Advanced 2 Spirit Made Steel

1. Begin in ready position facing 12:00. 2. Chamber hands on right hip, step back into a left-leg-forward back stance facing 9:00, left outer block and right upper block. 3. Grab opponent's head with left hand, pull into a right inverted while shifting into a left-leg-forward front stance. 4. Left leg foot avoidance, left lunge-punch toward 9:00 into a horse stance facing 12:00. 5. Chamber hands on left hip, shift into a right-leg-forward back stance facing 3:00, right outer block and left upper block. 6. Grab opponent's head with right hand, pull into a left inverted punch while shifting into a right-leg-forward front stance. 7. Right leg foot avoidance, right lunge-punch toward 3:00 into a horse stance facing 12:00. 8. Shift into a right-leg-forward front stance facing 3:00, right outer block toward 6:00. 9. Right hand grabs head, pull back to cat stance facing 6:00. Right leg front , jump over body, land in left-leg-forward back stance facing 12:00, left double knifehand . 10. Step forward into right-leg-forward back stance, right double knifehand strike. 11. Step forward into left-leg-forward back stance, left double knifehand strike. 12. Step forward into right-leg-forward front stance, right spear hand. Kiai! 13. Spin back leg around into left-leg-forward back stance facing 3:00, left double knifehand strike. 14. Step into right-leg-forward back stance facing 4:30, right double knifehand strike. 15. Pull front leg around into right-leg-forward back stance facing 9:00, right double knifehand strike. 16. Step into left-leg-forward back stance facing 7:30, left double knifehand strike. 17. Shift left leg into a left-leg-forward front stance facing 6:00, right outer block. Back leg front kick into a right-leg-forward front stance. Left middle punch. Left outer block. Back leg front kick into a left-leg-forward front stance. Right middle punch. 18. Step forward into a right-leg-forward front stance, right augmented outer block. 19. Spin back leg around into a left-leg-forward front stance facing 9:00, left down block. 20. Step forward into a right-leg-forward front stance facing 10:30, right upper block. 21. Pull front leg around into a right-leg-forward front stance facing 3:00, right down block. 22. Step forward into a left-leg-forward front stance facing 1:30, left high middle punch. Kiai! 23. Return to ready position facing 12:00