, hung on a stump, provided light bo worth noticing. Let us imagine what white flower. He laid them on the sharp appetites and capacious stomachs ; all of our stock being new, and our tamo they should Btrive to make up for for his purpose. Pete stopped from Pete’s thoughts were as ho shuffled mile table with—“ Flowers for he’r little gal. the pressing attentions ol the squire aud Styles for Boys, Children and Young Xlieir temperance in one grand celebra­ sheer force of habit in front of the house, a lte r m ile through the snow. The scene Sick. Make her think Crissmns. Good his servants, made all eat heartily. The Men being exclusively the best de­ tion. They proposed to enjoy the society ami Jeff, glad of any chance to interrupt he had just left rose before his dolled flowers. All color. No fade. No smell. host aided digestion by telling his funniest ®f a friend anil counsellor from which his work, paused to talk with him. “Injun" mind. How kind Mrs. Hunt signs, they will be found extra desir­ No wear out.” Then catching up his stories and cracking his funniest jokes. they had shut themselves so long. A “ Walk in, Injun,” said Jeff, hospita­ had always been to h im ! She was the able and attractive. bundle, he slunk away without waiting Whether good or bail, fresh or stale, no self-appointed committee, consisting of a bly. “ Yer clo’es nint quite ready, hut only one that called him “ Mister.” How few choice spirits, had made all the nec­ queer it was that the children should cry for Mrs. Hunt’s thanks. matter, the guests knew their duty. A ll There are no more perfectly fitting the woman w ill hev ’em all up soon — laughed where they should, and exclaimed essary arrangements, hut a serious hitch w alk in .” because tho flowers were kille d ! How IV. OVE llCOATS shown in New Eng­ in afiairs hail taken place. The supply little Mario had looked at him! Some­ “ O il!’, and “ A h !” at the proper places. It suddenly dime over Pete that this When Hill Gammon awoke in the I t would have been but a shabby return land to-day than our new Fall and teamster had been bribed to secure the was his night for taking the clothes how Pete could not d rivo those sail eyes morning, he found the jug of watered 3tim ulant, and had been provided w ith a away. They seemed to be lo oking nt him lo r the generous hospitality, hud not the home, but his present errand was of far whiskey at the foot of his bunk. Hut guests shown themselves responsive to the Winter Styles. large jug in which to carry it. lie had more importance than mure laundry from every stump, from every tree. Pete was nowhere to be seen; he had left left the jug at his favorite har-rootn, hut They were filled with tears now—could host’s eliorts to please. Does not the wit w ork. the ju g and fled. lie in the ear ot him who hears it ? We have an Immense Stock of in the rush of business incident to the “ Mo no stop. I goin’ ter town. Great it ho heenuse the flowers were frozen? The Cluistmas celebration at Carter’s collection of his load he had actually for­ II is no wonder that when at last tho Sir W alter Scott, in “ M arm ion,” set these Goods. work. Large bizness.” Hy which vague was a very tame affair. Many were the forth graphically the Christmas hospitality gotten it. hints he meant no doubt to impress Jeff few lingering vil'age lights camo into curses showered upon Pete, anil bail It was a great shame; but, as Bill view, Pete was wondering how he could ol those old English times, when the rich w ith a sense o f the d ig n ity o f his mission, that w orthy been present, I doubt if even and poor met together and recognized, Gammon philosophically remarked. and yet cunningly to keep its object con­ help matters out. the thought of the famous miracle would - ’iwont do no good ter whine about it It was quite late, and most ol the shops lo r a day at least, that the Lord is the Call and examine our cealed. have sustained him in the heating lie maker of them all. 'specially when we kin git it vet.’’ were closed. Only here and there somo would have received. B ill did not intend to he beaten by any •‘Goin’ to town, bn ye? Great (loin's late worker showed •' light. The btr- ••Then opened wide the baron’s hall ter camp ter-m orrer. 1 s’ pose. I ’ ll ho H ill Gammon was for oneo w ith o u t an To vassal, tenant, serf, and nit; ordinary combination of circumstances. roonis were open full blast, and as Pete explanation. "The mirrykil must hev Tow er bud tier rod o f rule aside, He at once proposed that l ’ete Sliiversheo round of I kin git away ; hut walk in, glided down the sawdu.it street it needed And Ceremony dotted tlis pride. SUITS I- Injun, an’ git yer supper, an' see the struck him," he mused, “ but Pm darned The heir willi roses fa Ids stioes, —the •■Injun” —lie sell I after the whiskey. all the remembrance ol Hill's fist to keep ef I wouldn't like ter know what it 'That night might village partner cltoose. This proposition did not meet with wimmin,” and Jell' opened the door for him from parting with a portion of the The lord, umlerugaling, share Pete to pass in. w u z.” Tile vulgar game of 'post and pair.’ For Fall and Winter, and see how universal favor. “ Injuns” were not con­ jingling money for an equal amount of Hut if the miracle produced such a The thought of supper was too much All huili d witii uncontrolled delight. our prices look for Lowness. sidered as being entirely responsible per­ good cheer. Hut the Hat had the best of sad effect upon the festivities at Carter’s, And general voice, ttie happy nlglit, W E KNOW sons at C arter’s Camp. To send an for Pete, and ho slunk in after Jeff and it. and he went straight on to the last the joy it caused at Jeff Hunt's cabin Tliut to the cottage, as tile er own, “Injun” to bring hack a quantity of stood in the corner by the door. Tho bar-room. Surely Hill was right. No­ Brought tidings of salvation down!" made mutters even, I think. ------p u r p j y p p p w il l P l e a s e , whiskey was too much like sending a room was hardly an inviting one, and thing blit n miracle could stop him. The glad Christmas sun, glad with tho yet if Pete had been a w hile man somo CHRISTMAS BITS. horse to bring hack a basket of corn. Hut the miracle was performed, and promise of the “ old, old story,” came And the PRICES prove equally as Rut there was little chance for argu­ thoughts of “ homo sweet home” must when Pete least expected it. dancing and sparkling over the trees, Remember the poor on Christmas Day. have passed through his m ind. Hut ho attractive as the styles. ment after a ll Pete was the only man Pete knew better than to go into the and looked down in wonderful tender­ It is not true that Santa Claus w ill not was only a despised “ Injun.” ill camp who could make the distance in front door of tho bar-room. He knew ness upon the humble cabin. Thu first put anything into a stocking in which liuie. for if he could do n o tliiiig else lie A rough hoard table was laid for sup­ how well he and nil his race are protect­ bright beams fell upon the hud where there is a hole. L ist Christm as a society eould run. lie might return with a por­ per at one side of the room. In tho cor­ ed by the governm ent. I t had been de­ little Marie was lying. They showed belle found a darning needle and a hall tion of his load at least. Either they ner little Marie lay with the firelight cided that no one should be allowed to her the rose and the while flower nest­ of yarn in hers. must go without their treat, or trust to falling over her poor thin laee. Pete sell liquor to an "Injun,”—nt least at the ling in tho evergreens. The children That great lover of the Christmas If you’ve Boys to Clothe Pete. must have felt, as he looked at her, like regular bar. If an “ Injun,” however, came and stood in wonder before the season, Charles Dickens, w rote: C h ris t­ The first idea was not to he thought of, some hopeless convict gazing th ro u 'h could so far lose sight o f his personal rude flowers. How wonderful they mas is the only holiday of the year that BRING THEM TO US. and so, at length, the proposal was his prison bars upon some fair saint pass­ dignity as to come sneaking in at the were! Where could they have come brings the whole human family into com­ accepted. in g before him . She seemed to he in hack door, and pay an extra price for from ? mon communion. B ill found Pete curled up by the stove. another w o rld than his; there seemed his liquor, whose business was it? Tho face of tho little girl was more Children of the present generation are He took him out of doors and explained between them a gulf that could not bo Pete knew tho way of bar tenders. patient than before. The eyes seemed not aware, probably, how much hotter the business in hand. Bill prided him­ bridged. Three of tho larger children Ho hail been in the business before, Besides all these we always have a more tender, anil yet not so sad. Per­ they fare at Christmas and on their self somewhat on his ability to “ git work were sobbing in tho corner, while the lie did not go in at tho front door where large, fresh stock of haps tlis glad sun. the same good sun birthdays than their fathers did. And out of Injuns.” As the attempted solu­ rest formed a sorro w ful group about an the higher-bred white men were made that had looked upon that far-away it is a conclusive proof of the growth of tion of this same question has cost our old b o x in which were two or three sim­ welcome, hut slunk down an alley by the tomb from which the stone had rolled, our people on the sentimental side of Government considerable time and ple plants frozen and yellow. Mrs. side of the building, meaning to go in Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, whispered to her as it played about her their natures, that it is so. Forty yoars money, perhaps Hill's thoughts on the Hunt was frying pork over the hot stove. the back way. face, how soon the stone would roll from ago, in this country, it is not likely that subject may lie of some service in shap­ As she looked up at Pete, he noticed that There was no light in the store next Trunks, Bags, Rubber Goods, &c. her life ; how soon she would forget all ono boy out of a score expected to re­ ing our “ Indian policy.” After slating she had been cryin g . the bar-room. It was a milliner's store her care and trouble, and enter the land ceive even one present at Christmas. tersely and forcibly the business on band, J e f f was the very prince of hosts. He and had been closed for some hours, of sunshine and flowers. Il may be that The practice has grown almost universal Kill saiii: “Look here, Injun, et ye made haste to make Pete feel at home. hut in the back room two women were Never before in our history the good old Christmas sun even hunted within the last generation, and the prayer humpyerself betwixt tins an’ town with “ Set by, In ju n . So tho boys is g o in ’ working away anxious to finish a hat, out poor despised Pete, and told him of all is that the custom will not die have we carried a fuller and fresher lliet whiskey, ye kin jiiio in the fun like lor kinder colly brute ter-morrer, he evidently intended (or some village something of its happiness. out. stock in all our lines than this Fall. a white niiin ; hut el ye gits drunk on the they ? ” belle’s C hristm as. Pete stopped in the It is full of way or fools around, I'll lick ye till ye dark alley for a moment to watch them. The festival of the birth of Christ was H u t Pete felt that his mission must not “ C hristm as comes n e x t," remarked an r a li’t see. Now git a goin’. ” A man sat asleep iu a ehair hy the celebrated by different communities of he disclosed. “ W hat m atter is w ith esteemed morning contemporary. Bargains! Bargains!! Bargains'!! The reader should pause for a moment stove, hut the women worked on with the early Christians at various periods of kids?” lie asked. Io change tho subject. Thanks for the information; we wait and con in i n plate the great inducement the year, and it was not until the fourth “ O il, they’re jest u -v e lliii’ about them tireless lingers. The hat was growing with breathless interest the first indica­ century that the present season was held out to Pete to return in safety w ith flowers,” explained Jell'. “ Ye see they more and more brilliant under their tion of the reappearance of tli it mouldy definitely fixed upon. This is said to the whiskey. The “ luju .” that could hev lie u a -tra in iu ’ sumo posies in-doors quick touches. Hy their side stood a platitude Io the effect that it “ comes hut have been the act of J u liu s I , Hope of - THE OLD RELIABLE- not restrain his appetite for the sake ol against ter-morrer, ye know. Tor- basket of artificial flowers and bright once.” Thanks to an untrammelled Rome, A D. 337-352 There can be no becoming intoxicated with a party of morror's Christmas, ye see, and them ribbons. It seemed to Pete that he h <1 press, these abstruse hut s tric tly accurate doubt tlia t tho end o f December does superior white men was certainly past kids they lied an idee they’d hev sum never Indore seen anything so beautiful. observations arc being widely dissemina­ not represent the true anniversary, and all hope lloivei s fer ter dekerato tliet corner where Here were flowers—-why eould he not get ted.— Philadelphia News. there is reason to believe that the cele­ P e t e muttered only “all right.” He ttie little gal is. Little gals, when they some for the little sick girl? ------bration was transferred from the last lo o k the money Hill gave him, and then ain’t well, like set'll things, ye know.” It was a severe struggle for the poor month of the Jswish year, when the slunk away down the road for the forest, Pete nodded. lie was not aware of "Injun,” out there iu the dark alley. CHRISTMAS AT BETHLEMEN. birth was known to have taken place, to as we have seen huu. this love of diminutive females, hut it The thought of tho thrashing ho would receive on one hand, and the sail eye of 'There'» a ions iu the air, there's a slur in tile sky, the last month of the Christian year. 11. would not show very good breeding to T h ere’s a m other's deep prayer, -ind a baby's low 286 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND. H ill felt so confident o f the success of appear ignorant. Mario on the other. What eould lie do? cry, And Itie blur rains its lire wtlile Ihe beautiful sing, bis experiment that lie did not hesitate “ Wall, ye see,” continued Jell', “ they j Hut even an Injun can remember a A green Christmas does not make a kindness. It may have been a miracle, Aud Ibe uiauger al Betheleia cradles u king. fat erematiry.—New Orleans Picayune. to inform the hoys that Pete was “ dead kep the llowers away from the little gal. 1 J. G. JJulluntl. C. F. WOOD & CO., Prop’rs. THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TU ESD A Y, DECEMBER 22, 1886. ft

IN THE NURSERY. of adventurers to pluck out the raisins. SOUTHERN SILHOUETTES. THEY WOULD CELEBRATE. The master of the revels sang a song or carol in which tlie gentlemen to.ik part TO SANTA CLAt’R. “ The q un rter" is at its best, for pres­ nt his command. ents are many and labor lias become nn The difficulty of repressing the joy­ We wish you n Merry Christmas, The requisites for good Ciiristmas fare ous fro lic o f ChHstmns Day even at the Old Hantft CImi* so true! unheeded mendicant, writes George W. If you’ll hung up n stocking, were plenty of good drink, a bright, Calilo in tlie Chicago Current. Come farthest winter outpost of extreme Puri­ We'll dll II full for you. blazing fire in tho hall, brawn, pud­ what may, tliey of “ the quarter” will tanism is shown by Gov. Bradford’s rec­ We’ll put In fond nffeetlon, ding. nnd souse ami mustard w itii all not work in Christmas time. ord of Christinas time in the Massachu­ And kisses by the score, (mustard is your great provoker of a The plantation year ended witii the setts colony, in November, 1621, about Together with devotion. noble th irst.) beef, m utton anil pork, a year after the arrival of tlie Mayflower, W hat eould you nah for m ere. going out of yesterday's sunshine, and shred or minced pies of tlie liest pig, veal, came the little ship Fortune, of fifty live CAROL. hints which have been increasing nnd goose, capon, turkey, cheese, apples and strengthening for weeks nnd months tons, bringing a welcome addition to the Christm is hells, oh, Christmas hells, nuts, with jolly carols. When tlie com­ settlement of thirty-live persons. Brad­ >weet the tale your music telle, culminated in tlie departing light nnd Chiming through the snowy dells— pany tired of g itnes and romping sports, developed into assiduous, persistent, ford sententinusly remarks, “ Most of Mem’ries to eneh child’s heart dear. it gathered about the ruddy fire, and hnd systematic devotion Io the acquisition of them were lusty yongc men. nnd many Sweet the story that you bring, of them wild enough,” and then pro- Of the blessed Infant King! tales of legendary lore, adventures of “ Chrismas gif’s” ; wlietefore the prom­ Loudly ring, while children sing knights and ladies and friars, of strange ises of “ I'll ketch you in de mtiwnin,” e e ee d s: “ And herewith I shall end Carols of their Christinas cheer! apparitions and ghosts, of coaches on have been redeemed. Let the gifts lie this year, only I shall remember one CltlllST.MAR EVE. ' lonely moors driven hy a team of head­ passage more, rather of m irth than o f Blackington. never more numerous, yet all the re­ Take your newest ami your nicest little stoeking— less horses driven by a headless coach­ sources, tli.' genius, the marvellous abili­ yv,aight. One ye day called Christmas- For a holy one to Santa Claus is shocking— man. witii graveyard passengers; of ty of tiie plantation negro for blunt beg­ day. ye Gov’r ealed them out to wnrke And hang it hy the Chimney with great care; (as was used), but ye most of this now- Then you quickly ought to snuggle ’neatli the wonderful potents in nature, stories of g in g o f everything that catches the eye covers, true love wrapped in mystery and end­ or fails to elude tlie imagination are un­ company excused themselves and said it Cold Weather is dose upon us, and While your watchful guardian angel o’er yon hovers, ing in grief, and all sorts of ghostly went against their consciences to worke And listens to your earnest evening prayer. dim inished, and these, w itii a ll the the cooler the day the more one reminiscences, which seemed as real as capacity of the race for defying starva­ on ye (lay. So ye Gov’r tould them tliat thinks of suitable Clothing. There the dancing shadows which the light of tion witii a lazy smile, concentrate if tliey made it matter of conscience, he would spare them till they were better is no need of anybody going cold this CHRISTMAS EEASTINGS. the Yule-log east upon tlie dusty timbers around Ciiristmas week—tlie jubilee ol Winter, while o f the hall. Such tales we read, formed getting and not doing. informed. So he led-awav ye rest, and a principal part of the rural conversa­ The day itself Is mure than merely the left them; hut when they came home at Harper* Magazine for December. tion at all such assemblies as this nootie from their worke, lie found them ending of the year and tlie g ill season to BL U R IV(sTBV In the fifteenth nnd sixteenth centuries at Christmas time. them. It is the one yearly epoch of their in ye streete at piny, ope nly; some pitch­ this whole season was given to revels lives. Let the season bo what it may of ing ye harr. and somo at stoole-hnll and shueli like sports. So lie went to them nnd jollity, in which eating nnd drink­ COLLYER ON CHRISTMAS. all tlie four, tlie one utterance is: “ I ing had a prominent part. In London 'lows to do ilis” or “ I ’lows to go dali— and tooke away their implements, and Is selling Goods so Cheap. in llio fifteenth century tho first duty of nex’ Chrismus.” tould them that was against his con­ tile Lord Mayor and corporation was to When I find myself that sort of a man Then. too, it is astonishing to hear how science that they should play and others ditto, and then go,as soberly ns might be, tliat I cull a liberal Christian, said the many dusky pickaninnies are born on worke. If they made ye keeping of it to ttie church of St. Thomas Aeon, nnd preacher, it w ill he ns easy to me as Ciiristm as. Tlie children o f the races m atter of devotion, let them kepe their lie has an immense stock of sit through the whole service. On other laughter is to little children on Ciiristm as round them make their appearance on houses, but I her should be no gam cing festival days and Sundays they had a morning to summon up in my heart the terra firm a at all seasons. But your lit ­ or reveling in ye streets. Since which habit of skipping out alter the prayers blessings o f peace, to exercise a perfect tle bright-eyed, bow-legged, grinning time nothing liatli been attempted tliat were underway, but on Christmas they good will toward all tho world. When darky ol the plantation is stiro to tell he way, at least openly.” were bound to set an exam ple o f perso- Christmastide comes around every year was “ bawned a Ciiristmas.” verence. Services over, their worships I look hack to a Christinas long ago—so T lie Christm astide is. also, tlie one MAMMA GETS TIRED. ------and------rode on horseback, by torchlight, long ago that it almost seems to have great choice of times for marrying and through tile market of Chcpe nnd hack been another life — when I was casting getting in m arriage. to tlie church, where being in liberal my eyes across the Atlantic in search of Many a “ sliote” lias been cnrefulh “ W hat is in those big brown paper -REEFERS- frame of mind on accouut of tile day a new homo. I could not tell then guarded and thoroughly glutted in prep­ packages that came to-day, mamma?'’ and the good dinner.thcy made a money whether I would Hnd a palace or a poor- aration; many a chicken lias been run "Oh, nothing, child; nothing but— offering to tlie church. Etch man con­ house. I have found a palace; but I down and exchanged at cross-roads store but soap.” Mndc in the latest nnd handsomest tributed the magnificent sum of one can put all the egotism nside and say for calico and heads nnd pinchbeck “ Then why don't you let me see it?” styles, from the very best materials penny to its treasury! This duty done that it is all due to the blessing nnd jewelry. Many a mule, mauled, coaxed, “ I don’t want to open them until and in every color and price. they returned to th e ir own houses and goodness of God and the love of Him spurred and sworn at, has unwillingly wash-day.” made more or less a n ig h t o f it, nfter tlie that I kept in my heart. But I hold it borne liis plough companion to tlie “ But Jane is out o f soap and is going N o MAN OK BOY CAN AFFORD true, as has been said, that according to to tlie grocery to get some?” immemorial manner of good city fathers, neighboring county seat fo ra “ Been,’ ” TO GO OVEKCOATLKSB WHEN GAR­ in private, the custom not having yet the love we show for our fellow beings after rubbing him nearly out of tho crazy “ I forgot. It is not soup in those bundles, but starch.” arisen of manifesting happiness by so strong is the love o f God w ith in us, old saddle-tree against fences, sheds and MENTS A R E SO CHEAP. ’•painting the town red.” nnd I know tliat loving those who love what not, and then trotted the home­ "W hen does Ciiristm as come, m am ­ We read a good deal about the excess me and doing good to those who do good ward way, unurged, through eacli little ma?” of the Ciiristmas dinners. Sir John to mo is no standard to measure my love path that shortens tlie route a fraction. “ Next week.” Reresby in his memoirs makes a peni­ for God by. ‘'Love your enemies.” And then t e wedding! Cupid is there "W ho brings tlie presents?” tential note of a dinner at Tliyrberg in There is tlie great standard, that is the in ehenv, walnut, mahogany and poplar. "Santa Claus.” I have everything in the shape of 1681: “ The End of Huntington, my great principle. Yet it is the one stum On some plantations it is yet ttie cus­ “ How docs lie get in ?” Lord Ellend. and some others dined with bling block tliat I find it hard to get tom to have tlie drama enacted at the “ Comes down tho chimney.” —FALL AND WINTER- me, when we ended tlie year in more over, though I say it 363 times a year.- house of the planter, where the little “ But wc have no chimney in the par­ than nn ordinary debiuch; which God I find it hard not to hate the man that I colored love god is made jo llie r l>y a lor where tlie Ciiristmas tree is to he.” ►R "i1 4* 4* forgive me! it being neither my custom know hates mo. Everything in me re­ copartnership with his cousin from Cau­ "N o , I forg ot; he comes up the heater or intention much to do so." Tlie next volts against it. “ I can’t be better than casus. But that savors too strongly of flue.” CLOTHING year there was at table a “ Mr. Bolton, God,” I say to myself, and when some tile old days : so tlie anticipated evening “ B ut how does he get through tho l i t ­ ►J. 4. 4, -J. .J, .J, tle holes?” an ingenious clergy than, hut too much a one says, “ Toss your heart ovor to God finds nn assembly gathered at "tlie For Men, Youths, Boys, Children. good fellow.” Tlie good fellows liked and all tlie rest w ill follow,” I don’t find qua rter.” “ Do is very sm all, and can squeeze Tliyrberg. During tlie holidays as tlie solution so easy. Perhaps I can’t From the crowd of grinning men and through anywhere.” many as fourscore gentlemen and yeo­ ju s t toss my heart over. simpering women there rises a confused “ Butdolls and carriages nnd drams Sixty-Five CHILDREN’S OVER­ men, with their wives dined daily at the But when Ciiristmas time comes and medley of expressions and phrases and and sleds are not sm all. How does he THESE SUITS hail. I see tlie child in tlie manger, when I words such as would almost craze Yale get them through?” COATS, ages from 4 to 9 years, Christmas was always a democratic see all tlie workings of the divine love, or Harvard. But tliey ubruptly cease; "O h ! please don't bother any m ore; Are made by the leading houses and Fifty CHILDREN’S SUITS, festival. A ll classes m ingled in games I say to myself, surely God can’t love there is a rustle o f skirls a m urm ur of m amm a is tired.” from tlie best goods. I guarantee and merriment, and hospitality was uni­ one man and hale another, and what a voices, and a sliding of stools and rick------them in style, quality and price. It ages from 4 to 11 years, Marked versal. An English gentleman in tlie poor thing m v heart is that I cannot erty chairs on the ill fitting floor, and is no longer necessary for a mother A Dickens Christmas Pudding. Down from One to Two Dollars country ou Christmas day in tlie morn­ mold it alter His. Then I say it is time tho contracting parties halt before the to bother with making Iter boy’s ing had all his tenants and neighbors to make some effort. Tlie divine love dispenser of bliss—the colored preacher clothes, simply to save money. At Less Than Cost, to close at once. enter tlio hall by daybreak. Tlie strong fur man is like tho highest note in the —and the magic ceremony begius. But now tlie plates being changed by Blaekiiigton’s a suit can be obtained, beer was broached, and the blackjacks melody some surpassing singer reaches I t is a tiling ol itself. Its liko is never M iss Belinda, M rs. Cratchit left the room This is an opportunity to buy went plentifully round, witii toast, sug­ when (lie Academy down there shakes heard or seen elsewhere. I t seems to alone, being too nervous to bear witness— perfect in lit and splendidly made, at tlie price tliat used to be paid for Children’s Clothing cheaper than ar, nutm eg and good Cheshire cheese. witii tho thunder of applause. I am a be an ebon Circe who has beguiled to take up the pudding and bring it in. The great sausage (tlie Hackin) must be humbler voice, indeed; but must I nut rhetoric, oratory, sanctity and wisdom Suppose it should not lie done enough 1 cloth alone. ever before in this city, at this boiled at daybreak, and if it failed to be strive, encouraged by that great exam­ with hi.r siren cup and transformed them Suppose it should break in turning it out 1 ready, two young men must take the ple, to reach somo higher note than I into loering imps. Suppose somebody should have got over MOTHERS, season o f the year.' I I 1] ^ maiden (i. e., the cook) by the arm and have ever touched before in the song T lie “ Been” ’ is exam ined and duly tlie wall of tlie back-yard ami stolen it run her round the m arket place t ill she whicli the angels sing of good w ill and authenticated; the necessary initial while they made merry w ith tlie goose— a Bear in mind that you should come New England Clothing House. was ashamed of her laziness. The peace—peace and good w ill throughout queries tire made and met; troth is supposition at which tin: two young here for your boy’s outfit. You maids hud however some privileges of the universe? plighted in ludicrous parody, and the Cratehits became livid . A ll sorts of thereby save time, patience and what retort. In some places in Oxfordshire it If I can’t love the man or woman who queer compound of immense coat, aspir­ horrors were supposed. in hard times is of greater import­ was tlie custom for the maid-servant to lias done me deadly in ju ry, let me nt ing trousers, (lowing cravat, a wonder­ Hallo 1 A great deal o f steam. Tlie ance—money. to ask tlie man for ivy to dress the house, least lie sure I do not hate them. Lei ful array of shining teeth, and tremen­ pudding was out ot tlie copper. A smell and if tho man refused or neglected to me keep in view ihe possibility that I dous phraseology, announces in solemn like a washing d a j. That was the cloth. feteli the ivy the maid stolo a pair of his may some day love them ; let me lie " E f any man have 'jes cause fo' why dis A smell like an eating-house and a pastry breeches ami nailed them up to tlie sure that I w ill help them if they need liycii man an’ dis liycli ’ooman shall not cook’s next door to each other, witii a gate in the garden or highway. it. This universal demand for love and he done made husbati’ an’ tvaife, I dis- laundress next door to tliat. T lia t was THE LARGEST LINE OF During the festival days the tables peace is not o f Tha nksgiving but of cliawges him dat lie do now speak o ’else tlie pudding. In half a minute Mrs. were perpetually spread, the sirloin ot Ciiristmas. Onr Thanksgiving is found­ forelibah hyehaftali behol’ liis pence.” Cratchit entered. Hushed, but smiling beet, tiie mineed-pie, the plum-porridge, ed on Plym outh Rock, hut Christmas So the deed is done. Grotesque and proudly, w itii tlie pudding like a speckled were all brought upon the board at once, stands on the Rock of Ages. When 1 absurd perhaps to some, yet none the less cannon ball, so hard and firm, blazing in and every one ate heartily and was wel­ bless the children o f friends, even as fu ll w ith keen enjoym ent and ad m ira ­ halt a quartern of ignited brandy, and come, so tliat tlie proverb originated of though they may be a thousand miles tion to these ns the feast and dance that liediglit with Christinas holly stuck into EVER IN ROCKLAND. “Tis merry in hall when beards wag away, they shine out to me like stars. I follow . tlie top. all.” Tlie gentlemen went to early ser­ get more than I give, and the best giv­ Tims the glad Ciiristmas comes nnd is "Oh, a wonderful pudding!" vice in the church, and returned to ing is when I expect no return. I used spent. I have laid in a mammoth stock breakfast on brawn and mustard and long ago to know a house-mother who of Fall amt W: .ter Underwear in all malmsey. Brawn was a disli of great always did her housecleaning just before ON THE ANXIOUS SEAT. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS. grades anil prices. I can give you a antiquity. It was made from tile flesh Christm as. She didn’t care lo r the rest perfect tit and satisfy you every time of large boars which lived in a half-wild o f the year, hut all should be clean and N. T. Journal. I t is the coal hole cover that brings on price. slate, and when put to fatten were bright for Christmas. Her custom may “ Mamma, how big is Santa Claus?" down tlie Christmas slippers.— N . Y. D on't buy N ew U nderwear strapped and belted tight arouml the serve me as a parable. 1 say to vou tlia t "0 , about as big as papa.” Journal. you should brighten tlie windows of carcass, in order to make tho flesh be­ “ But papa is a i i i g man, isn’t he?” Chicago ladies work no morn Ciirist­ TILL YOU HAVE INSPECTED THIS BIG come thick and brawny. It came to your soul at this holy time so tliat love " Y ’es. m y dear.” mas slippers. Life is too short and the STOCK. market in rolls two feet long by ten and grace may he seen shining out “ And our chimney is pretty small?" feet tliey know are too big. inches in diameter, packed in wicker through them. You should make your Not space enough in this column “ Yes.” “ Ciiristm as tim e w ill soon slipper baskets. At dinner tho first course heart clean and pure, just as she did tier “ Could papa crawl down tlie chimney round again,” as the young man observed to enumerate all my line stock. It served was the boar’s head, on a silver hearth, and welcome to it ,.11 mankind, if lie had a big pack full of toys on liis as lie looked at tlie well-worn pair lie includes platter, adorned with bays nnd rose­ us she did sirgers who came to sing tlie hack ?” received a year ago.— Marathon Inde­ mary, carried into the hall witii much carols on Christmas morning, while the “ I don’t think lie ever tried it, darl­ fire lit up the whole place with its warm pendent. state, preceded by tlie Master of Revels, in g '’ and followed by the chorister and min­ and genial glow. Tile most appropriate gifts to the male strels singing and playing compositions “ Well, I don't see how Santa Claus sex on Ciiristmas are slippers and dress­ in its honor. A stanza of a common can get through that stove pipe, any ing-gowns, and why they are never Rubber Goods, CHRISTMAS IN CANADA. how .” carol sung was this: presented to anybody is one o f the “ Don’t you believe in Santa Claus mysteries.— Detroit Free Press. “Then sett duwue the swlneyurd, dear?" Thu foe to the viueyurd, Christmas and New Year’s day are the The Sultan o f Morocco has 1,000 wives, G lo v e s , Lett Bacchus crowne his falle; culmination, though not the end, of Ca­ “ Mamma,” earnestly replied the little and on Ciiristmas morning he will re­ Let the boure’s head utul mu-turd nadian winter lile. Even the beggars girl, “ I ’d believe in anything if 1 was ceive enough pairs of slippers, amoking- Stand for piggs, goose* and custard, sure mv stockings would lie filled with T ie s , And so you are welcome all." are then most active and joyous in tliis eaps and pen-wipers to start a lirstcluss charitable community. The housewives nice things.” church fair.— Norristown Herald. Another dish,common iuSliakespearc’s are busy for somo days cooking meats -—----- «♦,------Collars, Shirts, day, which added at least to the shew of und pastry ami decorating th e ir houses, The season approaches when the lazy Young ladies who are contemplating matrimony during the Christmas festival tlie feast, was the “ stately pye,” that is, and secluded Canada jems the rust of idiot who writes Xmas for Christmas And in short everything that a well a peacock or pheasant pie. In the days the w orld lor ouee in this season of re­ will he in full bloom.— Chicago News. should make sure that tliey can com­ appointed Furnishing Goods House o f chivalry tlie knights took their vows fortably supporta husband before taking joicing. On Christmas Eve, however, The man who lost alibis money in ought to carry. at a solemn feast, on presentation o f a tiie houses are so dark aud s till tlia t you on themselves the life-long responsibility. roasted peacock in a golden dish. This election hets, yet s till possesses a g irl, — Chicago Sun. wonder if the festival has been forgotten. severul relatives and numerous creditors, custom was kept up at Christmas by the Fir trees are the favorites witii the Iu the convents the children arc dream­ all looking confidently forward to a bringing in on the must magnificent ladies for Christmas trees—fur trees ing ol Bethlehem and tlie worship of tlie Christm as or New Year’s g ift, is tru ly dish tlie house eould afford, of a peacock tlia t bear sealskin saeques.— Boston B u ll­ shepherds. They beam ellorusof angels in a pitalile condition. The surplus in iu a pie, preserving as m uch as possible etin. chanting as tliey come near and nearer; the National Treasury might be char­ | ikathkr J ackets, tlie form of t h e bird, with t iie head ele­ celestial light fills tlie world; when, sud­ Tiie country parson now looks for­ vated above ttie erust, ttie beak richly itably used in relieving cases o f such denly opening their eyes, lim y find tlie ext rem ity . — l,uwell Cilizen, ward to Christmas and wishes that some gilt and tlie beautiful tail spread out to uuiis lighting the lamps, and tlie choir one would present liirn witii a pair of The only thing tliat perfectly excludes its full extent. Il was from this superb in tiie dormitory, chanting a Christmas A Norwegian custom on Ciiristmas leather boots to kind of offset tlie dead wind aud cold. A full line. Those disli tliat the oath came, “ by cock and enrol to awaken them for m idnight mass. Day is to put out from the windows of loads of worked worsted slippers lie is who drive or hunt take special notice. pye, sir.” At tiie supper two servants All over the parish, throughout Canuda, tlie houses a pole upon which a sheaf of sure to receive— Lowell Citizen. Cull and examine. attended hearing air toruhes of wax ami indeed in every Catholic country, wheat or some other grain is hound, as next before the musieians and the trum ­ “ Heloise”—A good way to get tlie people are issuing now Irom their as an offering to tbs winter birds. The Abelard’s measure for tlie Christmas peters, aud they stood above the fire (tlie nearest we come to such a custom in palaces or their cabins into the night, slippers is to tell him tliat you have lire of sea coal being originally in the this country is to set out—or "set up” — and wending their way to the temples. made a bet witii tiie hateful tiling next middle of tiie room) with the musicians a little “ old rye” for the gay old birds of Thu bulls peal out at midnight, tlie door tliat lie lias tile smallest leel in tlie till the first course was served, when arched windows glow, und scon tlie en­ w inter.— Norristown Herald. they retired, witii the music, to the hut- ward. Another great gohetuc is to tire parish is seen kneeling under the — — — ------anchor tlie dog in tlie path from tin- front try. Alter supper, as well as before,there great dome. THOSE JOYOUS BELLS. were revels and dancing during tile gate and make Abe walk across the lawn iu the snow. Then iu the uiorning you twelve days of Christmas, and games in 1 beard the bulla on Cliriataiau Ituy which a ll classes jo in e d . One o f the Now that the holidays ure approach­ Their old fuiailiur curolo play, can go out and rope in the lioof-pl inis CLOTHIER, favorite games was known as snapdrag­ ing we wish to say that we shall return And wild aud awuul witii a clothes-line, mid construct tlie all presents sent to us except subscript­ The worda repeal goloshes out doors if you wish.— Buffalo on. Brandy was set on fire aud raisins Of peuee on earth, good will to men. 215 Main St., Rockland. thtowu into it. The diversion consisted ions. This is decided.—Lowell Citizen. loHp/tfZuis. Express. fi THE ROCKLAND COURIER-G AZETTE: TU E SD A Y , DECEMBER 22, 1885.

WARREN. VINALHAVEN. WEST CAMDEN. CORRESPONDENCE. There was no writing school last Tnesday P. J. Durgnn, selectman of Harpswcll, was The most important a* well ns the most evening. in town last week on business. pleasant event of the week in onr quiet com­ munity was the wedding of Rockland Jones " SATURDAY, NOV. 28th, THOMASTON. M. A Spear left to join a vessel In Boston George Donald and W. G. Murray left here Thursday last for Graniteville, Mo. of Union and Miss Oracle L. St. Clair of Caleb L. O llehrht 1« at home. Monday. Camden. The ceremony was performed on Christmas promises to be duly observed at E. C. Crabtree, esq., of North Haven, lias Wedttvailay evening, Dee. IB, at the residence Oliver P. Watt*. Bowdoin College, is at been Spending a few day with relatives in town. home* this place. of the bride’s father, by Rev. F. V. Norcross Miss Alida Mehan is At home from Sand­ Adelbcrt Watton who lias been in the west Joseph Black is working a small crew of of Union. The bride looked very lovely in wich, Mass. is now at home. paving cutters In the quarry near the livery garnet satin, and tbe groom in dark brown. stable. The guests were the relatives of the bridal THE COMBINED STOCKS! W. II. Andrews of Boston, is at the house of A masked carnival on sknt?s will be held nt the rink on Friday night. A little son of Mrs. It. M. Roberts fell one pair, and made up a very pleasant company of Wm. Andrews. the old, tlie middle aged, and children. Rice A Hutchins recently ric.Mvcd n carload day last week and broke Ills arm. He is doing ------OF------Edward Ellis O’Britn has purchased a nice nicely now. Among the numerous presents we noticed a old comfort sleigh. of bather from New York. nice chamber set, commode set, toilet set, Mellnurn Spear left Monday to go ns mate Our stores have put on their Christmas dress, silver spoons, china set, colored glass, large oil James Gillclirest, Given street, is at home on on a trip to South America. but money is scarce, and we shall have to con­ painting, gold bracelets, etc. Refreshments account of illness. tent ourselves looking on. Our different traders offer many suitable were served after the ceremony, and the happy The public schools commence tlic first Mon­ presents for Christmas gifts. 'There was a select party In Granite Hall pair received many and warm congratulations day in January. Friday evening, gotten up by the Indies, and it and good wishes from all present. E. S. Hodgman returned from Exeter Friday was a success as all such times are. One feat­ William II. Hatch is in Augusta, returning night, on bis winter’s vacation. SIMONTON BBOS. home to-morrow. ure of the occasion was that each gentleman LINCOLNVILLE. George Mallett received friends nt the dedica­ was present with ft necktie anil he had to select The band is holding meetings for practice. Capt. Obcd Andrews of schooner Grace An­ tion ol his new house on Saturday evening last. for h partner to supper a lady having an apron ------AND ------drews Is nt home. F. B. Danton, our retired postmaster, Is at A. E. Castner made a living visit to Boston made from the same material. One voting home. W alter Cnrrier is nt the house of his mother, to see how the egg market looked for the win­ chap tried hard to swap with a married man ••Brooklyn Heights.” ter. who was lucky enough to get a fine-looking Frank Parker of Whitinsville, Mass., Is nt young lady, but the Indy wouldn’t swap worth borne on a short visit. At Geo. I. Robinson's is offered a fine line of Rev. Mr. Barrows and wife will receive their goods for the holidays. a cent, and the young man had to content him­ Mrs. Wm. Farrar injured one of her legs friends Tuesday evening next at a donation self with a handsome lady whose avoirdupois Mrs. Mary A. Thorndike of Rockland is at party. quite badly by falling. slightly exceeded Ins own. Altogether it was Mrs. Alexander of Belfast is expected to give the house of Mrs. Abbie Currier on a visit. Payson Bros, have moved into their new s very successful affair. The One Price Store, High mass will he celebrated at St. James cooper shop ami are now manufacturing casks a reading at the Center soon. church Friday morning at 9 o’clock. 'The for the Rockland market. SOUTH WARREN. Central Lodge of Good Templars is in a very church will be decorated for the occasion. prosperous condition, having lately purchased There will be a Christmas-tree nt the Con­ Mrs. John II. Councc is quite sick at her an organ. W ill be displayed at Our Store, 2 4 5 St. John Baptist Church (Episcopal) is being gregational church Thursday evening for the home nt the South-end. beautifully decorated for Christmas, and ser­ benefit of its Sabbath school. Bennett. Bros, are holding two dancing Sportsmen arc bagging lots of rabbits. Geo. schools in town, one at the Beach and one at vices appropriate to the day will be held at this Rev. Mr. Barrows preached at the Baptist E. Councc shot six in one afternoon recently. Main Street, Rockland. church. the Center. chinch, Thomaston Sunday afternoon, deliver­ A. (). Spear, our seiiool teacher, was taken C. C. Morton, whose advertisement appears ing a most excellent discourse. Sanford Assembly, K. of L., Is in very suddenly III Friday morning and was obliged good condition, and is steadily increasing its in our columns this week, oilers an excellent Saturday was the first time we have had a to dismiss the school. and well selected stock for the holidays. Do chance to use the sleighs, the stages being on membership. not fall to give him a call. There Is to be a Christmas-tree nt the hall, A. H. Miller recently killed a pig which runners for the first time this season. Christmas Eve. Families are invited to assist The Grand Amrv boys appear to be recog­ Warren’s first game of polo was played at weighed 392 pounds, it being seven months nized by the post-office department, both here in making it a success. and one week old. Glover Hall, SaturJay evening, by the Cres­ Now that the Rockland depot question is and in Rockland. Messrs Carr and Mr. Hur­ cents and W. G. R’s.*, the former winning. 'The S. 8. committee has been putting ley arc members of the order. settled we would respectfully invite the man­ A paper is circulating in the western part of Rawb’s Normal readers into the schools in agement of the of the K. A L. to turn their at­ place of Appleton’s which have been in use for The. Sunday school of the Baptist church the town for a singing school to be held in tention toward the accommodation of patrons will have a Christmas-tree at their church on some time past. Thc:o I n First-Cla:: MijumH Stocks Sterling district with L. A. Kalloeli as teacher. of the road in this vicinity. What we need is Friday evening, accompanied with pleasing ex­ J. W. Farrnr of Washington will soon erect some kind of shelter over the platform at this ATLANTIC. ercises by tlie Sabbath school children. a building near the station for the purpose of station. On Thursday (Christmas eve) there will be storing corn. He received bis first car-load The church people arc hiving sonic very Will tax to its greatest capacity, even our large establishment, exercises by the Sunday school scholars at the last week. SOUTH THOMASTON. good meetings of late. old church on the hill at Mill River. They Oil! bow we long fora good old fashioned W. Frank Butler and wife spent the Sob- Capt. A. J. Gott has brought Ills boat Kit and we have therefore decided that the same must he reduced will have a Christmas-tree under the direction (’arson here for H. B. Joyce to repair. of E. 0 . Burgess, superintendent of the school. sleigh ride with the ribbons in our bands, and bath with F. J. Dow and family. in the most rapid manner, and to accomplish this end we shall a gal by our side, but there we don’t want it Fred Clark and family from Waldoboro are Mr. and Mrs. A. Barbour have returned The ofllccrs cleet of P. Henry Tillson Post, quite so cool as it has been some days of late. spending the holidays with Mrs. Drake. borne from a visit to friends at Deer Isle. present to our customers an arary of bargains which we know G. A. It., will be installed in Union Hail, Saturday evening, January 2d, by Junior Vice A Christmas service will be held at the Considering the stormy evening the Metho­ 'The school In district No. 2 is underw ay will be unexcelled. We shall have additional help so that Department Commander J. O. Johnson of Cong’l church next Sunday morning by the dists diil very well with their fair and levee. mid is being taught by Richard Perkins. Liberty. The public are invited to attend Sunday school, in place ol the usual service, While Cleveland Sleeper was cutting wood Capt. E. M. Staples’ health is somewhat im­ everybody will be promptly served, but would ask our friends without special notice. and in the evening there will be a Sunday in the woods, his nx slipped and cut oil' one of proved so that lie gets to meeting quite often. to call in the morning when convenient, so as to avoid the af­ Our general coadjutor, the able and ellicicnt school concert. All arc invited. his toes. Sen. Comet is having her sails taken off and Camden correspondent ot Tin: Cot k ie h -Ga- Mills A Williams, successors to J. Eastman, Schools in Grade district commence the first ballast taken out preparatory to going into ternoon rush, which must certainly attend this Great Sale. z e t t e , made us a pleasant call last evening. received a car-load of corn last week. E. Smith Monday in January under the same efficient winter quarters. He is visiting various parts of the state, and ais disclaimed a car-load Monday. 'The corps of instructors that officiated last term. Mrs. Mary Soule lias returned borne from Most of our goods are very appropriate for Holiday Gifts, and working up matters of public interest. Bro. present price of corn is favorable to the far­ Joseph Ames and Asa Coombs have been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Staples, who economical purchasers '-/ill appreciate this rare opportunity to Haynes wields a facile atul vigorous pen. Long mer’, new corn being sold for 57 1-2 cents from has been quite sick, but is slowly recovering. may he wave. confined to the house over two weeks with the ear. colds. We are in hopes to see them out soon. Ilog killing time among the Joyces of this make selections of desirable goods at STOCK TAKING Thomas A. Carr has been appointed post­ The water of the lakes has nt last frozen over Fred Hinckley spent a few days among his place lately. O. L. Joyce dressed* a nice one master in Thomaston in place o f Henry A. and David, the venerable angler, is trying to last Friday. Tlie same day Janies Joyce PRICES. It would be impossible in this advertisment to Willis whose term has expired. The appoint­ friends here last week...... Miss Helen Sweet- fool the fish. 11c recently came very near land has returned from her visit in B oston.... killed one that dressed over 500 pounds. L. give an adequate idea of the wonderful bargains that we shall ment of Mr. Carr gives universal satisfaction, c atching a monster pickerel. The fish was en­ B. Joyce killed a spring pig Monday that and lie evidently will make an efficient oflicer. Chas. Sleeper and Samuel Hall have gone to deavoring to swallow another of the same Boston to spend a few days with relatives. dressed over 300. offer during this COMBINED STOCK. SALE, but the fol­ It is but Justice to Mr. Willis to state that be kind, which bad been booked, and before be has made an obliging and faithful oflicer, and could give up bis prey was nearly landed on PORT CLYDE. S W A N ’S IS L A N D . lowing quotations will be found very interesting reading for he retires witli the kind wishes of bis fellow the ice. 'The smaller pickerel' which was The wrecking crew are still at work on the Sam Stinson has moved into his new cot­ citizens for bis prosperity in whatever business scooped, weighed about one pound. 'This is not tage. those who are about to buy he may engage. a fish story. schooner T. II. Livingstone. More vessels passed Marshall’s Point Sunday Charles Herrick has lately gone to keeping The members of the Congrcgationalist Sab­ house in a part of his father’s house. bath School have prepared an exercise which Quite an interest is being taken nt the present than for any one day in a long time. time in the Sunday school of this place, some Large numbers of our citizens were out of Capt. Hanson Joyce of Portland made a fly­ will be given in the audience room of the church 200 pupils attending both schools, and increas­ on Friday evening at 7 o’clock. The following town last week, went courting some said. ing visit to this place Saturday of last week. ing in numbers every week. Men sixty years Chas. Kent, Jr., is dangerously ill with is the program : old, who never attended before, are interesting Village school commenced Monday. Mr. Organ Voluntary. Lovejoy of New Sharon is teacher. lie comes typhoyd fever. He is attended by Dr. Spear of themselves in explaining the words of Him Buss Harbor. Dry Goods s Carpets Chorus-Joyful Day. who spake as never man did. May they all well recommended anil we shall look for a Responsive Reading-The Christ. successful term. Sells. Solitaire, Chas. Kelley and Lucy J. Prayer. get wisdom. S ell. Pushaw of Tenant’s Harbor dragged Warren sailed from here one day last week fur Response— Choir Some ten years ago there was dug up nt Kecltution—What a Christmas Can,I Did, her anchor, and went ashore on the beach near Eastport after frozen herring. Miss Lena Ilanly Fort Frederick, Peiitnquitl, an old axe by a Bennetts wharf Sunday, where she lays high The Good Templars, started with ten charter Anthem—There Were Shepherds Keeping Watch. man by the name of Hilton, who sold it with and dry at low water. members, now numbers seventy or more, and Exercise by Infant Class. old iron to a Mr. White of Waldoboro who, many have sent their names in for initiation. Chorus—We .loin in Holy Concert. seeing it was of some nntiquity, inquired where Joseph Hall has Ids new building all com­ I Lot ALL WOOL DRESS Responsive Reading—The Promised Child. it came from, and Mr. Hilton gave him its pleted. It is 39x70 feet, 20 feet posts, built on Seh. Geo. F. Keen arrived Tuesday night VERY IMPORTANT! Chorus—Merry Sleigh Bells. history. The Maine Historical Society learn­ the bill near bis residence. In the lower story with her freight and passengers for this place; G O Q D S, 10 to 44 in. wide, in Recitation—Bachelor Brown, Miss Pauline Carney ing of its whereabouts endeavored to obtain it, are two bowling alleys running the whole also the same night seh. Eagle with freight for solid desirable colors, and worth Chorus—Prince of Peace. but Mr. White refused to let it go. A short length. 'Then there is a store 12x35, a dining parties at Atlantic. AIR. ASHER of New York was in town last Responsive Reading— I lie Heavenly Song. ball 15x30, with a hall overall, finished in the 75c to 81.00; we shall otter at the Chorus—Through the Night Watch. time since, through the kindness of ids son Several of the young men of this place have Friday, coming direct, from tbe Manhattan Cloak A ddress— Rev. J. W. Strout Ephraim and .John Weston, it lias been placed best manner with a nice liaril wood floor, ami formed themselves into a shooting ebib. Mon­ uniform price of 5 8 c —This will & t-uit Co., with special lines of DESIRABLE Holy Night, Choir in Wethcrbec’s relic room, where it probably furnisheu in good style,well lighted, good dock, day of hist week they had a match which re­ be one of our Greatest Attractions. C LO AK S, which they wi&lieil to close out. at Recitation—Christmas Night at the Quartern, and a line new organ, making the best 'hall in about ONE-HALF THE FORMER PRICE. will remain. sulted in the defeated giving the winners a We bought largely of Miss Mattie E. Itaudall this part of the county. Christinas evening splendid supper to which they with their ladies Chorus—The Happy Day lias Come. WEST APPLETON. there will be a grand dedication ball. H ym n— Congregation did ample justice. l Lot PLAIN. CHECK and Benediction. Grafton Sukefortb, an aged and respected FRIENDSHIP. BROCADE SILKS at about Ladies’ & M isses’ CAMDEN. citizen, died at Llewellyn Robbins’,the 12th mst. Mr. Sukefortb leaves quite a large property to L. Wallace has moved into Janies Watson’s one-half their real value, to wit: The Rockport Ice Co. shipped a cargo of ice his relatives. He leaves no children. house. 3 3 C en ts. CLOAKS to Clearwater, Fla., last week. Ambrose Mnddoeks met with a painful acci­ The band will give a concert in Geyer’s Hall The Knights of Labor arc increasing their dent Saturday while working in the blacksmith on Christinas eve. Refreshments will be And shall otter them at tbe same membership very fast in tins vicinity. shop of Chester S. Pease. The gas from the served. HEADQUARTERS 1 Lot of C L O A K IN G S in lengths Carleton, Norwood A Co. sent a cargo of line wet coal he was using entered the bellows Dr. Parsons met with a smash-up while at of 1 to 3 1-2 yds., many of them their excellent lime to parties in Charleston, S. and taking tire an explosion occurred. A Cushing last week, breaking his wagon and ------FOR ------very desirable at 82 to S3—We Fearful Reduction ! C., recently. missile of some sort struck Mnddoeks on the cutting his horse. Ilis medicine chest suffered At which they were bought. Capt. Frank Shepherd reports that repairs under jaw knocking him insensible, cutting a compounil fracture. shall sell at the uniform price of are progressing favorably on his I,ark John bis face badly, lie was immediately taken The boys are in earnest for a dancing school. $1 .2 5 per yd—This is a Most EXTRA LONG PLUSH CLOAKS $25, Bcalzcy at Bath. before Dr. Tribou of Washington, the gash Fifteen have already signed, and many more was sewed up and be is now doing nicely. Wonderful Bargain. Much credit Is due the M. E. society for the are ready to go when the time conics. Geyer’s H O L ID A Y formerly $37. interesting course of lectures they are giving SOUTH UNION. llall will soon be pat in order and the school our oitizens this winter. will commence by New Year’s. 1 Lot Ladies’ and Misses’ ALL PLUSH NEWMARKETS $40, former­ William Brown lost a valuable cow last Capt. Stephen E. Poland is at home for a Capt. II. J. Hemingway of bark Antioch, week. W O O L H O S E at 2 5c, worth ly $60. from Hong Kong, arrived in Boston recently. few days after a long absence, leaving bis 37 l-2c. Capt. II. is an old Camden resident. Capt. Charles Harding is at home and will vessel at Philadelphia... .Miss Sadie Simmons BEAVER & BOUCLE NEWMARKETS stop for a lew mouths. lias leturned from Boston, where she has been G-O-O-D-S ! Rev. A. II. Tyler gave one of his interesting MARKED DOWN! 'There will be an entertainment at the seliooi- spending the summer... .Miss Manne Holden lectures in the Cong’l church Sunday even­ of Portland is making u short visit at her I Lot Ladies’ CASHMERE ing. His subject was “ Belshazzar’s Dream.” liouse, Cliristmas eve, music, reading, Christ­ RUSSIAN CIRCULARS MARKED mas-tree, etc., and refreshments. Admission, father’s. IN THOMASTON, G L O V E S at 3 5 c, woith o()c. The ladies of the M. E. society were well 'The principal topic of diseiission during the pleased with the attendance at their fair and HI cents, children under twelve years 5 cents. DOWN! Ail are cordially invited. past month has been concerning the ancient ------IS A T ------supper, Wednesday evening. ’Twits a success graveyard on Friendship river at East Friend­ We have the Finest Assortment of MISSES' CLOAKS MARKED DOWN! financially and socially. TENANT’S HARBOR. ship, and owned by John Geyer. At the last KID GLOVES to be found in Miss Emma Batchelder lias just finished a Mareli meeting Mr. Geyer requested the town Rockland, and we call especial at­ — cai.l at— very handsome piano cover embroidered in Geo. W. Rawley has purchased the Robert Jones bouse of George W. Gilehrest. George to fence it and a vote was passed to that effect tention to our 5-Button Scalloped- arrascnc. The designs are sumueli, golden rod, is a good band for a trade. and the job given to tbe lowest bidder. 'The thistles and and snow balls. ’Tis a fence was built at an expense of $35, and Mr. C. C. M orton’s, Wrist Kid Gloves at $1.25, sold SIMONTON BROS’ Capt. Alfred Thompson has traded his real very beautiful and elaborate piece of needle Geyer tore it down claiming that it enclosed everywhere for 81.40. work. estate and livery stock with Geo. W. Gilehrest more of bis laud than was necessary. A spec­ Where will be found a nice line of Mrs. Granville E. Carleton lias a fine oil of Rockland for sell. Cephas Starrett. (’apt. ial town meeting was called Dee 12 and alter painting on exhibition in the window of Fred Thompson intends following the sea again. the usual amount of confusion it was finally Lewis’ store. The subject is “ Bacchus, the The Mutual Benefit Society are to hold a voted that Mr. Geyer and the selectmen should God of Wine.” The conception, the perfect levee in Puller’s Hall on Christmas eve. go to Rockland and each tell their story to blending of colors show rare artistic skill and Judging from the preparations we pronounce it (’. E. Littlefield, esq., and settle it according to Dry and Fancy Goods, exquisite taste, characteristic of the artist. to be the biggest time of the season. An en­ his decision in the m atter; it against the town We understand the walls of the rooms of the tertainment will be given during the evening it was to drop the matter, anil if against Mr. 10 Yds. Good Print for 35c. line mansion arc adorned witli rare oil paint­ which will be first-class in every particular. Geyer he was to replace the fence as good as ings of her own handiwork. Now let the citizens of the villages give them before. Accordingly the selectmen and Mr. 5 Yds. All Linen Crash for 25c. 13LAN LETS a crowded bouse. Frank E. Russell and wife are in Camden, Geyer went to Rockland, Tuesday, and being I Yds. Cotton Flannel for 25c. at the home of Mr. It. during the holidays.... unable to consult with Mr. Littlefield, who Owing to the warm weather that Capt. Harry Buker of Chicago is visaing NORTH HAVEN. was busy in Court, laid tbe ease before Mr. has prevailed during the Eall Months, Pierce who sent them his decision Friday. All making suitable Holiday Prisents—We have 3 Yds. Extra Heavy Pant Cloth 81.10 friends here... .Capt. ( ’. W. Tuttle, who lias The smelters are doing belter. also added u nice line of we have been enabled to secure some run the steamer Bon Ton between Bangor and Notwithstanding the slush and snow a large I Yds. Fine All Wool Flannel 81.00. Brewer for two years, lias gone on a visit to bis Capt. John Carlett had a stroke of paralysis crowd from every part of the town assembled very desirable bargains in this dept. borne in K ansas... .Miss Mae L. Allen is at Thursday. to bear the decision and after accenting the action of the selectmen in consulting Mr. PLUSH BOXES, 10 Yds. Indigo Prints 00c, home during the Christmas vacation of Welles­ Capt. Aaron Smith has gone after herring in Colored Blankets as low as 30c each, ley College. ..Fred I.. Payson, our former High seh. Amy Wixon. Pierce rather than Mr. Littlefield, voted to Best Feather Ticking 12 l-2cyd. School teacher,is in town. ...The Misses Porter, have the decision opened and read. All lis­ or 00b a pair. Serenades are the order of the day here at tened with breathless suspense, when the clerk ODOR CASES, of Boston, daughters of Hon. W. R. Porter present. 'Two of our young couples were Best Brussels Carpets 81.15 yd. who have been here all summer with their aunt read Mr. Pierce’s letter saying in ell’eet that serenaded Wednesday night in Mullin’s llall. he had been very busy during the past week, Oiir great ‘•drive” is two cases of Mrs. Buchanan, leturned Imine last Monday. BROOM HOLDERS, Good Tapestry l!0c yd. . .. .Mrs. Cli.is. II. Ames, who lias been visit­ OWL’S HEAD. and since the matter was of so complex a nattiie had been unable to give it ample con­ White Blankets, worth 82.25 pair, ing in Montpelier, Vt., lias returned home...... Carpet Sweepers 81-00. that owing to a slight imperfection Miss Georgia Haskell is going to Auburn, Me., Our folks are going to have a Christum* sideration ami would attend to it tlie first of FANCY STATIONERY, for the w inter.... M iss dl innie R. Haynes h it tree, readings, line singing and a good time. tbe week. The town voted to adjourn till next Best Extra Super Carpets 05 to 75c. which does not injure them in tlie .Monday by boat for Franklin, M ass.. . .( ’apt., Arrived Sunday sehs. Elbridge Gerry, Perry ; Saturday. least, we shall oiler nt tlie ridicu­ Ered W. Staekpole of Washington, Kansas, from New York; Ira W ight, Arey, from Bos­ WASHINGTON. SHOPPING BAGS, Cotton Chain Carpets 25c. made bis friends here a brief visit last week ton; Uume, Post, from Boston. lously low price of $ 1 .5 0 —-Not ....L evi Oliver, shipbuilder, Bath, was in town George II. Brown has abandoned the nur­ more than two pair to any one If our Owl’s Head friends want to know PORTMONNAIES. Oil Cloths 25c. last week. what they are going to have for a Christmas sery business for the winter, and is now at customer. Ail our higher grades present just look in the Timber lliii teacher’s home. W Express Charges Paid Io any part of ROCKPORT. New England, on Carpets bought at our at equal value. trunk. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Nevens of Seursmout PERFUMERY, S tore. A horse belonging to Prank Churchill broke Beecher Putnam of Houlton, the teacher ol' were in town Sunday. . . . Miss Glenora Vannah its leg last week. the Timber 11 ill school, is boarding at Capt. of New Orleans is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T h e K. o f L. will bold a levee ami dance k n«»tt ( . i . i n - r y H e i' proving bhnself to Augustus Law....Mrs. Morrill Roseisquite CHRISTMAS CARDS, here Friday night. be un able instructor. ill. Our “COMBINED STOCK” of E. A. Morrill ami "ife have gone to Boston Bornemau Post, G. A. R., which has held its to spend Christmas. NORTH UNION. meetings at North Waldoboro, now bold them DOLLS, S 1-11 14 T S loituiglitly at Law’s Hall. Comrado T. S. TABLINGS. L. M. Paul is teaching writing schools on Miss Thella Bow ley gave a party to her Give uh a daisy aswortment, and en­ Vinalhaven an I Hurricane. school-mate* one night last week. Bowden is commander and Its meetings are well attended. BASKETS, nusioii. 'The object. Mont villc closed on the llth iu st. The scholars more, W. A. S .; 11. G. Mi t ’unlv, W. C hap.; '•vEuglish versus Amiricuu Characteristics," not absent more (ban one half day were, Graeie L. A. Law, W . See.; J. M. Light, W. T reas.; was interestingly and intelligently handled. A. Gxton, Eliza TL Liudsev, Annie Toliuan, A. Wentworth, W. G. K-; Mrs. Lucy Went­ The conclusion "as that whil • we might Maynard S. Gxtou, Daniel D. shea, (’. Elmer worth, P .; Mrs. Nettie Robinson, I-.; Mrs. profitably Karn many lessons of them, tiny Lindsey ; one day only. Annie 1. Gxtou. 'The Eunice A. law, (.’. ; Mrs. Mary Mitchell,!..


fflitrine Ebparlmnit. SUPREME JUDICIAL. James McLaughlin, indicted as a common i^hn, ! seller and also for maintaining and keeping a DON’T FAIL TO CALL The Wise Men Wind Up Business drinking-house and tippling-shop, was lined Sch. Jumps Boyce, Jr., Capt. A. A. D and Go Home to Their Family has arrived in New York. $100 and costs on each indictment. Stephen ------AT ------Christmas Trees. FULLER & COBB British schooners discharged 225 cords of F. O’Brien was lined $100 and costs in a search wood for Perry Bros. Saturday. Charles W. Smith vs. John Dunn. Same is. and seizure ease. Peter McIntyre and Fred S. Capt. Rani’I Farwell of sch. Sr rah F. Bird is same. These were two actions to recover for Lynde were each fined $30 and costs for single at home. The vessel Is in New York. Pur i not on’S -- ARE-- rent. One was entered at the last December sale. Cases against Charles S. Coombs, Wil­ Sch. Helen, Bunker, loaded lime from II. O. term, the other at this term. With the last liam A. I.vndc and Stephen F. O’Brien, indict- Gtirdy A Co. for New York last week. was joined an account for waste of the rented 1 ed as common-sellers, all go to the law court Who as u«ual lias stocked up heavily for Sehs. Wide Awake, Jenny Grecnbank and | on demurrer. Loren C. Chapman, indicted for others arc hauled up at the Railroad wharf. premises. To tlie first an account in set-off READY EOR CHRISTMAS being a common seller and maintaining a com- Br. Sch. Sower, Dixon, has reloaded her was filed. It was Agreed that they should he cargo and is ready to sail again for New York. tried together. After opening, the judge stated I mon nuisance, skipped before the grand jury CHRISTMAS Sch . L ois V. Chaples of Belfast, is chartered to counsel that lie should rule that If the claim reported, and the eases wi re continued to next WITH THE LARGEST STOCK OF to load lime for N ew York for A . C. Gay A Co. of the plaintiff was limited to the rent, defend­ I term. ----and---- Sch. L. T. Whitmore, Black ington, at Ports­ ant could not recover on his account in set-off DI VORCKS. mouth i» coming here to load lime for Aines A or in recoupment for failure of tlie plaintiff to Divorces nisi were decreed as follows: To Co. , Fannie E. Tolman from Alvah M. Tolman. NEW YEAR’S. perform the conditions of the lease. At this Sch. Ralph K. Grant, Grant, has gone into I Parties of Camden. Cause, cruel and abusive winter quarters in her old place, at (Hover’s plaintiff discontinued as to liis claim for waste Be sure and etnminc my Elegant Line of lumber yard. and defmdant consented to become nonsuit in I treatment. Custody of minor child Orison A. Sell. Hunter, Whitten, is chartered to load the first action. The second action was then Tolman to mother until he becomes 16 years Staple and Fancy Goods lime for A. F. Crockett A Co., for Providence submitted to the jury who failed to agree on of age, this decree of custody however to be at and New York. S-I-L-V-E-R w-a-r-e a verdict. The defendant proposes to bring an the option of said Orison A. 'Flic husband to Sch. Lady of the Ocean, Peterson, has fin­ Which contains nil the articles of Table and Fancy — A T T H E - action to re?over the damages sustained by pay the wife $250 in lieu offixith alimony and ished repairs on the North Railway and will dower. Gould for the wife. Littlefield for the use iu the* latest and m ost approved pm terns. probably haul up for tlie winter. him by violations on tlie part of Smith on his husband. Sell. Appliia and Amelia of Portland arrived part of the covenants of the lease and for the here Sunday. She is chartered to loud lime loss of tlie use of the cow which died. Mont­ AnnetteC. Lcrniond of Appleton from Albert for Perry Bros, nt 18 cts. and lay days. S. Lcrniond of Warren. Cruel and abusive -:-:L0WEST PRICES:-:- gomery for plaintiff; Littlefield and Kalloeli Sehs. A. J. Falicns, Peek, and Eliza Ann, for defendant. treatment. The wife to recover taxable costs Jameson, arrived home Sunday. Both of them and $25 in lieu of alimony. M. F. Ilanly and DIAMONDS EVER DISPLAYED IN THIS CITY. wiil probably lie loaded with lime again. William Farrow vs. II. II. Clark ct als., J. E. Ilanly for the wife. Littlefield for the Only one vessel lias been built this year in owners of schooner Champion. Action to the Frenchman's Bay District—the schooner recover balance due on a bill for new mainsail. husband. L fzzic May, 41 tons, built at Oouldsboro. The only question raised was as to whether all • Ida E. Ryder of Rockland from George RINGS, STUDS, PINS, ETC. It is reported that the new hill of lading of the defendants could lie held, tlie only evidence William Ryder of Salem, Mass. Cruel and the Owners’and Captains’ National Associa­ abusive treatment. Robinson A Rowell for I have some Rare and Beautiful Gems. tion is being generally accepted at the coa of the ownership of most of them being the ports. enrollment, in regard to the sufficiency of lib ellan t. A Few of the Many Bargains Sch. Commerce lay in the stream Saturday which as evidence of ownership the authorities Annie E. Bowman of Washington from lime-laden from Perry Bros, for New York. disagree, both as to its admissibility as evi­ Charles W. Bowman of Somerville. Libellant In addition will he found the usual first- We will call your attention to and have you note the class line o f W A T C H E S , in Gobi and Frank Nash lias taken command of the Com­ dence and its force if admissible, 'flic judge, to recover costs. Bliss for libellant. the following prices. merce. Silver, Kings,! hut ns, I.nikets, Brace­ alter an examination of authorities submitted, Timothy Kclcherfiglit of Thomaston was lets, Opera Gliuisefl, Jewelry of all Sch. A. F. Crockett, Thorndike, Is bound naturalized. sorts. from Philadelphia to Boston with kerosene oil, admitted the enrollment as pritna facie evidence •^Ptirehasers of Holiday Goods should under and on deck, at 35 cents a barrel—an un­ of ownership, and the jury rendered a verdict The term closed Friday and Judge Emery certainly call mi l exam ine my display. usual trip with such a cargo and a very good for tlie amount sued for with interest, being returned to his home in Ellsworth Saturday. freight. $65.58. Exceptions filed and allowed. Mort- The term was remarkable for the large propor­ Sch. Cora Etta, Pales, with lime from A. J. tion of disagreements to the number of cases W. M. PURINGTON, SILKS! Bird A Co., sailed for New York this morning. land for plaintiff; Robinson A Rowell for de­ Tbe re.-t of the lime ileet which lay in harbor fendants. tried. The eases in which verdicts were ren­ 301 Main S t., Rockland. A Good Itlnok .Silk for 97 cents. Sunday sailed yesterday. James Erye vs. Augustus M. Nickerson and dered wc believe all go to the law court. A Good Black Silk for $1.08, worth $1 25, Sdis. Ella Pressey, Nash, Commerce and Samuel E. Webb, late copartners as Nickerson Verily, he whocominencetli to litigate knoweth A Gooil Black Silk for S I.25, worth $1.50. several New York hound coasters sailed from A Webb. Action to recover for value of two not what or when the end will be. Colored Surrali Silks for $1,00. here Sunday a m., hut returned during tlie day ------Satin Rhadamns for $1.25. having found the wind southwest outside. fishing semes, alleged to be $1,100. Plaintiff claims that he left the seines, with three others EAST WARREN. Satin Rhadatnas for $1 50. E. C. Bridges went to New York Friday to Fancy Colored Satins, 50 cents. go mate with Capt. A I. Green in sch. Helen belonging to other parties, with defendants at Bcnj. Morse starts in a few days for Kansas Fancy Colored Satins, 90 cents and $1.00. Montague, hound to Savannah. Elias White, their loft in Portland, in the fall of tlie year, to and perhaps California.... Mrs. Chloe Morse is who has been mate of the Montague since July, to pass the winter with her son’ L. K. Morse in Fancy Colored Plushes, $1.25 and $1.50. has arrived home. be stored, on the agreement that they were to Rockport. Sells. W. II. Allison, Kcnniston, and Helen have $5 for winter storage of each seine, unless School will commence in this place the first Montague, Green, have gone to Savannah from repairs were made upon them, in which case Monday in January. Robert Simmons,a gradu­ Baltimore. The M. Luclla Wood, Spaulding no charge was to he made for storage. Defend­ ate of Rockland Commercial College, and a and Clara E. Colcord, Colcord, are on the way ants claim that the seines were left to be re­ resident of East Warren, will be whaling-mas­ to Cuba from the same port. ter. paired upon his judgment and no infoiniation BLANKETS. Sch. Cephas Starrett, one of the old fleet of Rockland which has been lying here since last was given to him that they were not all owned summer, has been sold to Geo. Gilehrest who by the same parties, and that, ucting on that Fifty pairs Blankets at $1.00, worth $1.25. h as resold her to St. George parties. She is judgment, they cut up the two seines in ques­ M E R R I L L ’S Fifty pairs Blankets at $1.25, worth $1.50. 401 tons register and was built by Cephas Star­ tion to repair two of the others, and expended Fifty pairs Blankets at $3 00, worth $1.00. rett in 1857. E3T Blankets are always acceptable for presents. Mr. Dingley has presented a memorial sign­ for twine and in labor sonic $400 in making ed by a number of citizens of Maine, protesting such repairs, for which they have not been against any treaty, arrangement or legislation, compensated. The action was tried to a jury which would permit Canadian fish into Ameri­ at the term held one year ago, and the trial re­ can ports free of duty, except in cases of her­ sulted in a disagreement. At that time W. U. DRUG STORE! ring for sardine purposes. The following vessels were built in the Dis­ Clifford of Portland appeared for the defend­ HANDKERCHIEFS. trict of Waldoboro in 1885 Bark Isaac Dodge, ants. At this term they were represented by Damariscotta, 514.83 tons; Sehs. J. M. Haines, Mr Littlefield. At that trial Mr. Webb, one We bought in Boston last week over 300 dozen o f an im porter’s samples of Waldoboro, 750.08 tons; Maggie S. Hart, Ladies’, Gent’s and Children’s Handkerchiefs at half price, and therefore shall bo Waldoboro, 645 10 tons; Jose Olaverri, Rock­ of the defendants, was not present. At this land, 028.05 tons; Wm. J. Lcrniond, Thomas­ one he appeared nt a late hour of the trial in able to offer the best bargains ever shown in this city. ton, 843.23 tons; Flossie, Thomaston, 28.31 obedience to a summons of plaintiff and de­ Ladies' Handkerchiefs, fancy border, 0 for 25 cents. tons; total tonnage, 3410.25 tons livered some testimony which was generally Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, 3 for 25 cents. Said a Rockland man “ There’s an old captain regarded as rather damaging to the defence. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, very line, 10 cants. who used to sail out of this port who was noto­ The jury were out some time but finally agreed Children’s Handkerchiefs, all linen, 5 cents. rious for his propensities as a tobacco borrower. Gent’s Handkerchiefs, fancy border, 5 cents. It is said that although be chewed all the time, upon a verdict for plaintiff, assessing his dam­ Gent’s Handkerchiefs, very line, 3 for 50 cents. he never bought a plug. Gne trip he shipped a ages at $528.35. Defendants filed a uiotiou for mate who knew by sad experience the old cap­ a new trial and exceptions. Montgomery for tain’s weakness. By experience be bad learned wisdom, and when be made up tbe vessel’s plaintiff. stores lie ordered a pound ol tobacco and bad Melissa A. Andrews vs. Melzar T. Dyer and it charged to the captain, unknown to tlie Patrick Fitzgerald. Action to recover posses­ old borrower. Cue of the plugs he kept in his pocket continually, and when the captuin sion of one-half of Green Island in St. George. DRESS GOODS. would heave alongside for a chew he would The action is really between the plaintiff and pass him one of tlie credited plugs. The pound her husband James Andrews who are not now Fancy Dress Pattorns. from $10 lo $30. was used up in this way, and on the return living together. Tlie nominal defendants are All Wool Dress Flannel, double width, 38 cents. home the captain discovered tlie trick. It was A ll W ool Dress Goods, 59 cin ts, worth 75 cents. no use kicking. He hail to pay and lie had to tenants of the husband against whom the ac­ Call and examine a stock Cotton and Wool, 10 cents, worth 15 cents. treat.” tion is brought to try title. In 1875, Andrews, not equaled in Knox Coun­ Cotton and W ool and A ll W ool, 12 1-2 cents. Mr. Dingley will present the following hill being in litigation, came with his wife to Rock­ ty. The reputation of this to congress at an early day : “To abolish fees land and had a deed of this property on which for ofllcial service to American vessels and to store for FINE GOODS, as­ amend the laws relating to shipping commis­ they lived made to Mercy A. Andrews. His sioners, seamen and owners of vessels. (This wife claims that the deed was made for and sures one and all that from bill abolishes tiic custom house, shipping com­ delivered to her. He on the other hand claims the variety offered some ar­ missioner and steamboat inspection fees for that he at that time had no more love for his FANCY GOODS. services to vessels and provides that where ticle may he found to please. these officers shall have been paid wholly or wife than lie had for tlie parties with whom he partly by fees tliev shall after July 1st next be was in law, and had the deed made for an Hand Bags of all kinds. Satchels of all kinds. paid from tbe treasury; modifies tlie Cox sec­ imaginary woman who had no more existence <>!>« 18 CASES, Wallets in great variety. Fancy Baskets—a new assortment. tion of tbe shipping act of 1881 so as to allow Christmas Cards. Plush Boxes, etc. payment of advance wages to seamen under than had David Copperfield’s sister Betsey. Toilet Sets, Card Receivers, Fancy Collars—a new lot. Iteal Laces, etc. certain restrictions ; extends the liability act of The jury failed to take stock in the imaginary Broom Cases, Colognes, 188-1 to all vessels except canal bouts, ligh'eis idea and rendered a > udlct for the wife. The Elegant Mirrors, Celluloid Cases, and barges; and changes certain penalties im­ cise goes to the law court on exceptions. posed on vessels from forefeituro of vessel to Smokers’ Sets, Meerschaum Pipes, light lines.)” Littlefield for plaintiff; Pierce for defendants. Briar Pipes, Cigar Holders, The Argus of Wednesday contains the fol­ Josiah L. la ira r appellant from police court Nail Sets, Pocket Books, lowing letter from Capt. John W. Cole, master vs. Thomas W. Thorndike. Action to recover Specie Purses, Wallets, of sell. Alice Tarleton; dated at New York, for service of stallion. Submitted to the court. Lu bin’s Extracts, Lu iid borg’s Extraets. CLOAKS, SHAWLS. Dec. 15 : “ Having arrived today with my crew, Nonsuit ordered. Afterwards settled by the I desire through the medium of your journal to We shall oiler Special Bargains in Cloaks, of which we have the best assortment most sincerely thank Capt. Webber, of sch. parties and “neither party” entered. Little­ HF’All goods Fresh and of Cumberland, for bis timely rescue of myself field for plaintiff; J. E. Ilanly for defendant. in this city. Extra Grades in Plush Cloaks. and crew from the foundering schooner Alice the Latest Designs. Himalayan Shawls, $5.00 Stripe Cashmere Shawls, $2.60 Tarleton, bound from Rockport, Me., to Port Mabel A. Stone, complainant in bastardy vs. au Prince, from which vessel be took us dur­ Roderick C. Gillis. Upon defendant s default Usual Large Stock DRUGS, Something in ing heuty weather, some hours after we bad he was adjudged the futher of child and ordered taken to the outside, and but a short time be­ to pay the sum of $75 for past expenses in­ MEDICINES and CIIEM- fore we saw her go down. We also wish to tender our thanks lo Mr. Barentezen, US Vice curred and $5 per month until further order. Consul in charge of St* Pierre, Mart, for bis Failing to give bonds he was committed to FURNITURE! E U R , E T C . thorough attetnion to our needs, as well as for Wiscasset jail. Parties are of North Haven. A lw ays is the best foi many personal kindnesses. Capt. Locke and Robinson A Rowell for complainant. officers of the steamer Murid, also tbe passen­ FRED F.BURPEE We keep Twelve Different Kinds of Fur and w ill lake special orders when desired gers have onr sincere thanks for tbe many fav­ Julia Buxton in equity vs. Henry Ingalls, We are prepared to take orders for Genuine Fur Seal Cloaks to be made to order ors shown to us. administrator of estate of Samuel E. Smith. in New York. ------«»------Action upon a promissory note for $300 dated = B U Y Y 0 U R = CHRISTMAS A full assortment of Muffs and Collars. W IL E Y ’S C O R N ER . in 1877. Defense that the claim was not pros­ We make Fur Balls to order in New Y'ork. Eggs are 24 cents per dozen here. ecuted within the time limited by statute in Caleb N. Hall left lust week for New York which claims against estates must he prosecut­ PRESENTS ! in pursuit of work. ed. It was claimed by Mr. Buxton that the Boots, Shoes, Sell. Anna A. Holton sailed for New York claim was presented to a former administrator with lime last week. of Smith and payment delayed at his request, J O B S , E T C . Chopping tbe winter’s firewood is tbe princi­ with the representation that there was no dan­ Gr. pal work nowadays. Hats & Caps W . ger from delay and that the note should be There will be a Christmas-tree at tbe church Fifty Hassocks, 75 cents, former price $1.00. hereon that eventful eve. paid. It also appeared that the former admin­ The Best Carpet Sweeper ever made. Frank E. liali has returned from Milford, istrator was a lawyer. Decree for judgment Daisy Pillow Sham Lifter, $1.00. where be lias been at work. for the plaintiff. Rice A Hall for plaintiff. THOMPSON Bright Colors Cotton Flannel, 12 1-2 cents. Ingalls for defendant. Ten yards Best Gingham, 85 cents. Capt. Robert Gilehrest has gone to New T. A. WENTWORTH’S. lias prepared for the Holiday Trade, and can sup­ York in seh. Anna A. Holton. CULM IN AL CA8ES. ply everything iu this line from Twelve yards Best Gingham, line pattern, $1.00. There are quite a number of beef cattle for F ifty pieces Indig o P rin t, G cents. sale in and about this vicinity. Irving Young and Charles O. Brown each Four-Button Kid Gloves, warranted, $1.25. Tbe granite works of John J. Jenkins have pleaded guilty to tlie charge of larceny, uud Fifty dozen Towels, 2 for 25 cents. suspended operation until after the holidays. on Tuesday were sentenced to State prison, A Full Line of all the A BRACKET Fifty dozen Towels at 25 cents. Prayer meetings are now being held every each fur tlie term of one year, and the commit­ Eider Down l'lannel, Pink, Blue and White. Thursday evening, conducted by Rev. G. W. ments were made the same day. New and Nobby Low prices on Turkish Bugs, of which we have a large assortment. F. Hill. Michael Welsh pleaded guilty to the charge MORANG’S CORNER. of ussuult uud battery, and was sentenced to FALL and WINTER Augustus Moraiig has a broken arm. four mouths’ imprisonment to hard labor in A CHAMBER SET A dancing school commenced last week at Portland jail. 8. Thompson’s. Six couples attend. Elbridge Stone was tried for the larceny STYLES! Prices to suit every purse. School in the Morang district commenced of some $30 from Samuel Trussed at Port 44jrCull at the Big Store uud see the goods. NOTICE- last week under the instruction of Churlcs Clyde. The evidence against him consisted Just Received and for Smith of this town. R O C K L A M ), M E . 3051 ffs shall be open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, The Beech Grove Sunday school chose their i muiuly of his own admissions. The jury sale December 21, 22, 23 and 24, to accommodate trade that cannot come committees for the Christmas tree Sunday, as failed to agree and the ease as well as one other during the day. Christmas Day we shall dose at noon to give our help a follows; Committee on arrangements, Miss ugaiust him for larceny from tbe Lindsey For Blurred Eyes. Annie Bryant and Mrs. Angie Morang; on half holiday. presents, Wesley Butler; disiiibniing com- House was continued to next term on his own Cheap For Cash! ON’T delay, but try a pair of our Perfected miitec, Misses Inez Butler, Blanch Butler, recognizance. Pierce, county attorney, for Bpectaeles and Eye-Glasses, elegant iu style, • unsurpassedD for elearness ami comfort. N .B .—Our Maud Lane and Leon Norwood. state; J. E. Ilauly for defendant. system of testing tlie eyesight is something new, 1 and unerring iu uccurucy. NORTH WALDOBORO. Michael Welch for assault on Officer Brack- T. A. W E N T W O R T H , Byron Burnheimer, Sr., has been appointed i ley was sentenced, on his plea of “guilty,” te « . W. I’ALMEll A SON, OPTICIANS, FULLER A N D COBB. postmaster at this office. I four mouths' imprisonment in Wiscasset jail, j 243 Main Street, Rockland, u 1 471/ 2SS Multi Bt„ K otkluuJ, Mt. A THE ROCKLAND COHRTER - GAZETTE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1885.

THE COURIER-GAZETTE THE TRAMP NATURE. DIVORCE, OR NO DIVORCE? WEST WASHINGTON. nean Journeys, and a Washington Correspond­ Will Staples Is having first-rate success as ent T S *'TC •he best and freshest of news ------The Baptists W R ITT ES r o s THE I'OI'RIER C.A ZETTE UT WRITTEN FOR THE COTRI ER-OATETTE. teacher on the “Ledge,” in district No. 5. i from>> National Capital. The Rambler will By FCRTER !t FULLER. of this .Ut; nre arsa e. nictiiii.il .. Will can’t help being a good teacher. It runs eo”’* s’ his racy chst« about men and matters raising a fund for in the family. In Mat,?,', and a travelling eonespondent will IV. F. T. Stndley has finished his bam, thns ad­ supplement the Rambler's work with fresh A MODERN PAPER. n il oil portrait of She stands nn plains, on hilltops, news by wire and mall. The agricultural de­ <> mother, mother sweet ; In order to obviate any difficulties that ding greatly to the appearance of his place as the relehrsteil I see tier calm eves* raptors, well as to his own convenience, partment will improve from year to yenr tin­ ntay arise relative to the subject tinder der the eareftil supervision ol1 Its present edi­ Fortieth yenr...... o f t h » ... .Kn. klun.! I ion-tlo Esther Case, to lie I worship at her feet. School In the branch district began Nov. 30, Twelfth yenr ...... ol the ... Korklntlil Otwrler consideration, I deem it expedient, to tor. These featntes, with Its excellent report* placed in Memorial She lea,la me forth in pathways taught liy Mrs. A n n ie E. Bowman. Mrs. o f all matters of interest In Maine, In which anticipate them, by laying down the fol­ B ow m an is a teacher of experienee. Unit, Colhy t ’nlver- To drink of tills, divine, lowing principles, anil making the fol­ espeeial attention Is given to such ns nre of In­ Two dollar. n year In advance—>2.M If paid nt . I t v, Waterville. S h e te ll- tlie wondrous story F.dwin 1-cwis of Ji-ITcrson Is holding a series terest to the farmers, the great interest of end of year. »l for »li montha; So rent" for three Of leaf and tree and vine. lowing distinctions. By way of eluci­ of religious meetings at Hie Branch Sunday Maine, will make tlie Jonmal nn Indispensable m onth/ trial trip. The life of Father And in the I,rook’s bright babbie, dating these principles, we w ill propose school house eaelt afternoon, which arc largely visitor to every family, after tlie local paper has Cnse Is Intimately A n il 111 the tilrd's sweet tone, to ourselves tlie lollowing objection : attended and doing intti-h good. been secured. Price, postage prepaid, 82.00 a associated with flic And to tlie tail trees’ rustle, God cannot act contrary to the estab­ Messrs Bowden nnd Tibbetts have Itegnn year. Trial trips of three months, 50 cents. THE OUTLOOK. And to the great sea’s moan, history of the in­ lished order of tilings, nor can he dis­ Ihelr winter's w ork of linn ling the Itimlicr from the Slater lot to the mills. They are now The lollowing is a list of losses of life nnil troduction nnd I boar the irandcst music— pense in matters relating to the natural yarding the logs and getting ready to take ad­ We wish you it whooping,y hilarious growth of the Bap­ My soul Is glad yet awed. law; but in the old law He dispensed property oeetirring during the year 1885 In the And up nnd up she le s d s me, vantage of tlie first snow. Maine fishing industry. Bucksport, Schooner Christm as. tist doctrine In this The handmaid of the Lord. with the indissolubility of marriage by School In district Nn. 3 Is being taught by Astoria, 81.66 tons, built In Essex In 1851, sunk granting the Jews libels of repudiation, Miss Medora E. Bowden of Jefferson. Miss part of the state. From roek«, 1 glean the atory on Grand Bank. July 8. Crew saved. Cape Yes, dear children. Chile,mas comes Father Cnse came lIf nges long past by; therefore marriage is not indissoluble. Bowden Is a student of Castine Normal School, Porpoise, Geo. Sliiilfleworth, drowned Sept. 9. Pho points where nye Is burning Tito force of this objection is only ap­ and a teacher ul large experience. Excellent Ellsworth, Schooner Mary A. I)«w, 14.63 tons, ju st the same, eyen if Cleveland was from Massachu­ satisfaction Is being given. The watch.tires of tlie sky. parent, nnd llte difficulty in which it wrecked on n ledge near Swan’s Island In July. elected. You must have listened to setts In 1783 nnd Messrs Brure nnd Kinney have creeled a J Ixing Island, Schooner Mnnd 8., 70.88 tons, From narrow tlioiightn uplifted, seems to be involved vanishes before llte preached Ills first cosy entnp on the "H opkins" lot nnd will spend swamped In a snow squall April 28. The sk Ip- Romo of the republican campaign ora­ From pot'v enrea set free, light of a distinction very simple nnd per wns drowned, nnd one of the crew struck sermon in Bruns­ W e liorv tiefore thy attars, the winter there, hauling bark and litmlter for tors. O Nature, glrol and free! easy : viz. among Ute different objects Miles Sldlinger They have put In n team of hy a spar nnd fatally ln|nrrd. I.nmotne, wick. In 1784 he four horses and four oxen. Schooner Lewis King, lost Ilmen on Grand relating to essentinl order and tlie nat­ Bank in the June gale. Portland, Schooner The custom of decorating store win­ came to Newcastle Hhe stands on plains, on hilltops, Miss Amy I,. Sldlinger of Rockland is visit­ o mother, mother sweet, ural law, some come under the sovete'gB Eddie Pierce, 00 tons, on Peaked H ill bars, and from there Io Thomaston by Invitation, ar­ I sc- tier calm eves’ riqdure, dominion of God and some nre exempt. ing nt T. S. Bowden’s ... .J. E. Kelley, sheriff dows for the holidays, although it arises of Lincoln Co., visited friends here last March 17: crew of 17 men snveil hv llte station 1 worslilp at tier feet. These which do not come under the cat­ erew. Schooner Cyrcnn Ann, 57.30 tons, built from the selfish motivo of drawing cus­ riving there January 30th. January 31st lie week....!), tl. Clatk visited relatives In preached the first Baptist sermon evor deliv­ ------—— egory of bis nhsoltile power are all Chinn last week....T. 8. Bowden it teaching in Gloucester in 1883, sunk by collision off tom , does a certain am o u n to f gratuitous Rncc Point, Atig. 8. Gloucester. Mass., 12 ered in what is now Knox county, three con­ THE EFFECTS OF CULTURE. things in trin s ic to God; for example: nt Feylcr’s Corner, Waldolatro. vessels, 839.52 tons valued at 887.700. anil 34 good which should not he denied it. Every verts being made by the presentation of this His nature, perfections, attributes, etc., Bornemnn I’ost No. 79. G. A. R., held its lives. passer-by is cheered by the bright crea­ doctrine, which was to the people of that time [ Reprinted by request from a former Issue of for the essence o f things requires that first meeting at Washington Mills, Friday God inu9t love Himself and Ilis perfec­ evening. Dee. 4. A large nninltcr were in at­ tions of fertile brain anti deft linger, and both new nnd strange. The second day after T ilt. Cot niEU-OAZETTF..] tendance, including visitors trotn other posts, A few months ago the daughter nfa Rockland tions, in such a way that He cannot wish m any n little ch ild , who perhaps has his arrival, which wus Sunday, lie addressed a Eonr new recruits were ndded to llte ranks. Eclectic Magazine larger congregation at the house of Oliver Rob­ man, wlm baagrown comfortably well ofTIn Hie or do anything contrary to His nature Eollowing are the officers elected for the com­ OP nothing else fora reminder of the joyous or perfections. These that nre subject ing yenr i T. 8. Bowden, Com.; IL B. Wright, bins, and on Monday preached at Blaekington's small grocery line, was sent away Io a “ female to His supreme power are created 8. V. C. ; F. I). Pullen, J. V. C .; Rev. J. H. Foreign L iieratu re, Science, A rt. Christmastide, lakes solid comfort gaz­ Corner. This last meeting was the occasion of college," nnd Inst week she arrived home for Hie tilings; and of thesr some are intrinsic Beal. Chap.; 11. D. Clark. Surg.i J. C. Bogues, ing at the bright displays. the re-awakening of Elisha Snow, afterwards holiday vacation. The old man was In atten­ Q. M. i II. A. Bogues, O. I ).; A. Rhodes, O. G. dance at tlie depot when the train arrived, witli to man, some extrinsic. Among tlie "THE LITERATURE OF THE WOKU," so actively engaged in the work. extrinsic, some are nlso in the power of G R E E N ’S L A N D IN G . the oltl horse in the delivery wagon to convey 1880.—453<1 YEAR. A fashion note says that sea, skin Before the end of April nearly fifty persons man ; such ns beings inferior in nature; School began Monday. Ills daughter and her trunk to the house. When sacks are shorter this year. The sacks were baptized. That summer a church was or­ and some are not subject to Ilis sway ; Measures nrc being taken to organize nn the train had stopped, a bcw’tehlng array of The Foreign Magazines embody the liest m ay he shorter, hut the price seems to ganized in the barn of Oliver Robbins, of sitclt as Ilis fellowman created for God assembly of Knights of Iutltor here. thoughts of the ablest writers of Europe. It Is dry goods nnd n wide-brimmed lint dashed from Five new members nt the Good Templars' the aim of the Eelectie Magazine to select nnd hold its own quite w ell, thank you. Seal which organization Elder Case became pastor. and for God only, as bis last end. He married a daughter of Elisha Snow, nnd the car, nnd Hung Itself into tlie elderly party’s God. then, has an absolute dom inion Lodge Tuesday. There nre seven names to be reprint all the representative articles thus given skin sacks nrc very unhealthy. Wo are voted on next week. to the world. remained pastor of this, the first Christian arms. over all his creatures, and especially The plan of the Eclectic includes Science, not ablo to state the exact trouble, as we " Why you superlative pn! " she exclaimed; Mrs. It. K. Knowlton Is baring n large ad­ church In Thomaston, nnd one ol the oldest over man, a dominion o, life and death dition made to tier house. Haskell A Small Essays, Reviews, Biographical Sketches, His­ have not received our weekly circular Baptist churches in the state, for eight years. ‘•I’m ever so utterly glad Io sec you." over Itis body, his powers, Ilis faculties. arc now nt work on It. torical Papers, Art Criticisms, Travels, Poetry The old man was somewlint unnerved by the He can. for a just cause, exercise (bat und Short Stories. from tho state hoard of health, but wc When Elder Case closed ids labors with the Gilman Bray, who lately opened a qunrry Its Editorial Departments comprise Literary church it numbered 123 members Including greeting, lint be recognized the seal-skin cloak supreme power, and dispense of every­ on Mr. Russ’ premises, lias got out two loads. Notices, dealing with current home hooks, feel it our duty in tho interest of suffer- , He is doing quite a business. people from Warren, Union, Camden, Waldo­ In Ills grip ns the Identical piece of property lie thing tliat relates to man without doing Foreign Literary Notes, Science and Art, sum­ ing benedicts to try and arrest tho fur­ Some of the sewing circle contemplate linvlng marizing briefly the new discoveries nnil boro, Cushing, Friendship, Noblcboro, New­ hud paid for with the bay mare, nnd lie sort of him an injury. He can, by virtue of the ther spread of tho seal skin fever. same authority, transfer the rights of one an entertainment In the new Masonic Hall tlie achievements in this Held, and consisting of castle, Jefferson nnd Vinnlliavcn. On leaving squat it up in Ills arms, and planted a kiss 15th Io linlsli paying W. IL Glover A Co’s bill choice extracts from new books nnd foreign to another. lie could liter fore permit the church in Thomaston Futhcr Case did n where it would do tlie most pood, with a report on the churcli. journals. The state grange held its annul asos- divorce by virtue of his supreme domin­ great work as n state missionary. lie died in that sounded above Hie noise of the depot. Di J. G. Goss, who went away some live or six The aim of the Eclectic is to be Instructive sion in Augusta la9t week. Worthy Mas­ n brief space of time the trunk nnd Its attendant ion over man nnd woman, their bodies weeks ngo, lias not yet arriv ed ... .Mrs. Clius. and not sensational, nnd It commends itself Reudliclil ill 1832, aged 92 years. particularly to all intelligent nnd thoughtful ter Robin presiding. All the officers and tlieir faculties, over tlie lile of llte Ualiliidge is in Huston and news came this baggage were loaded Into tlie wagon, which week Hint she was quite ill and under a physi­ renders who desire Instruction ns well ns en­ A lll.OOPI.KNK KM O.ttlKNE.VT. was soon humping over tlie bubbles toward offspring, born or to he. In thus noting, tertainment. were present and a goodly representa­ lias God dispenseil with tho natural law cian's elite. ------During the war of 1812 Camden harbor home. tion of delegates. Tho worthy master’s or right? By no means! For the nnt- For llte lirst time we are to have a graded STEEL ENCRAVINCS* wus protected from British assault by a para­ "Fa, denr,” said the young miss, surveying school. The committee is lo leave tbo exami­ address was interesting and timely. ttral right requites not tliat marriage be The Eclectic comprises each year two large pet which was erected on Eaton's Point, from tlie team witli a critical eye, “ dp you consider nation of tlie scholars to the teacher. Koine volumes of over 1790 pages. Each of these Ho treated of the mission of the granges, which frowned two twelve-pound carronades, indissolunble, if God. lor reasons that of our Idg boys begin to tremble for (ear they volumes contains n flue steel engraving, which this quite excessively beyond ? ” are just, and known to Ilim scll, permits may have to go with the little oues in the spoke of what the institution had done while oil the western side was a similar fortifi­ udds niueli to the attraction of the inugnzlHC, “ Hey ? ” returned the old man witli a puzzled its dissolution. small school. TERMS. Single copies, 45 cents; one copy, cation, In October, 1814, Ensign Arthur Pen­ to cheapen farm tools and machin­ nir; "quite excessive beyond what? beyond Has God acted contrary to the essen­ Our church is now destitute of an organ, as one year, $5; live copies, 820. Trial sub­ dleton of Isleslioro was the officer in charge of ery, and diluted in glowing terms upon Warren ? 1 consider it somewhat about ten tial order? Certainly not! For mar­ Mr. Reed took Ills uway Inst week, the people scription for three months, 81- The Eeleetie the defenses. At tliat time the approach of not concluding to neeept Hie terms lie oifered. and atty 81 magazine, 88. Postage free. tho future of tho farmers of Maine. mile beyond Warren, countin' from tlie Bath riage appertains to nn order of tilings Now if any organ company has a great liar- British cruisers wits dally expected, and conse­ way, if that’s what you mean.” created, finite, particular—nn order that E. K. PELTON. Publisher, Several material changes were made in gain in organs, und wants to give plenty of 25 Bond Street, New Y’ork. quently a sharp lookout wus kept, night nnd "Oh, no, pit, you don’t understand me," the should nnd must yield to the exigency time, let them send along their circulars. the by-laws. Gov. Robio was re-eleeted day. The garrison was composed of men daughter explained; “I menu this wagon nnd of tin order more universal, more eleva­ Messrs. Haskell A Small have finished the as head of the order. from Thomaston, Weskcug, Camden mid vi­ horse. Do you think they could lie studied ted and known by God in Itis intinite new school-house and called for the committee TIIE CENTURY cinity, who hud seen little or no service. wisdom. It is not necessary to point out to examine it. Everything is dune in first- npnrt in the light of a symphony, or even a class shape and it would lie much better if for 1885-80. The Christmas-trso industry is now at One Sunday night in October nt about twelve simple poem, and appear as intensely utter to what these reasons are; w hat this e xi­ people would patronize them when they want o’clock the sentinel on duty, one Ebon Btitler, The remarkable Interest in tlie War Papers its height. A few years ago some enter­ one on returning home us one could express ?" gence, an account of which God can some nice work, than to go out of town. Everyone seems well pleased with their work. nnd in the many timely articles and strong gave the alarm. The men were turned out of The old man twisted uneasily in his sent nnJ derogate in particular cases, the indissol­ prising individual conceived the idea of ubility of marriage. Itis sufficient for No doubt they will he largely patronized here­ serinl features published recently in The their quarters, and armed themselves In hot muttered something about lie believed it used to after. Ckstuht has given that magazine a regular shipping small spruce and tir trees. As ns to know that God can thus net. and circulation of baste, as it was passed from mouth to mouth be used for an express before he bought it to Tlie English schooner Cricket is still ill oar usual in such cases from a sm all beg in­ that a Britislt nrtncd cruiser was in the offing act with the plenitude of his wisdom. harbor. Cupt. Perry opened tlie hatches Thurs­ More Than 200,000 Copies deliver pork in, lint the conversation appeared Wo must not for that reason conclude ning came great results, and the ship­ approach ing the entrance of the harbor. But Io lie traveling in such a lonesome direction day morning und found tlie cargo still steam­ M o n th ly . when it was ascertained thut no one lint the that the indissolubility of marriage is ing and so wired to tlie owner at St. John to ping of Christmas trees from Maine is that he fetched Hie horse a resounding crack on know what should lie dime, but on account of Among the features fur the coming volume, guard could see anything thut looked like an not of nntuinl right; the inference is now an important fall and winter indus­ the rotunda, and the severe jolting over the tlie wires being out of order lias up to date which begins with the November number, are: approaching craft, the excitement and alarm that indissolubility does not appertain frozen ground prevented further remarks. to that order, to tlint right which God received no answer. Cupt. Perry is getting The War Papers hy Gen. Grant try. A Florida man now comes to the changed to surliness tliat they bad been very uneasy ns lie Inis liecn waiting here about "Oh, there is tliat lovely und consummate has no power or dom inion. M uch less and Others. front, nnd on receipt of a few stamps aroused from their warm quarters by Hie mis­ two weeks, lint cun do nothing else lint wait These will he continued (most of them illus­ m a! ’’ screamed the returned collegiatess ns ought we conclude that because God until further orders from owners. The cap­ mailB a sprig of mistletoe lor holiday take of a blundering sentinel. After waiting trated) until the chief events of the Civil War they drew up at the door, nnd presently she can dispense in particular occasions and tain says about the whole of the lime is have been described by lending participants use. lie will probably make a good a while underarm s the men were permitted to was lust In the eiuhruee of a motherly woman peculiar circumstances man also can slaked now. 11c sent to tlie owners fur a nn both stiles. General Grant s pupers include tug to take him to St. John uud is looking for thing of it fora while until others take retire, the precaution being taken, however, of in spectacles. dispense, for man has no supreme dom in­ descriptions o f the buttles of Chattanooga und her every duy. the Wilderness. Gen. McClellan will write of ordering IhCm not to lay aside their equip­ "Well, Marin,"said the old manat Hie supper ion over man, Ilis faculties. Itis offspring. advantage of the the shrewd man's bright CUSHING. Antietam, Gen. D. C. Buell of Shiloh, Gens. ments, hut to keep their weapons within easy table, ns be nipped a piece of butter off tlie The unions of tlie old law, whether Pope, Longstreet and others of the Second thought, and then the mistletoo business Martz show is to he here the 17th. reach, as the sentinel stoutly urged that lie had lump witli his own knife, “ an' luiw il’you like polygamous or successive, were not rec­ Bull Run, etc., etc. Naval comhuts, including w ill assume larger proportions. surely seen a strange vessel oil' the mouth ef ognized as m arriages such ns took place Leonard Young lias arrived home front Bos­ the light between the Kenrsnrge mid the your school ? ” ton. Alabama, hy officers of both ships, will he the harbor. David Packard of Ash Point, "W ell, there, pa, now you’re sliott—I mean 1 (rom tlte beginning. Unity nnd indis­ Canadian fishermen are greatly indig­ solubility were wanting, and for that Miss Fannie Miller has returned from Rock- described. Israel Snow of Dublin Heights, Wcskeag, and consider it far too beyond,’’ replied the daugh­ laud. Tlte “Recollections of a Private" and spec­ reason tlte Savior said. “ From tlte nant nt tho alleged violation of their laws Jonathan Norton of Weskeag, were also or­ ter. “ It Is unqucnehnbly inetfalilo. The girls The winter term of school in ihe lower dis­ ial war pupers of un anecdotal or hutnerous beginning it was not so.” God lie s the character will he features of tlie yenr. American sardine catchers. They ! dered to draw the shots from the cannon and nre so sumptuously stunning—I mean grand— trict is in session. marriage bond, man attempts to untie it. Serial Stories by W. I>. Howells, say that the Amoricau fishermen use a Hush them, so that by no possibility, ill ease of so exquisite—so intense. And then the parties, John Brackett bus sold his large yoke of an attack, would the gnus lie found unlit fur But "what God joins together let no oxen lo Dexter Jameson. Mary Hallock Foote, and torch net which enables them to catch tho balls, the rides—oil, the past weeks have duty. man put asunder.” Suppose divorce he The mail stage has changed hands. Alfonzo George W. Cable. been one sublime harmony." not in contravention to the natural law immense quantities of sardines at night, All was quiet again at the barracks, when the Hathorne is the new driver. "1 s'pose so—I s’pose so,” nervously assent­ —suppose It I say,—at least, it is op­ Mr. Howell's serial will lie In lighter vein than and this, they cla im , is a violation of sound of a second alarm from Hie sentinel on Those wishing to improve their handwrit­ "The Rise of Silas Luphain." Mrs. Foote’s is ed the old man ns lie reached for it is third enp, posed to tho positive law of God, and ing will do well to attend Hie writing school at a story of mining life, und Mr. Cable's a the fishery Inws. A petition is in circu­ Hie parapet awoke the officer and men, who "half lull,”—"lint how about your books— therefore reprehensible nnd wrong. tlte school house. novelette of the Acudlans of Louisiana. Mr. lation to be presented to those in authority tumbled pell mcll out of the door of their renditt’, writln’, gratuiniir, rule o’ three—how Although marriage is intimately con­ A. 8. Fales while working in his front yard Cable will also contribute n series of papers on slave songs and dunces, including negro ser­ to investigate and remedy tho grievance. quarters and hastened to Hie platform of the about them ? ’’ nected with everything that is most im ­ last Saturday found buttercups in full bloom. parapet. From this point a vessel could lie Our winter months nre severe hut delightful. pent-worship, etc. If this continuous clashing and wrang­ " l’n, don’t !” exelnincd tlie daughter reproach­ portant to man, with his temporal anil seen entering the harbor. The men hurriedly spiritual interests, decency and propri­ NORTH WALDOBORO. Special Features ling between American nnd Canadian fully; "tho rule of three! grammar! It is stuckcd their guns, hanging their equipments French and music and painting und the divine ety, yet human passions are human Lorenzo Holfses slaughtered it hog one ycur include "A Tricycle Pilgrimage lo Rome,” il­ fishormen is not soon rendered impossi­ thereon, and took their places around the twelvc- passions, and a clash between them old which weighed 390 pounds. lustrated by Pennell; Historical Papers-by in art tliat have tnnde my school life tlie bos— Edward Eggleston, uud others; Papers on ble by proper laws and regulations, the puunders, which they, although being infantry, anil the positive law of God was Martin Hodgkins has moved into his new Persia, by S. G. W. Benjamin, lately U. 6. I mean that have rendered it one unbroken How house and will finish the interior soon. daily routine of life on the “ Ranks1' had been taught by daily practice to handle. of rythmic bliss—Incomparably und exquisitely inevitable—an embittered, persevering minister, with numerous illustrations; Astron­ clash, without truce or mercy. Tlte The mills on the Medomuc stream have omical Articles, practical anil popular, on The guns were brought to bear upon Hie ap­ all but." may be enlivened by a iishermon's war. concupiscence of our nature lias seized shut down on account of a scarcity of lumber. “Sidereal Astronomy;” Papers on Christian proaching stranger, and all waited until she The grocerymnn and his wife looked help­ arms, and is in a perpetual re­ Almcdu Achorn is at the residence of Wnt. Unity by representatives uf various religious should get within range. For the first time the lessly at each other across the table. After a Flanders, where she will spend a few days denominations; Pupers on Manual Education, Our democratic friends throughout volt against everything honorable anil hy various experts, etc. etc. recruits were to meet the foe and engage ill lonesome pause the old lady said ; with her invalid father. the state seem to ho g e ttin g in to the hot contention. Thoughts of home und par­ pure—against marriage obligations, its Jacob Miller who bus lived to the good eld Short Stories "How do you like the biscuits, Maria ?" rights, its duty, its unity, its indissolu­ puths of unpleasantness, mid the way ents, wife nnd children, surged through many age uf 85 years, is in a critical condition, suf­ By Frank II. Stockton, Mrs. Helen Juekson, “ They are too utter lor anything,’’ gushed the b ility . fering from tlie effects ui a paralytic shock. B row n o f the statu com m ittee and Rass a breast, and many a bravo heart was on tire I It. II.), Mrs. Mary Hallock Foote, Joel accomplished young lady, "and this plum pre­ T h is rebellion is old, it has outlived Tlte porcupine lias made Itis appearance In Chandler Harris, II. H. Boyescn, T. A. Jan­ of tile Bangor Comm ercial nnd Bunker at the thoughtof meeting Hie enemy in conlliet. serve is simply a poem ill itself." centuries and is spread throughout all the forest. W. S. Walter captured one this vier. Julian Hawthorne, Richard M. Johnston, Tlie silent stranger approaches steadily and of the Fairfield Jo u rn a l are hammering The old u n til rose abruptly from the talile, nations. Tho battle has gone on, is week which weighed 18 1-2 lbs., aud when mid others; and poems liy leading poets. The gets within hail. "W ho cutties there?" chal­ dressed it yielded three pints of oil. Departments,—"Open Letters,” “Brie-u-Urae,” one another, while it is in one respect ami went out of the room, rubbing his liead in going on today, and will go on until oic., will he fully sustained. lenges our commander. " H u ll, or we lire." time shall he no more. The attacks CASTINE. suggestive of the busy Il’s, is by no a dazed mid benumbed manner, and the mass "Eire, and he dam ned!" answered tlie well- have been repulsed and repressed, und The Normal school begun Tuesday. The Illustrations convention was dissolved. Tliat night he and Will he kept lip to the standard which has means indicative of tho sweetness that known voice of Ensign Pendleton's nude Jon­ often conquered by the ever keen-edged his wife sat alone liy the stove until a laic hour, Thu High school scholars held a sociable at made T iie Ck.vh iiv engravings fumous the those useful members of society are pop­ athan Pendleton, who lived on Hie southern and at the breakfast ttiblo the next morning, swonl of religion; hill concupiscence lias the school-house Thursday evening. world over. ularly supposed to produce hy their end of Long Island, Islehoro. This ended the never been checked so far as uot to hit The Methodist sewing soeicly met in their lie rapped smartly on Ills plate with the bandle vestry Thursduy afternoon uud evening. Prices a Special Offer. labors. We hope this logomauhy will wild uud sanguinary conlliet, and not a few of uf his knife, and remarked: able to rise again and enter the arena Regular sithserlption price, S'l u year. To equipped for new combats—combats so Horace I.. Mueomher leaves tliis week for tlie brave soldier boys were glad enough to "M aria—me an’ your mother have been talk­ Rockport where he will curry on the jewelry enable new readers to get all ihe War Papers, go no farther. Hero is Christmas close furious and desperate tliat that liutuun with contributions from Gens. Grunt, Beuu- have it end right there. The vessel hud on in’ the thing over, an’ we've come to the con­ business. at hand, when everybody who is at va­ Beast w ill not suffer itself to be chained, regmd, McClellan. J. E. Johnston, Lew Wal­ board Elder John Still and family, eunsUtiug clusion that this liourdln' school business is too S ell. Amuzon arrived last week with lumber lace, Admiral Porter mid others, we will send riance with anybody else ought to be nor allow its prey to escape. for Frank Wood. Also winter supplies for of his wife and seven or eight children, whom utterly all but too niueli nonsense. Me an’ her tlie 12 hack numbers, November 1884, to Oct­ willing to kiss ami make up. Come, C'apt. Pendleton was conveying to the main­ [To bo Cualtauoil.] John Rea. ober, 1885, with a year’s subscription begin­ consider that we haven't lived sixty odd con­ ------«-»» James Norton arrived home from sea last ning with November 1885, for 89 fur Ihe brethren, shake hands across the official land from Isicsltoro where they hud been liv­ summate veins for the put pose of raisin’ a curi­ Scarlet fever has appeared in sonic portions week....Dr. l’hilhrook arrived home from whole. A subscription, with tlie 12 numbers appointment chasm. Do. ing. The party occupied the barracks fur the osity, a n ’ there’s guilt’ to be a stop put to this Boston Thursduy, where he lias been for two hound in two handsome volumes, 87.59 for night uud departed in the unit ning. Thus end­ unquenchable foolisliness. Now after you've of litis county, so that the following extracts weeks....Mrs. Whitney uud son Joint came Hie whole. Buck numbers only supplied ut ed the bloody light of Eaton’s Point. eaten tliat poem ol fried sausage an ’ tliat sym ­ from a circular treating of that disease, just Saturday ....W illis ltieker came Irom Boston these prices with subscriptions. The custom of giving presents at phony of twisted doughnut, yon take an' (lust issued By the Statu Board of Health, are very last week. A free specimen copy (hack number) will he lil.D E ll SI 11.1.. up stiiirs ill less’n two seconds an’ peel nil' thut scut oil request. Mention this paper. Christm us, w hile it is a bea utiful and ap­ fancy gown mi’ put on a eallker, an’ then come timely : The poison of scarlet fever is very The Elder Still here mentioned wus a uuin Tlte publishers of the I,ewiston Weekly All dealers and postmusteis take subscrip­ propriate one, is yet g e ttin g to lie a little down here all’ help your mother wash dishes. readily conveyed in clothing or other things tions mid supply numbers according lo our well known among tlie outlying Islands, about Journal ure giving new exhibitions ul' their en­ 1 want it distinctly understood tliat there ain't even lung distances. Such eases us this are so special oiler, or ri'iiiiltuiice may he made overdone and savors largely of barter, guilt' to lie no more rythmic foolisliness in this terprise in the conduct ol thut paper, lor Ihe 1899. He did a great deal of missionary work, common that almost everybody knows of coming ycur. Early in January tlie Joum al directly to l ’ersons make presents with the expecta­ going in a boat from island to islund and from house, so long’s your superlative pa an' your T he C tx riiiv Co. N ew Yoke. lovely an' consummate mu's runuiii' the them ; A person culls to enquire about his will appear in it complete new dress, making tion of receiving others in return, and the paper dear mid elegant in its typography, bouse to house, preaching, lit uli kinds of rutiehe. You hear me, Muriu ? ” ucighlsir's child who lias this disease, opens NORTH NATIONAL BANIC weather, facing the dangers of sea uud laud, of Maria wus listening. as it is well arranged and convenient for the gauge their gratification by the money the door fur just a moment, perhaps does nut reader in its quarto form, with pages pasted '1’lie httH'klioMern o f Hie North Nutionul Uunk wind und storm, he pursued his sacrificing are hereby notified that their Annual Meeting will value of (lie gift. Of course tliis is not go in, walks u long way home, and then gives und li iuiniid. Tlie new year will be marked be laid at tlieir Banking K oohih, oii Tuebduy, dan. course among tlie islands id Penobscot Buy always tho case, hut in very many in ­ Tlie nun kcrel lisliing season is now over, und the disease to his own children. The contagion ulso liy literary feulures of high character. 12th, lfbO, at 10 o ’clock a. in., for choice of a Short uovellcltcs have been secured, (torn Boaid of Directors lor tlie eiibuing year and for carrying tlie good word to those who otherwise tlie vessels engaged in that liratieli of the fisher­ may he preserved lor many months in clothing stances it is so. W hen the present made ies me laid up for the winter, Tlie euteb falls Charles Eglu'lt Craddock, Frances Hodgson tlie traiibuelioii of any other bueineub that may would have been without the bread of lile. leguily eoine before them. short o f lu.t Vein’s receipts liy many tliousmid or in rooms. Au article, for instance a hand­ Burnett, Elizalicth Stuart l’belps, Edward is the creation of the giver's own hands Of his life very little is known. Deserving of Everett Hale, uud other eminent American l ’er Order I,uni'ls. The whole receipts at all N ew Eng­ kerchief or u doll, may lie used hy a sun let- N . Fauwlij., Catddcr. this Bullish element to a great extent dis­ uli honor, lie is almost unknown. land lisliing ports up to November 13. as re­ uiithors. This scries will extend through most fever child and then laid away, perhaps u year, of tlie ycur. As a collector of Maine news, Rockland, Maine, D ec. 8, 1885. 4751 appears, for no estimable value can lie ported by Hie American Fish Bureau, me 337,- 397 barrels, against 118,118 for 1881. 1 be re­ and when unpacked give tlie disease to other tlie Joni uni needs no meiitioii, and while giv­ placed upon the lime and labor required It is useless to spoil.) so lunch tim e ceipts of all oilier lisli at Gloucester are not so children. A letter or a paper scut liy mail may ing prominence to the news of ail Maine, its Lime Hock National Ilauk carry the disease, the hair of Hie lu-ad or Hie ample columns give »| a.e for the several de- j'lie Annual Meeting of the stockhold< ib of ilia in the fabrication of the gift • For this rea­ trying to deeiilu upon a present for your large us those of tlie previous year, altliougli the catch Irom Georges H oik is larger; hut , heard 'nay carry it when the clothing has been pait'iieiils, tnukiilg it ul once a news, political, Lime Rock National Bunk will be Inld ut their changed and disinfected ami this part of the agricultural, business, literary mid tiiisceila- ! Bunking Room* in tiie city of Roeklund, on son, perhaps, a present of thia descrip­ best girl, young man. Buy wiiul you there is not so large u catch from the Grand ; T iu b d a y , J u u u u r y 12. 1HH0 ut 2 o ’clock, p. m., Banks, a s tin- low price of eodiish prevented a , laidv neglected. After recovery, for several neous family paper. The next year Hie Saiuf- tion is the more to lie prized and the can pay (or. day Night .Man will continue liis lav sermons, lor the choice of a bourd of director* for the enau- large Heel from going there. Altliougli about i wceksut least, the scurlet fiver patient contin­ ing ycur. und for tlie Irubuctiou of buch other hutd- more appropriate, inasmuch a-, its con­ two million pounds arrived at Gloucester io ues to lie a source of danger to others, as lo n g which have been so kindly received; the For- ! nebb us may legally come before them. at least us the skin continues to he rough and eigtt Traveller will give u new series of letters ' Per rde struction implies kindly thought and N o w Is a good lltite to subscribe to T u t: Provincial vessels, it is not half tlie quautilv I Halt arrived lust year, owing to the high turill to give off' ils branny scales of desquamation, from the Oiieiil —personal experiences in Syria, G. W. Bekuv, Ctlbhi* i el un.a-i; vzt i ri. ter lssb. Next vent'.-will the Seven Cities of Asia, and Paul's Mediterra- , Rockland, Dec. 1, 1885. affection on the part of the giver. be an especially tutcicstliig volume. put upon salt fish. I or peeling.