7 December 1993
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* tODAY:.'UNITA FACES FINA. L ~ DEMAND ; · . LATEST ' BUSINESS, ' & FI~ANCE ~' NEWS * SHE BEEN CIURB. * Bringing Africa South N$1 .50 (GST Inc.) Tuesd~y .December 7 1993 , ( 'Charles set to push 4 more .held for .fOr :qui.ckie divorce' ~ LONDON: Princess Diana stepped back into the limelight yesterday for a plane-naming ceremony at London's Heathrow airport amid reports her estranged husband Prince Charles wants a divorce. SmiIlngcoyly,a silent Diana was serenaded . by British pop star Chris de Burgh as she . arms smuggling named the airliner "~dy in Red". The world's most photographed woman refused to acknowledge a huge posse of press cameras, kept well away from the Princess Pool said the arms during the ceremony in an aircraft hangar. CHRIS NDIVANG~ r- were all destined for the Last week Dlana said she was bowing out Witwatersrand area in ofpublic life from the end ofthe year because FOUR Xhosa-speaking South African South Africa where they media attention had been too much. men were arrested by the Namibian Police in Windhoek yesterday afternoon as they allegedly tried to smuggle 17 AK- -::: 47 rifles to South Africa. It is believed to be the In August, 17 South sixth arrest of its kind Africans were arrested recently involving arms with 44 AK -47 rifles and smuggling from Na one G-3 assault rifle at mibia to South Africa. the Ariamsvlei Arms running has Noordoewer border post been on the increase in the south. since August and police At around the same betrcveit could be the time the Namibian Po work of an organised lice arrested four South syndicate. African women and one According to the Xhosa-speaking man Deputy Inspector-Gen with five rifles at Rundu. eral of the Namibian On November 11, a Police, Martin Pool, the Xhosa-speaking South four were arrested when African male and six il they were found illegally legal Angolan immi in possession of the grants were arrested with weapons. two AK-47 rifles at The rifles were packed Naruchas on the South WINNING PHOTO •.• This picture taken by in two suitcases at a lo African side of the bor Brazilian photgrapher Pisco del Gaiso for the cal business place where der near Namibia. newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo has been awarded the four men were wait This led to a South the prestigious King of Spain international ing fpr transport to South African woman being award. It shows a woman from the Guaja tribe Africa. arrested in possession of in Brazil feeding a newly-born wild boar whose The four will appear four AK-47 rifles on mother had died. Photo: Reuters via Nampa in court this week. November 13. group even hit cash -flow sion that will undoubt TOMMINNEY problems at the interest edly disturb the original burden, reported at N$l 0 central business district TODAY IS D-day for South African million a year, but was concept." The giant supermarket Pick'n'Pay's bid 'for a prime saved by Namibia Brew Wernhil centre, named city-centre site in Windhoek, launched in eries and othermembers. after Wemer and Hilda the face of strenuous opposition of local List said: "At the time List, was one of the big companies. many thought we were ger facelifts to Wind sticking our necks out hoek city centre at the The Namibia Planning decision to court if it is too far. We did, in fact, time of independence. Advisory Board is to in Pick'n'Pay's favour. take a calculated risk - The group's objects consider an appeal This could delay the go but I wanted to demon that the original council against the Windhoek ahead for many more strate my interest in the masterplan, done after city council's go ahead months and even cause country's future at a time extensive traffic and to the N$49 million prop the giant chain to lose when the prophets of other studies, showed the erty investment plan. interest. doom were undermining area around Courtney Last week, Ohlthaver List says the N$50 both foreign local confi Clarke Street as ear and List group chair million Wernhil shop dence in Namibia. marked for offices. O&L Wemer List accused the ping centre, built in the "It has been a costly general manager prop Windhoek municipality last five years, was based exercise indeed, and now erties F Frank-Schultz of a "serious breach of on council's assurance that we have reached says there were no guar- trust". The company in the next door space break -even point, we are tends to take the Nampab would be for offices. The confronted with a deci- continued on page 2 . 2 Tuesday December 71993 THE ~J,'MIBIAN f -, ."~ ' " Sit ,. / 1..- ": ' .~./~..,/"'i""' ''~!'''·;';';'· _______________________ Uncharismatic Charles jealous ing a divorce. would still be entitled to Wanaheda leads the way [- FROM PAGE 1. "Charles is set to pU,sh become queen. Just a year ago royal for quickie divorce," said "Thatwould be a farci the Daily Mirror's head- cal situation - two people Each house wiIJ be requested to provide a list of heir Charles, 45, and CHRIS NDIVANGA Diana, 32, annnounced line. who can't stand one an- residents which will help identify thieves and.crimi the newspapers said . other heading for a coro- • • nals apprehended when owners are absent. ,f' they were separating after the prince had told close nation," the Mirror quoted SHEBEENSmthe WanahedaConsbtuency 12 years of marriage in Members advocated closer co-operation between aides he was set on end- one aide as saying. "It will have to close at 23hOO each night from which they had two sons the police and the community and an increase in Han:y and William. ing his stormy marriage musn'tbeallowedtohap- next year. joint patrols. Dressed in dark green to Dia~a. Today new~pa- pen. The ~oonerthis mari- The decision, taken by leaders of the constituency Kapewasha reported that a number of streets in and blue, Diana was de per said the first poSSible tal me~,s IS cleaned up the at a meeting last month, was unanimously endorsed the suburb would be tarred.and street lights in~tal1ed termined to keep her en date was December 9, better. by residents at a community meeting held at the next year. He said the c9Pl:munity would also ben gagement at the airport to ! ~94, · wh.en . the co~ple , Som~ B~ltlS~ newspa, Roman Catholic church on Saturday': Q'. • , efit from a municipal pr~je'ct in which . peopl~ were name the Virgin Atlaatic Will have been offiCially pers said Dlan,\ S mOve to C 'Il Mart"b K' ~ . h ' . ' r .. b k employed to collect refuse. .' , separated for two years. £utback on public appear- 'ounCl o~ 1 ar:w~s a w~sreportt.ng , ac Airways plane, a spokes-. "Top royal sources said ances was the result of-a t~ commo~lty members on propo~a~s by. elected Kapewasha commended the community for their .. man for the airline said.., It. that the prince has' told palace plot to sideline the r~pr~~e~tatlves f~~m . ~e · five adl~l1It1stl'atlve 'sec c6~openitio'n 'with the police reservists. Through ! was her first public ap- this joineeffo{'ta q\lmtity Of stolen goods, including (Queen Elizabet~) ~ha~ ' ~ayaHarnily'smostpopp -' tl?nS m ~e , co~st~tu~ncy : ' . .: r " ." , pearance since hef sur- . there will definitely be no , Iar figure to give -the Oth~rm~asures tocombatcnme mclude a ~an_on . cars, had been retlievetl. " .,.. \I prise announcement. .- reconcifiation with" uncharismatic Charles a gambhng m the streets of the suburb, the unlawful In addltio'n, unauthorised squatting in the Diana named the Air Diana," Today said. "The chance to shine. shooting of fire-arms and buying stolen property. Greenwell Matongo section of Wanaheda had been bus A340 aircraft "Lady queen has been left with Some Sunday newspa- Community members suggested that anyone prohibited. in Red" after De Burgh's little alternative but to say pers said Diana would found in possesion of stolen goods be arrested and Members at the meeting expressed their disap hit song which he per 'yes' to divorce when the only agree to a divorce on punished. Leaders, elected to represent 20 houses pointment at the podr attendance and vowed to formed before Diana, Vir encourage people to come to meetings. gin head Richard Branson time is right." two conditions - that each in the suburb, were also asked to check on and 250 guests. The Daily Mirror Charles accept the blame unknown persons in the community and to report The meeting was attended by less than a 100 quoted senior royals as and that she would be their presence. of close to 20 000. , Diana knows million saying that Buckingham given custody of their two t---=-----------------.,.....-...!..::...:.!:.:.:..=-=-=.:::::.::.=:::L.::.:..:.:::::.-=-=..:.::.=---- i aire entrepreneur Branson personally, playing tennis Palace wanted to prevent sons. Media reports say with him and holidaying Diana from becoming Charles has been having .! on his tropical island in queen. Without a divorce, an affair with a married Gospel gig for graveyard the Caribbean. Without the glamorous Princess woman. - Sapa , speaking, she boarded the \ plane after the 15-minute A CONCERT of Namibian gospel music is store graves. is composed by Dantago ceremony to take a one to be staged at the National Theatre of The cemetery is the Nico IIHoabeb, econo hour inaugural flight. Namibia tomorrow night, and all corners resting place offamilies, mist at the Friedrich "I think it's very gener will receive a cassette called "Namibian parents and many impor- Ebert Foundation and ous of Mr Branson to do Christmas"• tant figures of the leader of the Garere nate this aircraft to you at Namibian past.