§ 38-602. - , roller blades, and restriction, prohibition and exception; and helmet requirement. (a) Except where expressly permitted by signs posted by the , no person shall operate, ride upon, or propel any , , , roller blades, roller skates or skateboard on or over any sidewalk, balcony, walkway, path, plaza, or parking area within the area bounded by the East side of Lincoln Boulevard and the East side of Byers Avenue on the East; the North boundary of the North Canadian River and the South side of S.E. 15th Street on the South; the West side of E. K. Gaylord Boulevard and the West side of Shields Boulevard on the West; and the North side of N.E. 2nd Street to the East side of Walnut Avenue to the North side of N.E. 1st Street to the East side of Lincoln Boulevard on the North, inclusive of the sidewalks on both sides of said streets. (b) Persons may operate, ride upon, or propel any bicycle, tricycle, and velocipede on or over any dedicated public street or alley and on designated bike trails if operated in conformance with the applicable provisions of this Code. (c) No person shall operate, ride upon, or propel any roller blades, roller skates or skateboard on or over any dedicated public street or alley within the area bounded by the East side of Lincoln Boulevard and the East side of Byers Avenue on the East; the North boundary of the North Canadian River and the South side of S.E. 15th Street on the South; the West side of E. K. Gaylord Boulevard and the West side of Shields Boulevard on the West; and the North side of N.E. 2nd Street to the East side of Walnut Avenue to the North side of N.E. 1st Street to the East side of Lincoln Boulevard on the North, inclusive of said streets. (Ord. No. 21276, § 2, 6-29-99; Ord. No. 23099, § 1, 8-29-06)