AUTHOR INDEX to VOLUME 56 3-4 620 3-4 665 L-2 354 7-8 Ll47 3-4 628 5-6 888 9-10 1760 L-2 307 7-8 1208 7-8 1180 9-10 1617 Rr-12 2
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AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56 Albright, Jarnes N. Vaterite stability 3-4 620 Allen, Rhesa M., Jr. Memorial of Alfred Leonard Anderson; November 19, 3-4 665 1900-January 27, 1964 1-9 1))') Anderson, C. P. Refinement ofthe crystal structure ofapophyllite; I, X'ray diffraction and physical properties Anderson, Charles P. Refinement of the crystal structure of apophyllite [abstr.] l-2 354 Anthony, John W. The crystal structure of legrandite 7-8 ll47 Aoki, Ilideki Reactions of magnesium carbonates by direct x-ray diffraction under 3-4 628 hydrothermal conditions Appleman, Daniel E. Crystal chemistry of a lunar pigeonite 5-6 888 Aramaki, Shigeo. Hydrothermal determination of temperature and water pressure of 9-10 1760 the magma of Aira caldera, Japan Arern, Joel E. Chevkinite and perrierite; synthesis, crystal growth and polymorphism l-2 307 Bachinski, Sharon W. Rate of Al-Si ordering in sanidines from an ignimbrite cooling 7-8 1208 unit Bailey, S. W. Antiphase domain structure of the intermediate composition plagioclase 7-8 1180 feldspars Bancroft, G. M. Miissbauer spectra of minerals along the diopside-hedenbergite tie 9-10 1617 line Barber, D. J. Mounting methods for mineral grains to be examined by high resolution rr-12 2152 electron microscopy Barton, Paul B., Jr. Sub-solidus relations in the system PbS-CdS ll-12 2034 Barton, R., Jr. Refinement of the crystal structure of elbaite [abstr.] r-2 356 Bates, Thornas F, Presentation of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society 3-4 653 of America for 1970 to George W. Brindley Bates,Ihornas F. Memorial of Paul Dimitri Krynine; September 19, 19O2-September 3-4 690 12. 1964 Baur, Werner H. The prediction of bond length variations in silicon-oxygen bonds 9-10 1573 Beardsley, Keith M. Selected x-ray crystallographic data, molar volumes and 7-8 t496 densities of minerals and related substances [book review] Beatty, L. B. New occurrence of yugawaralite from the Chena Hot Springs area, 9-10 1699 Alaska Bedarida, F. Hematite to goethite surface weathering 7-8 1469 Beger, Richard M. Cleavage in pyrite and cobaltite tt-r2 1867 Benjarnin, R. E. Kevin. Recovery of heavy liquids from dilute solutions 3-4 613 Bernilt, Alan F. The reaction of stannous fluoride with hydroxyapatite; the crystal l-2 352 structure of Sn3POaF3[abstr.] Bertin, Eugene P. Principles and practice of x-ray spectrometric analysis [book rt-r2 2165 review] Bethke, Philip M. Selected x-ray crystallographic data, molar volumes and densities 7-8 1496 of minerals and related substances [book review] Bethke, Philip M. Sub-solidus relations in the system PbS-CdS tt-12 2034 Bhattacharyya, C. An evaluation of the chemical distinctions between igneous and 3-4 499 metamorphic orthopyroxenes Black, P. M. Refinement of the crystal structure of apophyllite; I, X-ray diffraction 7-8 1222 and physical properties 2195 Boles,James R. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56 Boles, Jarnes R. Synthesis of analcime from natural heulandite and clinoptilolite 1724 Bollmann, ril. Crystal defects and crystalline interfaces ftook review] tt-t2 2167 Bradley, W. F. The low-key crystallography 3-4 375 Braitsch, O. Salt deposits, their origin and composition [book review] tt-t2 2164 Brice, Willian R. Subsolidus phase relations in the system calcium t-2 338 carbonate--cadrnium carbonate Bright, M. W. A. Transformatin twinning in synthetic neighborite 9-101519 Brindley, G. lV. Acceptance of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of 3-4 657 America for 1970 Brindley, G. W. Memorial of George Forbes Walker; October 24, l9l6-Februaty l7 , 3-4 728 t970 Brindley, G. }V. The dependence of the wavelength of AlKc radiation from t1-t2 2123 alumino-silicates on the Al-O distance Brower, Elise. X-ray line broadening in the barium sulfate-strontium sulfate series 7-8 t48t Browrr, F. H. New data on galeite and schairerite t-2 t74 Brown. F. H. Birnessite on colemanite at Boron. California 5-6 1057 Buckley, A. N. M<issbauer and infrared study of a volcanic amphibole t-2 90 Buerger, Martin, J. Contemporary crystallography [book review] 3-4 642 Bunch. T. E. Chromite and ilmenite in non-chondritic meteorites t-2 146 Bunch, T. E. Chromite and ilmenite in non-chondritic meteorites; erratum 9-10 1837 Burnham, Charles W. Cation distribution and atomic thermal vibrations in an 5-6 850 iron-rich orthopyroxene Burns, R. G. M<issbauer spectra of minerals along the diopside-hedenbergite tie line 9-10 1617 Burns, Roger G. Correlations of infrared and M<issbauer site population tt-12 20to measurements of actinolites Buseck, Peter R. Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene;a meteorite etch and density measuring 1-2 320 medium Calk, Lewis. Sulfide spherules in vesicles of dredged pillow basalt 3-4 476 Calvo, C. Crystal structures of Ca3(AsOr)2, Ca:(VOr)z and whitlockite [abstr.] t-2 352 Cannillo, E. The crystal structure of aenigmatite 3-4 427 Carmichael, I. S. E. The free energy of sodalite and the behavior of chloride, fluoride r-2 292 and sulfate in silicate magmas Carpenter, Gene B. Principles of crystal structure determination [book review] 9-101841 Chalmers, R. O. Australian rocks, minerals and gemstones [book review] 3-4 643 Chang, Luke L. Y. Subsolidus phase relations in the system calcium l-2 338 carbonate-+admium carbonate Chang, Luke L. Y. Subsolidus phase relations in the aragonite-type carbonates; I, The 9-10 1660 system CaCO3-SrCO3-BaCO3 Chao, G. Y. The crystal structure of carletonite, KNa4Ca4SisOrE l-2 354 (CO3)4(OH,F)' H2O [abstr.] Chao, G. Y. The refinement of the crystal structure of apophyllite; II, Determination 7-8 1234 of the hydrogen positions by x-ray diffraction Chao, G. Y. Carletonite, KNaaCaaSisOl3(CO3)4G,OH) .HrO, a new mineral from I 1-121855 Mount St. Hilaire, Quebec Chen, Ju-chin. Petrology and chemistry of garnet lherzolite nodules in kimberlite rl-12 2098 from South Africa Chester, R. The effect of periodicity on the infrared absorption frequency /o of 9-10 1600 anhydrous normal carbonate minerals Christ, C. L. Veatchite; crystal structure and correlations with p-veatchite 11-12 1934 Cid-Dresdner, Hilda The relation between "light wolframite" and common 3-4 489 wolframite Cimb6lnikov6, Alena. Chemical vadability and structural heterogeneity of 1-8 t285 glauconites CimbiLlnikov6, Alena. Influence of 10 A/14 A interlayering on the layer charge of 7-8 t393 glauconites Cinnamon, C. G. Antiphase domain structure of the intermediate composition 7-8 1180 plagioclase feldspars 2196 AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56 Fahey,Joseph J. Clark, AJan H. Cuprian galena solid solutions, Zapallar mining district, Atacarna, tt-12 2142 Chile Clark, Alan H. Molybdenite 2H1, molybdenite 3R, and jordisite from Carrizal Alto, 9-10 1832 Atacama, Chile Clark, Joan R. Crystal chemistry of a lunar pigeonite 5-6 888 Clark, Joan R. Veatchite; crystal structure and correlations with p-veatchite tt-t2 1934 Colville, A. A. Refinement of the crystal structure of apophyllite; I, X-ray diffraction 7-8 1222 and physical properties Colville, Alan A. Refinement of the crystal structure of apophyllite [abstr.] t-2 354 Craig, James R. Violarite stability relations 7-8 1303 Crosby, Percy. Composition and structural state of alkali feldspars from charnockitic 9-10 1788 rocks on Whiteface mountain, New York Czamanske, Gerald K. Improved quantitative electron microprobe analysis at low tt-12 2136 operating voltage; II, Sulfur DaI Negro, A. Refinement of the crystal structure of aragonite s-6 768 Dal Negro, A. The crystal structure of aksaite 9-10 1553 De Villiers, Johan P. R. Crystal structures of aragonite, strontianite, and witherite 5-6 7s8 I)e Waal, S. A. Nickel minerals from Barberton, South Africa; IV, Reevesite, a 5-6 rO77 member of the hydrotalcite group Desborough, George A. Improved electron microprobe analysis at low operating 7t-t2 2129 voltage; I, Silicon, magnesium and aluminum Desborough, George A. Improved quantitative electron microprobe analysis at low tt-12 2t36 operating voltage; II, Sulfur g-to DeVries, B. Worked examples in x-ray spectrometry [book review] 1842 DeVries, J. L. Practical x-ray spectrometry (2nd edition) [book review] 3-4 64 I)iaz, Jos6 An electron spin resonance and optical study of turquoise s-6 773 Dickey, John S., Jr. Skeletal crystallization of pseudobrookite 1-2 158 Dodge, F. C. W. Al2SiOs minerals in rocks of the Sierra Nevada and Inyo mountains, 7-8 1443 Califomia I)ollase, W. A. Refinement of the crystal structures of epidote, allanite and hancockite 3-4 447 Donnay, Gabrielle. Textue variations in color-zoned tourmaline crystals l-2 ll4 Donnay, Gabrielle. Magnetic properties of the tourmaline group [abstr.] t-2 357 Donnay, J. D. H. Topotaxy [abstr.] t-2 351 Dowty, Eric. Crystal chemistry of titanian and zirconian garnet; I, Review and t1-121983 spectral studies Drysdale, D. J. A synthesis of bikitaite 9-1017l8 Diirnler, Irene. The relation between "light wolframite" and common wolframite 3-4 489 Dunharn, A. C. Iron-rich pigeonites from acid rocks in the Tertiary igneous province s-6 940 of Scotland Eberlein, G. Donald New occurrence of yugawaralite from the Chena Hot Springs 9-10 1699 area, Alaska Eggler, D. If. Mineralogy of the Sloan diatreme, a kimberlite pipe in northem Larimer 9-10 1735 county, Colorado Einaudi, Marco T. The intermediate product of pyrrhotite alteration 7-8 1297 .Elderfield, H. The effect of periodicity on the infrared absorption frequency/nof 9-10 1600 anhydrous normal carbonate minerals Erneleus, C. H. Iron-rich pigeonites from acid rocks in the Tertiary igneous province 5-6 940 of Scotland Erd, R. C. New occurrence of yugawaralite from the Chena Hot Springs area, Alaska 9-10 1699 Ernst, lV.