Arquipelago - Life and Marine Sciences ISSN: 0873-4704

Area prioritization for pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island


Picanço, A., F. Rigal & P.A.V. Borges 2017. Area prioritization for insect pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island. Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 34: 85- 104.

Conservation studies usually assess the effectiveness of protected areas and draft proposals on the inclusion of new areas to gain legal protection status, paying little attention to the unprotected surrounding matrix of the respective protected areas network. By combining species distribution modeling and a site selection method, we aim to quantify the contribution of different land uses to insect pollinator conservation on a small oceanic island i.e. Terceira Island (Azores, Portugal). Our results showed that, in addition to well preserved and protected native forest in Terceira, other land uses, such as naturalized vegetation areas, exotic forests, and semi-natural pastures, could serve as a continuum for the protected areas network. This result suggests that protecting marginal non-natural areas may also be important, especially when areas with well- preserved natural habitats are scarce. This spatial planning approach can be easily applied to other islands in the archipelago and any similar island systems, to better plan conservation efforts (such as habitat restoration) and to design specific buffer zones around a protected areas network.

Key words: Land-use planning, insect pollinator representation, spatial conservation planning, Zonation, species distribution modeling.

Ana Picanço (e-mail: email: [email protected]), François Rigal, P.A.V. Borges, cE3c – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/ Azorean Biodiversity Group and University of the Azoress – Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Rua Capitão João d’Ávila, PT-9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal. François Rigal, Environment and Microbiology Team, MELODY group, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, IPREM UMR CNRS 5254, BP 1155, 64013 Pau Cedex, France.

INTRODUCTION affording some insights into reserve network design, the guidelines provided by IBT offer little Spatial conservation planning methods have been explicit guidance for decision-makers who face strongly influenced by the Island Biogeography specific choices about how many and which sites Theory (IBT) of MacArthur & Wilson (1967), or which spatial configuration have to be which has played a pivotal role in the incorporated in a reserve network. establishment of the concept of natural reserves There is currently a broad consensus that (Triantis & Bhagwat 2011). IBT-based managing the landscape matrix also matters, approaches usually make the assumption, which because standard reserve systems will never cover is often invalid, that reserves are isolated habitat more than a small fraction of the globe; and islands embedded in a matrix of unfavorable human-induced habitats dominate most terrestrial terrain (Franklin & Lindenmayer 2009). Despite ecosystems (Vitousek et al. 1997; Pereira & Daily


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2006; Newbold et al. 2013). Therefore, proper changes and massive species introduction driven conservation planning should take into by the development of local agriculture and consideration not only the human-perceived urbanization, the increase in seaborne world trade native habitat patches, but also the extensive areas routes (for which oceanic islands form a strategic that surround them (Franklin & Lindenmayer node) and recently by the growing popularity of 2009). For this reason, reserve selection shifted oceanic islands as world-class tourist destinations its focus to systematic conservation planning (Walker & Bellingham 2011). Hence, there is an framework developed to efficiently identify urgent need to improve the conservation of island conservation areas, with its emphasis on ecosystems to better preserve their unique biota quantitative targets, that guarantee species and the services that they may supply for human representation and persistence, the two most communities (Walker & Bellingham 2011). important conservation planning objectives Several policy conservation action strategies have (Margules & Pressey 2000; Moilanen et al. 2009; already been produced for islands, namely The Fattorini et al. 2012). Representation refers to the CBD Global Island Partnership (GLISPA targets defined to achieve the number of each; visited species that should be contained within a system Nov 2 2016), the Samoa Pathway (see of conservation areas, and persistence refers to and the long-term survival of the species achieved by BEST initiative maintaining the ecological and evolutionary ( processes that sustain them (Carvalho et al. 2010; st/index_en.htm), which mobilizes local stakeholders Margules & Pressey 2000). In the last decade, to identify priority areas for action and channels with the aim of promoting the persistence of funding from different sources to research and biodiversity and other natural values (Pressey et conservation projects. However, little effort has al. 2007), reserve selection has advanced to been devoted specifically to island ecological spatial conservation prioritization (Kukkala & networks, and in particular, to pollinating . Moilanen 2013). This has been carried out with Insects are responsible for 78 to 94% of the application of statistical modeling techniques pollination across all flowering plants and 75% of and numerical methods and also with the global food crops worldwide (Klein et al. 2007; assistance of decision-making theory to inform Ollerton et al. 2011; Winfree et al. 2011). the rational allocation of resources that are Therefore, maintaining the diversity of pollinators available for conservation planning (Moilanen et is of critical importance to preserve gene flow and al. 2009). Biodiversity concerns have also to be community stability in plant communities incorporated into the policies and practices of (Steffan-Dewenter & Westphal 2008; Cranmer et sectors such as agriculture, tourism and transport al. 2012). Oceanic islands usually feature less that operate outside protected areas, rendering complex networks with lower numbers of essential the development of conservation pollinator species, a high number of generalist planning products that are accessible and useful species and less redundancy in comparison with for local decision-makers in land-use planning continental settings (Olesen et al. 2002; Whittaker (Pierce et al. 2005; Primack 2006). Unprotected & Fernández-Palacios 2007). Hence, pollinator land or alternative land uses make different networks on oceanic islands have been considered contributions to the conservation of biodiversity, highly vulnerable to any kind of disturbance and have different implementation and (Traveset 2002), making them a priority target for management costs (Wilson et al. 2010). future conservation planning on islands (Kaiser- Among the most threatened ecosystems on Bunbury et al. 2017; Kaiser-Bunbury & Blüthgen Earth, oceanic islands are probably the places 2015). where the damage induced by the current global The Azorean archipelago, which was mostly changes is most apparent (Whittaker & covered by several types of semi-tropical Fernández-Palacios 2007). Since human evergreen forest (e.g. Laurisilva; Juniperus colonization, most oceanic islands have mountain woodlands) prior to human settlement, undergone a dramatic human mediated habitat has suffered a massive land-use change since


Area priorization for insect pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island

human settlement 600 years ago, resulting in the design that promotes insect pollinator destruction of native habitats and introduction of preservation and monitoring plans. many exotic species (Borges et al. 2000, 2005a, 2013; Silva et al. 2008; Triantis et al. 2010; STUDY AREA Gaspar et al. 2011). As a consequence, the region The Azores archipelago is located in the Central has already experienced a high number of species North Atlantic Ocean (37 - 40º N latitude, 25 – extinctions (Borges et al. 2000; Martín et al. 31º W longitude), between Southern Europe 2008; Alcover et al. 2015; Terzopoulou et al. (Portugal) and the east coast of North America. 2015) while recent estimations suggest that more The Azores is a relatively recent archipelago than half of the extant forest species comprising nine islands and several additional might eventually be driven to extinction in the islets (França et al. 2005). At the time of human near future (Triantis et al. 2010). However, colonization, in the 15th century, the archipelago previous studies have shown that some Azorean was almost totally covered by native forest native and endemic arthropod species can persist consisting of Laurisilva forest i.e. a humid and adapt in non-natural areas surrounding evergreen broadleaf laurel forest and other types natural forest (Borges et al. 2000; Cardoso et al. of forest (e.g. mountain Juniperus woodlands) 2008; Gaspar et al. 2011; Fattorini et al. 2012; (see Elias el al. 2016). In 600 year human Vergílio et al. 2016). Furthermore, Picanço et al. activities have led to the destruction of 95% of (2017) have demonstrated that Azorean endemic the original native forest (Gaspar et al. 2008) and and native non-endemic insect pollinator species presently, only seven out of the nine Azorean are widespread on the islands and are being able islands still have native forest fragments. to occur in non-native habitats. This supports the Our study was conducted on Terceira Island idea that there might be an opportunity to avoid (Fig. 1). Terceira Island is the third largest island biodiversity loss of pollinating insect species not in the archipelago, after São Miguel and Pico 2 only through the preservation of Azorean native with an area of 402 km and with four main forest but also by implementing better volcanic complexes (Cinco Picos, Guilherme management of anthropogenic areas (Borges et al. Moniz, Pico Alto and Serra de Santa Bárbara). 2008; Jackson et al. 2009). The Terceira climate is marked by heavy and In this study, we use an extensive dataset of regular precipitations, particularly in winter and autumn, often associated with strong winds. The spatial distribution of pollinator insects on average annual precipitation exceeds 3400 mm on Terceira Island in the Azores (see also Picanço et “Serra de Santa Bárbara” summit (1023 meters), al. 2017) in order to develop and apply a different and reaches almost 1000 mm per year everywhere spatial planning approach that explicitly accounts in the island. The average annual temperature for the contribution of a diverse range of land varies between 9º C in “Serra de Santa Bárbara”, uses to achieve conservation goals for the insect to 17º C on the coast. Minimum temperature in pollinator communities on the island. winter varies between 4º and 12º C while the maximum summer temperature varies between MATERIAL AND METHODS 14º and 26º C (Azevedo et al. 2004). In Terceira, only five native forest fragments survived the To identify high representation areas of insect severe deforestation, and now occupy less than pollinator communities, we followed two steps: 6% of the island surface (i.e. 23 km2) (Gaspar et (i) use of species distribution models (SDMs) to al. 2008). Even so, a few of these forest fragments estimate the potential distribution of insect still harbor a substantial number of endemic pollinator species; and (ii) identification of areas species and were considered priority areas for of high priority for conservation in different land biodiversity conservation in the Azores (Borges et uses besides the island's protected areas network, al. 2005b; Gaspar et al. 2011; Fattorini et al. i.e. Terceira Island Natural Park. By combining 2012). They are now included in a recently SDMs and priority areas (PA) selection method, created protected area – the Terceira Island our goal is to contribute to an optimal island PA Natural Park (INP). Terceira INP (Fig. 1) is


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formed by 20 components including three nature which applies a new juridical regime that reserves, two natural monuments, seven PAs for classifies, manages and administrates the habitat/ species management, one protected protected areas of Azores, according to the landscape and seven PAs for resource International Union for Conservation of Nature management. The INP is regulated by Regional (IUCN) management categories system. Legislative Decree no. 11/2011/A of 20th April,

Fig. 1. Terceira Island with respective land-use distribution, including the island protected areas network – Terceira Island Natural Park.

SPECIES DATA Lolium spp. and Trifolium spp.. In each land-use, Distribution data from insect pollinator species 10 sites were sampled making a total of 50 were collected from June to September 2013 and transects located across the entire island. Within from July to October 2014 in five distinct land each land-use, sites were selected to maximize uses covering a large percentage of the total environmental diversity following the method island area, from the least to the most disturbed: developed by Jiménez- Valverde and Lobo (2004) natural forests mainly characterized by Juniperus- and Aranda et al. (2011) (for more details see Ilex montane forests and Juniperus woodlands; Picanço et al. 2017). In each site, a 10 meter naturalized vegetation areas formed by exotic and linear transect with 1 meter width was established native species; exotic forests with Criptomeria (Pollard & Yates 1993) and transect surveys were japonica and Eucalyptus sp.; semi-natural carried out for 180 minutes once per year and pastures with Lotus sp., Holcus sp. and Rumex repeated in the following year in a randomized sp.; and intensively managed pastures with order. Each flower along every 10 m transect was


Area priorization for insect pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island

surveyed for 4 minutes to guarantee effective ( contact of the insect; therefore, only insects MaxEnt has been identified as one of the most probing for nectar or eating/collecting pollen accurate methods for species niche modeling (foraging) were recorded. Each record includes since it combines ease of use with proven information on location precision usually UTM predictive ability (Moilanen et al. 2009). The point (Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate method combines data of species incidence system) data. The specimens collected were (presence-only data) with environmental grid data identified to species-level but when species-level to estimate the probability of distribution of a identification could not be resolved, individuals species, subjected to the set of constraints were identified to the lowest taxonomic unit provided by environmental characteristics of grid possible and classified as morphospecies. All cells where the species has been recorded species were classified as indigenous or exotic (Phillips et al. 2004, 2006; Elith et al. 2006). The species. Indigenous species may be endemic (i.e. environmental variables selected for the SDM found only in the Azores) or native non- endemic procedure were the following: annual averages (i.e. species that colonized the Azores by natural for maximum annual temperature (tmax), long-distance dispersal mechanisms). Exotic minimum annual temperature (tmin), annual species are those whose original distribution range of temperature (trange), minimum annual range did not include the Azores and are believed humidity (rhmin), maximum annual humidity to have arrived as a consequence of human (rhmax), annual range of humidity (rhrange), activities; these species often have a cosmopolitan maximum annual precipipation (ppmax), distribution (see Borges et al. 2010). A total of 54 minimum annual precipitation (ppmin), and species/morphospecies belonging to Coleoptera, annual range of precipitation (pprange). These Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Syrphidae and other variables were obtained from the CIELO model Diptera were collected (Picanço et al. 2017). for the Azores (Azevedo 1999), which models Hoverflies (Syrphidae) were studied separately, local scale climate variables. The geographical due to the great importance of these dipteran variables selected altimetry and land-use were insects for pollination (Jauker & Wolthers 2008; based on maps provided by Cardoso et al. (2009; Rader et al. 2015) and relatively high number of 2013) and the Azorean Government agencies species observed. In the present study, we (DROTRH 2008), respectively. For all models, selected only species identified to species-level, MaxEnt algorithm was used with default settings totaling around 461 records of 45 species to randomly select 20% points of occurrence (Appendix I). The 45 species comprise three records for testing, with the remaining 80% for beetle species (Coleoptera), 10 bees and wasps training (Philips et al. 2006). The models were (Hymenoptera), five butterflies and moths tested with receiver operating characteristics (Lepidoptera), 12 hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) (ROC), which plot the true-positive rate against and 15 other (Diptera). These species the false-positive rate and with the average area include: (i) Azorean endemics occurring on under the curve (AUC) of the ROC plot as a Terceira Island (four species); (ii) native but non- measure of the overall fit for each model. In this endemic species (34 species); and (iii) exotic context, the AUC could also serve as an index of species (seven species), according to Borges et al. habitat suitability ranging between 0 (highly (2010). unsuitable) and 1 (highly suitable) and it displays the probability that a randomly chosen presence SPECIES DISTRIBUTION MODELING site will be ranked above a randomly chosen For the following analysis, we used only absence site (Phillips et al. 2006). Models with incidence data (i.e. presence/absence data). We AUC values above 0.7 were considered modeled the potential distribution of the 45 insect potentially useful (Pearce & Ferrier 2000; Elith species (Appendix I) using Maximum Entropy 2002; Carvalho et al. 2010). modeling implemented in the software MaxEnt version 3.3.3


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CONTRIBUTION OF EACH LAND-USE AND INP TO “edge removal” was selected to generate spatial AREA PRIORITIZATION aggregation into the solution. The warp factor The software for spatial conservation prioritization, (i.e., the number of cells removed at each ZONATION v4.0 (Moilanen et al. 2014), which is iteration) and the boundary length penalty based on a more recent and sophisticated heuristic strength were defined as 1 and 0.01, respectively algorithm (Moilanen 2007; Moilanen et al. 2005), (Moilanen et al. 2014). All species were weighted was used to identify priority areas for insect equally. With this analysis, we calculated: (1) the pollinator communities conservation. The ranking of priority areas, (2) percentages of land- Zonation algorithm produces a hierarchical use area covered by each different taxonomic prioritization of the landscape, by ranking cells on group and total set of insects, both inside and a scale from 0 to 1, starting from the selection of outside INP, (3) the percentage of INP area the whole planning region, and iteratively covered by each different taxonomic group and removing the area that causes the smallest total set of insects and (4) and average of species marginal loss of conservation value, leaving the presence probability in each land-use for each highest ranked with the highest conservation different taxonomic group and total set of insects. value (Moilanen, Wilson & Possingham 2009). For this latter result, we applied Kruskal-Wallis Because Zonation does not aim to achieve following by post-hoc Dunn tests to test for specific representation targets, this process is significant differences between land uses. repeated for every area, thus producing a hierarchy of conservation priorities for the entire landscape. The critical part of the algorithm is the RESULTS definition of marginal loss (called the cell- removal rule), which also allows species SPECIES DISTRIBUTION MODELS weighting and species-specific connectivity SDMs were performed for 45 species represented considerations to be applied. The probability of a by 461 records (Appendix I). The most important species’ presence in each cell is obtained from the variables that contribute to over 30% of the MaxEnt models and total representation for each selected insect pollinators were land-use, annual species is the sum of all the probabilities. ppmin, annual rhrange and annual trange. AUC Different cell-removal rules can be applied to values for test data varied between 0.517 (the emphasize different objectives. To perform the hoverfly Eristalis arbustorum) and 0.945 (the analysis, the Core-area Zonation function was moth Tebenna micalis) (Table 1). Only three applied as a removal rule for the retention of species – Ancistrocerus parietum, Colias croceus high-quality core areas (Moilanen 2007) of and Eristalis arbustorum, from Hymenoptera, different land-use (natural forest, naturalized Lepidoptera and Syrphidae taxonomic groups, vegetation areas, exotic forest, semi-natural respectively, had AUC values lower than 0.7 pasture, intensive pasture) and INP, for all species (Table 1). These species were not used in further and for each one of the five taxonomic groups: analyses since SDMs presented both lower AUC Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, values and a small number of records. Syrphidae and other Diptera species. The option


Area priorization for insect pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island

Table 1. Species included in the SDMs analyses for modeling, AUC values of training and test data.

Test data AUC Training data AUC Coleoptera Anaspis proteus 0.822 0.906 Meligethes aeneus 0.764 0.818 Stilbus testaceus 0.705 0.936 Hymenoptera Ancistrocerus parietum 0.631 0.679 Apis mellifera 0.733 0.843 Bombus ruderatus 0.774 0.833 Chrysis ignita ignite 0.755 0.929 Lasioglossum morio 0.808 0.848 Lasioglossum smeathemanellum 0.784 0.976 Lasioglossum villosulum 0.752 0.826 Lasius grandis 0.839 0.856 Megachile centuncularis 0.754 0.929 Vespula germanica 0.824 0.834 Lepidoptera Agrius convolvuli 0.786 0.845 Colias croceus 0.529 0.599 Hipparchia azorina azorina 0.921 0.983 Pieris brassicae azorensis 0.789 0.779 Tebenna micalis 0.945 0.963 Syrphidae, Diptera Episyrphus balteatus 0.839 0.846 Eristalis arbustorum 0.517 0.579 Eristalis tenax 0.709 0.732 Eupeodes corolla 0.796 0.840 Meliscaeva auricollis 0.773 0.849 Myathropa florea 0.717 0.755 Sphaerophoria nigra 0.837 0.894 Sphaerophoria scripta 0.819 0.824 Syritta pipiens 0.753 0.793 Xanthandrus azorensis 0.850 0.887 Xanthandrus comtus 0.910 0.947 Xylota segnis 0.850 0.897


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Other Diptera Adia cinerella 0.868 0.898 Calliphora vicina 0.746 0.860 Fucellia tergina 0.925 0.993 Lucilia sericata 0.847 0.849 Megaselia rufipes 0.778 0.823 Paregle audacula 0.703 0.717 Rhinia apicalis 0.840 0.846 Scathophaga litorea 0.761 0.888 0.711 0.801 biflexuosa 0.795 0.875 Sepsis lateralis 0.870 0.894 Sepsis neocynipsea 0.763 0.813 Sepsis thoracica 0.824 0.881 Stomorhina lunata 0.828 0.832

CONTRIBUTION OF EACH LAND-USE AND INP TO areas covered. Within the low percentage of high AREA PRIORITIZATION ranked areas, intensive pastures, and agriculture Natural forests, naturalized vegetation areas, and orchards areas had 27 and 32, respectively exotic forests and semi-natural pastures currently (Fig. 3; Appendix II). This latter result is opposed cover more than 50% of the cells corresponding to the relatively high probability mean incidence to Terceira Island, with highest rank (last quartile: values for natural forest, naturalized vegetation 0,75-1), for the beetles (Coleoptera), hoverflies and orchards and agriculture areas (Fig. 5 Other (Syrphidae) and total set of species (Fig. 2 (a), Diptera). (b), (e); Appendix II). These results are confirmed The results of the Kruskal–Wallis test are by the high probability mean incidence values significant (H = 38290, d.f.= 7, P < 0.001) and all and relatively high percentage of land-use area pairwise differences between land uses are also covered by these three groups of insects (Fig. 3; significant (post-hoc Dunn tests P < 0.05) for all Fig. 5 All insects, Coleoptera, Syrphidae). species groupings. The mean ranks of probability Hymenoptera (Fig. 2 (c)) and Lepidoptera (Fig. of incidence per insect species groups 2 (d)) species had above 40% of highly ranked (Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, areas (in the last quartile) covered by land use Syrphidae and other Diptera) and per all insects areas (Appendix II). With no corresponding high group are significantly different among the land percentage area in naturalized vegetation areas, uses. Terceira INP’s current area covers about exotic forest and semi-natural pastures (Fig.3), 39% of the cells, with the highest rank (in the last and low values of probability mean incidence in quartile: 0.75–1) for the total set of pollinating natural forest and naturalized vegetation areas for insects, beetles (Coleoptera) and hoverflies Hymenoptera in comparison to Lepidoptera (Fig. (Diptera, Syrphidae) (Fig. 2 (a), (b), (e); 5 Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera). Appendix II). Lepidoptera was the taxonomic Other Diptera species were the group with the group with the largest number of highly ranked lowest percentage of highly ranked areas (lower areas (about 69.2% in the last quartile; Fig. 2 (d); than 32.2% in the last quartile) covered by each Appendix II) and high percentage (84%) covered different land-use (Fig. 2 (f); Appendix II), and by current overall INP area (Fig. 4). corresponding low percentage of overall land-use


Area priorization for insect pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island

Figure 2. Ranking of priority areas for insect pollinators using zonation software: (A) all species, (B) Coleoptera, (C) Hymenoptera, (D) Lepidoptera, (E) Syrphidae, and (F) other Diptera.


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Fig. 3. Percentage of land-use area - natural forest (Natfor), naturalized vegetation areas (Natveg), exotic forest (Exofor), semi-natural pasture (Semipast), intensively managed pasture (Intpast), agriculture/orchard areas (Orchards) and urban/industrial areas (Urban) - covered by each taxonomic group and all insect pollinators.

Fig. 4. Percentage of area inside and outside Terceira Island Natural Park (INP) covered by each taxonomic group and all insect pollinators.


Area priorization for insect pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island

Fig. 5. Probability or predictive mean of species’ occurrence (values range: 0, absent - 1, very high probability) from Zonation software and standard deviation of each taxonomic group and all insect pollinators: (a) all species, (b) Coleoptera, (c) Hymenoptera, (d) Lepidoptera, (e) Syrphidae, and (f) other Diptera, in different land uses: natural forest (Natfor), naturalized vegetation areas (Natveg), exot- ic forest (Exofor), semi-natural pasture (Semipast), intensively managed pasture (Intpast), agricul- ture/orchard areas (Orchards) and urban/industrial areas (Urban)

DISCUSSION since obtaining reliable and fine-scale distribution data for species is costly (Cardoso et This study first combined standardized data al. 2011). Our SDM analyses implemented with covering a large fraction of the area of an oceanic the MaxEnt program provided robust predictions island and species distribution modeling to of occurrences for nearly all selected species with overcome the Wallacean shortfall (i.e. distribution an AUC value above 0.7. Second species of described species is mostly unknown) and persistence (Araújo & Williams 2000, Cabeza & fulfil one of the two most important conservation Moilanen 2001, Cowling et al. 1999, Pressey et planning objectives, which is species al. 2007) was estimated by using the information representation in protected areas i.e. the obtained from SDMs in the Zonation software as proportion of known species in a region that a decision support tool (Lehtomaki & Moilanen occur in protected areas. In this context, SDM 2013). Note that in our study, we did not integrate approaches have proved to be particularity useful any socio-economic scenarios, due to the lack of


Picanço et al. information. The central zone of the island, where PAs identi- Our results show similar patterns for beetles, fied by Zonation are located, generally corre- hoverflies and total insect species groups for the sponded to natural forest areas, and overlapped different land uses (natural forest, naturalized most PAs classified in INP (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). vegetation, exotic forest and semi-natural pasture) The high ranked areas identified outside INP, and INP area covered (Fig. 2 (a), (b), (e); Fig. 3; located in the north and south of the island are Fig. 4), and values of mean probability of occur- naturalized vegetation areas, exotic forest and rence (Fig. 5). The beetles and hoverflies seem to semi-natural pastures that are partially included in act as key groups in area prioritization patterns, INP and extend to the urban areas in the island which were obtained by the Core-area Zonation coastal zones. These areas include Monte Brasil peninsula which corresponds to a naturalized function and subsequently reflected in total set of vegetation area intertwined with exotic forest (see insects group. Interestingly, for beetles the proba- Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) that was also identified by Fat- bility mean of occurrence decreases with land-use torini et al. (2012) as an important area. Although intensification (Fig. 5b), which is in accordance this high representation of pollinating insect spe- with previous results for other taxa on Azores cies may be difficult to implement, these areas (Cardoso et al. 2009). On the contrary, for Hyme- can potentially harbor numerous species, increas- noptera and Lepidoptera species, the high ranked ing the value of those areas for conservation and areas with high percentage were identified in as a target for the restoration of the Azorean na- overall land uses, for some of which it is difficult tive forest (Kaiser-Bunbury et al. 2017). Even to apply conservation efforts, like intensive pas- without legal protection, these areas can have a ture, agricultural and urban areas (Fig. 2 (c), (d)). positive impact to the PA (Wilson et al. 2010). The high widespread distribution of bees, butter- With this purpose, projects are under way, man- flies and moths relative to other insect pollinators aged by Direcção Regional dos Recursos Flores- can be due to a larger range of food resources, tais (DRRF) in some exotic forest areas, where habitat availability, beekeeping activity, and also Criptomeria sp. and Eucalyptus sp. plantations large foraging area (Valido & Olesen 2010) or to are being replaced by endemic/native plant spe- moderate human land–use intensification, where cies Juniperus brevifolia, Ilex azorica, Prunnus pollinator responses can be variable and some- azorica, Laurus azorica, Viburnum treleasei times positive (Winfree 2013). (Engineer C. Meneses, pers. comm., June 6, For a high representation of species or high 2016). This active measure is advantageous to ranking areas, all native fragments of natural promote conservation of native species, and pos- forests are included in the PA optimal solutions sibly retain and/or decrease invasive species de- velopment, which endangers the INP PA purpose. for all groups, except other Diptera. Borges et al. Therefore, we cannot consider only PAs, but also (2005b) and Gaspar et al. (2011) found similar the areas that might contribute to vast conserva- results, where all fragments are included in the tion goals, for example, application of environ- optimal solutions for 80% of abundance target mental-friendly techniques into agricultural and representation of species. orchard areas for pollinator species conservation. For other Diptera species, the high ranked areas The implementation of priority areas (PAs) are had a relatively low percentage (above 32%), usually constrained to the existing reserve sys- which reflects the low importance for conserva- tems (Pressey 2004), because the addition of tion of the overall land-use areas for this group other land-uses is too financially constrained to (Fig. 2 (f)), probably due to its high adaptability take them into consideration for conservation and dispersal ability. Nevertheless, other Diptera had its highest representativeness in naturalized (Ferrier et al. 2000). However, additionally to the vegetation areas (Fig. 3). Hence, the group had a well-preserved and protected native forest of low percentage of area covered in native forests Terceira, other habitats, such as naturalized vege- and inside INP (Fig. 4). This can be the case tation areas, exotic forests, and semi-natural pas- reported by Gaspar et al. (2011) for some arthro- tures, could serve as a continuum for the protect- pod species with high dispersal ability, but with ed areas, with the possibility of creating some minimum solution sets of PA, possibly due to corridors between native forest areas. Therefore, unsuccessful establishment of possible popula- our results suggest that protecting marginal non- tions in these forests. natural areas may also be important, especially in


Area priorization for insect pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island reserve systems when areas with well-preserved 151–190. natural habitats are scarce. Araújo, M.B. & P.H. Williams 2000. Selecting areas In conclusion our study shows that (i) similar for species persistence using occurrence data. patterns of core-area zones are defined by Biological Conservation 96: 331-345. Azevedo, E.B., L.S. Pereira & B. Itier 1999. Modelling Zonation for beetles (Coleoptera) and Syrphidae the local climate in islands environments: water (Diptera), and that patterns for these two insect balance applications. Agricultural Water pollinator groups are again projected in the total Management 40: 393e403. set of insect species, which can imply that these Azevedo, E.B., M.C. Rodrigues & J.F. Fernandes 2004. can act as key groups for selection of areas for O clima dos Açores. Pp. 25 - 48 in: V.H. Forjaz, J. prioritization; and (ii) highly ranked areas for M. Tavares, E. M. V. B. Azevedo & J.C. Nunes prioritization adjacent to already official priority (Eds). Atlas Básico dos Açores. Observatório areas are identified in naturalized vegetation Vulcanológico e Geotérmico dos Açores. Ponta areas, exotic forests and semi-natural pastures, Delgada. 112 pp. BEST – Environment Directorate General of the making these potential areas ideal to create a European Commission ('DG Environment') 2016. buffer zone or corridors to maintain and preserve Voluntary scheme for biodiversity and ecosystem pollinating insect species. These outcomes services in European outermost regions and indicate that the conservation of insect pollinating overseas countries and territories [Internet]. species will imply the combination of the Available from: management of existing PAs and the additional sustainable use of the surrounding matrix, taking /best/index_en.htm (visited Nov 2 2016). into account pollinators ecological interactions Bonn, A. & K.J. Gaston 2005. Capturing biodiversity: established in the different Azorean land uses. selecting priority areas for conservation using different criteria. Biodiversity & Conservation 14: Based on our study and other similar research 1083-1100. performed in the Azores (e.g. Borges et al. 2000, Borges, P.A.V. 2005a. Introduction. Pp. 11 – 20 in 2005b, Gaspar et al. 2011; Fattorini et al. 2012; P.A.V. Borges, R. Cunha, R. Gabriel, A.M.F. Cardoso et al. 2013), we call for the Martins, L. Silva & V. Vieira (Eds). A list of the implementation of a more integrative approach in terrestrial fauna (Mollusca and Protected Areas in future conservation planning on Terceira Island. the Azores Arthropoda) and flora (Bryophyta, Finally, we also believe that the approach Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta) from the Azores. introduced in the present study can be easily Direcção Regional de Ambiente & Universidade applied to other islands in the archipelago and any dos Açores, Horta, Angra do Heroísmo & Ponta Delgada, Portugal. 318 pp. similar island systems, to improve conservation Borges, P.A.V., C. Aguiar, J. Amaral, I.R. Amorim, G. planning (such as habitat restoration) and to André, A. Arraiol, A. Baz, et al. 2005b. Ranking design specific buffer zones around protected area protected areas in the Azores using standardized networks. sampling of soil epigean arthropods. Biodiversity & Conservation 14: 2029–2060. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Borges, P.A.V., A. Costa, R. Cunha, R. Gabriel, V. Gonçalves, A.F. Martins, I. Melo, M. Parente, P. Raposeiro, P. Rodrigues, R.S. Santos, L. Silva, P. AP was supported by a Ph.D. grant from Direcção Vieira & V. Vieira 2010. A List of the Terrestrial Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia dos Açores and Marine Biota from the Azores. Princípia, (M3.1.2/F/031/2011). FR was supported by the Oeiras, Portugal, 432 pp. Post-Doc Grant FCT - PTDC/BIA- Borges, P.A.V., M. Reut, N.B. Ponte, J.A. Quartau, M. BIC/119255/2010. Fletcher, A.B. Sousa, M. Pollet, A.O. Soares, J. Marcelino, C. Rego & P. Cardoso 2013. New records of exotic spiders and insects to the Azores, and new data on recently introduced species. REFERENCES Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 30: 57-70. Borges, P.A.V., A.R.M. Serrano & J.A. Quartau 2000. Alcover, J.A., H. Pieper, F. Pereira & J.C. Rando 2015. Ranking the Azorean Natural Forest Reserves for Five new extinct species of rails (Aves: conservation using their endemic arthropods. Gruiformes: Rallidae) from the Macaronesian Journal of Insect Conservation 4: 129–147. Islands (North Atlantic Ocean). Zootaxa 4057: Borges, P.A., K.I. Ugland, F. Dinis & C. Gaspar 2008. 97

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Area priorization for insect pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island

APPENDICES Appendix I. Geographical coordinates of insect species records on Terceira Island with respective taxonomic information and colonization status. Order Family Species Status Longitude, Latitude Coleoptera Nitidulidae Meligethes aeneus exotic 492915, 4284493; 475715, 4289193; 474515, 4291693; 472615, 4289593; 474615, 4288393; 475015, 4289093; 490615, 4282693 Phalacridae Stilbus testaceus native 492915, 4284493; 470315, 4287093; 471515, 4288993; 474615, 4288393 Scraptiidae Anaspis proteus native 478815, 4280793; 480915, 4284393; 472615, 4289593; 482015, 4289793; 471515, 4288993; 473915, 4287893; 481715, 4291093; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393; 475415, 4287693; 485415, 4286193; 494115, 4288395; 475015, 4289093; 470115, 4288693 Diptera Anthomyiidae Adia cinerella native 469715, 4290793; 470315, 4285993 Fucellia tergina native 478815, 4280793; 475415, 4293193

Paregle audacula native 477115, 4283293; 470315, 4287093; 490215, 4280293; 474515, 4291693; 486215, 4289493; 485815, 4282693; 472615, 4289593; 482015, 4289793; 479015, 4285993; 485415, 4286193; 483015, 4283593

Calliphoridae Calliphora vicina exotic 483915, 4290293; 478815, 4280793; 478915, 4290093; 471515, 4288993; 481715, 4291093; 494115, 4288395; 483415, 4293493; 470915, 4289693; 487415, 4277793; 470315, 4285993 Lucilia sericata exotic 492915, 4284493; 477115, 4283293; 475415, 4293193; 483415, 4293493; 476415, 4289493

Rhinia apicalis native 485815, 4282693; 472215, 4287993; 469715, 4290793; 482815, 4285893; 483415, 4293493; 487415, 4277793; 490615, 4282693; 470115, 4288693; 479115, 4285493; 476415, 4289493 Stomorhina lunata native 475715, 4289193; 478815, 4280793; 478915, 4290093; 485515, 4289493; 490215, 4280293; 474515, 4291693; 475415, 4293193; 485815, 4282693; 482015, 4289793; 471515, 4288993; 481715, 4291093; 474615, 4288393; 475415, 4287693; 469715, 4290793; 479015, 4285993; 48541, 4286193; 483415, 4293493; 470915, 4289693; 487415, 4277793; 470115, 4288693; 473015, 4284293; 470315, 4285993; 479115, 4285493 Phoridae Megaselia rufipes exotic 487415, 4291893; 485815, 4282693; 482015, 4289793; 470115, 4288693; 470315, 4285993; 483015, 4283593

Scathophagidae Scathophaga litorea native 484315, 4288993; 480915, 4284393; 472615, 4289593; 472215, 4287993; 474615, 4288393; 479015, 4285993; 494115, 4288395; 470315, 4285993; 479115, 4285493 Scathophaga native 478915, 4290093; 477115, 4283293; 470315, 4287093; 485515, 4289493; 475415, 4281293; 488115, 4287193; stercoraria 487415, 4291893; 490215, 4280293; 475415, 4293193; 486215, 4289493; 480915, 4284393; 472215, 4287993; 481715, 4291093; 474615, 4288393; 487415, 4277793; 475015, 4289093; 489915, 4285393; 473015, 4284293; 476415, 4289493; 483015, 4283593 Sepsis biflexuosa native 478815, 4280793; 484315, 4288993; 485515, 4289493; 472615, 4289593; 479015, 4285993 Sepsis lateralis native 478815, 4280793; 472615, 4289593; 472215, 4287993; 479015, 4285993; 494115, 4288395


Picanço et al. Sepsis neocynipsea native 492915, 4284493; 475715, 4289193; 472415, 4292593; 478915, 4290093; 470315, 4287093; 485515, 4289493; 487415, 4291893; 490215, 4280293; 474515, 4291693; 492115, 4286893; 475415; 4293193; 485815, 4282693; 480915, 4284393; 472615, 4289593; 472215, 4287993; 482015, 4289793; 471515, 4288993; 473915, 4287893; 481715, 4291093; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393; 475415, 4287693; 469715, 4290793; 479015, 4285993; 482815, 4285893; 485415, 4286193; 494115, 4288395; 470915, 4289693; 475015, 4289093; 481815, 4285993; 490615, 4282693; 489915, 4285393; 470115, 4288693; 473015, 4284293; 470315, 4285993; 479115, 4285493; 476415, 4289493 Sepsis thoracica native 490215, 4280293; 492115, 4286893; 472215, 4287993; 475415, 4287693

Syrphidea Episyrphus native 492915, 4284493; 475715, 4289193; 478815, 4280793; 484315, 4288993; 478915, 4290093; 477115, 4283293; balteatus 470315, 4287093; 485515, 4289493; 487415, 4291893; 490215, 4280293; 475415, 4293193; 472615, 4289593; 472215, 4287993; 482015, 4289793; 471515, 4288993; 473915, 4287893; 481715, 4291093; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393; 475415, 4287693; 469715, 4290793; 479015, 4285993; 482815, 4285893; 494115, 4288395; 470915, 4289693; 481215, 4287293; 475015, 4289093; 470115, 4288693; 473015, 4284293; 479115, 4285493 Eristalis arbustorum native 492915, 4284493; 486215, 4289493; 474615, 4288393; 494115, 4288395; 476415, 4289493

Eristalis tenax native 492915, 4284493; 483915, 4290293; 490215, 4280293; 475415, 4293193; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393; 475415, 4287693; 494115, 4288395; 473015, 4284293 Eupeodes corollae native 492915, 4284493; 483915, 4290293; 475715, 4289193; 472415, 4292593; 475415, 4281293; 473515, 4283393; 475415, 4293193; 486215, 4289493; 485815, 4282693; 480915, 4284393; 472215, 4287993; 482015, 4289793; 471515, 4288993; 481715, 4291093; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393; 475415, 4287693; 482815, 4285893; 494115, 4288395; 483415, 4293493; 470915, 4289693; 481215, 4287293; 487415, 4277793; 475015, 4289093; 481815, 4285993; 490615, 4282693; 470315, 4285993 Meliscaeva native 492115, 4286893; 475415, 4293193; 472215, 4287993; 475415, 4287693; 469715, 4290793 auricollis Myathropa florea native 492915, 4284493; 475415, 4293193; 480915, 4284393; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393; 469715, 4290793; 487415, 4277793; 470115, 4288693 Sphaerophoria nigra endemic 485515, 4289493; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393; 481215, 4287293

Sphaerophoria native 478815, 4280793; 484315, 4288993; 477115, 4283293; 487415, 4291893; 490215, 4280293; 475415, 4293193; scripta 469715, 4290793; 481215, 4287293 Syritta pipiens native 492915, 4284493; 483915, 4290293; 472415, 4292593; 478915, 4290093; 470315, 4287093; 485515, 4289493; 490215, 4280293; 474515, 4291693; 492115, 4286893; 475415, 4293193; 480915, 4284393; 472615, 4289593; 482815, 4285893; 494115, 4288395; 490615, 4282693; 470315, 4285993; 476415, 4289493 Xanthandrus endemic 492915, 4284493; 472415, 4292593; 475415, 4293193; 472615, 4289593; 472215, 4287993; 471515, 4288993; azorensis 473915, 4287893; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393 Xanthandrus comtus native 472415, 4292593; 472215, 4287993; 473915, 4287893; 482015, 4287593

Xylota segnis native 473515, 4283393; 469715, 4290793; 490615, 4282693; 479115, 4285493

Tephritidae Euaresta bullans exotic 478815, 4280793; 477115, 4283293; 485515, 4289493; 490215, 4280293; 472615, 4289593; 472215, 4287993; 471515, 4288993; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393; 481215, 4287293


Area priorization for insect pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island

Hymenoptera Apidae Apis mellifera exotic 483915, 4290293; 484315, 4288993; 478915, 4290093; 485515, 4289493; 475415, 4281293; 488115, 4287193; 487415, 4291893; 474515, 4291693; 492115, 4286893; 473515, 4283393; 475415, 4293193; 486215, 4289493; 485815, 4282693; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393; 469715, 4290793; 485415, 4286193; 494115, 4288395; 480415, 4277293; 487415, 4277793; 489915, 4285393; 473015, 4284293; 476415, 4289493 Bombus ruderatus native 492915, 4284493; 483915, 4290293; 475715, 4289193; 472415, 4292593; 478815, 4280793; 484315, 4288993; 478915, 4290093; 477115, 4283293; 470315, 4287093; 485515, 4289493; 475415, 4281293; 474515, 4291693; 492115, 4286893; 473515, 4283393; 475415, 4293193; 486215, 4289493; 485815, 4282693; 480915, 4284393; 472215, 4287993; 471515, 4288993; 481715, 4291093; 482015, 4287593; 474615, 4288393; 469715, 4290793; 485415; 4286193; 494115, 4288395; 481215, 4287293; 487415, 4277793; 481815, 4285993; 489915, 4285393; 473015, 4284293; 470315, 4285993; 476415, 4289493 Lasioglossum morio native 472415, 4292593; 478815, 4280793; 484315, 4288993; 477115, 4283293; 490215, 4280293; 474515, 4291693; 475415, 4293193; 482015, 4289793; 481715, 4291093; 469715, 4290793; 479015, 4285993; 485415, 4286193; 470915, 4289693; 480415, 4277293; 481815, 4285993; 470115, 4288693; 473015, 4284293; 470315, 4285993; 479115, 4285493; 476415, 4289493 Lasioglossum native 474515, 4291693; 473515, 4283393; 485815, 4282693 smeathmanellum Lasioglossum native 492915, 4284493; 478815, 4280793; 477115, 4283293; 470315, 4287093; 485515, 4289493; 490215, 4280293; villosulum 474515, 4291693; 473515, 4283393; 475415, 4293193; 486215, 4289493; 485815, 4282693; 480915, 4284393; 472615, 4289593; 472215, 4287993; 482015, 4289793; 471515, 4288993; 482015, 4287593; 469715, 4290793; 485415, 4286193; 470915, 4289693; 480415, 4277293; 470115, 4288693; 473015, 4284293; 470315, 4285993; 476415, 4289493 Megachile native 472415, 4292593 centuncularis Chrysididae Chrysis ignita ignita native 478815, 4280793 Formicidae Lasius grandis native 478815, 4280793; 478915, 4290093; 485515, 4289493; 475415, 4281293; 490215, 4280293; 474515, 4291693; 475415, 4293193; 485815, 4282693; 474615, 4288393; 475415, 4287693; 479015, 4285993; 482815, 4285893; 483415, 4293493; 480415, 4277293; 481815, 4285993; 490615, 4282693; 476415, 4289493 Vespidae Ancistrocerus native 492915, 4284493; 472415, 4292593; 470315, 4287093; 475415, 4293193; 486215, 4289493; 490615, 4282693 parietum Vespula germanica native 492915, 4284493; 483915, 4290293; 472415, 4292593; 470315, 4287093; 487415, 4291893; 486215, 4289493; 474615, 4288393 Lepidoptera Choreutidae Tebenna micalis exotic 492915, 4284493; 485415, 4286193 Nymphalidae Hipparchia azorina endemic 472615, 4289593; 472215, 4287993; 473915, 4287893; 482015, 4287593 azorina Pieridae Colias croceus native 492915, 4284493; 484315, 4288993; 475415, 4281293; 490215, 4280293; 492115, 4286893; 486215, 4289493; 471515, 4288993; 487415, 4277793; 481815, 4285993; 476415, 4289493 Pieris brassicae endemic 492915, 4284493; 472415, 4292593; 484315, 4288993; 475415, 4281293; 492115, 4286893; 486215, 4289493; azorensis 485415, 4286193; 494115, 4288395; 480415, 4277293; 487415, 4277793; 481815, 4285993; 489915, 4285393

Sphingidae Agrius convolvuli native 475415, 4281293


Picanço et al. Appendix II. Priority areas ranked in Zonation for each taxonomic group and total set of species, according to land-use on Terceira Island (natural forest, naturalized vegetation, exotic forest, semi-natural pasture, intensively managed pasture, agriculture and orchard, urban and industrial) and INP areas (ncells: number of cells; INP: Island Natural Park). Natural forest Naturalized vegetation Exotic forest Semi-natural pasture Intensive pasture Agriculture/Orchards Urban/Industrial INP Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Total Group Quartile (ncells) ncells % (ncells) ncells % (ncells) ncells % (ncells) ncells % (ncells) ncells % (ncells) ncells % (ncells) ncells % (ncells) ncells %

0-0.25 5 1 20 70 18 25,7 586 254 43,3 117 21 17,9 419 345 82,3 521 422 81 52 42 80,8 13 8 61,5 0.25-0.50 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0 0.50-0.75 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0 Coleoptera 0.75-1 5 4 80 70 52 74,3 586 332 56,6 117 96 82,1 419 74 17,7 521 99 19 52 10 19,2 13 5 38,5 0-0.25 5 3 60 70 38 54,3 586 276 47 117 62 53 419 207 49,4 521 276 53 52 34 65,4 13 10 76,9 0.25-0.50 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0 0.50-0.75 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0

Hymenoptera 0.75-1 5 2 40 70 32 45,7 586 310 52,9 117 55 47 419 212 50,6 521 245 47 52 18 34,6 13 3 23,1

0-0.25 5 3 60 70 20 28,6 586 251 42,8 117 42 36 419 193 88,1 521 246 47,2 52 26 50 13 4 30,8 0.25-0.50 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0 0.50-0.75 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0 Lepidoptera 0.75-1 5 2 40 70 50 71,4 586 335 57,2 117 75 64 419 226 53,9 521 275 52,8 52 26 50 13 9 69,2

0-0.25 5 1 20 70 18 25,7 586 254 43,3 117 21 17,9 419 345 82,3 521 422 81 52 42 80,8 13 8 61,5

0.25-0.50 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0

0.50-0.75 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0 Syrphid 0.75-1 5 4 80 70 52 74,3 586 332 56,6 117 96 82,1 419 74 17,7 521 99 19 52 10 19,2 13 5 38,5 0-0.25 5 4 80 70 4 5,7 586 50 8,5 117 9 7,7 419 51 23,3 521 73 14 52 12 23,1 13 3 23,1 0.25-0.50 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0 0.50-0.75 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0

Other diptera Other 0.75-1 5 1 20 70 7 10 586 64 10,9 117 2 1,7 419 112 26,7 521 168 32,2 52 0 0 13 2 15,4 0-0.25 5 1 20 70 18 25,7 586 254 43,3 117 21 17,9 419 345 82,3 521 422 81 52 42 80,8 13 8 61,5 0.25-0.50 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0 0.50-0.75 5 0 0 70 0 0 586 0 0 117 0 0 419 0 0 521 0 0 52 0 0 13 0 0

Total insects Total 0.75-1 5 4 80 70 52 74,3 586 332 56,6 117 96 82,1 419 74 17,7 521 99 19 52 10 19,2 13 5 38,5


Area priorization for insect pollinator communities on an Oceanic Island