Courier Gazette : December 22, 1885

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Courier Gazette : December 22, 1885 T he Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAND OA7.ETTK KSTABI ISHED 1R40. ( (TWO nnl.I.ARR A VKAIl IN ADTANCRl ROCKLAND COURIER ERTARMSHRD 1074. | <fln $lress is tbe 3irtbtincbean jfeber that Jfiobes tbe tfdlorlb at if too Dollars a (bar (SINUI.E COI-1K8 PRICK FIVK CKMT8. V o l . 4.—N e w S e r i e s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1885. N u m b e r 49. T h e coij ri er-gazette VAGRANT CHRISTMAS MUSINGS. that served as a dressing-room screen, Aldor­ THE CHRISTMAS POEM. “ There’s life for you. Nothing mewling us lilt iis with Ids skunk, anil when wilh great about that,” said the sporting editor, trium­ illdlcitlty we recovered from our confusion E oitfo by W. o. Fri.i.r.R, .Ir. W hat a good “Wliat in the matter ?” asked the managing phantly. tlmcChristinasls! and entered upon our song, he lifted up Ids editor. “ Where arc the liells in this poem ?’’ Inquired voire in such long-sustained and powerful the exchange editor ns he laid down bin It was n North Carolina man who mliireiRcd Oh, come now, The youngest young man on tlie staffhnd for Imitations of n eow, that we quite lost our scissors nnd rested the corns on his thumb. hi» petition to lltu Majesty President Cleve­ don't be so crnl>- some minutes liecn roving the dirty walls of the presenco of mind, and in a moment of rash “ You don’t seem to snv anything about tlie land. lie ought to have the oflico. 1ml as to go for to sanctum with restless eyes and his general ap­ To young ami old, forgetfulness bestowed upon Aldorus one of bells. I never heard of a Christmas poem Kirn or poor, ----------- ----------------- aay that that remark ia neither brilliant nor pearance was haggard. The kindly inflection of the Identical laces with which we bad intended that didn’t have die bells in it.” King or peasant, The little heir to the throne of Spain will get original, 5 on don't want to be so snarly and the editor’s voice touched him. and he sighed. Tin re n« v. r was embellishing the pcriormance. He didn't ask “ I was going to hnvc diem in the ensuing A ('hristnuiM like a big bejewcled crown In hcratocklng, all stud­ Ill-natured as that ut Christmas-time, when “It’s this Christmas poem.’’ tlie youngest for nny more. Wilh n wild whoop Aldorus verses—about, tlie fourth,” the youngest young The Chrlstnuut present. ded with diamonds as large as hens' eggs. everybody is pleasant nnd cheerful anil just young man on the staff replied, in a troubled was on to the stage anil hail its In his grasp, man on the staff replied, pressing Ids hand to A Merry Christmas is what ----------- ----------------- cracking their checks with smiles. In the voice. and by manipulating us judiciously, he was liis forehead in a convulsive way, while the Tiie C o u n tk h -O a z e t t k Our Illustrations are not numerous, nor arc first place it would go without inying that it “What Chiistmas poem?” the managing Wishes its readers alt couldn't by nny possibility of circumstances lie enabled In an incredibly brief space of time editor wanted to know. solemn looking young man who wrote die fun­ You het. they huge of hulk, hut they were not hewn lo rip up tlie entire stage mid mow down the ny column made another memorandum regard­ out of cord wood with a dull axe, nnd we do brilliant if we wrote It—bless you, everybody “Why this one I’m writing,” the young­ dressing-room nirlaln, to the ignominious ex­ est young man on tlie staff explained, dropping ing Christmas bells and Christmas lieiles, with not think they will offend the eye. knows that; and In tlie second place we didn't WAYSIDE GLANCES. try to be original—hale original folks, anyway posure of the boy who waR dressing for the his eyes to tlie pile of paper before him. the collateral reference to sl(a)eigh(y)ing. —lint it’s truth, nnd we think we have a right part of Mazeppa. Wc allude to this incident sheets whereof were printed on one side—a wad “ Say,” called the reporter who did the mar­ We don't claim that this Issue of our paper A San Francisco man has four ears. Hear- to say what is true anytime, even if we are a nt tills time not because it is of much impor­ of (piaek doctor bills that tlie job office had kets, from Ills desk in the farther corner. “I is the best in Its history, or that It is nny bet­ h car! newspaper writer, and somebody else did soy tance, or liecmise it belongs to the history of got stuck on. “You know,” the youngest think I’ve got the best finish to that verse yet ter than nny of its contemporaries. But It con­ it before we did. Yes, sir, we claim that the country mid must lie told, but because nt young man on the staff pursued, “you said —'ve been thinking it out while the rest of von Confederate bonds Imve taken a tremendoui tains some suggestions of Christmas, nnd If Its were talking— Christmas is a good lime, nnd we don’t care Christmas-time we think one ought to feel you wanted us all to do our l»est on tlie Chiist­ Immiui ami now sell for one-fourth cent on a readers can llnd anything in its columns that who knows it. charitably inwards all people nnd forgive those mas number of tlie paper, and I thought I “ Dear honest, fat old Santa Claus, dollar. They are splendid to wad a gun with. will make the season In even the slightest de one perchmicp may hate. We used to bate would try and get up a little poem. I wrote Sil down and have a <1oz? ii raw s.’’ TIIE OKMll'S OF THE SEASON, gree more enjoyable to them, thep It will have Aldorus N. Mitchell os a hoy. If lie Is alive nearly all the poetry for tlie Iluyle when I was “Not half so good as— The comet discovered in Paris Dec. 1st wm served Its purpose and we shall he satisfied. What a time It Is today, when we compare it today we forgive him. It comes hard, hut in college.” “ Bring a fur collar, Santa Claus, seen in New York lust week. This shows us with the Christmases flint were, before the we've got to ilo It. “ Weil, wliat seems to trouble you now ?” tlie And put it on my coat ot gauze—” something of the rapidity with which comets masterful genius of Charles Dickens made the Dickens died nt the age of 58—foolishly over­ JOYS THAT HAVE PI.KU. managing editor asked. Tlie managing editor The night editor observed. travel. worked to dentil. Had he lived till now he season to blossom ill the cold and sealed-over was a good man who always liked to en­ “ But this beats them all,” said die police Seems queer, doesn't it, that ns every “ And what shall we get for the baby ?” would be only 73—and how the world would hearts of the world. We were in London the courage tlie college graduates on liis staff, lie court rejxirter, who was married just before Chrlslmns senson recurs there are always fit II sings a blithe Cbristmns poet in an exchange. have enjoyed his fruits of these fifteen years. other day. We do not say this wilh our used to say that if there was aiivtliing in tlie Thanksgiving: thumbs in tlie arm-holes of our vest, fur a ranks of little folks who have tlieold delicious Well, if it’s a new btby just you get it it wig. His grave In Westminster next Friday will be world that he loved to do it was college gradu­ “Come down, dear turnkey Santa Claus great many people have been in London lie- mysteries to penetrate. Come, now, old Seems to need that more than anything. bright with flowers nnd with the red-bcrrlcd ates. “ Wliat is tlie matter ?” he added. “ Per­ And rid us of our inotllerdu-liiws.’* sides iis, nnd some of lliem arc there yet: lint XL gray-head, what woulil- English holly, but that won't be half so satis­ haps some of us can help you out, it you’re “ But tliat ain’t grammatical,” growled the we doubt if any man of all the men who ever ------' n't you give to lie hack factory to us ns a fresh Christmas story from stuck for a rhyme.” sporting reporter. AND IIE HET TO W IN. trod the London pave saw Charles Dickens , 'lerc among them, en- his pen would hnvc been. We question whether “ It isn’t exactly that,’’ said tlie youngest “ Wliat ain’t ?” the police court reporter de­ “ Yes,” said Mrs. Bezclcy as she held up a just ns we saw him—in the streets, impressed joying it with the olil- a genius has any right to premnturcly work young man on the staff; “it’s tlie continuity, if manded. Christmas turkey that looked like an exclama­ upon the buildings, moving in the changing himself to death. We don'Cproposc to. ' time zest? Wouldn't I may call it tliat, tliat puzzles me.” “ Mother-in-laws.’’ tion point, “ it was furnished by my better ------*♦*------ throngs, mill fluttering a dim shape in the you like to crawl Into your lied next Thursday “ Head us what you’ve got done so far,” the “ Oh, they ain’t, ain’t tliey ?” tlie police court half.
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