SPACE PATTERNS AND PAINTINGS (published in the "Engineer" magazine No. 8-9, 2012)

Sagredo. - If the end of the pen, which was on the ship during my entire voyage from Venice to Alexandretta, were able to leave a visible trace of its entire path, then what kind of trace, what mark, what line would it leave?

Simplicio. - I would leave a line stretching from Venice to the final place, not completely straight, or rather, extended in the form of an arc of a circle, but more or less wavy, depending on how much the ship swayed along the way ...

Sagredo. - If, therefore, the artist, upon leaving the harbor, began to draw with this pen on a sheet of paper and continued drawing until Alexandretta, he could get from his movement a whole picture of figures ... at least a trace left ... by the end of the pen would be nothing more than a very long and simple line.

G. Galileo "Dialogue on the two main systems of the world"

Space has been giving astronomers surprise after surprise lately. A number of mysterious space objects were discovered that were not predicted by astrophysics and contradicted it. The more advanced observation methods become, the more such surprises. At one time, I. Shklovsky argued that the discovery of such "cosmic wonders" would confirm the reality of extraterrestrial intelligence, its enormous technical capabilities. But in reality, the "cosmic miracles" showed the backwardness of terrestrial science, which the opium of relativism smiled so much that now it cannot clearly explain ordinary cosmic phenomena caused by natural causes. Relativists see green men, black holes, white dwarfs, red giants and other crazy mystical visions everywhere.

For the first time, science has encountered such mysteries in the case of pulsars - objects that emit frequent radio signals. At first, they were mistaken for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations, designating the pulsars as "LGM" (Little Green Men), because they did not know the mechanisms of generation of powerful pulses of radio emission by , coming with a period of fractions of . Later they were invented, but they turned out to be no better than green men: pulsars were considered supernatural neutron stars with a density trillions of times higher than the density of water, with a huge magnetic field and an insane rotation frequency. But if Galileo's mechanics is correct, and light follows Galileo's principle of relativity, adopted by the Ritz Ballistic Theory (BTR), then the properties of pulsars can be explained without any mysticism [1].

For example, radio emission from pulsars is the light of stars converted by the Ritz effect [2]. A , flying at an accelerated orbit, each moment imparts a different speed to the light, which is why the crests of light waves running in a row gradually

1 diverge, like runners at a distance (stretching intervals, light waves and converting light into radio waves, like radio pulsars), or converging (shortening the lengths of light waves and converting light into X-rays, as in X-ray pulsars). The increase in the speed of the pulsar to the c was also confirmed by the pulsar PSR B1937 + 21, whose radio beams reach the Earth at a speed greater than c. Also, the Ritz effect changes the apparent brightness, frequency and duration of the processes, which is why pulsar flares caused by the rotation of star B near star A with an orbital period P (hours or days) appear from a distance L thousands of times more often (Fig. 1). This is possible when a binary pulsar star flies around a third star C, which gives 2 the system a radial acceleration ar close to the critical a0=-c /L. Then the apparent 2 period of revolution and flares of the pulsar P'=P(1+arL/c ) will be compressed by the Ritz effect by a factor of thousands. This resembles the effect discovered by Roemer: the Galilean satellites, circling around Jupiter with a period of the order of a day, change the apparent period of revolution from their motion around the Sun [3]. But if here the reduces the apparent period P'=P(1+Vr/c) by minutes, then the Ritz effect compresses periods by a factor of thousands, millions of times - from a day to a fraction of a . So, the visible periods of pulsars are not the true periods of their rotation, but imaginary ones, like the periods of the satellites of Jupiter.

Fig. 1. Change in the visible period of circulation and the flares of stars and also blur them along orbits caused by the inequality of the speeds of light.


The visible period of Jupiter's satellites varies smoothly throughout the from a change in the radial velocity Vr of Jupiter. Pulsars also have a smooth change in period. For radio pulsars, the period increases, for X-ray pulsars, it decreases [4], which is apparently also caused by a change in the radial acceleration ar during orbital motion and a corresponding change in the compression ratio of the period according to the Ritz effect [1]. Dwarf Cepheids and RR Lyrae (lyrids) stars have a similar smooth change in blinking periods [5]. Considering that the periods of blinking of these stars are hours and days, it is quite possible that the real periods of their revolution, causing blinking, are much larger and in fact do not change, but seem to be variable according to the Ritz effect. However, variations in the periods of pulsars, Cepheids and lyrids can also be caused by real changes in orbital periods, which is common among binary stars [6].

Changing the speed of light and the apparent period creates other interesting effects. Since the light of a star flying in a circular orbit receives a different speed, then the rays emitted at different times can arrive at us simultaneously. Then a series of images of the star are visible at different points in its orbit. De Sitter and P. Bergman considered in the 1920s that the absence of such bifurcations of the stars proves the fallacy of Ritz's theory. However, V.I. Sekerin showed that the double vision effect could not be noticed before from the weakness of telescopes [3]. A binary image of a star flying in an orbit of diameter D with a speed of V and a period of P will appear if the light sent at a speed of c+V at the moment of the approach of the star catches up on the way L to Earth the light sent by a star at a speed of c–V half a period earlier (fig. 2). That is, if L/(c–V)–L/(c+V)≈2LV/c2>P/2. The stronger this excess, the higher the number of unnecessary images N≈[4LV/c2P]. Since P=πD/V, the doubling condition is 4V2/πc2>D/L. Usually V<200 km/s, and the maximum angle α at which a forked star can be observed will be D/L<4V2/πc2=5.7·10–7 rad=0.1'' - a fraction of an arc second, which is lower the resolution of the old telescopes is ~1''. That is, the double images simply could not be distinguished.

But the technology went ahead: the resolving power of the Hubble orbiting telescope reached 0.1", and for radio telescopes and interferometer telescopes - even 0.001"- 0.0001". As soon as these devices appeared, Ritz's theory began to receive one confirmation after another [7]. First, they discovered unnecessary images of quasars, , then stars. It is easier for galaxies to see redundant images. After all, galaxies are brighter and farther, fly in clusters with high velocities V, up to 1000 km/s, and their light is not re-emitted by interstellar gas, which reduces the effective distance L, where the difference in ray paths accumulates [1].


Fig. 2. The emergence of rings from Woven and multiplied along the orbits of images of stars in the SN 1987A system, on the right - its photographs reflecting the evolution of the ring.

So, the prediction of multiple images by Ritz's theory has been brilliantly confirmed. And attempts to interpret the extra images through gravitational lenses in hindsight have failed, because the number, image structure and measurements of the masses of galaxies contradict the predictions of the theory of relativity. Indeed, according to the theory of relativity, a gravitational lens creates no more than two images, and they are observed by three or four or more. But according to Ritz, the number of unnecessary images N≈[4LV/c2P] is not limited. According to the theory of relativity, the images are mirror-symmetrical about the lens-source axis, but in fact they are located arbitrarily. And in Ritz's theory, images can be anywhere, at any point in the elliptical orbit along which the is flying. According to the theory of relativity, the mass of the lens galaxies is enormous, although the measured masses are small. And according to Ritz, the mass of galaxies is not important, since the images are not formed by the gravitational field. Astrophysicists tried to save the day by introducing ever new hypotheses about the distribution of masses in galaxies, about the invisible dark mass, etc., having managed to explain the quadruple images (Einstein's cross). But when they began to observe five or more images, the case stalled, and all these attempts began to look strained and unconvincing, especially against the background of a simple explanation according to Ritz's theory.


The most striking evidence of Ritz's theory was highlighted by new stars and supernovae. During flares, their images are doubled in telescopes with a resolution of about 1'': either two components of the system are visible, or a double image of one star. La Rosa back in the 1920s. predicted the duality of these stars, which was brilliantly confirmed by the BTR [1, 6]. But why are the double images seen at an angle above the critical 0.1''? The flares are simply caused by the simultaneous arrival of the star's light rays by the Ritz effect, which not only increases the brightness of the star, but also compresses the apparent orbital period P' to almost zero, as in pulsars. Then it is easier for the rays emitted with the speed c+V to catch up with the rays with the speed c–V, since at the distance L they need to win not P seconds, but 2 2 P'=P(1+arL/c )<P'/2, whence the angle at which double images can be seen is already α=D/L=(4V2/πc2)P/P'=0.1''·P/P'. Since the compression ratio of the visible period P/P' reaches thousands, then the extra images can be observed at angles per minute - in ordinary telescopes. However, such an opportunity rarely falls out: when the period is greatly compressed by the Ritz effect, and the brightness of the system grows strongly, giving rise to flares of stars.

Let us explain this graphically. For a star flying in a circular orbit, the line-of- sight velocity Vr is a sinusoid (dashed line in Fig. 2). But the light, acquiring the speed of a star, flies to the Earth at a speed of c–Vr, which is why from points 1, where the star is receding, the light is delayed by LV/c2, and from points 2 - by the same amount ahead of the graph, and the slope of the radial velocity graph is recorded ( solid). For large-diameter orbits D, distinguishable at an angle α=D/L>1''>0.1'', the skew kept the graph unambiguous: one image of the star corresponded to each moment t*. If a pair 2 of stars flies around the third with an acceleration ar≈-c /L (Fig. 1), then from the 2 compression of the period P'=P(1+arL/c )<

2 2 2 The number of extra images N≈[4LV/c P']=[4LV/c (1+arL/c )P] should vary from variations in the radial acceleration ar during the motion of stars in orbit. Such an effect was actually discovered in the supernova remnant SN 1987A: first one star lit up on its central ring, then another, and then more and more. The "ring" turned into a "pearl necklace", the nature of which could not be guessed. And Ritz's theory describes all the details of cosmic gems: a bright ring is an image of a star flying in orbit, stretched and multiplied along an elliptical orbit [7, 8]. It is not for nothing that the main star is visible in the center of the orbital ring. Its outburst in 1987 was caused by the movement of this pair of stars around the third star with an acceleration close to 2 the critical ar≈-c /L. In the course of movement in a wide orbit, the acceleration ar

5 changed slightly, which is why the central star turned pale after the outburst, and the star flying around it in its orbit became brighter as its acceleration ar approached - c2/L, and the number of its extra images N≈[4LV/c2P'] increased from compression 2 P'=P(1+arL/c ).

This is exactly the dynamics of SN 1987A: the ring flares up more and more brighter, more and more bright pearls-stars, strung on a thread of an orbit, appear on it. Such "pearl necklaces" are not uncommon in space: one was named the "Necklace". A double ring of stars was also discovered in the center of the Andromeda Nebula, where a red and blue star, flying around a common center of mass in elliptical orbits, give thousands of (N≈[4LV/c2P']≈1000) identical images dotting orbits and driving round dances around the center [7]. But for astrophysicists who preach Einstein's relativistic teachings, these multi-colored celestial Olympic rings remain the same mystery as the rings and moons of Jupiter and Saturn are for the scholastics who preached Aristotle's geocentric teachings. Large accelerations strongly compress the orbital periods of stars and in the center of our Galaxy, which relativists interpret on the basis of mystical supermassive black holes.

Likewise, rings, crescent arcs visible around other galaxies are images of satellite galaxies, multiplied or stretched along a circular orbit along which a smaller galaxy orbits a larger one (Fig. 1). After all, stars in galaxies move with different radial velocities, imparting different speeds to the light, which lags behind in some stars, and in others arrives ahead of schedule, which makes the image of the galaxy "blurry" along the flight path. This is why images of galaxies blurred along their orbits are in the shape of circles, ellipses and arcs. But even these images want to be interpreted according to the theory of relativity as distortions of light by gravitational lenses, contrary to the observed shape of the images and measurements of the masses of "galaxies-lenses". And the ballistic theory easily explains all visible configurations - rings, arcs, jets, "tails" and ghostly "bridges" between galaxies. All this is the essence of the trajectory along which the images of moving galaxies are blurred (Fig. 3).

The images of some stars are also blurred into rings. After all, the stars revolve around the axis, which is why the runaway edge of the star emits light with a speed c–v, the incoming one - with a speed c+v, and intermediate sections - with intermediate speeds (Fig. 1). As a result, the light of the sections is delayed in different ways, stretching the image of the star along the flight path. If the star is at a distance L and flies in an orbit with a period P, then the star will be washed out along the entire orbit under the condition 2Lv/c2>P [7]. This condition is also rarely met. Therefore, point stars are visible in ordinary telescopes: the arc along which the star is blurred makes up a small part of 2Lv/c2P from the entire orbit. As a result, for stars

6 with wide, well-visible orbits and large periods P, the blurring is negligible, and for small orbits, with a small period P, the erosion ring is complete, but indistinguishable. However, if a pair of stars flies in the gravitational field of the third star, imparting 2 acceleration to them in the direction of the Earth, so that ar≈-c /L, then from the 2 compression of the period P'=P(1+arL/c ) it will be possible to observe the effect of complete blurring 2Lv/c2P'≥1 and for wide orbits visible from afar. So, for SN 1987A, 2 where due to ar≈-c /L the brightness is increased and the visible orbital periods P'≈0 are reduced, one can see images of stars not only multiplied, but also blurred along the orbits. As a result, SN 1987A, in addition to the central ring, can see a pair of large rings, the nature of which is a mystery, since, as astronomers admit, they could not be the result of an outbreak (such as a thrown-off gas shell). And according to Ritz, three rings are the orbits of three stars that form a system: one star has a small orbit, the other two have large orbits of a close radius. Images of three stars are blurred and multiplied along their orbits, hence the three bright rings. But astrophysicists, drunk with relativism, build a drunk model in the form of a cup, glass (Fig. 2).

Fig. 3. Examples of distortion of the appearance of galaxies and stars from blur or multiplying images along flight paths for rectilinear motion combined with circular, orbital.


So, the orbital motion creates bright patterns in the form of rings, ellipses and arcs. If a galaxy, a star flies freely in a straight line, its image will stretch into a segment, like a fireball, a "shooting star". Hence the bright "jets-jets" of galaxies: these are visible rays of light, simultaneously coming from the galaxy, sending them from successive positions with increasing speed (Fig. 3). "Ejections" are clearly visible in the radio range: many galaxies have double radio images on their sides - "ears". These "ears" are also the result of the arrival of light with the speed c–v and c+v - from the receding and approaching parts of the galaxy (its nucleus or corona- halo): the former are lagging behind, the latter are ahead of the optical image of the galaxy, which came with the speed c. As a result, three images are lined up along a straight flight path. Also elongated or compressed along the flight line are images of stars, for example, , Achernar, Betelgeuse, which do not look like a ball, but an airship (Fig. 1). Astrophysicists have not been able to explain such a strong "deformation" of stars, the reason for its rapid variations and the connection between the direction of "deformation" and the direction of flight of a star, say, in β Lyra and α Leo (Regulus). Moreover, in a number of stars, for example, in Mira Ceti, the images observed in the radio and X-ray range are stretched along the flight path into such long bundles (Mira has a length of 13 light ) that they are mistaken for "accretion disks", "ejections" and "comet tails" of stars. And the BTR immediately explains these illusory tails and deformations. The appearance of galaxies is similarly distorted, which makes many of them appear elongated along the polar axis, and their disks are deformed, as in the paintings of Salvador Dali (for example, in the ESO 510-13 galaxy in the form of a cowboy hat).

If straight flight is combined with swinging in orbit, then the trajectories of stars and galaxies will become more complicated. Swinging to one side or the other from the straight path forms, as in Galileo's example, a wavy line. This is how Sirius and its satellite move (Fig. 4). In general, the combination of rectilinear and circular movements forms a spiral, a helical line, which is illustrated by a gymnastic ribbon that twists rings on the fly. In projection onto the plane of the sky, the spiral gives wavy curves - trochoids (points on the wheels of the train move along them [9]). When a star flies in a circular orbit, and the orbital velocity is small compared to the translational V, then the apparent trajectory is almost a sinusoid. If the orbital speed is higher than the translational one, or the orbit is elliptical, then the trajectory will become more complicated, it forms loops, self-intersections. Images of stars and galaxies, blurred and multiplied along these trajectories, form beautiful patterns in the form of spiral, wavy, winding lines, such as multi-colored serpentine ribbons. And such variegated thread-like patterns, as if from multi-colored fibers of yarn, twisted into a snake ball, are really discovered in space.


Fig. 4. Movement of Sirius and its companion along wavy trajectories. The movement of stars and galaxies along such bird-like trajectories in the form sinusoids, cycloids and trochoids lead to blurring of images along them.

Thus, the ejection from the Virgo A galaxy, visible in the radio range, has a slightly wavy shape. This means that the galaxy is flying in a straight line, swaying in one direction or the other under the influence of the gravity of the satellite galaxy, like drunks, walking along a winding path under the gravity of the Earth. Likewise, other galaxies form wavy trails in the form of sinusoids, cycloids and trochoids. Striking examples: the Fornax cluster, galaxies NGC 4038 and 4039 (Fig. 4). The arc-shaped ejections and tails of galaxies are of the same nature. Usually these strange patterns are interpreted as the result of gravitational lensing, or collisions and interactions of galaxies. But, perhaps, these patterns are only images of galaxies themselves and their satellites elongated along wavy paths. This can also explain galactic chains: many galaxies are lined up in extended wavy chains-garlands (for example, the Markarian chain). It is possible that these structures are images of one galaxy or a cluster, multiplied, stretched along the flight path due to the inequality of light speeds.

Twisting bright lines and chains are visible in our Galaxy. For example, the sinuous "outburst" of Hen 3-1475 may be a star image blurred along the sinusoidal

9 path. And the Spitzer telescope has revealed in space a pair of sinusoids - glowing spirals coiled like a DNA molecule. The nature of this formation is so mysterious that some started talking about a divine sign or signals from extraterrestrial intelligence ("Shklov's miracle"): they say, there is life in space. But in the BTR, the spirals found a prosaic explanation: these are two bright stars or two bright clusters orbiting around a common center of mass flying in a straight line. As a result, the images are blurred along sinusoidal trajectories reflecting oscillations in antiphase (as for Sirius and its satellite, Fig. 4). That's where the double helix comes from.

Fig. 5. Nebula and object SS 433 in its center. The addition of the oscillations of the central star A under the influence of gravity of the stars B and C, gives rise to a complex a spiral trajectory along which star A is “blurred”.


Another cosmic miracle is the object SS 433, discovered in the of Eagle, from which spirals diverge in both directions, taken in the radio range for jets of gas, beating at great speed from a spinning star, like a spun whip (Fig. 5). This speed of 80,000 km/s was found by the Doppler effect. Three systems of lines were identified in the spectrum of SS 433: one with no displacement, and the other two with a giant displacement (corresponding to a speed of the order of a quarter of the light), oscillating with a period of 164 days (Fig. 6). Such a plot of displacements spoke of the antiphase motion of two stars in a circular orbit near the third star. The giant orbital speed forced scientists to reject this model [4], but if the displacements are caused by the Ritz effect, and not by the Doppler effect, then the speed of the stars is hundreds of times lower, and the three-star model is quite probable. The Ritz effect will also explain the constant redshift of satellite stars: it is caused by the gravitational acceleration ar of emitting atoms, which is different on the surface of the three stars 2 and gives different frequency shifts f'= f /(1+arL/c ) [2]. The Ritz nature of the displacements was also confirmed by fluctuations in brightness with a period of 164 days [10].

Fig. 6. Graphs of spectral displacements of 3-x stars in the SS 433 and its model. Blur Star A along the path in consecutive positions 1, 2, 3, 4 forms "wings" flapping with the period P.


The motion of the central star A under the influence of stars B and C of close masses proceeded as if in a spiral (Fig. 5). After all, the antiphase oscillations of the central star in the gravitational field of two stars, interfering, cannot exactly equalize each other: the masses of the stars do not quite coincide, and do not fly exactly in antiphase. As a result, the central star, under an unbalanced influence, wiggles from a straight path in one direction or the other with a 164-day period, writing out a spiral in space (these wobbles are visible in the radio range as waving "emissions" with the same 164-day period, like the Eagle flaps its wings [4, 7], Fig. 6). The turns of the spiral can contract and expand as the balance accuracy changes from changes in the masses of stars and phase relationships. These deflections under the action of two almost equal vibrations resemble beats. And the trajectory of the central star resembles a fragment of the beat graph: the translational motion of the star produces a "sweep" of this oscillation. This is how a double spiral-corkscrew arises from the blurring of the image of the central star A along its trajectory. Explains the model and a number of other properties of SS 433, including splitting the jet into bright clumps. In fact, these are images of the same star multiplied along the trajectory from its small fluctuations with a period of 13 days under the influence of another satellite [4, 10].

Another "miracle", in the form of a ring twisted by an eight, astronomers discovered in the constellation Sagittarius (Fig. 7), but could not solve the riddle of the "glowing ring of gas". In reality, this is either a fragment of another double spiral, born of a pair of stars, or the trajectory of one object participating in two circular motions - in a circular orbit with a periodic deviation from this orbit under the influence of a satellite circling nearby. In fact, this is a Lissajous figure (that is, the sum of two perpendicular oscillations) with a period ratio P1:P2=1:2. Often, the periods are not exactly multiples, which is why the trajectory is not closed, and the star places one orbit next to another. This is how a wide annular tape is formed from a number of turns. Twisted bright ribbons at the site of the SN 1006 flare, or intertwining ribbons in the Cygnus Loop (Veil Nebula or NGC 6960, Fig. 4) can be of the same nature.


Fig. 7. Swinging a star under the influence of two companions give birth to complex patterns in the form of Lissajous figures, along which the image of the star is blurred.

Since the range of both oscillations of a star is often comparable (say, if a star oscillates under the influence of two companion stars), and the oscillation periods are not multiples of each other, or relate as large numbers, the trajectories are already more complicated. They form patterns in the form of Lissajous figures, an epitrochoid or a hypotrochoid (they are drawn by a spirograph device, Fig. 8), resembling a rosette, a flower, where the petals-trajectories, laid coil to coil, almost closely fill the figure, like an engineer or artist applying parallel strokes, or a grid of strokes. Such pictures are observed in the form of nebulae (for example, HD 44179), where parallel luminous filaments and transverse X-shaped systems of filaments in the form of a reticulated spiderweb structure are visible. They are mistaken for filaments of gas, although they are images of stars blurred along the trajectories. That is why they are dim and transparent: through them you can see the light of distant objects, which,

13 having a different speed, passed here earlier or later than the star that left its trail. It's not for nothing that ghostly nebulae resemble a blurred long-exposure photograph, where the outlines of moving objects shine through each other.

Fig. 8. Orbital motion of stars along rotating ellipses (a), epi- and hypotrochoids (b) forms rosette patterns as in nebulae like a Spirograph, due to the blur along the complex path of the star.

Since the stars fly along the correct trajectories, many nebulae have a surprisingly symmetrical shape: here there are eights, and rectangles, and symmetrical loops, monograms - all of them correspond to the trajectories of stars in the form of trochoids, epitrochoids and Lissajous figures (Fig. 4, 7, 8). One nebula was named "Spirograph" for the similarity of its structure to the patterns of a spirograph. And in the Retina and Hourglass nebulae, a fast movement in a circular orbit (which makes the structure resembles the rings of SN 1987A) is superimposed by a slow translational motion of the center of mass, pulling the nebula's filaments into a spiral with closely packed turns (Fig. 3), like twisted telephone cords or bright spirals lamps and electric stoves. In stellar systems containing more than three bodies, the trajectories are even more intricate, in addition, the stars are not always blurred along the entire trajectory, and the pattern turns out to be open (as in the Cat's Eye Nebula, Fig. 8), like a pattern not drawn with a spirograph. If we take into account that the orbits of the stars are tilted differently, do not look like a circle, but an ellipse that slowly rotates from perturbations [6], then the variety of cosmic pictures is simply indescribable. The structure of nebulae is also complicated by the fact that the points

14 of intersection, condensation of trajectories, form bright dotted lines, caustic lines that have always confused astronomers.

The trajectories-filaments with multiplied images of stars, having the form of ornaments made of chains-garlands, can even be distinguished. Often they are painted in all the colors of the rainbow, because, firstly, they are "drawn" by different stars flying in the cluster along different trajectories and different in color, like fireworks rockets, leaving multicolored traces in the pictures, motley tangles of colored strands (for example, nebula SNR 1006). Secondly, even for one star, the color along the trajectory can change from variations in the acceleration and radiation frequency according to Ritz, giving rise to a rainbow ligature, as when drawing with a polychrome pen through a spirograph. That is why many nebulae, including Spirograph, so resemble rainbow patterns on banknotes and documents (by the way, our engineer I.I.Orlov invented this rainbow seal, which protects against counterfeiting). The large angular dimensions (>0.1'') of the fuzzy filaments of the nebulae mean that the periods of motion of the stars P' are strongly compressed according to the Ritz effect. Therefore, the brightness of the stars is much higher, otherwise the light of the star, blurred along the entire trajectory, would become invisible. And indeed, plerion nebulae burn in the place of outbursts of new stars and supernovae caused by the compression of P' (remember the rings SN 1987A). And 2 micro-oscillations of stellar accelerations near the critical value ar≈-c /L lead to a rapid overflow of colors, giving rise to a multicolored nebula, as well as radiation of the radio, X-ray and gamma ranges [2]. There are also irregular nebulae, where the trajectories of stars in a cluster are more complex, and the trails of a flock of stars form a motley chaos of tangled filaments.

Fig. 9. Change of radiation polarization for deformation of visible electron orbits e along the flight path of the star at point 6.


A striking example of such a radio-emitting filamentous nebula is the Crab Nebula, which appeared at the site of a supernova outburst in 1054. The huge P/P' compression there is confirmed by a pulsar blinking in the center with a period of P'=0.033 s. The radio emission from the nebula and the pulsar is polarized, due to scattering by gas clouds [1] and "stretching" along the flight path not only of stars, but also of electron orbits, which is why the amplitude of electromagnetic oscillations along the line of motion is increased (Fig. 9). And precisely, the radiation is polarized along the filaments - along the trajectories of the stars. This occurs in the Crab and other plerion nebulae, including W50, where another highly compressed object, SS 433, is located. The elongation of W50 along the SS 433 "emission" axis confirms that the image is stretched from flight along this line (Fig 5), like planes and rockets, leaving a smoky plume. These trails at the W50 are spiral - from the wagging trajectories of the stars, like those of missiles launched by the Iskander complex. This spiral structure of the nebula and its filaments indicates the presence of circular motion, leading to blurring of stars and polarization (a similar vortex structure is visible in the object HH Herbig Haro 49/50, which resembles a tornado). For the same reason, the radiation of pulsars is polarized: the direction and degree of polarization repeat the variations in the direction of the velocity and degree of erosion of the star along its orbit. Variable polarization objects (polars) are also discovered among other variable stars [4]. Periodic variations in their polarization, brightness and color are also caused by movement in orbit.

So, nebulae are not expanding shells of gas around stars, but blurry images of stellar systems, or light echoes of flares, such as the nebula around the new V838 Unicorn [1]. In the Crab Nebula, there is both: a reticular fibrous structure [10], and uniform scattered radiation in the form of an amorphous spot. It turns out that cosmic patterns, double images, emissions, explosions, non-optical radiation are illusions that scientists, drugged by the theory of relativity, could not recognize. Every touch of cosmic pictures has long been predicted by ballistic theory. And the mythical objects predicted by the theory of relativity have not yet been found. However, relativist fanatics continue to search in vain for time-slowing black holes and other mysticism, like religious fanatics who were looking for a life-prolonging Holy Grail, and start crusades against the "infidels", forcibly imposing a relativistic religion. To obscure the "cosmic miracles" use dark matter and energy, because obscurantism thrives where there is no clarity and a lot of fog. Following the scholastics, relativists defend the Old Testament myth about the creation of the world during the Big Bang and the immobility of the Earth. The theory of relativity is a new religion, and relativists are typical dealers in "opium for the people," a relativistic nonsense that has darkened and corrupted the minds. This obscurantism in science has been going on for a century, like a protracted illness of the Middle Ages, defeated by Copernicus and Galileo. It is time to re-declare a battle against drunkenness, ridding science of the drunken

16 delirium of relativism and returning to science a sports, fair competition of knights, theories for the cup of truth!

S. Semikov


1. Semikov S. Star freak show // Engineer # 5-6, 2012. [Семиков С. Звёздный паноптикум // Инженер №№5-6, 2012.] 2. Semikov S. Spectrum transformers in space and on Earth // Engineer №3, 2011. [Семиков С. Трансформаторы спектра в космосе и на Земле // Инженер №3, 2011.] 3. Sekerin V.I. The theory of relativity is a mystification of the century. Novosibirsk, 1991. [Секерин В.И. Теория относительности – мистификация века. Новосибирск, 1991.] 4. Lipunov V.M. In a world of double stars Moscow: Nauka, 1986. [Липунов В.М. В мире двойных звёзд. М.: Наука, 1986.] 5. Tsesevich V.P. What and how to observe in the sky. Moscow: Nauka, 1984. [Цесевич В.П. Что и как наблюдать на небе. М.: Наука, 1984.] 6. Batten A. Binary and multiple stars. Moscow: Mir, 1976. [Бэттен А. Двойные и кратные звёзды. М.: Мир, 1976.] 7. Semikov S. About rotations of celestial spheres // Engineer №9, 2006. [Семиков С. О вращениях небесных сфер // Инженер №9, 2006.] 8. Semikov S. Key to the mysteries of space // Engineer №3, 2006. [Семиков С. Ключ к загадкам космоса // Инженер №3, 2006.] 9. Perelman Ya.I. Entertaining physics. Moscow: Nauka, 1991. [Перельман Я.И. Занимательная физика. М.: Наука, 1991.] 10. Physics of space. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1986.

Installation date: 01.08.2012 Last updated: 14.09.2012