he Journa

VolumTe 2Gemmolog5 No. 1 January 1996

The Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain President E.M. Bruton

Vice-Presidents AE. Farn, D.G. Kent, RK. Mitchell

Honorary Fellows R.T. Liddicoat [nr., E. Miles, K. Nassau

Honorary Life Members D.}. Callaghan, E.A Iobbins, H. Tillander

Council of Management CR Cavey, T.}. Davidson, N.W. Deeks, RR Harding, 1.Thomson, v.P. Watson

Members' Council AJ. Allnutt, P. Dwyer-Hickey, R. Fuller, B. Jackson, J. Kessler, G. Monnickendam, L. Music, J.B. Nelson, K. Penton, P.G. Read, 1. Roberts, R Shepherd, CH. Winter

Branch Chairmen Midlands: J.W. Porter North West: 1. Knight Scottish: J. Thomson

Examiners AJ. Allnutt, M.Sc., Ph.D., FGS S.M. Anderson, B.SdHonst FGA L. Bartlett, B.Sc., M.Phil., FGA, DGA E.M. Bruton, FGA, DGA CR. Cavey, FGA S. Coelho, B.Sc., FGA, DGA AT. Collins, B.Sc., Ph.D. AG. Good, FGA, DGA CJ.E. Hall, B.Sc.(Hons), FGA G.M. Howe, FGA, DGA G.H. Jones, B.5c., Ph.D., FGA H.L. Plumb, B.Sc., FGA, DGA RD. Ross, B.Sc., FGA DGA P.A. Sadler, B.Sc., FGA, DGA E. Stem, FGA, DGA Prof. 1. Sunagawa, D.Sc. M. Tilley, GG, FGA CM. Woodward, B.5c., FGA DGA

The Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain 27 Greville Street, London EC1N 8SU Telephone: 0171-404 3334 Fax: 0171-404 8843 The Journal of Gemmology VOLUME 25 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1996

Editor Dr R.R.Hardin g

Production Editor M.A. Burland

Assistant Editors M.J. O'Donoghue P.G. Read

Associate Editors SM* Anderson London DrGE&Arps Leiden G. Bosshart Lucerne Dr A.T. Coffins London Dr J.W- Harris Glasgow Prof. RA, Howie Derbyshire DrJJMLOgden Cambridge DrJ.EShigley Santa Monica Prof. D.C. Smith Paris E. Stern London Prof. L Sunagawa Tokyo Dr M. Superchi Milan CM. Woodward London

Any opinions expressed in The Journal of Gemmology are understood to be the views of the contributors and not necessarily of the publishers.

Cover Picture Typical colour zoning in a Mong Hsu ruby which has not been subjected to heat-treatment. Central violet to black zones are due to high concentrations of titanium and chromium. See The role of fluorine in the formation of colour zoning in rubies from Mong Hsu, Myanmar (Burma)7 on pp 3-19.

ISSN: 1355-4565 2 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

In this issue...

The first paper in this volume concerns the Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, is a twenti­ currently fashionable Mong Hsu rubies eth century mineralogical and gemmologi- from Myanmar and aims at explaining cal phenomenon. More than 300 different some of the unusual features displayed by minerals have been found there, 27 of stones from this deposit. The rubies have them new species. Not all the new species become famous because of their fine colour are large enough to cut into gems, but a and the common occurrence of a blue core total of 28 species have been cut, most for in many samples. Not the least of their curiosity but some for collectors. attractions was the fact that this blue core Notwithstanding the original motive for could be removed by heat treatment to cutting, all these stones become collectors7 leave a fine red stone! gems. An authoritative account combines The composition of the rubies and their the history of finds at Mont Saint-Hilaire inclusions, and of minerals associated with with the major personalities involved in the rubies in the gem gravels, are consid­ the discovery and cutting of the gems. ered in modelling how the particular fea­ With the growing economic significance in tures of the Mong Hsu stones originated the market for specimens from some locali­ and it is concluded that fluorine played an ties it is becoming more important to important role. In particular a sequence of establish reliable and definitive criteria for fluids variably enriched in water, C02, F, their identification, and comprehensive Cr, and Ti, is thought to be responsible for pictures and tables provide a unique refer­ the alternating zones of ruby and sapphire. ence for the locality to mid-1995. Mention has been made before in this In the final paper, the author describes Journal of the great potential of Russia for the occurrences of freshwater mussels and supply of gem materials, and amber possi­ pearls in Bavaria and Bohemia. New bly having come from this source is interest in this subject has arisen not described in Notes from the Gem and because a new productive strain of pearl Pearl Testing Laboratory, Bahrain. The mussel has been found but because these composition of strings of prayer beads and geologically long-lived animals are -filled emerald are other topics dis­ extremely sensitive to pollution and vast cussed in the Notes and reflect a wide numbers are being studied to monitor the diversity of work which must be of consid­ rivers of Europe. The fact that some of the erable reassurance to the jewellery trade in shells will, in the fullness of time, produce Bahrain. pearls is a bonus! R.R.H.

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565 J. Gemm., 1996,25,1 3

The role of fluorine in the formation of colour zoning in rubies from Mong Hsu, Myanmar (Burma)

Dr A. Peretti, FCC} Dr J. Mullis2 and F. Mouawad, CC3

lP'O. Box 4028,6002 Lucerne, Switzerland, 2Sissach, Switzerland and 3Bangkok, Thailand

Abstract zonation patterns found in Mong Hsu Mong Hsu rubies are characterized rubies and accompanying tourmalines by a black sapphire core and a ruby are indicative of variations in the com­ rim. This colour zoning has been position of the fluids e.g. in contents of correlated with the presence of the F, Ti and Cr. A preliminary model is trace elements Ti (violet to black) and proposed, which explains the cyclic Cr (red) (Peretti et al., 1995a). Some growth of Mong Hsu rubies, with for­ examples of Mong Hsu rubies show a mation of alternating zones of ruby complex chemical zonation, which and sapphire by variation in HF con­ results in multiple zones of rubies, vio­ centration in the surrounding fluids. let sapphires and black sapphires The possible multiple infiltration of within one particular crystal. Rubies of fluids from metapelites into dolomites this type have been studied by analyz­ is discussed. ing the solid and fluid inclusions as well as their chemical zoning. Minerals accompanying the rubies, such as tour­ Introduction maline (dravite) and tremolite have A new source of rubies with commercial also been analysed. The formation con­ importance was declared in 1991 at Mong ditions of the rubies have been recon­ Hsu in the Shan state of Eastern Burma structed following the study of mineral more than 200 kilometres from the classical associations and fluid inclusion analy­ ruby mine at Mogok (Hlaing, 1991; ses. Mong Hsu rubies were formed at Jobbins, 1992; Jobbins etal., 1994; Kane and 2-2.5 kbars and at temperatures Kammerling, 1992, Peretti et al., 1995a). between 500° and 550°C. The fluids The main metamorphic rocks in the min­ were found to be water-bearing and ing district are composed of meta carbon­ ates (dolomites, marbles, calc silicate rocks) multi-volatile CO2-rich (multi volatile = and metapelitic rocks (schists, gneisses, composed of CO2, CH4 and other com­ phyllites) (Earth Sciences Research ponents, possibly N 2, H 2S and HF). inclusions in the rubies indi­ Division, 1977, Hlaing, 1991, 1993, 1994). cate that fluids must have contained Mong Hsu rubies are mined in secondary some HE During the study of the deposits (Figures 1 and 2) and in primary homogenization temperatures in differ­ deposits in the dolomite marbles. ent populations of fluid inclusions, it The most characteristic feature of the was concluded that no major varia­ Mong Hsu rubies is their colour zoning, tions in temperature and pressure with a violet to black core (Figure 3) and a occurred during the growth of Mong red rim. The cores consist of zones Hsu rubies. However, the chemical enriched in Ti02 and Cr20 3 along with

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565 4 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Fig. 1. Ruby deposits in the Mong Hsu region showing mining activities in the secondary deposits. The picture shows the separation of the larger crystals of tremolite by sieving before the rubies are washed from soil. Photo by U Tin Hiding, courtesy JewelSiam

Fig. 2. River terraces at Mong Hsu with the alluvial deposits of the rubies. Primitive mining by local people before late 1993 is shown. Photo: anonymous miner J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Fig. 3. Non-heat-treated Mong Hsu rubies, partly with polished facets, showing black to violet cores. Rubies between 0-50 and 2-00 ct.

Fig. 4a. Typical colour zoning in a Mong Hsu ruby which has not been subjected to heat-treatment. Central violet to black zones are correlated with high Fig. 4b. Classification of the colour zoning of the concentrations of titanium and chromium (Peretti Mong Hsu ruby of Figure 4a. Growth phases are et ah, 1995a). Ruby cut parallel to the c-axis. described as I, R and V. Compare with Figure 12. Magnification on slide is 40x. Ruby approx. 2 ct. Photo Sketch by Dr K. Schmetzer. Details on growth zones see by Dr E. Gubelin Peretti et ah (1995a). 6 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 only small concentrations of FeO (Peretti et to the commercial importance of the Mong ah, 1995a). The colour zones in the Mong Hsu rubies is that the violet to black zones Hsu rubies occur in repeated cycles of vio­ can be removed by heat-treatment let/black and red along with changes in (Figure 5) (Jobbins, 1992; Ho, 1993; the (see Peretti et ah, (1995a) Laughter, 1993). Typical examples of such and Figure 4a, b). The factor most relevant heat-treated fine quality and faceted rubies are shown in Figure 6. This study concentrates on attempting to determine the conditions under which Mong Hsu rubies were formed and on the genetic reasons for the presence of violet to black zones in the Mong Hsu rubies. A more general gemmological investigation of the properties of the Mong Hsu rubies, including the heat-treated samples, can be found elsewhere (e.g. Peretti et ah, 1995a,b,c).

Minerals accompanying the Mong Hsu rubies in the alluvial deposits The materials for this study were sampled during expeditions to Northern Thailand (Mae Sai) and Burma in the summers of 1993 and 1995 (Figure 7a). However, direct field work at the primary mine in Mong Hsu was not possible because of security risks which are still pertinent (see Thailand Stone Market Report, 1995). In order to obtain further information concerning associated minerals, large parcels of min­ Fig. 5. Heat-treated Mong Hsu rubies. The original eral concentrates from the Mong Hsu ruby violet to black cores have been completely removed deposits have been checked (Figure 7). and transformed to intense red. Rubies between 1 and 3 ct. Some of the results are shown in Figure 8,

Fig. 6. A set of cut stones showing different colour shades obtainable from Mong Hsu rubies after heat-treat­ ment. Rubies heat-treated and cut by the authors. Sizes of rubies around 1 carat each. Photo by Mouawad, Bangkok (Thailand). J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 7

Fig. 7. (a) A Mong Hsu ruby in the host rock. The ruby is formed in a vein consisting of corundum, sap­ phire, ruby, , Mg-chlorite, fuchsite and opaque minerals. The vein itself is embedded in a dolomite marble (area of lower left corner) which shows signs of metamorphic recrystallization (equal sized dolomite crystals, 2mm in size). A calcite crystal is shown in reflected light in the figure. It is formed at the border zone of the vein, in contact between the dolomite marble and the ruby. Minerals identified by SEM-EDS analyses. Length of Mong Hsu ruby is 8 mm. Collection A. Peretti.

Fig. 7. (b) Kilos of rough Mong Hsu rubies in Mae Sai displayed in the office of a major dealer for the selec­ tion of samples for this study (left-hand side). Mong Hsu ruby lots may contain various other minerals such as tourmaline, garnet, andalusite and tremolite. 8 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Fig. 9. Fragments of greenish tremolite from the Mong Hsu ruby mine. The green is due to Cr- and V- concentrations in the tremolite (see Table I for these and F content). Transmitted light. Length of crystal is 2 mm (Crystals immersed in epoxy, polished on one side).

microprobe analyses (Table I). Mong Hsu tremolites show traces of chromium (Cr), vanadium (V) and fluorine (F), but iron Fig. 8. Minerals found in the lots of Mong Hsu rubies (Fe) and nickel (Ni) were below detection including one green chromium-dravite (top), three levels. Green tremolite from Mong Hsu is brownish dravites (middle), andalusite (lower left cor­ chemically zoned with some areas more ner) and two almandines (lower right side). Note that the crystals are not water-worn; length of green enriched in V and Cr than others; these chromium-dravite is 6 mm. Identification by XRD. elements seem to be responsible for the variable intensities of green found in the namely, the presence of brownish-green mineral (Figure 9). Increasing Cr-concen- dravite, , almandine intergrown with trations in the tremolites are correlated white mica, and andalusite. Garnet, green with increasing V-concentrations with a tourmaline, white mica and quartz have Cr/V atomic ratio of 10:1. Furthermore, already been described by Hlaing (1993), considerable concentrations of fluorine but in addition he described staurolite as a were found in the Mong Hsu tremolites. mineral that can be found in the alluvial Such tremolites may be typically found in deposits. Green tourmaline was also reported to occur as an intergrowth with ruby (Hlaing 1993). Tremolite is particularly frequent in the alluvial deposits (Figure 1). In general, neither the Mong Hsu rubies nor the minerals accompanying the Mong Hsu rubies are water-worn (Figure 8). It is therefore most likely that the minerals occurring with the rubies in the alluvial deposits originate from the primary ruby deposits or from country rocks close to them. In order to obtain more information Fig. 10. Brownish-green dravite containing traces of Cr, about their host rock types, dravite, alman­ V and F (see Table I). For the chemical profile with dine and tremolite crystals have been variations in Cr and F see Figure 11. Transmitted light. chemically analyzed by means of electron Length of crystal is 5 mm. J. Gemm., 1996,25,1 9

Table I: Chemical compositions of minerals associated with Mong Hsu rubies in comparison with those from other localities

Tremolite Tremolite Tremolite Almandine Dravite Dravite Dravite (V (V (2) (V (I) (1) (3)

MgO 24.05 24.32 24.83 1.09 12.65 13.26 13.67 CaO 13.55 13.43 12.61 0.50 2.82 1.89 2.41

Na20 0.95 1.01 0.21 0.00 1.55 1.96 1.63

K20 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09

Si02 53.07 53.31 57.88 35.15 35.46 37.57 35.96

A1203 2.65 2.42 0.00 20.38 30.52 31.13 30.85

Ti02 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.05 0.13 0.15 0.14 FeO 0.00 0.01 1.76 42.06 0.04 0.09 0.76 MnO 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.01 not det

Cr203 0.63 0.60 0.15 0.00 2.17 0.22 not det

v2o3 0.05 0.04 bd 0.00 0.00 0.06 not det NiO 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 not det CI 0.01 0.01 bd 0.00 0.01 0.01 not det F 3.49 3.50 bd 0.00 1.79 1.15 not det

Total 98.57 98.79 97.51 99.30 87.14 87.50 85.51

1 B203 not det not det not det not det not det not det 10.73

H20 not det not det not det not det not det not det 4.16

Notes not det = not determined, bd = below detection limit 1 = Tremolite, dravite and almandine from Mong Hsu (Burma) 1 2 = Malenco serpentinite (amphibolite fades metamorphism) 3 = Brown dravite, dolomite marble, Deer Howie and Zussman (1986)

Analytical details for Mong Hsu minerals: Electron microprobe laboratory, IMP, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland. Electron microprobe CAMECA SX-50, 5 spectrometers (2 PET crystals for Ti, Ca, K, Cr and Mn, Cl; LIF crystal for Fe and Ni; PCI crystal for F and TAP crystal for Si, AI, Mg and Na). Standards are natural silicates and oxides. Acceleration voltage was 10 kV and 20 kV. Measuring time for trace elements 200 sec. 10 J. Gemm., 1996, 25, 1

metasomatic veins in dolomitic marbles metapelites which have undergone amphi­ such as those described by Mercolli et al., bolite facies conditions. Additionally, the (1987) . Chemically different from tremo­ formation of tremolite is consistent with lites originating from marble deposits are this degree of metamorphism. It is also those from metamorphosed ultramafic known that tremolite can be formed under rocks. Their chemical composition is char­ these metamorphic conditions in veins acterized by traces of Ni and higher con­ within dolomites (e.g. see Mercolli et al., centrations of Fe but without traces of F 1987).Cr-, V- and F-bearing dravites also (Table D. The most common accessory probably formed in the same or similar mineral found in the lots of Mong Hsu metasomatic veins. The observed inter­ rubies was brown to green dravite. These growth of tourmaline with Mong Hsu tourmalines contain trace amounts of Cr, V rubies (Hlaing and 1993 and 1995) and and F (Figure 10, Table O. their typical occurrence in other ruby The chemical compositions of the associ­ deposits (Hunstiger, 1990) supports this ated minerals give some indication of their idea . formation in different rock types . Almandine and white mica (as overgrowth Chemical zoning in Mong Hsu tourma­ on garnet) typically occur in a range of line rocks including metapelites (metamor­ Strong fluctuation of the chromium con­ phosed gneisses or schists), while stauro­ tent occurred during the crystal growth of lite and andalusite occur almost exclu­ green dravite, ranging from 0.2 to 2.2 sively in metapelites. This mineralogical wt. %Cr20 3 (Table D. These variations are assemblage is typical for regionally meta­ related to the colour zoning with light morphosed or contact metamorphosed green indicating low Cr-concentrations

180 r

1.60 '" t;J In?b/~ _ ,_~ ¢\ ~h1iljJt\ ~~~~f)\~ - j 1.40 I . I I 7,

!!!. [~' \ II\ dV 1 1/ I r 'j ~ 1.20 - I I' e ! ~11~h~i 'if~~l;:J!f1¢'l ~ .ro:/fbJ (t-p:rJ;1fJ 1dqd. i~ . .I~o !I. I I: r ~ 1\ i~ b tri ,, ~ u 1J el\ . I r:f'1 ~III t o \ I\ 1\/1 / 1.00 . c, I I ~ j ~ 'III~ :11\ "* -r~~\II\ ,! :e. 080 .l \1\ '''I "~\' I " .. ~... j . n,l, " I .... ~ I"~ j.' ~ c c " r !I T", 1 " ~ OGO -7lj'~ I t j\~~I·\~ ! ~ 0.40 I I~,\ " I I 1'1 ::: tI \ ...... ,-'-...... ---- _ J I U~ \"UI ~lt

Chemical profile across Mong Hsu tourmaline

Fig. 11. Chemical profile across a green dravite originating from Mong Hsu (perpendicular to c-axis) showing F and Cr-concentrations. Note strong fluctuations of Cr along with F at distin ct phases of growth towards the edge of the crystal. Increasing Cr-concentrations are correlated with increasing F-concentrations. J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 11 and intense green being related to rela­ Mong Hsu ruby is correlated with differ­ tively high Cr-concentrations. As shown in ent growth phases of the crystal, desig­ Figure 11, several abrupt changes in Cr- nated as T (intermediate), 'V (violet), concentration occurred during the growth and 'R' (red) as defined in Peretti et ah, of the tourmaline crystal. Increasing Cr- (1995a). Growth phase T is characterized concentration is correlated with increasing by relatively low to medium Cr203-con- F-concentrations. They are also correlated centrations, along with relatively low or with increasing V-concentrations. absent Ti02-concentrations; growth phase 'V by relatively high Ti02 and high Chemical zoning in Mong Hsu ruby Cr203-concentrations; growth phase 'R' by Figure 12 shows in an idealized way the relatively high Cr203-concentrations with chemical oscillations in a selected Mong no presence of Ti02. During phase T, Hsu ruby sample and its colour zoning as pink or violet sapphire to ruby layers are seen in the immersion microscope (Figure formed; during growth phase 'V violet to 4a). The concentrations of the trace ele­ black sapphire layers are formed; and ments are taken from Peretti et al., (1995a). during phase 'R', ruby layers are formed. Many other samples showed a similar This successive growth is repeated at least colour zoning, although the full sequence twice during the formation of a typical of growth shown in Figure 12 may not Mong Hsu ruby. A dramatic habit change always be present. Colour zoning in in the Mong Hsu ruby crystal occurs at

(wt. %) 1.5 ^-— • \ \ f \ / \ 1.0 t \ ^~ """** • / \ • \ / i • / / \ Ê \ / \ * l 1I \ / / / 0.5 \ / Cr p3 1 i 2 \ / |Ti02 i./ Ti02

0.0 i v R r v* IT initial growth final growth

progressive growth of Mong Hsu rubies -+

Fig. 12. Zoning patterns in Mong Hsu rubies as schematically reconstructed from colour zoning and chemical profiles; different growth stages are defined as I, V, R and are characterized by a typical trace element pattern and crystal habit (Peretti et al, 1995a). I = alternation of pink sapphire and violet sapphire, V = black sapphire, R = ruby. Note the repeated oscillation of Cr and Ti during the growth history of the Mong Hsu ruby. 12 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

the transition of growth phase 'V to 'R' and the highest vanadium concentrations are found in the 'V zone (Peretti et a\.r 1995a).

Solid inclusions in Mong Hsu rubies Various minerals have been identified as inclusions in the ruby rough; these include layered silicates (white mica, fuchsite, Mg- chlorite, Figure 13), silicates (plagioclase and aluminosilicates), halides (fluorite, Figure 14a-c), oxides (rutile, Figure 15), carbonates (dolomite, see Smith and Fig. 14. (a) Fluorite inclusion, 0.2 mm across, lower Surdez, 1994, and Peretti et al, 1995a) and left of centre occurring in a Mong Hsu ruby in trans­ phosphates (apatite, see Smith and Surdez, mitted and reflected light. 1994). Aluminium-hydroxide (boehmite or rutile are only found extremely rarely, it diaspore) has been identified as a daughter cannot yet be confirmed that they occur mineral in fluid inclusions and tiny dis­ repeatedly in different 'R' zones in the persed diaspore inclusions occur elsewhere crystals and never in the T and 'V zones. in the Mong Hsu rubies (Smith, 1995). Fine dispersed diaspore occurs repeatedly Fluorite and rutile inclusions have been in the 'R' to T zones of the crystal (Figure found in the sequence of crystal growth 16 and Smith, 1995). Further study is nec­ labelled 'R'. However, because fluorite and essary to indicate whether other hydrous silicates or even submicroscopic fluoride particles are located in these zones also. Examination of the occurrence of diaspore inclusions in the 'V zones of Mong Hsu rubies is currently under re-examination (CR Smith, pers. comm.). Dolomite crystal inclusions occur in large numbers in some Mong Hsu ruby crystals and their distribu­ tion does not seem to be restricted to any particular zone. Fuchsite, Mg-chlorite and white mica have been detected as overgrowths on Mong Hsu rubies or as inclusions in the marginal parts of the rubies, in the outer 'R' to T zones (Figures 13 and 16). Hlaing (1994) pictured Mong Hsu rubies occurring in a matrix of dolomite, with greenish minerals occurring in the contact zone. Our investigation indicates that these minerals are hydrous silicates which were formed with the ruby in veins within dolomite (Figure 7a). Fig. 13. Mong Hsu rubies intergrown with fuchsite (top three crystals) and light green Mg-chlorite and white mica. Crystal length of lower left ruby is 9 mm Fluid inclusion analyses (identified by means of XRD and SEM-EDS, see Peretti Fluid inclusions are frequently present et al, 1995a). throughout a ruby, from core to rim. The J. Gemm., 1996,25, 1 13

'" r

~ 'iii c: 2 c: c: til E a:::til I /

I 6bo 408 em -1

Fig. 14. (b) Raman spectrum of fluorite inclusion obtained from X-Y Dilor multichannel Raman spectrometer, Ar ion laser, 514.5nm, Type 2020 Spectra-Physics, by Dr J. Dubessy, CREGU, Nancy, France. For fluorite identi­ fication by Raman spectroscopy, see Griffith, 1987.


1 II 0.0 10.0 keV

Fig. 14. (c) Analysis of fluorite by energy-dispersive Fig. 15. Microphotograph of a rutile inclusion in a technique on an electron microscope (SEM-EDX). The non-heat-treated Mong Hsu ruby. Note that this rutile inclusion was exposed by recutting the ruby (C peak inclusion is localized in the red portion of the ruby. due to carbon coating). Analyst M. Diiggelin, Identified by Raman spectroscopy based on Capwell University of Basel, Switzerland. et ai., (1972). Magnification on 35 mm slide 105x. 14 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Fig. 16. Microphotograph of a non-heat-treated Mong Fig. 17. Healing fissure in a rough ruby from Mong Hsu ruby with alternating zones enriched in Ti and Cr Hsu (not-heat-treated) containing fluid inclusion trails (violet to black) and Cr (red). Note the presence of of various generations. Note 'hexagonal outline' of whitish reflecting inclusions in reddish zones which fluid inclusion trail around a black core in a Mong Hsu are most probably hydroxides such as diaspore but ruby. The formation of this trail is related to the early may possibly be hydrous silicates or fluorite. Reflected growth stage of the Mong Hsu ruby. Transmitted light. Fibre optic illumination. Magnification on 35 mm light, magnification on 35 mm slide 60x. Photo by Dr slide 60x. E. Gubelin formation of fluid inclusion trails is related pseudosecondary fluid inclusions have to cracking and subsequent healing of the been detected; they are related to different ruby by fluids during its growth. Figure 17 growth stages of the rubies. shows an early formed fluid inclusion trail, In the single isolated tube shown in which is located in the first 'R' growth Figure 18 there are three phases present at phase of the ruby. As a result of continued room temperature, including a C02-liquid, growth, the secondary fluid trails are com­ C02-rich multi-volatile vapour and one pletely contained within the ruby core daughter mineral. The daughter mineral is denoted by a hexagonal outline. This type most probably diaspore. This conclusion is of secondary inclusion is called pseudosec- based on the habit and intergrowth within ondary as the inclusions represent fluids corundum found in other samples which present during a particular stage of the were identified by Raman spectroscopy. In ruby growth. Different populations of all the fluid inclusion feathers studied, similar liquid/vapour ratios were found, showing that there had been a very homo­ geneous fluid population. Preliminary measurements on a freezing-heating stage were carried out, in order to obtain infor­ mation about the chemical composition of the fluid inclusions. Forty-four fluid inclu­ sions were investigated in four different pseudosecondary fluid inclusion trails of different ages. The heating runs showed that the volatile-rich fluid inclusions were homogenizing from the liquid and vapour to the liquid phase, between 24 and 31°C Fig. 18. Isolated fluid inclusion tubes in a secondary fluid inclusion feather of an untreated Mong Hsu ruby (temperature of homogenization = Th). with a three phase inclusion (liquid, C02-rich multi- Melting of C02 at -61°C indicates possi­ volatile vapour and diaspore). Microphotograph taken ble contamination of C0 by CH , with one at approximately 25°C Transmitted light. Size approx. 2 4 20 microns. or more further components such as N2 or J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

H2S, showing that the concentration of C02 is greater or equal to 85 mol.% of the volatile part (Thiery et ah, 1994). HF may also be present as a component of the volatile part. Because of the presence and size of Al- hydroxides as daughter minerals in the fluid inclusions, it was furthermore con­ cluded, that minor contents of H20, approximately 5-10 vol.%, were also origi­ nally present in the fluids. Thus, in sum­ mary, the fluids involved in the formation of Mong Hsu rubies can be described as water-bearing multi-volatile C02-rich fluids.

Formation conditions The minerals found in the alluvial deposits Fig. 19. P-T-diagram showing the stability field of with the rubies, namely andalusite, alman- andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite derived from ther­ modynamic data (Connolly, 1990) and the isochore dine, white mica and staurolite can pro­ determined from the fluid inclusion analyses (see text). vide sensitive information concerning the The isochore indicates that the pressure at which the metamorphic conditions in the Mong Hsu fluid inclusions formed in the rubies was 2.0 to region. For the purpose of estimating these 2.5 kbars at variable temperatures. Such conditions are within the stability field of andalusite. formation conditions, the stability field of almandine, andalusite and staurolite was calculated in the system FeO-Al203-Si02- defines a line in the P and T diagram H20 using a computer programme of (Figure 19) which indicates the possible Connolly (1990). The mineral reactions that pressures (P) and temperatures (T) under relate to the formation of almandine, stau­ which the fluid inclusions were formed. rolite and andalusite occur above 530°C. For the estimation of the actual P and T The stability field of andalusite limits the conditions, either P or T must be deter­ possible pressures up to approximately 4.5 mined independently At T between 500 kbars. Different micas + quartz are stable and 550°C, the likely P can be calculated as assemblages under these P-T conditions. 2-2.5 kbars. The temperature required for tremolite to form in C02-rich conditions within Titanium mobility dolomite marbles confirms the above tem­ It has been shown by Peretti et ah (1995a) perature estimations (Mercolli et ah, 1987). that the violet to black zones in the rubies Further constraints on the formation are due to high concentrations of titanium conditions of the rubies are obtained from (possibly Fe2+-Ti4+ charge transfer) and the fluid inclusion analyses. From the chromium. Therefore, in determining how homogenization temperatures of the fluid these colour zones were formed, it is inclusions, an isochore (Figure 19) was cal­ essential to know how these transition culated (Bowers and Helgeson, 1983; based metals are transported in the fluid systems on Th = 24°C, assuming 5 vol.% of H20 in during ruby formation. a C02-rich fluid, whose density was 0.728 3 Hydrothermal fluids in the Earth's crust g/cmf ). Other minor components present contain a number of complex-forming lig- in the fluids will not considerably alter the ands (or molecules) which are important position of the isochore. The isochore for the transportation of metals in fluid. 16 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Some of the most important are CI, OH , Ried, 1994). Variations in the solubility of HS", HCO3-, HS04-, NH3, F. Different rutile occur with variation in P, T, and HF- metals tend to form ligands with different concentration in the fluids (Ayers and anions; Mn2+, Fe2+, V3+, Cr3+, Ti4+for exam­ Watson, 1991; Passaret et al, 1972; ple, may preferably form ligands with F, Kuznetsov and Panteleev, 1965; Cl~or OH~(Crerar et al, 1985; Brimhall and Barshukova et al, 1979; Ried, 1994). In the Crerar, 1987). Variations in temperature T interval between 500 and 550°C and at P and pressure in fluid systems are also of 2-2.5 kbar, which are the deduced con­ important factors. With increasing temper­ ditions for formation of the Mong Hsu atures and pressures, transition metals will rubies, the solubility of rutile in H2OHF- tend to form associated neutral metal- lig- fluids increases strongly with increasing T and-complexes rather than charged ionic and HF-concentrations in the fluid with species in the fluids (Seward, 1981). only minor changes caused by variations Variations in the formation conditions such in P (Ried, 1994). At very high P up to 30 as P, T or chemical composition of the flu­ kbars, the critical factors controlling the ids will influence the type of complexes solubility of rutile are different (Ayers and and their concentrations in the fluids. Watson, 1991) but such conditions did not Depending on the chemical system, the occur in the Mong Hsu area. Other com­ solubility of minerals in such fluids will be plexes in the system C-O-H-S-Cl-F different and minerals may precipitate (Agapova et al, 1989, Nabisvanet and when formation conditions vary. In order Omel'chenko, 1986; Bright and Readey, to obtain detailed information on the speci- 1987; Tolley and Testerm, 1989) may also ation in the fluids, thermodynamic analy­ be of importance but their presence cannot ses are necessary (see Eugster and yet be proposed on the basis of our present Baumgartner, 1987). However, because of analyses of the inclusions. the range of minerals occurring in the sys­ tem related to the rubies, such calculations Discussion would have to be carried out in the chemi­ The most characteristic feature of the cal system Si- Mg- Ca- Na- K- P- AI- Cr- Ti- Mong Hsu rubies is their colour zoning V- Fe- B- C- O- H- F- N. With so many com­ which is related to the trace contents of ponents this is very complex and there are titanium along with small Fe-concentra- not yet enough thermodynamic data to do tions and chromium. The trace element this accurately. The elements Si to P are concentrations in the Mong Hsu rubies found in the inclusions, Al to Fe are found change in a rhythmic pattern during in the ruby, and B to N occur in the fluid growth and many ruby samples have Ti- system. rich zones with increasing Cr-concentra- The presence of fluorite inclusions in the tions as shown in Figure 12. The pattern of 'R' growth phase of the rubies shows that chemical zoning in the Mong Hsu rubies F was present in the Mong Hsu solutions. typically shows a strong phase of Cr- From the analyses of the fluid inclusions, it depletion (T zone) followed by an increase was deduced that water was present in the in Cr and this is followed by increasingly fluids. Because there are rutile inclusions higher concentrations of Ti ('V zone). At a in the rubies, the concentrations of Ti in certain stage of the ruby growth, mostly the fluids can be discussed in terms of the when the level of Cr is high, the ^-concen­ solubility of rutile. It is known from exper­ trations in the ruby abruptly change to zero CR' zone). The abrupt change may iments that rutile is highly soluble in H20- HF fluids due to the formation of Ti- occur twice in one crystal and is always hydroxyfluoride complexes such as correlated with a sharp colour border between sapphire and ruby. The distinct (Ti(OH)2+xF2_x) (Barshukova et al, 1979; J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 17

chemical change (from sapphire to ruby) is fluid composition in the Mong Hsu area accompanied by a crystal habit change, as may be related to the infiltration of fluids shown by Peretti et al. (1995a). In the dif­ from metapelites into dolomites. Fluids ferent colour zones, some of the larger which are equilibrated with metapelites identifiable crystals were found to be fluo- may be rich in certain elements such as B, rite and rutile and some of the submicro- C, H, O, S, N, P, F, AI, Mg, Si, Ca, Na and scopic minerals are hydrous (Smith, 1995). K, as well as Cr, V and Ti, depending on The range of observations concerning the degree of metamorphism, the rock type inclusions and colour zones are interpreted and type of complexing agent present in as due to oscillations in the chemical com­ the fluids. If such external fluids come into position of the fluids present during ruby contact with dolomites, the fluid will re- formation. Indication for such variation in equilibrate with minerals present in the the chemical composition of the fluids was dolomites and hence dramatic changes in also obtained from the analysis of dravite the fluids may be expected (Korzhinsky, from Mong Hsu. This mineral is character­ 1970). It is evident from the data now ized by strong oscillations in both available from the Mong Hsu area miner­ chromium and fluorine. Based on the cor­ als that the chemical conditions of their relations of these elements in the tourma­ growth, in particular the compositions of lines, it is concluded that the fluids which the fluids varied and changed relatively were relatively enriched in chromium were rapidly. Repeated oscillation of Cr and Ti also relatively enriched in fluorine. The in the rubies as shown in Figure 12 is prob­ importance of fluorine in the system is fur­ ably the result of the multiple influx of flu­ ther confirmed by the high concentrations orine-bearing fluids from the metapelitic found in the green tremolite associated rocks into the dolomites where they with the Mong Hsu ruby and dravite. reacted to the different chemical environ­ Fluid inclusions in the Mong Hsu rubies ment by precipitating at various stages are water-bearing, C02-rich and contain hydroxides, hydrous silicates, corundum, CH4 with possibly N2, H2S and HR fluorite and rutile. Fluorine is known to play a vital role in the It is thus proposed that F concentration complexing of titanium, particularly at the of the metasomatising fluids migrating P and T likely during formation of the into the host carbonate rock was a major Mong Hsu rubies, forming complexes such factor in the development of the colour as (Ti(OH)2+xF2_x). Thermodynamic studies zoning of the Mong Hsu rubies. According of the solubility of rutile, at such P and T to our preliminary simplified model, rela­ conditions have shown that concentrations tively high F- and OH-concentrations of Ti in the fluids are strongly influenced induced complexing of Ti as well as high by variations in temperature and F-con- Ti-concentrations in the fluids. From such tent. Based on experimental data, the range fluids Ti ± Fe and Cr-ions were incorpo­ of concentration of Ti in the Mong Hsu flu­ rated in the corundum structure (Ti-rich ids could be controlled by oscillations in Cr-rich violet to black coloured sapphire = fluorine content or by variations in tem­ 'V growth phase). Decreasing F-concentra- perature. However, no evidence for abrupt tions, possibly by precipitation of fluorite, changes in temperature has yet been induced decreasing Ti-concentrations in found, but indications for variations in the the fluids (no Ti-ion incorporation in the fluorine content are found in other miner­ corundum structure, medium to high Cr- als. So it is very possible that F is the con­ bearing red ruby = 'R' growth phase). A trolling factor in the variable concentra­ modification of this model may be pre­ tions of Ti in the Mong Hsu rubies. sented when more detailed data on the pri­ The reason for such strong variations in mary deposits become available and 18 J. Gemm., 1996,25,1 thermodynamic modelling of complex sys­ state for H,O-CO,-NaCl fluids at high pressures and tem­ peratures. Geochimica Acta, 47, 1247-75 tems becomes more advanced in the Capwell, RJ., Spagnolo, F, and DeSesa, M.A., 1972. A rapid future. determination of low concentrations of anatase in rutile TiO,-pigments by Raman spectroscopy. Applied Acknowledgements Spectroscopy, 26, 5, 537-9 Connolly, J.A.D., 1990. Multivariable phase diagram: an algo­ Many thanks for their support and co­ rithm based on generalized thermodynamics. American operation to: Mouawad Bangkok Co. Journal of Science, 290, 666-718 (Thailand); Mr R. Kunkongkaphan of Cotton, F.A, and Wilkinson, G., 1988. Advanced inorganic chem­ istry. John Wiley & Sons, 5th Edn. p. 1455 Mandalay Co. Ltd, Maesai (Thailand); Crerar, D., Wood, S., Brantley, S., and Bocarsly, A., 1985. J. Belmont, K.y'Gems Co. Ltd, Bangkok Chemical controls on solubility of ore forming minerals in (Thailand); U Tin Hlaing, Department of hydrothermal solutions. Canadian Mineralogist, 23, 333-52 Geology, University of Taunggyi Deer, W.A, Howie, RA, and Zussmann,J., 1986. Rock-fonning minerals. Vol. IB, 2nd Edn, Disilicates and Ring Silicates. (Myanmar); Dr J. Dubessy, CREGU, Raman Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow spectroscopy Laboratory, Nancy (France), Earth Sciences Research Division, 1977. Geological map of the Dr K. Schmetzer, Petershausen (Germany), Socialist Republic of the Union of Myanmar 1: 1 000 000, with brochure, 22pp Prof. Guggenheim, M. Duggelin and Eugster, H.P., and Baumgartner, L., 1987. Mineral solubilites D. Matthis, Electron Microscopy and speciation in supercritical fluids, in Carmichael, I.S.E., Laboratory, University of Basel and Eugster, HP. Eds. Thermodynamic modelling of geo­ (Switzerland); Dr F. Ried, Prof. T. Seward logical materials: minerals, fluids and melts. Reviews in Mineralogy, 17, 367-98 and Dr J. Connolly, Institute of Mineralogy Griffith, P., 1987. Advances in the Raman and infrared spec­ and Petrography, Swiss Federal Institute of troscopy of minerals, in Clark, R.J.H, and Hester, RE. Technology, Zurich (Switzerland); XRD and (Eds), Spectroscopy of Inorganic-based Materials, John Wiley & Electron Microprobe Laboratory, Institute Sons Ltd, p. 137 Hlaing, V.T., 1991. A new Mayanma ruby deposit. Australian of Mineralogy and Petrography, Swiss Gemmologist, 17, 12, 509-10 Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich Hlaing, V.T., 1993. Mong Hsu update. Australian Gemma/agist, (Switzerland) and Prof. Dr E. Giibelin, 18, 5, 157~0 Hlaing, U.T., 1994. A trip to Mong Hsu. !eweISiam, 5, 1,54-7 Lucerne (Switzerland). For suggestions and Hlaing, v.T., 1995. New extension of Mong Hsu ruby deposit. discussion we thank the reviewer and the Australian Gemmologist, 19, 51 Editor. Ho, H, 1993. Burma's Mong Hsu mine. Rediscovered, heat­ treated rubies comparable to Mogok quality. Jewelry Newsline, 1, 2, 1 and 8 References Hunstiger, C, 1990. Darstellung und Vergleich primarer Agapova, G.F, Modnikov, IS., and Smariovich, Yeo M., 1989. Rubinvorkommen in metamorphen Muttergesteinen. Experimental study of the behaviour of titanium in hot sul­ Petrographie und l?hasenpetrologie. Teil Ill. Zeitschrift der fide-carbonate solutions. International GeologJj Review, Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, 39, 2/3,121--45 424-30 Jobbins, E.A, 1992. A taste of new gem deposits in South East Ayers, J.B., and Watson, E.B., 1993. Rutile solubility and mobil­ Asia. Gem and !ewel/ery News, 1992,2,1,12 ity in supercritical aqueous fluids. Contributions to Korzhinsky, 1970. Theory of metasomatic zoning. Oxford Mineralogy a)1d Petrology, 114, 321-30 University Press, London, pp. 1-159 Barsukova, M.L., Kutznetsov, V.A, Dorofeyeva, V.A, and Kuznetsov, V.A, and Panteleev, V.V., 1965. Hydrothermal Khodakovskiy, L.L, 1979. Measurement of the solubility of synthesis of rutile. Physics Crystallography, 10, 3, 369 rutile TiO, in fluoride solutions at elevated temperatures. Kane, RE., and Kammerling, RC, 1992. Status of ruby and Geochemistry International, 16, 4, 41-9 sapphire mining in the Mogok Stone Tract. Gems and Bright, E., and Readey, D., 1987. Dissolution kinetics of TiO, in Gemology, 28, 3, 152-74 HF-HCl Solutions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Laughter, T.L., 1993. Mong Hsu mix-up. !ewe/Siam, 4, 5, 34-7 70, 12,900-6 Mercolli, I., Skippen, G., and Trommsdorff, V., 1987. The Brimhall, G.H., and Crerar, D.A., 1987. Ore fluids: Magmatic trernolite veins at Campolungo and their genesis. to Supergene, in Carmichael, I.S.E., and Eugster, H.P., Schweizerische Mineralogische lmd Petrographische (Eds), Thermodynamic modelling of geological materials: Mitteilungen, 67,75-84 minerals, fluids and melts. Reviews in Mineralogy, 17, Nabivanets, B.I., and Omel'chenko, Yu.A, 1986. Carbonate­ 235-321 complexes of titanium (IV) in solution. Zhurnal Bowers, T.5., and Helgeson, HC, 1983. Calculation of the ther­ Neoganicheskoi Khimii, 31, 356-9 (translated) modynamic data for minerals in the system HzO-CO,-NaCI Passaret, M., Toudic, Y., Regreny, A, Aumont, R., and Bayon, on the phase relations in geological systems: equation of J.F., 1972. Recrystallisation de TiO" GeO" SiO" Si,_xGeP, JJ.. Gemm.Gemm.,, 19961996,25,, 25, 1 1199

eenn solutionsolutionss hydrothermahydrothermall fluoréesf1uorees.. Journal of Crystal tions aatt highighh temperaturetemperaturess anandd pressurespressures.. PhysicsPhysics andand Growth, 13-14, 524-79524-79 ChemistryChemistn} of thethe Earth, PergamoPergamonn PressPress,, Ne Neww York,, pp.. PerettiPeretti,, A.A.,, SchmetzerSchmetzer,, K.K, Bernhardt,, H.-J.H.-J.,, anandd MouawadMouawad,, F.F.,, 113-3113-322 1995a1995a.. RubRubyy frofromm MonMongg HsuHsu.. Gems and Gemology, XXXI,XXXI ,2-26 2-26 SmithSmith,, C.P.S.c.PS.,, anandd SurdezSurdez,, N.N.,, 19941994.. ThThee MonMongg HsHsuu rubyruby:: a PerettiPeretti,, A.A.,, SchmetzerSchmetzer,, K.K,, Bernhardt,, H.J.H.J.,, anandd MouawadMouawad,, F.F.,, neneww typtypee ooff BurmesBurmesee rubyruby.. JewelSiam, 44,, 66,, 82-9882-98 1995b1995b.. RubinRubinee auauss MonMongg Hsu,, MyanmaMyanmarr (Burma)(Burma),, einein SmithSmith,, C.P.S.c.PS.,, 19951995.. ContributioContributionn ttoo ththee naturnaturee ooff ththee infrarinfrareedd neueneuess VorkommeVorkommenn vovonn kommerziellekommerzieUerr BedeutunBedeutungg (Tei(Teil1).l 1). spectruspectrumm foforr MonMongg HsHsuu rubiesrubies.. JournalJournal of Gemmology,Gemmologt}, 2424,, 55,, Goldschmiede und Uhrmacher Zeitung,Zeitung, 99,, 105-13105-13 321-3321-355 Peretti,, A.A.,, SchmetzerSchmetzer,, K.K,, BernhardtBernhardt,, H.J.H.J.,, anandd MouawadMouawad,, F.F.,, ThailanThailandd Stonee MarkeMarkett ReportReport.. MonMongg HsHsuu supplsupplyy down.down. 1995c1995c.. RubinRubinee auauss MonMongg HsuHsu,, MyanmaMyanmarr (Burma),, eieinn neuesneues EmeralEmeraldd tradtradee pickingg uupp (1995)(1995):: JewelSiam,Jewe/Siam, JunJune-Julye-July,, pp.. 5353 VorkommeVorkommenn vovonn kommerziellekommerzieUerr BedeutunBedeutung (Tei(Teill 2)2).. ThieryThiery,, R.R.,, VaVann dedenn KerkhofKerkhof,, A.M.A.M.,, anandd DubessyDubessy,, J.L, 19941994.. X

GoldschmiedeGoldschmiede undund UhrmacherUhrmacher Zeitung,Zeitung, 1111,, pp.pp. 94-10494-104 propertipropertieses of of CH CH.-C04-CO22 andand CO CO2-N2-N2 fluid2 fluid inclusions: inclusion modellings: mod­ Ried,, F., 19941994.. TitanmobilitätTitanmobilitat:: MetasomatischMetasomatischee titanreichetitanreiche elling foforr T<31°T<31 °CC anandd P<40P<4000 barsbars.. Eur. J.J. Mineral.,Mineral, 6,6, 753-753-77l1 AderAdemn aamm KontakKontaktt vovonn DolomitmarmoreDolomitmarmorenn zu zurr BergeUerBergeller TrommTrommsdorff,sdorff, V., andV., and Skippen, Skippen, G .,G., 1986 1986.. Vapor Vapor lo lossss (' ('Boiling')Boiling') Intrusion.. PhPhDD thesisthesis,, No.. 10637, ETETHH (Swis(Swisss FederalFederal aass a mechanismechanismm foforr fluifluidd evolutioevolutionn iinn metamorphimetamorphicc rocksrocks.. InstitutInstitute ooff TechnologyTechnology)) ZürichZurich,, pp.. 1-1521-152 ContributionContributionss to MineralogyMineralogy andand Petrology,Petrology, 94, 317-22317-22

Seward, T.M., T.M., 1981. 1981. Metal Metal complex comple formationx formation in aqueous in aqueous solutions solu­ TolleyToUey, W.K.,, anandd TesterTester,, L.S., 19891989.. SupercriticaSupercriticall CO22 aanndd

tions a att elevateelevatedd temperaturetemperaturess andand pressurespressures,, iinn Richard,Richard, solubilitysolubility ooff TiClTiCl"4 , UniteUnitedd StateStatess DepartmenDepartmentt ooff the IntInteriorerior.. D., andand Wickman, Wickman, R., R, Chemistry Chemistry and a geochemistrynd geochemistry of solutions of solu- BureauBureau ooff MinesMines,, ReporReportt InvestigationInvestigationss NoNo.. 92169216,, pppp 11-1-100


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Notes from the Gem and Pearl Testing Laboratory, Bahrain - 5

Ahmed Bubshait and Nick Sturman

On preliminary examination the major­ Abstract ity of pieces used to construct the box Items of interest seen within the jew­ appeared to be amber and this was duly ellery trade in Bahrain are discussed. confirmed by basic gemmological testing. An amber box and composite amber However, the interesting point about this and plastic worry beads are described, piece was that the orange-brown inlaid and the problem of fissure filling is dis­ rectangular area and the scrolled area of cussed, with a note about a fracture­ the same colour on the lid of the box, filled emerald. proved to be fashioned from pressed amber. Proof that these two areas were not natural amber was obtained by using Amber box polarized light to inspect the internal struc­ Figures 1 and 2 show an amber box sub­ ture under the microscope. Between cross mitted for testing by a local customer. The polars a typical pattern of interference box was being offered for sale as amber by colours (Bubshait and Sturman, 1993) was a 'Russian' client. seen and swirly smoke-like inclusions con-

Fig. 1. Side view of the amber box.

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 21

used as fashion accessories. The bead in Figure 3 was one of 33 in a row of worry beads that we were asked to examine recently. The beads were being offered as amber and our customer decided to have them checked. Although not a member of the trade, he was aware that some materi­ als sold as amber are not genuine and they looked suspicious to him. The identity of the beads was partly correct when described as amber but, as can be seen from the photograph, the beads used in Fig. 2. View of the lid with darker orange-brown rec­ this particular set of worry beads look tangular and central scrolled pressed amber areas 7 showing. 'wrong on first impression and indeed they are. Each bead is actually made up of sisting of minute brown to black impurities amber pieces, embedded within a plastic were seen in places; the latter structure is bead frame and clearly shows a central line typical of some types of pressed amber. (typical of some pieces of moulded plastic Although identification was fairly straight­ and glass) where the two adjacent pieces of forward, it was made harder because the plastic meet. maker of the box had mixed a reddish- We have encountered worry beads such brown dye with the adhesive to fix the as these before, but it is the first time we pressed amber pieces in position. This have had the opportunity to photograph a layer prevented most of the light from set. passing through the pressed amber freely and it was only in the patches where there were bubbles in the adhesive that we could observe the interference pattern between crossed polars and look at the inclusions with greater clarity. These bub­ ble areas, being free of the reddish-brown dye, showed the true paler yellow colour of the pressed amber used and allowed the light to pass through with little obstruc­ tion.

Plastic and amber worry beads Fig. 3. One of the plastic beads with included amber Worry or prayer beads are widely used in pieces. the Middle East. Traditionally they were used in mosques and were made up of A resin-filled natural emerald either 99, 66 or 33 beads, strung with two An ongoing concern in the international spacers and a long cylindrical terminating jewellery trade today is the fracture filling 'bead'. The number of beads corresponded of various stones (Levy, 1995). Diamonds, to the number of times short Arabic corundum (mainly ruby) and emerald are phrases had to be recited after prayer. The the main stones to be treated in this way. Catholic faith's rosary beads are used in a However, some in the jewellery trade similar fashion. would appear to consider emerald sepa­ Today most strings of worry or prayer rately and argue that oil (generally beads consist of 33 beads and are mainly accepted by all) or resin (not so widely 22 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

accepted) should both be considered as accepted practices. On the other hand, some say any filling should be disclosed. The trade generally agrees that filled frac­ tures and cavities in stones other than emerald should be disclosed. It is good to see that this problem is being addressed at various international meetings and what­ ever the reader's personal opinion, this will continue to be a matter for discussion (Gem and jewellery News, 1993-94) until a firm stance is taken. Valid points have Fig. 4. The distinct orange colour seen in the fractures been made for and against disclosing oiled of a resin-treated emerald. and resin-filled fractures in emeralds. Customers have the right to know and decide for themselves. In practice, many think that when they purchase a stone they are being told everything relevant to them at the time {Gem and jewellery News, 1993). Should all filled stones, no matter what the filler is, be openly disclosed to customers so that they can decide for themselves? If you were the customer, would you like to be told the 'whole truth and nothing but the truth' wherever possible? In the labora­ tory, it is not yet possible to prove the iden­ tity of a specific filler, such as Opticon Fig. 5. The blue colour seen in the fractures of the resin No. 224 (even with infrared spec­ same emerald as Fig. 4. trometers and other sophisticated equip­ ment available to some of us) without destructive testing but it is possible to indi­ 1994), first because the colours were cate in general terms whether oil or resin is extremely strong, comprising orange present. (Figure 4) which was the most distinct, Recently a number of resin-filled natural blue (Figure 5) and yellow and purple emeralds have been examined in the labo­ (depending on the angle); and secondly ratory and, although most of the stones due to its unusual reaction when examined appear to be of Colombian origin and under both long- and short-wave ultravio­ show weak to distinct signs of resin filling, let light. A fracture running parallel to the one stone described here is possibly of table fluoresced a moderate yellow/white 'Russian origin' (customer's opinion) and and exhibited a fairly persistent yellowish contained quite distinct evidence of filling. phosphorescence when exposed to SWUV The colour flashes within the fractures light, whilst another fracture produced a were very pronounced (even vivid at some strong yellow/white fluorescence and a angles) and the filler was easily visible very short-lived phosphorescence under throughout the fractures. LWUV. This is the first time resin fillers We believe that this particular stone was exhibiting these fluorescent characteristics filled by a resin other than Opticon 224, have been observed in this laboratory. possibly Araldite No. NU471, Dobeckot Because no 'sweating' was observed from No. 505 or Novogen No. P40 (Nassau, any of the surface-reaching fractures in the J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 23 stone, the filler in this stone was probably ion. One chose not to purchase the stone sealed in with a hardener. A Colombian (he would have done so if it were oiled stone examined earlier showed the more and not filled with artificial resin) and the characteristic resin-filled features and also other customer purchased the resin-filled showed pronounced 'sweating' from some stone to see whether he could sell it as a of its surface-reaching fractures, so there­ treated emerald in the market. In both fore this stone probably had no hardener cases the customer had all the relevant lab­ applied to it. As part of its disclosure pol­ oratory information available and the deci­ icy, the Bahrain laboratory adds a final sions were made accordingly. explanatory paragraph on emerald reports, to inform customers about the filling of fractures in emeralds with various sub­ References stances. However, because precise identifi­ Bubshait, A., and Sturman, N.P.G., 1993. Notes from the Gem cation of the fillers is not yet feasible, we and Pearl Testing Laboratory, Bahrain-2. Journal of Gemmology, 23, 7, 398-401 also give the customer a verbal opinion Gem and Jewellery News, 1993-94. Trade notes and letters in (when all agree) as to whether the filling is issues 2, 2, to 3, 3 a natural oil/resin or an artificial epoxy Gem and Jewellery News, 1993. Treated gems. 2, 2, 20 Levy, H., 1995. Around the trade. Gem and Jewellery News, 4, 4, type resin. The two customers who owned 51-2 the stones mentioned above chose to act on Nassau, K., 1994. Gemstone enhancement (2nd edn). both the laboratory report and verbal opin­ Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, London. pp 64-6

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The gems of Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada

Willow Wight

Research Division, Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Abstract tify even as crystals, there are signifi­ The quarries at Mont Saint-Hilaire, cant problems in identifying the gems. Rouville County, Quebec, have been There has also been confusion about visited by mineral collectors for over which gems come from Mont Saint­ 30 years. The total number of minerals Hilaire, and this has been exacerbated found there stands at over 300, with 27 by an increasing demand and thus new species described from the local­ increasing prices put on these rare ity. Gems have been cut from at least gems. Two tables list and describe all 28 mineral species. Since many of the gems documented from Mont Saint­ minerals are rare and difficult to iden- Hilaire as of April 1995.

...-- Montreal (40 km) ./Exit 115 (St-Jean Baptiste)

Hwy 20 (Freeway)

Town of Mont Saint-Hilaire ,:,.;..;..:,.;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..:.-;..;..:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.- : Railway ''/'/'/'/''''' ,""",/'" ... ./.',/"./,,"'" ,.,/"" ... ./"".

Hwy 116 (St-Hyacinthe) ~

_ aureole

II.:}j Pai n du Sucre and other formations of older west half of mountain

m Lac Hertel Fig. 1. Locality map of Mont Saint-Hilaire 11IIIHYounger rocks of east half of mountain quarries. Computer L-______---l graphic by Q. Wight.

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 25

Fig. 2. Mont Saint-Hilaire from the north on highway 20, 28 May 1995. Photo: Q. Wight.

Fig. 3. Quarries on north-east side of Mont Saint-Hilaire from highway 229, 6 August 1994. Photo: Q. Wight. 26 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Introduction the ten Monteregian Hills (see locality The quarries of Mont Saint-Hilaire, map, Figure 1). About 350 m in height and Quebec, have been a Mecca for mineral about 3km in diameter, the roughly circu­ collectors, especially micromounters, for lar pluton rises abruptly above the sur­ over thirty years. The number of minerals rounding flat, St Lawrence lowlands found at the locality now stands at over (Figure 2). The nearby village on the bank 300, with minerals new to science being of the Richelieu River is also called Mont described regularly. Mont Saint-Hilaire is Saint-Hilaire. At one time there were three the type locality for 27 mineral species, adjoining quarries on the north-east face of and there are still unknown species to be the mountain - the Poudrette on the east identified and described. and the Demix, formerly known as the This large number of minerals, many of Desourdy and Uni-Mix quarries, on the which are rare or unique, is even more west - operating to provide crushed rock remarkable considering the small size of for construction and road work. Steady the locality The quarried area of Mont expansion over the years has resulted in Saint-Hilaire is relatively small, a mere 30 one large pit, operated today by R. or so hectares (<0.5 km2). In contrast, the Poudrette Inc. (Figures 3 and 4). 340 minerals at the classic mineral locality Access for collecting in the quarry is of Franklin/Sterling Hill, New Jersey, came strictly controlled, with regularly sched­ from mines spanning an area of at least uled field trips being organized by the 7 km2. Club de Minéralogie de Montréal (usually Mont Saint-Hilaire lies about 40 km east five trips each summer). of Montreal in Rouville County; it is one of Several comprehensive articles on Mont

Fig. 4. Looking into the south corner, 6 August 1994. Field trips are arranged for mineral collectors five times each year. Only about one-quarter of the quarry is visible here. Photo: W. Wight. J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 27

Saint-Hilaire and its minerals have been sodalite xenoliths, igneous breccias, horn- published, notably Horvath and Gault fels breccias and so on, in the three main (1990), and Wight and Chao (1986,1995). rock types in the quarry - syen­ The book Monteregian Treasures was pro­ ite, sodalite syenite and hornfels. Different duced in 1989 by Mandarino and environments, of course, foster the growth Anderson. References cited in these works of different minerals. will not usually be repeated here. History Geology When mineral collectors first began to visit Mont Saint-Hilaire is a small, alkaline com­ the quarries in the early 1960s, Frank plex that intruded the Palaeozoic rocks of Melanson found an unusual orange-pink the St Lawrence Lowlands during the crystal about 5 cm long. Since he could not Cretaceous period; there were probably identify it, he took it to Dr Guy Perrault of three intrusions, between 134 and 120 mil­ the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal. lion years ago. Some indication of the geol­ Perrault identified it as serandite, a rare ogy is shown in Figure 1. The quarries are sodium manganese silicate, previously on the eastern side of the mountain, where found only as fragments from the the dominant rocks are island of Rouma, Los Archipelago, Guinea, and sodalite syenite. off the west coast of Africa. Since then The complex contains some rare agpaitic serandite has been found in other locali­ rocks, those in which the alkali content is ties, but the crystals from Mont Saint- very high relative to aluminium. It is Hilaire are the best in the world (Figures 5 thought that the development of so many and 6). They have been found in sufficient rare minerals at Mont Saint-Hilaire is quantities for almost every mineral related to the high alkalinity that allowed museum in the world to have one. Three the liquid magma to incorporate more of major finds in 1972,1981 and 1988 are the zirconium, titanium and rare earth ele­ chronicled in detail in Horvath and Gault ments that have been found in so many of (1990). the species. Furthermore, the material that The unusual and very attractive orange- makes up such rocks may have originated pink colour of serandite led to the prepara­ at great depth (perhaps 70 km) in the crust tion of a cabochon by Sam Ronson of of the Earth, where the ratios of the ele­ Montreal about 1964. Melanson kindly ments to each other are not necessarily the loaned this, the first polished serandite, for same as those found in the relatively a photograph (Figure 7). lighter rocks of the continental material above. The abundance of sodalite has been The first gems from Mont Saint-Hilaire attributed to the reaction of the rising East Over the years 'Canada's Magic Mountain' Hill suite magmas with chlorine-bearing has become of great interest also to collec­ brines. Further geological information can tors of rare gemstones. This is partly be obtained from Horvath and Gault because of the promotion of Canadian (1990), Wight and Chao (1995) or refer­ gemstones by the Canadian Museum of ences in those comprehensive articles. Nature (CMN). In 1975-76, the then The minerals for which Mont Saint- National Museum of Natural Sciences Hilaire is famous occur in a large number mounted a temporary exhibit called of geological environments. Collectors 'Gemstones', consisting of 18 cases of min­ refer to several readily recognizable host erals and gems, which was shown in rocks, such as unaltered , Ottawa and then in Toronto at the Royal altered pegmatites, miarolitic cavities in Ontario Museum (ROM). One case fea­ nepheline syenite, marble xenoliths, tured Canadian gemstones and included 28 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Fig. 5. Superb large serandite crystal (CMN#37124; 22 x 10 cm) with the typical intense orange-pink colour, found in 1972. Photo: CMN, G. Robinson.

Fig. 6. Particularly lustrous pink serandite crystals were found in 1988 (CMN#54046; 6.0 x 3.5 cm). Photo: CMN. G. Robinson.

Fig. 7. The first polished serandite cabochon, 22.3 x 8.2 x 3.5 mm, loaned by F. Melanson. Photo: Q. Wight. J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 29

the four minerals from Mont Saint-Hilaire that had been faceted at that time: seran- dite, sphalerite, willemite and (Figure 8). The serandite gem, on loan from the ROM, was the first faceted serandite. The 3.14 ct salmon-coloured, translucent, step- cut stone was faceted by G. Grant Waite of Toronto in 1974 from rough purchased by the ROM from Bernard Beaudin in 1973. The natrolite and willemite in the exhibit were faceted from transparent pieces in the m $<,*:•*#*& collection of the CMN by an amateur Fig. 9. Natrolite (CMN#20238; 8.70 ct) faceted from faceter, E.G. Letourneau of Ottawa. The Museum rough in 1976 by E.G. Letourneau in a modi­ fied gavotte cut that brings out the best from this usu­ 8.70 ct natrolite gem, largest of three that ally undistinguished looking material. Photo: CMN, W. he produced in 1976, has still not been sur­ Wight. passed in beauty, although there are now slightly larger natrolite gems in the National Gem Collection. The blue willemite at 6.75 ct is the largest known; it is unlikely that any more will be found. Willemite of this blue colour is not found elsewhere (see Figures 9 and 10). The sphalerite, a light green brilliant weighing 1.61 ct, was the gift of Wilfrid Jonasch of Montreal, who collected and faceted it himself.

The search for serandite Serandite provided the same impetus for gem collectors as for mineral collectors.

Fig. 8. The first gems from Mont Saint-Hilaire exhib­ ited by the CMN in 1976. Back, left to right, serandite Fig. 10. Blue willemite (CMN#20353; 6.75 ct) was (ROM; 3.14 ct), sphalerite (CMN#20045; 1.61 ct), found only rarely in the 1970s at Mont Saint-Hilaire. willemite (CMN#20353; 6.75 ct) and in front, natrolite This is the first and still largest gem, faceted in 1976 by (CMN#20238; 8.70 ct). Photo: CMN, G. Runnells. E.G. Letourneau. Photo: CMN, W. Wight. 30 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

After the exhibition of the four gems in Historical development 1976, interest gradually grew with almost One of the important aspects of the pro­ every collector looking for transparent duction of gems from Mont Saint-Hilaire pieces of the very attractive, orange-pink has been the role of the amateur faceter. serandite. Some pieces tend to be more The first gems were all cut by 'amateurs', pink; others more orange. The CMN pur­ who took the time to study these minerals, chased its first serandite gem in 1981, a and found the proper angles and designs transparent orange beauty of 0.95 ct that would bring out their beauty. Skill and (Figure 11). Other stones were later faceted patience in the actual faceting are also very and cabochon-cut from Museum-collected important, since many of these gemstones rough by Art Grant. The National Gem are soft, have cleavages and are difficult to Collection now has five gems, four being polish. Special techniques were developed transparent, and one an exceptional orange to facet water-soluble minerals such as vil- translucent, pear-shaped cabochon of liaumite. 19.65 ct (Figure 12). The great success in 1976 of Ernie A faceted serandite of 14.62 ct is known Letourneau in providing attractive gems to exist in a private collection. Recent refer­ from the natrolite and willemite rough in ences to the species include Henn et al, the Museum's collection led to considera­ (1991) and Koivula et al, (1992a and b). tion of other possible gems from Mont Saint-Hilaire. The light blue colour of the willemite was attractive (and very unusual for willemite), but the natrolite gem, a modified gavotte cut, was truly surprising. It is remarkable that Letourneau was able to produce a beauti­ ful gem (Figure 9) with a very bright appearance from natrolite, a colourless mineral with a very low refractive index, cleavages and a hardness of only 5. Attention to the proper angles and proportions are essential when working with such materials. Most natrolite gems Fig. 11. Faceted serandite acquired by the CMN in appear dull and uninteresting. 1981, the first of several (CMN#20852; 0.95 ct). Photo: CMN, W. Wight Wilfrid Jonasch of Montreal faceted the first sphalerite gem on his own. He then produced four siderite gems in 1984 from Museum rough (Figure 13), the largest two weighing 2.25 and 2.60 ct. Arthur Grant of Martville, NY, was at that time an amateur faceter very inter­ ested in soft and unusual gem materials (Wight and Wight, 1989). Over the years, his skills added villiaumite (1981) (Figures 14 and 15), rhodochrosite (1982) (Figures 16 and 17), catapleiite (1983), fluorite (1983), analcime (1987), (1987) Fig. 12. A large cabochon (CMN#22137; 18.65 ct) and (1987) to the National showing the pinkish orange colour typical of the best Gem Collection. Villiaumite (sodium fluo­ serandite, cut from rough already in the CMN by A. ride) was a special challenge; it is water Grant in 1981. Photo: CMN, W. Wight J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 31 soluble and required the development of Saint-Hilaire now have a profitable, if lim­ special faceting techniques. ited, market. Table I gives details of the 28 Gradually gem collectors interested in minerals which we know to have been cut oddities learned about Mont Saint-Hilaire, and polished as of April 1995. Table II and the demand for the faceted gems gives a description of the gemstones with increased as had the demand for its rare their properties and references that may be and unusual minerals. Gems from Mont helpful in identification.

Fig. 13. Siderite (CMN#22201; 2.60 ct) faceted from Fig. 15. Villiaumite (CMN#21544; 0.92 ct) faceted by rough already in the CMN in 1984 by W. Jonasch. B. Wilson in 1993. The first villiaumite was faceted Photo: CMN, W. Wight. from rough already in the CMN in 1981 by A. Grant (CMN#22134; 0.27 ct). Photo: CMN, W. Wight.

Fig. 14. Typical red cubes of villiaumite in white sodalite/analcime Specimen and photomicrograph, Q. Wight. 32 J. Gemm., 1996, 25, 1

Table I: Some documented gems from Mont Saint-Hilaire

Mineral Gem sizes Dates first cut 1 Remarks 1

Albite 1 ct light pink 1987 (GH rough 1985) only stone known Apr 1995 Analcime 0.82 ct 1987 (CMN rough) AG (list 95: 10 stones) 1 to 4.98 ct BW 1994: 4.98 ct 1.13 ct 1994 only stone known Apr 1995 Cancrinite mauve cab 3.43 ct 1994 (CMN rough) only stone known Apr 1995 0.04 to 1.48 ct 1988 (GH rough) AG (list 95: 6 stones) Catapleiite 0.45 to 2.48 ct 1983 (CMN rough 1972) AG (list 95: 27 stones); BW91 Cryolite 0.20 to 2.25 ct 1991 AG (list 95: 11 stones) Eudialyte 0.19ct 1991 (GH rough) only stone known Apr 1995 Fluorite G 0.38 ct; 1983 green (CMN rough AG (list 95: 6 stones) V 1.06, 1.23 ct; acquired 1972) BW 1992 C 2.94 ct; It B 3.47, 14.6 ct; It G 26.90 ct Kogarkoite 0.34 ct 1993 (GH rough 1992) only stone known Apr 1995 0.72 to 2.82 ct 1992 (GH rough found AG (list 95: 7 stones) 1989) BW (2 stones) only stones known Apr 1995 Leucophanite It G 1.49 ct; 1987 (GH rough found AG (list 95: 3 stones) Y 0.30, 0.47 ct 1987) only stones known Apr 1995 Manganotychite It Y 0.16 to 0.32 ct; 1993 (GH rough found AG (list 95: 5 stones) It 0 0.47 ct Sept 1992) only stones known Apr 1995 Microcline 0.56 ct; 1987 (CMN rough AG; BW cab It grey cab 16.26 ct collected 1984) only stones known Apr 1995 Narsarsukite 0.14 to 0.32 ct 1987 (CMN rough AG (list 95: 3 stones) collected 1984) only stones known Apr 1995 J. Gemm., 1996,25, 1 33

Table I continued

Natrolite 8.70, 3.60, 3.05, 1976 (CMN rough EL 1976 ( 3 stones) 9.65; up to 10.60 ct collected 1973) AG (list 95: 8 stones); BW 0.85 ct 1992 (GH rough) only stone known Apr 1995 Quartz 0.22 ct 1994 AG (list 95: 1 stone) Remondite-(Ce) 1.72 to 6.62 ct; 1992 (GH rough 1991) AG (list 95: 30 stones) 7.27 ct BW95 Rhodochrosite 0.21 to 1.16 ct; 1982 (CMN rough 1972) AG 3.91 to 5.66 ct BW 95 (4 stones) Serandite 0.95 to 2.80; 1964 cabochon AG (list 95: 37 stones) cabs 6.40 to 18.65; 1974 Waite/ROM; others up to 14.62 ct1981 (CMN rough) Shortite 0.35 to 3.52 ct 1991 (CMN rough 1991) AG (list 95: 16 stones) Siderite 0.70, 0.95, 2.25, 1984 (CMN rough 1972) only stones known 2.60 ct Apr 1995 Sodalite cab; 1978 cab BW 1994 0.12 ct transparent B 1994 Soda lite var. 3.32,9.77 ct; 1988 (GH rough found AG (list 95: Hackmanite up to 15.33 ct 1988) -90 stones) Sphalerite G 1.61 to 24.74 ct; 1976 (WJ) AG (list 95: 31 stones) dk R 6.03 ct; 1984 (from CMN rough MG 1991 (red) dk G 42.16, 55.62 ct; collected 1983) BW 1994 (B-G) Y 25.45 ct and others Ussingite 0.11, 0.53 ct 1995 (GH rough) AG (list 95: 2 stones) BW 1995 (3 small) only stones known Apr 1995 Villiaumite 0.27 to 35.0 ct 1981 (CMN rough AG (list 95: 19 stones) 5.01 tricolour (1988) acquired 1972) Willemite 0.30, 1.02, 6.75 ct 1976 (CMN rough EL (6.75 ct, 1976) collected 1971-72) AG (list 95: 2 stones 1987) only stones known Apr 95

IFaceters; AG = Arthur T. Grant; BW = Bradley S. Wilson; EL = Ernest G. Letourneau; MG = Michael Gray; Wj = Wilfrid Jonasch Coll ections: CMN = Canadian Museum of Nature; GH = Gilles Hainea ult

Abbreviations used for colour description: V = violet; B = blue; G = green; Y = yellow; 0 = orange; R = red; C = colourless; W = white; It = li ght; dk = dark ~ Table II: Description and properties of gemstones from Mont Saint-Hilaire

Mineral Description' Optiml Physical Composition and Ref3 Properties' Properties' Crystal Systern; Absorption SpectrUin 0

(1) light pink B(+ ) H: 6 to 6.5 NaAlSi30 s (colourless) a=1.528 SG: 2.59 Triclinic (2) ~= 1.532 Cleavage: perfect y= 1.539 Fluoresces cherry R in SWUV

Analcime colourless H: 5 to 5.5 Na(AISi,)0 6_HP (1) : vi treous but less so n = 1.487 mean (meas.) SG: 2.23 (meas.) Cubic (2) than ga rnet (range 1.486 to 1.489) May fluoresce C (may appear anisotropic) LW&SWUV Apophyllite colourless U(+) H: 4.5 to 5 KCa,Sip20(F,OH)8HP (1) (probably (light grey, light green, w = 1.530-1.536 SG: 2.4 Tetragonal (2) fluorapophyllite) light yellow, light pink) £ = 1.532-1.538 Cleavage: perfect Lu stre: vitreous, pearly DR 0.001 -0.002; may May fluoresce Y LW, on cleavage appea r isotropiC bright G SWUV

(1) Cancrinite light, greyish purple U (-) H: 5 t06 Na6Ca,AI6Si6O,,(C0 3), (yellow to orange, violet) w = 1.512 SG: 2.45 (meas.) Hexagonal (2) £ = 1.489 (meas.) Cleavage: perfect Opaque to transparent

Carletonite intense blue U(-) H : 4 to 4.5 KNa.,Ca,Sip, 8(C0 3),(OH,F).Hp (blue, pink, white, w = 1.521 SG: 2.45 (meas.) (1) grey, colourless; £ = 1.517 (meas.) Cleavage: perfect Tetragonal (2) COIOUT zoning conunon) Pleochroism: weak, (3) Lustre: vitreous to pea rly, blue/pi nkish brown (4) slightly waxy on long (in blue materia]) '-:-< exposure to air CJ (l) Ca tapleiite colourless, greyish B(+) H: 5.5 Na,ZrSi 0 ·2H,O (1) 3 9 s (light brow n) u. = 1.588 SG: 2.77 to Monoclinic (2) ~= 1.591 2.81 (meas.) (pseudohexagona]) (5) ? ....., y = 1.624 (meas.) Cleavage: perfect (6) \0 DR 0.036 May fluoresce G \0 gems 1.593 - 1 .629 LW&SWUV P' N sn ...... ":""' CJ ro Cryoli te nearly colourless B(+) H: 2.5 Na3AlF6 (1) S a = 1.338 SC: 2.97 Monoclinic (2) ~ = 1.338 f ...... Y = 1.339 \0 \0 DR 0.001 ~ Datolite gems not confirmed; B(-) H: 5 to 5.5 CaBSi0 4(OH) (1) N (pale yeUow, white) a = 1.625 SG: 3.00 Monoclinic (2) .:-n ...... ~ = 1.653 Y = 1.670

Eudialyte brownish red U(±) H: 5.5 Na ,.(Ca),Fe3Zr ,(Si,o .), (SiP ,,)2(OH,Cl)4 (1) (brown, red, orange) w = 1.598 - SG: 2.88 to 3.07(meas.) Trigonal (2) 1.628 Cleavage: indistinct Abs. sp.: lines at (7) E = 1.605 - 523, 527, 595nm (23) 1.625 (meas.)

Fluorite colourless, violet, green, bl ue H: 4 CaF, (1) (pink, tan) n = 1.435 (1) meas. SC: 3.08 meas. Cubic (2) Cleavage: perfect (5) octahedral. May fluoresce. V-B LW, weak BSWUV

Centhelvite gems not confirmed H:6 Zn4Be,(Si0 4),S (1) (colourless, light yellow, n = 1.741 to 1.745 (meas.) SC: 3.63 to 3.66 (meas.) Cubic (2) greenish yellow, orange-tan) Translucent Cleavage: none Lustre: vitreous; Fluoresces bright C greasy on broken surface LW &SW UV; phosphoresces YC

Kogarkoite light blue B(+) H: 3.5 Na3(SO, )F 0) (pale blue, white) a = 1.439 SC: 2.679 Monoclinic (24) Lustre: vi treous to waxy ~ = 1.439 Slightly water soluble after exposure to air Y= 1.442 Fluoresces W LW, pale B DR (0.003) SWUV Translucent

(1) Leifite light violet, U(+) H:6 Na. K, fSi'2(Si3AI3)(BeF),o 391 (whi te to w = 1.515 SC: 2.57 (meas.) Trigonal (2) colourless, light yellow) E = 1.519 (meas.) Cleavage: distin ct (8) Lustre: vitreous to silky Translucent to May fluoresce C SWUV (25) transparent VJ CJl 0\UJ Table II continued

Leucophanite light yellow to light green B(-) H:4 (Na,Ca),BeSi,(O,OH,F), (1) (yellow, green and white) ex = 1.565 SC: 2.97 to 3.06 (meas.) Orthorhombic (2) ~= 1.590 Clea vage: perfect y = 1.593 (meas.) Some flu oresces pink or blue in LW & SW UV (8) Manganotychite light rose H:4 Na6(Mn,Fe),(C0 3),SO, n = 1.552 (meas.) SC: 2.83 (meas.) Cubic (9) Water soluble Abs. sp.: sharp band at 414 nm

MicrocJine colourless to greyish B(-) H: 6 to 6.5 KAISip s (1) (white, grey) ex = 1.514 - 1.529 SC: 2.56 TricJinic (2) ~ = 1.518 -1.533 Cleavage: perfect y = 1.521 - 1.539 Narsarsukite olive green U(+) H: 6 t07 Na,(Ti,Fe)Si,(O,F)" (1) (pale to bright (J) = 1.610 - 1.614 SC: 2.72 - 2.83 (meas.) Tetragonal (2) yellow, green, grey, tan, E =1 .644 - Cleavage: perfect brown) 1.647 (meas.) DR 0.033

(1) Natrolite colourless, B(+) H: 5 Na,AI,Si3O IO·2H,O (light pink, ex = 1.479 SG: 2.25 (meas.) Orthorhombic (2) yellowish brown) ~= 1.485 Cleavage: perfect (5) y = 1.491 (meas.) May flu oresce white (10) gems 1.478 - 1.490 LW &SW UV

Pectolite colourless B(+) H: 4.5 to 5 NaCa,Sip,(O H) (1 ) ex = 1.592 -1.610 SG: 2.91 (meas.) isomorpholls series (2) p = 1.603 - 1.615 Cl eavage: perfect with serandite '-;-< y "1.630 - 1.645 May flu oresce pink, TricJ inic = CJ O-pink LW & wea k pink ([) SWUV S Quartz colourless to smoky U(+) H: 7 SiO, (1) ? (J) 1.544 SC: 2.65 Trigonal (2) >--' = \D e = 1.553 May fluoresce \D Y-O LW &S W UV ~ N ~ >--' ':'""" CJ (11) ro Remondite-(Ce) orange (colour-change); B(+) H: 3 to 3.5 Na3(Ca,Ce,La,Na,5r)J(COJ)s greenish yellow in fluorescent a = 1.632 SG: 3.43 (meas.), gem Monoclinic (12) S light to yellowish orange in p = 1.633 3.53 (meas.) UV /Visible trans- ? incandescent light y = 1.638 (meas.) May fluoresce wea k mission sp: sharp >-' 1.0 DR 0.006 pink LW & SW UV lines at 444, 488, 510, 1.0 gem 1.630 - 1.632 522, 578 nm; others at ,0\ (0.002) 636,678,740,800,874 nm N .;Jl >-' Rhodochrosite pinkish red, orangish red U(-) H: 3.5 to 4 MnC0 3 (1) w = 1.810 SC: 3.51 to 3.67 meas. Trigona l (2) E = 1.598 Cleavage: perfect (5) rhombohedral (13)

Serandite orange, pinkish orange, pink B(+ ) H: 5 to 5.5 Na(Mn,Ca),Sip s(OH); (1) a = 1.668 SC: 3.34 (meas.) isomorphous series (2) p = 1.671 Cleavage: perfect with pectolite (5) y = 1.703 (meas.) Triclinic (8) DR 0.035 Abs. sp.: absorbed up to (14) gems 1.674 - 1.708 -420 nm, strong band Pleochroism: moderate centred at -520 nm pink/O

(1 Shortite intense yellow, B(-) H: 3 Na,Ca,(C0 3)3 ) greenish yellow a = 1.531 SC: 2.60 Orthorhombic (8) p = 1.555 Cleavage: distinct (15) y = 1.570 Decomposed by water DR 0.039 Pleochroism: moderate Y/C/g rey

Siderite golden brown U(-) H:4 FeCOJ (1) (light to dark brow n) w = 1.816 - 1.875 SG: 3.92 (meas) Trigonal (2) E = 1.592 - 1.633; Cleavage: perfect Abs. sp.: broad (5) 1.623 (meas.) rhombohedra l line 485 nm, weak (16) DR 0.240 bands 450 and gems E = 1.61 - 1.63, 510-520 nm w>1.81

Sodalite blue I-l: 5.5 to 6 Na,A I/S iO.)3C1 (1) (white, grey) n=1.483 (mcas.) SG: 2.22 (meas.) Cubic (2) Transparent to opaque Some flu oresces bright (5) OLW &SWUV; (17) phosphoresces Y-W '-lVJ w 00 Table II continued

Soda lite va r. Light yellow / pink after as soda lite as sodalite Na,A I3(SiO')3Cl (1) hackmanite exposure to UV; rarely pink Transparent Cubic (2) gems 1.483 (meas.) (18) (19)

Sphalerite yellow green, brownish 1 1-1:3.5 ZnS (I) green, green, dark red n ~ 2.37 to 2.40 SG: 4.07 (meas.) Cubic (2) (colourless, brown, black) Dispersion: 0.156 Cleavage: perfect Abs. sp: sometimes (5) Lustre: resinous to dodecahedral. May 3 bands in red at (8) adan1antine fluoresce Y-O LW, at 690, 667, 651 nm (20) weak Y-O in SWUV (I) Sugilite gems not confirmed U(-) H: 6 to 6.5 KNa,(Fe,Mn,Al),Li,Si 120 30 (light purple) w ~ 1.595 - 1.611 SG: 2.74 to 2.79 Hexagonal (8) £ ~ 1.590 - 1.607 Inert to UV Abs. sp .. broad band Pleochroism: weak, at -420 nm shades of purpl e

Ussingite light pink B(+) H: 6.5 Na, AISi,08(OI-1) (1) (colourless) a ~ 1.504 SG: 2.46 - 2.50 Tricl ini c (2) ~ ~ 1.508 Cleavage: perfect 2 y ~ 1.543 directions

Villiaumite colourless to pink to very [ H: 2 to 2.5 NaF (1) dar k red; some bi- or tri- n ~ 1.326 (meas.) SG: 2.78(2) (meas.) Cubic (2) coloured stones Cleavage: perfect (5) Very soluble in water (21) May fluoresce weak R SWUV

Willemite light blue U(+) H: 5.5 Zn,SiO, (]) (grey, pale yellow, w ~ 1.689 SG: 4.26 (calc.) Trigonal (2) pink, colourless) £ ~ 1.716 (meas.) Fluoresces G LW & (5) ':"-' Lustre: vitreous to resinous gem 1.693 - 1.722 bright G SWUV, (22) CJ (0.029) phosphoresces G

I Colours in parentheses are also found at Mon t Saint-Hilaire, but not known to be faceted . .2 Whenever available, data are given for Mont Saint-Hilaire specimens, and designated (nleas.). J >-' \0 References: \0 ~ (1) Horvath and Gault, 1990 (2) Mandarino & Anderson, 1989 (3) Chao, 1971 (4) Wight, 1993a (5) Wight, 1986 (6) Wight, 1992b (7) Wight, 1994 (8) Kammerlinget aI., 1995 (9) Khomyakov N et al., 1990 (10) Wight, 1992a (11) Koivula et al., 1992c (12) Van Velthuizen et aI., 1995 (13) Wight, 1985 (14) Wight, 1991a (15) Wight, 1993b (16) Wight, 1992c (17) Wight, 1989 (18) Wight, ,:.n 1993c (19) Koivula & Kammeriing, 1989 (20) Wight, 1991b (21) Wight, 1992d (22) Wight, 1991c (23) Nickel & Nichols, 1991 (24) Pabst & Sharp, 1973 (25) Petersenet al., 1994 >-' J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 39

Fig. 17. Rhodochrosite may also be orange pink, sim- c- in DU i i -^ ,.*, . c • i. xj-i • i_ ilar in colour to some serandite (CMN#22136; 0.48 ct). Fig. 16. Rhodochrosite at Mont Samt-Hilaire may be p, . CMN w Wf , rose pink (CMN#20894; 1.61 ct). P/zofo: CMN, W. Wight ' % l'

Fig. 18. Superlative yellowish green sphalerite (CMN#22212; 24.74 ct) faceted in 1980 by A. Grant. The combi­ nation of colour and cut has resulted in a stone whose true beauty is elusive and difficult to record in a photo­ graph. Photo: CMN, G. Robinson. 40 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Some gemstones will be discussed in 1971,1972), which is so far the only known more detail. locality for the mineral. It was named after Carleton University in Ottawa, where Dr Sphalerite Chao is Professor of Mineralogy. In the The 1980 Rochester Mineralogical period 1982-87, larger crystals up to about Symposium was considerably brightened 5 cm in length were found. These vary in by the sight of an exceptional gem spha­ colour from colourless to light pink and lerite (Figure 18). It was faceted by Art from light to intense blue. Some small Grant for Dr George Robinson, who had transparent pieces of a beautiful, intense obtained the rough from someone who blue colour have been faceted into stones had collected it in the early 1970s. Previous weighing from as little as 0.02 ct up to sphalerite gems in shades of yellowish- to 1.48 ct (Figures 20 and 21). brownish-green had been attractive, but The first carletonite gem (0.34 ct) was not large. This yellowish-green, 24.75 ct, shown at Tucson in 1988 and is pictured in pear-shaped, brilliant-cut gem was fash­ the Mineralogical Record (Wilson, 1988). ioned from an ugly, black-coated lump, showing that, indeed, the beauty of a gem Sodalite owes much to the skill of the faceter. This Sodalite is a rock-forming mineral at Mont glorious gem came to the CMN when Saint-Hilaire. Nepheline syenite and Robinson took up an appointment as sodalite syenite are common, and some Associate Curator in 1982. sodalite containing rock was first cut as a In 1991 a very rare, red sphalerite (6.5 ct cabochon showing blue crystal outlines in step-cut) was acquired; it came from the a white matrix. This rock has been called rind of a green piece (see Figure 19). beloeilite, after the nearby town of Beloeil. Recently one tiny, transparent, blue gem was cut by Bradley S. Wilson for G. Langelier. The hackmanite variety of sodalite, which can be yellow to pink to reddish- purple (photochromic), is also common at Mont Saint-Hilaire as massive, opaque material. In 1992, transparent light yellow hackmanite was found and some was faceted into amazing gems (Figures 22a, b, c). They become raspberry pink after about 15 minutes exposure to ultraviolet light. Fig. 19. Very rare red sphalerite (CMN#21420; 6.03 ct) faceted in 1991 by M. Gray. Photo: CMN, W. Wight. The colour fades gradually to the original light yellow, but the process is repeatable. These were first exhibited by Art Grant Recently larger greenish sphalerites have (who faceted them) and Gilles Haineault been cut by Art Grant for Gilles Haineault (who found the hackmanite) at Tucson and (25.45 ct yellow, 42.16 ct light green and Rochester in 1989 (Koivula and 55.62 ct dark green) and others. The green Kammerling, 1989). Since then, a few of these stones is darker and not quite as pieces having a stable pink colour have attractive as the earlier 24.75 ct stone. been found. The causes of colour, fluorescence and Carletonite photochromatism in sodalite and its hack­ Carletonite is just one of the minerals first manite variety are complex; some refer­ described from Mont Saint-Hilaire (Chao, ences are given in Wight, 1993c. J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 41

Fig. 20. Carletonite crystals, at lOx. Specimen and photomicrograph: Q. Wight.

Fig. 21. Carletonite gem (CMN#21464; 0.04 ct) at 20x. Photomicrograph: CMN, W. Wight.

Fig. 22. Sodalite var. hackmanite gems (CMN#22363; 9.77 ct and CMN#22364; 3.32 ct) (a) light yellow in day­ light; (b) showing orange fluorescence in ultraviolet light; (c) raspberry pink after irradiation with ultraviolet light. Photos: CMN, G. Robinson. 42 J. Gemrn., 1996, 25,1

name remondite-Ce indicates that cerium is the predominant rare-earth element.

Present situation In the last few years, there has been a small but steady stream of new faceted rarities from Mont Saint-Hilaire: leuco- phanite (1987), cryolite (1991), shortite (1991) (Figure 23), leifite (1992), pectolite (1992), kogarkoite (1993) and manganoty- chite (1993). At the Rochester (New York) Mineralogical Symposium in April 1995, Fig. 23. The first shortite gem, faceted from rough faceted ussingite (0.53 ct) was shown for already in the CMN by A. Grant in 1991 (CMN#21467; the first time (Figure 24). 1.04 ct). The intense yellow colour is distinctive. Photo: CMN, W. Wight. By April 1995, 28 mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire had been cut and pol­ ished. Transparent pieces of others have Hackmanite from Mont Saint-Hilaire prob­ been collected (datolite, genthelvite and ably exhibits all possible reactions: some sugilite) and are awaiting the attention of a will appear bright pink when a rock is faceter. Despite the fact that the majority of split open in the quarry and fade to white the above species are not traditional gem- after a few minutes in daylight; some is stones, the demand for gems from Mont found pink and remains pink; yet other Saint-Hilaire has increased to the point pieces are white or light yellow until where faceters (no longer amateurs) are exposed to ultraviolet light, when they competing for the very limited supply of become pink temporarily, but fade in light. facetable material.

Remondite-(Ce) Identification In 1991, Gilles Haineault found fragments It can be very difficult to identify the min­ of transparent orange crystals, which were erals of Mont Saint-Hilaire, especially since first identified as burbankite. Small crys­ many of them are very small (microcrys- tals of burbankite-group minerals had tals). In addition, the habit of a mineral been found earlier, but these were large in from Mont Saint-Hilaire may be unlike the comparison. The broken pieces were habit of that mineral from other localities. faceted by Art Grant into about 30 stones, X-ray diffraction or electron microprobe weighing up to 6.62 ct. After being shown analyses are often necessary to confirm at the Tucson Show in February 1992, they identity. There have been many instances were reported by Koivula et al., 1992c. The over the years of the incorrect identifica­ most interesting property of these gems is tion of commercially available specimens, their strong colour-change from orange or especially microcrystals. yellowish-orange in incandescent light to Because of the fierce interest, and the greenish-yellow in daylight. The colour- resulting high price put on the limited change is thought to be caused by the number of gems available, it is very impor­ presence of rare-earth elements such as tant to confirm the identity and true source cerium and neodymium. New work on the of a gemstone. If one is paying a premium burbankite group of minerals indicates for a 'locality piece', there is the potential that the gems are remondite-Ce, and not for misleading labelling. For instance, burbankite itself (Van Velthuizen et al, eudialyte gems labelled 'Canada' com­ 1995; see also Cesbron et al, 1988). The monly come from Kipawa, Quebec, and J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 43

Fig. 24. Ussingite crystals, at lOx (CMN#54851). Photomicrograph: Q. Wight. not Mont Saint-Hilaire. Although there is 1985 and 1994 in The Canadian Gemmologist eudialyte at Mont Saint-Hilaire, it is not by W. Wight. generally suitable for faceting. There is only one documented eudialyte gem Conclusion (0.19 ct); it is in the collection of G. Mont Saint-Hilaire is a scientific treasure Haineault. Reports of gems cut from house of the rare and unusual. Only a few colourless scheelite, wulfenite and grossu- of its 311 identified mineral species have lar are unconfirmed, and seem unlikely been cut and polished to date. The interest according to expert mineralogists and pub­ of mineralogists, mineral collectors and lished literature. Scheelite and wulfenite gem collectors in the treasures from this do occur at Mont Saint-Hilaire, but only as locality continues unabated. a small number of microcrystals (Horvath and Gault, 1990). Acknowledgements It can be especially difficult to identify The author would like to thank her colleagues at the Canadian these rare gemstones since most of them Museum of Nature, particularly Dr Joel Grice and Robert are not described in the usual gemmology Gault, for a critical reading of the manuscript and many help­ textbooks. And, of course, one must be ful discussions. Thanks are also due to Marga Abear for labo­ ratory assistance. Information provided by Dr Robert Gait of aware of the existence of a gemstone in the Royal Ontario Museum, Arthur Grant, Gilles Haineault, order to identify it. To help with that prob­ Guy Langelier, Frank Melanson and Bradley S.Wilson has lem, some Mont Saint-Hilaire gemstones been invaluable. Special thanks are due to my husband, Quintin Wight, whose passion for Mont Saint-Hilaire has have been featured in the 'Check-list for resulted in our spending many hours in the quarries since Rare Gemstones' series published between 1969. 44 J. Gemm., 1996,25, 1

References Petersen, O.V., R0nsbo, J.G., LeoIiardsen, E.5., Johnsen, 0 ., Cesbron, F., Gilles, C , Pelisson, P., and Sauges, J.-C, 1988. Bollingberg, H. and Rose-Hansen, }. (1994) Leifite from the Remondite-(Ce), a new rare earth carbonate in the bur­ I1imaussaq alkaline complex, South Greenland, N. lh. bankite group. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, series II, 915- 920 (in Min er. Mh. , Jg. 1994, H.2, 83--90 French); American Mineralogist, 1990. 75,433, abstract Robbins, M., 1994. Fluorescence: gems and minerals IInder ultra­ violet light. Geoscience Press, Phoenix, Arizona Chao, G.Y., 1971. Carletonite, KNa4Ca4Si,018(C03)4(F,0H).H,G a new mineral from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec. American Schluter, L and Gebhard, G., 1993. Natrolith von St. Hilaire, Min eralogist, 56, 1855-<'>6 Quebec, Kanada. Z. Dt. Gemma/. Ges., 42, 1,43-5 Henn, U., and Redmann, M., 1991. On the physical and chem­ Van Velthuizen, J., Gault, RA., and Grice, }.D., 1995. ical properties of serandite from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Calcioburbankite, Na3(Ca,REE,SrMC03)s, a new mineral Quebec, Canada. Canadian Gem mologist, 12, 4, 105-8 species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec and its relation­ Horvath, L., and Gault, RA., 1990. The mineralogy of Mont ship to the burbankite group of minerals. Canadian Saint-Hilaire, Quebec. Mineralogical Record, 21, 4, 285-352 Mineralogist, in press (comprehensive article with many references) Wight, Q., and Chao, G.Y., 1986. Mont Saint-Hilaire revisited. Kammerling, RC, Koivula, J.I., Fritsch, E., (eds), 1995. Gem Rocks & Minera/s, 61, 182-97 News - faceted sphalerite and other collector stones from Wight, Q., and Chao, G.Y., 1995. Mont Saint-Hilaire revisited, Canada. Gems & Gemology, 31, 1, 65--7 part 2. Rocks & Minerals, 70, 90-103 and 131-8 Khomyakov, A.P., Bakhchisaraitsev, A. Yu., Martynova, Wight, Q., and Wight, W., 1989. Art Grant: a cut above the rest. A.V., and Parashenko, T.M., 1990. Manganotychite Canadian Gemmologist, 10, 4, 98-101 Na6Mn2(S04)(C03)4 - a new mineral (in Russian). See Wight, W., 1985. Check-list for rare gemstones - rhodo­ Min era/ogical Ahstracts 92M/2074 chrosite. Canadian Gem mologist, 6, 3, 78-81 Koivula, J.I., and Kammerling, RC, 1989. Gem News - hack­ Wight, W., 1986. Canadian gems in the National Museums of manite: a remarkable variety of soda lite. Gems & Gemology, Canada. Canadian Gemmologist, 7, 2, 34-45, 50- 5 25,2,112-13 and 25, 3, 245 Wight, W., 1989. Round and about. Canadian Gemm%gist, 10, Koivula, }.1., Kammerling, RC, and Fritsch, E. (eds), 1992a. 4, 93-4 (hackmanite) Gem News - rare gemstones from Mont Saint-Hilaire. Wight, W., 1991a. Check-list for rare gemstones - serandite. Gems & Gemology, 28, 1, 62 (cryolite, pectolite, leucophanite, Canadian Gemmologist, 12, 2, 46-9 serandite, burbankite) Wight W., 1991b. Check-list for rare gemstones - sphalerite. Koivula, J.I., Kammerling, RC, and Fritsch, E. (eds), 1992b. Canadian Gemmologist, 12, 3, 78-81 Gem News - rare gemstones from Quebec. Gems & Wight, W., 1991c. Check-list fo r rare gemstones- willemite. Gem%gy, 28, 2, 134 (villiaumite, carletonite, hackmanite, Canadian Gemmologist, 12, 4, 110-13 natrolite, sphalerite, catapleiite, serandite, albite, pectolite, Wight, W., 1992a. Check-list for rare gemstones - natrolite. burbankite, shortite, cryolite) Canadian Gemmologist, 13, 1, 14-17 Koivula, }.1., Kammerling, RC, and Fritsch, E. (eds), 1992c. Wight, W., 1992b. Check-list for rare gemstones - catapleiite. Gem News - color-change burbankite-related mineral from Canadian Gemmologist, 13, 2, 46-9 Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec. Gems & Gem%gy, 28, 4, 270-71 Wight, W., 1992c. Check-list for rare gemstones - siderite. (remondite-(Ce» Canadian Gemmologist, 13, 3, 78-81 Koivuia, J.I., Kammeriing, RC, and Fritsch, E. (eds), 1993. Wight, W., 1992d. Check-list for rare gemstones - villiaumite. Gem News - miscellaneous fashioned curiosities. Gems & Canadian Gemmologist, 13, 4, 110-13 Gem%gJj, 29, 1, 60 (leifite) Wight, W., 1993a. Check-list for rare gemstones - carletonite. Mandarino J.A., and Anderson, V., 1989. Monteregian Treasures. Canadian Gemm% gist, 14, 1, 14-17 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Comprehensive Wight, W., 1993b. Check-list for rare gemstones - shortite. to 1988, with many properties measured on Mont Saint­ Canadian Gemmologist, 14, 2, 46--9 Hilaire specimens Wight, W., 1993c. Check-list for rare gemstones - sodalite. Nickel, E. H., and Nichols, M.C, 1991. Minera/ reference manllal. Canadian Gemm%gist, 14, 3, 78--81 Van Nostrand Reinhold, N.Y. Wight, W., 1994. Check-list for rare gemstones - eudialyte. Pabst, A., and Sharp, W.N., 1973. Kogarkoite, a new natural Canadian Gemmologist, 15, 1, 14-17 Wilson, W.E., 1988. What's new in minerals? Mineralogica l phase in the system NazS04-NaF-NaCI. American Mineralogist, 58, 116-27 Record, 19, 3, 209 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 45

River pearls from Bavaria and Bohemia

Horst Hahn

Idar Oberstein, Germany

Translated and amended with the author's permission by Dr J Kanis from a paper published in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft, March 1995.

Abstract Freshwater pearls have been found in Europe for centuries and important sources of supply in the past have been various rivers in Bavaria, Bohemia, Russia, Scandinavia, Scotland, Spain, Lorraine and Brittany, as well as Lüneberg Heath and in Saxony. Because of increasing pollution, pearl fisheries in Europe are now unimportant and today it is only in Scotland where a few rivers yield a significant amount of mussel pearls. The author describes the propagation of the mussels and gives a survey of the occurrences of freshwater pearls in Bavaria and Bohemia. In addition it is pointed out that, very recently, some 150 000 mussels derived from Russian Fig. 1. Margaritifera margaritifera (L.) with pearls, sources have been placed in Bavarian from a stream in Saxony. rivers. The reason for this is not the production of pearls but for research into the behaviour of the mussels in With M. margaritifera, however, we have response to various kinds of pollution. a different situation, and although they can grow to be a greater age than many other Introduction animals, they propagate in enormous num­ Since ancient times salt-water molluscs bers - an unusual process in the animal and their pearls have been widely known. world. In contrast our knowledge of pearls from During the Middle Ages freshwater the freshwater mussel Margaritifera margar- pearls were fished in abundance from itifera is relatively recent and much streams in Germany and other countries. research has still to be done (Figure 1). For instance, according to interesting old Some animals propagate very slowly, documents (Reger, 1981), between 1814 others much faster, and it is interesting to and 1887 at least 158 000 pearls came from note that animals with a long life span nor­ streams in the Bavarian Forest. Pearl fish­ mally produce fewer young than animals ing was of importance not only in Bavaria, with a short life span. but also in Bohemia, as well as in the

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565 46 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Fig. 2. Russian Maria Ikon (copy of Smolensk Madonna Ikon) embroidered in Munich in 1580 with 700 Bavarian river pearls. In Schatzkammer, Munich. J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 47

Lüneburg Heath district, Saxony, Bavarian pilgrim village of Altötting there Lotharingen, Scandinavia, Spain, Brittany is an altar decorated with 3000 pearls. and Russia. In particular Scottish pearls Although some pieces are still in private should also be mentioned. hands and disappeared from the pearl But where have all these freshwater trade long ago, the best and biggest fresh­ pearls gone? High society, churches and water pearls can be admired in the monasteries obtained most of them and Hohenzollern jewellery. In particular the some beautiful specimens can now be state crown with insignia (in the admired in museums. To mention a few, Schatzkammer in Vienna) and the the Schatzkammer of the Munich Habsburg crown are richly decorated with Residenz, the Bavarian National Museum pearls. (see Figure 2) and the Grüne Gewölbe in It is difficult to find out what has hap­ Dresden where a beautiful necklace from pened to the many pearls which were the time of August the Strong contains fished and recovered from Bohemian freshwater pearls from the River Elster rivers and streams during the last few cen­ (Figure 3). turies. Until recently it was believed that In the St Petersburg Hermitage Museum nearly all river mussels in Europe yielding a few valuable jewellery pieces with fresh­ pearls had become extinct, but lately some water pearls are exhibited and in the interesting items of information have come to light.

Margaritifera margaritifera The mussel M. margaritifera thrives only in very clean calcium-poor waters, but does not prosper in streams without any cal­ cium. They are bisexual, which means that a sex change of the female mussel is possi­ ble. They can reach an age of 120 years and can grow up to 14 cm across. Their circula­ tion system makes it possible for the ani­ mal to expand its foot up to 7-8 cm, to extend it from the shell and to move. This is, however, very slow at one metre a day. Their food consists of micro-organisms and algae, which are transported to the inner part of the mussel by millions of fast mov­ ing flagella. It is also known that this mus­ sel variety has been with us for at least 130 million years and has outlived Dinosauria and many other animals. Mussels of the species M. margaritifera are genetically identical everywhere and occur only in the northern hemisphere. They propagate as follows: during the spawn time in July-August up to four mil­ lion eggs leave the ovary (the size of the eggs is approximately 0.04 mm) and move Fig. 3. Pearl necklace with 117 pearls from the Elster river in Saxony, eighteenth century. 'Grüne Gewölbe', to the gill-leaves. Immediately thereafter - Dresden. probably because of slight changes in 48 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

water temperature - the male mussels pro­ In 1560, the Swiss scientist Konrad duce sperm which is then absorbed by the Geszner wrote about the abundance of female mussel during the intake of water. pearls in Bohemia and mentioned, among During the course of evolution it would others, the rivers Moldau and Wottava. In appear that the freshwater mussels must particular good quality pearls in a range of have developed some form of communica­ colours were supposed to come from the tion system because they appear to know Moldau. In the past, pearl dealers would whether they are alone, or whether other specially mention Moldau pearls from mussels occur upstream. In some environ­ Bohemia for their beautiful lustre. The ments the female mussel may change sex, author found this description in one of his perhaps where no males are present and grandfather's business books of 1888 of a reproduction is in danger. grey-rosé coloured Moldau pearl of 9% Research in Sweden and by Dr Bauer of grains (4 grain equal 1 carat) that had been Bayreuth University proved that the larvae sold for 70 Gulden. produced by the female mussel can only Most probably these pearls came from continue to grow in the gills of a particular the upper course of the Moldau river variety of river trout 'Bachforellen' Salmo because as rivers become larger down­ trutta fario (Reger, 1981). It takes three years stream, the quantity of mussels diminishes, for the young mussels to grow large perhaps due to changes in plankton and enough to be recognized in the streams. The other food, or to a lower calcium content river trout are normally 'infected' only once of the water, or to a combination of factors. with larvae and after that they develop an The upper course of the small Bohemian antibody which rejects the larvae. river Schwarzach (Czech = Svarcavan) was It has also been established that among well known for its abundance of mussels, the millions of larvae are a few male mus­ but it is not known whether pearls have sels. The reason for this is that, although been found on the Bavarian side of the the female mussels are bisexual, a few border. No pearls have yet been found in male mussels in the group ensure that no either Slovakia or Hungary, but during a degeneration takes place as a result of trip to Hungary the author saw in the inbreeding which could occur if the female Schatzkammer of the Cathedral of mussels exclusively depended upon self- Echtergom an old choir robe which was fertilization. Male mussels cannot change entirely embroidered with pearls. This is a sex (Reger, 1981). Greek Byzantine piece of art, however, and Although this mussel variety has sur­ the pearls came from the Orient. vived for millions of years through the Another piece of Greek-Byzantine origin complicated technique of survival outlined in the famous Loretto church treasures in above, present ecological changes in water the Prague Hradschin, is the monstrance conditions and in general environmental and this is decorated with large river pollution could eventually threaten the pearls. Also, Bohemian pearls are found on mussel's existence. a robe and a monstrance in the former monastery of Hohenfurt, and beautiful History pearl-embroidered items can be admired in Recently the Förderverein Perlfischerei has the Prague Cathedral Treasury. obtained old documents from the former Before the First World War most of the Bohemia, which are little known in west­ Bohemian river pearls were traded in the ern Europe; they include reports about small town of Rosenberg where a large river pearls in Bavaria in the sixteenth and Jewish community has lived since the thir­ seventeenth centuries in the Bavarian State teenth century. The centre of the Bohemian Archives. pearl trade before the wars was, of course, J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 49

Prague, which has had a flourishing jew­ honorary president, Otto von Habsburg, as ellery industry since the Middle Ages. a representative on a European committee In 1933 a book on 'Pearl mussel and its for ecology and health, has with the help occurrence' was published by a teacher of committee members from Germany and named Ottokar Schubert, a Sudeten- other countries, stressed the importance of German. Another local Sudeten-German, freshwater pearls as environmental indica­ Arno Ritter, a textile merchant, studied tors. Where they can survive the surround­ river pearls and published various articles ings are still alright and other animals and in magazines, and at the beginning of the plants can also flourish, which makes the 1930s he wrote: need for other research and environmental 'The industrialization of the last few improvements, possibly expensive, unnec­ years with its materialistic views has cre­ essary. ated conditions whereby these rare crea­ The ecological problem of dying mussels tures are in danger of extinction. It is is not confined to small regions and there­ feared that all good intentions in Bohemia fore the European Commission committee and Bavaria will disappear in bureaucratic members have demanded immediate paper and "paragraph-sausage" and that action to protect M. margaritifera from the biological gem will be totally extinct extinction. This is now the task of the within a few decades.' Bavarian agriculture and forestry ministry Pearl fishermen have also reported that, and funds have been made available. during the nineteenth century, the opening In particular, the newly founded of mussels in certain streams was officially Förderverein Perlfischerei is active and is, allowed only once in eight years. together with the University of Bayreuth, Many an experienced fisherman in contact with other European countries believed that it was a good sign when such as Sweden, France, Spain, Scotland many pearls came from mussels with and Russia. curved and dented shell surfaces. They During the last few years the present believed that rougher and more deformed occurrences of M. margaritifera have been shells promised larger pearls. However, registered and one still finds these mussels the author does not believe that this is the in various streams in the Bavarian Forest, case. For some time it has been known that Scotland, Scandinavia, Spain and in a natural pearls originate from an epithelial small area in Brittany. On the border of tumour and not due to pressure or injury. Saxony and the Czech Republic, in so- Arab and Indian pearl divers agree with called no man's land, are two streams with this. Healthy, strong mussels normally healthy mussels, which shows that Nature carry more and better pearls, but in some can recuperate when people do not inter­ rare cases deformed shells can produce a fere! In Slovakia there are no recorded larger pearl which is often irregular and mussel occurrences, nor have pearls been described as baroque. used in the jewellery contained in muse­ ums or churches in that country. Protection of the freshwater pearl mussel During the 1980s a Czech-Bavarian bor­ Eight years ago a new society was founded der committee was formed, as some Czech with the assistance of the Bavarian scientists realized that freshwater pearl Ministry of Agriculture, namely mussels are perhaps the best environmen­ Förderverein Perlfischerei-Museum. The tal indicators we have. This led to an president, Karl-Heinz Reger, is the author agreement whereby some streams are of a book on pearl fisheries in Bavaria. In cleaned and are not subject to untreated addition he started a data bank on fresh­ sewage from local establishments. This is water pearls and their documentation. The perhaps not much, but it is a good start 50 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 and during the last two years there has successful, as not sufficient Bachforellen been good cooperation. lived there, it took some time to realize that in addition to placing M. tnargaritifera, Present status it is also necessary to introduce sufficient Scientists are now making discoveries and 'infected' Bachforellen at the same time. collecting data which can form the basis This was then done in a second trial, for certain protection measures. Since 1991 which now will be repeated in Bohemia, the Bavarian agriculture ministry has been Saxony, Scotland, Spain and France. Again, installing automatic equipment to check these trials are being carried out because pH-values in streams and rivers. Some this mussel is a good indicator of the results are surprising: for example they cleanliness of environmental conditions; it found that during the cold season the mus-­ is considered a bonus that after 20-30 sels reduce their metabolism considerably years they may produce pearls. and polluted waters cause less harm than The Bavarian agriculture and environ­ in summer. A particularly harmful period mental ministries have been able to keep seems to be spring when the melt waters the streams in question free from addi­ from snow swell the rivers, but as a long tional pollution. Further efforts at research period is required to obtain reli­ improvements will be made in the triangu­ able data (pers. comm.), no results have lar area north of Rehau between Bavaria, yet been published. Bohemia and Saxony. In one stream, Dr Bauer of Bayreuth Researchers at Bayreuth University and University has discovered a potentially in particular Swedish scientists have worrying situation. About 10 000 mussels described the presence of strontium and live in this stream whose channel is com­ caesium in one of the latest year rings of pletely covered with them. They are in a the M. margaritifera; this is a result of the healthy condition, i.e. the females produce Chernobyl catastrophe and the consequent a very large amount of larvae every sum­ release of these elements into the atmos­ mer, which develop, thanks to the phere. Other Swedish investigations reveal Bachforellen, into young mussels. But for that the fallout from large nuclear tests can the last few years the young mussels have be detected in mussels and convincing been dying and therefore the mussel com­ results will be published at a later date munity is becoming too old. The remedy (pers. comm.). Future research on freshwa­ for this malaise has not yet been discov­ ter mussels is designed to provide impor­ ered. tant data regarding the mechanics of envi­ In 1988-89 authorities in the former ronmental catastrophies, and particularly USSR offered their cooperation to the to help solve problems concerning dying Bavarian authorities and informed them forests and the acidity of stream and river that they estimated that between 50 mil­ waters. lion to 150 000 million M. tnargaritifera mussels lived in Karelian streams. 150 000 Reference mussels were then transported to Bavaria Reger, Karl Heinz, 1981. Perlen aus bayerischen Gewässern. and placed in certain streams to comple­ Hugendubel Verlag, Munich. ment low mussel populations; Bachforellen, essential for their reproduc­ Further reading tion, were also present. Woodward, Fred, 1994. The Scottish pearl in its world context. However, this exercise was only partly Diehard publ., Edinburgh. 420 J. Cemm., 1995,24,6

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Gemmological Instruments Limited • SECOND FLOOR, 27 GREVI LLE STREET (SAFFRON HILL ENTRANCE), LONDON ECl N8SU • Tel : 0171-4043334 Fox: 0171-4048843 Abstracts

Diamonds Gems and Minerals

Instruments and Techniques Synthetics and Simulants

Diamonds and in type I diamonds containing large concen­ trations of nitrogen, effectively all the vacancies in the samples after irradiation can be accounted The formation of diamond. for in their neutral (yO) and negative (V) charge G.P. BULANOVA. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, states. In nitrogen-rich diamonds, the vacancies 53,1995, pp 1-23, 11 photos (10 in colour), 8 figs. are predominantly trapped during annealing at Study of the formation of commercial-sized the nitrogen. In common natural (type Ia) diamonds from kimberlites has produced a very diamonds, variations of absorption linewidths large amount of data which are summarized during annealing imply that -40 per cent of the with fresh theories on the growth of diamond vacancies are created within a few atomic sites of from kimberlites at Yakutia, Russia. It is pro­ the nitrogen impurity, and direct observation posed that all primary genetic information is col­ confirms that vacancy production is enhanced in lected from large single crystals and collated. these diamonds. About half of the vacancies, Main primary features studied have been inclu­ including those near the nitrogen, anneal at each sion paragenesis, internal morphology, growth T -12 times faster than those vacancies whose mechanism and evolution of the growth en­ creation is not correlated with the nitrogen. vironment. Diamonds from kimberlitic rocks RA.H. are concluded to have originated from a variety of mantle rock source environments. Photo­ Applications of the SHRIMP I ion microprobe luminescence photographs are used to show to the understanding of processes and timing growth zones. M.O'D. of diamond formation. C.S. ELDRIDGE, W. COMPSTON, 1.5. WILLIAMS, J.W. Vacancy-related centres in diamond. HARRIS, J.W. BRISTOW AND P.D. KINNY. Economic G. DAVIES AND OTHERS. Physical Review B, 46(20), Geology, 90,1995, pp 271-80, 12 figs. 1992, pp 13157-70. Using the ion microprobe, problems on the Yacancies in diamond migrate, during anneal­ timing, materials, sources and processes ing, primarily in their neutral charge state, with involved in diamond formation in African an activation energy of 2.3 ± 0.3 eV Negative kimberlites have been addressed in the course of vacancies are destroyed by first converting to a study combining uranium-lead isotope dating, neutral centres in a reversible charge transfer rare earth element fingerprinting and sulphur process. In relatively pure diamonds (type IIa) plus lead isotope tracing. Results obtained are

ABSTRACTORS RK. Harrison RK.H. M.O'Donoghue M.O'D. RE. Samson R.E.S. J. Hewitt J.H. RJ. Peace RJ.P. E. Stern E.s. RA. Howie RAH. SAT. Redfern SAT.R

For further information on many of the topics referred to consult Mineralogical Abstracts or Industrial Diamond Review. For a further 9 papers concerning diamond sources the reader should consult the Journal of geochemical exploration, 53, 1995.

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 53

of value towards the study of carbon isotope are lower than those from Roberts Victor. A heterogeneity of eclogitic diamonds. Data can be model indicates an origin of the Siberian reconciled with a simple model in which the eclogites from Archaean oceanic crust altered introduction of crustal material into the mantle prior to subduction to mantle depths, and this is triggers both generation of the kimberlite and extrapolated to global eclogites from kimberlites diamond growth. Plate tectonic studies are despite the differences between samples from vitally important in locating economic diamond different cratons. R.K.H. reserves. M.O'D. Catalogue of worldwide diamond and kimber­ The origin of diamonds in western Minas lite occurrences: a selective and annotative Gerais, Brazil. approach. G.M. GONZAGA, N.A. TEIXEIRA AND J.C. GASPAR. A.J.A. JANSE AND P.A. SHEAHAN. Journal of Geo- Mineralium Deposita, 29(5), 1994, pp 414-21, 2 chemical Exploration, 53,1995, pp 73-111, 9 maps. maps. Primary host rock occurrences of diamond on Important diamond-mineralized alluvium/ Earth are believed to number approximately colluvium occurs in WMG in the 700-450 m.y. 5000: 500 of these have been found to contain old Brasilia orogenic belt. Diamonds are geo­ diamond with 50 being mined and 15 being large graphically related to glacial and periglacial active mines. The validity of Clifford's Rule is sediments, wadi and debris flow conglomerates, upheld: this holds that economic kimberlites are and ultramafic alkaline rocks (intrusive and found only on Archons (cratonic regions under­ extrusive, including kimberlites, leucitites, lain by Archean basement) while economic kamafugites, carbonatites, etc.). Petrological lamproites occur on some Protons (Proterozoic data indicate that the rocks, originally classified mobile belts adjacent to Archons). Diamond and petrographically as kimberlites, have mineral- kimberlite occurrences are catalogued for all ogical, chemical and isotopic differences from continents, the data including co-ordinates. group I and II kimberlites, and more closely M.O'D. resemble kamafugites. The Brasilia orogenic belt has features of a Wilson cycle, implying that Gem trade lab notes. WMG does not fulfil the geotectonic and R.C. KAMMERLING AND C.W. FRYER. Gems & geothermometric requisites to host primary Gemology, 31(2), 1995, pp 120-27,1 illus. in black- diamond sources. An analysis of field relations and-white, 17 illus. in colour. and sedimentology in WMG shows that the A diamond showed high-order strain through majority of the diamonds have been transported crossed polars in the shape of an octahedron by glacial events from the Sao Francisco craton showing a dark line through the vertex and a further E. R.E.S. dark plane perpendicular to it. The phantom did not affect the clarity (VVS) or the natural intense Diamondiferous eclogites from Siberia: rem­ yellow colour. nants of Archean oceanic crust. Treated-colour pink diamonds. These have D. JACOB, E. JAGOUTZ, D. LOWRY, D. MATTEY AND been found to have characteristic strong orange G. KUDRJAVTSEVA. Geochimica et Cosmochimica fluorescence to both LW and SW ultraviolet radi­ Acta, 58(23), 1994, pp 5191-207. ation. In addition they consistently show a dia­ gnostic visible spectrum with sharp lines at 595, Analyses by EMP are presented of mineral 617 and 658nm and an emission line at 575nm. separates for major elements and trace elements, together with O, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopes from An unusual diamond crystal (13.24ct) of irreg­ a suite of eight diamond-bearing eclogite xeno- ular shape with a large 'runner etched through liths from the Udachnaya mine, Siberia. the centre was shown to be a single crystal. Chemically and petrographically these eclogites R.J.P are similar to the eclogite suite from Roberts Victor or Bellsbank mines, South Africa, in age A visual guide to the identification of filled (2760 m.y.) and 5180 values that deviate from diamonds. mantle values. But no samples of eclogite with S.F. MCCLURE AND R.C. KAMMERLING. Gems & Ô18 lower than mantle values have yet been Gemology, 31(2), 1995, pp 114-19, 60 illus. in found, and Cs contents of the Siberian eclogites colour. 54 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

All filled diamonds to date have shown flash Direct evidence of the presence of a diamond effects in a variety of colours. In addition there is source may be given by other minerals (path­ evidence of flow structure, trapped bubbles, finder minerals). Sampling techniques for the incomplete filling at the surface, crackled tex­ handling and identification of these minerals are ture, an apparent colour to the filler, cloudy described. M.O'D. filled areas and surface residue. The authors have recognized the inadequacy of descriptive The morphology and nature of primary text in this subject and have resorted to the diamondiferous occurrences. unusual step of providing a chart of over fifty RH. NIXON. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 53, photographs covering most aspects of diamond 1995, pp 41-71, 4 maps, 13 photos, 10 figs. filling, together with photographs showing mis­ The role of kimberlite and lamproite pipes as leading features found in unfilled diamonds. sources for diamond are reviewed together with Emphasis is placed on the responsibility of notes on other types of occurrence, in particular jewellery professionals to be aware of diamond the kimberlite pyroclastic éjecta deposits inter- treatments as mistakes can be damaging both stratified in the Albian Cretaceous sediments of financially and to reputations. Lighting is im­ Saskatchewan, Canada. Diamonds from Tibetan portant particularly in the use of darkfield and ophiolites are still being studied. M.O'D. brightfield illumination where complementary colours are seen in the flashes. R.J.P. Sampling and statistical evaluation of dia­ mond deposits. Basic principles of alluvial diamond explo­ L. ROMBOUTS. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, ration. 53,1995, pp 351-67,12 figs. T.R. MARSHALL AND R. BAXTER-BROWN. Journal of The statistical distribution found by a sam­ Geochemical Exploration, 53,1995, pp 277-92,3 figsplin. g programme of the average grade of deposit No single method of target selection for allu­ and average value of the diamonds found is an vial diamond deposits has yet been suggested. important item in the evaluation of a diamond Data needed to be assimilated before field ex­ deposit. Techniques are described. M.O'D. ploration is begun include regional geological features of the drainage basin, the constituent Archean mantle heterogeneity and the origin lithologies of the gravel being prospected for, of diamondiferous eclogites, Siberia: evidence geomorphic and climatic factors affecting the from stable isotopes and hydroxyl in garnet. exploration area, the type of deposit sought and G.A. SNYDER, L.A. TAYLOR, E.A. JERDE, R.N. information on post-depositional processes CLAYTON, T.K. MAYEDA, P. DEINES, G.R. ROSSMAN which may have affected the deposit considered AND N.V. SOBOLEV. American Mineralogist, 80, for exploration. M.O'D. 1995, pp 799-809, 9 figs. The O isotopic composition of clinopyroxene and garnet, the C isotopic composition of dia­ mond and the OH" content of garnet from The role of petrography and lithogeochemistry eclogite xenoliths transported to the surface in in exploration for diamondiferous rocks. the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia, Siberia R.H. MITCHELL. Journal of Geochemical Exploration,ar e presented as data which prompt the proposal 53,1995, pp 339-50,2 figs. that the eclogites may derive from an ultra- A combination of transmitted light petro­ depleted mantle at approximately 2.9Ga. It is graphy, back-scattered electron imagery and possible that ancient crustal material may have energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry is used to participated in the formation of the Udachnaya assess rock samples collected during diamond eclogites though the mantle C isotopic values of exploration. M.O'D. associated diamonds and the low OH~ content of the minerals suggest low or no participation of Pathfinder sampling techniques for locating crustal material. M.O'D. primary sources of diamond: recovery of indi­ cator minerals, diamonds and geochemical sig­ Occurrence of diamond in the mantle: a case natures. study from the Siberian Platform. M.T. MUGGERIDGE. Journal of Geochemical Z.V. SPETSIUS. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Exploration, 53,1995, pp 183-204, 8 figs. 53,1995, pp 25-39, 4 photos, 8 figs. J. Gemm., 1996,25, 1 55

Diamond crystals from diamondiferous xeno­ the presence of weak additional one-phonon liths and some kimberlite pipes at Yakutia, absorption near 1100cm-1, shows a population of Russia, are described. Photoluminescence and dislocation loops resulting from the complete infrared light absorption studies of crystals from transformation of a former platelet population, mantle xenoliths, together with their morph­ plus accompanying voidites. It is suggested that ology, allow differentiation to be made between the extra absorption is caused by the dislocation diamonds from the peridotitic and eclogitic loops. Observation of the way in which loops parageneses. Crystals from mantle xenoliths and and voidites are distributed suggests that voidite from kimberlites are compared on the basis of production and platelet transformation may not, their physical properties and morphology. It is after all, be interlinked phenomena, but parallel shown that most diamonds in kimberlites are independent processes both promoted by the derived from mantle peridotite and eclogite, and same unknown conditions. J.H. were released into the kimberlite when the xeno­ liths disintegrated. M.O'D. Gems

Thermal conductivity of isotopically modified Fluorit. Liebling der Sammler. single crystal diamond. ANON. Mineralientage Milnchen. Djfizieller Katalog L. WEI, P.K. Kuo, R.L. THOMAS, T.R. ANTHONY 1995,1995, pp 30-110, illus. in colour. AND W.E BANHOLZER. Physical Review Letters, Every year the Munich mineral fair has a 70(24), 1993, pp 3764--67 Oun 14), 3 figs, 1 table, theme mineral and fluorite fills the role in 1995. 18 refs. Fluorite's colour, geology, mineralogy, occur­ Experimental results on the thermal con­ rence and recovery are described with notes on ductivity of isotopically enriched 12C diamond outstanding specimens, significant locations crystals at low temperatures are presented. As (including the Blue John site) and some paint­ far as is known, the measured value for a 99.9% ings of fluorite crystals. M.O'D. 12C crystal at 104 K, 410 W/em K, is the highest measured thermal conductivity for a solid above Pierres naturelles at mam~res synthetiques util­ liquid nitrogen temperature. The temperature isees dans la joaillerie egyptienne. dependent conductivities measured for the iso­ A. BOUQUILLON, G. QUERRE AND J.-P. POIROT. topically enriched diamond and natural abun­ Revue de gemmologie, 124, 1995, pp 17-22. Illus. in dance diamond specimens in the experiments colour. are well described by Callaway'S theoretical Three pectorals in the collection of the Musee model. It is predicted that the thermal conduc­ du Louvre, Paris contain natural and artificial tivity of a 99.999% 12C diamond crystal should stones whose identity was determined by a exceed 2000 -80 K. J.H. W/em Kat variety of techniques which are described. M.O'D. Infrared spectra of type laB diamonds. G.5. WOODS, 1. KIFLAWI, W. LUTYEN AND G. VAN History of pearling in La Paz Bay, South Baja, TENDELoo. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 67(6), California. 1993, pp 405-11 Oun), 6 figs, 18 refs. M. CARINO AND M. MONTEFORTE. Gems & It is shown that the infrared absorption spec­ Gemology, 31(2), 1995, pp 88-105, 16 illus. in tra of pure type laB diamonds, namely those that colour. on cursory examination show only a B one­ The history of Baja California, the peninsula in phonon component and neither A nor D, and the North West Mexico, is closely linked to the complete absence of a B' localized-mode platelet exploitation of pearl resources for the past 400 absorption peak, may be divided into two sub­ years. Pearls from this source can be found in groups. The defect content of specimens of one many religious treasures and royal jewellery col­ of these subgroups has been studied before and lections. The two pearl oysters indigenous to the comprises slip dislocations and voidites in ran­ area are Pinetada mazatlanica giving typical dom homogeneous distributions unconnected baroque or semi-baroque pearls and Pteria sterna with the transformation of platelets to disloca­ which produces smaller but rounder natural tion loops. Electron microscopy of a specimen of pearls. the other subgroup, which may be recognised by Although pearling was known before the 56 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

arrival of the Spaniards in 1533, the area was similar to that of the N Italian axes and they exploited until the 1680s and for the next sixty were probably derived from the same source; years the grounds replenished themselves. only a few ceremonial jade axes of high quality Following thousands of oysters being cast onto in NW Europe do not correspond with a NW the northern shores of the Gulf in 1740 the Alpine provenance. R.A.H. grounds were again exploited and a permanent settlement was established. By 1756 the grounds The Merelani graphite-tanzanite deposit, were again impoverished but the political in­ Tanzania: an exploration case history. dependence of Mexico in 1821 coincided with a C. DAVIES AND R.J. CHASE. Exploration & Mining natural replenishment coupled with an influx of Geology, 3(4), 1994, pp 371-82, 2 maps. foreign investment. Combier, a French business­ This deposit occurs in NE Tanzania, 14 km man started the export of oyster shell in 1836 south of Kilimanjaro International Airport and from 1840 the value of this was greater than and close to the towns of Moshi and Arusha. that from pearls. During 1850-1925 pearl finish­ The graphite mineralization is hosted by rela­ ing increased and the pearl fleets were increas­ tively undeformed linear Proterozoic meta- ingly owned by local people. Later the Mangara sedimentary gneisses, several of which have Exploration Company became the main operator been subjected to hydrothermal alteration result­ but did great damage to the grounds by rou­ ing in tanzanite mineralization. The graphite has tinely using explosives. Following the revoking been shown to be of unusually coarse flake-size, of the Mangara Contract in 1912, the world's crystallinity and high purity. Studies have first pearling station was established by Gaston shown the deposit to be economically viable Vives and the C.C.C.P. company. with a measured resource to 50m of > 9 x 106 t For spat collection wooden incubators were assaying at > 8 per cent graphitic C. Production used and several million young oysters were was due to start at the end of the first quarter of harvested by hand. In San Gabriel Bay the inlet 1994 with the processing plant design capacity was transformed into a lagoon where the oysters initially set at 15 000 t/y. Tanzanite will also were grown and protected from predators. After be produced by selective mining within the three years the oysters 16-18cm in diameter graphite open pit in the upper horizon and from were collected and examined for pearls. Where­ underground workings within the lower as Mikimoto's work pioneered pearl culturing, horizon. This deposit will be the first major ore that of Vives was centred on pearl-oyster culti­ body to be exploited by private funding since vation. Tanzania gained independence. R.E.S. Today, cultivation techniques are being carried out by CIBNOR, a pearl-oyster research group incorporating many of the factors considered by Zum Fluorit. Eigenschaften und genetische Vives. Although on a limited scale the antici­ Aspekte. pated harvest by March 1996 is approximately M.A. GÖTZINGER. Mineralien Welt, 6(6), 1995, pp 1000 cultured blister pearls of which 70 per cent 26-32, illus. in colour. should have the rich distinctive colours of Baja The structure, cause of colour, luminescence, California pearls. R.J.P. geology, occurrence and internal world of fluorite are discussed. A list of references is Eclogites and jades as prehistoric implements provided. M.O'D. in Europe. A case of petrology applied to cul­ tural heritage. C. D'AMICO, R. CAMPANA, G. FELICE AND M. Petrology of jadeite metagranite and associated GHEDINI. European Journal of Mineralogy, 7(1), orthogneiss from the Malpica-Tuy allochton 1995, pp 29-41,1 map. (northwest Spain). Eclogites and 'jades' [Na-pyroxenitic stones J.I. GIL-IBARGUCHI. European Journal of Mineralogy, lacking garnet] are the raw material of many 7(2), 1995, pp 403-15, 2 maps. prehistoric polished axes found in N Italy and in Jadeite occurs in plagioclase pseudomorphs of a great part of the rest of Europe. In sites near the porphyritic veins associated with corona- Western Alps, eclogites prevail over jades, bearing granodioritic orthogneiss SW of Cabo whereas outside this region, jades become Ortegal, NW Spain. Igneous textures and the dominant. The petrography of European axes is igneous composition of plagioclase and biotite, J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 57 as well as high-P assemblages with sodic Brazil. The fire opal is found in a sedimentary pyroxene, Ca-rich corona garnets, Si-rich phen- layer just below the agate-bearing lavas. The gite and rutile are preserved in the least rough is partly rounded and weighs up to 50-70 deformed zones of jadeite-bearing and related grams. They are orange-red to fire-red. RI 1.440 rocks. Almandine- and grossular-rich coronitic (±0.001), SG 2.01 (±0.02). Under the microscope garnets show conspicuous asymmetric zoning one can see swirl-like structures and colour (e.g. Alm76Gro11Pyr13 to Alm54Gro41Pyr5 across a zoning. E.S. <100um thick garnet rim). Estimated peak meta- morphic conditions for jadeite-bearing and Rote berylle aus Utah, USA-neue beobachtun- related rocks, ~640°C, >1.6 GPa, are consistent gen. with those deduced from eclogites within the U. HENN AND G BECKER. Gemmologie - Zeitschrift same structural unit. R.A.H. der Deutschen Gemmologische Gesellschaft, 44(2/3), 1995, pp 55-60, 3 photos, in colour, 4 photo­ Kristallglasschalen von Carl Fabergé. micrographs in colour, bibl. J. GRAF VON FRANCKEN SIERSTORPFF. Gemmologie - The beryls come from south-western Utah, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologische particularly the Wah Wah Mountains. They are Gesellschaft, 44(2/3), 1995, pp 61-3, 2 photos, in found in so-called steam holes in rhyolites. The colour, bibl. tubes which have penetrated the rhyolites and Two Carl Fabergé cut glass bowls with silver transported some post-volcanic gases are signif­ rims and round silver handles are described as icant for the study of transportation of sub­ are the typical hallmarks giving the silver con­ stances necessary for the formation of man­ tent. The bowls are dated 1890. E.S. ganese containing red beryls. Fluid inclusions as well as interesting growth and colour zoning perpendicular and parallel to the c-axis of the Ein neues Vorkommen von Smaragd, beryls are shown. E.S. Alexandra1, Rubin und Saphir in einem Topas- fuehrenden Phlogopit Fels von Poona, Cue Gem trade lab notes. District, West Australien. R.C. KAMMERLING AND C.W. FRYER. Gems & G. GRUNDMANN AND G. MORTEANI. Gemmologie - Gemology, 31(2), 1995, pp 120-7,1 illus. in black- Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologische and-white, 17 illus. in colour. Gesellschaft, 44(2/3), 1995, pp 11-31, 3 maps, 13 Azurite and antlerite rock. A variegated blue photos in colour, 2 diagrams, bibl. and green cabochon effervesced with dilute In August 1994 first alexandrite then ruby was hydrochloric acid whilst a substance present in discovered in the Murchison Province, Western surface cavities melted on the approach of a hot Australia. The green alexandrite and the ruby needle suggesting azur-malachite. X-ray powder occur in tabular crystals or as strongly altered diffraction showed the blue and grey material to fragmented crystals together with deep blue be azurite and quartz. The green material sapphires, colourless topaz, light green emer­ proved to be antlerite whilst the coloured alds, pink fluorite, margarite, muscovite and foreign material was probably a polymer. quartz in schists typical of those hosting the Jadeite with misleading inclusions. Small emerald deposits of Poona. The host rock is a white crystals were seen in the white areas in an medium grained phlopogite. Until now little especially clear mottled green and white carv­ cuttable material has been found, but further ing. All the properties were consistent with nat­ discoveries are likely E.S. ural-colour jadeite. An opaque mottled green and white carved Ein neues Vorkommen von Feueropalen in mask gave only a vague RI reading of 1.62 and Brasilien. was inert both to LW and SW ultraviolet radia­ U. HENN AND R. BALZER. Gemmologie - Zeitschrift tion. X-ray powder diffraction showed it to be der Deutschen Gemmologische Gesellschaft, 44(2/3)omphacite, , a pyroxene group mineral inter­ 1995, pp 43-6, 3 photos in colour, bibl. mediate in composition between jadeite and A new occurrence of fire opals has been dis­ diopside. covered in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do A cultured pearl showed on radiography a Sul, near the village of Campos Grande within central void containing free pieces of a shattered the agate and amethyst mining areas of southern bead. 58 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

A translucent mottled green cabochon resem­ the mineral inclusions depends on the nature of bling fine quality jade had a spot RI of 1.55 with the enclosing rock. Several very large emeralds dye in the fractures and a characteristic 'dye' have been found including the 11 000 carat crys­ band centred at about 650nm; it was dyed tal named Kochubey's emerald found in 1831 quartzite. Infra-red spectroscopy revealed a key and latterly the 3 370 carat emerald named absorption feature at 2900cm~ similar to that of Glorious Ural Stone found in 1978. In 1990 two opticon resin. rare beautiful emeralds were mined, the 4 400 A synthetic ruby with curved striae also carat New Year's stone and the 37.5 carat faceted showed fingerprint inclusions and a moderate Vitaly emerald. R.J.P. star both of which must have been induced. A green-blue sapphire showing chatoyancy Zinnober und antimonit: ausgezeichnete which is described as rare had no acicular rutile kristalle und ihre fundstellen in China. needles but a series of nearly-planar, parallel, G. LIN. lapis, 20(10), 1995, pp 33-43, 2 maps. liquid-filled 'fingerprints'. Diffuse colour halos Included in the paper which describes around the crystal inclusions showed that the Chinese locations for fine cinnabar and anti- stone had been heat treated. R.J.P. monite crystals is a list of gem minerals found in that country, giving species and province name An update on the Ural emerald mines. only. M.O'D. A.F. LASKOVENKOV AND V.l. ZHERNAKOV. Gems & Gemology, 31(2), 1995, pp 106-13,12 colour illus­ trations. The crystal chemistry of Si^ Al substitution in The Ural emerald mines have been worked tourmaline. almost continuously since 1831; up to 1930 D.J. MACDONALD AND F.C. HAWTHORNE. Canadian emerald and green beryl production sometimes Mineralogist, 33,1995, 849-58. reached 2.5 million carats annually and ex­ The structure of nine gem-quality vanadian ceeded that of Colombia. During the 1939-45 uvites on analysis with the electron microprobe War mining concentrated on beryllium ore pro­ proved to have a Si content of significantly less duction. Contrary to popular belief emerald pro­ than 6 atoms per formula unit: assignment of Al sufficient to fill the Si site gives a linear duction from this source has barely been inter­ [4] rupted. relationship between {Si-O} and A1 content. During the 1940s and 1950s emerald produc­ Recent work on tourmaline structure refinement tion reached as high as 3-4 million carats as a by­ shows no well-defined relationship between product in beryllium production but the dis­ {Z-O} and constituent Z-cation radius. On the covery of further beryllium deposits shifted other hand there is a linear relationship between attention back to emerald production with an {Y-O} and constituent Y-cation radius. Site- annual production as high as 8-10 million carats. scattering refinement shows F to be strongly to Malysheva Mines Management developed a completely ordered at the O(l) site with no sig­ sophisticated mining complex but cutting was nificant positional disorder at the O(l) or 0(2) not quite as sophisticated and only 20 000 carats sites. M.O'D. of well cut emeralds were produced. After a cessation in cutting between 1987 and 1991, a Metasomatism at a granitic -dunite Russian-Panamanian-Israeli venture ensured contact in Galicia: the Franqueira occurrence of that Russian emeralds were cut using the latest chrysoberyl (alexandrite), emerald and technology. phenakite. Although there are significant reserves, only A. MARTIN-IZARD, A. PANIAGUA, D. MOREIRAS, R. the Mariinsky deposit is currently being mined ACEVEDO AND C. MARCOS-PASCUAL. Canadian for emeralds using special low impact explo­ Mineralogist, 33,1995, pp 775-92, 2 maps. sives. The deposits are located about 100km The first documented example of a gem- north-east of Ekaterinburg and are found in quality chrysoberyl, emerald and phenakite schists within amphibolite zones. deposit in western Europe is situated at Uralian emeralds are mainly bluish-green, the Franqueira in the north-western part of the intensity varying due to chromium content. Iberian peninsula, Spain. The deposit is in the Internal features are characterized by zoning, Galicia-Tras os Montes zone which is formed of mineral and two-phase inclusions. The nature of two domains, one of schistose rocks and one of J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 59 granitic rocks. Granite pegmatite bodies intrude Pakistan Kashmir, most probably in veins in both schists and granite rocks. The geology and serpentinized peridotite. The crystals are in part mineralization of the chrysoberyl (alexandrite) well crystallized. There are some large crystals emerald and phenakite occurrences are dis­ that are eye-clean and yield stones weighing cussed. The contact between a pegmatite body more than lOOct. The authors examined a cut related to heterogeneous granites and ultramafic stone of 309.90ct. RIs range nxl .648-1.653, rock of dunitic character has developed a meta- ryl .663-1.671 and n2l .683-1.689, and birefrin­ somatic zone in which the dunite has been gence from 0.035-0.038. SG 3.29-3.37. The almost completely altered to phlogopite at the absorption spectrum showed typical bands contact. The phlogopite-rich metasomatic rocks characteristic of Fe2+. When immersed, feathers contain the gem minerals. A genetic model is of small fluid inclusions as well as growth struc­ proposed in which emplacement of pegmatite tures could be seen. Some rope-like inclusions of and associated mobile elements (Be, B, P) into the Ludwigite-Vonsenite solid solution series dunite takes place with subsequent metasoma­ were seen which have not been reported in tism of the dunite into phlogopite and tremolite peridot from other sources. E.S. rocks near the pegmatite body. Chrysoberyl may be formed through its sharing structural features Gemmologische kurzinformationen. with the olivine so that epitactic nucleation on C.C. MILISENDA. Gemmologie - Zeitschrift der olivine relics could take place. Emerald is the last Deutschen Gemmologische Gesellschaft, 44(2/3), Be-bearing mineral to form, partially replacing 1995, pp 3-9, 8 photos in colour. chrysoberyl and phenakite, perhaps from the New gemstone finds in Afghanistan include reaction chrysoberyl + phenakite + quartz -» golden beryls and brownish-yellow tourmalines emerald, until exhaustion of the quartz occurs. from the Laghman district near Nuristan. The M.O'D. beryls show etch figures and have SG 2.7, RI 1.569-1.580, DR 0.008. Some cavansite was Situation géologique des émeraudes de found near Poona, India, this is blue to bluish- Ianapera, province de Tuléar (Madagascar). green, turquoise-like and cut as cabochons; it has P. MARCHAND. Revue de gemmologie, 124, 1995, RI 1.54, SG 2.24-2.27, hardness 2M. pp 13-16, illus. in colour, 3 maps. A massive natrolite was found in northern Emerald has been discovered at Ianapera, Bohemia; it is yellow-brown and looks like Tuléar province, Malagasy Republic. The site is opalised wood; it has RI 1.48, SG 2.15, hardness 5. in the south of the island and crystals occur in An imitation of demantoid was offered on the tremolite-actinolite schists. The crystals are dark market, but on examination turned out to be green in the main and reach 10g maximum. YGG (yttrium-gallium-garnet). A diffusion Most are heavily fractured and contain mica treated red corundum of 7.38ct was examined; it inclusions. M.O'D. has RI 1.762-1.770, DR 0.008; the rim was rela­ tively dark. Fluoritfundstellen in Kanada. Some diamond beads on the market are F. MELANSON. Lapis, 20(11), 1995, pp 33-5, illus. in yellow-brown, greenish-brown, weighing more colour. than lOct. The stones are bruted and show Fine examples of gem-quality fluorite have polishing marks. Weight loss is said to be about been found at a number of locations in Canada. 50%. The technique was developed in Antwerp Brief notes are given for the major locations. in 1989. E.S. M.O'D. Ammolite, ein organischer Schmuckstein aus Peridot aus Pakistan. Alberta, Kanada. C.C. MILISENDA, H. BANK AND A. HENN. G. NiEDERMAYR. Mineralien Welt, 6(6), 1995, Gemmologie - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmo-pp 41-6, illus. in colour. logische Gesellschaft, 44(2/3), 1995, pp 33-42, 3 The name ammolite has been given to an orna­ photos in colour, 2 photomicrographs in colour, mental fossil material with an opal-like play of 1 map, 3 diagrams, 1 table, bibl. colour, found in the area of St Mary's river in The gem quality peridot is found 15 000 ft southern Alberta, Canada. Maps and details of above sea level in the Nanga Parbat region of the occurrence are given. M.O'D. 60 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Mondstein als Schmuckmaterial. Sahel, Mali; fine peridot crystals are being found G. NiEDERMAYR. Der Staoansuacher, 9(2), 1995, pp in Pyaung Gaung, Myanmar, as is bright green 18-24, illus. in colour. tourmaline (V-uvite is considered to be the A description of the gemstones with appropriate name for this material); Namibia particular reference to the moonstone effect in (the Otjua mine, Karibib) is continuing to pro­ orthoclase and other feldspar group members, to duce large, often doubly-terminated rubellite the coloration of labradorite and to the col­ crystals; red to green tourmaline is also reported oration and phenomenal effects in gemstones from an alluvial ruby deposit at Thac Ba Lake, generally. M.O'D. Yen Bai province, north Vietnam; pink beryl is reported from a site near Drot-Balachi, Shengus, World review of mineral discoveries 1993-1994. Pakistan and the same country is producing G.W. ROBINSON, V.T. KING, J. SCOVIL AND F. peridot from Kohistan - quality is very fine. Also CURETON. Mineralogical record, 26(5), 1995, pp from Pakistan are blue crystals of phenakite 475-99, illus. in colour. (from Apaligun) and zircon crystals from Bulbin, Among mineral discoveries reported during Wazarat district. From Sri Lanka a 27 ct 2 cm 1993-94 are bicoloured red and green elbaite crystal of sinhalite is reported from Nirialla near from the Himalaya mine, Mesa Grande, Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa province and sharp California, where in 1994 a series of pockets sapphire crystals are coming from Galbkka, near were found: pale lilac to dark royal-purple Vallivaya, Uva province. Pink zircon occurs amethyst from the Intergalactic mine, Maine and as terminated crystals at Amlilipitiya, near facetable blue-green elbaite from the Mount Kataragama. M.O'D. Mica quarry, Paris and multi-coloured green to crimson tourmaline crystals at the Bennett mine, Topas aus dem Untersulzbachtal, Österreich. Buckfield, in the same state: fine green facet- W. SCHÄFER, S.-A. JAKOBS AND R. HOCHLEITNER. grade fluorite from the re-opened William Wise Lapis, 20(9), 1995, pp 13-19, illus. in colour, 1 mine, Westmoreland, New Hampshire. map, 2 figs. Outside the United States are reports of: Well-formed colourless topaz crystals which lazurite from mines in the Kokscha Valley, could be fashioned into faceted stones are found Afghanistan and gem elbaite from the Gusalaka in the Untersulzbachtal area of southern Austria, mines near Pech, Kunar in the same country; one of the main sites lying between the other gem quality tourmalines have been Stockeralm and Leutachkopf mountains. Quartz reported from the Kligal mine near Paprok and and sphene are sometimes found with the topaz from another locality in the vicinity; many of the as characteristic Alpine cleft minerals. M.O'D. crystals reported from Afghanistan at this time are a fine blue; large morganites are reported Gem minerals in early Arabic literature. from Resplendor, Minas Gérais, Brazil, the W.J. SERSEN. Miner alogical Record, 26(4), 1995, colour bleaching from a peachy-orange to pure pp 43-8, 3 figs. pink; relatively few of the diamond crystals While much Arabic writing on gemstones has found near Lac de Gras, approx. 300 km NE of not been translated, the original texts are mostly Yellowknife, NW Territories of Canada are of available in major libraries around the world. gem quality; gem quality opal has been found The author cites several topics dealt with in early near Vernon, British Columbia; the Mengyin Arabic literature, including the distinction of area of Shandong Province, China, is producing ruby from red spinel by specific gravity testing, small diamond crystals in matrix; from Russia the emerald versus peridot question as it con­ have come elbaite and liddicoatite but buyers cerns Egyptian sites, fluorescence in gem species are warned to check their specimens as there has from Afghanistan and Arab remarks on corun­ been some indiscriminate labelling; Na-liddi- dum. Brief details of early sources and their coatite is reported from the Malchan pegmatite availability are given. M.O'D. field [Kraznoy Chikoy]; some of the kimberlites found in eastern Finland contain diamonds; Regional mineralogies of the world. gemmy orthoclase is coming from South A.E. SMITH. Mineralogical record, 26(4), 1995, pp Betroka, Malagasy Republic; large yellow-green 113-134. to brown grossular-andradite crystals are A bibliography of topographical mineralogies reported from a site near Sandara, Nioro du arranged in alphabetical order of country or J. Gemm., 1996, 25, 1 61

state, including citations of papers in journals as Modelling the X-ray diffraction pattern of opal­ well as monographs. M.O'D. CT. GD. GUTHRIE, JR., D.L. BISH AND R.c. REYNOLDS, JR. Etude comparative sur les principaux traite­ American Mineralogist, 80, 1995, pp 869-72, 3 figs. ments de l' emeraude. It is suggested that H20 in opal is probably not D. SIRAKIAN AND D. RUSKONE. Revue de gemmolo­ present on a specific crystallographic site within gie, 124, 1995, pp 6-8, illus. in colour. the opal structure but may be located along the Examples of different types of treated emer­ boundaries between the 10-35nm grains. This alds are presented with brief notes on identifi­ proposal is derived from the modelling of X-ray cation. M.O'D. diffraction patterns of opal-CT [cristobalite/ tridymitel using a recursive calculation tech­ Der Edelstein-Bergbau in Afrika. nique allowing for ordered and disordered inter­ K.c. TAUPITz. Gemmologie - Zeitschrift der growths of planar units. M.O'D. Deutschen Gemmologische Gesellschaft, 44(2/3), 1995, pp 47-54, 3 maps, 1 diagram, 1 table. Rho und Phi, Omega und Delta: die Survey of gem mining in Africa, diamond Winkelmessung in der Mineralogie. being the most important, but during the last O. MEDENBACH, P.W. MIRWALD AND P. KUBATH. 10-15 years emerald, ruby, sapphire, tourmaline, Mineralien Welt, 6(5), 1995, pp 16-25, 15 photos aquamarine, amethysts, tanzanite, tsavolite and (14 in colour). others have increased in importance. Easing of Short account of the part played by the currency restrictions has had a positive effect on goniometer in the history of mineral identifi­ trading, as has also the diminishing influence of cation. Several models of instrument are illus­ drug dealing combined with illegal dealing. trated. M.O'D. Some geological interrelations are pointed out. E.S. Historische Entwicklung der Kristallmodelle. L. TOURET. Mineralientage Miinchen. Offizieller The saga of Mineral digest. Katalog 1995, 1995, pp 25-8. L. ZARA. Mineralogical Record, 26(4), 1995, pp Brief survey of the art of crystal model­ 135-42, 11 photos. making with particular reference to Haiiy and An account of the conception and publication other early crystallographers. M.O'D. of the journal Mineral digest which ran to eight issues only over an eight-year period from 1970 Diamond laboratory techniques. and which included many gemstones in its sub­ N.J. TOWlE AND L.H. SEET. Journal of Geochemical ject-matter and lavish colour photographs. Sets Exploration, 53, 1995, pp 205-12,1 fig. of the journal are keenly sought by collectors. All For the location of possible diamond sources eight covers are reproduced. M.O'D. discrete mineral grains need to be extracted from primary source rock. Grain size needs to be greater than O.lmm in diameter: laboratory techniques for the handling of grains are Instruments and Techniques described. M.o'D.

Automated engraving with Syndite PCD. B. AUGENSTEIN. !DR, 55(2), 1995, pp 66-7, 5 illus. Synthetics in colour. The author describes an engraving machine Premieres etudes sur les emeraudes synthe­ suitable for mass production in the jewellery and tiques hydrothermales japonaises AGEE. coin stamping industry. Diamond tools work to H.A. HANNI AND L. KIEFERT. Revue de gemmologie, extremely close tolerances, provide high surface 124,1995, pp 9-12, illus. in colour. finish and provide flexibility. As an example of Examination of hydrothermal emeralds pro­ an individual piece the author describes agate of duced by the Japanese firm AGEE shows that diameter lOOmm which was to be engraved with small liquid- and gas-filled inclusions and undu­ a wine-making scene; the tool used was a four­ lating veil-like structures are helpful in identifi­ edged PCD cutter. The work was finished in cation. Energy-dispersive XRF shows chlorine to approximately 48 hours. ES. be present. M.O'D. 62 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

Growth temperature effects of impurities in measured in the range 26316-5000cm_1 at 297K HP/HT diamonds. and in the range 26316-9090 cm"1 at 77K. In Fe2+, H. KANDA AND S.C. LAWSON. IDR, 55(2), 1995, pp Fe3+-bearing specimens intense a-polarized 56-61, 1 table, 1 graph, 9 photomicrographs in absorption bands caused by exchange-coupled colour, bibl. Fe2+, Fe3+ pairs in Y- and Z-sites occur. The colour Diamond crystals have been grown by the and spectroscopic properties of the Fe3+, Mn3+ temperature gradient method under high tem­ and Cu2+ containing tourmalines are signifi­ perature and pressure conditions, using Co and cantly affected by the presence of even the Ni catalysts with or without the use of Ti. A dis­ smallest Li-contents. The results suggest that tinct green or brown coloured stripe caused by Fe2+, Cu2+, Co2, Ni2+ ions occupy, predominantly, the incorporation of nickel appeared in sample Y sites of the tourmaline structure, whereas the regions formed during decreases in the growth Cr3+ ions enter the smaller Z octahedra. temperature, but not in regions corresponding to S.A.T.R. increases in temperature. This suggests that the concentration of nickel depends on growth rate The effect of isotopic changes on the {001} rather than on the growth temperature, in con­ platelet infrared absorption in diamond. trast to the case for nitrogen and boron. E.S. G.S. WOODS, I. KIFLAWI, H. KANDA AND T. EVANS. Philosophical Magazine B, 67(5), 1993, pp 651-658 New nickel-related optical absorption in high- (May), 3 figs, 3 tables, 29 refs. pressure synthetic diamond. Normal synthetic diamonds consist of 99% 12C S.C. LAWSON, H. KANDA AND M. SEKITA. with 1% 13C in the host lattice, with dispersed Philosophical Magazine B, 68(1), 1993, pp 39-46 14N as the main impurity. Two variants have been (Jul), 4 figs, 10 refs. produced by changing natural isotopic abun­ Diamonds grown by the temperature-gradient dances, in one case of the atoms of the host lattice method using a nickel catalyst and sufficient and in the other of the nitrogen impurity. These, nitrogen getter to produce barely detectable together with normal specimens, were treated nitrogen absorption in the defect-induced one- under a stabilising pressure at a temperature suf­ phonon region have a deep brown colour which ficiently high to produce {001} platelets and the has been found to result from continuum absorp­ associated B' localized-mode infrared absorption tion whose threshold lies around 1.7 eV. In these peak. No isotopic effects were observed when B' diamonds, the presence of a zero-phonon struc­ peaks in 12C diamonds with a substantial propor­ ture lying between 1.2 and 1.25 eV has been tion of the nitrogen (up to about 67 per cent) pre­ observed for the first time in the near-infrared sent as the 15N isotope (the balance being 4N) spectral region of the absorption spectrum. This were compared with the B' peaks in 12C dia­ structure exhibits interesting photochromic monds containing only 14N. This implies either effects, and a correlation between partial decay of that nitrogen atoms, if present, are a minor con­ the 1.40 eV system (whose transition has previ­ stituent of the platelets or that such atoms, if a ously been ascribed to nickel) and growth of the major species, remain stationary in the vibra­ new zero-phonon structure has been observed. tional mode responsible for the B' absorption Like the 1.40 eV system, the new zero-phonon peak. Specimens consisting almost entirely of 13C, structure shows strong polarisation effects and is with the nitrogen impurity present as 14N, confined exclusively to the {111} growth sectors showed a shift in the wavenumber of the B' peak. of diamond. From these results, it is proposed Using simple harmonic theory, and taking into that the new structure results from a different consideration the experiment described above charge state of the 1.40 eV nickel system. J.H. which shows no influence of nitrogen atoms on the B' peak, this shift would be expected to be in 172 Optical absorption spectroscopy of synthetic the ratio of about (12/13) , caused by the tourmalines. change in the carbon mass only. The observed M.N. TARAN, A.S. LEBEDEV AND A.N. PLATONOV. shift was, however, smaller than expected. It is Physics & Chemistry of Minerals, 20(3), 1993, pp suggested that this anomalous shift is caused by 209-20. anharmonic effects, enhanced by the proximity of The optical absorption spectra of tourmaline the B' local mode energy to the Raman energy. It solid solutions containing Fe, Fe + Ti, Cr, Ni, Cu, would be valuable if a theoretical study could be Co, Mn chromophoric centres have been made to test the validity of this suggestion. J.H. he London Gem Testing Laboratory was founded Tin 1925 and from the start established a reputation for integrity and excellence. Diamond grading services were established in 1980 and the Laboratory has built up an enviable international reputation for consistency and quality. The London Diamond Report is based on harmonized grading for colour and clarity of diamonds and gives the most essential and up-to-date information requi red by the trade. The Laboratory is also proficient in the grading of fancy-cut diamonds and in colour origin determination.

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Faux gems and jewels circa 1700 to 1930. An The ring collection, now comprising 1980 exhibition and sale [held by and at Sandra items, is in the care of Louis Koch's great-grand­ Cronan Ltd]. children and contemporary jewellery designers V. BECKER, 1994. Sandra Cronan Ltd, London, have been helped by having their works pp 36, illus. in colour, softcover. included in it. A useful and attractive guide to a sale-exhibi­ After a short biography of the Koch family tion held during 1994 with many colour photo­ and the formation of their art collections, the graphs, some of which have reproduced rather book devotes some pages to the history of the darkly. The author speeds through the use of ring both in history and in the collection. The foiled and glass imitation gemstones and suc­ note covers the chronological development of ceeds in making them objects of interest and the ring as an ornament, from classical antiquity desire, as indeed they were meant to be. There is up to the present. The descriptive portion of the a short list of references and the book in no sense catalogue then occupies the remainder of the aims at completeness, but anyone interested text. Here items are arranged chronologically, should try to get a copy before the print run is each entry containing a colour photograph of exhausted. M.O'D. good quality; most of necessity are small though there are short sections in the front of each vol­ Ringe. Rings. Die Alice und Louis Koch ume for which larger photographs are selected. Sammlung. Vierzig Jahrhunderte durch vier The rest of the entry gives inventory number, Generationen gesehen. The Alice and Louis dimensions, description of metal and stone Koch collection. Forty centuries seen by four where appropriate, designer, publication and generations. general comment. As in the remainder of the A.B. CHADOUR, 1994. Maney, Leeds, pp 663, illus. book both German and English are used side-by- in colour, hardcover, £200.00. ISBN 0 901286 45 1. side. In German and English. Slip case provided. The book ends with an 18-page bibliography, This very large book (it measures 35 x 25cm) is notable for the inclusion of many rare German a full catalogue raisonné of the collection of rings and European items; it is followed by a glossary, formed by Alice and Louis Koch (1862-1930). a general index and an index of firms and artists. The Kochs formed collections of other materials It is inevitable that most copies of this magnif­ too, notably in the field of music, but antiquaries icent book will be purchased by libraries, since would place their collection of faience high in the price is naturally high for the private scholar. the list of major cabinets of that material. The Nonetheless it will clearly be one of the most Koch family were jewellers in Frankfurt am notable additions to ring scholarship for many Main, Germany, and the firm was one of the years and will be of great interest to the historian leading German jewellery enterprises. Since the of gemmology and its applications (a race yet to development of the business coincided with the evolve). M.O'D. rise of Art Nouveau, followed by Art Deco, the creations of the Kochs became important in those fields. The pieces made by Robert Koch Fifth international kimberlite conference, (d.1902) are not often seen in the saleroom and Araxâ, Brazil, 1991. when Louis Koch died in 1930 no one was left to COMPANHIA DE PESQUISA DE RECURSOS MlNERALES- carry on the name. The property was expro­ CPRM, Rio DE JANEIRO, 1994. pp 495, 388, 2 vol., priated by the Nazi régime and, after the war illus. in black-and-white, softcover. Price on when it had changed hands more than once, the application to and available from the Mineral- business never regained its pre-eminence, clos­ ogical Society of America. CPRM Special publica­ ing down finally in 1987. The archives, mostly tion 1/A. of jewellery designs, are in the Deutsches Gold- The first volume of this major work on kim- schmiedehaus, Hanau. berlites and diamond sources deals with kimber-

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 65

Htes, related rocks and mantle xenoliths and 85149 159 7. contains papers on the Arkhangelsk diamond- Consisting largely of black-and-white photo­ kimberlite province as well as a great deal of graphs, the book records about 3 000 pieces of material on other types of kimberlite, lampro- jewellery displayed at the Paris Salons from 1895 phyre and carbonatite occurrences. The second to 1914. This period saw the development and volume is entirely devoted to diamonds, their growth of Art Nouveau, a style brought to an characterization, genesis and exploration. The 29 end by the start of the war and not revived after­ papers in this volume will all be of interest to wards. For this reason the period represents a academic gemmologists and the student may spirit of decoration concentrated into a few years also find at least some of the text a stimulus and perhaps because of this flowering more toward further study. Each paper has its own list exotically than it might have done otherwise. of references. M.O'D. Jewellers represented include Lalique, Fouquet, Gaillard and Boucheron as well as many other 100 famous diamonds. important designers. Four Salons including DE BEERS, 1995. London, pp 18, illus. in colour, jewellery exhibits were held each year, those of softcover. the Société des Artistes Français, the Société Free publicity pamphlet describing and illus­ Nationale des Beaux-Arts, the Société des trating 100 of the best-known cut diamonds with Artistes Decorateurs and the Salon d'Automne. notes on the weight, source of name, colour, date In addition the two major exhibitions, the and source of discovery and weight of the origi­ Exposition Universelle of 1900 and the Expo­ nal rough where known. The pamphlet is quite sition de la Parure of 1908 are also included in well produced but the text is marred by the the survey. recurring and sometimes mystifying reference to The two volumes thus give a very full record 'weight of original diamond7 (not the rough) and of a major French design period and while most by the use of unspecific adjectives ('extraordi­ of the photographs are in black-and-white they nary colour') where specific ones would have show up well. Each piece is briefly described told the reader something useful. M.O'D. and the author has found it possible to provide attributions hitherto lost. Entry is in alphabetical Les grenats. order of artist and the major descriptive text fol­ J. DEVILLE, 1995. Minéraux et fossiles, Paris, pp 67, lows a short general introduction in which illus. in colour, softcover. Price on application. trends perceived in Art Nouveau jewellery are ISSN (of the parent serial) 0335-6566. Minéraux et elaborated. A short index of jewellery designers fossiles. Hors série no 1. is given at the end of the second volume. This is a very attractive, well-produced and Students of jewellery will need to have this book. informative guide to the garnet group, aimed M.O'D. primarily at the collector but of considerable use to the gemmologist. After a brief introduction to Jewelry in America 1600-1900. the mineralogy of the garnet group the group M.G. FALES, 1995. Antique Collectors' Club, members are discussed in alphabetical order. Woodbridge, pp 447, illus. in colour, hardcover. Particular attention is paid in the remainder of £35.00. ISBN 1 85149 223 2. the book to garnets from France, the relationship While the productions of this publisher are of garnets to metamorphism, the synthesis of always attractive and informative, this book is garnets (this short item includes YAG but also particularly well-prepared and covers a subject true garnets, which have been synthesized in which has often been attempted on a smaller very small sizes) and garnets as gemstones. For scale. The top of the dust-cover shows a neck­ those collectors interested in non-gem members lace of Maine tourmalines -1 can think of noth­ of the garnet group there is some brief but useful ing so calculated to draw out my interest - the information. The book lacks a bibliography but necklace is in the Harvard Mineralogical otherwise is an excellent production. M.O'D. Museum. The book, too, has a particularly use­ ful bibliography. The Paris salons. Whether or not the pieces included were made A. DUNCAN, 1994. Antique Collectors' Club, in the United States or imported there, the Woodbridge, pp 349, 305, illus. in black-and- author has attempted to identify and provide white and in colour, hardcover. £45.00. ISBN 1 accurate descriptions of as many major items of 66 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

jewellery with an American connotation over the Tangerine green. [A tale.] period 1600-1900 as can be found. The arrange­ W.D. JAMES, 1995. University Editions, Hunting­ ment is in chronological order and many don, West Virginia, pp 303, softcover. US$10.00. descriptions are taken from contemporary letters ISBN 1 56002 529 8. in which the jewels were mentioned by their A set of assorted characters, few if any likely owners or makers. to be highly-placed on my dinner-party list, are The book is arranged in four sections: colonial involved in the search for a blue diamond re­ jewellery from 1600-1775; federal jewellery from putedly stolen long ago from Shah Jahan in 1775-1825; introduction [from outside the India. The search 'takes them through several United States] 1825-1875; and introduction continents' as such enterprises usually do and 1875-1900. Each of the four sections concludes their miscellaneous adventures are described in with a discussion of the work and influence of a spirited if familiar railway-bookstall style. individual jewellery of the time. There are some accounts of gem centres and The illustrations are well-captioned and dealings. Division of the text into 55 chapters provide description, size, provenance and speeds the action along and the tale is a fair present location. The standard of the photo­ example of its genre. M.O'D. graphy is high. For the gemmologist there is a good deal of relevant information with Kunz Gediegen Silber: das Erz der Münzen, das and Hamlin credited with many threads of influ­ Metall des Schmuckes, das Element mit dem ence; there is as much for the jewellery historian Glanz. and the historian of costume. This is a first-class VARIOUS AUTHORS, EXTRALAPIS 8, 1995. Christian book and sells at a most reasonable price. Weise Verlag, München, pp 96, illus. in colour, M.O'D. softcover. DM47 (including postage). ISBN 3 921656 34 6. Goldsmiths review 1994/95. A set of papers dealing with the geology, 1995. Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, mineralogy, current mining and mining history, London, pp 64, illus. in black-and-white and in fashioning and lore of native silver. The con­ colour. cluding paper lists and briefly describes the Articles include silver in the National Museum known silver compounds and lists are also given of Wales, the career of Robert Welch, the new of the known silver mines in antiquity with School of Jewellery, Birmingham, the jewellery dates of their period of production and notes of designer Stephen Webster and his work, the other elements found. The paper on major silver making of fine jewellery, the Goldsmiths Group artefacts includes a list of references and the and its retail outlets, the arrangement of whole book is well up to the now-expected jewellery galleries in shops and the wine cups in extraLapis standard. M.O'D. the collection of the Court of Assistants, Company news occupies the last part of the Granat. Die Mineralien der Granat-Gruppe: issue. M.O'D. Edelsteine, Schmuck und Laser. EXTRALAPIS 9, 1995. Christian Weise Verlag, Edelsteine und Schmucksteine. München, pp 96, illus. in colour, softcover. DM R. HOCHLEITNER, 1994. Gräfe und Unser Verlag, 34.80. ISBN 3 921656 35 4. München, pp 160, illus. in colour [GU Natur- The text covers all the garnet group minerals ßhrer]. ISBN 3 7742 2131 6. but pays most attention to the ornamental ones. Pocket-sized, beautifully illustrated guide to In the first section group members are briefly gem materials with sections on synthetics and described and illustrated: then comes a more imitation products. One or two of the chemical detailed discussion of garnet minerals, their compositions given are not accurate; for chemistry and structure, with the different example hydroxyl is omitted from the composi­ species being taken in alphabetical rather than tion of topaz and feldspar group minerals are chemical order. As with the remainder of the too simply presented in the chemical context. sections, each page includes many colour pho­ These are small points and the book can be tographs of the very highest quality, as readers highly recommended for the German-speaking of Lapis now expect. Look especially at the gemstone student. M.O'D. Pakistan spessartine! J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 67

Geological and mineralogical notes follow, Imitation gemstones, where no particular major special attention being paid to European stone is simulated, are placed in their appropri­ deposits. Other sections include descriptions of ate crystal families after the natural species have Bohemian garnet, of some European garnet-set been covered. Thus we find YAG, strontium artefacts and a very useful and well-illustrated titanate and cubic zirconia in the cubic crystal note on the synthetic garnets. The book ends (or system section. Glass is placed in the amorphous nearly ends) with the question 'why are there no section. Altogether this arrangement works blue garnets?'. For an answer, get the book. In quite well since there is no ideal to be aimed at. small letters could I add that a bibliography Those materials less often seen as fashioned would have been welcome! M.O'D. gemstones appear in their appropriate crystal section. Quite a lot of species are described, mak­ Il libro délie gemme. ing the book valuable for the growing number of E. LEONE, A. LEONE AND G PROVERA, 1995. collectors. Edizioni AISG, Valenza. pp xv, 494, illus. in Organic materials are described after opal and colour, hardcover. L290,000. glass and again the coverage is very thorough This is a beautifully-produced book with a and the photographs original and arresting. comprehensive text arranged around a great Simple identification tables, quite a useful bibli­ number of high-quality colour photographs. So ography and both species and general indexes many of these show inclusions that the book complete the book. might be used primarily as a source for some of In so large a text there are bound to be some the latest information about the internal inhabi­ errors and areas less well handled than others. I tants of gèmstones. It is certainly time that fresh found that the bibliography included some out- photographs appeared since the importance of of-date items and some critical notes ought to be inclusions grows daily. included in any bibliography today. Mere lists The book begins with an introduction to do not help. Rather more confusing is the petrology and mineralogy, dealing with the arrangement of species by . Only lithosphère, rocks and minerals, mineral forma­ three classes are used, monometric, dimetric and tion and location types. Elementary crystallo­ trimetric. Monometric is the cubic system while graphy follows with coverage of physical prop­ dimetric includes tetragonal, hexagonal and trig­ erties and the role played by chemistry in crystal onal species: the rest are grouped under tri­ formation. The fourth chapter introduces optical metric. This will appear eccentric to experienced properties, including the use of the spectroscope gemmologists and beginners will find it hard to and of ultra-violet sources in gem testing. turn from this method of arrangement to more Chapter five introduces gemmology as a sys­ acceptable ones used elsewhere. I would tem of gemstone identification and includes strongly suggest that in a second edition an such diverse topics as gemstone nomenclature, alphabetical arrangement is used. gem fashioning and treatment, the synthesis of Nonetheless, this is a very good, beautiful and gem materials and the nature of colour. important book, well in keeping with traditional Much of the remainder of the book, from page Italian excellence of production. All serious gem­ 94 to the end, is devoted to gemstone descrip­ mologists should buy it. M.O'D. tions. These are arranged in order of crystal class (see below for comment on this) so that diamond Fascination of gemstones. is the first material to be described. This section, H.J. MÜLLENMEISTER, 1995. [Published by the of 54 pages, covers mining, the properties of author] Markt Schwaben, pp 224, illus. in colour. diamond, fashioning and examples, with dia­ DM49.50 plus postage. ISBN 3 9801925 1 2. grams, of diamond grading. Diagrams of a num­ The author embarks on the perilous course of ber of celebrated diamonds are also provided. trying to explain or even justify his addiction to Descriptions of other gem materials follow the the study of gemstones, taking a number of dif­ same form: synthetic counterparts of natural ferent topics to illustrate those areas which he stones are included with them and very useful finds of greatest interest. He succeeds admirably, colour photographs of their inclusions, as well as not least through the selection of subject areas those seen in treated stones need to be looked for but also in the choice of first-class colour photo­ under the name of the material. There is a lot to graphs. Themes include historical diamonds, the be said for including these features in one place. physics of coloured diamonds, ruby, emerald 68 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

and their synthetic counterparts, details of since 1979. In that time he ha* seen few books stones in the crown jewels (in the Hofburg, published which cover the practical element of Vienna) and a great deal on inclusions, well- diamond grading and which can be used as illustrated by excellent photographs which in teaching aids. The chapters covering grading in fact make the book worth recommending for Diamonds by Bruton are a useful introduction but inclusion study are now in need of revision Diamonds and dia­ I found the addiction completely justified in mond grading by Lenzen is out of print leaving terms of the book and would recommend it for ABC of diamond grading by Pagel-Theisen as the general reading. For such a colourful production sole available text. the price is reasonable for today M.O'D. In this book Roskins draws on his experience as a diamond grader at the GIA Gem Trade La gemmologie, notions, principes, concepts. Laboratory to review the history of the GIA 2e édition. clarity scale and provides a brief, rare glimpse of F. PAYETTE, 1995. Fischer Presses, Sillery, Québec, the workings of a grading laboratory. The value pp 227, illus. in black-and-white. of the book to a diamond student lies in its pre­ This is a pleasantly-produced and simple book sentation of over 200 excellent photomicro­ which would suit the student or beginner very graphs illustrating all the clarity grades accom­ well but will not attract the curious customer panied by clear descriptions of the clarity despite the attractive coloured front cover which characteristics responsible for the given grade. depicts cut and rough villiaumite, of all rare Common inclusions, symmetry and polish stones! As villiaumite has been described as grades, girdle thicknesses and culet sizes are also 'only partly water-soluble' it seems appropriate illustrated. to describe the book as 'only partly satisfactory' Roskins correctly states that diamond grading for it is without colour photographs! Nonethe­ is a subjective process with consistency only less the actual text is fair and the figures are being achieved through the regular examination notably clear and accurate. It can be recom­ of many stones of different sizes. This book mended for the French-speaking gemmologist. could help the tyro grader reach such a consis­ M.O'D. tency. The author and publisher deserve much credit in producing such clear illustrations but the high cover price may deter all but serious Amber: the golden gem of the ages. students from acquiring this welcome book. PC. RICE, 1993. The Kosciuszko Foundation, E.C.E. New York (3rd printing with revisions), pp x, 289, illus. in black-and-white and in colour, soft- Quartz-Monographie. Die Eigenheiten von cover. £19.95. ISBN 0 917004 22 1. Bergkritsall, Rauchquarz, Amethyst, Chalce- This pleasant book was first published in 1980 don, Opal und anderen Varietäten (2, über­ by Van Nostrand Reinhold and the recent arbeitete aufläge). update takes into account the work of George O. R. RYKART, 1995. Ott Verlag, Thun. pp 462, illus. in Poinar Jr at the University of California, colour, hardcover. DM69.00. ISBN 3 7225 6204 X. Berkeley, best known for providing some of the This now standard work on the occurrence impetus for the film Jurassic Park. Other addi­ and crystal forms of the major varieties of silica tions include some rather fruitless speculations makes a welcome re-appearance with additional on the present whereabouts of the Amber Room, colour plates and a really exhaustive biblio­ formerly in St Petersburg, and, more usefully, graphy. As always the emphasis is upon quartz additional entries to the bibliography. At the for the collector and a large amount of informa­ softcover price this is still a book gemmologists tion has been compiled upon the wealth of crys­ should possess. M.O'D. tal forms reported from locations worldwide. This is the book to consult if you want to know Photo masters for diamond grading. what quartz from a particularly celebrated site G. ROSKINS, 1994. Gemworld International Inc, looks like and in covering this ground the author Northbrook, IL, USA. pp 94, illus. US$95.00, naturally brings in a wealth of data on inclu­ £49.50. sions, colour varieties and citations of papers This reviewer has been grading diamonds in a with a slant towards those in German and other laboratory environment and teaching the subject European languages. J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 69

Fine objets d'art in rock crystal are illustrated continues to refine crystal structures once and some of the romantic side of crystal collect­ accepted as less complex than they now prove to ing in the Alps is included with notes on the life be. While gemmologists will not often meet of the Strahlers. Later sections describe the form­ quasi-crystals and high-temperature super­ ation and colouration of chalcedony, the form­ conductors, many will be interested in advances ation of opal and how its play of colour arises. A made in the study of crystal surfaces. From the small separate section of colour photographs at first edition, published in 1982, the list of refer­ the end of the text illustrates particularly notable ences has been greatly expanded and since the specimens of the silica varieties covered by the work is written by Russian crystallographers it is book: the present location of the specimens is not surprising, though very welcome, that given along with their size (most if not all colour Russian and Soviet papers are strongly repre­ photographs in the main text of the book have sented. In all, 21 pages are devoted to citations. the specimen size in their captions). A first-class Gemmologists will probably find the sections book and don't let there be a language barrier! on chemical bonding, the principal types of crys­ M.O'D. tal structures and the advances in structural crystallography the most interesting though it Tudor and Jacobean jewellery. must be said that the treatment, inevitably, is D. SCARISBRICK, 1995. Tate Publishing, London, strongly mathematical. Nonetheless, since larger pp 104, illus. in colour, softcover. £8.95. ISBN 1 university libraries will have copies, the serious 85437 158 4. student will find many items of interest rigor­ Much of the evidence for the nature of jew­ ously treated and some questions settled. ellery from Tudor and Jacobean periods is M.O'D. derived from portraits and indeed the study of pictures for details of artefacts is rapidly becom­ Geology and mineralogy at Oxford 1860-1986: ing an independent branch of art scholarship. history and reminiscence. This short guide presents a series of portraits, E.A. VINCENT, 1994. Published by the author, very well reproduced in colour, each depicting Department of Earth Sciences, University of items of jewellery and arranged in four sections, Oxford, pp 245, illus. in black-and-white, soft- patrons, makers and materials, themes and the cover. £10.50. jewels themselves. There is a short bibliography Gemmologists should take the opportunity to and at the price the book is very good value. learn how one at least of its 'parent' sciences has Perhaps the casual viewer of a portrait does not been organized at a major university and how always understand the symbolism or other sig­ the specific subject of mineralogy has changed in nificance of a piece of jewellery; the choice of emphasis during this century: up to 1941 it stone, where the jewel was worn and on what merited its own chair but from that date the occasion, the choice of one item of jewellery Waynflete Professorship of Mineralogy and rather than another. In its small compass this Crystallography was abolished, being then book is an excellent starting-point. M.O'D. made part of the Department of Geology and Mineralogy. Both the work and the personalities Structure of crystals. of some of the leading Oxford earth science fig­ B.K. VAINSHTEIN, V.M. FRIDKIN, V.L. INDENBOM, ures are described and, as always in academic 1995. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp xx, 520, illus. in history, there are accounts of making do with black-and-white and in colour, hardcover. what accommodation was available and with Second, enlarged edition (Modern crystallography. the vagaries of temperament exhibited by some 2). DM 119.00. ISBN 3 540 56848 4. influential figures. Readers should visit the With the publication of the second volume of mineral display at the University Museum; the the second edition of Modern crystallography specimens are very well displayed and excel­ mineralogists and gemmologists again have an lently curated and form an impressive back­ up-to-date text to back those areas of crystallo- ground to one of the larger British earth science graphic importance in which work constantly departments. M.O'D. • Easy to read scale 111 • Fine definition readings • Wide prism for large stones • Built-in monochromatic filter Comes with travel case, Rlliquid and polarizing filter

£275.0£275.000 plupluss VATVAT,, postagpostagee anandd packinpackingg MemberMemberss araree entitleentitledd toto aa 10%10% discount. discount . RemembeRememberr ttoo quotquotee youryour membershipmembership numbernumbe r GemmologicaGemmologicall InstrumentInstrumentss LimitedLimited • SECOND FLOOR, 27 GREVILLE STREET (SAFFRON HILL ENTRANCE), LONDON ECl N8SU • • SECOND FLOOR, 27 GREVILLE STREET (SAFFRON HILL ENTRANCE), LONDON EC1N 8SU • Tel: 0171 -404 3334 Fax : 0171-404 8843 Tel: 0171-404 3334 Fax:0171-4048843 Proceedings of the Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain and Notices

OBITUARY The Cultured Pearl Company, London, Mr T.H. Bevis Smith, FGA (D.1936), for a Tahitian cultured pearl, 18.73ct, Epsom, died suddenly on 22 October 1995. 13.8mm, drilled. Mr Bevis Smith served as a member of the Rak Hansawek, M.Sc, GG, Bangkok, Council of the Gemmological Association Thailand, for tektites from NE Thailand, from 1954 to 1976. one faceted stone and one cabochon. Mr Harold Cox, FGA (D.1934), Windsor, Mr John A. Kessler, London, for emerald died recently. crystals in matrix. Mr John J.W. Laurie, FGA (D.1988), Ms Ou Yang CM., Hong Kong Institute Bluche, Switzerland, died on 25 September of Gemmology, for four cabochons of jet 1995 after a short illness. from Wusun, NE China, and a book on jade Mr Aaron N. Levy, FGA (D.1990), by Ms Ou Yang. London, died recently. Mr Julius Petsch, Idar-Oberstein, for sap­ Mr Edward Arthur (Ted) Thomson, Hon. phire crystals from Madagascar. FGA, London, died in December 1995. A Mr Xui Zhili, Zhongshan University, full obituary will appear in a future issue of Guangzhou, China, for two gemmology the Journal textbooks by Mr Xui Zhili. Mr George Lindley, FGA (D.1937), Sutherland, Scotland, died on 27 November 1995. A full obituary will appear in a future issue of the Journal NEWS OF FELLOWS Alan Hodgkinson carried out an extensive lecture programme during 1995. As well as GIFTS TO THE ASSOCIATION speaking at the GAGTL Conference in The Association is most grateful to the fol­ London (as reported in Gem and Jewellery lowing for their gifts of gems and gem News, 1995, Vol. 5, No. 1) and other locali­ materials for research and teaching pur­ ties in the UK, Alan gave presentations in poses: Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and New Professor Yuri Aroutiounov, Moscow, Zealand. Russia, for the illustrations of Russian lac­ On 4 October 1995 Peter Read gave an quer boxes and a paste-set crown badge. illustrated talk to the Bournemouth Natural Dr Keglim Belloso-Laufer, London, for Science Society in their Christchurch Road diamond crystals. premises on the subject of 'Diamonds and Biron International Ltd for synthetic De Beers'. Included in his presentation was emeralds. a display of gemmology books, diamond Mr Tom Chatham of the USA for syn­ testing instruments and replicas of famous thetic emeralds and rubies. diamonds.

© Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain ISSN: 1355-4565 7722 JJ.. Gemm.Gemm.,, 19961996,25,, 25, 11

FORTHCOMINGFORTHCOMING MEETINGSMEETINGS London LondonMeeting s will be held at the GAGTL Gem Tutorial Centre, 2nd floor, 27 Greville Street Meetings(Saffron Hil willl entrance) be held at, Londo the GAGTLn EC1N Gem 8SU Tutorial. Entry Centre,will be b2ndy ticke floor,t onl 27 yGreville at £3.50 Street for a membe(Saffronr Hill(£5.0 entrance),0 for a non-member London EClN) availabl 8SU. e Entryfrom thwille GAGTL be by ticket. only at £3 .50 for a member (£5.00 for a non-member) available from the GAGTL. 28 February The art and science of valuation Rosamond Clayton 28 February The art and science of valuation Rosamond Clayton 3 AprilApril BringingBringing gemsgems toto thethe marketmarket placeplace ArthurArthur WoolgarWoolga r 8 MayMay IdentifyingIdentifying inclusionsinclusions withinwithin gemstonesgemstones JamieJamie N Nelsoelsonn 1010 JunJunee AnnualAnnual GeneralGeneral MeetingMeeting andand ReunionReunion ofof MembersMembers

MidlandMidlandss BranchBranch MonthlMonthlyy meetingmeetingss wilwilll bebe heldheld atat thethe DiscoveryDiscovery Centre,Centre, 7777 VyseVyse Street,Street, BirminghamBirmingham 1188 (fo(forr directiondirectionss ttoo ththee SundaySunday GemGem ClubClub VenueVenue contactcontact GwynGwyn GreenGreen onon 01210121 445 445 5359)5359).. FurtheFurtherr detaildetailss fromfrom MandyMandy MacKinnonMacKinnon onon 01210121 6243225624 3225 oror NeilNeil RoseRose onon 01610161 484838919.3 8919. 1188 FebruarFebruaryy GeGemm CluClubb - TalkTalk onon historyhistory ofof pearlpearl buttonsbuttons andand bead-stringingbead-stringing workshoworkshopp 2233 FebruarFebruaryy JadeJadess AlanAlan JobbinsJobbins 4 MarcMarchh VisiVisitt ttoo BirminghamBirmingham AssayAssay OfficeOffice 2244 MarcMarchh GeGemm CluClubb - SilversmithingSilversmithing activityactivity dayday 2299 MarcMarchh LavriotikeLavriotike:: treasurtreasuree houshousee ofof AttikaAttika EdgarEdgar TaTayloylorr 1144 ApriAprill GeGemm CluClubb 2266 ApriAprill AnnuaAnnuall GeneraGenerall MeetinMeetingg followefollowedd byby a talktalk byby D.D.HH.. AriyaratnaAriyaratna 2288 ApriAprill PreliminarPreliminaryy GemmologGemmologyy SeminarSeminar 55 MaMayy DiplomDiplomaa GemmologGemmologyy SeminarSeminar 1199 MaMayy GeGemm CluClubb - dadayy visivisitt ttoo DolgellaDolgellauu GoldGold MineMine

NortNorthh WesWestt BrancBranchh MeetingMeetingss wilwilll bbee helheldd aatt ChurcChurchh HouseHouse,, HanoveHanoverr Street,Street, LiverpoolLiverpool 1.1. FurtherFurther detaildetailss frofromm JoJoee AzzopardAzzopardii oonn 0127012700 628251628251.. 2200 MarcMarchh IntroductioIntroductionn ttoo gemmologgemmologyy DeannaDeanna BradyBrady 1ISMay5 May JadeJade,, paspastt anandd presenpresentt RosamondRosamond ClaClaytoytonn David Lancaster 1199 JunJunee JewellerJewelleryy iinn ththee auctioauctionn worlworldd David Lancaster

Scottish Branch Scottish Branch For details of Scottish Branch meetings contact Ruth Cunningham on 0131 2254105. For details of Scottish Branch meetings contact Ruth Cunningham on 0131 225 4105. 7 February A Lab Night at Telford College, Edinburgh 7 February A Lab Night at Telford College, Edinburgh 22 March Quiz Night and Bring and Buy 22 March Quiz Night and Bring and Buy J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 73

MEMBERS' MEETINGS On 15 November at Church House the Annual General Meeting was held at which London Irene Knight and Joe Azzopardi were re­ On 1 October 1995 the GAGTL Annual elected Chairman and Secretary respec­ Conference was held at the Scientific tively. Societies Lecture Theatre, New Burlington Place, London Wl. A full report was pub­ Scottish Branch lished in Gem and Jewellery News, 1995, On 19 September the Scottish Branch held Vol. 5, No. 1. its first outing which was a tour of the On 16 October at 27 Greville Street, British Geological Survey unit in London EC1N 8SU, Howard Vaughan gave Edinburgh. a presentation illustrated by slides and a On 20 October at Newliston House, video entitled 'Recent developments in the Newbridge, Edinburgh, Doug Garrod of diamond industry'. the GAGTL gave a talk on traditions and On 30 November at 27 Greville Street, Dr superstitions connected with gemstones. John L. Emmett, a principal of Crystal Research, Pleasanton, California, gave an illustrated lecture entitled 'The heat treat­ PRESENTATION OF AWARDS ment of corundum: a view from the labora­ tory'. The Presentation of Awards gained in the 1995 examinations was held at Goldsmiths' Midlands Branch Hall, Foster Lane, London, on 6 November. On 29 September 1995 at the Discovery The President, Mr Eric Bruton, presided Centre, 77 Vyse Street, Birmingham 18, Mr and welcomed those present, including vis­ Philip Stocker gave an illustrated lecture itors from India, Japan, Korea, Norway and entitled 'Jewellery valuations and their Taiwan. He reported that a total of 1095 stu­ attendant problems'. dents sat the Gemmology and Gem On 27 October at the Discovery Centre Diamond examinations in 1995, 619 of Mr Stephen Kennedy of the GAGTL labora­ whom had been successful which repre­ tory gave an illustrated lecture entitled sented a pass rate of just over 56 per cent. 'Pearls - production and identification'. Students from 26 countries in all five conti­ On 24 November at the Discovery Centre nents qualified in this year's Diploma the speaker was Mr James Gosling. His Examination. topic was 'Jewels in the hand, a celebration The awards were presented by Peter of Elizabethan and Jacobean miniatures'. Read and his address is set out below. The On 2 December the forty-third anniver­ vote of thanks was given by Ian Thomson sary dinner was held at Barnt Green. and in conclusion Eric Bruton thanked the Goldsmiths' Company for once again allowing the GAGTL to hold the ceremony North West Branch at the Hall. On 20 September 1995 at Church House, Hanover Street, Liverpool 1, Dr John Franks Address by Peter Read gave an illustrated talk entitled 'Natural It's a great pleasure to be here tonight History of jewellery'. addressing you in this impressive and his­ On 18 October at Church House a gem- toric Goldsmiths' Livery Hall. My greetings mology evening was held for members and and congratulations are also especially guests. Those attending were invited to directed to all those students who have just bring along interesting items of jewellery received their richly deserved diplomas- for examination and discussion. as a former student I'm well aware of the 74 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1

effort you have made in achieving this goal. Looking around the Hall earlier this evening reminded me of my own atten­ dances here some twenty years ago. I'm not referring to those pleasant occasions when I too was the recipient of the Gemmological Association's Diplomas, but to the much more stressful hours I spent in this very Hall sitting the Association's theory and practical examinations under the watchful eye of Robert Webster. Among a group of around 45 other budding gemmologists, I still remember the rising tension during the final minutes of the three-hour practical exam as some of us literally ran between the various test instruments to identify the last few stones in the list. Inevitably the very last stone was dropped on the floor by a nervous student-this was not, surpris­ ingly, yours truly-my speciality was knocking over the bottle of contact fluid! On this occasion Robert Webster was quickly on the scene and went down on his hands and knees to search for the missing gem. As you can appreciate, the lighting in the hall was not ideal for this task and someone offered a pen torch. By now the hands of the clock were indicating that the exam's three hours were up, and two of us Diploma Trade Prize winner, Johanna Carlsson, receiv­ were still waiting to test the missing stone. ing her prize from Peter Read. But with Robert in charge we need not have worried - the stone was quickly found and we were awarded an extra five minutes of Organization in London to set up their 'injury time' to complete our tests! Little did first engineering development department. I imagine then, that one day I would have Prior to that time I had been a technical the honour of returning to this same Hall author and an electronics development and presenting the awards to another gen­ engineer with companies such as the GEC, eration of graduate gemmologists. Iliffe publishers, Plessey, and Johnson Unlike many of my contemporaries who Matthey the precious metals specialist. have been closely associated with the jew­ Some of you may be wondering at this ellery trade for most of their working lives, point why De Beers were in need of an elec­ I discovered the fascinating world of gem- tronics engineer and a development depart­ mology much later in life. The main benefit ment. Well, the sale of rough diamonds at of this tonight is that any reminiscences I the CSO had increased enormously in the might be tempted to indulge in will of post war years, and this had meant a simi­ necessity be reasonably brief. lar increase in the number of diamond Strictly speaking, my contact with the sorters. With more and more people han­ gem world only really started in 1970 dling the diamonds, De Beers decided that when I joined De Beers Central Selling it made sense to begin automating some of J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 75 the less skilled sorting processes such as amount of work I had to put in to ensure a sieving and weighing. comfortable pass far exceeded anything I One of my projects at Johnson Matthey had experienced in qualifying as a had been the development of an automatic Chartered Engineer. This, of course, is why gold grain weighing system for the produc­ the FGA qualification is held in such high tion of 10 tola currency bars. When I was esteem around the world. offered the opportunity to move less than a When I eventually left De Beers to start hundred yards down Hatton Garden and my own consultancy company, I also began take on the problems of automatic diamond writing articles for the trade magazines and weighing at De Beers, I readily agreed - a for the Journal of Gemmology. The particular move from precious metals to gem dia­ aspect of gemmology I chose to write monds was a chance not to be missed. As about was one that as an engineer I found De Beers newly appointed Technical particularly interesting - gemmological Manager my brief was first to set up a small instruments. Eventually I persuaded development department. During the fol­ Butterworths to let me write a book on the lowing years my department designed and subject. After this was published they sug­ installed computer-controlled automatic gested that I turned a series of articles I had weighing systems in London, Kimberley written on gemmology into a paperback and Botswana. We also introduced many entitled Beginner's guide to gemmology. This other sorting aids including high-speed dia­ slim volume appeared to find favour with mond counters, automatic diamond sieving students over the following years. In retro­ machines and television shape sorting. spect, perhaps this was because both author During this period I became aware that and reader were the 'Beginners'! The next evening classes in gemmology and gem book to be published was my Dictionary diamond were being held in the Sir John of Gemmology and, in 1991, after several Cass Institute at Aldgate (now called the reprints, Beginner's guide was finally London Guildhall University). As I was in replaced by my more comprehensive text the privileged position of seeing thousands book Gemmology. of carats of rough diamonds passing Back in 1979 I had been fortunate enough through the various sorting departments to be chosen by the Rayner Optical each day, the gem diamond course seemed Company as their consultant and over the an ideal way to learn more about this stone. next few years designed several gem test Unfortunately, it was not possible in those instruments for them. Perhaps the most days to take the diamond course and sit the important of these was the UK's first ther­ exam without first taking the gemmology mal diamond tester, in which endeavour I course. Undaunted, I signed on for the was encouraged by Harry Wheeler, who gemmology course. Because of my lack of was secretary of the Gemmological contact with gemstones other than uncut Association from 1973 to 1982. With the diamonds, I spent much of my exam prep­ introduction of cubic zirconium oxide as a aration time in the Geological Museum's diamond simulant, particularly in sizes mineral gallery. So much time in fact that smaller than the testing capability of the I had the feeling that the staff were begin­ reflectance meter, Harry had foreseen the ning to follow me around - perhaps they usefulness and the growing demand for thought I was casing the joint! such an instrument. By 1976 my three years of evening study Because of my involvement with comput­ spent at the Cass Institute were finally over, ers at De Beers, it seemed a logical step to and I was at last the proud possessor of write a computer program containing gem­ both the gemmology and gem diamond mological data. The result was GEMDATA, diplomas. I must confess, however, that the the world's first commercial computer pro- 76 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 gram for gemstone identification. This has being awarded the Diploma is not the end of just been released in its sixth update ver­ the learning process. It is not even the end sion. of the beginning. For you the most exciting Over the last two years, with the backing part of the great gemmological experience of the Gemmological Association, I have is just about to start, as it did for me twenty developed a new instrument using the years ago. Brewster angle of polarization. This has the Finally, I can do no better than quote the advantage over the standard model of a words that my De Beers friend and former range which covers refractive indices from colleague Jeremy Richdale used in his 1.40 to around 3.3-and without the need Keynote talk at the Italian GemFest '95... for contact liquid. 'There has never been a better time to be a When, in 1986, I became a tutor for the gemmologist or a student of gemmology, Gemmological Association's correspon­ and the future for the science of gemmology dence courses, I was also running adult has never been more promising.' education courses in gems and gemmology Thank you-and may I wish tonight's at West Dean College near Chichester and award winners the best of luck in their in Bournemouth. This latter activity, of careers. course, was all part of a cunning plan to introduce the general public to the exciting world of gemstones, and at the same time make them aware of the Gemmological Association's courses! MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF In an extension to this method of sub­ MANAGEMENT liminal advertising, I have also followed the At a meeting of the Council of precedent set several years ago by our Management held on 20 September 1995 at President Eric Bruton, and published two 27 Greville Street, London EC1N 8SU, the gemmological novels Diamond mine and The business transacted included the election Peking diamonds - whoever said gemmol­ of the following: ogy was dull! I often find that memories are triggered Transfers - DGA to FGA, DGA by smells. Perhaps you do too. For me the Bray, Betty A., Abilene, Tex., USA. 1995 smell of resin-cored solder takes me back to Everitt, Sally Ann, London. 1995 my electronic engineering days, while Yoshida, Miyuki, Hong Kong. 1995 the all pervading smell of heavy liquids Zhou, Min, Wuhan, China. 1995 reminds me of happy evenings spent identifying gems at the Cass Institute. Unfortunately, the aroma of methylene Transfers - FGA to FGA, DGA iodide (or di-iodomethane as it's called Carroll Marshall, Anne E., Hong Kong. today) is not so welcome in the home. Even 1995 with my study door firmly closed, it takes Cassarino, Paul R., Rochester, NY, USA. only a few minutes for my wife to become 1995 aware that I'm using my refractometer, or Fan, Siu Kam, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 1995 that I've unstoppered my heavy liquids to Fantis, Charoulla, London. 1995 check the SG of a stone. If sodium poly- Farion, Jean-Christophe, South tungstate ever replaces the smelly organic Kensington. 1995 liquids, gemmology will not seem the same! Fung, Wai Yin, Hong Kong. 1995 In ending my reminiscences I will borrow Hamp-Gopsill, David, Burton-on-Trent. part of one of Churchill's phrases and 1995 remind tonight's successful candidates that Hui, Sze Wai, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 1995 J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 77

Hung, Vivian Chi Ling, Hong Kong. 1995 Diamond Membership and Fellowship Kwan, Wai Shun, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Bratton, Tim, London. 1976/1977 1995 Wilson, Andrew Robert, Worthing. Lai, Mui Guk Margaret, Hong Kong. 1995 1980/1986 Lakhtaria, Yashwin, London. 1995 Nicholson, Charles J.R., London. 1995 Diamond Membership Papadopoulos, Iraklis, Athens, Greece. Allberg, Mauritz, Stockholm, Sweden. 1995 1995 Badibanga, Carine, London. 1995 Pegg, Delia, Petts Wood. 1995 Garland, Annette Joy, London. 1995 Ruhmer, Fiona J., Hammersmith. 1995 Kassam, Sultan Mohamed, London. 1995 Smyth, Lesley J., London. 1995 Keating, Elaine, London. 1995 Spooner, Carole, Wokingham. 1995 Tsoi, Chung Ho, Hong Kong. 1995 Wakefield, Melanie, Horsham. 1995 Wan, Stephen, Hong Kong. 1995 Williams, Jason F., West Byfleet. 1995

Fellowship Transfers - Ordinary Membership to Ajani, Shilpa Chetan, Bombay, India. 1985 DGA Buxani, Naina Mahesh, Kowloon, Hong Hofer, Peter M., Northwood. 1995 Kong. 1993 Hung, David Lam Chiu, Kowloon, Hong Carr, John Raymond, Cheltenham. 1995 Kong. 1995 Cheng, Ming Chi, Hong Kong. 1995 Mamo, Charles, Wanstead. 1995 Day, Stephen J., Peterborough, Ont., Canada. 1995 Transfer - Ordinary Membership to FGA Haitioniemi, Mia Maria, Kuusankoski, Cadby, John H.V., Trowbridge. 1995 Finland. 1995 Cadby, Sarah, London. 1995 Ho, Tung Tak, Hong Kong. 1995 Chen, Jyh-Shyang, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Leung, Stephen Ping-Kwong, Thornhill, 1995 Ont., Canada. 1995 Dokken, Aarrynne D.C., Sutton. 1995 Moore, Julie Lyn, Swadlincote. 1995 Ho, Hsiung-Chien, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. Rickard, Sarah, Market Harborough. 1995 1995 Rosier, Wendy Julia, Stanley, Hong Kong. Iwata, Kaoru, Kanagawa, Japan. 1995 1995 Kathoon, Junaida, Singapore. 1995 So, Che Shing, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 1995 Kawamura, Toshiko, Sakurai City. 1995 Yates, David Hayman, Whatstandwell, Nr Kleiser, Alwen M., Holyhead. 1995 Matlock. 1995 Lin, Fiona, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 1995 Owens, Suzanne, Dublin. 1995 Ordinary Membership Purkiss, Karen A., Colchester. 1995 Aslanian, Mehran Artin, Tettenhall. Rabstein, Wolf Isidore, London. 1995 Battiscombe, Brigid, London. Smallenburg, M.A., Amsterdam, The Birtwhistle, John Percy, Telford. Netherlands. 1995 Clarkson, James D., Reno, Nev, USA. Sotolongo, Sachiko Kashiba, London. 1995 Dagermark, Sofa, London. Tada, Reiko, Osaka, Japan. 1995 Fielding, Geoffrey Ian, Bury. Tanaka, Daisuke, Kobe City, Japan. 1995 Foote, David Stuart, Reading. Thornton, Timothy J., Kettering, 1995 Forbes, Victoria Elizabeth, Portadown. Turner, Caroline, Southwold. 1995 Grondin, Daniel, Geneva, Switzerland. Whipp, David, Thornton Heath. 1995 Harvey, Mark Anthony, Hinckley. White, Michèle, Moseley, Birmingham. Hegi, Matthieu M.M., Geneva, 1995 Switzerland. 7788 J.J. Cemm.,Gemm., 1996,1996, 25, 1


Synthetics and Enhancements Today Synthetics 14-1and 5Enhancements February Today Are you aware of the various treate14-15d an Februaryd syntheti c materials that are likely to be masqueradinAre you awareg amongs of the varioust the stone treateds yo uand are synthetic buying an materialsd selling that? Whethe are likelyr yo tou arbee masqueradingvaluing, repairin amongstg or dealing the stones, can yoyouu afforare buyingd to mis ands thes selling?e two Whetherdays of insights you are, valuing, repairing or dealing, can you afford to miss these two days of insights, tips and practical investigation? tips and practical investigation? PricePrice £223.25£22325 (including(including sandwich sandwich lunches) lunches)

EnquirEnquiree WithiWithin:n : EmeraldEmerald 6 MarcMarchh AA valuablvaluablee anandd concentrateconcentratedd loolookk aatt alalll aspectaspectss ooff emeraldemerald:: naturanaturall roughrough andand cucutt stonesstones,, treatedtreated,, synthetisyntheticc anandd imitatioimitationn stonesstones.. PricePrice £111£111.63 £3 (including (including sandwich sandwich lunch) lunch)

PreliminarPreliminaryy WorkshoWorkshopp 1133 MardMarchi AA dadayy ooff practica practicall tuitiotuitionn foforr PreliminarPreliminaryy studentstudentss anandd anyonanyonee whwhoo needneedss a startstart witwithh instrumentsinstruments,, stonestoness anandd crystalscrystals.. YoYouu cacann learlearnn ttoo ususee ththee 10lOxx lenlenss atat maximumaximumm efficiencyefficiency,, ttoo observobservee ththee effecteffectss anandd resultresultss frofromm ththee maimainn gegemm testingtesting instrumentinstrumentss an andd ttoo understanunderstandd importanimportantt aspectaspectss ooff crystalcrystalss iinn gemmology.gemmology PricePrice £47.00; GAGTL GAGTL students students £33.49 £33A3 (including (including sandwich sandwich lunch) lunch)

EnquirEnquiree WithiWithin:n : RubyRuby andand SapphireSapphire 2200 MardMarchi AA da dayy lookinlookingg aatt alalll aspectaspectss ooff thesthesee gemgemss -- naturalnatural,, treatedtreated,, synthetisyntheticc andand imitationimitation*. PricePrice £111£111M.63 (including(including sandwich sandwich lunch) lunch)

Two-DaTwo-Dayy DiplomDiplomaa PracticaPracticall WorkshoWorkshopp 25-225-266 MaMayy anandd 1-1-22 JunJunee ThThee long-establishelong-establishedd intensivintensivee practicapracticall courscoursee ttoo hel helpp studentstudentss preparpreparee foforr ththee DiplomDiplomaa practicapracticall examinatioexaminationn oorr fo forr thosthosee i inn th thee tradtradee oorr elsewher elsewheree ttoo brusbrushh uupp oonn techniquetechnique.. ThiThiss iiss ththee coursecourse toto helhelpp yo youu practis practisee th thee methodmethodss requirerequiredd ttoo coacoaxx ththee besbestt resultresultss frofromm gegemm instrumentsinstruments., ThThee courscoursee includeincludess aa half-lengthalf-lengthh mocmockk exaexamm foforr yoyouu ttoo marmarkk yourselfyourself.. PricePrice £16039£160.39 (£111.04 for for GAGTL GAGTL registered registered students) students) - includes - includes sandwich sandwich lunches lunches

*NOTE*NOTE;: AlAlll pricepricess includincludee VAVATT atat 17.5%*17J%* Please ring the Education Office (0171-404 3334) Please ring the Education Office (0171-404 3334) for further information for further information J. Gemm., 1996, 25,1 79

Ho, Yan Yee Winnie, Hong Kong. Diamond Membership Jama, Abdillahi, Cardiff. Chan, Yuk Fan Anna, Kowloon, Hong James, Anthony Harcourt, Ipswich. Kong. 1995 Joseph, Elizabeth, Hale Barns. Khairallah, Theresa, London. Fellowship and Diamond Membership Kim, Myung Suk, London. Eggleston, Avrina, London. 1995/95 Kritikou, Eleni, London. Jones, Karen, Caernarfon, Gwynedd. Lee, Dongjae, London. 1985/86 Lorking, Derek, Walthamstow, London. Matza, Eynat, London. Fellowship Mewani, Ashok, Montego Bay, Jamaica. Carlsson, Johanna A., London. 1995 Mitchell, Christopher Hagon, Leigh-on- Dillimuni, Dayananda, Colombo, Sri Sea. Lanka. 1978 Mitteregger, Unni, London. Diserens, Myriam, Paudex, Switzerland. Monje, Lucy, London. 1994 Omine, Mitsunobu, Stanmore. Hawken, Diana Blair, Hong Kong. 1995 Pepprell, Eija-Liisa, London. Lee, Sau Mui Angela, Kowloon, Hong Riddell, Vanessa Stella, Harrow. Kong. 1995 Rizwan, Babar, Ilford. Mak, So Yi, Hong Kong. 1994 Schutt, Alan W., Bristol. Papadopoulos, Dimitrios, Athens, Greece. Silverio, Ma Rita, Mandaluyong City, 1995 Philippines. Schmidt, Simon Peter, London. 1991 Slattery, Bozenna, London. Shetty, Vaju Krishna, Bombay, India. 1995 Starreveld, Francis M.M., Hilversum, The Soo, Hoi Leung, Hong Kong. 1995 Netherlands. Stead, Graham Scott, Tillsonburg, Ont., Stern, Sara, Arlington, Va, USA. Canada. 1995 Swaffer, Hugh, Brighton. Torrent, Denise, Geneva, Switzerland. Torto, Augustine Bockaire, London. Ordinary Membership Vernon, Penny Ann, High Wycombe. Caspi, Daniel R., London. Vivian Smith, Marina Lea, Quan, Vietnam. Davis, Roberta Kay, Harborne. Whiteson, Sarah Jane, London. Hargreaves, David, London. Yap, Hui Ling, Penang, Malaysia. Haria, Aarti Vipul, Nairobi, Kenya. Yasuma, Kaori, Tokyo, Japan. Johnson, Helen Louise, Edinburgh. Khashkovskaia, Tatiana, St Petersburg, Russia. Laboratory Membership Patel, Ajay, Reading. Andre Messika S.A., Paris, France. Rönkkö, Veera Viktoria, London. Morelle Davidson Ltd., London. Söderström, Jenny, Lannavaara, Sweden. Urm, Tanel, Voru, Estonia. Warren, Glynn Mark, Lindford. At a meeting of the Council of Wong, Yik Shih, Wimbledon. Management held on 17 October 1995 at 27 Greville Street, the business transacted Laboratory Membership included the election of the following: Raymond Lyons & Co Ltd, Croydon. MupKa^um

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ADVERTISING IN Rates per insertion, excluding VAT, are as follows: THE JOURNAL OF GEMMOLOGY Whole page £180 Half page £100 Quarter page £60 The Editors of the Journal invite advertisements from gemstone Enquiries to Mrs M. Burland, and mineral dealers, publishers Advertising Manager, and others with interests in the Gemmological Association, gemmological, mineralogical, 27 Greville Street, lapidary and jewellery fields. London EC1N 8SU • GEMMOLOGY % INSTRUMENTS • CRYSTALS % CUT SPECIMENS enesis m STUDY TOURS Ltd. • WORLD LEADERS IN PRIVATE GEMMOLOGICAL EDUCATION We specialize in small group intensive tuition, from scratch to F.G.A. Diploma in 9 months, we are able to claim a very high level of passes including Distinctions Illustrated: & prize winners amongst our students. Petrological Microscope. • GEMMOLOGICAL STUDY TOURS Mag. 20x - 650x, with We organise a comprehensive programme of study tours for the student & the full range of oculars & practising gemmologist to areas of specific interest, including :- objectives, wavelength ANTWERP, IDAR-OBERSTEIN, SRI LANKA, THAILAND & CHINA. filters, quartz wedge, Bertrand lens, iris • DEALERS IN GEMSTONES/DIAMONDS & CRYSTALS diaphragms, graticules We buy & sell cut and rough gemstones and diamonds, particularly for etc. the F.G.A. syllabus, and have many rare or unusual specimens. Gemstones & Diamonds also available for commercial purposes. From ONLY £650 + VAT& • SUPPLIERS OF GEMMOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS Delivery/Carriage We offer a comprehensive range of gem testing instruments, including inexpensive Petrological & Stereo-zoom Microscopes, Refractometers, Hand Lenses, Pocket U/V Lights, S.G. Liquids, the world famous OPL Spectroscope, and many other items including Books & Study Aids.

For further details of these and our other activities, please contact- Colin Winter, F.G.A. or Hilary Taylor, B.A., F.G.A. at GENESIS, 21, West Street, Epsom, Surrey. KT18 7RL England Tel. 01372 742974 or Fax 01372 742426

TheJournal of Gemmology Back issues Individual back issues of volumes 23 and 24 are available at £10.00 each. Issues up to and including volume 22 are £4.00 each. Most issues are available. Members of GAGTL are eligible for a 10% discount. When an order is received an invoice will be sent showing cost including postage and packing. Please contact: Mary Burland Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain


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The Editor is glad to consider original arti­ Illustrations Either transparencies or pho­ cles shedding new light on subjects of gem- tographs of good quality can be submitted for mological interest for publication in The both coloured and black-and-white illustra­ Journal. Articles are not normally accepted tions. It is recommended that authors retain which have already been published elsewhere copies of all illustrations because of the risk of in English, and an article is accepted only on loss or damage either during the printing the understanding that (1) full information as process or in transit. to any previous publication (whether in Diagrams must be of a professional quality English or another language) has been given, and prepared in dense black ink on a good (2) it is not under consideration for publica­ quality surface. Original illustrations will not tion elsewhere and (3) it will not be published be returned unless specifically requested. elsewhere without the consent of the Editor. All illustrations (maps, diagrams and pic­ Typescripts Two copies of all papers should tures) are numbered consecutively with Arabic be submitted on A4 paper (or USA equivalent) numerals and labelled Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. to the Editor. Typescripts should be double All illustrations are referred to as 'Figures'. spaced with margins of at least 25mm. They should be set out in the manner of recent Tables Must be typed double spaced, using issues of The Journal and in conformity with few horizontal rules and no vertical rules. the information set out below. Papers may be They are numbered consecutively with of any length, but long papers of more than Roman numerals (Table IV, etc.). Titles should 10 000 words (unless capable of division into be concise, but as independently informative parts or of exceptional importance) are as possible. The approximate position of the unlikely to be acceptable, whereas a short Table in the text should be marked in the mar­ paper of 400-500 words may achieve early gin of the typescript. publication. Notes and References Authors may choose The abstract, references, notes, captions and one of two systems: tables should be typed double spaced on sep­ (1) The Harvard system in which authors' arate sheets. names (no initials) and dates (and specific On matters of style and rendering, please pages, only in the case of quotations) are consult The Oxford dictionary for writers and edi­ given in the main body of the text, e.g. tors (Oxford University Press, 1981). (Gübelin and Koivula, 1986, 29). References are listed alphabetically at the end of the Title page The title should be as brief as is paper under the heading References. consistent with clear indication of the content of the paper. It should be followed by the (2) The system in which superscript num­ bers are inserted in the text (e.g. ...to which names (with initials) of the authors and by 3 their addresses. Gübelin refers. ) and referred to in numerical order at the end of the paper under the head­ Abstract A short abstract of 50-100 words is ing Notes. Informational notes must be required. restricted to the minimum; usually the mater­ Key Words Up to six key words indicating the ial can be incorporated in the text. If subject matter of the article should be sup­ absolutely necessary both systems may be plied. used. Headings In all headings only the first letter References in both systems should be set and proper names are capitalized. out as follows, with double spacing for all lines. A This is a first level heading Papers Hurwit, K., 1991. Gem Trade Lab notes. Gems & Gemology, 27,2,110-11 First level headings are in bold and are flush left on a separate line. The first text line Books Hughes, R.W., 1990. Corundum. following is flush left. Butterworth-Heinemann, London, p. 162 B This is a second level heading Abbreviations for titles of periodicals are those sanctioned by the World List of scientific Second level headings are in italics and are periodicals 4th edn. The place of publication flush left on a separate line. The first text line should always be given when books are following is flush left. referred to. Volume 25 No. 1 January 1996

^Journal of Gemmology


The role of fluorine in the formation of colour zoning in rubies from Mong Hsu, Myanmar (Burma) A. Peretti, ]. Mullis and F. Mouawad 3

Notes from the Gem and Pearl Testing Laboratory, Bahrain - 5 A. Bubshait and N. Siurman 20

The gems of Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada

W. Wight 24

River pearls from Bavaria and Bohemia H. Hahn 45

Abstracts 52

Reviews 64

Proceedings of the Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain and Notices 71

Copyright © 1996 The Gemmological Association and Gem Testing Laboratory of Great Britain Registered Office: Palladium House, 1-4 Argyll Street, London W1V IAD

ISSN: 1355-4565

Printed by Stephen Austin & Sons Ltd, Hertford, England