CMed. CMed. Entomo l. 200 1. Vo l. 56 NO.3 p.191 ー 199 2005J

E 町ects of ivermectin on target and non-target dung-breeding (Diptera) in cattle dung pats

Mitsuhiro IWASA 1) ,Masumi MARUYAMA 1) ,4) , Eri NAKAMURA 1), Nobuo YAMASHITA 2) and Akira WATANABE 3)

1 1Laboratory of Entomology , Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine , lnada-cho ,Obihiro ,Hokkaido ,080-8555 japa η 2 1Livestock Environment Laboratory , National Agricultural Research Center for Tohoku Region , Natio η al A gricultural Research Organization ,4 Akahira ,Shimo-kuriyagawa , Morioka ,lωα te ,020 -0198 japan 31 31 Meat Quality Control Labor α,tory , National Agricultural Research Center for Tohoku Region , National National Agricultural Research Org αnizatio η,4 Akahira ,Shimo-kuriyagawa , Morioka ,lwate ,020 -0198 japan 41 41 Cu 作 'ent address: lndependent Administrative lnstitution National Livestock Breeding Breeding Ce η ter Nagano Station ,Arakoda 1889 , Saku-city ,Nagano ,385 -0007 japan

Received: (Received: 12 October 2004; Acc epted: 25 April 2005 )

Abstract: Abstract: The effects of antiparasitic drug ,ivermectin ,on the dung-breeding flies flies were studied in laboratory and field experiments in Hokkaido , Japan. In two pour-on pour-on treatments (500μg jkg) , ivermectin was excreted in dung for up to 14 and 21 days after treatment , with peaks at 3 days and 1 day ,respectively. Dung from treated cattle cattle prevented the larval developm 巴nt of Haematobia irritans and cornicina up to 14 days and reduced the larval and pupal survival rates at 21 days after treatmen t. In the field experiment using emergence traps , the numbers of emerged flies flies from dung pats were 3,655 (18 families) in control dung and 2,234 (16 families) in treated treated dung. Especially ,Musca bezzii ,Ravinia stri αta ,Se ρ sis du ρlic αtα ,Se ρ sis thora- cica , Setsis cynitse α,Sphaeroceridea ,Empididae , Sciaridae and Chironomidae were severely severely reduced in treated dung. Reduction of cyclorrhaphaous flies similarly occur- red red at 1,3 and 7 days after treatment ,which coincides with high concentrations of ivermectin. ivermectin. Conversely , Ceratopogonidae and Phoridae increased in treated dung , regardless regardless of days (1 ,3 and 7) after treatm 巴nt. Dry weights of flies emerged from dung pats pats of treated cattle in the field experiment were only 5.8 % of those from dung of control control cattle ,indicating that dung-decomposing activity by larvae was supressed in in dung of treated cattle

Key words: ivermectin ,pour-on ,Haem α tobia irritans ,Neomyia cornicin α, non-target , dung-breeding flies

ous formulations. Whatever the formula- INTRODUCTION tions ,ivermectin is excreted in cattle feces or dung pats (Campbell et al., 1983) ,where Ivermectin is a broad-spectrum parasiti- it retains insecticidal activity: this has a cide cide against nematode and par- novel role of control of pest flies inhabit- asites asites of domestic livestock. This drug is ing dung. However ,ivermectin residues used in many parts of the world since its in dung have a potential impact on non- introduction in the early 1980s ,because it target organisms and cause undesirable is is effective and convenient to use by vari - environmental consequences by interfer- 192 Med. En tomo l. 2001 ing ing with dung-breeding involved Determin α tion 01 ivermevtin concentrations in in the degradation of dung on pasture Determination of ivermectin concentra- (Wall (Wall and Strong ,1987) . tion in feces was performed by high- It It is well known that pest flies are only a performance liquid chromatography few in dipterous fly fauna of cattle dung (HPLC) following the method of Payne et pats pats in pasture; a large majority is non- al. ( 1995) with some modifications : the ex- pest pest (Hammer , 1941; Laurence , 1954; traction was carried out by homog en izer Papp , 1970). The effects of ivermectin on (PHYSCOT RON , Microtec Co. , Lt d. ) at these these non-target dipterous flies in dung 10 ,000 rpm for 1 min instead of son ica- pats pats have been inv estigated by Ward- tion ,and avermectin B1 was added as in- haugh and Rodriguez-Menendez (1 988) , ternal standard. Madsen et al. (1 990) ,Sommer et al. (1 992) , Strong and Wall (1 994) , Floate (1 998) , Lα boratory bioass αys : Effects 01 ivermectin Floate Floate et al. (2001). on ρuρα tion and emerge nce 01 Haem ato bia 1n 1n Japan , ivermectin has been used on irritans (Linnaeus) αnd Neom yia cornicina cattle cattle throughout the country ,especially (Fabricius) with the spread of pour-on formulation. The horn fly ,H. irritans is a target spe- Until Until now , how ever , no attempt has cies which is a blood-sucking pest of been made to evaluate the effect of this cattle. N. cornicina was chosen as non- drug on dung-breeding flies in Japan. target beneficial species which is common- The purpose of this study is to deter- ly found in dung pats as coprophagous in mine the effects of ivermectin residues in Hokkaido. Eggs of N. cornicina were col- dung voided by treated cattle on target lected from the surface of fresh dung pats and non-target dung-breeding 日ies in Hok- in pasture ,whi le eggs of H. irritans were kaido , Japan. obtained by allowing gravid females to oviposit oviposit in test tubes (11 mm diameter X MA TERIALS AND METHODS 75 mm length). Thirty to 40 eggs in both species species were inoculated onto 30g of dung Cattle Cattle and dung collection in plastic cups (8 cm diameter X 4 cm The expe riments were conducted at the depth) doubled in large cups (1 2 cm diam- pasture pasture of Obihiro University of Agricul- eter X 5.5 cm depth) with sawdust for pupa- ture ture and Veterinary Medicine. Five Hol- tion site. These cups were maintained at stein stein cows (ages 31-53 months ) were sel- 25 0 C (1 6L-8D) and the number of pupae ected ected and ivermectin (l vomec ⑮ Topical; was counted . The pupae obtained were Merial Merial Limited) was topically treated to transferred to another plastic cup (8 cm them by pour-on formulation at the rec diameter X 4 cm depth) , for adult eme r- ommended dose 500μg /kg body weigh t. gence . Experiments were replicated 3 Two treatments were don e on 25 May and times in H. irritans and 5 times in N. cor- 22 June in 2002 ,and at the same time eac h nzczna. 5 untreated cows (ages 45-52 months) were also selected and used as contro ls. Field e: ゅeγ iment: Eff ec ts 01 ivermectin on fiy None of the cows had been previously eme γge η ce treated treated with anthe lminti cs or insecticides Eighteen arti 白cial dung pats (1 kg , three Dung pats were collected immediat ely pats each per collection date for treated after after defec ation at 1,3,7,14 ,21 ,28 and 35 and control) of 1,3,7 days after treatment days after treatments. 1n each collection , were eac h placed on a 17 -cm layer of black dung pats from 5 cows were mixed and soil in a plastic box (33 X 33 X 19 cm). frozen frozen at - 20 0 C until used. Boxes with these dung pats were then placed placed in a fie ld area adjacent to a pasture for for exposure to activity for 7 days. Vo l. 56 No.3 2005 193

After After exposure , these boxes were brought 7 days after treatment (Fig. 1) . Then ,iver- to to in the campus of the Univer- mectin was detected in dung up to 14 sity sity and covered with emergence traps ( Exp. 1) and 21 days (Exp. 2) after treat- attached attached with cups for collection of ment ,and not detected at 28 and 35 days emerged f1 ies. Traps were checked every- after treatment; the determination limit day ,and f1 ies emerged from dung were was 0.002 ppm. collected , counted and determined into the the species or families. These specimens Effects 01 ivermectin on pu ρα tion αnd α dult were dried in the laboratory more than e mergence 01 H. irritansα nd N. cornicina two months and their dry weights were Pupation rates of H. irrit α, ns in dung measured by an electric chemical balance from control cattle was from 64.4 to 100% (sartorius (sartorius B J1 500). These experiments at 1-35 days after treatment (Table 1) , were performed two times in mid-June whereas they were zero in dung from tre and late July ,and a total of 36 dung pats ated cattle at 1 to 14 days ,17.9% at 21 was observed. days ,and 84.8 and 79.3% at 28 and 35 days after treatment ,respectively. Emer- RESULTS gence rates also showed the same tenden- cy as the pupation rates. Determination Determination 01 ivermectin concentr α tions Pupation rates of N. cornicina in dung In In two treatments , ivermectin residues from control cattle was from 86 .9 to 99.3% in in dung attained maximal concentrations at 1 to 35 days after treatment (Table 2). at at 3 and 1 days after treatments ,respec- On the other hand , they were zero in dung tively ,and both peaks were followed by a from treated cattle at 1 to 14 da ys,about decline decline with below half concentrations at half (49 .8 % ) at 21 days ,and 95 .9 and 97.2% at 28 and 35 days after treatment , 0.18 Experiment 1 respectively. Emergence rates also show- 0.16 ed the same tendency as that of pupation 0.14 rates. 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.08 Effects 01 iv erm ectin on fly em erg e nce in 0.0 6 fi e ld (E 0.04 且且 In Experiments 1 and 2,a total of 5,889 0.02 0.02 )CO f1 ies comprising 19 families emerged from 0.00 ." %bcgcDUE-HUωE一 0 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 36 dung pats (1 8 each control and treated) , of of which 3,655 f1 ies (18 families) were from dung of control cattle and 2,234 臼ies (1 6 families) families) from dung of treat ed cattle 0.18 Exp erim ent 2 (Table 3). Th e species identifi ed into spe - 0.16 包〉一0.14 cies were 1 species in Anthomyiidae ,4 0.12 0.12 species in ,1 species in Sarco- 0.10 phagidae and 5 species in . Other 0 .08 0.06 families which include plural species w e re 0.04 indicat ed as spp. The predomin a nt fami - 0.0 2 lies in total numb e rs w ere C eratopogo 0.00 (1,666) , 。 6 9 1 2 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 nid ae (m ainl y ForciPomyia spp.) followed followed by Sciaridae (1, 381) ,Sphaeroc eri- Days Days after treatment dae (1 ,230) and Phoridae (473). Fi g. 1. Ive rm ec tin conc entr ation si n dun g( ppm Large reduction in the numbers of f1 ies ofw etw eig ht) aft er pour -on tr ea tm ent s (500 from dung of treated cattl e occurr ed in μg/ k g). Muscidae (Musca bez zii Patton et Cragg) , 194 Med. Entomo l. 200 1.

Table Table 1. Larval and pupal survival of Haematobia irritans in dung from cattle treated with ivermectin and and in control dung

Days Days after Pupation rate (%):t SD Emergence rate (%) :t SD treatment treatment Control Treatment Control Treatment 1 66.7 :t 47 .l * 。 46.13 土3.2 * 。 3 64 .4:t 11. 3 * 。 48.6 :t 7.0 * 。 7 100 * 。 74.8 :t 7.8 * 。 14 96.0 :t 2.9 * 。 68.1 :t 16.3 * 。 21 21 96.1 士4.2 * 17.9 :t 25.3 57.6 :t 16.6 * 1. 2 :t 1. 7 28 71. 9 :t 12.7 n.s. 84.8 士16.8 53.6 :t 13.6 n.s. 68.8 :t 4.0 35 84.0 :t 2.6 n.s. 79.3 :t 7.1 54 .4 :t 14.6 n.s. 6 1. 2土7.2

Each Each value is a mean of 3 replicat 巴s each inoculated 40 eggs. *: *: Significantly different between control and treatment (P < 0.01 ・Mann -Whitney U test). n.s.: n.s.: Not significant betw 巴en control and treatment

Table Table 2. Larval and pupal survival of Neomyia cornicina in dung from cattle treated with ivermectin and and in control dung. Days Days after Pupation rate (%)土 SD Emergence rate (%) :t SD treatment treatment Control Treatment Control Treatment 86.9 士13.3 * 。 72.9 :t 17.2 * 。 3 99.3 :t 1. 4 * 。 93.3 :t 3.0 * 。 7 89.6 士7.5 * 。 86.1 :t 9.0 * 。 14 9 1. 8 士1. 5 本 。 87.5 :t 5.3 * 。 21 21 96.8 :t 4.0 * 49.8 :t 14.5 9 1. 5 :t 6.2 * 34.1 :t 17.5 28 98.6 土2.8 n.s. 95.9 :t 3.3 93.2 :t 6.1 n.s. 93.1 :t 5.8 35 94.6 :t 5.0 n.s 97.2 :t 2.7 82.5 :t 3.8 n.s 92.5 :t 1. 3 Each Each value is a mean of 5 replicates each inoculated 30 eggs 町 Significantly different between control and treatment (P < 0.0 1: Mann - Whitney U test). nふ・ Not significant between control and treatmen t.

Sarcophagidae (R α vinia stri αtα(Fabri- ata ,Sepsidae ,Sphaeroceridae ,Empididae cius)) ,Sepsidae (Se ρ sis duplic αtαHa1iday , and Phoridae) ,and Nematocera fami1ies S. S. thoracic α( R. -D よS. cyniPse αLinnaeus) , (Ceratopogonidae , Sciaridae , Chironomi- Sphaeroceridae and Empididae in Cyclor- dae) emerged from dung of contro1 and rhapha ,and Sciaridae and Chironomiidae treated cattle at 1,3 and 7 days after treat- in in Nematocera. Converse1y ,emergence of ments are shown in Figs 2. In Cyclorrha- Ceratopogonidae prominent1y increased pha (M. bezzii , R. striata ,Sepsidae ,Sphaer- in in dung of treated catt1e. The numbers of oceridae , Empididae) , reduction in the Phoridae were a1so more rather abundant numbers simi1ar1y occurred at 1,3 and 7 in in dung from treated cattle than in dung days after treatment , indicating that iver- from contro1 cattle. mectin concentrations in these days are In In Sepsidae , S. latiforceps Duda emerged enough to a仔ect their 1arval deve1opmen t. from dung pats of treated catt1e in a1most In Phoridae and Ceratopogonidae ,emerg- the same n um bers as those of con tro1 ed fties were more abundant at all days (1, catt1e ,a1though no fties emerged from 3 and 7) after treatment ,bearing no re1a- dung of treated catt1e in other 4 species. tion to ivermectin concentrations. The numbers of represented Cyclorrha- Tota1 dry weight of fties emerged in Ex- pha species and fami1ies (M bezzii , R. stri- periments 1 and 2 was 1,915.9 mg in dung Vo l. 56 NO.3 2005 195

Table Table 3. Numbers of fiies em 巴rged from dung pats (1 kg) of control and treated treated cattl 巴 by exposure for 7 days. Dung pats Families Families and species Total Control Control Treatment Anthomyiidae Anthomyiidae Pa: γegle cin 邑γella 4 5 Muscidae Muscidae Musca bezzii 38 。 38 Hydro t. α ea abipuncta 2 Hebecnema umb γ -a tica 。 Coenosia Coenosia sp. 3 4 7 Sarcophagidae Sarcophagidae Ravinia Ravinia striata 142 。 142 Sepsidae Sepsidae Sepsis latijo γ ceps 45 39 84 Sepsis Sepsis duplicata 44 。 44 Sepsis Sepsis tho γ-a cica 99 。 99 Sel りsis cyni ρ sea 47 。 47 Saltella Saltella sphondylii 。 Sphaeroceridae Sphaeroceridae spp. 1, 210 20 1 ,230 Chloropidae Chloropidae spp 5 3 8 Drosophilidae Drosophilidae spp. 13 7 20 Ephydridae Ephydridae spp. 1 3 4 Dolichopodidae Dolichopodidae spp. 3 6 9 Platystomatidae Platystomatidae spp 3 4 Empididae Empididae spp. 165 38 203 Phoridae Phoridae spp. 207 266 473 Stratiomyidae Stratiomyidae spp. 。 2 2 Tipulidae Tipulidae (Limoniina 巴 spp.) 20 。 20 Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae spp. 261 1,4 05 1, 666 Chironomidae Chironomidae spp. 326 49 375 孔1ycetophilidae spp. 7 3 10 Sciaridae Sciaridae spp. 998 383 1 ,381 Psychodidae Psychodidae spp. 14 。 14

Total Total 3, 655 2, 234 5, 889

Eighteen Eighteen dung pats were observed in control and treatment ,respectively from control cattle and 112.8 mg in dung ivermectin administrated by subcutane- from treated cattle (Table 4): the ratio was ous injection are typically excreted at 3-6 17: 1. In dung of control cattle ,the pro- days after injection (Sommer et al., 1992; portion of large-sized Cyclorrhapha (M Lumaret et al., 1993). The current results bezzii bezzii and R. striat α), was 78% in total are similar to those of Sommer et al. (1992) weights. and exhibit that ivermectin is excreted in dung at least up to 14 days after treat- DISCUSSION ment ,which coincides with the periods of 100% larval mortality of H irrit α ns andN Sommer et al. (1 992) reported that iver- cornicin αLarge reduction of pupation mectin by pour-on formulation was rapid- rates in two species at 21 days after treat- ly ly excreted in dung up to 14 days with a ment (Exp. 1) when no ivermectin was peak at the 1st day after treatmen t. Peak detected may be due to undetectable resi- residue residue levels of avermectins including dues or metabolites of drug. 196 Med. Entomo l. Zool

Muscabezzii Ravinia striata Sepsidae 322110505050 9876543210000000000 2EOC 100 80

60 コち 40 20 ω o 」ωa ℃ Phoridae ω 崎四∞問問柑叩。 窃」 回∞凹伺凹。 ωEωmω= llE

と O 。 的」 ωDε Sciaridae Sciaridae 7654321∞∞∞∞凹叩曲 コ 00 Z



Days after treatment

Fig.2. Fig.2. Numbers of represented Cyclorrhapha and Nematocera fties emerged per 6 dung pats at 1,3 and 7 days after treatments (0 = Control)

Table Table 4. Dry weights of main coprophagous It has been reported that ivermectin res- 自ies emerged from dung pats of con- idues in dung could effectively reduce the trol trol and treated cattle ,respectively. dipterous fties of economic importance , Families Families and Dry weights (mg) such as Haem αtobi αirritans ,Stomoxys cal- citrans citrans and M domestic α(Ridsdill-Smi th , spe Cl es Control Treatment 1988; 1988; Fincher ,1992 , 1996; Doherty et al., Muscidae Muscidae 1994; Wardhaugh et al., 1996; Floate et al., Musca Musca bezzii 400.9 。 200 1). Fincher (1 992) reported that eme- Sarcophagidae Sarcophagidae rgence of the horn fty , H. irritans was red- Ravinia Ravinia striata 1 ,097.7 。 uced for 8 weeks when reared on dung Sepsidae Sepsidae from cattle treated with ivermectin by in- Sepsis Sepsis latiforceps 18.0 15.6 jection. In pour-on formulation , emer- Sepsis Sepsis duplicata 6.2 0 gence of H. irrit α,ns was reduced for 5-6 Sepsis Sepsis thoracica 39.6 0 weeks (Fincher , 1996) and 4-8 weeks Sepsis Sepsis cynipsea 18.8 0 (Floate et al., 2001) , respectively. The Saltella Saltella sρ hondylii 0.5 0 period which a百ected survival of H. 炉 Sphaeroceridae Sphaeroceridae spp 84.7 1. 4 ritans ritans Sciaridae Sciaridae spp. 249.5 95.8 in the present study is somewhat shorter than that in the previous reports. Total Total 1, 915.9 112.8 This may be attributed to the differences Eighteen Eighteen dung pats were observed in control of breeds and diets of cattle. Uzuka et al. and and treatment ,respectively. (1 999) reported that no adult horn fty was on cattle body for 5 weeks after treatment of of ivermectin by pour-on formulation in Obihiro ,Hokkaido. It is considered that Vo l. 56 NO.3 2005 197

Fig .3. Appearanc e of dung pats of 1 da y aft er trea tm ent (right ) and control dun g pat (left )(both 7 da ys old old aft er exposure) ivermectin ivermectin by pour-on formulation con- press development of non-target beneficial tributes tributes to reduction of horn fiy popula- coprophagous fiy larvae in dung pats. tion tion on cattle body during a certain According to Madsen et al. (1 990) ,di 百er- period. period. ence of sensitivity between Nematocera It It has been reported that ivermectin in- and Cyclorrhapha may be ascribed to dif- hibits hibits larval development of non-target ferenc es in phenology ,development and dung-breeding fiies (Wall and Strong , feeding habits . In the present study ,how- 1987; 恥1adsen et al., 1990; Strong , 1992; ever , the rather increased emergence of Floate , 1998). Mortality of larvae of N. Ceratopogonidae (mainly genus Forci ρ0- cornicina cornicina in dung of injection formulation my 的 spp.) of Nematocera and Phoridae of of of ivermectin was 100% up to 32 days Cyclorrhapha from dung of ivermectin- after after treatment (Wardhaugh and Rodri- treated cattle is still a riddle; further inves- guez-Menendez , 1988) and 97% up to 2 tigation is necessary in consideration of weeks after pour-on formulation (Sommer the possibility of their attractions to iver- et et al., 1992). The present results confirmed mectin residues or metabolites in dung. that that pour-on formulation of ivermectin In the species level there has been no suppressively suppressively a仔ects the larvae of non- report on sensitivity of small-sized acaly- target target coprophagous fiies , N. cornicina at pterate 白ies of Cyclorrhapha against iver- least least up to 21 days after treatmen t. mectin up to the presen t. In Sepsidae , It It is well known that Cyclorrhapha there was emergence of S. latijorceps from larva were affected in dung of ivermectin- dung of treated cattle likewise that of con- treated treated cattle ,whereas Nematocera larvae trol dung ,nevertheless , there was no emer- remained una 百ected (Schmidt , 1983; gence from dung of treated cattle in other Madsen et al., 1990; Sommer et al., 1992). 4 sepsid species ,suggesting that there are The present results are similar to the pre- differences in sensitivity among the spe vious vious reports. Especially , the larvae of M cies within this family. bezzii , R. stri αta , S. du ρlicata , S. thor α,cica , Papp (1970) investigated the dry weight S. S. cynipsea , Sphaeroceridae , Empididae , values of fiies developing in cattle dung Chironomidae and Sciaridae in dung ap- pats and suggested that fiy larvae have an peared to be severely reduced by ivermec- important role in the disappearance of tin tin treatment; these are coprophagous , cattle dung pats in pasture. Dry weights having a role as decomposer. It is con- of fiies emerged from dung of treated cluded that ivermectin residues in dung cattle were only 1/17 (5.8%) of that from by pour-on treatment extensively sup- dung of control cattle , indicating that de 198 Me d. Entomo l. Zoo l compo sin g act ivit y b y la rv ae w as suppr Floate. K. D. ,Spooner , R. W. an d Co lwell ,D . D. 2001 ess ed in dung pat s of tr ea ted ca ttle. This Larv icid al act ivity of endec tcid es against pest fli es acti v it y o f fi y larv ae in pa rt is rev eal ed in in the dung of treated catt le.Med . Vet. E nt omol .,1 5 th ea pp ea ran ce o f dun g pa ts; th a ti s,ty pi- 117 -120 cal control dung p a t ha ss pr ea d o ut and it s Ham m er,O .1 94 1. 8iologica l and eco logical inves ti. surfac e is soft and crumbl ed ,w h ereas that gat ions on 日ies associated w ith pasturing ca ttl e of treat ed cattle has not spr ead o ut and its and their exc remen t. Vide nsk. Medd. Da n. Na tur. surf ace is c ru sty and h a rd (Fi g . 3). Esp e- hist . Foren. Khobenha vn ,10 5:1 4 1-393 ciall y ,dr y we ig ht s of M . bezzii a nd R. stri - Laure nce , 8. R. 1 954. The larva li nhabitan ts of cow at α, occ upi ed 78 % in tota l we ig ht s; th ese pats. j. Anim . E col ., 23: 234 -260 la rge -size d C y clorrh a ph a fi ies may b e a n Lumaret , J. P. ,Galante ,E. ,Lumbr eras ,C. ,Mena ,J.. important d ecompo ser in dun g pats. Fur- 8ert rand,M. ,8ernal , J. L. ,Cooper , J. F. ,Kadi ri , N. ther work wo uld be n ee d ed to d etermin e and C row , D. 1 993. 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T hi s wo rk w as su ppo rte d b y bud- Dete rminat ion of abamectin and / or iv 巴rmectin in ge ts fo r en v ir o nm en ta lr es ear ch all ocate d cattle feces at low par ts pe r bi ll ion levels us in g to national resea rch in stitut es (R esearch HPLC with flourescence. j. Agric. Food Chem ., 43: o n P olluti o n Pr ev ention a nd C o nt rol ),Min- 1233 -1 237. istr y of th e En v iro nm e n t. Rid sdill.Sm ith , T. J. 1988 .Su rviva l and reproductio n of of Musca vet ust issima Wa l ker (Diptera: Musc ida e)

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