Batman University Journal of Life Sciences Batman Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi Volume 10, Issue 2 (2020) Cilt 10, Sayı 2 (2020) Accede or not Accede?: The United States and the Question of Joining the Baghdad-Pact Mehmet RAKİPOĞLU1 1Departman of International Relations, Batman, Türkiye,
[email protected] Max WITTMANN2 2Sakarya University, Middle East Institute, Sakarya, Türkiye
[email protected] Geliş Tarihi/Received: Kabul Tarihi/Accepted: Yayın Tarihi/Published: 30.06.2020 21.12.2020 30.12.2020 ABSTRACT To contain Soviet influence in the world the United States had allied with many states to be able to retaliate potential communist attacks. After the founding of NATO to protect Europe and SEATO for South Asia, the Baghdad Pact was established to shield the Middle East. Its members were Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Great Britain, just the US did not accede, despite having initiated the program and being a member of the other organizations. The paper aims to explain this American decision and shows that the United States was caught between several dilemmas and ambiguities. In the end, the negative effects of accession were seen as more serious than the positive ones and the pact was left to its fate. Keywords: Baghdad Pact, Cold War, Suez Crisis, the US in the Middle East 1 Research Assistant Batman University, Department of International Relations, PhD. Candidate Sakarya University Middle East Institute;
[email protected] 2 Master Student, Sakarya University Middle East Institute;
[email protected] 1 Year/Yıl 2020, Volume/Cilt 10, Issue/Sayı 2 Mehmet RAKİPOĞLU, Max WITTMANN Kabul Etmek ya da Etmemek: ABD ve Bağdat Paktı’na Katılım Sorunsalı ÖZ ABD dünyadaki Sovyet nüfuzunu kontrol altına almak ve potansiyel komünist saldırılara misilleme yapabilmek için birçok devletle ittifak kurmuştu.