Albright, Jarnes N. Vaterite stability 3-4 620 Allen, Rhesa M., Jr. Memorial of Alfred Leonard Anderson; November 19, 3-4 665 1900-January 27, 1964 1-9 1))') Anderson, C. P. Refinement ofthe ofapophyllite; I, X'ray diffraction and physical properties Anderson, Charles P. Refinement of the crystal structure of [abstr.] l-2 354 Anthony, John W. The crystal structure of legrandite 7-8 ll47 Aoki, Ilideki Reactions of magnesium carbonates by direct x-ray diffraction under 3-4 628 hydrothermal conditions Appleman, Daniel E. Crystal chemistry of a lunar pigeonite 5-6 888 Aramaki, Shigeo. Hydrothermal determination of temperature and water pressure of 9-10 1760 the magma of Aira caldera, Japan Arern, Joel E. Chevkinite and perrierite; synthesis, crystal growth and polymorphism l-2 307 Bachinski, Sharon W. Rate of Al-Si ordering in sanidines from an ignimbrite cooling 7-8 1208 unit Bailey, S. W. Antiphase domain structure of the intermediate composition plagioclase 7-8 1180 feldspars Bancroft, G. M. Miissbauer spectra of along the diopside-hedenbergite tie 9-10 1617 line Barber, D. J. Mounting methods for grains to be examined by high resolution rr-12 2152 electron microscopy Barton, Paul B., Jr. Sub-solidus relations in the system PbS-CdS ll-12 2034 Barton, R., Jr. Refinement of the crystal structure of elbaite [abstr.] r-2 356 Bates, Thornas F, Presentation of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society 3-4 653 of America for 1970 to George W. Brindley Bates,Ihornas F. Memorial of Paul Dimitri Krynine; September 19, 19O2-September 3-4 690 12. 1964 Baur, Werner H. The prediction of bond length variations in - bonds 9-10 1573 Beardsley, Keith M. Selected x-ray crystallographic data, molar volumes and 7-8 t496 densities of minerals and related substances [book review] Beatty, L. B. New occurrence of yugawaralite from the Chena Hot Springs area, 9-10 1699 Alaska Bedarida, F. Hematite to goethite surface weathering 7-8 1469 Beger, Richard M. in pyrite and cobaltite tt-r2 1867 Benjarnin, R. E. Kevin. Recovery of heavy liquids from dilute solutions 3-4 613 Bernilt, Alan F. The reaction of stannous fluoride with hydroxyapatite; the crystal l-2 352 structure of Sn3POaF3[abstr.] Bertin, Eugene P. Principles and practice of x-ray spectrometric analysis [book rt-r2 2165 review] Bethke, Philip M. Selected x-ray crystallographic data, molar volumes and densities 7-8 1496 of minerals and related substances [book review] Bethke, Philip M. Sub-solidus relations in the system PbS-CdS tt-12 2034 Bhattacharyya, C. An evaluation of the chemical distinctions between igneous and 3-4 499 metamorphic orthopyroxenes Black, P. M. Refinement of the crystal structure of apophyllite; I, X-ray diffraction 7-8 1222 and physical properties

2195 Boles,James R. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56

Boles, Jarnes R. Synthesis of analcime from natural heulandite and clinoptilolite 1724 Bollmann, ril. Crystal defects and crystalline interfaces ftook review] tt-t2 2167 Bradley, W. F. The low-key crystallography 3-4 375 Braitsch, O. Salt deposits, their origin and composition [book review] tt-t2 2164 Brice, Willian R. Subsolidus phase relations in the system calcium t-2 338 carbonate--cadrnium carbonate Bright, M. W. A. Transformatin twinning in synthetic neighborite 9-101519 Brindley, G. lV. Acceptance of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of 3-4 657 America for 1970 Brindley, G. W. Memorial of George Forbes Walker; October 24, l9l6-Februaty l7 , 3-4 728 t970 Brindley, G. }V. The dependence of the wavelength of AlKc radiation from t1-t2 2123 alumino-silicates on the Al-O distance Brower, Elise. X-ray line broadening in the barium sulfate-strontium sulfate series 7-8 t48t Browrr, F. H. New data on galeite and schairerite t-2 t74 Brown. F. H. Birnessite on colemanite at Boron. California 5-6 1057 Buckley, A. N. M

2196 AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56 Fahey,Joseph J.

Clark, AJan H. Cuprian solid solutions, Zapallar mining district, Atacarna, tt-12 2142 Chile Clark, Alan H. 2H1, molybdenite 3R, and jordisite from Carrizal Alto, 9-10 1832 Atacama, Chile Clark, Joan R. Crystal chemistry of a lunar pigeonite 5-6 888 Clark, Joan R. Veatchite; crystal structure and correlations with p-veatchite tt-t2 1934 Colville, A. A. Refinement of the crystal structure of apophyllite; I, X-ray diffraction 7-8 1222 and physical properties Colville, Alan A. Refinement of the crystal structure of apophyllite [abstr.] t-2 354 Craig, James R. Violarite stability relations 7-8 1303 Crosby, Percy. Composition and structural state of alkali feldspars from charnockitic 9-10 1788 rocks on Whiteface mountain, New York Czamanske, Gerald K. Improved quantitative electron microprobe analysis at low tt-12 2136 operating voltage; II, Sulfur DaI Negro, A. Refinement of the crystal structure of aragonite s-6 768 Dal Negro, A. The crystal structure of aksaite 9-10 1553 De Villiers, Johan P. R. Crystal structures of aragonite, strontianite, and witherite 5-6 7s8 I)e Waal, S. A. Nickel minerals from Barberton, South Africa; IV, Reevesite, a 5-6 rO77 member of the hydrotalcite group Desborough, George A. Improved electron microprobe analysis at low operating 7t-t2 2129 voltage; I, Silicon, magnesium and aluminum Desborough, George A. Improved quantitative electron microprobe analysis at low tt-12 2t36 operating voltage; II, Sulfur g-to DeVries, B. Worked examples in x-ray spectrometry [book review] 1842 DeVries, J. L. Practical x-ray spectrometry (2nd edition) [book review] 3-4 64 I)iaz, Jos6 An electron spin resonance and optical study of turquoise s-6 773 Dickey, John S., Jr. Skeletal crystallization of pseudobrookite 1-2 158 Dodge, F. C. W. Al2SiOs minerals in rocks of the Sierra Nevada and Inyo mountains, 7-8 1443 Califomia I)ollase, W. A. Refinement of the crystal structures of epidote, allanite and hancockite 3-4 447 Donnay, Gabrielle. Textue variations in color-zoned tourmaline crystals l-2 ll4 Donnay, Gabrielle. Magnetic properties of the tourmaline group [abstr.] t-2 357 Donnay, J. D. H. Topotaxy [abstr.] t-2 351 Dowty, Eric. Crystal chemistry of titanian and zirconian garnet; I, Review and t1-121983 spectral studies Drysdale, D. J. A synthesis of bikitaite 9-1017l8 Diirnler, Irene. The relation between "light wolframite" and common wolframite 3-4 489 Dunharn, A. C. Iron-rich pigeonites from acid rocks in the Tertiary igneous province s-6 940 of Scotland Eberlein, G. Donald New occurrence of yugawaralite from the Chena Hot Springs 9-10 1699 area, Alaska Eggler, D. If. Mineralogy of the Sloan diatreme, a kimberlite pipe in northem Larimer 9-10 1735 county, Colorado Einaudi, Marco T. The intermediate product of pyrrhotite alteration 7-8 1297 .Elderfield, H. The effect of periodicity on the infrared absorption frequency/nof 9-10 1600 anhydrous normal carbonate minerals Erneleus, C. H. Iron-rich pigeonites from acid rocks in the Tertiary igneous province 5-6 940 of Scotland Erd, R. C. New occurrence of yugawaralite from the Chena Hot Springs area, Alaska 9-10 1699 Ernst, lV. A high-temperature x-ray and thermal analysis study of synthetic 5-6 1111 dawsonite Ernst, TYerner. Geochemical facies analysis (Methods in geochemistry and tt-t2 2169 geophysics, Vol. l1) [book review] Escobar, Carrnen The relation between "light wolframite" and common wolframite 3-4 489 Evans, Bernard W. Acceptance of the Mineralogical Society of America Award for 3-4 663 1970 Fahey, Joseph J. Memorial of Margaret D. Foster; March 4, l895-November 5, 1970 3-4 687

2197 Fahey, Joseph J. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56

Fahey,.IosephJ. The removalof potassiumsilicofluoride formed in the determination rl-t2 2t45 of coesiteand stishovite Fanfani, L. The crystal structure of butlerite s-6 751 Fang, J. H. The crystal structure of aenigmatite 3-4 427 Fang,J. H. Crystal structuresand mineral chemistryof hydratedferric sulphates;lI, 9-r0 1567 The crystal structure of paracoquimbite Farach, Horacio A. An electron spin resonanceand optical study of turquoise 5-6 773 Faye,G. H. On the optical spectraof di. and trivalent iron in corundum:a discussion t-2 344 Ferrell, Ray E., Jr. Applicability ofenergy-dispersivex-ray powderdiffractometry to g-to 1822 determinativemineralogy Finger, L. W. Ordering of cations in olivine [abstr.] r-2 353, Finney, J. J. Paradocrasite,Sbr(Sb,As)2, a new mineral 7-8 rt27' Finney, Joseph J. The crystal structure of legrandite 7-8 tl47 Fisher, D. Jerome. Poikilitic in the of granitic pegmatites g-to 1769\ Fleischer,Michael. New mineral names r-2 358, Flelscher, Michael. New mineral names 3-4 631' Fleischer, Michael. New mineral names 5-6 1t2t' Flelscher, Michael. New mineral names 7-8 1487'. Fleischer, Michael. New mineral names tt-12 2156. Fleiseher,Michael" New mineral names 9-10 1838: Forbes, TVarren C. Synthesis and stability relations of richterite, 5-6 997t Na2CaMgsSiEOz(OH)u F'oster,Margaret D. Studiesof celadoniteand glauconite [book review] l-2 363i Frechette, V. D. (ed.) Kinetics of reactionsin ionic systems[book reviiw] 9-10 lE43: Friedman, G. M. (ed.) Recent developmentsin carbonatesed-imentology in central 9-10 [843: Europe [book review] Fuchs, Louis H. Occurrenceof wollastonite,rhrinite, and andradite in the Allende tl-r2 2053, meteorite Fiichtbauer, Hans Sedimenteund Sedimentgesteineftook review] 9-10 18421 Fyfa, W. S. Presentationof the MineralogicalSociety of America Award for 1970to 3-4 66Ot Bernard W. Evans F}'fe, William S. The Earth; an introduction to physical geology [book review] tt-12 2160\ Galnes,Richard V. Schmitterite-a new uranyl teliurite fiom Moltezuma, Sonora 3-4 4tt' Ganearz,Alexander J. compositionalsector-zoning in clinopyroxenefrom the Narce 5-6 959) area, Italy Gehrhardt, II. M. Crystal growth of CaWOa and Nd2(CO3)3. 8H2O by silica gel t-2 355: technique [abstr.] Geller,S. Refinementof the crystalstrucrure of cryolithionite,INa3][Alr](Li3)F1, 1-2 l8: Ghent, E. D. Zoned siderite porphyroblastsfrom thl Esplanadeiange and northern 11-121910 Dogtooth mountains,British Columbia Ghose, Subrata. Mg2+-Fe2+ order-disorder and the thermodynamics of the 3-4 532 orthopyroxenecrystalline solution Ghose,subrata. A novel face-sharingoctahedral trimer in the cry$tal structure of 9-10 1527 seamanite !i!bs, C. V. The crystal structure of topaz and its relation to physical propefties t-2 24 Gibbs, G. V. The structure of zircon; a comparisonwith garnet 5-6 782 Gibbs, G. V. The crystal chemistry of the silicate garnets 5-6 791 Gibbs,G. V. Crystal structuresof the humite minerals;III, Mg/Fe orderingin humite 7-8 I 155 and its relation to other ferromagnesiansilicates Giuseppetti, G. The crystal structure of nasonite 7-8 t174 Glenister, Brian F. Memorial of JosephJames Runner; July lZ, 1885-August 29, 3-4 716. 1970 Gopal, R. Crystal structur€sof Ce3(AsO4)2,Ca3(VO4)2 and whitlockite [abstr.] t-2 352: Gordon,T. M. The stability of gro-ssularitein HzO-COzmixrures 9-r0 rffi4. Graeber"Edward J. The crystal strueturesof yavapaiite,KFe(SOr)2, and goldichite, ll-72 l9l7' KFe(gQr)z.4HzO Gay, N. II. ,A paraboliehourgless structure in titanaugite 5-6 952 Gray, T. J. Kinetics of reaationsin io,niesy$tems ftooli review] 9-10 1843,

219& AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56 Jaffe, Howard W.

Greaves, Colin. Correlations of infrared and M

2199 Jahns, Richard H. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56

Jahns, Richard H. Memorial of Louis Wade Currier; May 4, 1890-June23, l97O 3-4 674 Jansen, G. J. A leveling device for polished microsections 5-61115 Jenkins, R. Practical x-ray spectrometry (2nd edition) ftook review] 3-4 64 Jenkins, R. H. Worked examples in x-ray spectrometry ftook review] 9-t0 t842 Johnson, G. G., Jr. X-ray emission and absorption wavelengths and two-theta tables 7-8 t494 [book review] Jones, J. W. Zoned siderite porphyroblasts from the Esplanade range and northern 1l-12l9l0 Dogtooth mountains, British Columbia Joplin, Germaine A. A petrography of Australiah igneous rocks [book review] 3-4 646 Josephson, G. W. Memorial of Oliver Bowles; January 10, 1877-August 1, 1958 3-4 670 Jubb, J. T. Surface decomposition of AlgNi during electropolishing of a directionally 1-2 351 solidified Al-Al3Ni eutectic alloy [abstr.] Kamb, Barclay. Position of isochromes in interference figures t-2 327 Kastner, Miriam, Authigenic feldspars in carbonate rocks 7-8 1403 Kato, Akira. Hydroxylellestadite, a new apatite from Chichibu mine, Saitama 9-10 1507 prefecture, Japan Keil, Klaus. Chromite and ilmenite in non-chondritic meteorites I-2 146 Keil, Klaus. Chromite and ilmenite in non-chondritic meteorites; erratum 9-10 1837 Keller, lV. D. Dissolution of clay minerals in dilute organic acids at room temperature 5-6 1082 Khanskii, Evgenii V. Crystallization from solution [book review] l-2 363 Kieft, C. Additional data on ferrocarpholite from Sulawesi (Celebes), Indonesia tt-12 t976 Kimura, Shigeyuki Phase relations in the system CaO-iron oxide-TiO: in air 7-8 1332 Kirnura, Shigeyuki Phase relations in the system CaO-iron oxide-titanium oxide 7-8 1347 under strongly reducing conditions Kitagawa, Yasuo. The "unit particle" of allophane 3-4 465 Kittl, Pablo The relation between "light wolframite" and common wolframite 3-4 489 Klein, Cornelis, Jr. Orientation of exsolution lamellae in clinopyroxenes and 5-6 909 clinoamphiboles; consideration of optimal phase boundaries Klein, Cornelis, Jr. Orientation of exsolution lamellae in clinopyroxenes and 9-101836 clinoamphiboles; consideration of optimal phase boundaries; erratum Korringa, Marjorie K. Distribution of calcium between alkali feldspar and glass in ll-12 2088 some highly differentiated silicic volcanic rocks Kwak, Teunis A. P. Compositions of natural sillimanites from volcanic inclusions and 9-10 1750 metamorphic rocks Ladle, G. H. The use of polyvinyl acetate in the preparation of scanning electron 5-61114 microscope mounts of small particulate materials Laduron, D. M. A staining method for distinguishing paragonite from muscovite in 5-6 1rt7 thin section Langer, K. Synthesis and properties of gallium-bearing cordierite, 9-10 1689 Mg2(Ala."Ga,Si5O1s) Laudise, R. A. The growth of single crystals ftook reviewl tt-t2 2162 Laufer, E. E. Surface decomposition of Al3Ni during electropolishing of a t-2 351 directionally solidified Al-Al3Ni eutectic alloy [abstr.] Laughon, Robert B. The crystal structure of kinoite t-2 t93 '7-8 Laughon, Robert B. The crystal structure of legrandite lt47 Lehmann, Gerhard. On the optical spectra ofdi- and trivalent iron in corundum; reply t-2 349 Leonard, B. F. Paradocrasite, Sb2(Sb,As)2, a new mineral 7-8 1127 Lessing, Peter Haiiynite from Edwards, New York 5-6 1096 Lewin, S. Z. Conditions governing the formation of atacamite and paratacamite I-2 179 Lewis, G. C. Electrophoretic separation of an inorganic amorphous material from the 3-4 603 less than 0.2pm fraction of a soil clay mixture Lewis, M. H. Transformation twinning in synthetic neighborite 9-101519 Li, ChiTang. Transformation mechanism between high- and keatite phases of t-2 352 LiAlSi206 composition [abstr.] Lindsley, D. H. Stable and metastable augite crystallization trends in a single basalt t-2 225 flow Liou, J. G. Synthesis and stability relations of prehnite, Ca2Al2Si3Or0(OH)2 3-4s07 Long, Thomas V. Vibrational spectra of the common sili,cates; I, The garnets L-2 54

,2200 AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56 Morimoto, Nobuo

Lonsdale, Kathleen. Formation of lonsdaleite from single-crystal graphite t-2 333 Lopez Ruiz, J. Chemical and crystallographic data for vonsenite from Burguillos del tt-12 2149 Cerro, Badajoz, Spain Luce, Frederick D. Solid solutions of the type (Ca,Mg,Mn,Fe)S and their use as 7-8 1269 geothermometers for the enstatite chondrites Lyons, John B. Skeletal crystallization of pseudobrookite l-2 158 Mackenzie, R. C. (ed.) Differential thermal analysis, volume I ftook review] 7-8 t497 Makovicky, Ernil. Cylindrite-crystallography and crystal chemistry [abstr.] t-2 353 Mansfield, S. P. A leveling device for polished microsections 5-61115 Mariano, Anthony N. Cleavage in pyrite and cobaltite tl-12 1867 Marinenko, John Comparison of mourite from Karnes county, Texas, with mourite r-2 163 from the U.S.S.R. Markov, Cvetko. Macedonite-lead titanate; a new mineral 3-4 387 Martin, Robert F. Disordered authigenic feldspars of the series t-2 281 KAlSi3Os-KBSi303 from southern California Marx, Paul C. On the electrochemical origin of natural graphite 1-2 336 Mazzi,F. The crystal structure of aenigmatite 3-4 427 McBirney, A. R. Volcanic history of Honduras [book review] 3-4 645 McCallum, M. E. Mineralogy of the Sloan diatreme, a kimberlite pipe in northern 9-10 1735 Larimer county, Colorado McCandless, R. M. The use of polyvinyl acetate in the preparation of scanning 5-6 lll4 electron microscope mounts of small particulate materials McCarthy, Gregory J. Optical spectra of chromium, nickel, and cobalt-containing 1-2'12 pyroxenes McCauley, J. IV. Crystal growth of CaWOa and Ndu(COr): ' 8HzO by silica gel l-2 355 technique [abstr.] g-to McCauley, James TV. Origin and prediction of ditrigonal distortions in micas 1626 McC.onnell, Duncan. Crystal chemistry of bone mineral; hydrated carbonate apatites; 5-6 tt20 efiaia McCurry, Patricia. A pseudomorphic quartz-tourmaline relationship from northern 7-8 1474 Nigeria McKay, D. S. The use of polyvinyl acetate in the preparation of scanning electron 5-6 1114 microscope mounts of small particulate materials Mclean, \U. John The crystal structure of legrandite 7-8 ll4'l Mead, Cynthia lV. Paradocrasite, Sbu(Sb,As)2,a new mineral 7-8 rl2'l Metzger, H6line. La gendse de la science des cristaux [book review] 9-101841 Mieill, G. A leveling device for polished microsections 5-61115 Miles, Norman M. Wakefieldite, yttrium vanadate, a new mineral from Quebec 3-4 395 Molin-Case, JoAnn. Crystal chemistry of the basic manganese arsenates; V, Mixed 9-10 rs39 manganese coordination in the atomic arrangement of arsenoclasite Montgomery, Arthur. The mineralogy of Pennsylvania 1922-1965 [book review] t-2 364 Moore, James G. Sulfrde spherules in vesicles of dredged pillow basalt 3-4 476 Moore, Paul B. Copper-nickel arsenides of the Mohawk No. 2 mine, Mohawk, 7-8 1319 Keweenaw Co., Michigan Moore, Paul B. Crystal chemistry of the alluaudite structure type; contribution to the I 1-121955 paragenesis of pegmatite phosphate giant crystals Moore, Paul B. A novel face-sharing octahedral trimer in the crystal structure of 9-lo 1527 seamanite Moore, Paul B. Crystal chemistry of the basic manganese arsenates; V' Mixed 9-10 1539 manganese coordination in the atomic arrangement of arsenoclasite Moore, Paul Brian. The Fe'?+r(HzO)"(POr)z homologous series; crystal-chemical l-2 | relationships and oxidized equivalents Moore, Raymond K. Vibrational spectra of the common silicates; I, The garnets l-2 54 Moore, Rayrnond K. Intervalence electron transfer effects in the spectra of the 5-6 826 melanite garnets Morikawa, Hideki. Reactions of magnesium carbonates by direct x-ray diffraction 3-4 628 under hydrothermal conditions Morimoto, Nobuo The composition and stability of digenite r1-r2 r889

220r Muan. Arnulf. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56

Muan, Arnulf. Phase relations in the system CaO-iron oxide-TiOz in air 7-8 1332 Muan" Arnulf. Phase relations in the system CaO-iron oxide-titanium oxide under 7-8 t347 strongly reducing conditions Miiller, German. Sedimente und Sedimentgesteine [book review] 9-10 1842 Miiller, Gerrnan Recent developments in carbonate sedimentology in central Europe 9-10 1843 ftook reviewl Munk, Morton E. Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene; a meteorite etch and density measuring t-2 320 medium Munoz, J. L. Hydrothermal stability relations of synthetic lepidolite Lt-12 2069 Murchison, Duncan Coal and coal-bearing strata lbook review] t1-12 2166 Murdoch, Joseph. Memorial of William John Miller; April 26, 1880-July 27, 1965 3-4 7t0 Nagashima, Kozo. Mg- and Na-bearing muscovite in the crystalline schist from t-2 342 Amakusa, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan Nagashirna, Kozo Hydroxylellestadite, a new apatite from Chichibu mine, Saitama 9-10 1507 prefecture, Japan Nakao, Kazuso Hydroxylellestadite, a new apatite from Chichibu mine, Saitama 9-10 1507 prefecture, Japan Nawotsky, A. The intracrystalline cation distribution and the thermodynamics of t-2 201 solid solution formation in the system FeSiO:-MgSiO: Nesbitt, Robert W. Rate of A1-Si ordering in sanidines from an ignimbrite cooling unit 7-8 1208 Newnham, R. E. Origin and prediction of ditrigonal distortions in micas g-to t626 Nickel, E. H. Reflectance and microhardness of smythite 7-8 t464 Noble, Donalil C. Distribution of calcium between alkali feldspar and glass in some t1-t2 2088 highly differentiated silicic volcanic rocks Novak, G. A. The crystal chemistry of the silicate garnets 5-6 79r Nunzi, A. The crystal structure of butlerite 5-6 75r Ohashi, Yoshikazu Cation distribution and atomic thermal vibrations in an iron-rich 5-6 8s0 orthopyroxene Ohya, Y. The crystal structure of aenigmatite 3-4 427 Omori, Keiichi. Analysis of the infrared absorption spectrum of almandine-pyrope 5-6 841 garnet from Nijosan, Osaka prefecture, Japan Omori, Keiichi. Analysis of the infrared absorption spectrum of diopside 9-10 1607 O'Nions, R. K. Investigations of the Lrr,rrrx-ray emission spectra of Fe by electron 7-8 1452 microprobe; part 2, The Fe Ln,n1 spectra of Fe and Fe-Ti oxides Onyeagocha, A. C. Optical properties of Adirondack anorthosite plagioclases 7-8 1199 Osberg, Philip H. An equilibrium model for Buchan-type metamorphic rocks, 3-4 570 south-central Maine Owen, Lawrence B. A rapid sample preparation method for powder diffraction 9-r0 1835 cameras Pabst, A. Pyrite of unusual habit simulating twinning from the Green River formation t-2 133 of Wyoming Pabst, A. New data on galeite and schairerite t-2 174 Pabst, A. Natrolite from the Green River formation, Colorado, showing an 3-4 550 intergrowth akin to twinning Pabst, A. Birnessite on colemanite at Boron. California 5-6 1057 Pabst, A. Pyrite of unusual habit simulating twinning from the Green River formation 7-8 1486 of Wyoming; correction Park, R. G. Electrophoretic separation of an inorganic amorphous material from the 3-4 603 less than 0.2pm fraction of a soil clay mixture Parrish, William (ed.) X-ray and electron methods of analysis [book review] 9-10 1842 Pedernonte, G. M. Hematite to goethite surface weathering 7-8 1469 Pemberton, H. Earl. Type locality for bakerite 5-6 1109 Petty, M. A. A slide holder for the making of polished thin sections in vibratory tt-t2 2t46 polishers Pichler, Hans, Italienische Vulkan-Gebiete I and II; Samrnlung Geologischer Fiihrer 7-8 1492 5l and,52 ftook reviewl Pollard, C. O., Jr. Texture variations in color-zoned tourmaline crystals l-2 ll4 Poole, Charles P., Jr. An electron spin resonance and optical study of turquoise 5-6 773


positions 7-2 354 Prince, E. The hydrogen in apophyllite [abstr.] '1-8 Prince, E. Refinement of the crystal structure of apophyllite; III, Determination of 1243 the hydrogen positions by neuron diffraction Radcliffe, Dennis Austinite; chemical and physical properties in relation to 7-8 13s9 conichalcite mineral 3-4 387 Radusinovi6, Du5en Macedonite-lead titanate; a new '1-8 Randohr, Paul. The ore minerals and their intergrowths [book review] t495 Read, Peter B. Akatoreite, a new manganese silicate from eastern Otago, New 3-4 416 Zealand Reay, Anthony. Akatoreite, a new manganese silicate from eastern Otago, New 3-4 416 Zealand Reeuwijk, L. P. van. The dehydration of gismondite 9-10 1655 Renault,Jacques X-ray line broadeningin the barium sulfate-strontiumsulfate series 7-8 1481 Reynolds,R. C., Jr. Choice of origin and its effect on calculatedx-ray spacingsfor 7-8 t4'17 thin montmorillonite crystals Ribbe, P. H. The crystal structure of topaz and its relation to physical properties Ribbe, P. H. An electron microprobestudy of luminescencecenters in cassiterite r-2 5l Ribbe, P. II. The structure of zircon; a comparisonwith garnet 5-6 782 Ribbe,P. H. Crystalstructures of the humite minerals;III, Mg/Fe orderingin humite 7-8 1155 and its relation to other ferromagnesiansilicates Ribbe, P. H. Optical and x-ray determinativemethods for fluorine in topaz 9-101812 Rice, Jack M. Skeletalcrystallization of pseudobrookite 1-2 158 Rieder, Milan. Stability and physical propertiesof synthetic lithium-iron micas l-2 256 Robie, Richard A. Selectedx-ray crystallographicdata, molar volumesand densities 7-8 1496 of minerals and related substances[book review] Robinson,Keith The structure of zircon; a comparisonwith garnet 5-6'782 Robinson,Paul D. The crystal structure of aenigmatite 3-4 427 Robinson, Paul D. Crystal structures and mineral chemistry of hydrated ferric 9-r0 ls67 sulphates;II, The crystal structure of paracoquimbite Robinson, Peter Orientation of exsolution lamellae in clinopyroxenes and 5-6 909 clinoamphiboles;consideration of optimal phaseboundaries Robinson, Peter Composition of the anthophyllite-gedriteseries, comparisons of 5.6 tr005 gedrite and hornblende,and the anthophyllite'gedritesolvus Robinson, Peter Orientation of exsolution lamellae in clinopyroxenes and 9-10 1836 clinoamphiboles;consideration of optimal phaseboundaries; erratum Roever, W. P. de Additional data on ferrocarpholite from Sulawesi (Celebes)' tt-12 19'76 Indonesia Rosenberg,P. E. Optical and x'ray determinativemethods for fluorine in topaz 9-101812 Rosenzweig, Abraliarn. The crystal structures of yavapaiite, KFe(SOr)2, and tt-t2 r9l7 goldichite, KFe(SOr)z. 4HzO Ross,Malcolrn Crystal chemistry of a lunar pigeonite 5-6 888 Ross, Malcolm Orientation of exsolution lamellae in clinopyroxenes and 5-6 909 clinoamphiboles;consideration of optimal phaseboundaries Ross, Malcolrn Composition of the anthophyllite-gedriteseries, comparisonsof 5-6 100s gedrite and hornblende,and the anthophyllite'gedritesolvus Ross, Malcolm Orientation of exsolution lamellae in clinopyroxenes and 9-10 1836 clinoamphiboles;consideration of optimal phaseboundaries; erratum Rossi, G. The crystal structure of nasonite 7-8 tl74 Rouse,Roland C. A note on the structural chemistry of hematophanite 3-4 625 Russell, Douglas S. Wakefieldite,yttrium vanadate,a new mineral from Quebec 3-4 395 Rutstein, Martin S. Vibrational spectraofhigh-calcium pyroxenesand pyroxenoids 5-6 8'77 Rutstein, Martin S. Re-examination of the wollastonite'hedenbergite tt-r2 204Q (CaSiOrCaFeSi206)equilibria Sabelli, C. The crystal structure of aksaite 9-101553 Sabine,P. A. ^ petrological-mineralogicalcode for computer use ftook review] 3-4 648 Sabine,P. A. Geochemistry of sedimentaryrocks; I, Petrographyand chemistry of 3-4 649 arenaceousrocks fbook review]

2203 SalvadorSalvador, P. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56

salvador salvador, P. chemical and crystallographic data for vonsenite from tt-t2 2149 Burguillos del Cerro, Badajoz,Spain Sands,Donald E. Introduction to crystallographyftook review] 3-4 641 sarkar, s. c. Mackinawitefrom the sulfideores oi the Singhbhumcopper belt, India 7-8 t3t2 Sawyer, D. L. Bimessiteon colemaniteat Boron, California 5-6 1057 Saxena, Surendra K. Mg2+-Fe2+ order-disorderand the thermodynamicsof the 3-4 532 orthopyroxenecrystalline sblution scheetz, Barry E. optical spectra of chromium, nickel, and cobalt-containing l-2 72 pyroxenes Schnidt, Peter. Zur Geschichte der Geologie, Geophysik, Mineralogie und 7-8 1495 Paliiontologie[book review] Schwartzwalder,Karl. Memorial of Helen Blair Barlett; December14, 1901-August 3-4 669 25. 1969 scott, G. Robert Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene;a meteorite etch and density measuring t-2 320 medium l-2 355 7-8 1208 7-8 1208 7-8 1199 t-2 357 3-4 649

It-12 2166 I-2 t79 3-4 643 t-2 342

ll-12 2142

simmons, w. Bruce, Jr. Austinite; chemicarand physical propertiesin relation to 7-8 1359 conichalcite sirota, N. N. (ed.) chemical bonds in semiconductorsand sorids [book review] 9-101841 Skinner, Brian J. Solid solutions of the type (Ca,Mg,Mn,Fe)S ind their usi as 7-8 1269 geothermometersfor the enstatitechondrites smith' D. G. w. Investigationsof the Ln,111x-ra! emissionspectra of Fe by electron 7-8 1452 microprobe;part 2, The Fe Ln,111spectra of Fe and Fe-Ti oxides smith, Douglasstable and metastableaugite crystallizationtrends in a singlebasalt r-2 225 flow smith' Marie Lindbbrg comparison of mourite from Karnes county, Texas, with r-2 163 mouritefrom the U.S.S.R. Snetsinger,Kenneth G. A platinum-metalnugget from Trinity county, California 5-6 1101 Snetsinger,Kenneth G. Erlichmanite (OsS2),a new mineral 9-10 r501 Sobry, R. Water and interlayer oxonium in hydrated uranates 5-6 1065 sotome, Yoshizi Reactionsofmagnesium carbonates by direct x-ray diffraction under 3-4 628 hydrothermal conditions spronsen,J. TV.van. The periodic systemof chemicalerements, a historv of the first 7-8 t490 hundred years [book review] t-2 292

t-2 2t2 tt-12 2t66 7-8 1490

S[unz, Ifugo. MineralogischeTabellen [book review] 7-8 t49l Tadini, C. The crystal structure of nasonite 7-8 ll74 Takeda, Hiroshi. Distribution of mica polytypes among spacegroups 5-6 lO42 taylor, LawrenceA. Smythite, Fer+,Sr,and asiociatedmineralslrom the Silverfields 3-4 630 mine, Cobalt, Ontario: erratum

2204 AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56 Wilkins. R. W. T.

Tennery, V. J. A-high-temperatue x-ray and thermal analysis study of synthetic 5-61111 dawsonite Terziev, G. I. Hemusite-a complex copper-tin'molybdenum sulfide from the rt-12 1847 Chelopech ore deposit, Bulgaria Tettenhorst, R. Choice of origin and its effect on calculated x-ray spacings for thin 7-8 1477 montmorillonite crystals Ihompson, R. N. Iron-rich pigeonites from acid rocks in the Tertiary igneous province 5-6 940 of Scotland Thorpe, Arthur N. Magnetic properties of the tourmaline group [abstr'] t-2 357 Tipp6, Armin A neutron-diffraction study of the ferric tourmaline, buergerite 1-2 101 fraik, N. J. Structural and textural relationships of amphibole and phlogopite in t-2 240 peridotite inclusions, Dish Hill, California Trueb, Lucien F. Carbon from Ubangi; a microstructural study 7-8 1252 l-2 357 Tsang, T. Magnetic properties-Earth; of the tourmaline group [abstr.] f*ne", Francis J. The an introduction to physical geology [book review] rt-12 2160 Ungaretti, L. Refinement of the crystal structure of aragonite 5-6 768 Ungaretti, L. The crystal structure of aksaite 9-10 1553 Van Olphen, H. X-ray and electron methods of analysis [book review] 9-lo 1842 Van Warnbeke, L. The problem of cation deficiencies in some phosphates due to 7-8 1366 alteration processes Verhoogen, JohrThe Earth; an introduction to physical geology [book review] 1t-12 2160 Viljoen;E. A. Nickel minerals frorn Barberton, South Africa; IV' Reevesite, a member 5-6 1077 of the hydrotalcite group Virgo, Daviil.'Cation distribution and atomic thermal vibrations in an iron-rich 5-6 850 orthoPYroxene Wagner, C. E. Texture variations in color-zoned tourmaline crystals l-2 114 Wahrhaftig, Clyile The Earth; an introduction to physical geology [book review] tt-12 2160 wardle, Ronald The dependence of the wavelength of AlKc radiation from lt-12 2123 alumino-silicates on the Al-O distance weber, Florence New occurrence of yugawaralite from the chena Hot Springs area' 9-10 1699 Alaska Weeks, Alice D. Comparison of mourite from Karnes county, Texas, with mourite r-2 163 from the U.S.S.R. Wehrenberg, John P. The infrared absorption spectra of scapolite 9-10 1639 Weiss, Lionil E. The Earth; an introduction to physical geology ftook review] tt-12 2160 Westoll, T. Stanley (ed.) Coal and coal-bearing sffata [book review] tt-12 2166 weymouth, J. II. A slide holder for the making of polished thin sections in vibratory tt-12 2146 polishers lilhite, E. W. X-ray emission and absorption wavelengths and two-theta tables [book 7-8 1494 review] White. William B. Infrared characterization of water and hydroxyl ion in the basic l-2 46 magnesium carbonate minerals White, William B. Vibrational spectra of the common silicates; I, The garnets l-2 54 white, william B. Optical spectra of chromium, nickel, and cobalt-containing l-2 72 pyroxenes white,ti[iam B. Intervalence electron transfer effects in the spectra of the melanite 5-6 826 gamets White. William B. Vibrational spectra of high-calcium pyroxenes and pyroxenoids 5-6 877 IYhittaker, E. J. W. Madelung energies and site preferences in amphiboles; I 5-6 980 Whittig, i. D. S".p"ntine stability in relation to formation of iron-rich 3-4 587 montmorillonite in some Califomia soils Wickrnan, Frans E. Memorial of Claes Walther Harry Von Eckermann; November 3-4 680 5, 1886-May 20, 1969 IViegers, G. A. Th; crystal structure of the low-temperature form of silver selenide tt-12 1882 Wililman, W. E. Seipentine stability in relation to formation of iron-rich 3-4 587 montmorillonite in some California soils 90 Wilkins, R. W. T. M

-2205 Wilkins, R. W. T. AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 56

lvilkins, R. w. T. Iron-magnesiumdistribution in the tremolite-actinolite series: 9-r01837 erratum Willians, Howel Volcanic history of Honduras [book review] 3-4 645 lvilliams, P. G. L. M