· . ~ .. Kabul C.Ity Population Survey
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• Islamic Emirate of..-Ughanistan Central Stati~tics Office .,. · .~ ..Kabul C.ity Population Survey Project AX/ZTQ/6/017 / ACC-CSO (July 1S, 1999 - January 1S, 2000) Implementedby ACC-CSO Funded by UNOCHA . ( ' August.2000- Ka~l Af~islan Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Centra 1 Statistics ()fficc Kabul City Population Survey '" Project AX/ZTQ/6/017 I ACC-CSO (July 15, 1999 - January 15, 2000) Implemented by Acc.cso Funded by UN OCHA August 2000 - Kabul '. 1, Afgbanii.tan •,. PagP.i TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface------- ------------------------------------- ii Introduction---------------------------------------iii Topographicstructure of Kab1llCity--- --------------------iii Historyof census in Kabul City------------------------------iii Backgroundof the survey--- ---------------------iv Objectives~--~----~-~~-------~~~-~~~· iv Methodologyand impletnentation--------·-- -------:--------l' Pop11.lationC...1taracteristics --------------------------------vi A: Demographic characteristics of the city population ---------------~-------------------vi J. Population size-----------------------------------·-----------------------vi 2. Population distribution --·----------------------------------------------------------·-·---------vi B. Population social characteristics---- -----------------------------------------------· vii Introduction to Kabul City district'i--------------------------- viii District I-----------·----------·--------------···-··---------·------------······-··-viii Di.\trict2---------------------------·---·------------------·----------------------viii District3 ~------------·------------------------------------------ ix ·District4--------------------------------·------····------------------ix District 5-------------------------------·------------------------------------ IX JJistrict6------------· ------------------ ' --------------------x Distri<.'t7 --------------------------·-------------------------------------··-------- x District 8--------------------------- ---------x District 9------------·----· ---------------------- xi District 10 -------------____:_--------------------------------------------- xi Di.,trict11 -----------------------------------------------------·--------··--------------- xi J)istrictI 2 -------------------·-----------------------·--------------·------- xii District I 5 -·---·--------------------·--------- --~~~---------------·~~~~~------- xii District 16 --- ------------------------------------------------------------ .xii Page ii In the Name of God the Beneficent & Merciful Preface Demographic and statistical data are consisting of size, distribution composition, growth tendency and socioeconomic characteristics of population. These data are based on methodical basics, which can be used for creation facilities in performing programmes such as humanitarian assistance, emergency, administrative works and development activities: Therefore we can not expect effective results from the emergency and developing plans without accurate statistics data in different areas .. By earning acceptance of the Islamic Emirate' of Afghanistan authorities, Central Statistics Office (CSO), with co-operation of UNOCHAIUNRCO-Kabul, was recently able to perform a survey of Kabul City population after 13 years, that is going to meet some needs of planning departments of the IEA and UN agencies and NGOs for their assistance and activities in the city. Introdu~tion Since all related activities of collection, classification. analysis assessment and publication of demographic information of the city are done based on fixed statistical manners. Due population enumeration of Kabul City is preformed by districts and by gozars (sub-districts) for the first time. Therefore. it won't be useless to have a view on geographical location and physical structure of the city. Topographic structure of Kabul ~ity Kabul City, the capital of Afghanistan is located between 68°-58'-22" Eastern longitude and 34°- 25'-37" Northern Latitude. Itsaltitude from the sea surface is 1800 m. Kabul has a balanced climate and is surrounded by range of high mounta_ins (Zanburak. Sherdarwaza and Asmayi), plains and hills. Kabul River (Chamchamast) originates from the flowing rivers of Maydan-Wardak and Onai Valley of Paghman region. AlJ those have been added to the natural greenness and beauty of the city. Kabul is bounded the north by Pacha Saheb mountains, the south by Char Asyab region and Korough mountains, the east by Tong-e-Gharo and the west by Paghman region. Nevertheless according to Municipality's plan, Kabul City is divided into 16 districts that 14 districts among them are almost having residential facilities. All administrative and socio-economic establishments, like ministries offices, governmental departments, shared and private companies and commercial centers and international organization are partly active .. Since the most areas of social services such as transportation and communication establishments, water supplies, electricity sections, health and education services are destroyed due to distractive war, which cannot meet the needs of urban population. Therefore, they demand to be rehabilitated and reconstructed. · This population information for the city was collected based on. districts and sub-districts (Goz.ar). Districts 12, 15 and 16 were newly fonnecl.The district 12 contains Arz.an Qimat residential area and some rural areas. The district IS was parted from district 11. The district 16 contains some parts of the old district 9 and rural areas. As a result of this enumeration, the city consists of totally 14 districts, (322) Gozers and 120,539 houses. (See attached data tables). History or census in Kabul City However in the country the population enumeration doesn't have a Jong background, but for the first time an enumeration of the city population took place in 1965-66 under the name of Great Kabul Enumeration by the Ministry of Planning with the cooperation of the Ministry of Education. It merely contained 10 existed city districts that it hadshowed male 243.6 thousands, female 191.6 thousands and totally 435.2 thousands of the city population. For the znd time the enumeration of Kabul City was done in 1979. It had been done by Central Statistics Office with the technical/financial co-operation of the United Nations. It had shown male Page iv 488.0 thousands, female 443.0 thousands, totally 931.0 thousands of individuals. The survey covered all 11 districts of the city. The 3ni Kabul Population survey, which covered l J districts, took place in J985-86. According to the survey the city districts population contained male 663.3 thousands, female 638.0 thousands and totally 1301.3 thousands of individuals. This population survey was done in 1999/2000. The Central Statistics Office CSO and the Afghanistan Computer Center ACC with financial and. technical support by .UNOCHA ·and! UNRCO- Kabul, implemented the survey for all 14-city districts. The survey is showing male 888.2 thousands, female 892. 8 thousands and totally 178 J .0 thousand populations for the city. (see· attached data tables) · Bacground of the survey In addition to the physical destruction wrought on the city of Kabul during recent years, the human 1 1 cost has been great. Significant numbers of the urban population have at times been forced out of the city or internally displaced between districts, in search of security.:or livelihoods. Elsewhere, families have moved in to the city from peri-urban areas in search of assistance. In the face of these upheavals, the demography of the city appears to have changed significantly, with obviou~ implications for those providing assistance to urban communities. While there have been regular assistance-centered service of the urban population over recent years, with a degree of duplication, official baseline infonnation (such as the 1985/6 estimated population) relies at best on projections from previous censuses implemented by the Central Statistics Office~ or 1 specific surveys carried out by the various line ministries. There was, in this context, a· need to commission an authoritative survey, that would enjoy official endorsement, to enable both Jttinistries and aid organizations to more effectively addresses the needs of the urban population, and plan for future humanitarian and rehabilitation interventions. Obiectives In less developed countries, above all in our country that vital. events recording system and current statistics are out of quiet covering, while existing of update statistical information is very important for all projections of planning emergency, socio-economic and developing programs. · Due to interior emigrations and population movement inside districts and city margin in to present bounded borders in compare to earlier years the city population has been increased to a considerable .extent. But in spite of expansion of urban areas, the essential facilities have ·stayed limited.' Therefore, it demands that the concern libels should adopt necessary contrivance for solving first essential requirements of urban residence due to perfonning emirate-developing plans attracting humanitarian urgent helps from local and foreign- organization. Of course, for solving such problems is necessary to access to accurate statistical data regarding size and other city population characteristics. For preparation and presentation demographic accurate and recent data, census of Kabul City was preformed to provide the following aims: • Collecting of update information about size, distribution, composition and·