Lovell's Gazetteer of the Dominion of Canada. 347
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, LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 347 (Roman Catholic and Presbyterian), 3 stores, There Is a post office at Cache Creek. The dis- 1 temperance hotel. 1 saw mill, and 1 box fac- trict is almost entirely devoted to agricul- tory, besides telegraph and express office. ture, some of the best farms in the province Pop. fluctuating, average about 650. being found here. BYRNEDALE. a post settlement In Essex CACHE LAKE, a small post office and flag CO., 5J miles from Belle River on the Great station on the C.P.R., im Thunder Bay district, Western dijvislon of the G.T.R. Pop. 200. northwest Ont. Pop. 10. BYRON, a post village in Middlesex co., CACHE LAKE, in Nipissing dist., Ont , near Ont., on the River Thames. 5 miles from Hyde the entrance to Algonquin National Park and Springbank Line, Park Station, terminus of close to the line of the Ottawa and Parry London Electric Railway. It has good water- Sound branch of the G.T.R. power privileges and contains 1 flour mill, 2 CACHE LAKE, in Badarerow t'p.. dist. of Ni- stores, 2 churches and 1 telephone office. The T^-tpsing. N. Ont.. lyitis: south of the Sturgeon largest single span steel bridge in the Province River and to the northwest of Cache Bay sta- is In course of erection here. Pop. 100. tion on the Labrador, C.P.R., on an inlet of Lake Nipis- BYRON BAY, on the east coast of sing. 50° 40' north, long. 50° 30' west. It is near lat. CACHEE RIVER, rises near the southwest Hamilton Inlet. corner of Lanaudiere, in Maskinonge CO., BYRON ISLAND, an island on the east coast Que., and joins the Little Maskinonge In Dusable. of Labrador, In lat. 54° 40' north, long. 57° CACHEE RIVER, rises in 30' Terrebonne co.. west. Que., and running a station on the Quebec south falls Into the River CABANE RONDB, Jesus. branch C.P.R., 30 miles north east of Montreal. CACOIJNA. the Brighton of Canada, a beau- Pod. 20. tiful summer resort and an incorporated town CABANO, a post settlement in Temlscouata in Temlscouata co., Que., on the St. Lawrence, CO., Que., on the lake of that name, 1 mile which is 20 miles wide at this noint. miles from Fort Ingalls, on thp Temiscouata Ry. 2i from Cacouna Station on the T.C.R. It contains contains 10 stores, 4 hotels, 4 flour mills, 1 It 3 churches ^Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and saw mill and 1 express office. Pop. 750. Anglican), 12 stores, 8 hotels, butter and cheese a large bay on the east CABISTACHUAN, factories, newspaper, telegraph and express of- side of Lake Mistassini, in Ungava dist., N. fices. Pod. 2,880. E.T.. about 20 miles in depth. At its south CACOUNA. SOUTH, a notable watering pla^& end a stream of the same name, said to be of on the St. Lawrence River, in Temlscouata co.. considerable size, enters from the eastward. Que., with river T>ort at Riviere du Louo. and The lake lies on the north side of the height a station. 2^ miles distant (Cacouna), on the of land which separates Ungava district from Intercolonial RR. In sTimmer, It Is a fashion- the Province of Quebec. able resort, "the Newport," as it has been CABLE HEAD, a nost settlement in Kings called, of Canada. It has 3 churches ^1 Roman CO., P.E.I. , near St. Peters, a station on the Catholic and 2 ProtestantV 10 stxjres. 10 hotels, Souris branch of the P.E.I, railway. 3 lumber and flour mills, and 1 butter fnc-" CABLE HEAD WEST, a post settlement on torv. At thp Ca^'ouna Club fhpre are exi^ress the Gulf of St. Lawrence, In Kings co., P.E.I. aprl +'-lo o->V ^i^^po T»^-.-i 7 f)00 3 miles from St. Peters at the head of St. CADERETTE, a post office In Springer town- Peters Bay, and a station on the Prince shio. Nipissing dift., north-west Ontario. It Is Edward Island RR. (Souris branch), 39 miles reached by wav of Sturgeon Falls Station, on northeast of Charlottetown. It has 2 churches the C.P.R., 24 miles west of North Bay on Lake (Presbyterian and Baptist), 1 saw mill and 3 Nioisslng. lobster canning factories. There are no stores, CADMUS, a post settlement In Durham co.. as the shopping is done at St. Peters. Pop. 110. Ont., 6 miles from Burketon .let., on thf^ CABOT'S HEAD, the extreme point of a pro- C.P.R.. 23 miles from Lindsav. It contains 2 montory separating Lake Huron from Georgian churches (Presbyterian and Methodist), 1 c+ore Bay. It lies northwest of Owen Sound, in Grey post office and 1 flour mill. Poo., about 60. Ono CO., Ontario. C.ADOT. a T)ost village In "^^oDt'^^lm rn.. CACHE, a small post office and flag station and - a station on the Canadian Northern on the C.P.R.. in Algoma dist., Ont. Pop. 10. OxT^loPf^ VP Tt h'^'3 1 RnrnFiTi Cp+hollc rhuroh CACHE, one of a small group of lakes in and e'ementary school, 1 general store, saw and "Nipissing district, northwest Ont. grist mills, 1 butter factory, 1 carriage factory CACHE, a lake in Chicoutiml co.. Que. and 1 blacksmith shop. Pop. 150. CACHE BAY, an incorporated post village CADWALLADAR. a post office In Yale dist., in Nipissing co., Ont.. on Lake Nipissing, and B.C.. near Ashcroft, on the main line of the a station on the C.P.R. It contains 3 churches C.P.R.. 203 miles north-'^ast of Vancouver. (Presbyterian. Anglican and Methodist), 5 C^SEREA, a oost office on Lake Sf*ngog. stores, 3 lumber mills, 1 bank and telegraph Durham co., Ont., 8 miles from Port Perrr and express offices. It is an important lumber and 6 miles from Burketon .let., a statinn on centre, being headquarters of the lumber the CP "P 23 mn^is frnm T,ind^«'v. It contains branch of Davidson, Fav & Co., of Toronto, and 2 churches, 2 stores, 1 hotel, 1 flour mill and 1 the Sturgeon River branch of J. R. Booth. shinple mill. Poo., about 150 About 800 men in The trade camp annually in CAHILLS. a station ^n the Woodstock hrancb the vicinity. Pop. 800. C.P.R. in York co., N.B.. 28 miiles from Wood- CACHE CREEK, a post office in Yale dist., stock. 57 miles from Fredericton. B.C., 6 miles from Ashcroft Station, on the C. CAHTLTv, a iwst office in vqie dist.. B.r., P.R., north of Lytton and west of Kamloops. 35 miles from Kamloops, a station on the C P. CACHE CREEK VALLEY, in the electoral R. (main line) between Ashcroft and Sioamous district of Yale, B.C., is situated on the Cari- Jet., and 250 miJes north-east of Vancouver. boo Road, 6 miles from Ashcroft, on the C.P.R. CAHORB, a post oflfico in Stormont co.. Ont., 348 I^OVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. near Fincli, a station on the C.P.R. and N.Y. CALABOGIE, a post village in Renfrew co., & O. Ky. Pembroke Ry., 14 Ont , on the Kingston & CAiLi^ii:, PETITE RIVIERE A LA, rises in miles from Renfrew. It contains 7 stores, post Beiiecaasse cc. Que., and runs into the St. office, 2 hotels, and 1 church. Pop., about 150. Lawxence half a mile irom the mouth of Ri- CALABOGIE LAKE, situated in Renfrew co., viere au Sud. _ , Ont., in the townships of Bagot and Blithe- Bellechasse CAlLLiE, RIVIERE A LA, rises in field; one corner of it is traversed by the line CO., Que,, and running northeast fall« into of the Kingston & Pembroke RR. The Mada- the Si. Lawrence, i^ miies norm of tne moutn waska River has its source in it, and empties of the Riviere du bud. into the Ottawa near Arnprior. Caij^MOUJNT, a post settlement in the dist. CALDER, a post village in Middlesex co., of Absmiboia, Prov. of Saskatchewan, 9 miles Ont., 3 miles from Southwold, on the Mich. from Moosomin, on the Transcontinenttal line Central RR., 14 miles from London. Pop., of the C.P.R. Pop. 9o. under 50. CAi.N's MOUNiAj.-'., a settlement in Victoria CALDERWOOD, a post settlement in Grey CO., IN.S., 3 miles from Ferry Landing, 4 miles CO., Ont., on the Maitland River, 2J miles from iVxcKinnon's Harbor Station, on the I.C.R., from Alsfeldt, a station on the Owen Sound and about 20 miles from Baddeck. It contains branch of the G.T.R., 7 miles from Harriston. 1 saw mill and 1 Presbyterian church. Pop. It contains 1 Presbyterian church, post office, 100. and general store. Pop., about 60. CAIN'S RIVEJR, now called "THE FORTS." a CALDWELL, a post settlement in Pontiao post village in JNonhumoerlana co., JN.iJ., 6 CO., Que., on the Ottawa River, 1 mile from miles from Blackville, a station on the Fred- McKee Station, on the Ottawa and Waltham ericton branch of the Intercolonial Ry. It has branch of the C.P.R., 43 miles from Ottawa 1 Roman Catholic church. Pop. 500. city. It contains 2 churches (Anglican and CAiJN'S RIVER, a noble stream issuing from Methodist), 1 store, 1 school and express office. a large plain in York co., N.B,, a short dis- Pop. 150. tance from the sources of the Nashwaak, falls CALDWELL, a post office in Peel co., Ont., into the Miramichi, 14 miles above the mouth near Caledon, a station on the C.P.R.